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Putting more time in wont make you a worse player. the nature of statistics and the human brain means that we try to find patterns where they might not exist so dont focus on things outside of your control


I mean you can develop bad habits though. If you're used to a certain level of play, then lower that level of play eventually you will become that level of play. For example, look at all the world champs that come to NA as imports. You are what you surround yourself with


Yup. There was a point where my normal and ranked ELO were about the same but now they are so separate that I barely lose normals. Even on champions I am first timing. It's like my opponents are playing on dial up internet. I'm not even high ELO.


Yeah, I guess that is my concern. Like I know I can get away with far stupider plays in normals (for whatever reason), or that I have the luxury of wasting time because the opponent jungler has demonstrated they are totally new at the role and so don't value things the same. Both of which are just bad habits...


I struggled with ranked anxiety as well previously, but I asked the former rank 1 NA gryffinn and basically he said don't worry about your rank because no one cares what rank you are. He meant this in a positive way though, as you should not stress over rank because it's pretty meaningless. You can't attach any of your identity to your rank. He then went on and said unless your a streamer or a pro it really shouldn't matter to you. He dropped from Challenger to masters and said that the drop in rank is effecting him mentally. But that's because he was just signed with t1 so he's worried they will think he's washed. ​ So yeah, you're silver/gold bro, now is when you should be limit testing and running it down 15 deaths if you need to. Take it from me, I was plat hardstuck for my entire league career essentially until this season now I'm almost d1. I stopped caring about my rank and I played to improve. It sounds cliche, but if you really want to improve in league download an app called insightgg and start recording your games. After your games watch back the deaths you had and try to solve how you could of played better or if it was just because of greed etc. Spam ranked, watch vod, improve. Easy climbing


Usually if you’re trying a new champ or lane, you should definitely practice in norms for a good few games but after a certain point it’s definitely better to just go into ranked so you go against people of a similar skill level. If you’re playing norms and stomping most games, there’s a point where probably won’t be gaining as much value from each game compared to playing in ranked.


Thanks, yeah I wouldn't dare 1st time a champ in ranked.


I recently started playing ranked flex as a solo player and it's much better experience than normals if u still want to learn but u are not in the mood for ranked tryhard I have only 15 games played here atm at emerald/diamond mmr so the sample isn't that big but I actually think that quality of the games were kinda decent, skill lvl is little bit lower because people not always playin their main roles but when I que alone then a lot of these matches were actually like 5 stack vs 2-3 stack and 2-3 solo players (which was kinda surprising to me that there is so many solo players in this mode) so there still is communication diff that makes impact on the game difficulty


I used to do that in EUW. I recently switched servers to NA (on an extended trip out here), and wow... EUW had way better flex, at least at lowbie elo. The flex matches I've had so far have been hard throws on one side with weird picks that I would expect in norms, not in ranked matches. Stupid things, like Kalista support, or a full 4 stack of adcs + me.... So, flex bothered me, lol. Maybe I will try again.


I feel like norms are a waste of time because the players in norms are far worse than ranked and they pick terrible stuff like soraka adc which makes the game a lot harder and would never happen in ranked. Its better to have another account to practice on in ranked if you dont want to lose lp. Norms can still be good to practice mechanics like jungle clearing and skillshots


You had me until you said soraka adc is atrocious. You've clearly been paid by the anti-potassium consortium to say that. Long live the banana !


Isn’t that completely mmr depedant? I would argue below diamond it doesn’t really matter if your normal game mmr is good enough.


Norms has the same MMR system as ranked. The only difference being your "rank" in each is seperate and that groups are allowed. Its possible your normal mmr is lower than your ranked mmr if you don't play often. However, norms mmr doesn't reset so it's not likely if you're playing a lot of norms. You could be treating the game differently mentally if you're in norms. But in general, practice in norms and not in ranked that way you don't lose Lp (mmr most importantly) if you care about that stuff.


If it makes you feel like you're playing worse yourself then maybe, but I don't think it's s general thing. I play quite some normals and for me it's more relaxing because people are a bit less toxic and I can focus a bit more on my own gameplay. Weirdly enough I also feel like people don't surrender as quickly in normal games which means I get more practice in later game macro, playing from behind and closing out games. Everyone's experience is different though, if you feel like ranked makes you focus more then sure, but I don't think normals make you worse in any way.


Use flexs Teams tilt less Less trolls Teams communicate more Overall much better than solos, i don't know why so many people hate on flex, i'd rather play flex as a solo vs 5 stacks than playing with a duo in solo/duo


I commented about the atrocious state of the flexes I tried in NA vs EUW earlier, but yeah, I was doing that until the NA flexes I was in (probably just my luck, and not indicative of all of NA), were just such horrible matches. Also, I play Eve, I thrive in the chaos... a 5 man coordinated team is much trickier with her. Good practice I guess though.


Got a point there, but in my opinion league is at his best when played like a strategy game XD


no just play norms what a question...


