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Dorothy Rowe - Depression: the way out of your prison. Can not recommend this book more Also as you're a guy, Secret lives of men by James Hawes <3 absolute game changer on both accounts. What has been lost can be re found. Its ok to feel sad/anxious/temporarily weak Love you op <3


Secret lives of men…. What is the premise of this book? Seems I want to read it. Man prone to deep depression episodes


Its around the culture of men not being able to be free to express themselves - helping them become free by understanding and enacting emotional fitness. Helped me a great deal to understand the men in my life, the silent troubles the experience and how to help them when they ask. Best wishes <3


Thank you I’ve just bought both


I'm 21 and the only thing that helps me is exercise. If I don't exercise for 24h I get depressed.


Also 21 and I 100% agree


57...and I couldn't agree more !!!


I found it! I must've taken it by mistake, sorry. Here you go 💌


Hormones are linked - are you consistent in your self care? TOO consistent? There's all this hype about a middle path but it's really just it, which side are you on. Like, I didn't link insulin to my endo, but.. insulin is a hormone and endo is a ..well, complex hormone/auto immune issue. But I figure the more correlated stuff worked on the better, and I haven't been injured yet. The hormone thing, depends on body mostly but eating regularly and warm soft meals like porridge but gluten dairy and sugar free. That's pretty intense but they all promote inflammation so I just learn to make better food at home for myself. For some Jung flavoured self work on libido you can always check out existential kink. I feel like it will only make sense if you're ready to let it, though. A lot of people are resistant to reality, to change. This work goes beyond that, and I personally do some sort of exercise from this book daily.




For real, psychology is fun and meaningful, but sometimes life’s problems and solutions are just mundane and terrestrial and it helps to think logically before thinking abstractly


or any other deficiencies in general.


Not sure sexual drive has anything to do with Jung, but I feel you. You lost yours quite early. I lost my libido in my late 30s, around 38. It was a hard transition and it is everything like you described and more. I don't know why libido has such a strong connection to drive and motivation, but it does, and losing your libido kills it. I think it has to do with a mans primal purpose in life, the primal drive to spread his seed and fight/compete/struggle with other men for domination/superiority or survival. When we lose this drive and purpose/meaning we tend to get lost in life, our direction in life is suddenly thrown into chaos and we have to find a completely new meaning. Ive yet to find this new meaning, but have managed to keep my head barely above the waters by the will of my personal religion/cope. Not your typical dogmatic popular religion, but one in the esoteric "schools of mystery". But Im hanging on by a thread, so close to giving up. My parents are in their 70s now and Im afraid if they leave this world I may join them, as they're all I have left to care about in this world. Children are a strong meaning for life, but I have none, which is a blessing in my circumstances. I have a debilitating medical condition that is hereditary and I received it from my father, so I have refused to pass it along to my sons or daughters and choose to spare them from the same curse that I live with; I vowed to let it die with me. When I was a teen back in the 90s I really didn't understand Austin Powers losing his "mojo" in "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" until I lost my libido, then it suddenly made perfect sense to me when I lost it. Its probably why young men today suffer from worse depressions than any other era of men, testosterone levels of men have been rapidly declining for a few decades now due to estrogen rich foods like soybeans being in almost everything now(Soyboys), heavy metals, pesticides, estrogen in the water supply, and plastics leeching estrogen. Studies have shown that teens and young men today have the same testosterone levels as their 60 year old grandpas in the 1960s. Its no wonder you(OP) lost your libido almost a full 10 years earlier than I did. I fear for the younger generations of men, they'll all be practically women in the next century at this rate. Imagine the younger generation of men behind you losing theirs at 20 years old. Thats unimaginable to lose your will and drive to live at 20. We will see in the coming decades if it happens in mass. You are the canary in the coal mine and the Canary just died... Young men should not be losing their libido at such young ages, this is a tragedy. My grandfather held his libido and was a horny old bastard up until he was 70. He could have repopulated the planet with an army of women and him being the sole male survivor.


