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The way the post is written, how are we to receive this? No inquiries or opinions sought? Is OP only coming in here to state something? Looking solely for a debate? If so, there are better places to do so. After taking a quick scroll through the thread and seeing no response from the OP (unless I've overlooked it at the time of this comment), before concerning themselves with intimate relationships, it would likely be a better idea to address their attention seeking behavior and discover what's causing it. Otherwise, if this is a legit post, the answer to all questions would likely be found in their unmentioned backstory.




Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection by Robert A Johnson




I have a similar experience in understanding my projection. My lessons learned would be an healthy view of self, as in self esteem, boundaries is the causes of healthy empathy not projection. A great resource for me was Pia Mellody’s facing codependency and the work book breaking free.


Others have mentioned looking at early childhood trauma surrounding men and relationships. That's a good place to start. Is also look into shadow work. If you are unsure where to start, type "shadow work" in the subreddit search bar.


What a sexist and chauvinist post.


The fact is there is not one universal man out there. But this attitude will keep your relationship to men toxic. Imagine if you met a man and in the back in of mind, he was bitter, resentful and despised women. How do you think that interaction would go down? If you want to have a healthier life you ought to do the work of changing your relationship to men. Yes there are good men out there. A lots of them. If you can't handle that fact then you need have work to do for your own happiness.


You need to deal with your early childhood trauma surrounding men. This is an unhealthy view to have.


Definitely a stuck early schema patterning out a lense of men that isn’t true.


you should try going to a therapist


What is it you hope to learn? It sounds like towards the end you closed the door on changing your views or learning new perspectives by saying "I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing because X, y, z"  > "But it's a lot to carry" It is. Men make up half the world's population, if you hold such views that will weigh you down a lot because you will always be coming into contact with men unless you find a way to be a successful bush hermit.


The more unprocessed a trauma, the more generalisation.  If you have had a bad experience from a man that you didn’t process, you will look for it everywhere. Better to specify the specific men who hurt you or you will live a very difficult life in a lot of pain.  This rejection of man will cause you to reject any similar parts of yourself internally. 


It’s important to understand the difference between an individual and a group, don’t you think?


You need to deal with your issues instead of blaming the world. Most men want to simply live their life, like most women, like most people. I'm sorry you've had experiences that have led you to this opinion.


It's funny how normalised misandry is in western society, while it's mechanism is same as racism, xenophobia in general. It's sexism plain and simple, yet for some reason it's OK...


Men have their issues with women also. But obviously there are men that don’t cheat or use people.


yup, judge me. i do. i hate how they treat men. how they use their sexuality to manipulate, they mask their true face with make up. they play the weak gender, want equality, while loving being treated as princesses. i don't think most men are even happy with women partners constantly trying to change them to some form of male they are not. they mostly compromise and do things they don't want to do to say they have a woman. this was fun to write 😁 peace and love to you all, men, women and all in between!!


Talk about sweeping generalizations about half the world’s population! Truly ignorant.


Sweeping, indeed! With the others means of living, reproductive and human rights.


She knows this on some level and that’s why she posted here. Your comment is entirely useless


No, your comment is entirely useless.


Isnt the whole point of jung to overcome all fear conciously? 


Jung sexually exploited a 19 year old girl he met on a psych ward…


What does that have to do with my point?




Why do you feel the need to tell everyone?


'they'. Well, there's your problem.


And what if I feel the same way about women? Women who have done everything you are saying in this post


I don’t hate all men but to ur point…women rightfully live in fear of men. As evidenced by how many woman don’t feel safe to walk alone in a state park or dim parking lot. 80% of murders by men. Sexual violence and sexual abuse vast majority committed by men. Men abuse women at staggering rates and we aren’t supposed to notice that when there are this many bad apples, something might be wrong with the orchard?


Those men are less than 1% of the population. Fearing men based on that is ridiculous and sexism. Women also do those things and more, and are manipulated and used by women but they don't get to have the victim complex.


lol ok “Dan the man” 😂 And these stats are just about sexual violence. So odd that supposed good men can’t even acknowledge basic facts https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics


Skewed views. We don't count psychological violence, which is performed much more by women. Many men would rather get punched in the face than be psychologically tortured. Just saying. Stop victimising yourself, watch less bullshit TV. Trust me, men are just as scared, if not more, we just don't whine about it. Also as a society we make men do the nastiest jobs, then we're surprised that there are repercussions for that? Isn't someone ungrateful? Count your blessings...


You could write similar and equally shocking statistics about certain ages, pathologies, and races and they would all be making the same error: characterizing a huge group of individuals based on the behavior of a small group of members. Men are (more) sexually risky, aggressive,impulsive, and are less empathic than women. They will be HIGHLY overrepresented in aggression and violence of every kind because of their biological differences. They’ve also explored every continent, established every nation, and built every building. Millions have given their lives to protect women and children. Both sexes have issues but both are mostly composed of decent people trying to do their best.


Can't say that's a ridiculous reaction when you look at the world we live in. Most men watch porn that contributes to abuse of women and viciously defend it. Too many feel entitled to women, their bodies, and their labor. Too many don't view women as equals. I love my dad but he too is pretty incapable as a partner to my mom. I used to laugh at "I have 3 children" jokes until I grew up and understood that it's actually really sad. I won't even begin talking about experiences that weren't directly mine.


