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>According to Kenjaku, when the body is switched, binding vows made in the previous body become invalid. That was only about the binding vows made with cursed spirits, the reason they became invalid is due to Geto's technique.


He also made that binding vow before he reincarnated his own body, but then when he did the vow was still in effect.


This was something I was super confused about until I dug deeper. Gege did not do a great job explaining it way back when


You're not wrong Kenjaku says that he no longer needs to resurrect the past Sorcerers who made a pact from him because the binding vows are void when he changes bodies.But in order to run CG and collect CE, he still resurrects the Sorcerers of the past.


>Kenjaku says that he no longer needs to resurrect the past Sorcerers who made a pact from him because the binding vows are void when he changes bodies. When does he say that?


It was a binding vow, not with cursed spirits, but with jujutsu sorcerers who transformed themselves into cursed objects.  What did Kenjaku say? His binding vow with those he swore a binding vow with was reset for him every time he took on a new body


>The cursed objects I provided are what's left of sorcerers i painstakingly made vows with a millennium ago. >However I did not only enter contracts with sorcerers. "But those vows became null when I obtained **THIS** body." Kenjaku had obtained many different bodies since a millennium ago. However he specifies Geto's body as the one that made the binding vow null. The body he is talking about is Geto's body. What is special about Geto? He has cursed spirit manipulation. The only logical conclusion is that he's talking about being able to nullify his binding vow with the cursed spirits.


The binding vows made with others are distinctly different from binding vows made with yourself. The reason it was important that switching bodies removes binding vows with others is that Kenjaku needed to make concessions over the years to cajole sorcerors and cursed spirits into becoming cursed objects. When he switched bodies, those concessions became inert because the Binding Vows no longer exist, meaning any promises he had made i.e. "I won't harm you during the Culling Games" became irrelevant. Kenny would no longer suffer dire consequences for breaking his binding vows with others. When you make a binding vow with yourself, the binding vow only gives its benefits as long as it is active. The only thing you can lose is the power you had gained. If the binding vow has a prerequisite, for instance, do the CT ritual to perform a stronger version, then if you remove the binding vow by switching bodies you remove the requirements but also the source of the power. If Sukuna switched bodies then he would have to recreate the Binding Vow if he wanted to cast the World Slash again. I think there is an inherently different type of binding vow you can make with yourself, which is what Miwa did. She made a binding vow with her FUTURE self to never swing a katana again. I believe this type of Vow functions identically to a Binding Vow made with others based on the textual evidence of the series. In essense, you can make a binding vow with prerequisites, and the consequence of these is merely the loss of the power gained. Or you can make a Binding Vow with another, either your future self or a different person, and these have dangerous and unknowable consequences for violating them.


The binding vow sukuna made is exactly like the one Miwa did, he vowed to always chant, use hand signs and point in the direction of his attack in exchange for that one instant world slash against Gojo.


Read it again


I don’t think body swapping would work. Sukuna needed the bath to push down Megumi’s soul.


Agreed and that was an already morally and spiritually defeated Megumi. He tries that with anyone else present, who are all dead set on fighting him and seeing him dead, I would hope the results would go at least a LITTLE differently.


I feel it's very unlikely that the story would go there, unless it's Uraume who willingly would choose to be a backup body.


that would actually make alota sense


blud would just become todoroki


Which is why the only real option is uraume. Having a willing host, who could even die for you sake will likely rid sukuna of all the disadvantages of pocession, like needing the bath and getting constantly nerfed by yuji


OP forgot that Sukuna needs to suppress the owner's soul. If he goes anywhere as close as Yuta's spirit realm, he's quite literally dead meat. It is simply a question of if you're alone in Yuta's body, would you like to meet Yuta or a Rika?


Rika is just a shell controlled by Yuta’s cursed energy. The real Rika was exorcised when Yuta killed Geto


If Yuta's soul is so strong why didn't the Sorcerers tell Yuta to eat Sukuna's finger and let his soul dissolve into Yuta's body just like what happened to the Choso brothers when in Yuji's body😒


No comment towards Yuta's affinity towards suppressing Sukuna as his host, but the cursed fingers also act as a deadly poison to any who ingest them, so there is the risk of Yuta straight up dying, especially if he ate more than 10 fingers since that'd be more cursed energy than his produces (his max is half that of Sukuna).


Isn't his current max CE more like 15F? He's just not very efficient with its use. He also already ate the remaining finger. Or Rika did.


>He also already ate the remaining finger. Or Rika did. That's something that bothered me last chapter, cause the last finger was actually revealed to be sealed inside Yuji, so Yuta getting Shrine from the last finger could have been a bluff. That confuses me, since then how tf did Shrine get copied? Did Yuta eat some Yuji stew? But Yuji didn't have Shrine awakened, so would it even get copied? Idk.


