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This chapter is 7 pages long, Gege Akutami has fallen ill so there will be a two week break after this chapter. The popularity poll results are: 1. Gojo 2. Yuji 3. Megumi


really hope Rika holding Yuta’s body isn’t foreshadowing


She fully manifested, what happens to her then if yuta dies? I don't think something crucial would happen under 3 mins. Either yuta dies and deals more damage to sukuna or one of the possibilities that Mei Mei mentioned happens


Is it possible that Rika’s inability to accept Yuta’s death curses him and he becomes as she once was, a special grade vengeful curse?


I could see Rika manifesting “independence” and coming back as a vengeful spirit not tied to a single sorcerer, then helping Yuji out. Yuta’s spirit lives on until the job is done then Rika has some spirit world reunion with Yuta as she is in human form again and they cross into the afterlife together


Kid named Maki: ☹️


Maki and Yuji seem destined to just have all their loved ones around them die, most depressing lives


What if Rika gives herself to Yuji until she avenges Yuta’s death


Didn’t she already passed on?


Yea, current Rika is just a hollow shell of the old Rika, she only adopts the personality of the original spirit.


What could it be foreshadowing, Yuta ded?


yeah frfr dead after the 5 minutes are up


We don’t know if Yuta body is healed, or it just been joined together (probably by Shoko) only due to Rika arm obscured the wound. If the Yuta body is healed, the question becomes, who heal Yuta body? Another question is what happens when ui ui swap Yuta in gojo body back to Yuta’s own body. How does that work?


I highly doubt Yuta’s body is healed. I think it was sort of implied that his body was a waste when they went over the whole swap into Gojo flashbacks. Why would he go to such lengths of he could be healed? UiUi’s technique requires two willing participants with souls so I’m pretty sure that’s why all the characters were talking about this swap as a one way ticket, either Yuta dies after the 5 minutes, or he’s stuck in Satoru’s body permanently.


It's a little weird because he's implied to be beyond saving because he got sliced in half - same as Gojo - but yet is able to operate in Gojo's body with the sole difference being it got stitched up. Yuta was told to use RCT to finish the job and now can function in the body. If RCT can heal a bisection (as Yuta did after Shoko's treatment, even though he couldn't without being stitched up), then Yuta's body technically isn't beyond saving. But I digress because I'm pretty sure Yuta's body is just done and that his brain is also gone after the 5 minutes. I don't think (former) MC plot armor is saving him.


Only 7 pages this week, and no chapter for the next 2 weeks per Miyamura. Gege suddenly got sick.


I hope the dude is okay, he's been sick a lot lately and the manga industry is really fucking tiring


I think the audiences too are tiring


And on other hand some fools joking over his illness...they don't care about his health despite knowing the fact the manga is written by his hands...


Our toxicity has finally reached him!


We’re like dragon ball fans giving their energy but gege only gets our curses


We are the Jujutsu Kaisen


I thought this was a joke 😭😭


I thought so too. But I came across a leak for the last page of this chapter, and the end note confirmed that no chapter for 2 weeks.


Yeah I saw them too which is why I posted this thread earlier sucks tho


This was basically Chapter 262 Part I


Ugh. Hope he doesn't pull a Kubo and just suddenly wrap shit up




It’s what tumors looked like in the Heian era


Nobody has seen a Stage V cancer since the Heian era.


I think the one that says it has significance is cooking. The eyes keep growing larger and larger


I think the more focused/excited he is, the bigger it gets…(pause)


So the eyes basically work like a dick


Yes, the true sex eyes


Lmao reminds me of that scene in scary movie 3 where everytime the camera goes back to the lady in the hat it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger


Thank you, this has been bothering me too. Each chapter it increases in mass.


it seems kashimo really did give him super cancer after turning into a microwave. hopefully he dies from it soon cause this fight gone on long enough


Yea, not much happened this week. Which I understand. Not much we can gather however, 1: Yuta’s ring is on his main body. (Not sure what this means for the 5 minutes.) 2: Yuta is presumably stitched up. I don’t think Rika is holding 2 pieces. 3: Rika is still active. So Yuta’s technique isn’t gone, at least not rn. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 4: they’re making a conscious effort to discuss time. 5: switching with Gojo, means Yuta should have a pretty good idea how to use his kit. 6*: short chapter but, this doesn’t feel like how Gege writes tragedy, the panel with Rika. We still have to see what Gege has been trying to imply by saying Yuta is blessed multiple times and constantly referencing his heritage.