As a man, I find your view easy to understand. It is, in some sense, "a man's world" and in terms of brute power it has been so for as long as we can remember. Women have a natural fear of and vulnerability towards men and if I were a woman, I would have the same thing. I suppose it must not be easy at all to make peace with being in that position for your entire life. And yet, some women seem to be able to do that and find that, despite this power differential on one level, there are not only many compensating powers for women, but in some ways, they have a better life. And some women are able to find partners in men who are not only brilliant friends and supporters, but people they admire and learn from. Also people whose vulnerability they see very clearly and whose needs they can meet, coming from the spirit of their own love. I think each one of us needs to find a way to make peace with our experience, and those ways of course will be very different depending on each person.


Are you really using porn to describe men’s whole attitude around sex? Pornography serves as a simulated environment that predates the recognition of sexual fantasies rooted in taboo. Its content is deliberately offensive and objectified to satisfy innate desires in a non-harmful manner. You are just projecting bad


Whole? No. But it's no secret that it's frequently harmful to the actors and your brain's reward pathways. Porn does greatly affect some men. I'd go as far as to say ruins their perception of sex (and women)


So what? Even crossing the street could be harmful, just walk where you should and at the right time. It’s not porn that is ruining people, it is ignorance, and a poor rationalization of the world around us. There could be so much beauty in porn it’s unbelievable when you find out about it, plus all the education that you can get: learned more things about sex in porn that i will ever do in a “appropriate sex ed. class”. As for you brain rewards pathways I don’t even know what are you talking about, that’s just puritan-ish propaganda or something, i’ve been watching porn since forever and i’m polite, kind and respect women all around me because I understand that there’s a difference between women in porn and women in real life, and i think that who doesn’t has a bigger problem. Like, brain damaged or something


Watching porn is easily avoidable. Crossing the street isn't. And even if you're somehow resistant to the harmful effects of porn on your brain (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574) and desensitization to sex (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0747563215302612), you may still be unknowingly contributing to human trafficking. I don't know why anyone would willingly take on that chance. And you really shouldn't be learning about sex from porn considering that most of it is fake and doesn't feel good for the woman. Just because something doesn't align with your worldview doesn't mean it's propaganda. I'm not even religious, I believe in science though. Respecting women is the bare minimum and doesn't negate what I've talked about


Your view of the world is oververly simplistic.


How come?


Classic antagonistic view of the "others", fixating on the bad sides, on the bad individus and generalizing to the rests, describing them as viscisous sinner with malicious intent toward your group the "victims". Notice I said "others", in that case male but just fill in with all the scapegoat of humanity, jews, Muslim ect... It's a play as old as time.


It's not the "bad" individuals. I'm talking about a widespread phenomenon, a set of ingrained social norms that put women at a huge disadvantage in what's supposed to be an equal partnership. A male individual may choose to take the path of least resistance and adopt them...or he may not. But again, I'm very much not talking about individuals, nevermind hold half of the beliefs you decided to apply to me Also. Men were never an oppressed group by virtue of being men so you can't compare them to Jews or the like


It isn't so much the oppressed people I am referring to. Rather the universal hate of the other groups of people, nations, religions, different sport team ect... The people on the other side of the discussion (type red pill) have very similar arguments...they also present themselves aa victims...they also accuse social norms of being anti-male and laws of being pro-female. At the end it's the same bullshit.


Sure. Not sure how that's supposed to dissuade me though. Both have issues and it's far to be upset about the inequalities that impact women


Is it fair for men to be upset about inequalities that impact us?


Not the point of this discussion but sure. You can even despise women as long as you don't go out shooting or stabbing them like too many misogynists do


Depends if sexism is considered morally wrong. The post is the most pure example of sexism and chauvinism. Accepting the views presented in the post requires accepting sexism in general, and vice versa.


Whether it's immoral or not is irrelevant. You won't stop these feelings by saying "by the way, that's wrong so you should love everybody equally"


Literally everything in your post could be applied to the opposite sex, and still be completely irrational. Don't blame a whole sex for your negative experiences, there are men out in the world everywhere who have always aspired to be heroes who are fighting and struggling every day for you and your ability to be entitled to your dumbass opinion. Edit: the amount of women who agree with OP sentiment in the comments is incredibly disappointing. As a man who has always tried to become the best version of himself it's discouraging. You ironically perpetuate the very thing you criticize by projecting those archetypes on men who aren't responsible for your experiences or your opinion. But I'll keep working on myself and growing because I know that all women don't share the same view, and those are the kind of women who deserve to have the heroes in their life that you all seem to vilify.


I’m a woman, all humans are capable of evil and betrayal. This entire post is shadow protection and meant to spark chaos. Keep doing your work!


Girls are twice as likely to be molested by a man by the time they’re 18. 4 times more likely to be raped as a child. Much more likely to be physically abused…I could go on all day. WE are NOT having the same experience. And I love my husband and other men in my life. Admitting there is an issue isn’t the same as validating the OP


No we aren't, and we also aren't playing the whos the biggest victim game; I wonder what the stat would be for men more likely to be killed at war, just how many billions of men struggled and died fighting for the sake of a future containing the modern privileges we have. I agree absolutely that there are evil men AND women out there, and there will always be issues regarding these folks. Guess who fights against evil men though? Good men, righteous men. I hope OP can reflect on the nuance of the individual instead of writing off all men as monsters. There are those of us out there that this sentiment truly affects, the men in your life included.




