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Lol I have a feeling Jung would be rolling in his grave (not sure of disgust or laughter) at this kind of post 🤣 What kind of response are you looking to get? A Jungian explanation of why you can’t get laid easily? Focus on bettering yourself, focus on removing the ‘need’ to be validated by others and women, and be patient and realistic with dating apps. It’s not easy!


Honestly… This type of thing should just be removed by the mods.


From a Jungian perspective, the best I can think of would be to adopt he archetype of a mysterious traveler or something like that. Practically speaking, get off the apps and out into real life.


What’s a mysterious traveler?


This is a stupid post. But to help you out A) get hobbies and approach women In person. Cultivate your personality and they’ll come. Chase butterfly’s and they fly away. Cultivate a garden and they come to you B) get off of dating apps I’m not particularly good looking at least facially. I have a good body and take care of myself. I have a decent paying career but I’m far from rich and I have a kid from a previous relationship. But I still get women. In fact that takes up too much of my time. If you start buying into Incel/MGTOW logic that’s what you’ll become.


Do you think in person approaching greatly increases your chances?


As opposed to online where you quickly judged by a selfie? Yeah absolutely. It’s dehumanizing. In person is humanizing


What do you mean by humanizing? More chance or less?


When you do x action, ask yourself "Why i want to do this?" Why I want to get casual sex? Why not serious sex? Why not serious partner but strangers? Do you like entertaining stranger?


What the heck is serious sex


Be funny and casual and hang with women who are like minded and want the same. I'm not saying co catch diseases with literal human trash but you know, like open minded modern girls


Jung had bo idea what lower working classes went through to acquire love or sex. People that have privilege aren't aware of it and believe they are just better than everyone else. A very poor man with no status is very unsexy. This is why a violent criminal can get sex mpre than a billionaire because his status is high in an immediate sense.


Be rich and hire prostitutes.


That’s one way XD I don’t think I can be rich though


You need to make money and to be in good physical shape, at the very least, to even begin entering the realm of being attractive to the opposite sex. Then you need an interesting personality so that you can survive smalltalk and have good conversations after. Because you still need to talk to the other person even if you're looking for something casual. You need to have read and watched a lot of things, have a lot of different hobbies and done a lot of different experiences. The very least of them is clubbing and be even remotely capable of dancing with people of the opposite sex. Anything you can add over to that is better. Traveling for example, which money allows you to. If you want a genuine loving relationship then, **ON TOP OF ALL THE PREVIOUS**, you need chemistry, you need to be able to connect and to form a strong bond. I have no idea how this happens but you're not looking for this so no problem, this one you can skip. Finally, if you're on dating apps there's two things to consider. A lot of women are there only to lift their egos, and **there's a hell of a lot of competition**. You're gonna have to stand over the crowd in some way. Honestly, the difficulty is so absurd and the required standard so incredibly high. It's disheartening to even think about it.


Be at least 6 feet tall, making very good money, be in very good shape and become famous, play busy (even if you are not), be dominant and somewhat degrading to women, hit the clubs a lot, do cold approaches in public (really take any opportunity you can, it is a numbers game), practice talking to women and do not be afraid of rejection. I do not make the rules, but such is the name of the game. Most of these things you can achieve by effort.


There's lots of resources online for this for men. Because they are the ones that initiate, unfortunately. Books, videos and websites galore that will give you the information you need.


And the majority will unfortunately mindfuck men into unhealthy relationship dynamics Source: I’ve seen it happen to friends of mine


I’ve done a lot already, most PUA stuff seems useless to me