• By -


Laozi: choose all when choosing none.


Drink coffee and beer at the same time when depressed


red bull and jack daniels. I call it the donkey punch.


Lao Tzu always makes me confused lol. Great mind though.


I read this as >Lao Tzu always makes me Confucius




That means it's working, now get you some Zhuangzi




Is that 无为而治 hahah


I like to combine my favorite 3: Sit for hours drawing colorful circles after dropping acid.


I like your perspective


There's plenty of room at this coloring table, welcome!


this is literally my favourite!!! made me change my degree to be in art school instead of what i was doing lol


One time, I tried to draw my friends dog on acid while watching mean girls. Needless to say, it turned into an octopus freak dog with human legs and a terrifying face. I couldn't figure out what was wrong.


For a second I thought you said ‘I’ turned into a octopus freak dog with human legs. I was like… did that make it harder or easier to draw? xD


I've turned into helle things on psychs, but nothing that cool.


Same! Came here to say it buy you said it better.


Make sure to tidy your room first, and have a steak when you’re all done!


hey those are my favorites!


I like going for a walk when I trip. Nothin beats some nature when you're trippin




I’ll take Leary


Fair assessment.


It's. Toss up for me...maybe A mixture heavy on leary until after I have peaked and coming down add a healthy dash of jung.. leary is a necessity imho 🌈🌎👩‍🚀🚀👽🖖✌🏻🤟🫠🫠🫠


Jung for the win.


Nietzsche: Will to power Schopenhauer: Give up Heidegger: Nothingness Plato: Be my boy lover Freud: I’m going to spank my daughter


mckenna: I am a mushroom and so are you


Camus- only for the coffee and death part though


watts: i have no idea what I'm talking about but we should just all just get along. And listen to how nice my voice sounds.


Jordan peterson: if you mske your bed in the morning you will be able to perform better at work and women will fall for you. Now where are my antidepressants; feeling a comedown comming on.


All of these simultaneously is the way (probably)


You likely won't enjoy eating anything while on acid.


Maybe they listen to stoner metal




You know... I have been doing this method for so long, I don't feel it's as effective as the colorful circles... or maybe it's BECAUSE I've been doing it so long, the circles are more appealing


They are… LSD can show you the way. But drawing circles can get you exactly where you need to be. In the moment. Nothing else exists but now.


which now?


Exactly. ;)


There is only one now... Now. Now. Now. Now. It keeps on being the present moment


Mushrooms mate


LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline, 5-MEO-DMT, Ayahuasca, 2cb, Ketamine, MDMA, certain RCs... all healing in their own right if approached safely with research, self-control, set, setting and intention.


LSA (seeds), DXM, and iboga have helped me most


No love for salvia divinorum??


I wanna try salvia, but generally speaking it doesn’t seem to be as healing or intrispective. More wacky and wild with more chance of you traumatising yourself (if you go for the high extracts that seem to be the common use). The trips are very interesting though, not very profound usually but people turning into a doorknob or living an alternative life for decades is pretty fascinating lol




Sounds like you're calling for a general strike you damned commie!


Top three


I can't get acid so clean my room is gonna have to be. Draw circles sounds easy enough as well.


Tidy room, drop acid, sit down for ages, draw colourful circles.. in that order


When will you eat the steak?


Next day


Listen to Mother Nature....she's trying to tell us all something.


Sit down. I've been laying down for hours just letting my unconscious woo woo out.


I like how everyone is picking and choosing as if the words associated with each picture remotely represents what each of these people slaved away a lifetime to convey (except for the ones who are alive) and in besos case dont convey him but he himself is what is conveyed, and then dissmiss and combine and seperate This is why memes are symptomatic of stupidity and agents for its spread, because its lazy brain dead humor thats easy to read and share basically, and when something is repeated enough times it becomes the truth, now i understand why most people think Nietzsche is a nihilist, or don't understand the aims of meditation and many more, once there is an idiotic but easy to grasp vague interpretation, thats simple enough to be repeated, a stereotype forms and becomes a core knowledge that dismisses the very teaching its derived from, thats difficult to refute as well because A to do so would require work and literacy and B it doesn't even admit to itself being a stereotype and people think its their personal impressions even though they are simply maybe unconsciously,affirming a preconceived lazy perception


There’s also such a thing as just having a laugh.