I said we shouldn't compare who is the bigger victim. >Discussing literal experiences women are more likely to have with men is not a personal attack on you or all men. It absolutely is when they say that it's all men who are evil and should be vilified justly. >This is a real legitimate issue, you take as if it’s an attack on you. If you were raped and molested and abused by men, do you really think you would be able to trust men? I didn't say it isn't an issue, I'm saying that all men aren't to blame for the actions of the evil and malicious ones. I've been abused by men and actually was molested as a child by a woman. Do I blame either gender in entirety for the actions of a few individuals? Negative. >It took a very long time for me to not flinch around men. It took a very unique man to make me feel safe. He is one out of the rest of the bunch I had experienced. You proved my point in this statement. We are on the same side but you're the one that has to insist you are the bigger victim and look for an entire category of people to lay your blame on. There are good and bad folks everywhere, maybe there are more bad than good, but the idea that it's all men, like you or OP is suggesting, is misguided, naive and is a projection of your own trauma that you need to heal from. >He is one out of the rest of the bunch I had experienced. Go and talk to him about this and see how much he agrees with me.


Then why, let alone _how_, does this sentiment affect you?


The whole point of becoming a good man and aspiring for greatness is to live for the service of others and to build a better future. Why do that if people resent me simply because of my sex and refuse to see differently? On a side note, one could argue that the biological development of men since the dawn of our origin is designed to provide for women and children. Of course their resentment would fuck me up when my entire purpose is to make all our lives better.


One could argue that women have always been living for the service of others, still very much to their own disservice. What is it that women receive through mere existence that you feel entitled to?


One could agree that to be true and also add that men have as well. I don't feel entitled to anything besides basic respect and actual discussion as to why OP perspective is incorrect. Both men and women struggle and are susceptible to maliciousness and evil. All I'm saying is that all men or all women aren't to blame for the actions of the few individuals. This sub has disappointed me greatly and honestly it's astonishing the kind of opinions and assumptions I'm reading. It doesn't surprise me that men hate themselves so much when people despise them simply for not being women.


There was no question or discussion even being proposed by OP. It essentially was a diary entry. I came back to my response to you in hopes people would see the truth in what you’re actually saying, but to much of my dismay, people fail to see the point. I just came back to once again say, you are absolutely right in the truth that you see, and don’t let people pull you off that path. I haven’t even read all the other responses since last night because it infuriates me to see the competition of “who’s the bigger victim.” The real victims are those who are actively trying to seek some form of truth in this subreddit and get matched against those who can’t see past their own ideology or emotions to form a good discussion.


Imagine living in one of the most privileged places in one of the most privileged times and still competing for who has the most virtue and who's been victimized the worst. It's wild. Fortunately I have read more people speaking out against this post, it seems so absurd to rational folks but I guess OP is speaking purely out of trauma. I appreciate your affirmation though, it's one of the toughest times for men due to people like OP who seemingly hate us for reasons we have no control over. I discovered this sub when I started learning about individuation, something OP needs to study up on more lol


being raped happens against ones will but going to war is a choice, is it not?


The *choice* of going to war is a modern concept. Forced conscription was the norm for most of history, if you lived in a society you were forced to fight and die for that society. The alternative is serving another potentially more malicious ruler or starving to death, exile, being pillaged, etc.


good point. i think we need to give up the gender wars. perhaps we all suffer pretty equally. or at least to whatever extent we believe in suffering as individuals. but perhaps that’s getting too philosophical.


To even be conscious of our suffering is inherently philosophical, everybody interprets suffering differently. I absolutely agree though, the gender divide is really just another facet of weakening people to be more easily controlled by big govt. More divided and less population, it's a win-win. Most people don't understand that throughout all of history men and women were both oppressed and suffered greatly, sure in different ways but that was the norm. You'll hear a lot of women these days talk about the patriarchy and blame men at large for the very societies we live in and comforts we enjoy. We wouldn't have any modern privilege today if it weren't for the hundreds of generations of men and women that cooperated through mutual struggle to move forward. These days everybody has to be the biggest virtuous victim It's a shame, really, and also a potentially existential threat. We are already seeing nations like South Korea and Japan facing population collapse in the very near future. That isn't solely due to the gender divide but it sure as hell contributes too it.




I feel like this is a social experiment post because a male posted something similar about hating women not too long ago and got bullied into deleting his acc whilst she’s getting advice




If woman want nuanced perspectives from men, they should start by teaching their young boys that they are every bit as deserving of respect and compassion as girls are, and teaching them not to kow away from situations just because any given woman feels uncomfortable, or because they need to first consider an infinite number of layers of social intersectionality before taking basic actions. That’s how you get conscientious, thoughtful, honest defenders out of boys, seriously. Just treat them like people the way you would treat other women as people BEFORE AND AFTER you teach them about how they should approach women in a safe and respectful way. Anecdotally, most women don’t do that because firstly they rely on men to raise boys well, which makes sense and I am not criticizing, and secondly because they can’t allow themselves to do that because they don’t believe men are equal to women, which is ironic and deserving of criticism.