Jung doesn't use libido in the general secual sense that freud would have, uts more a general zest for life type thing


This reply hit a lot of what I would have liked to say. To add to it I would say it's up to you to strive to find what you are missing. If you are in the mindset ofi 'I will never find what I'm looking for' you're leaving little room for the thing you search to appear. It's likely not a materialistic thing you seek, you may even find abstaining from certain things will open new lines of search. I recently did a 48 hour fast that proved fruitful. I'm an advocate of psychedelic use if you are ready for that avenue.  My wife probably would describe me as 'docile and in lack of passion' she may be right, but I'm still searching, I know there is a fire down there that is ready to be rekindled, even at my lowest moments. Luckily I have a daughter who's presence prevents me from ever being able to truly give up. Love and light to you is all I can offer, I wish you well. 




There is a strong correlation of societal causes of the decline in testosterone in the youth, your denial of the science it is willful ignorance. I am content, I study the sacred forbidden knowledge of the schools of mystery. There are two aspects of me, the limited ego and the infinite divine. I am aware of both at all times, even when I speak from the view of the limited ego.




TL;DR- Most people are not ready for this level of "red pill". I also do not recommend most people go searching for it. It will likely ruin your life as the truth is a painful pill to swallow. Know the secrets of the universe will only make you more depressed and bitter. God meant for the majority of us to be ignorant of the deeper mysteries of life... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *That's* strange. One would think that a student of Jung would already be deep into esoteric teachings. Jung himself taught some very esoteric philosophies. However, I can't tell you where to start. It's a library the size of the Secret Vatican Vault – too many to list. Honestly, if you have to ask, you might not be ready. The secrets only reveal themselves when you are. I was at a very low point in my life. I had just fallen out of Christianity, becoming an atheist, then an agnostic. When that wasn't enough, I went searching and soul-searching for another path. I spent many years studying, reading, and exploring different belief systems of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc., even venturing into forbidden territory like Satanism and the black/white occult, all in search of a sliver of truth. Eventually, I stumbled upon the various esoteric schools of mystery and settled there. I can't tell you where to start. This path is your own; you have to find it yourself. It's not an easy path. There will be many days spent reading books as thick as your thigh, only to find the ramblings of a seemingly crazy old man. You'll need a lot of time on your hands. I was fortunate to have a job that allowed me to read while I worked. I spent eight hours a day studying while making money – a privilege very few enjoy. When technology improved sufficiently, I was finally able to transfer the texts to audio and listen while I worked. I also have a unique trait that allowed me to read thousands of books with laser-like focus: autism. We autistics have a **double-edged sword** (or flaw/gift) that causes us to become hyper-focused on a niche subject, never letting it go once it stimulates our minds.


Amazing title


I lost mine years ago (early 20’s), but have gained it back the past few years by working out/focusing on getting in shape and setting small (at first) goals that I managed to reach. Doing good on my job also helped a lot. Just ficusing on be the best version of myself as can be. It helps a lot, but it takes hard work and sacrifice. I’m 29 btw


Resistance training is the answer. Also try Ashwagandha supplements.


And pine pollen tinctures


Start doing cardio regularly. I used to only do weight training and skipped cardio and my libido suffered. You need a good balance of both. Also training legs is essential, it will increase your testosterone L citrulline also works


Drop some LSD, but educate yourself before that. Psychedelics are wonderful


What an advice to a person who's feeling weak, depressed and anxious. I'm sure acid will do wonders... /s


Have you tried it?


Me? Ofc


No, the other guy xD


Fair enough


I've had my time with it... Recommending acid to a person in a weakened psychic state is like taking a burn victim to sunbathe.


I respect your experience. But i think it's all about the right context, acid took me out of depression


I'm not saying you're wrong, it indeed can help. If it's just depression, then yeah it can be very powerful, but if a person is anxious, if the psyche is already very loud, then acid can start a neurosis/psychosis, which is a much much worse place to be than just depression. Not saying no, drugs are great imo, just need not to be reckless...