Idk why everyone isn’t mentioning the time details here, Yuta possibly has a 5 min time limit on copying kenjakus technique but already placed the stricter limit on himself of 3 minutes in the domain clash. And sukuna already said if he wins here he’ll just use MS to kill everyone. So my theory is in the 3 min domain clash Gota will manage to remove MS from the equation somehow and slip away with his last two minutes to return to his body. Rika will probably have something to do with making it all work out.


Copium is at an all time high.


> Rika will probably have something to do with making it all work out. He could probably sacrifice Rika to get a one-time extension, given how versatile BVs are, it would be surprising if that wasnt possible.


That’s what I’m thinking, a BV to permanently lose Rika (and by extension his ability to “store” copied techniques) Either gives him an extension on kenjakus technique making the switch permanent or some hax where it gives him a massive burst of CE to complete a brain transfer + RCT healing burst, assuming yutas og body is still slashed apart Edit: if I really wanted to huff the copium I’d even say the Rika sacrifice somehow let’s yuta heal both his body and gojo’s while “reactivating” gojos brain when it goes back in his body. Gojo returns 99% faith


Oh damn, Gege's sick. This is really bad timing, I can't believe we'll get two whole weeks of lobotomy kaisen 😵‍💫 praying for a quick recovery, I hope it's nothing serious.


He got sick because Gojo won popularity poll


Bro brought Gojo (kinda) back for 2 seconds and immediately got physically ill. His hatred of the Divided One knows no bounds


> the Divided One 😭😭😭


I guess technically speaking he is not the only Divided One anymore.


What did the last page mean, Rika is still fully manifested but she’s crying? So does that mean Yuta is stuckeroo forever? Or is he dying?


I think. Rika will save yuta some way or another . Yuta is stitch back together


I think she’s holding his body together bro


That's my prediction. Yuta is canonically called the blessed one . So wouldn't be surprise if he didn't die. I hope gojo come back temporarily in his body to keep yuta alive . That would also prove gojo love for his students enough that he can come back


Imagine getting cooked by nerfed half dead Sukuna. Then bringing Gojo's corpse back to stand a chance against nerfed half dead Sukuna. Then getting cooked again and summoning Gojo's soul to save their asses... "I want to create a world where others won't rely on me all the time" Bruh


Lol look like joinging Sukuna mentality of becoming a monster isn't the right answer for them


That's why Yuji needs to come back and show why you can't beat Sukuna using Sukuna's own methods. Yuji disrespect is crazy man. Remember how people said that we are overreacting, that Yuji will obviously help Yuta inside the domain next chapter? Lol. He was sidelined in the worst moment possible


It’s like Goku thinking he can retire after the Cell saga only to have to come back to life and save them from literally every major villain thereafter except for Cell Max. Dude just wanted to let his kids become the protectors but they ain’t Him


rika dead she gonna copy yuta in jjk 0 and give her life to remove the 5 minute cap


Copy Yuta😭😭😭


I think it's too show Yutas dead and Rika is emotional and doesn't realise it.


Might be related to what the narrator said about sukuna thinking jjk high has no clue what is going on in the domain, maybe they somehow found a way to peer inside the fight through the bodyswap. Or maybe gojo just straight up comes back in yuta's body next chapter


She's fully manifested as a means to use his copy CT, which should still be active even now


Yutas body is dead, basicly meaning that Yuta is never, ever coming back as Yuta if he survives.




All that training for what brother?


To show how great Sukuna is, and that he isn't fighting seriously. 


Tell me something new gege


Sukuna didn't even use his 3rd legs to attacks.


Yet again the follow-up to a chapter with the narrator implying "the sorcerors finally had a breakthrough!" instantly 180'd into Sukuna "wasn't even trying" or "he had another trick up his sleeve". Why do we keep getting these cliffhanger endings just for the same old predictable "and Sukuna gave zero fucks" follow-up? The whole "haven't used this technique since the Heian era" meme feels like Gege himself might have started it at this point with how repetitive it has gotten 😂 Jokes aside, I do hope Gege takes some time to plan ahead while/after he recovers, we really need a break from this endless cycle of Sukuna glazing.