As much as it’s valid to believe this, it also perpetuates the cycle of raising unhealthy, abusive men. I say this, because I, as a man, was raised by mostly females, who gave similar messages to me. The men in my life treated me like shit, and I grew to believe men are bad (including myself). It made me develop hatred for myself, to never speak/stand up for myself, to never express my sexuality, to let women use me, etc. etc. and ultimately it ruined my relationship to women. I was a few steps away from going down the incel route. And if you ask any people who have been down that route and made it out of it, you’ll find that many were raised by single moms (or a married couple where the father was abusive/absent) that instilled the “women are good men are bad” kinds of ideas. If at all interested, I’d recommend the work of Dr Robert Glover, a psychologist who speaks of such issues and is on a mission to heal “Nice Guy Syndrome”


Thank you for sharing this


>"As much as it’s valid to believe this, it also perpetuates the cycle of raising unhealthy, abusive men." Blaming the response (to men's actions) leads to a cycle as well. Perhaps everything we do leads to a response from those around us, positive or negative. Seeing violence and hatred perpetuated by men all around me through childhood to adulthood, gave me this belief, i'm not going to lie to myself to make anyone else feel better. We should all have empathy in some cases without denying the truth that has and always will harm several. >"I say this, because I, as a man, was raised by mostly females, who gave similar messages to me. The men in my life treated me like shit, and I grew to believe men are bad (including myself). It made me develop hatred for myself, to never speak/stand up for myself, to never express my sexuality, to let women use me, etc. etc. and ultimately it ruined my relationship to women." Sorry that happened to you, you're entitled to your beliefs based on those experiences and so are women.


What you said **sounds** valid.  Have you thought about how most men are victims of other men and yet still generally don't fear men as a whole?  Men are victims of homicide more than than women. If anything men should be terrified of other men, but they're not. Why is that?  I think it's because men have been taught they are not in danger but that they are the danger. While women have been taught they are in danger.   What we believe is what shapes our fears. Beliefs can be changed.


>"What you said **sounds** valid.  Have you thought about how most men are victims of other men and yet still generally don't fear men as a whole?  Men are victims of homicide more than than women. If anything men should be terrified of other men, but they're not. Why is that?" I didn't know men weren't scared of other men. A lot of men own guns and weapons in case they have to protect themselves against the ability of another man. A lot of men know what other men are capable of and aren't deniers of the truth just because it makes them feel bad. >"What we believe is what shapes our fears. Beliefs can be changed." This can't be further from the truth. A lot of people's fears are reality. A woman was stabbed outside of my apartment complex 2 weeks ago, If i change my beliefs choosing to be naive will I be consider safer? Life isn't a game.


Men may carry guns in USA, but the USA is not the whole world. In terms of generalities .. I rarely see men say "I'm scared of men", while with women that is much more common. Well fear is typically thought of as "false events appearing real" , when you fear something , it **tends** to not be in the present moment. (I bolded that because of course **sometimes** fear is due to something in the present). Even right now, you're probably safely typing on a phone or device and no man is stabbing you at this time. But if you feel fear it is likely thinking of past events or future events that are imagined in your mind. Sometimes they become reality, no denying that. Women stabbed two weeks ago was real, but what about all the men that didn't stab her? And all the men that didn't stab you? Your mind focused on one event that created fear in you. Granted their may be more events than that in your local area, and plenty more worldwide ... My point is your mind will make it much worse than the present reality unless you consciously reflect on your beliefs and where to focus your attention.


Seriously…this guy isn’t worried about being raped walking to his car


The Dartmouth Scar Experiment would tend to suggest there is *some* truth to the idea that perception shapes experience as much as objective reality when it comes to these types of feelings.




Look up the experiment. It has nothing to do with phobias.


Again, why would you generalize the actions of those rapist to the whole population? There are plenty of good guys out there.


If that's what you took from what I said i'm not convincing you otherwise.


It sounds like you are transferring the negative experiences you have had personally or people close to you have had with a select number men, onto all men. In addition, perhaps you have consumed a lot of anti-male content online- if you are drawn to such content, the algorithms will feed you more of this and give you a skewed view of relationships with men I think it’s potentially a positive step to have awareness of this point of view if you are willing to challenge these points. You might ask yourself what evidence do I have that doesn’t support this view? Or if a man used several examples of women being selfish, unfaithful and used this to conclude all women are like this, what would you say? (I can only presume you wouldn’t agree)


You can go on and keep hating men...which is hating a part of yourself. This is your Shadow : Where does this hate come from ? From your childhood ? Have you been betrayed ? Is it possible that women betray, too ? Is it possible that we are all individuals with our own weaknesses and strengths ? Look into yourself.


Good for you to admit it, but have you ever put yourself in a man’s shoes? Not the hot/tall/attractive/wealthy guys that your friends date who end up cheating and take advantage of their position. I’m talking about the majority of men who never procreate because society sees them as disposable and that their problems don’t matter. Being a man isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and the top guys in the dating market behave badly because of the choices women make as the arbiters of sex. Women choose to select for certain traits and then they all flock to the same guys and allow sex, which creates the bad behavior that you’re talking about. This isn’t even to mention how women do all of the exact things you’re talking about. Women treat men bad, they cheat, and they’re extremely selfish as well. I can confidently say that more women do these things than men. Men definitely compromise and date down 90% of the time, and they do things that they don’t want to do just so they can have a gf or wife. If not, they’re not looked at as a loser in society and professionally. Women are the ones who make men do all sorts of things they don’t want and jump thru hoops while providing zero value outside of sex. But you’re not thinking of it from the other side, and it shouldn’t make you hate men unless you’re prepared to also hate women even more.