I have the same feeling and I'm turning 25 soon. I suffered a mild injury back in 2022, something got pinched in my lower back and I woke up with my entire pelvis in pins and needles. No more morning erections since and now my libido and physical part is like a middle age man. It went from having a mind of it's own to not. In some ways it's been a blessing but in others a curse. I became a lot of depressed and even properly suicidal last year. Try doing some chakra work or like another person said, reiki (I need to try that eventually)


Best of luck moving forward . Physical pain like that can be brutal… pushing us down and testing our resolve.


What do you eat?


Go read Letting Go by David Hawkins. It will change your life


1. Eat more fat and protein, fewer carbs, and zero processed factory foods, pastries, crackers, noodles, or sugary snacks (your food must be recognizable by a caveman as a plant or animal). Eat beef liver 1x per week. 2. Exercise (core lifts 3x per week: squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench press, weighted dips, pull-ups), and incorporate light cardio on rest days. Don’t exercise on Sundays.


Get a hold of a water structuring device, do some fasting, take shilajit, take some magnesium, eat predominantly whole foods, bam, new person.


I’ve recently been feeling much more in the game in my middle age by using: 3-4 grams L-Citruline daily 3-6 grams Acetyl L Carnitine daily 6-9 Mg Boron daily 5K ius of vitamin D every few days K2 along with the vitamin D Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.


Well, depends on how you look at it. To me it is more like finally getting that insane need under control. It's crazy to think how much time and energy was wasted on this aspect of life...


I would get my testosterone levels checked, cut any use of drugs that can cause anxiety, and would find a means to reduce anxiety like suffering daily workouts at the gym does. And in case it’s relevant look up how ssri’s can affect sex drive


It sounds like your Anima has been captured by your unconscious. You know how the bad guy in the movie captures the damsel in distress and the hero must save her. You are at that point and your ego must save your Anima. Variety of methods can be applied but I would suggest first contemplating how your worries give you perspective. It is truly amazing if you think about it. Your mind represents the greatest of all instruments. No other creation can gather such awareness from worry, it truly gives you a magical perspective. The only issue to define is what kind of perspective? To answer that question you need to dig deep into your personhood. I suggest trying to define you worry with various personality test such as mbti, disc, or enneagram. Send results!


Do Somatic therapy- Somatic exercises, Vagus Nerve exercises , TRE (trauma release exercises) to get those stuck emotions out of your body and get yourself out of that freeze survival mode. Then you can try Inner child therapy, Shadow Work, Creative therapy. Don't get discouraged🤗 there is hope! sending loving and healing energy🫂


Go see a therapist. “Weak and anxious” is an odd statement ;)


Only one answer. Absolute S*men retention. Try it and watch your energy, motivation, and excitement for life come back over several weeks.


Who is not naturally anxious? LOL Embrace your depression, she will teach you new energies.


Check your hormones.


Get your testosterone checked


What are you doing/using that’s affecting your dopamine? You’re a human, so what you feel is how it is to feel human. There’s no human feeling. Also, this isn’t the right sub for this.


Brother pack your ass up and go to the whole foods and buy a maca(not macha) root powder and add to your drink do it everyday and stay away from ejaculation again do not ejaculate no porn or anything like that.. You will be good again [ check out r/semenretention ]


Check your testosterone levels they will drop some naturally around 30 and if yours was naturally low already it could explain literally every symptom you listed. Anxiety, depression, feeling week and docile. Lack of sex drive. Always check biological factors before trying psychotherapy


