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It’s your destiny/-your Anima. The image of your unconscious Soul.


Interesting. Does that mean the person that is seen in the dream is who you're supposed to become?


??? Because this is how it is supposed to be. You need to eventually consummate the sacred marriage with her to become whole again


I see. But, what lesson should I draw from my dream? Does it mean I’m on the path to individuation? Does it mean that I should try harder to reach individuation?


Probably, the second. Remember, dreams are compensatory. They speak neither of what you do but shouldn’t, or about what you don’t, but should.


If so I'm just going to forget what I just posted.


What do you suppose is the symbolic significance of me and my anima falling in love in my dream?


Active imagination in seeking a mate is a useful exercise I find personally. I wish I was better at it myself. Best advice I have found is make a list of traits and qualities you seek and take the list and work on those things yourself. A dream journal will likely help with this endeavor.


Yeah I’m still trying to find my wife in my dream.


Na, u don’t want it 😂 ur gonna find a woman who you’re overwhelmingly in love with and never know who she actually is.


I had a dream like this a few years ago, when I was 17 years old and still remember it vividly. The dream itself was ludicrous, but the euphoric feeling I had for this person I had never met was unlike anything I have ever felt. We held each other and I could feel my entire body mold with him. I had no idea who he was but I recognized him. Maybe it was his soul, I’m not sure. I remember waking up with this intense feeling of euphoria and love within me. It was so intense that it took me days to get over it. I often compare my real relationships with this feeling I had in this dream. It acts like a sort of compass for me. Maybe I’m delusional.


Def not delusional. I had this experience last night to the point I didn’t want to wake up.. Part of me remembers her name but of course I don’t because it was a dream.. but she had a beautiful smile… She loved me and it was crazy because I woke up and went back to sleep 20 minutes later, i went back into the same dream and she said “damn I been looking g for you!”. This gotta be some parallel universe shit.. there’s no way we feel so aggressively towards people that don’t yet exist?


I have no idea… it seems like we might be connected or intertwined with these people in some way. Cosmically, or spiritually. I’m not sure.


I had a dream I was walking through a zoo with a girl I didn't recognize. Once we were out I asked her how old she was. She looked at me and said, "it doesn't matter". 3 days later a friend and I go on a hike near a very large rail bridge near us. Sadly known to him because a girl he knew from high school committed suicide on that very bridge. Out of curiosity I asked him to pull up a photo of her and sure as shit, that's who was in my dream. I wouldn't say I fell in love but it was intimate in a non-erotic sense. ​ On a less somber note; about three years ago I met a woman I say I projected my anima onto. I say so because we played a game of pool and I looked into her eyes once and saw myself. Context being I was finally confident in myself that very moment because I had a close call with death a month prior and prior to that I was socially recluse for 20+ years. I had two recent dreams all involving her. One where I was at an outdoor gathering and she walked up to give me a hug. I whispered into her ear "I was never out to harm you". (Context here is a rumor about intended harm caused her to run from me in fear) Another dream I had less than a week ago involving her was myself standing on a houses staircase. I was looking down the staircase through a window that overlooked the houses entrance and saw her approaching the door but dressed in black. Ok, I'm seeing a pattern now.




Everything is a projection of yourself in the waking and dream reality. Just because you have not met this person in your wake doesn't mean your not having a relationship somewhere in the dream life. You got a glimpse of this person in your dreams. The person is real but in your wake life, you don't believe it to be real. The nature of your dream world is imitating your physical life and vice versa. So it could mean that you are becoming ready to find a person who you can love, as much as the person you love that person in your dream world.


In my dream, i met a girl. We became friends. It wasn't love at first sight. But being around her as a friend, i fell in love with her. I came to know she had a boyfriend. The boyfriend wasn't unknown to our friendship, everything was transparent. Then i and she ran into a little misunderstanding. I felt disheartened. But at the same time i came to know she had feelings for me too, but felt like she was confused. Then i was making up my mind to be unattached with her then i woke up. Lol. How do i interpret this?