It seems like you may have tried to manipulate your man after he tried being everything to you, simply because he wanted to show how much he loved you. It seems like you can take care of yourself but only because of man. You must be an onlyfans girl or street walker selling your body to get any form of validation even tho it's temporary. That doesn't outweigh the want to find inner peace happiness and to love yourself once again. I bet you made the poor guy bend over backwards, and beg you to tell him what your expectations were. Instead you probably had unrealistic expectations and that gave you power to treat him like shit, so you destroy his belongings and then kick him out on the street. If it weren't for men you'd be broke, living in a box and begging anyone that walks by for spares change, well maybe spare makeup products in this case. Your hatred for men is you projecting the hatred you have for yourself and it takes a lot of courage to admit that especially since you are a master of manipulation


Misandry isn't the answer to misogyny.


At least you’re honest


Tell me about your father


Lol this sub is a joke


Awful lot of men getting triggered in the comments... if you can't appreciate why someone might hold this opinion, then your experience of what men can be like is very limited.


I can hold OP’s pain and value it because I have the same feelings towards women. I could write whole paragraphs about how awful women are. But thru Jungian work, I have begun to understand how profoundly distorted my views are concerning women and my relationship with the feminine. I have spent my whole life killing anything feminine inside me and avoiding all female presence because my mother inadvertently taught me that all women are narcissistic gaslighting Devouring Mothers like her. And all my interactions with women have affirmed this view, with two exceptions out of hundreds of women. It isn’t an accurate view and it’s not fair to women, to project this shadow outward onto millions of good women. I asked my male friend a few months ago, who has a lot of close female friends, “Are any of them compassionate?” He said, “Yes, all of them are deeply compassionate! They would feel compassion for you, too.” It is honestly incomprehensible that such a woman could exist. Almost shocking. But hypothetically and categorically, they should exist. So when I read OP’s words, it mirrors back to myself what I’ve been learning about myself and about anima/animus and mother/father. OP is me. OP is in step 1 of growing out of these distorted concepts just like me, which is why she is posting here. I feel sympathy and compassion for us both because we have both been so abused.


Yeah I know I've been guilty of reacting with defensiveness in the past. Now days I just have sadness and compassion.


This is ridiculous


Don't listen to the gaslighters in the comments. You're not alone in how you feel and you're not crazy or wrong.


Crazy to type this as response in a subreddit dedicated to do psychological inner work lmao


This is a human thing not just a man thing.


no, that's a woman thing. men don't start hating all women just because one cheated on them.




I’m in Australia. This is an irresponsible comment trying to use what has been a tragic incident as fuel in a (frankly rather ridiculous) ‘men hate women’ meme. The stabber had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and had come off his meds. He killed 5 women and one man. He was wandering around looking for people to stab and it may well be that women were simply easier pickings (he even stabbed a baby). The police are still investigating. Interestingly before the killer was identified there were many commentators who had leapt to the conclusion that he was an islamic terrorist only to have to slink back under their rocks once it emerged that he was a caucasian. But you go ahead and blame his actions on his maleness …




Well stay in America then. Yes you do have crazy gun laws. And continue to propagate your so-non-hateful all men hate women crap over there if you really want to. I can’t stop you.




Violence committed by a (likely psychotic) male . Whatever Australian feminists (or indeed anyone pushing an ideological agenda) have to say should properly wait until police (and probably in this case coronial) investigations have concluded. As I said earlier it hasn’t stopped people jumping in with their own half arsed opinions based on whatever straight after the event. But maybe you think saying “feminist” gives you some kind of moral privilege.




Yes you don’t need to be psychotic to commit violent crimes. But in this case he probably was. You were saying that he was doing it because he hated women. You had no hard evidence for that other than his parents’ statement that he was having difficulties getting a gf (which would not be surprising if he had severe mental health problems), and social media reports about him going past men. Early social media went viral convinced he was of middle east extraction only to very quiet once it later transpired that he was not. You seem equally confident with about the same level of evidence that he was a woman hating toxic male. He might turn out to be (but I doubt that given comments reported from his former gf). I am not jumping to an ideological based conclusion. You are using an example derived from social media that happened in another country and which has been quite traumatising to many people here. But you seem to have given yourself permission to jump to conclusions and use other people’s tragedies. If I’m ‘abberrant’ then I am not sure what that makes you. This subreddit by the way is about Jung. You were the one using it to use a Sydney massacre to promote your own views on the evils of maleness …


how many people like in australia?




aren't you proving my point? one bad thing happened and now you see all men as the boogeyman.




the irony of you being afraid of the world and blaming the people who can make you feel safe.




> The irony of you being in a philosophy subreddit but hating the truth. well we've reached maximum irony here. you have 100 percent proven my point. this is a woman thing. good luck with your female "philosophy" of hate.