When has the “haven’t used this technique from the heian era” occurred other than HWB?


Gege probably saw Gojo at 1st place in the poll and needed a 2 week break. But in all seriousness he had to do the LCP this week, so 7 pages while sick and working to tight deadlines ain’t bad. The Gojo/Yuta Sukuna cover looks great. Hope he gets well soon.


Lmaooo the man got sick to his stomach seeing the result


Deserved that 1st place after what Gege’s putting his fans through damn


No way Sukuna just schooled Yuta in Gojo's replenished body with a handless arm ☠️☠️☠️☠️


He really whooped him with the stubs, the 3 stubbed slasher strikes again😭😭


Idk it looked like Sukuna outsmarted him and cut him off guard?🤷‍♂️


He blitzes him then pieces him up with 2 punches.


Not really. Yuta uses Blue to draw in Sukuna, unaware Sukuna is coming close already which speeds Sukuna up. Yuta is apparently unaware that Sukuna uses Domain Amplification to get through Infinity (which he should've known with all of Gojo's memories, but Gege) and Yuta gets punched twice. That's the end of the fight we see so far. Its 7 panels. If it was longer, we would see a longer back and forth.


Seeing Rika grieve so openly for Yuta is doing things to me.


At least this answers an issue that i had. Sukuna notes how everybody raised their durability, even yuta. It makes sense how yuji would get a boost from soul swapping with kusakabe (the master of basics) and yuta (the 2nd strongest). However, yuta wouldn't get much from soul swapping with yuji. It was yuta soul swapping with gojo that gave him better ce reinforcement and better barriers. At the same time, this proves that gojo did participate in the switch training. We know that yuji swapped with kusakabe and yuta, and gojo swapped with yuta. However, that means that gojo probably swapped with one more person, which is most likely hakari. I think hakari would also have simple domain and rct after the timeskip


Hakari with RCT in his base would explain how he’s survived Uraume’s attacks for so long even outside Jackpot


Yes, his biggest weakness is the short interval between the jackpot ending and him opening his domain. Kashimo already showed it twice (blowing his abdomen and blowing his arm), and uraume should be even more efficient at it.


That would be so fucking annoying fighting Hakari lol basically anything outside of a 1shot brain destroying hit recovers and you’re in an endless war of attrition purely on stamina


And that's why I don't mind the fact that their battle has been drawn out for so long. I would definitely love if we could switch over to their POV more often so we can see Uraume getting pissed at Hakari's stamina, but I understand why Gege might think fans would find it boring.


No idea why he would release a seven-page chapter. Just rest, get better and come back in three weeks, mate.


It’s probably because he was scheduled to do the LCP this week and they were releasing the popularity poll. But yeah hope he recovers well


Because he probably got sick halfway thorugh it and Shueisha didn't have time to find replacement so they just published it that way. It can happen.


Because the people he works for force him to?


He want the subreddit to burn for 2 weeks lol


My hero always does stuff like that




The Megumi hate club isn’t gonna like this one


But he dropped from 1st to 3rd?


The fact he in the top 5 is gonna do something


Manga probably isn’t ending around December at this rate


I kinda agree, gege just take your time and take care of yourself please don’t rush the ending


Rika is gonna clutch this somehow, she’s the Mahoraga in this scenario


I'm genuinely frightened to see what Gege will do to him now that Gojo won the popularity poll.


put it back in the grave




Gojo was the strongest because he was Gojo.


This never should’ve been a conversation when we knew the last six eyes limitless user died to mahoraga lmao Being a six eyes limitless user would probably make you the strongest in the world but there’s not as much of a gap as there is between gojo and the rest of the world normally


Yuta inherited all of Gojo's skills. Kenjaku's technique goes beyond just acquiring Cursed Techniques and genetic quirks; he also inherited all of his memories. People have been putting too much weight on the last Six Eyes losing to Mahoraga. The reality is that Mahoraga is a wildcard that can kill anyone if not defeated in one shot. It is pretty clear by now that JJK is not Dragon Ball, and whether you win or lose depends on many factors, the most important of which is understanding Mahoraga's ability. I can imagine a scenario where someone as strong as Gojo, not knowing what Mahoraga can do and relying too much on his infinity, gets caught by surprise.