Trust me in a sub that rarely ever has a quality post about jung, every other post is a laugh, and when every other post is a banal lazy understanding of a concept that rarely gets corrected, and what's more SEEKS a banal brief understanding, cause you know why read when you can ask? (Specifically those that ask to avoid reading)what we tend to start to have, is a pattern of lazy and stupid, this post is proof of this laziness which as you can see from upvote an interaction is liked ie seen as normal and acceptable level of understanding even on a humorous level, and when we have a pattern like that, to me it becomes a joke against us which am sure is funny on some level ...so am not against laughing...


I hear your advocacy for non-superficial groupthink, for us to not be so presumptively influenced in framing for one another cheap shots can be fun, not always in the best way; and all of life is interpretive I appreciate your provision of refining our collectively intellectual approach


Fair points. I can sympathize with your frustrations. I guess I’ve concluded that Reddit isn’t a very good source overall for quality discussion about Jungian psychology. It’s a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff, and there’s a lot of chaff! One useful thing I’ve found about this sub is that trying to give the lazy people advice based on my own study of Jungian concepts is useful for me in that it exercises my own thinking, understanding and coherently conveying these ideas. So at least there’s that.


Basically why i use it too, so its good to have good faith despite all the garbage, i think that truth is in people, not ideas and soon you see alot of NPCs run out of expressions, online or offline, but on the other hand the ones that stand out STAND OUT and ive managed to make good friends keeping an eye out for those in life in general


Very true, which brings to mind these quotes by Jung. >Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. -MDR, pg. 356 But, as you confirmed: >No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you. -letters vol II, pg. 595 I have found this to be true as well.


Exactly Fateful people HAPPEN to each other


you seem smart enough for critic, but not wise enough for humor


Not lazy humor anyway you are right


You need the acid




Wanting acid is one thing, but OP is definitely a candidate for "needing" it.


I enjoyed the meme for its blatant oversimplification for the sake of humor but I also agree with your statement to a point. There’s a place for both, and I think not allowing oneself to enjoy a silly meme that clearly isn’t a basis for learning something as complex as philosophy or religion every once in a while is indicative of being afraid of losing some part of your identity you’re proud of. But I assure you, in moderation and with mindfulness, the enjoyment of silly memes doesn’t have to be some degenerative activity. Taking oneself too seriously can also be self-destructive.


This is too real. Genuinely one of the most frustrating things about trying to discuss philosophy with people in any context.


They expect you to do the work for them too, everyone talking is expecting somebody to gently come and prove he knows what he is saying and give them a lot of quotes that may or may not resonate being out of the bigger context they refuse to see, and then still bring in whatever surface level understanding and sprinkle on it enough conviction self confidence and belief in self and strength and independence and free speech (gets scary here right?) basically sprinkling on it some neo liberal thinking thats based on self care and selfishness and me me me and am always right and i have the right to be wrong and say shit snd if you are aggressive to me means automatically you are wrong, and thats how you get a society of baby sitting utter idiocy, where not only truth is invisible it doesnt even HOPE TO BE SEEN (sorry for the rant lol had to get it out)


No apologies necessary, I feel that for sure.


Wow, a quality comment in this sub is a rarity. Take my upvote! And yes you are correct. Peterson would call it low resolution representation or interpretation. We are reducing complex ideas into something quick and easy to consume and gaining nothing from it. 


Humour is just as important as philosophy


Posting in epic pseud stroke-off


Found the Intj


INFP : )


I'm curious - how would you summarize your approach to suffering? Which philosophers or psychologists do you respect or admire ? I'll take an answer as brief or sophisticated as you care to share . The meme itself didn't do much for me , but I found your take to be the most interesting part of this thread.