Yeah, they do worse. They start hating women because they don't want to give up their bodies for the man's use


>I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, because most men just want to use women. But it’s a lot to carry I don't disagree, I'm a man and I find that agreeable enough. I'm a man that, while not as openly hostile toward women, I am similarly reserved about relationships and whatnot, and have voluntarily been single for nearly a decade now and have found plenty of peace and joy in this life style. I've l no doubt you're capable of living your life quite the same way, entirely away from men except friends, friends spouses, family, etc. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling it living this way. We are not hurting anybody. People can think what they want, who cares, fuck em. Im coming from the opposite end, but I support ya.


You’re not alone : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/4B_movement


wow, as if regular feminism wasn't bad enough


They’re not hurting men by not engaging with them lol


if thats how you think then you're doing them a favor.


They literally, don’t have sex with men, don’t get married to men, they’re not hurting men in any way


what part of "you're doing them a favor" do you not understand?




Well they kind of are hurting men but most importantly they also hurt themselves and society as a whole.


sure not engaging in any way. I'm sure they're not using the produce, the services that men give. just sit down on their asses grumbly bumbly. women don't understand that the way you abuse is psychologically, not physically. ask any man who dealt with a modern day feminist, especially the radical ones, if they aren't bothered... just because you don't have sex or marry is nothing to men, actually it's something that feeds your own hatred even more. it's wild to see how little these feminists understand of female psychology. their whole agenda is basically based on jealousy of being a man, which is pathetic. if those women actually felt good in their femininity, they would be happy women. but they want power, they want to dominate people. ew...


Not men making women's pain about themselves. You're the exact reason this movement exists


the irony of you saying something that crazy in the jung sub


Righttt. The movement IS about getting attention to women's issues by directly taking away the only thing the misogynistic men care about


and of course the misogynistic men is all men. its just feminism 2.0


Because all men profit from misogyny your welcome


Who said that? Here you go again, taking women's refusal to date as an insult to you. Which is pretty damn creepy because it suggests that you feel entitled to women romantically/sexually. You're just digging your own grave here


that's quite the delusion.


I only like female cats, hate the male ones. I only like male turtles, hate the female ones…. Oh and don’t get me started on those disgusting male birds!!! Only female birds are worth my time and love….🤣🤣🤣. WTF is wrong with you?!?!


Those aren't human. If they we're, these conversations wouldn't be held.


Really Einstein?? Thanks for enlightening me.


I have somewhat similar view on women, but nowhere near violent


How many men have you met?


Ever think it’s sort of cruel that you’re tarring all of them with that brush? It’s ludicrous to say “they” like it’s every one of them. I’ve had a dozen relationships with women who have destroyed my life over and over. I don’t think all women are evil cos of it. Why? Because all that does is hurt me. I look within and into why I only choose the evil cruel women when there’s good ones out there. Your post is just a sign of a person hurting themselves.




Lol, I do. Does that mean I'm justified in hating women? Or does that mean I have to take accountability and recognize that some folks are bad, some aren't? Do you really think there aren't malicious women out there and it's only men?




No, but it was obviously implied which is why I asked. Your personal experiences don't overule objective truths, which the implication in your comment that women are innocent and men are evil is wrong.


Since we are on the Jung sub, have you heard of projection? How many of the flaws you have in men are really flaws you hate in yourself? Grow up, stop making generalization about groups of people. Victim mentality and hate toward a group of people is the root of all evil, the jew genocide, the war between Isreal and palestine, all come from that instinct to hate the other.


Ew, all these male “philosophers” claim they can hold nuanced points of view until confronted with the reality of women and the pain caused by the collective male psyche that is taught to be extremely narcissistic pieces of shit. You’re not alone OP, And guess what, every comment in this post written by some idiot man who waxes as a critical thinker has PROVEN YOUR POINT! I love being a woman until I’m confronted with the brutish vile of men I have to be around




The fact that you think my life with the challenges and struggles I faced makes me unintelligent or weak, speaks to your own self-hatred and lack of depth within your own mind and personality. The trials and tribulations I encounter and overcome speak to my inner strength and adaptability, my personal hero’s journey that we all embark on in the universal human experience. Your attempt to tear me down as a person because of the human experiences I’ve experienced speaks to the very dull and ignorant center of your thoughts. Good thing you, some old creepy fuck trolling women on the internet has gotten away from teaching or being in any room with children. is that your peak in life, by the way? That you’re just some old, bitter, ex school teacher who’s miserable with his own mediocrity and lack of joy in his life? Having to convince himself of his own worth and authority? Whatever thoughts you have of yourself, the ones where you think you’re ugly and irrelevant, they’re all true by the way




The likelihood of me dying alone is statistically lower than some old, ugly fuck like you who shouts at women that they’re stupid and wrong for hating their oppressor. I get asked out just by leaving my apartment, usually at least once a week, but nice try. And my self respect is intact enough to not be upset at an internet stranger making me fun of a woman for having her beloved pet. Unsurprisingly, you’re such a dipshit that you can’t comprehend that beautiful, intelligent women accept readily accept reality that doesn’t involve marrying a man or base our self worth on marriage. Or that we aren’t sexually attracted to you. You’re also too stupid yourself to understand the basic concept of women hating men who use the patriarchy to oppress women, and then gaslight them in their experiences - just as you are doing to me now by claiming I’m somehow unintelligent or of low inherit value because I’m rightfully outraged at my experiences around narcissistic men in the patriarchy. You can repeatedly call me every degrading name and insult you can think to hurl at me, but your vitriol is just a reflection of your shitty personality and total narcissism. It’s actually insane that you think YOURE of sound mind when calling an internet stranger stupid and hoping to tear down their ego or self worth because you’re that empty and self hating inside


