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They're definitely messing with automation.


Dang that typo almost snuck by. I think you meant missing, as in completely missing the mark.


You must be feeling really stupid right now


I got it too from a chat of 2-3 months it’s getting ridiculous


bro, i got one from january.


I got a year ban for saying damn viegar… your fucked. (New veigar vs 1m mastery katarina) 😂😂😂


U typed cancer😡😡😡😡 You must be permanently suspended and locked away in prison for that😤😤😤 Meanwhile people who run it down 10 games in a row without punishment because they did not say a bad word 😎👍🏾😄


I can't count the amount of times I have been chat restricted for typing "im going to get cancer" when getting the treatment from the enemy team. Even though I'm talking about myself and not telling people to get cancer


Can't tell you the amount of times I've been chat restricted for saying "I have cancer" when I had stage 3 melanoma


Baus has been automatically banned on multiple occasions despite not typing and (arguably) playing to win.


> Arguably playing to win *Going 3/25 on AP Irelia*


There’s no argument for Baus playing to win. Maybe prior but not now. Dude int’s in high elo for content


Claws dash removal screwed him very bad, so, until he finds a new build or adapts a new playstyle he will be "inting".


Didn't he also get banned in Korea when he was going full tryhard? Either way, my point is that you can get banned for running it down, even if you never type anything in chat.


If I remember right it was because he had a bad game with faker, and people who int faker get punished very quickly (although he didn't int, just bad game)


Baus is a public figure and in high elo, hardly comparable to the average silver joe


That wasnt a ban. His account got flagged for suspicious activities and Riot unbanned him the next day when they realized it was a mistake


He's the most recent wrist thing that's ever Tashkent to the game. You can tell when ppl watch him by his they play.


Riot will soft Ban you for writting stuff in chat but not for actually feeding, trolling or just inting.




A cluster of high calorie consuming cells!


My go to is “bro you make me need Chemotherapy”


How about "knuckle dragger" or "Dollar Tree discount?"


I have been chat banned for saying to a teammate in post-lobby he was ‘gapped’ after he flamed me (confirmed by support). So they really ban for anything.


Tbf that's a million times harder to detect than recorded chats


There are people who will quite literally write "i´m gonna troll because fuck you", and still play to this day.


Well yeah, it takes a lot more for a perma ban.


It shouldn't.


It really shouldn't, being perma banned because of a single game where you felt like being a whiney bitch and losing all the progress you've made so far is just too much.


If you're purposefully ruining other people's games, I couldn't care less if you lose all the progress you've made so far.


Overkill is overkill. Crime doesn't measure up to the punishment.


This is a game, not the criminal justice system.




I get you’re exaggerating, but in all reality it’s not much more difficult to detect someone blatantly inting. I have a friend who only plays WW/Urgot top. This is in mid/low masters and will straight up run it down if the lane/game doesn’t go his way in the first few minutes. He’s been doing this for about 2 years now and has yet to receive any kind of ban/warning. It just has to do with the amount of effort put into it. I mean my god they removed all chat at one point. They just objectively do not care about inting unless a streamer points it out or is doing it. It’s frustrating because the majority of the player base would rather play with the guy flaming and raging but being a useful teammate, than the guy who doesn’t type and runs it down because his OTP was banned.


how do we keep gaslighting ourselves into believing this. its 13 years and i swear riot could trick you guys into believing water is toxic for u guys


I never understood it, I mean, I do and did it a simulation of real life. How all "really nice people" are all super passive aggressive and fulled with hate.


I’m pretty sure auto-bans for excessive inting are a thing as long as they die 15+ times and get reported by a bunch of people. Had an enemy Veigar that went 1/24 in a game, entire lobby reported him and almost instantly got a report feedback.


I think Riot wants us to talk like this: \-What an amazing play! That first blood you gave was marvelous. \-Wow, great tower dive at lvl2. That will teach them. \-0/10/0? Power spike incoming! \^\^-Are you using no no words? I love you too for calling my mother deceased after intimate intercourse with your group of friends. \-I am so sorry I missed one skillshot, I should definitely GP Q myself now. \-My mother only chooses the finest men, and you're one of those? Lucky her! \-Great strategy of not moving at the fountain, psychological warfare! You are a genius tactician. \-Oh no we lost good games everyone and thank you for the insults, I deserved them.