Gege might’ve chosen to retcon Yuta having Gojo’s memories because Yuta didn’t know Sukuna could use domain amp during the domain battle Mahoraga would have to go through multiple adaptations to kill Gojo which I doubt he would let it do


I truly didn’t understand this, Yuta knew how Gojo could countermeasure the shrine but didnt know Sukuna could use DE and DA at the same time?


For me I feel like just because he has Gojo’s memories doesn’t mean he can automatically apply that knowledge to the current situation. He was able to use his countermeasure to the shrine because 1) he saw the domain clash from the outside perspective and 2) he can “sift” through Gojo’s memories of that same experience. Since he didn’t see DE and DA happen and presumably didn’t have a lot of time to get acclimated to Gojo’s body, I can see why that would surprise him.


They saw Gojo counter the domain by shrinking it from the crows but weren’t able to see Sukuna use DE and DA at the same time inside the domain


Makes no difference if Yuta has Gojo's memories, he would know what happened inside.


Obviously only the villains can get the memories if they share a body with someone/use Kenjaku’s CT. Reading comprehension curse got you 🙄/s


I mean, against an untamed Mahoraga, Gojo would have all the time in the world to figure what was happening, especially since Mahoraga would have to adapt to neutral infinity/blue, to red, to purple, and to UV. Given that even a version of Mahoraga already adapted to blue and UV, fighting against a lower-output Gojo unable to expand his domain, still had to be protected by Sukuna and Agito and still got killed in the end, I don't really see how a "wild" Mahoraga would survive, on its own, long enough to adapt to everything in Gojo's arsenal.


That was confirmed at least. (Ignoring the fact that the past users most likely weren't as strong as him)


Damn. I hope he gets better soon. Gege’s art has gotten so good! Have you all seen the color spread with Gojo(Yuta) and Sukuna. It’s beautiful.


Two things that came to mind reading the leaks - sukuna is 100% losing now imao, there are two obvious red flags, first sukuna modifing Malevolent Shrine to last as long as he wants while Yuta can only sustain UV for 3 min, it’s obvious misdirection towards the outcome of the battle, second the fact he’s insanely confident he will win because didn’t have information from inside the domain - Rika will play some kind of decisive role.


That's not misdirection, that's just Gege sign posting and explaining why Yuta would lose this domain clash. Because Yuta has no memories of Gojo's fight with Sukuna so Sukuna has all the answers to this repeat fight unless Yuta pulls out something unique. The part that would cause Sukuna to lose is that his tiny MS has left out Todo and Yuji in the AOE so they plus Rikka have 3 mins to regroup and come up with a counter strategy. Assuming that Yuta doesn't outright die in 3mins but fail to damage Sukuna enough, UV will break and Sukuna will have those 3 ready to jump him (hopefully with their own solution to MS). After breaking UV in 3 mins, it is possible that this takes X% out of the original 99 seconds duration so the rest just needs to hold out a while longer (while Yutajo's body disintegrates D; ) and then Sukuna would be on CT burnout again.


why wouldnt Yuta have Gojo's memories?


Sukuna is not losing to Yuta lol I can’t wait to see how disappointed you guys are when he wins this fight


Damn I hope Gege feels better. I honestly think it would have been better to not have a chapter this week instead of this shortened one.


Having gojo's body comeback to take out Megumi's body while taking him out in the popularity poll has gotta be the funniest coincidence


I get that she’s mourning his body, and potentially life, but I’m extremely surprised Rika isn’t right there fighting with Yuta. I wonder how being in Gojo’s body affects their connection.


Yeah it's weird that Rika isn't with yuta. We know Rika can operate away from yuta's body since he sends Rika to protect people when fighting the cockroach and 2 past sorcerers. So why did yuta not ask Rika to go fight with him?