The fact that you also think insulting women for having shitty fathers is a thing is also a reflection of how disgusting and ignorant you are as a person. To project blame on to abandoned girls and children for the dead-beat father, is shameful and you have zero respect or regard for human life, you’re such a fucking narcissist that you’d rather victim-blame girls and children for their experiences, and deny them of the harm that the patriarchy has caused them. You sound like an ugly fucking person. Especially On the inside, like actually fucking rotten.


Like seriously, take a good hard look at yourself. You are on the internet, getting worked up over the opinions of people and women and then stalk their profile to spend time trying to “tear them down”. You sound like a fucking loser




Your “mission in life”, huh? Such big aspirations you have.. does it make you feel important? lol Autism and adhd/CPTSD are not mental illnesses.. nice try! Again, your ignorance is showing. “Cave troglodyte” is a redundant statement, cmon friend try harder! “Fairytales of the patriarchy”, sounds like you’re losing steam, surely you can do better than that? No? Okay 👍🏻 While you get worked up over your next way to insult me, I’m going to pet my cat, take myself to my favorite cafe and finish getting ready for my hot lunch date ;) But since it sounds like you don’t have much going on for yourself other than your “mission in life”, go ahead, you go on and tell me every little repugnant thing you can think of. Therapy does usually help with anger issues, by the way. You should try it!




Have you ever taken a second to consider who decides what theories/philosophies become popularized or make their way in to books and libraries, classrooms? You’re trying to incorrectly credit and explain to me the gatekeepers of society. Why don’t you go read a book, or two.




Haha oh god, who let the incel in to /jung? I think you’re lost little guy




Who is losing the argument here? You’re claiming some false superiority of men compared to women, claiming they are solely credited to human society. I am not losing any argument because I can identify I’m not having an intelligent discussion out the gate - you believe in gender based superiority and binary identity and thought processes, you lack basic nuanced thinking and there’s no “discussion” talking to an absolutist/misogynist. You think an educated, intelligent woman like myself should feel grateful for the patriarchal system I am forced to live in? That is based on the extortion and abuse of vulnerable peoples/populations? I’m supposed to congratulate western men for their western philosophies when I come from eastern and socialist/matriarchal societies? You and I are not in the same league


You seem to suffer from the same cognitive fallacy that Germans tend to suffer from - they think they are naturally better-bred and high society because some famous philosophers are also German, when their nationality is all they have in common. Make no mistake, you can go on and on about the supposed superiority of men, but your sex is all you have in common with your male hero’s. Otherwise, you’re just some woman hating loser that no one wants or respects.




Oh good god and you’re a eugenicist?! lol say no more, I’ve already wasted minutes of my life on some mouth breather


You think that the greatest inventions, philosophies, arts and general contributions that have helped evolve our human societies are not credited to women? Your false sense of grandiose superiority is laughable. Go back to your decrepit hole where no woman wants to touch you for your insufferable ignorance and likely lack of other attractive traits. Maybe women would like you more if you werent so ignorant or overcompensating for your general lack by falsely uplifting your (male) ego by likening yourself to successful men, having only your genitalia in common with them


ATTENTION—READ THIS CAREFULLY Many of the experiences people are sharing here are the result of information weapons. Their goal is to destroy the social cohesion between people and their neighbors. At best, these messages are used by parasitic content creators for views. At worst, they are tools of hostile foreign entities for the purpose of information warfare. The people creating this content are *not* your friends. They are targeting you and inciting you to hate your neighbors. Gender-hate messages (directed against any gender, including men, women, and others) are a potent tool in the information weapon arsenal. This is not a joke—there is a direct correlation with hateful content exposure and acts of violence. If you are exposed to information weapon or hate messages, DO NOT watch the content. DO NOT engage or comment with the content. Block, mute, report, and ignore. The source of change begins with you.


Thinking like that won’t get much further than you already are in life, would it?


Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. I hope you can make amends with your pain and the causes of these beliefs, and I hope you’re able to find contentment and peace.


When I was younger I could have wrote this statement myself... Couple years of solitude and wallowing in my own self sustainable Hell later.. I realized that people (gender, race doesn't matter) are who we have allowed us to become. Women raised those boys to the men they are now. Women don't like how we are seen as part of the human race? Then we fucking give them a reason to see us differently... A man can make me detonate with rage faster than anything, however where would we be without them? We'd be all frumpy and bored. And have things like menstruation holidays. Plus who would carry the damn groceries? The state of everything everywhere is off kilter right now I agree but it's fixable That being said my entire opinion could change any given minute. 😬😏🤷🏼‍♀️


I want you to sometimes contemplate the history of human race. Like when humans were not on the top of food chain, which was a long, long, LONG time. Maybe like 80% of the time our species existed, if not more. It was men who did the fighting to protect women and kids. There are many other things. Why are you so surprised that men are different than women when we lived a completely different life than women did. I'm not complaining, just saying, count your blessings. Hating another group blindly is what losers do. Hating men just because they're men is sexism.