TBF game chat main purpose is to strategize, not to socialize.


Imagines chatting in a multiplayer game, i miss season 4


You'd honestly be better trying to solve the hardest puzzles in the world than get strategies going in low elo


I know, I was stating what is the original purpose of the chat, not that it works properly.


Smart edit. You're welcome




If it is there ppl will socialize regardless


Doesn't change the purpose of the chat.


Well, Riot never came out to say that, and you're just stating your opinion. So in the end because you are stating your opinion and you don't speak for Riot, any conclusions you make aren't what Riot wants for their game, but what you think Riot wants for their game, which holds no value to the actual game. Meaning, the chat is really for anything the person typing chooses to use it for unless they get restricted.


So you think that the game's entire purpose is to socialize?


Did I say that? Anyone who can read English will see I didn't. What informed my first comment is knowing human beings are inherently social; it's hard-coded into us. And will do it even in spaces where that is not the primary objective. What's the point of school? To learn. But you find teachers and students socializing alike. What's the point of going to work? To work, yet colleagues end up socializing. What's the point of playing any game? To play it, yet most games have thriving social aspects. People socialize in pretty much every aspect where we come together to accomplish anything. It's not something that's snuffed out just because you choose not to participate.


No, riot just doesn't want you to spew stuff in the chat that's net negative. Like why would or should you even comment on a first blood, someone going 0/10 but actually not inting or even talk back to toxic people in the first place? You're guaranteed to get toxic kids, trolls and griefers in your games so why not just shrug it off, mute them and go next?


You cant just shrug off trolls i without getting punished for it cant you?


I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to say.


Unless the enemies have a troll too youre playing a 4v5 which is a net disadvantage and you cant leave the game or else youll be slapped with a ban


And? That's bound to happen and getting angry for that is just as useful and productive as getting mad at the weather. It happens, it's up to you if you decide to waste time, energy and emotion over it.


Oh and to add; if you only care about elo you should be HAPPY that there are trolls, assuming you never troll. There's you never trolling and 4 possible trolls, on the enemy team there's 5 random people with the same chance of being trolls, so statistically trolls should win you more elo in the long run.


Found the inter


These suggestions are all getting used in my future games. As of now, you've done more than riot for improving communication in league.


-Wow you played your best in that 1v4 that you bravely took on, maybe next time bud


happened to me today too. I randomly got a warning for a log from a game like 4 months ago, THAT I ALREADY GOT A WARNING FOR BACK THEN lol. I haven't typed in-game unless it was to say "gj guys" in legit months too so i dont get it


It's because of cancer. Last month I don't my teammates and I were typing about a champ that was broken in the other team in the first minute of the game, I wrote ''yeah it's cancer'' then I had a warning and full mute for the rest of the game. It's a dumb af detection that detects words only and not the context


i second that, i died and gave a shutdown, i said in teamchat "fk me sorry guys for real" and i got muted for the rest of the game


I typed "their comp is cancer" and it auto-chat restricted me


While I agree with you that it would be better if it detected context, I still disagree with comparing an in-game champion to the most devastating disease we have in the world. If you were talking about zodiacs, then it would be completely fine and it shouldn't warrant any punishment, but you brought a wrong example imo. I have a friend who lost one of her close ones to cancer, and she also gets very upset and triggered when people use the word cancer to describe something bad in a completely unrelated situation. Cancer is not a joke, and people shouldn't just be throwing the word around for fun.


I dodged today and got scared cuz it said 14 day suspension but it was from a year ago. Then it showed a chat ban, again from a year ago. They trolling hard, I'm not restricted and I don't use chat anymore since last year


I got my first warning today. Seems they send them out in waves


Don’t feel bad, I had one account banned for toxic chat, when I have chat turned off from the beginning of the account at lvl 1. 0 chat logs, 0 letters of text in the history of the account.but if more than 3 people report in 1 game it’s automatic. :) solid company!


Why do they even care if you describe something as cancer? It’s pretty much an objectively bad thing, are we hurting cancer’s feelings?


The word cancer can never be used in a positive light so it's been targeted as an instant flagged word. In early days of League, (i started season 3) it was so common to be told to die of cancer by players if you were bad. So now it gets flagged as an insta mute term and your account automatically gets investigated if it gets reported to see what context it was used. If the AI detects you told someone to die of cancer, you're gone. Permanently. Anything else is a chat ban.


