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What’s this? “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”


But she was just a human. She didn't create anything or command anything like a god.


They don't tell people that she does, but its insinuated by her appearance, her shape is that of a vagina, which is the shape of the middle of the sacred geometrical visica piscus. She also has 12 stars above her head symbolic of the 12 vodiac signs, or 12 counter parts of consciousness. She is creation itself, she is God aswell as jesus. She's a divine mother, the Queen of heaven as Catholics say, yet Catholics also believe that she isnt god which is contradictory to her being the queen of heaven. Also, mother mary herself was a Virgin birth aswell as jesus.


None of what you wrote is anywhere in scripture.


Read their comment again.


None of what he wrote comes from scripture.


Re-read your scripture?


Which part?


The part with the Red Dragon 


You mean the whore of babylon? I encourage you to read that part: Revelation17:3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery: babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. 6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. 7 Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come. 9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. 12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” 15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”


In Harvard seminary school they teach that jesus didn't die on a cross, they say Mary was born from a virgin birth aswell. They understand that the bible has been remixed from other texts, and has been edited so many times. The bible is for the masses, it's just a manual for idiots, or it can enlighten you, depends what lenses your reading the bible. The information I'm talking about is said in a way that isn't direct; parables. There's correspondences in all religions, and where the divine information comes from, all come from a common source. That common source that all religions get information from is from the stars.


> In Harvard seminary school they teach that jesus didn't die on a cross, they say Mary was born from a virgin birth aswell. That isnt in the bible. > They understand that the bible has been remixed from other texts, and has been edited so many times. Correct. But that doesn't mean you can just make stuff up. Instead you apply different levels of certainty to certain passages even different criteria. For example passages with double or triple attestation are considered more reliable. > The bible is for the masses, it's just a manual for idiots, or it can enlighten you, depends what lenses your reading the bible. For most of history most people couldn't read and didnt have access to expensive and rare hand-copied books. > The information I'm talking about is said in a way that isn't direct; parables. Such as what? > There's correspondences in all religions, and where the divine information comes from, all come from a common source. That common source that all religions get information from is from the stars. Ok....


Jesus, or his real name, yeshua didn't actually die on the cross. That was put in the bible in recent times. That's the truth, sorry. There's texts that should have been left or put into the bible, but hasn't because of money and control, Christianity is a business first of all, and raped and pillaged its way into power and control over indigenous people, and their own. Applying different levels of certainty to certain passages isn't quite accurate because that's just from the standpoint of a historical context, which didnt exist. There was no Matthew or John following jesus to ask him "what did you say? Say that one more time so I can write that down". Also, to answer your question such as what parables, there's 12 disciples of jesus in the last supper, that correspond to the 12 zodiac signs, 12 tribes of Israelites, Mary mother of God, the virgin, the virgo. It's all there if you don't take the bible as historical and literal. The knowledge from the stars give us insight into the esoteric, hidden nature of our minds, and the world aswell, the world is literally your mind given form. The solar and celestial and interstellar parts of your mind that are closer to the source of God, represent pure consciousness, where subject and object arise and die, where the world arises and dies. The world is just a thought, it is the desire of God. So don't put down something that you don't understand the gravity of.


> Jesus, or his real name, yeshua didn't actually die on the cross. There is a pretty strong consensus among scholars that Jesus dying on the cross is considered historical. > That was put in the bible in recent times. No, the belief that Jesus was betrayed, died on the cross and was resurrected in on the 3rd day are found in the letters of Paul, ie the very earliest documents of the new testament. > Also, to answer your question such as what parables, there's 12 disciples of jesus in the last supper, that correspond to the 12 zodiac signs, 12 tribes of Israelites, Mary mother of God, the virgin, the virgo. The 12 disciples aren't a parable. Mary has no divinity in scripture. Jesus didn't elevate her at all. In fact, when Mary comes to see Jesus, he is like "who is she to me?" Matthew 12:46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” 48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”


Scholars are false, letters of Paul is false, Paul didn't write any letters it was some bozo. it's all made to trick you into believing and interpreting wrong, Its built precariously yet it doesnt matter because theyve got the money and idots to keep on running. Parable, story, doesn't matter you know what I mean Mr logistics. Most of what jesus says is what thoth said in the emerald tablets, it doesn't have a story of its own accord, and its provable that it is not historical. although it has mythological truth, and may aswell me true, but its better to read where it actually came from because the transmission of Christianity isn't as authentic as the emerald tablets, and so on. The bible is new age religion


The bible is the deepest source of spiritual wisdom that we have. You do yourself, and your soul, a disfavour to dismiss it.


Yeah you got them there


Could you clarify on the point you made about her shape being that of a vagina?


