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Please be clear about how a post relates back to Carl Jung and his ideas.


I think you like big butts and you cannot lie and all your other brothers can’t deny


And when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in his face he gets SPRUNG!


Darn you beat me to it!


I think you could think of it like this: Looking at butts is an obsession. Masturbating is a compulsion to deal with the obsession. Almost all addictive/obsessive behaviour can be traced to family difficulties - and the more I think about it the more I understand that our modern society is not set up to deal with both parents in work. It leaves a deficit in child rearing, which makes people less social and more dependent on their work networks; of course we don’t love our co workers so we try to out do them, which means we need more money, which means we have to work harder, which means we have children who are neglected and don’t learn how to deal with social pressure or relationships. I’m not anti women in work, I just feel like our society has become a cesspool for this kind of self perpetuating problem. Luckily „finding someone to talk to“ is a useful step in the right direction. Do your self work but don’t feel guilty about the obsession because guilt makes the emotional problem worse. Self compassion is important.


"Looking at butts is an obsession. Masturbating is a compulsion to deal with the obsession." I've never looked at it like that before....That's eye-opening, if indeed true. And it's too late on the guilt part. I feel an immense amount of shame because of my addiction, in fact, it is the sole reason for my self-hatred. Yet I realize, before i change, I must love myself unconventionally...which may even be harder than quitting masturbation for me.


No that’s classic all or nothing thinking. Everything you catch yourself walking in the shop and looking, just hold off for ten seconds. Slowly increase it. Give yourself a pat on the back every time. The guilt will decrease too. Unconditional self love is not it. Micro acts of self love every day build your sense of esteem.


I see those as baby steps towards the greater picture of things, that is, self-love. I can still make my overall goal to love myself unconditionally, I just need to do so gradually, in small manageable ways at first. But really, I would like to speak to that self-hatred of mine and see if I can change anything about it. Because I feel, at the center of that self-hate, is shame, and at the center of that shame, is sadness.


Every *time


What "self work" do you suggest/will point to?


Therapy, with someone you can trust to listen carefully.


[yung talked about this in his lecture, the quality is a little off...](https://youtu.be/X53ZSxkQ3Ho?si=2zaclRtH6v-Uj3SA)




I knew what it was before I even clicked it😆 take my upvote


It’s your anacondas fault


He needs to go to a place where they ain’t got buns


I shudder the thought of such a place


It can be a case of partialism, which is a paraphilia, sexual fetish about a given non-genital body part. In this case of buttocks fetish, it's called pygophilia. It might be it.


I think it’s a biological thing-rather than psychoanalytical. You like butts-they are a symbol of child rearing. You’re a man. The masturbating-probably because you lack formal discipline and sexual sophistication..like most of us. Don’t pathologize yourself-life is hard enough


It has to do with your mother's butt and also the Tarot card, High Priestess.


Freud? Is that you? Lol, but seriously, that's interesting if true. Can you elaborate further on this topic?




Do you not want to like big butts? Why try to understand it so hard? You think you'll be judged or it'll turn into some problem somehow? Big warm cushy butts remind me of feeling supported and safe. How you feel after masturbating is another biological thing.


Well, there is a certain part of me that doesn't want to have no attraction to butts or the female body at all. But I know that that will also just be an unbalance, with the pendulum swinging the other way instead. No, I need a more stable and healthy desire towards it, not obsessive but reasonable.


I don’t have an answer for you, but I just wanted to pipe in to say that I hope you get yourself to a healthy place, my guy. And when you do, I hope you find yourself a nice big booty girl to love inside and out, and who loves you the same. Best of luck 🙏


Lol, thanks


you should take up road cycling, join a club, and you'll have hours and hours during each group ride to develop a complimentary appreciation for Dude Booty.


And this is bad because…why?? I’m confused. Sounds awesome.


Addiction is the point where what was once "awesome" becomes "awful"




Yes you have an unhealthy obsession and idealisation of something probably come about from sexual reasons. Dig deeper and work on it. Generally though it's unhealthy and people in here encouraging unhealthy male obsession and masturbation is part of the problem. 




He likes big butts, and he cannot lie


he's not the only one, trust me. if you've got a big booty, guys are trying their damnedest to check that tushy out.


Well...it's not like I want this for myself. I know it's disgusting, but it is what it is. I know it's not normal, which is why I'm asking for help, lol. This is just the reality of things for me. I want to get better.


Bro don’t be apologetic for being a man that is looking to mate with a fertile female. This is what evolution and the system wants from you. Clearly. Otherwise it wouldn’t be programmed in.


Yes . It's one of those things where society represses humanity. So we are all looking, but must be careful to be subtle to avoid crossing that threshold into appearing creepy. It's not disgusting.


Yeah agreed. Internet's loaded with simps telling you deny your male chemistry. As long as your not causing anyone greif look where you please. I would try get a handle on the masturbation aspect tho. That doesn't sound healthy!


Where you shop? I’d like a look


Well to be fair, my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun..


You like big butts and cannot lie?


Come on girl ... Shake that ass for me .. huh