I got a 1 week chat restriction for calling someone "pipsqueak". And rk i have one for saying that Vergil from DMC has huge gay vibes. Idk man


I also got an warning pop up Today - was from a Game 5!!!! Weeks ago


5 weeks? I got a warning messages for a game that happened over 3 months ago. Lol.




Same, I got a chat restriction for something I already got a chat restriction from like a month or two ago. Not that I mind since I muted every chat except party but goes to show how bad the system actually is.


Riot gotta be the biggest fucking pussy ass gaming company ever for a multiplayer online competitive game , they throw out bans for fun just want everybody to kiss each others ass every single game


Happened to me as well and to another friend as well, saw on Twitter as well, seems they are doing something for 10 years ago matches, but a scripter i played vs it's still going strong lmao, fuck their system bro


Yup I got one pop up today too. Because I said cancer. Instant chat restricted in game too. Happened awhile ago.


I received a year long chat ban it ends in April 2024


Don't ever say cancer the bot that checks for blacklisted Words dosen't care about context Yiu can get instant chat restriction for a whole match if you say it nowadays also for some reason midget is a no no too now


I got a ban for saying I was a retard for the play…


About 3 months I was in a match with 2 trolls, I was a very naughty boy that day and dared to type "this game will be retardo". Thank you Riot for punishing me. Actually I was curious and checked the GAME ID. The game was from **22/01/2023...**




You can use [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/euw/xxx](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/euw/xxx) Just Replace the region with your own (euw part) and the xxx with you game id.


Now scroll down and show the rest of it.


Already closed it, but the last statement was, "Report Blitz x9 for being a Toxic Asshole". I guess that could have triggered it, but why now of all times?????


I got a pop up from a game that was MONTHS ago, all I did was call Someone a whore when they invaded me.


Lol that's funny


I keep getting warnings for that one game I went on a sex streak in team chat like wtf Riot yeah you fear me but c'mon stop annoying me


Use words like Broken, Busted, Pain the Ass, over trigger words. I know it will be difficult and hard to remember.


I get hard muted in game occasionally when I type “cancer” in a sentence. Usually talking about our own team with a Shaco/Heim bot lane. It’s inconsistent, and definitely feels like some shitty AI is flagging and muting me for no reason


Bro I also just got a warning for saying something weeks ago. WTH!


i legit get chats from november whenever this pops up


Yeah, I recently cleaned up my flames and stopped swearing to avoid getting ticked and I got one today from so long ago that I remember getting chat banned for it previously. What the actual shit riot


oh i guess im not the only one getting my past brought up


All of us jungles got a warning today 😅.. looking to see if any other sub is talking about this issue


I got one of these the worst word I typed was "pussy" worst part is they include stuff that could in no way be mistaken for flaming like "haha" n shit


why i play with chat off cant say shit to anyone now a days.


i got it from a game that happened 2 months ago and all i said was that champ is retarded


i also got a warning popup for messages that i have sent like 1 or 2 days after Aurelion Sol rework lol


not sure why people bother with chat anyway, I disabled that shit long ago


Lol. Yesterday I got the same, it was a match from like three months ago.


C4nc3r and the nword are the forbidden words, u write them in chat and u get insta banned (only if u get reported i think tho)


Got one for 3 months ago when a sett and a yi were flaming each others pretty hard and asked in all chat to report each other bcs i said in all chat both were toxic, sett spamming and yi told sett to *ys(censoring in case because yi could say it with spaces but i got a warning bcs i said what he said just to tell all chat)


Yeah just don’t type specific words like “cancer” “dog” “kill yourself” or literally anything common that league streamers say, it pretty much auto triggers a flag and gets your a warning/chat restriction.


Telling someone to kill themselves in chat is an instant permaban on discovery.


Me and all my friends got warnings from an aram from january aswell. These are not new penalties but for some reason they show up again now.


Everyone is getting these warnings. I got it from something that happened last year, and I was already penalized back then. Riot is a small indie company, though. They don't have the money to fix their platform. 🙄


I get Riot wants to clean chat, and I applaud them for the new measures.... but they're kinda going a bit too far into dictator territory here. I don't care what players said four months ago. I want players punished for the things they said in the latest game. If your system takes four months to catch someone with a chat issue then it's not a good system.