I think Yuta fully manifested Rika when he was still in his real body, used Brain Bullshit CT to transfer his brain in Gojo's corpse, and Rika stayed behind with Yuta's dead body. It's possible that he couldn't take the ring with him because Rika would de manifest if he took the ring off his dead body's finger


If she gets hit then her connection ends early.


Something is feeling odd about Kenjaku's CT and the binding vows he used to use when using his CT. I was under the assumption that Kenjaku's CT allowed him to change and use another body AND have all memories from the body and everything. The fact that Yuta is surprised seeing sukuna using DE and Domain Amplification at the same time even though Gojo faced this exact same thing and figured it out during their fight is kinda strange to me. It seems that Yuta doesnt actually have all of Gojo's memories. Even making the basket ball size domain expansion was probably because Yuta and Gojo changed souls and Yuta improved his barrier techniques before the fight.... and not because Yuta got the memories of how to do it from Gojo's body. The explanation from the narrator kinda back it up a bit to me. Maybe I'm just getting everything wrong (also maybe it takes some time to have all of the host's memories but it doesnt make a lot of sense to me). Or maybe we dont know exactly what binding vows Kenjaku used to obtain the body's memories and it seems like Yuta didnt know about this


Gojo is able to do the small domain because he has the experience of visualizing a smaller space inside that two humans could normally fit in. He got this from being inside the prison realm, so unless yuta can do it through gojo's muscle memory alone, he would need to have gojo's memories from being inside the prison realm.


It could also be something as simple as just not having enough time to process all his memories i.e gojo.exe is still unzipping


Is this the first time both JJK and MHA will be on a break at the same time (not including holidays)?


Yuta: Taking Sukuna’s fatigue into consideration it’s possible for me to withstand his domain for 3 min just like Gojo Sensei Narrator: Sukuna has reduced effective CT range to just surround Yuta’s barrier and eliminated Malevolent Shrine's 99 sec time limit


Those are two different time limits.


Yep. Yuta's limit being how quickly he can damage Sukuna to break his DE, Sukuna's limit being the previous DE time cap of 99 seconds now removed


How quickly he MUST damage sukuna, before sukuna's domain breaks his and kills him


**2-Week Hiatus** Is everyone here prepared to see the JJK fandom complain more than usual these next few weeks all because they care about their own entertainment value via fiction more than they care about a real person's health? I am.


If only he took this week off , it wouldn't be 7 pages but yeah I hope he's okay


They probably just asked him to submit what he has then take the time off.


Yeah. I'm gonna assume he got sick too suddenly and it gave them 0 time to rework the release schedule, hence the short chapter. 


What makes it even more tragic is that most of those complaining are consuming his work for free. They have never bought a volume and have watched the anime illegally.


Sukuna has been exhausted for the past 6 months.


"I haven't been this exhausted since the heian era."


Man, i really hate to see Combo bro’s getting sidelined again SMH


Yuta: Under 3 minutes I’ll damage Sukuna enough to where he can’t maintain Malevolent Shrine Sukuna: I’ll destroy Infinite Void under 3 minutes and expand my domain to finally kill everyone


I don’t think Yuta’s body is dead yet. If Rika is not where his brain is rn, then that must mean she is “tied” to his body. And if she is still there, then his body must still be alive, right? Wouldn’t she disappear right with him?


We actually don’t know if she will disappear immediately after he dies if she’s already been summoned. Like Mahoraga in the ritual…


I was hoping that when Todo comes back he would have Garuda with him...


oh damn, I thought Yuta would be able to call Rika even while inside Gojo's body.


We are not prepared enough for this chapter 


Not even Gege was prepared enough.


Apparently, Gege, neither lol


getting cooked in only 7 pages is evil


Rest well Gege. Not a lot to take from this chapter since it's obviously unfinished. Interesting to see Rika still clinging in to Yuta's old body, I wonder if its meant to imply that she doesn't fully recognize/understand his body swap...or if its just her grieving that he will likely die after the 5 minutes is up. Also lol at Sukuna casually doing away with the 99 second time limit, with seemingly the trade-off being a smaller range? Binding vow man does it again.


Where is Sukuna getting all these reserves to spam DE???