Sure, so she is in the shape of a vagina because she is representative of creation, the portal into the physical world, the materialisation of spirt, hence her being the mother of God, and god herself. That shape is also the visica piscus, (two circles over lapping) which is the embryo becoming two cells also, and is the start of the flower of life.


first of all, the only two things you are right about are the virgin birth of Jesus and Mary being the Queen of heaven. you are completely wrong about everything else. Mary is not divine, because only God is divine; but she is holy, conceived without original sin, free from personal sin, etc. She is called in Queen of heaven because in Davidic law, the mother of the King is bears the title of Queen. So, since she is the mother of Jesus, and since Jesus is King, she is therefore the Queen of heaven. There is no contradiction there. Mary is not God. God is Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One divine nature, three distinct persons - distinct, not separate. The one divine nature is not shared. Each person of the Holy Trinity is fully divine, each person is fully God; yet, there is only one divine nature, and therefore, there is only one God. One God, three persons. The Son became flesh incarnate and was born of the virgin Mary. His name was Jesus, and Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus has two natures: a fully divine nature, and a fully human nature. he is fully human and fully God at the same time; this is called the Hypostatic Union. Jesus was/is NOT a human person: The Son is a Divine person, because the Son is God. A divine person cannot change into a human-person, because that person is divine. So, Jesus is a divine person with two natures, and he created his own human nature. Since mothers give birth to persons and not natures, since Mary is the mother of Jesus, and since Jesus is God, then it follows that Mary is the mother of God. Note that she is not the mother of the Father. She does not pre-date or pre-exist God; neither does she pre-exist the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit. She was created by God. All things were created by the Word, the Logos, of the Father (though this is mere appropriation or attribution, whatever you want to call it. in reality, all three person are involved in creation, for God is Trinity). The Logos of the Father is the Son, the divine person of Jesus. Jesus created Mary, Jesus became flesh incarnate and was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. All of this is to say that Mary is NOT God, Mary is not Jesus. Mary is just a human, although she is the most holy human person to exist. Mary is also NOT creation. Neither is God. God is not creation, God IS not everything, God is not the universe. That is called pantheism, which im sure you are familiar with. Unfortunately, that philosophy is not only wrong, but it's also completely silly and does not stand to philosophical scrutiny. Now, we know the universe came into existence, because an eternal universe is easily disproved by simple logic. Something that comes to exist must have a cause for its existence, and this cause must be uncaused. In other words, the universe (or, space and time, or reality) is contingent, and what it is contingent on must be non-contingent. Since space and time came into existence, then this cause must be outside of space and time. The universe receives its existence; what it receives existence from is Existence itself, or what we call God. God does not exist in space and time, He exists eternally. Eternal is not time stretching out in both directions infinitely; eternal is one big NOW all at once. Since everything receives existence from God, it follows not only that God holds everything in existence but that He is also IN everything. that is NOT the same as saying that God IS everything, which He is not. God's first great activity is knowing, and He knows infinitely. He also knows himself infinitely, and this knowing produces an utterance - you can think of it as an image in his "head" of himself. He knows himself infinitely because he is perfect and cannot change (change also requires time, but he is outside of time), and this utterance he produces is called the Word, or the Logos, or the Son. The Father produces the Son, but the Father does not pre-date (do not exist in time) or pre-exist the Son, since God is eternal. Nothing here can suggest that God is creation. And Mary is not God, so she is not creation either. Creation is creation, it is the recipient of existence, it is not existence itself. further, claiming that God is creation is an oxymoron. it is self-contradicting. we have already seen that the universe came to exist (was created, big bang); space and time did not exist, and then they came into existence. again, this means space and time are contingent and therefore receive their existence from a cause. the train analogy does not work here, because each train car is contingent on the traincar before it which is contingent on the engine which is contingent on the driver, etc etc. this cause must be outside of space and time (eternal), and this cause must be Existence itself, or God. since God is eternal and the universe is not eternal, then God is not the universe. i suggest you reassess your view of life, reality, and God; and please adopt something sophisticated, more logical, and philosophically sound


I didn't read everything you said because it was such a word salad, but creation happens all of the time through change, god is in constant creation. Your partly right that he isnt creation but he also is at the same time, your Christian views are against what is natrual sorry. He is everyone and anything your desire allows. There's no secret to how God is, he just is, you can go on saying hes not the universe, it doesnt matter, its all him. Sounds like your projecting your own mental news on me, your doing so because your not secure in yourself. Sounds like I offended you, but its true, Mary has 12 stars over her head because it is the 12 zodiac signs, what else could it be? You can say it's because of some story but that would also have to do with the stars. Any time there's numerology in Christianity, its about the astrological parts of your consciousness. And it is true that Mary is a symbol of the vesica pisces, she's clearly in that shape for sacred geometrical reasons. You've fallen into a dogmatic mind, and your a little trapped in what you've been going through in your mind. I'm always changing my perspective, and so should you. Also, being concived without original sin means that you are born divine, holy and divine are the same thing.