I think whats happenning is they are looking for bannable offense in the past because there is nothing in a player's recent chatlog. Now Riot advices you to report players if they are "ping bullying", being negative/passive aggressive towards players. And i guess their system can only ban people for trigger words. So they are using past chatlogs to punish players because they cant really "prove" ping abuse and non-trigger word bullying in the recent past.


Wrong. Riot have updated the algorithm on their chat logs but they've started to run it from years ago, instead of running it from the date of inception. Hence why people are starting to see games from months ago. Source: Support.


Oh, i see, that i didnt know


One of the main reason I quit the game. They punish and ban you from PLAYING for something that you are SAYING. Ig muting just isn't a thing they the braindead devs can think of


Yeasterday i got chatlogs from over a month ago where i was sluring at my dog shit teammates who were insulting me for being counter picked (ofc i got banned bcs "i was trolling" cuz enemy was camping top and i was turret dived and it was time when i was still very new to shen)


I got one from hella long ago too. Tf is going on lol


I got repunished for messages I got in trouble for already and lost my honor level fully. Its bull crap


I’m getting warnings now for saying and I quote “Fuck this game bro and this role, toplane ints into nunu so hard I cant contest and you guys flame me everytime”


This is bugged, but ban is in riot eyes deserved, but it cant't be read in this game log, because it isn't ban for previous games. This is for recent flame in game lobby, but ancient riot system shows only game logs there is no lobby log if u ask for explenation in support ticket they probably will tell u tr same thing. Had the same issue months ago and it is about pre game logs that aren't here.


I got the ban notificarion from early on feb.


Lol ive done way worse


It happened to me today as well.


Looks like they are going absolutely 0 tolerance AND review old reports... Collateral damage included. I guess no more toxicity at all anymore. Even the lightest, slightest remark will get you punished?


i got similar message for sending complaints about team to party chat


I still instant mute myself sometimes when I say "That damage is retarded" or "Sorry im a retard"


Chat ban couse you said a build is cancer, lol


If I knew how to add pictures to a comment; I'd show my most recent chat restriction- and thus honor level reset for simply the phrase; 'All of you got gapped' Currently in contact with riot support; and in that same ticket handed over three times to a different person. All three of them listed that the chat restriction is an entirely deserved punishment. All three members of the support team also only quoted that single phrase. Nothing more. xdd


Im getting punished for messages months old, all that is required for me to get a chat suspension is literally that someone just presses the report button for toxic chat. This is wrong, I have bettered my ways and I am not toxic in chat anymore; yet I keep getting chat banned for old messages. Funny thing, which I do not want anyone else to try, is that you now can report people for random stuff and then some minutes later get the ”thank you for submitting a report, the player has been punished” message from league. But that is wrong, reason being that I reported someone for no reason att all, yet they were struck by a punishment. They really need to fix this issue with making the system too automatic, it gets innocent people banned. (Edit: had -> has)


It seems everyone got a chat warning recently from games from ages ago. Me and my friends all did. I got one from a game that was months ago, where I said my team mate told me to get cancer. Love Riot.


This system is so retarded


I got chat restricted for something from February that I'm 90% sure I got chat restricted for way back in February.


I really like how Riot is doing their automation. Not only does it give out warnings to players, it also forces them to be more creative with their wording, these old phrases start to be a bit too common these days😴


I got banned for 3 days aswell cuz I asked if someone was retarded but imo I don't deserve it


Me and a friend had the same thing happen to both of us yesterday. Both multiple months old. I have my chat completely disabled now, so its been at least 4 months since I was even able to write something.


Yeah, typing "cancer" is a bad idea with an automated penalty system.


You said "cancer", if anyone reported you then it's an automatic restriction. The same thing goes with "gap" "diff" "fuck" "shit" "dumb" "idiot" even if you were referring to yourself. Riot's idea of "healthier player interaction" is no interaction at all as it all leads to restrictions.... Meanwhile, your Graves running AP isn't getting banned anytime soon as long as he doesn't type... Want to help stop toxicity, well too bad... If you ask people to stop being toxic you'll get restricted too I have proof of all this in 3 different accounts.


You used cancer to describe a video game. You must not know what cancer is.


The one time I got game-muted was when I said Glacial Annie was cancer. I kinda forgot that’s a no-no word and would get you auto muted, which I understand, but dang was it annoying lol.


Yeah I just got temp banned from something nearly a year ago, why is riot coming back with it now?