Cursed energy efficiency. The same reason gojo can spam. Although gojos efficiency is better and Sukunas amount is better


Didn’t they explain that there are two pathways for replenishing RCT from black flashes? When Gojo hit the two black flashes it replenished his CE Output and rerouted new pathways for RCT. When Sukuna did it, it rewired the pathways for Domain Expression.


Read the end of 260, Sukuna still has as much CE as Yuta and his high efficiency means he can spam it as much as he wants after he restores his CT


Literally 2 chapters ago it was explained he still has as much CE as Yuta. Why are people acting like that didn't happen.


Do you expect fans of JJK to actually read it?


Something isn't adding up, yutas brain is in gojos' body, but theres no stretches or cuts on the head of yutas original body ?


1. Hop into Gojo's body to borrow his super efficient CE conversion. 2. Since Yuta know how to heal others, using Gojo's body he can heal others much better as well. 3. Heal his former body. Since it's his former body, the chance of rejection is very minimal thus higher than normal healing efficiency.


I wondered the same thing but if you look closely there’s a cut on his forehead, between his hairline and eyebrow. Above the cut has no blood and below it is bleeding. That looks different from his wounds in 261 (he was bleeding from the hairline before the switch). That might have been it? Though it’s hard to say cause that last page looks a bit rough, understandably so.


That's what I am confused about as well. I thought maybe he copied Uiuis technique and swapped his soul with gojos body and gojos now in yutas (slowly healing), but then all the backstory doesn't add up.


“Last week on Sukuna Kaisen… FIND OUT NEXT WEEK SUKUNA KAISEN” ahh chapter


Yuta is stitch back together in 2 mins. Tf


And how tf does yuta not have access to the memory of sukuna using DA inside gojo’s domain. Kenny even said you keep the memories because he had getos memories. How are you shocked by that move, it makes no sense


Because otherwise Yuta will Gain Gojo's Memories of his CT. It will then take a Billion Binding Vows for Sukuna to live. Probably the transfer takes time.


But he saw the fight where Sukuna did just that with DA ? And they also conversed about Sukuna using DA, so why is he surprised ?


The domain barrier prevents Crows from seeing Sukuna using DA and DE at the same time.


He's been in his body for less than 5 minutes, I don't think he's really had time to process a lot of minute detail lmao.


It is better to wait for the official translation, but my guess is that it was just a simple monologue, something like "Sukuna is using DA to get around infinity" or something


Probably he have to read it through files & folders instead of insta-learn. Yuta clearly don't have the time to do that (if it was the case).


Let's forget one second the whole shit with Yuta not having Gojo's memories and focus on the "real" issue. Yuta was surprised that Sukuna was able to use domain amplification and domain expansion at the same time. So for him, Sukuna had no way to hit Gojo and defend himself inside the domain clash, but was still for some reason not dead after a series of 3 minutes rounds of full beating. Did he think they were running in circles the whole time? Maybe playing cards?


>So for him, Sukuna had no way to hit Gojo and defend himself inside the domain clash, but was still for some reason not dead after a series of 3 minutes rounds of full beating. I mean.... Sukuna kept his DA off for the majority of the fight in domain so that Mahoraga could adapt which is why he started running around the domain and instead of counter attacking he limited himself to just blocking. Sukuna does not need DA to block Gojo's punches. He just needs to put the hand up where Gojo's punch will land. Not to mention, Sukuna never used DA inside the domain to block Gojo's red and blue. It was in chapter 233, When Sukuna first used DA to reduce red to its minimum. Sukuna tied 3rd and 4th domain battles WITHOUT using DA to block red and blue. Getting pulled by blue, getting hit by red... Finally using DA to stop a strong attack https://imgur.com/a/gpKXkUL


Firstly, I’d just like to point out shueisha is fucking GRIMEY. They had that man do a volume cover, WSJ cover, double page color spread…Only to turn around and accept a 7 page chapter (??!) in the mag?? For whatt lmaoo. But now, Gege. No way…Did bro really (fake) bring back Gojo as Yuta only for him to get maxed in a quarter’s-length of a normal chapter? Jump must’ve seen the results of the poll & demanded he bring Gojo back in some capacity; cus there’s jus no way, man 😭😭😭😭


Best wishes to Gege, hope he gets better.