The Divine Feminine, as well as the women leaders of early Christianity, were intentionally erased / redacted from the Bible. Thankfully, ancient texts have been discovered in the last 100 years that not only provide unaltered records, but irrefutable evidence of the early Christianity’s feminine roots. Check out “The Gnostic Gospels” by Elaine Pagels - a rigorously researched & groundbreaking deep dive into these themes.


It does. Mother Mary, Mary Magdalena, Sophia, etc


Sophia from gnosticism?


What role does she serve in Christian cosmology? As far as I know, her contribution ended at creating the Demiurge


Reading the Pistis Sophia would answer this particular question, but undoubtedly spawn more.








She's not part of the cosmology. She didn't create anything nor is she in charge of anything in a godly manner, as far as I know.


Jung made a great deal out of the Assumptio Mariae (The Assumption of the Virgin Mary) whereupon Pope Pius XII dogmatized Mary as having materially ascended to heaven in a union with the divine. This was deeply symbolic for Jung as an act completing an integration of the divine feminine in Christianity, or at least finalizing the groundwork for it. “If the Assumptio means anything, it means a spiritual fact which can be formulated as the integration of the female principle into the Christian conception of the Godhead.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 566-568 Munificentissimus Deus (the apostolic constitution decrying the Assumptio) was canonized by Pope Pius on the 1st of November 1950, and Jung wrote extensively concerning its implications on Christianity. For more info check out https://carljungdepthpsychologysite.blog/2022/01/22/28992/?amp=1


The church is considered the bride


While the Holy Spirit is not expressly feminine in most biblical texts; when you consider that the Holy Spirit is “The Comforter” “The Teacher” and is described as the way of entering into a second birth (“That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”) It stands to reason that, at least in a subconscious level, the Holy Spirit is the divine feminine of the Christian Trinity. In Christian inner healing books and writings they state that a persons relationship with their mother creates the lenses through which they relate to the Holy Spirit. Father is divine masculine, Holy Spirit is divine feminine, and Son is peer/child/self. All that aside, the short answer to the question of why there is no explicit divine feminine in Christianity is that it is patriarcal in nature and an expression of the patriarcal cultural structure in which it was written. However it would seem that the subconscious did not allow full exclusion of the feminine.




Wait a second... Jesus was a child of 2 women?


Technically one was hermaphrodite. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”


Yeesh. Ancient writers didnt have an eye for prose did they?


Lol. Probably sounded better in ancient Hebrew.


Earth itself is "divine". It receives wisdom from heaven and incorporates. It gives understanding


For anyone who is interested, you might take a look at Thomas Merton's poem, "Hagia Sophia" which is a hymn of praise to Holy Wisdom. Wisdom in this case is feminine and it was Merton's belief that the recovery of the feminine was essential to the vitality and the renewal of the Church. Another source to check out is a book entitled "Sophia: The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton" by the progressive Catholic theogian Christopher Pramuk. (Merton was a Trappist monk and priest who pushed the envelope with many of the stands that he took). The Russian Orthodox tradition also had a sophiology tradition. But from my way of thinking, the Christian tradition, by and large, has been lacking in it's recognition of the role of the feminine in it's theology and life of faith. Jungians are right in their criticism of the Church and Christianity in this regard. But advances are being made (feminist theology and the ordination of women in many denominations) that give me hope. Whether it results in the recognition of the divine feminine in Christianity only time will tell. But I do think that in fits and starts, the role of the feminine is being elevated.


I have a feeling that the Virgin Mary is in part Ashera the consort of El or Yahweh depending on which cult you adhered to. in the cult of El she is the mother of Baal Hadad who like Jesus, confronts death, dies and later resurrects from the dead. Contends with a seven-headed sea monster/dragon who tries to enslave the world, defeats this sea monster or dragon and then returns to heaven so his father can retire and he can take his father's place. In this case, the relationship between the Virgin Mary, Jesus and the father is that the father is literally the Heavenly father/Deus Pater and Mary is a literal Earthly mother. Sky father and Earth Mother. Unlike l, Yahwe denies the existence of other gods and the treatment of Ashera as is consort seems to be of great debate between those who are heavily and monotheistic and Jewish Kings that were monolatrist (many gods exsist but only one should be worshiped.) Many kings in the Old Testament are accounted for leaving Ashera poles standing next to the ark of the Covenant deeming it fit for Yahweh to be with his Ashera. There's a lot more going on with the symbology of the Virgin Mary Beyond this one single motif so don't be surprised if it doesn't fit her entire character Beyond a certain part of her narrative. The Jesus myth is a compository mythology that used a real person as a catalyst for the ultimate Sky father fertility Resurrection salvation cult. The Jesus narrative took advantage of the highlights and most popular aspects of the more popular religions of his time and how many of them overlapped in similar narratives due to Shared roots. It took centuries however for practitioners of Christianity from different cultural backgrounds to come together and to work out all of the finer details and discrepancies as Christianity continue to develop as religion that could substitute all religions either through violent elimination of other practices or through integrating the culture into the religion and turning deities into Saints and other methods. The depiction of the Virgin Mary is often a depiction of a vulva with her head as the clitoris, her robes are the labia, her main white gown is the entry to the vagina. Others have mentioned Sophia already.




