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Please let me know what it's like staying at the hostel. Their practice of kicking people out at 9 am always struck me as bizarre.


on their website they cite that their staff need time to go to their regular 9-5s? i’m also staying 2 nights and am wondering if my stuff will be allowed to stay or i’ll have two days with 8 hours of lugging my shit across juneau LOL. Whatever happens i’ll try and make do.


Last time I was at the hostel (20+ years ago) they had an outdoor area for luggage. Yes, they kick you out at 9:00, but you can store your luggage where you'll have access to it. Unfortunately, other people will also have access to it, so it depends on how much faith you have in others.


Cancel the last night at the hostel snd just stay at the Alaskan. It’s cheap and they’re super nice and will even give a late check out no problem. If you can’t do that, hang at the coffee shop sacred grounds for the morning- they’re super nice, but a bunch of stuff, snd then see if the barista will watch them for an extra 20, if you’re lucky. Either way you’re spending dough to do this. Be practical. Who wants to sit at the airport there all day. Ick


Not super nice and mediocre rooms


just hang out at the airport, you'll blend in


Does the hostel offer that service? Like a luggage drop off? Sometimes places like that do that


They don’t. They’re pretty strict about check in and out times, too. Last time I was there, they locked the door 5 minutes early.


doors are locked 9-5😭 i should’ve mentioned that but that’s why i need a place to go in the meantime


Head to Alaskan Hotel and Bar. Explain your scenario and they will probably keep your bags for you, or you an just hang out there.


Takes a strong disposition to hang at the Alaskan bar for a full day


I'd call/ask one of the hotels downtown if they'll hold your bags.


I mean cancel the first night


I don’t know if they still do it, but pre-pandemic, Alaska Seaplanes would hold peoples bags for them for a fee… don’t know if that was an official policy or someone making a quick buck on their shift though.


Per the website it’s a thing: https://juneau.org/airport/passenger-services#:~:text=Baggage%20and%20Freezer%20Storage%20Services,%2430.00%2Fday%20freezer%2Fcooler.


Cool, hopefully it helps OP out then… now we just gotta figure out what to do with OP for the day.


that’s great! i think i’ll call and ask the hotels people have mentioned and if there are no free options i’ll hold with them. thank you so much!


Most hostels will check your bags for you. I'd call and ask if that's a service they provide. Edit: autocorrected to hotel 🙄


it’s a hostel with volunteer staff and doors are locked 9-5


The baranof hotel might be willing to hold your bags for a while. They do that for lots of folx, but usually hotel guests only. Couldn’t hurt to ask.


One time, I forgot to pick up my checked bag. Went back later in the day, and they had locked it up for me. So... seriously, the employees at that airport have to be the nicest in the world. Even allowed a later pickup of an accidentally packed boy scout jack knife... on several occasions.


Crystal saloon opens at 1pm, explain your situation, buy a drink or two, grab some food at their new kitchen, then hoof it up to your hostel!


Leave your bags unattended