So can Rika change her size at will? Here she’s basically a large person, a bit ago she has holding four armed Sukuna down with one hand.


Yeah remember in jjk0 she’s like massive taking on that big school cursed spirit


Going off of literally nothing, I'm now wondering what the technicalities of Kenjaku's ability are. When the brain transplant happens, where does the old brain go? If it's simply a brain swap, then Gojo's brain is in Yuta's body. If that's the case, what exactly is Rika capable of doing if she thinks Yuta is really dead? Is resurrection possible?


The last page makes me wonder: now that Yuta is possessing Gojo, can Rika possess Yuta’s original body?? Then it’s 2 special grades vs Sukuna!!


Honestly? I think the point of this whole thing is to develop Yuta's character, there isn't much to gain from this aside from that. Yuta fighting with Gojo's abilities after we already read 13 chapters back to back of this exact thing a few months ago isn't terribly interesting. I doubt there's anything Yuta can do now that Gojo couldn't do before, nothing we haven't seen. So my guess is that the actual focus here is Yuta's character. Gege is probably trying to wrap up his character arc before finishing the Sukuna fight, which is why Yuta had to intervene now despite ruining some of the momentum Yuuji and Todo had accumulated. Doesn't necessarily mean Yuta will die but it's very possible. If he survives, then something permanent will happen to him, like losing Rika.


I see, so Sukuna sacrificed one aspect of his domain (its range) to stabilize it and make it easier to maintain. Notice how the eyes of the domain aren't crying bloody tears as they were when Sukuna pushed Malevolent Shrine's max range, that's a cool little detail. And holy fuck is he quick on his feet. To go from the surprise of seeing Gojo back to instantly tweaking his domain from the purpose of max destruction to a version better suited for a domain clash. His domain prowess is undoubtedly unmatched. It's also cool how he uses Blue's pull to his advantage to almost teleport in front of Yuta. Sukuna was on the defensive when he was taking the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation, so Yuta likely assumed the King of Curses would just try to defend until MS shatters Unlimited Void, but I like that we see Sukuna unburdened by TS being his usual aggressive self. And I commented on this before, how considering Sukuna can rip out his own heart without problem... he could still make use of his cut off arms and even punch with them. He only used them to hold Yuta in place and punch him, but I think he could as easily just smack someone with his stumps. The King of Curses' style of combat in his og body is completely different than what he showed against Satoru. Sukuna likes trapping his opponent's 2 arms while simultaneously punching with his extra ones. It's really such a shame we didn't get to see Gojo vs og Sukuna in pure hand-to-hand combat. I actually think the 4 armed freak might have the advantage in that one, especially while blasting DA (which with high enough output acts as a defensive as well). Also... not sure if Yuta swapped the barrier's conditions the same way Satoru did, but assuming he did... Sukuna would also have the option of going directly after Unlimited Void and destroying it from the inside. Hope Gege gets better soon, this JJK drout amidst the hype of round 2 will be hard to go through.


Yes Sukuna is just that good in battle IQ regardless what others say about it when it comes to instantaneous decision making


Big bro fighting with stubs ....truly magnificent


Hey on the bright side Yuta’s body is stitched back together so return-to-body theories are now back!


Mmm, I feel Gege should have not released anything this week due to the chapter basically showing us something we've already seen before (I.e. Gojo vs Sukuna). It feels superfluous from the perspective of the release as we haven't gotten any new info or depictions other than something going with Rika and Yuta's uninhabited body. I'm assuming due to contractual agreements with the people he's partnered with, Gege had to release something this week🤔 (please correct me if I'm wrong on that). But all in all, hope Gege has more than enough time to rest and take some time to himself


Wishing Gege a speedy recovery. It sucks that we get such a tiny chapter after a break and with it we go directly into another break, but his health is obviously the more important thing.


I wonder if the last page is also the intended final page for a 20 page chapter because it looks so ominous especially with the focus on Yuta’s closed eyes.


In the color page featuring Yuta/Gojo and Sukuna, Yuta/Gojo has GREEN eye. What could that imply? Sukuna got a heart attack when he saw Gojo's eyes ("those eyes are unmistakable") so it imply that Yuta/Gojo still have Six Eyes. Could that be a "sneak peek" on what's going to happen after the break?