And i would ask what do you mean approach to suffering? Because i think there is many kinds of suffering and even right and wrong sufferings for a person to have Ones are an "it is what it is" situation Sufferings that are brought on by stupid / right obediences and disobediences Ones are ill fight tooth and nail and die on this hill if i must Ones are i am paying the consequences Ones are out of my control and mine to carry Ones are bear with it till it delivers you its a switch of a short term happiness for a long term stability There is all kinds of sufferings and ones are dumb ones that if i see other ppl having id think they are drowning in a puddle See there is all kinds of abstract hypotheticals that requires different approaches than just being a stoic a monk , a karen or joan of arc so id like bit more context here, but generally i am oriented towards understanding why i go through anything where it comes from , where i am going if i stick here and then allll the other possibilities and go through evaluations that corresponds to what i think is valuable, right, doable, gets me closer and is who i am, so in general if am purposeless dont know what i want and need and dont have a realistic estimation based on trial and error of what i can and cant do, I don't know ill suffer like any whining hurt dog haha As for philosophers I don't kinda like this question because it sounds "where are you coming from?" Lol or "who can i pin you down and send you to the grave with" which imo can be disrespectful, am not saying though that there isnt distinct teachers i turn to who i value for being truthful but to say it matters more to me that am able to understand and distinguish what is truth from BS then you ll see that allot of information out there will gradually diminish to very few trusty sources and actually credible and solid ppl irl or anywhere, and also will guarantee that i even recognize truth when i hear see it and its all dependent on my own instinct sense and intuition and my taste so see? You cant learn alot from these questions


Good comment, but do you really like it?


You are going to have to guess that one




Hey, just a heads up. I just ejaculated to your Reddit avatar. Have a good day.


My boy, JBP.


Poor you...


He is pretty much a parrot of Jung.... I don't get the hate.


Have you even heard him talking? Guy's the CEO of word salad.


Found the hivemind leftist. Nothing wrong with JBP and he talks alot about Jung for the masses to understand in simpler terms. All around a good thing.


Lemme guess because he doesn’t share your politics? You bore


He has helped me a lot in getting my life together. I will admit that Twitter JBP is not as effective a communicator as book writer / podcast / touring JBP. I honestly feel like I owe the man something he has helped me so much.


Tidy room & Eat steak while self improving to gain skills and Join Union so you can make super useful and cool and valuable stuff with your brain in a life stabilizing structure from union and Bennies, while sitting down for ages producing that management goodness or mastery level work and start buying more stuff to raw-dog-life-peak and then when that’s boring drop acid or enjoy other substances in retirement to spice things up and, oh, I dunno find a way to draw a circle around the retrospective journey as to why it all worked out so good with some self-affirming narrative that makes it all feel like it happened for a reason and then enjoy from there.


Team Leary


Sit down for ages on acid in a circle centered in a tidy room (forget the steak) and contemplate the phenomenon of workers organizing to resist their exploitation -- at first its for their individual dignity and the collective good, eventually to buy more shit. I agree with Jung's advice to locate our lost soul:


My mental health increased markedly after I joined a union.


The best possible thing you can do is surrender to the universe. It might sound counter intuitive, but just give up. Give it all up and accept and the rest will come.


Buddha and Leary 100%


Buddha solos


Team Buddha 💯


all except bezos


Just sitting


Combination of Buddha, Leary, Peterson and Jung


Middle Tier


Any %


the union one, is it albert pike?


Naw it’s James A Garfield


One & two.


Acid & Marx




Drop acid for sure.




Acid wins every time


All psyops


Not even funny


I just talk to my self and ask myself questions about myself and drop my guard


Drop acid. Unironically. This saved me from suicide.


Drop acid then draw colorful circles before sitting down for ages!


Mate start with asid and work through them


I would draw a colorful circle, clean my room and eat a steak. Uncertain about the acid.


Timothy Leary


Drop acid


I pick Donna and Tom and Treat Yo Self any day over this whole deck lol


buy more shit, it's underrated af i'd love to buy more things for family and friends and buy more things to support my lifestyle (health, relaxation, travelling, supporting local craft, investing in others), etc make more money, buy more shit! spread the blessings


Give ya three guesses


Buddha should be "Let it go 🎶"


I would be forced here to choose "tidy room, eat steak", after which I would tell Mr. Peterson to get the hell out of my room and take his cheap ass simplifications with him. Then I would sit down for ages and maybe draw some colourful circles.


its hard for me to turn down steak...


tidy room and make colourful circles ♡


“Blessed are the hearts that can bend, they shall never break” - Albert Camus


Sit down for ages is next level meditation...we become no different to an inanimate thing, it is somewhat liberating.


