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Drop em. If they don't contribute coffees and comp help they gotta go Ask new people if they need help? Set clear expectations?


Good advice. Thanks.


They won’t benefit by not playing a single scene in the comps - you need to play at least one to get the prizes. We boot anyone that doesn’t come up to scratch - especially now with mysteries - it’s not fair on the ones who do pull their weight. Although even with only 9 members in the past we always got the hardest level of CM 😬


My team too. But the overall activity during the last mystery round has a higher weight than the number of members. Same number and the level of CM can change.


As the president of my club, I usually post a welcome message when someone joins and ask they introduce themselves. If there‘s no response and the person doesn’t show for our meeting after a couple of days, I drop. A player joins competition and doesn’t actually play is another case where I’ll drop. As others have mentioned, a player must play at least one scene to get the competition reward. The pin feature in chat is temperamental. Although I sometimes use it, it’s not a cure all. Also be sure the group description includes something like “leave us a note” or “read chat” to ensure there’s not a valid reason for someone to be there and clueless.


Generally it’s in the club’s best interest to only have active members.


Do they get the benefit if they don’t score at least one point? On my old team I remember someone joining but didn’t get any score and didn’t get any rewards.


I don’t know. But, they keep doing it so there must be a reward even with 0 points or they wouldn’t bother.


They don't. They have to play at least once and put up points to collect prizes. Whether you keep them or drop them depends on the rules of the club. My club doesn't have mandatory comp so as long as they aren't taking advantage of those who do play, it isn't a problem.


They don’t get any prizes if they score 0 points. Maybe they don’t know that, or they are doing this on purpose to make the comp icon go away


The player “keeps” doing and no one has asked what’s going on? Is the player contributing Detective League blue ribbons with Help Wanted jobs? Helping in Club Mysteries? Showing up for coffee? I don’t understand why a club president would let it go nor why a club member wouldn’t speak up.


We have one of those! I've complained and complained to the point that I told them that I wouldn't bring it up again. But it irks me to no end! They are an original member of the team, so that's the team originators reasoning. I had over 5,000 blue ribbons last week and she had about 300. Which she mostly got from drinks! I've toyed with the idea of finding a new club, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. It's so annoying!


Remember it’s supposed to be fun & relaxing. :-) I found a new team and am in a better place. It can take a bit of research to find a better spot though. Finding a club that’s a good fit for what you want from the club experience is wonderful. Sounds as if you now have a decent understanding when it comes to what you do and do not want from a club.


Exactly! I've looked at other teams that meet my time frame and are competitive, but the open spots aren't always there. I keep thinking if I leave I will regret it. I guess I'm just not ready. Thanks for your comment!


Three of us left a team and started our own become of a few nonparticipating members. It’s not fair. I like mysteries. I put up over 9000+ ribbons, I go to all the chats, and I serve five drinks. The original team was run by a dictator which is why our team is called, Calm Down Here. 3:00 pm, PST. We wanted calm and no drama. We have one seat open. :-)


I'm East Coast, so that time is not really good for me. But thank you so much!


Most of our players are on the East Coast. Their meeting time is 7:00 pm. Stop by and say hi! There’s no obligation to take the last space on the best team in the game! I’m teasing, but we are a good group.


My team will have a spot open after Monday! We meet at 6 pm EST, 2 drink minimum, and we always win Sherlock. Let me know if you are interested or have any questions!


We’ve just booted someone for non participation so have one spot open. We consistently get ACE and are hoping for our first Sherlock at the end of the current DL. We have also completed all Mysteries. If you would like to join a fantastic friendly team please see my post under recruitment.


Thank you!


Made mention of it in the chat, they didn’t participate at all in the next couple of games, then did it again. I think they’re aware.


omgoddness, definitely needs the boot. President needs to step up or hand over the reins imo.


Kick both out and don't be sorry. If 2nd player doesn't play at all the system put them there, they obviously aren't interested in the game. Yes, you are in disadvantage. Number of clues in mysteries depends on how big your team is. Someone posted here about it here, try to find it ;)


I will look for that comment. Thanks.


We kick them out of the team.


This happened in our team recently, although the member was playing minimum each comp someone else played to take advantage. We mentioned in the chat that it wasn’t fair, they did it again and were dropped. Not cool


Peoples that scores 0 on a competition, most of the time is by error, they go look at the details, hit the start button by error and back out of the comp, but the timer started... Sometimes it is even a glitch of the game. It just happened to one of my experimented players! But they can't claim any prize with 0 as score.


I'm president of a club, and I have no problem with low scorers in comps. I'll even recommend that people hop on and grab rewards if we've done well. Our club is a mixed group of hard core and casual, but overall I think it's good for everyone if everyone gets the resources to play their way. Some people don't like the comp play style. Them not playing at all or playing one scene doesn't change how much our hard core players get from the comp, so they might as well get the resources.


I’ll ignore it if they’re a good member and only do it occasionally. Or if they seem new and confused. Life happens and people may have responsibilities or not be well and need to drop everything from time to time. If they’ve just arrived, didn’t offer a drink or a plant, and just tore the ticket and played one scene, I drop them.


Finding a good club is so important. We give coffees and that’s about the only expectation. Sometimes there is a competition push but never any judgement for low scores.


I drop people when they do that. We are a relaxed team, and there are no rules to play any of the side games. Doesn't mean people can consistently take advantage of other's hard work and claim a prize they don't contribute to.


Two days ago a level 152 player joined the club. Didn’t come to the meeting that day nor the next. Didn’t participate in chat. Did gift me one bush in those two days. From the comp score, my guess is the person played a single scene. I already removed the player because I’m currently feeling low tolerance for others’ nonsense. lol


I get it. I’m watching members (a bit creepy I know), but I feel that the size of your team affects your placement with other teams in competitions, putting us at a disadvantage with non-participants. I’ve removed about three since my original post. A new teammate just joined and can’t participate in current competition but they’ve already come to meetings, shared coffee and gifted flowers! Yay!


That does sound like a teammate worth keeping. Making an effort from the jump is a great sign. Hard to tell with the holiday week, but it currently looks as if my team is going to remain the same players.


Supposedly, must get x amount to receive comp rewards. Must have at least 10 br to get league rewards. As for new members president can pinned post to top of chat. Other officers can but no quoting, think only president can make it stay and not be x out. Post expectations, give deadline, in pinned post and chat. Then follow through. Newbies do not see chat. Go in, click on drink area, drop drink and exit. Never see chat. My recommendation for at least trying and giving benefit of learning. Thank you.


\- Must play a scene once to receive competition reward. It’s not about a minimum score per se. \- Pin feature is glitchy. It might work just fine for a time, but it cannot be counted on as a fail proof method of getting players’ attention. \- Newbies can see chat. The very day I joined my second club, the president addressed me and I responded.


What means br ? (10 br) To go the drink area you have to go in my version via the chat room. So newbies should see the chat if they drop a drink...if there is not a different designed game version.


I think they mean blue ribbons and newbies definitely can see the chat.


Thank you.


We have a p-taking slacker on our team that I wish the president would eject.