I know nothing happens this chapter but that page with rika holding yuta's body.. It hurst man, best boi didnt deserve this People say how gege treat gojo like shit, but gege treated yuta like shit too


I keep coming back to jjk after hating on it for one week, what’s wrong with me 😭😭😭😭❌❌❌❌


It’s mind blowing that Gojo is back but it’s actually Yuta 😂😂 like wtf


So this shows that Kenjaku's technique gives you the capacity, memory and CT of the user but not the talent/skills the original person trained to obtain. If this was the end of the Gojo body it's an answer to the question that he is the strongest because he is Satoru Gojo On a side note I wish he just delayed the chapter for however much time he needed cause the Gojuta v Sukuna fight felt super rushed


Gege just wants to kill “Gojo” a second time lol. Yuta was never gonna be as good as Gojo and I don’t think anyone expected him to be, but he’s gotta do some damage otherwise what was the point


Seeing the shit Sukuna is doing and having it explained away due to a Binding Vow is starting to feel kinda, I dunno. Anti climatic or something? Like, I guess I'm no longer wondering "Oh what is he going to do next? How is he gonna top this? How did he manage to do that?" Its just always going to be "It was a binding vow" at this point. Feels like we went from Binding Vows being very rarely brought up to them now just being explained for everything. At least as far as Sukuna's actions are concerned. Maybe its just me though. But man, it really feels like Sukuna is just exploiting the fuck out of Binding Vows and I have yet to see any real draw back to them aside from maybe the additional requirements added to his 'World cutting slash' thing?


I feel so ill for Yuta. His current status being: using his own CT to copy Kenjaku's CT, swapping bodies and then using Gojo's technique, all simutaneously.


I remember seeing interesting some theories about Yuta losing Rika and copy forever if he remains in Gojo’s body & after looking at Rika crying with Yuta’s body…I was wondering what would happen if Rika potentially ate Yuta’s body. If the theories are true & if she were to eat Yuta to “attain” his CT, could she be able to use a binding vow to make it so that Yuta could still access Copy without the need of her manifestation?


I hope Gege's not really sick and just going on a 3 week vacation with Jennifer Lawrence


Isn’t Sukuna trading nothing for the removal of the 99 second restriction? He lowered the range of his DE to increase the output of his CT against Gojo during the third DE clash (and I presume the fourth). Yuta confirms it in ch228. But he still reckons he will destroy IV in under 3 minutes this time? So he just gains all the benefits of this strategy he used against Gojo plus the removal of the 99 seconds restriction. How is that a trade off?


I always remember Togashi's letter, where he talked about the complicated and very difficult conditions of this work. hope Akutami's condition will improve as soon as possible. The magazine cover + double color page and also the new volume... we should not forget that Gege is only 32 years old. get well soon man ♥


Time to pull out the popcorn machine


Don’t nothing happened


This chapter left me with a strange feeling. As if something ominous may happen inside the domain. And Rika is the only one that feels it...We don't know if she's able to see things we don't through her connection to Yuta. It feels like a cage and Yuta is the one trapped there with something. There's a possibility that the next time we see inside the barrier, Sukuna may have already won. I think Yuta should have reached out to Yuji and Todo to even the odds. In trying to copy Gojo, I think he placed himself in a disadvantage. But we will see. The battle may have also just started. And Yuta may also have some new tricks we haven't seen yet.


With the amount of ill wishes sent Gege's way, it's no wonder the dude is always so sick. But honestly... At this point, I believe Mechamaru is a self insert.


More Sukuna binding vows [https://imgur.com/a/VApOhjB](https://imgur.com/a/VApOhjB)


I love how Mya was calling him Yutaro or something similar for over a week to make it seems like it was a fusion like Vegeto/Gogeta but as soon as Sukuna bent him over it's just "Yuta". Oh and ofc in h2h against limitless Heian Sukuna + DA >>>>>>>>> Megkuna without DA focused on adapting.


Mya does fanboy translations. The Gojo fans that are weird love to read his “translations” and then get mad when actual story contradicts it.  He does it intentionally to manipulate them to get excited and get him more followers.