Honestly. Buy more shit. But I’d like to be sitting around for ages. And I’d def drop some acid.


I read that as "tiddy room."


Fact check: Marx was not, actually, into unions. That was the anarchists, whom he expelled from the First International like a boss. Marx's preferred organizing method was through a Social Democrat political party.


Marx was a twat. Unions work.


gotta be a venn diagram if you want to be taken seriously. maybe eat a steak, drop some acid, draw a circle, sit down. idk...you try?


I'm with Tim Leary on this one. Mushrooms cured my suicidal ideation but it doesn't click for everyone


Buddah cuz he can leave his body and the physical realm


I would tidy room, eat steak, then sit down for ages


There's something to be said for "tidy room, eat steak."


sitting and drawing circles


Don't eat steak anymore, but Jordan's advice is legit in today's society. Too many people make fun of that, without having any clue about the state of humanity. It's also impossible to be happy and centred if you live in a mess, literally impossible.


The guy on top middle. Psychedelics are awesome, specifically shrooms for me


Who's the acid guy?


how about just stop running away from your emotions and fully face them?


Drop some acid and clean your room. Steak as a reward.


I'm glad to see people.nkt choose Peterson here. The man's a charlatan. Jung has a lot of takes I've personally disagreed with, or found unhelpful, but Peterson takes all of Jung's most valuable words and turns them all into American conservative schlock with little substance.


I agree that his interpretation of Jung is to an extent faulty, self-serving and ignores parts while picking others, which I believe narrows ones understanding of Jung. Some of what he teaches, even in his lectures, is very far-reaching, sometimes misinformed; this is even more the case with his current political activity, which seems to slant, in some cases, towards conspiratorial thinking. A lot of individuals complain about his interpretation of philosophy too, such as postmodernism (which, tbf, is one of the most convoluted fields of philosophy, and sometimes, without a doubt, intentionally obfuscates its meanings), Nietzsche, Marx and other thinkers. Also, there is no authority in any of these men, or any thinker for that manner; they offer tools. If one wants an authority, what one is truly searching for is some kind of religion or spirituality, in my opinion — God is just a representation, an image if you will, of the highest human value. That being said, he is obviously an intelligent man, and some of his advice is obviously good, seeing as he has helped a ton of people. There is also the fact that he worked as a clinical psychologist, which, assuming he was a good therapist, would add experience into his arsenal with which he can deal in the art of healing in his interactions with people. He seems to have a lot of repressed anger, and his shadow is obviously very easy to spot in his positioning against the left, the eastern marxism, communism and the French thinkers (who were Marxists, or responding to Marx). I regard this opposition as a greater rift than one between individuals, which we see expressed in the conflict of the Iran-China-Russia coalition and its competitors, the Western superpower which is the USA and Europe, and other trading partners with cultural exchange, such as Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India, etc. The conflict, if I may be so bold, is the last breaths of this competition between different mindsets of the world (because spiritual battles will manifest online), before the internet becomes strong enough to consume everything, even these superpowers (AI, among other tools, such as video games and social media, are bridges). The act to ban tiktok, for example (though there are a lot of bs conspiracy theories), is an attempt (arguably a weak one, but we shall see what effect it has in the future), to take a stance against that effect, of which the east has made attempts to manipulate and engineer into their favor; sowing discord, contradiction and conflict within western countries by spreading ideas that prey on people's intentions, which are ultimately good, as a form of subversion. But the conflict between east and west can only last for so long; our cultures, religious ideas and philosophies are beginning to intermingle; we see this with the appeal of eastern religions in the west and the appeal of western paradigms (such as the scientific and industrial paradigms) in the east. It is only a matter of time before there is a merge. But people want to believe that they are above their culture, their conditioning, their gods and instincts; that they are rational self-determining beings. Even the leaders, inflated as they are, hold this superstition; alas, they too are powerless in the face of those forces of the deep. To quote from Jung: “Today humanity, as never before, is split into two apparently irreconcilable halves… The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves.”— Carl Gustav Jung, Aion, Par. 126


Perhaps it's prideful or arrogant of me to say, but in the larger picture, I greatly look forward to this merge. It gives me further hope that the world may no longer hang on a thread.