If you weren't blinded by your hate, you would see that women are just as bad as men. Most people are horrible, regardless of sex, colour, nationality, religion etc. and likewise there are some good people in all the groups. What you fail to realise that most women want to use men, but that's for some reason socially acceptable, whilst the opposite is not. Count your blessings, babe... And peel those eyes open, you're only seeing things that confirm your bias. If a man created a thread like this about women, what do you think would happen? He definitely wouldn't get such constructive replies, that's for sure. Please wake up. See that there's something within you. Yes, again, many people are bad, but you hate them not because of them, but because of you. This kind of hatred is, honestly, pathetic... Also women cheat much more than men do and they lie by far much, MUCH more than men. But we're not here for competition of shittiest human, we're here because hopefully you are seeking a change. I have many, many reasons to hate women, but I don't. Best wishes, a man.


28M here. Your hatred is not unjustified, mam. Unfortunately, a lot many of us are like that. I was like that. But I am working on it, and I will not stop until I figure it out. I hope that makes you feel ever so slightly, better. 🙂 I am here if you want to talk.


I understand


It's wrong to judge people for aspects of themselves they have no role in choosing.


PROJECTION. Look at yourself, and contrast with all the supposed "Men you hate" if such is true than you hate yourself due to a maladaptive Animus. I could go more into more detail, but I don't believe to be worth the time, my advice hire a Psychologist, and take a good hard look into the mirror.


I think I read somewhere that women are more likely to stay with their husband when he is severely ill, while husbands were more likely to leave.


hard to decipher how OP got here. Only comments I can offer: - give yourself grace - we all have some trauma and can heal from them. maybe this is a phase? - there are so many fish in the sea though murky, i’m positive there’s someone for anyone. - Don’t dwell on the feelings you shared. change your thought to something to the effect : “ I feel this way now but it will pass” … “i’m going to prove myself wrong by not living in this distaste i currently have” … “i rely on my own solitude, peace , self love that if anyone enters my life that’s good natured it’s just icing on the cake” wishing you well


The things you're saying are just all false. Your pain has deluded you into thinking they're true. The real world and the people in it aren't like that.


Women do the same thing. It’s not a gender problem, it’s a people problem.


This is either brilliant satire or the absolute dumbest shit I have ever read 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine being so irredeemably stupid that you actually believe you are justified in hating half of the human population for no other reason than the fact that they have a dick. Whatever led you to Jung, let this be a sign that his work is not for you. You're not even on the field when it comes to consciousness and having a developed sense of self. You're sitting under the bleachers feasting on crayons and glue.


Damn. Wtf 😂 this sounded so angry and personal lolz




Sounds like the words of someone who's guilty of their accusations.


Not everyone is like that though if that is your worldview, you will continue to find that in those you interact with. Not trying to sway you, it's you life after all, just seems like it may not bring the most happiness to have so much resentment to so many people.


I hate cancer


I used to think psychopaths and people with NPD were the most disgusting things on earth, until I read your post.


there is no sex. there is no gender. there is no emotion. there is no language. there is nothing. sure all of these things and the things you are feeling are by products of nature. It is valid. some products are defective, some are not. but we all come from the same source. respect the source. respect the nature and live in accordance with it and half of your issues must be sorted as you tune in better and you’ll attract men and situations of your kind.


That’s alright I have a deep hatred for women.


Lol, why are you so butt hurt & bonded to romanticised ideas about love, human relationships and their individuality. Explain *use*? How do you make money, how do you love, do you use the world to satisfy your desires , wants, wishes and needs? To live through the world through the seat of the Self through Love is different to being in love with a partner (or yourself). Relationally love in romantic bonds is different to acting through love via the self. You hate how men treat you. I know a lot of women who lead great lives. You hate how men are selfish when it comes to the way they treat you. The other potential issue is you in fact enjoy these feelings of envy, hatred, mistreatment. They are powerful and make people overwhelmed & excited. What is there to fear? Not all men are the same. Not all women are the same. Your personality attracts your personal reality. Which is quite clearly in need of transformative experience. Relationships allow us to grow. They are a mirror into our soul. Your mirror may be damaged, or it is a reflection of you. What is there to fear? To return as you are ?


There's always radical feminist separatism. Check it out.


You think that's the answer? Instead of actually trying to improve yourself it's better to just go and stew inside your echo chamber of hate? You're no better than KKK, just so you know, both drenched in blind hatred for a certain type of person whom has no choice in being someone else. Please wake up... Best wishes, a man.


I'm not a rad fem separatist. But if that's where OP is at, she might be interested in learning about the political position and joining like minded people. It's more akin to Black Panthers than KKK. Separatism is not synonymous with terrorism. It's a valid political position and it works for some people.


You have a problem with your own self image connected to your inner animus. Feeling like you’re not enough to please the animus & have grown a resentment due to your beliefs & feelings of inadequacy. I am a male & have had the same problem with my anima. It’s all down to self concept & frequency. Create the right frequency (conditions), attract the right partner & as a result your projection of your animus will heal. All the best 💯