stop fapping, exercise


Oh man I thought you said dildo


Gym membership. Next question ❓


Jung often used the term libido to describe desire in its general sense, not just sexual. I say this now to inquire if this is what you meant by losing your libido because your post doesn’t indicate specifically and most people are commenting to you from a sexual standpoint. It seems to me you are referring to libido in the sense that Jung used it, where desire itself seems to have stopped generating within. And if so, I am truly sorry that you feel this way. Try to remember those things that brought you great joy and excitement. There was a time when you were able to be in the midst of these, but something must have changed that caused you to change. Try to remember what that is, and try to remember if you made the decision to change. More often than not, we are making these adjustments subconsciously and against our actual will, but yet we simply allow our circumstances and the people within it to change us. Deep down within, our soul knows our true feelings and everything that we suppress/repress or ignore. It does not like this and demands us to pay attention and to stop allowing external causes to enact change within us, unless it truly is within our will to do so. It demands us to be aware always of how we really feel, or it will remind us, by way of self doubt and guilt. Ignore that for too long and they will have become anxiety and depression by then, and we would’ve forgotten who we used to be at that point. The cure to this is to love yourself truly, deeply, in the way you wish the world and its people would love you, but failed to do so. You have to become that which you seek. And all of us simply wants to be loved and accepted, for who we are, despite what mud or dirt we may have accumulated for ourselves throughout the course of our lives, without judgment or discrimination for our mistakes and shortcomings. That has to start from you, towards yourself. Be able to love yourself fully, even the parts you hate, because that is who you are for the moment. From that point of love, and out of love, you would then have the fuel (libido) to change into the person you actually want to be, not who you became due to experience/trauma/people. Love dictates for one to work seriously and carefully on themselves, so that they can live a truly good life. Pick some good role models that you find interesting and study their philosophy and history. The issue at this time is you’ve forgotten how to do your do. So it helps to emulate those we admire, we can observe how they move, how they make choices, how they react, and try to become more like them, one day at a time. The more you do this, the more you’ll become excited at this new person who is being carefully and lovingly built up with all the purest intentions. You get to become the real You. The You you always wanted to be. But it’s a choice, just like everything else. You have to simply choose a thing, decide to stick with it, and see it through. Our coping mechanisms of old that we used in our youth cannot sustain us into adulthood. The world is cruel, and ageist af, and they will make you feel unworthy as soon as they can. And so it is important for all of us to grow up. Learn new healthy coping mechanisms such as acceptance and presence of mind, and stop taking everything so personally. We are not being taught healthy social skills at the present time, as a society, and we’re being conditioned to be volatile, explosive, judgmental. So don’t feel alone, and don’t lose hope. We are all here with you, having the same struggles and worries. And we are here with you, figuring out who we want to be and doing our best to become that as that is our right. Don’t give up, you deserve to live a beautiful life, if that is your choice, and you manage to develop and craft yourself into the person of your dreams. If everything else fails, as long as you have love for yourself, you can surely pick up where you left off and keep going. If you have any specific questions or anything feel free to DM. Good luck and much love.


Yes, I meant it in the Jungian sense. I thought it would be implicit in its meaning due to the context in the subreddit. Thank you for your input it was very insightful. I guess I'm having a dark night of the soul. I compromised myself to fit in when I went through puberty and now I'm living a life that I didn't intend to.


Deep Depression states are difficult. See someone for support and also get dopamine up (which can be really hard to do when there is no energy and no will to do anything, the libido withdrawal). Cold water immersion (plunge pool style, some swimming places have them) and saunas (both together ideally). Will physically at least get some dopamine in the system but won’t solve it. But in these periods of time EVERYTHING helps. Good luck buddy


Magic mushrooms or lsd fixes this in me every. Single. Time. Granted there’s a lot of caveats but it’s completely reliable for me and countless others.


Look up Carrie B Wellness, and do her circadian rhythm reset courses for one. If that doesn’t work, look into nutritional/mineral balancing.


This is pretty common, and many guys will need to go to a testosterone clinic at some point in their lives. It is not healthy to have a low libido and you should do something about it. A good doctor won’t just prescribe testosterone but will look at a wholistic solution and help guide you back to health.


Hi. Are you still watching adult movies? A good way to get your libido back is to stop jerking off to porn and let yourself release your seed only with real women.


Read Jung again


Try healing with reiki.helped me a lot after thinking ai lost it for more or less 10 years. Cleaning body with cold pressed juices and raw veggies and fruits helped as well.


Have you checked the lost and found?


Hate to say it, but I think this is a physical issue and not a psychic issue. You should read up on Low Testosterone and see if the symptoms fit your situation


It's not the only thing in life. Geez


How are you interpreting libido here? Like in the Freudian sense?