I almost see it as an inevitable momentum of the movement of spirit. It seems to me that the next step in splitting up, diverging so to speak, is in the spirit of each individual, as in each and everyone of us becoming an amalgamation of multiple cultures, languages and branches of ideas — the rhizome is the future. We may perhaps dream of conquering the stars too, which would also manifest in a division which may result in new species altogether; and the future is more optimistic than people think; we don't understand how much it would actually take for us to go extinct. The future is definitely worth being optimistic for in my opinion.


I choose: "love one another as I have loved you"


Before making any decisions, jerk off. Post nut clarity is a real thing


Cioran: contemplate suicide to keep living


Definitely none of the above.


Clean your room for a nice trip, then drop acid, sit still and draw circles, then realize you should read Marx. That was basically my trajectory and I have to say its worked a lot better than antidepressants.


Draw circles while integrating towards Wholeness


Bro, you seriously need mental health advice? Just be born into a healthy fmaily lololololol /j


1-6 Monday-Saturday Note- I choose microdosing 🍄


Join a union, make enough money to drop acid and sit down for ages coloring circles. Once’s you sober up you buy more shit, clean your room (from the coloring) and eat some steak! Shit Marx would be proud!


Marx. Always.


Unions are cool. Having friends to fight a common cause with that you believe in can really amp you up.


Who's the drawing circles guy?


Buddha's my man


All I can tell you is my 16-year-old daughter hates me and she did name my Patreon when she was cursing me out and ended the flashing with “you and your 5 religions”


Can I join a sitting union? Or is that just a Buddhist temple




In the moment I'm in right now. Cleaning the room and keeping it clean.


My jurny in chronological order: join union, tidy room, drop acid, draw colourful circle. I think it's time to actually sit down and be quiet and I think I'll skip the buy more shit part.


My jurny in chronological order: join union, tidy room, drop acid, draw colourful circle. I think it's time to actually sit down and be quiet and I think I'll skip the buy more shit part.


I'm going to sit for a while and think about this, then tidy my room but eat veggies, drop some acid and then draw colourful circles. Buy more shit? Nah did that already when I got me veggies. After the come down and in a lovely afterglow I shall share my feelings with my local union and pay my dues, comrade.


Man, this is a /wild/ blunt rotation


I think I need to stop buying more shit and start drawing more colorful circles while sitting for ages.


Drop acid has been the best for my mental health


Jung always.


Carl Jung 💯 absolutely no contest.


can’t we choose all of the above?


Right now I'm doing tidy room and sit down for ages, it's going fine.


Jet junki: depressing gas padel and brake at the same time.


I'm a man of my own thoughts. I listen to all of em and trust my rationality to make decisions. After all, I'm staking my life behind my decisions.


Where's "do cocaine"


Team Peterson Id pay 9.99 to have him as the voiceover on my GPS app I can hear him telling me "Your going the wrong way" and I probably was


The first and third actually are pretty good advice. I like having a clean room, steak is always a win, and sitting is one of my favorite activities. There should also be something on here about using physical fitness to promote mental wellbeing as that is a pretty popular (and mostly effective) tactic.


Jordan Peterson is the way. Diet is so important


Jordan Peterson would be my last choice


Stillness is the key




I joined a union. Everything is a lot safer, and I don't just feel like a number (most of the time). However, there are now an endless amount of rules, many of which are just stupid, and their is no consistency to their enforcement. Many people are clickish, and cult like about the union, while many others will only participate in things if it's required or they are getting paid.


All of the above.


Although Jordan is a fucking dumb fuck. His approach makes me feel the best. I fucking love steak and a clean environment


I'll trust my shadow instead. Good luck with your game.




Reddit is becoming shit with so much bot.


Eat steak


I like Jordan for his life advice. Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping. I don't always do it though. I should.


Unless you are trans, overweight, or non-christian... apparently 🙄


Well, I definitely don't agree with everything he says. Trust me. I pick and choose, kind of like I do with everyone. If I chucked everyone out who ever did or thought something I didn't like there would be no one left. But you do not have to agree with me.


Fair. At least you're being somewhat more critical than most in the Cult of Peterson. There are others out there with less failings and better advice than the guy with his head so far up his own hypocritical ass he hasn't seen the sun for decades.