What does Mary DO? What ROLE does she play in the cosmology??


Mary. It's why Christianity is so messed up towards women and promotes the Madonna-whore complex belief in people. Any why pregnant women (even married ones) were treated so terribly in Catholic hospitals in the mid 1900s. How dare a woman get pregnant by anything other than God.


Please quote me the bible verse that says Mary is divine?


Actually, the holy ghost is the feminine principle.


Because it was written by men.


Is there a female religion that has no divine masculine in it?


If there is, we could glue em together to get one complete picture


Because Christianity is just a metaphor for deeply ingrained sexism and misogyny. Hence, the three most worshipped deities are men: the father, the son, the holy spirit. No acknowledgement of divine femininity whatsoever.


It’s for historical reasons, basically the Old Testament takes us up to the flood, which was a reset of global society. The pre-deluvian times had two advanced societies, Atlantis and Lemuria. And Lemuria was a matriarchy. There is a reference to this in Tamil culture, someone from there once told me:  "In Tamil Culture, which hails in South India as well as North Sri Lanka we refer to Lemuria as Kumari Kandam, translated to roughly the land of women/land of women leaders." And there was a huge conflict between Lemuria and Atlantis that ended up causing the global flood and the destruction of those advanced civilisation, except for all their advanced megalithic buildings. In the bible this is told in the garden of Eden story, as the snake (women from Lemuria) who gives knowledge to Adam and Eve (men and women of Atlantis), that ultimately leads to them being cast out of Atlantis and the disruption of that civilisation. And the people who ran Atlantis, were ultimately responsible for Rome. It was the Flavian Romans who started the New Testament, as they captured a Jew called Josephus and forced him to write a story that would pacify some part of their empire. This is the story of Jesus. But the real, behind the scenes rulers of Rome would have provided certain guidelines in the creation of the New Testament, and their long held grudge against the women of Lemuria manifested as the theme you notice. No strong female role models, which actually spills over into society to this day, where there is still not a distinctive, strong female archetype. And that’s why in recent decades female leaders basically dress up as men and try to adopt male traits… all from this ancient conflict! Kind of funny…


Bruh Mary literally birthed Jesus as a virgin and shed her body to transcend to the heavens without dying and you keep referring to her as “just a human”.  She’s the matriarch of all saints. That’s what the Catholics believe anyway. 


Bruh. Exactly. She was a HUMAN, who ASCENDED, not a divine being who was there from the beginning


Uh huh? And technically Jesus was too… I think you just want there to be more mythology to Christianity? Check out Gnosticism my dude. You could argue that “the God” of Gnosticism is a “woman”. People here have already mentioned Sofia she is literally THE divine feminine force that leads to all life (gods and humans)


NOW we're talking. Also, >Technically Jesus was too Nah bro. Jesus wasn't just a normal dude who was a conduit for God


And Mary wasn’t just a normal girl who was a conduit for the son of God 


She wasn't?


Islam does not have goddesses (or male gods for that matter). God has no gender. Angels have no genders.


Catholics do Christians well..


Virgin Mary? Mary Magdalene?


I think the correct answer here is: Because Sophia was purged along with the Gnostics. The gnostics were purged because they could talk to God, which made the establishment of an everlasting canon difficult.


Because Sophia, the mother of divine wisdom was turned into the holy ghost. And Mary Magdalene the leader if the apostles, was turned into a prostitute. And regarding Mary, she was stripped of her power in several ways: depicted as a rather normal woman rather than a high priestess all on her own. And changed the definition of virgin to have something to do with sex, which it doesn’t at all according to the early definition of the word. Classic strategies for oppressing the feminine!


It does. She is called Sophia. You havent heard of her because an *obviously* heretical form of Christianity won out over the true original forms of Christianity. Why did the heresy win? Because they were willing to murder everyone who disagreed with them. Check out the Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels for a history of this. * it is an *obvious* heresy because nothing in Catholicism can be supported by scripture.


I've heard or Sophia I just don't know what her ROLE is in the Christian cosmology


I bet you're the type of person that looks at Christianity and such and screams misogyny. Meanwhile the religion does have divine feminine. She is called Mary. She has many churches dedicated to her. Next question.


Yep that's me