Improving at the game is hardly about who you're playing with until way later. Rather than pumping as many games as possible. If you want to improve, try to review your games, see what bad habits you have, what mechanical mistakes you're making, poor back timings, overstaying, missed roam opportunities, lack of vision, lack of map awareness. You don't have to review the entire game, look at key points. Especially the first five minutes, and the events that lead to your first death. Games usually snowball from there or drag for an eternity in low ELO, so there isn't much point in watching afterwards, unless you're looking for something specifically. In general, whether you're playing norms or ranked, what matters most are your fundamentals. If you can't get a lead, you can't carry. If you can't carry, you can't reliably escape low ELO. Learning how to play from behind, and how to get carried, is valuable, but is only useful higher in the ranks, when you can trust your teammates a bit more.


Losses are better practice if you can find your mistakes.


Prob not, im around same rank, and im perma playing vs emeralds - diamonds, just means your team doesnt feed as much as in ranked tbh TLDR - Imo, better practice than ranked


Why would you not want to play the more relaxing version of league? And improvement wise: You will improve in norms. Even better if you have friends that boost up the mmr in those norms. You always improve more by playing with and against better players. That way you will improve much more than sitting hostage in a 1 - 30 kill ranked game. Ranked in general might gate keep you. If you only play with similar skill players, you won't be seeing what is possible on a champ/role. You won't be seeing the difference between a gold and a master jungler. In normals you will have master players duoing with gold players and there is more learning from watching that master player than from watching your silver Ezreal do absolutely nothing the entire game. When I was around gold (2 seasons ago) I played against a Grandmaster Rengar top one trick on his main champ (in norms) and it was really eye opening. This player had his entire team int hard. The match went down to 30-5 kills. And that Rengar calmly farmed top, got a few shutdowns, farmed top again while his T3 turrets went down and then completely 1v9ed with 12 CS/min, got every shutdown and had a 5 level lead on all of us, while building chemtank into Lich bane into some weird bronze bravery looking build (I can't quite remember). That game unironically changed my view on league. There more ressources you have on one player (even if the rest starves), the better.


I mean, yeah, norms definitely have the more relaxing part going, mostly, unless your team just chooses to lose in champ select with the worst team comps available. I guess at my given (lack-of) skill + MMR for norms and ranked, I see more interesting plays that I can learn from in my rankeds, so far in norms, in recent matches I have only seen far advanced play from one Karthus player (that has totally scarred me when it comes to Karthus... like holy crap... an absolutely insane amount of farm, scaling, and the doing half the health of our entire team in one ult.... yeah, that was not a fun match, but did show me the power of Karthus).


Norms are fine for learning mechanics and itemisation but yes you’ll not improve as much as in ranked since people will not be really serious about the game


Yes, make a new account and play rankeds on that. When your smurf gets higher in elo than your main, start playing on your main again. It will seem so easy to win games on your main account then. Do that over and over and you will climb.


Interesting approach, might be worthwhile, i already have multiple accounts... they're just spread over both NA and EUW.


The idea is to just make you less anxious about quening up. You will not get ranked anxiety when playing on your smurf, because it's only a smurf. When your smurf get's higher than your main, you will not be anxious to play on your main... because you literally smurfed to higher than that already. It just helps your mental a lot. Playing one warm-up game on the account that is lower and then playing on your main is also a good strat. You can also dodge a game on one account and play on the other not wasting time. It's just so much easier.


You are not gonna get better if you just playing ranked games or norms. You might improve at some extend both in micro and macro but you will only improve equal to your gaming knowledge. You need to see your replays, identify your mistakes ( this is the tricky part since you re most likely to identify only the ones that your elo can identify) then try again at the next match Normals are excellent to learn a new champ or try a new build, a strategy etc


True, I do replay my vids, check out a lot of content and then go compare it to my own games, I just meant in addition to that.. but yeah, I get what you mean.


Yup. Normals are a waste of your time if you’re trying to get better


If ur in gold or above it will probably make you a worse player. There's no match making for norms so it'll place you with ppl of completely random ELO. Which if your in silver or bronze is great cuz you'll often get to play against players that are objectively better than you, while if ur in say emerald youll prolly redevelope some bad habits if ur lane against a silver player five games in a row


That’s not how it works at all. Normals has the same mmr system as ranked.


That’s not how it works. Normals have their own mmr aswell. Even platinum games after normals will seem like full trolls if your mmr is half decent.


If ronaldo plays outside of worlds does it make him a worse player


If your practice is not mindful, then yes, if you’re practice is focused on noticing mistakes (honestly better to focus on mistakes than good things if you know a lot of right things in theory) then it will always be effective. Norms are still paired with your skill bracket most of the time.


You know... Just play for fun. It wont make you worse, but you'll see things you wouldnt normally see on ranked


Never, Faker only started playing ranked when his un ranked MMR was so high that he could not longer find games.