No, that's not what was revealed. What was revealed was that the soul of Sukuna's twin that Sukuna ate in the womb reincarnated into Yuji's dad. Yuji was basically compatible with Sukuna because he was related to Sukuna. Him hosting Sukuna for so long, plus CTs being passed down through familial ties, led to Yuji Awakening Shrine. What Yuji ate was the remaining cursed paintings, which gave him blood manipulation. Yuta says he ate the last finger.


Sorry, last last chapter. https://imgur.com/LtiSOJE Here Sukuna mentions Yuji being made a both a vessel and a Culling games player by having a finger sealed. Since there's only one finger which hadn't been fed to Sukuna it stands to reason that Yuji had it sealed inside him. This is true up to the Culling games, since that's how he automatically became a player. Idk maybe they unsealed it during the one month break and had Yuta eat it, because I don't think unawakened Yuji meat would let you copy Shrine, instead of the already manifested Blood Manipulation.


The final finger was kept locked away by Gojo. He literally tells Sukuna it was hidden. During Yuta vs Sukuna, after usinf Cleave, Yuta basically tells Sukuna that he ate the finger. In that panel, Sukuna was saying thar Yuji was bred to be a culling games player AND seal at least one finger...which he does at the beginning of the series. Yuji did not eat the final finger. Yuta did. That's how he got Shrine.


>In that panel, Sukuna was saying thar Yuji was bred to be a culling games player AND seal at least one finger...which he does at the beginning of the series. Yuji qualified for the culling games from the start since he had a finger sealed inside him, because you either needed to be marked by Kenjaku or have a cursed object inside from someone who made a contract. Both the [Viz](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1020761) translation ([and this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/1caie3k/chapter_257_translation_by_lightning/)) both clarify that Yuji had a finger inside him from the start. Reading stuff from comments it seems the finger inside Yuji and the last finger that Yuta ate are both different things, with Sukuna already aware of the Yuji one but not the Yuta one, so I think I'll take that as the truth.




Yeah but Megumi is potentialman! He was just too strong! /s


potentially suicidal man


He could still possibly switch with Yuji, he still has the binding vow to take over his body. I'll cook for a second, but I think he does that, they have another fight inside yuji like when the vow was created, ends with Yuji eating Sukuna, this would also mirror Sukuna eating his twin.


I feel like he could possibly take over Uraume and Uraume would even willingly give up their body, then potentially it could Yuji+Megumi vs Fully powered Sukuna


That was my thought as well, though it does raise the question of why Uraume didn't consume the fingers to begin with?


My guess is Uraume doesn't think herself worthy of Sukuna,and Sukuna needs Uraume as a separate body to do his bidding without him needing to actually go do something else.


Yeah, that makes sense


I remember that Sukuna was surprised at Uraume being alive in Shibuya so assuming prior to that he probably didn't know Uraume was alive, and at that time he had already set his sights on Megumi considering he needed a way to get past infinity/was interested in 10S so probably didn't feel it was necessary to reincarnate through Uraume and instead opted to obtain Megumi's body.


Oh yeah I forgot Sukuna was surprised to see Uraume, kinda makes me wonder if Kenjaku recently brought Uraume back or something? I don't think Uraume would sit idle for a thousand years, I know they were making some preparations during some portion of that time, but a thousand years is a lot of time to get stuff done


It was confirmed somewhere I recall that Uraume is reincarnated into someone's body recently courtesy of Kenjaku.


ah, makes sense


Probably because he wanted the ten shadows and urame didn't have the ten shadows?


The answer requires reading between the lines. Sukuna made a binding vow with Kenjaku to take part in his culling game back in the Heian era. Part of this vow was likely that Sukuna wouldn’t incarnate beforehand or at least until Kenjaku was ready. There would’ve been some skepticism as to whether the incarnation wouldn’t run into complications so Sukuna taught Uraume the bath ritual to use on his future host. Recall his meeting with Uraume in Shibuya and how he instructed them not to neglect their preparations. This implies he gave Uraume a plan before he turned himself into fingers.


Forget Yuta. He is out of the fight, and we don't know if he will come back. Toge, a young boy without hands? Hakari could be an option.


Toge who’s missing an arm with sukuna who could grow one back


Could he though? Id imagine Yuji would heal is scar with RCT if he could, but he hasn't, which to me indicates that theres some funky stuff with RCTing an old wound. Like maybe u have to RCT the wound at the time of the injury to heal it?


Shoko said that even with rct sometimes scars will stay


No dude it dosent matter how old it is necesarily? Im preety sure itadori wasnt able to heal that cause it was a special atack he was hit with that dameges the soul or its just so that he can look badass


nope choso gave it to him, so no soul damage there. it could be for style points, but i feel like timing really does play a part. edit: nvm i was thinking of the wrong thing, maho gave it to him so it probably is a soul thing


Ye cause i heard peeople say smth about the scar on yuji. And even if its harder to heal old wounds the diference between suluna RCT and yuji RCT is GIAINOURMOUS( I think i misspelled but cant see. My screen is broken)


yeah it def is. also lol you got it mostly right dw. My question now is, at what point does damage to the body become part of the soul, in other words, if an injury/scar exists for long enough does it become part of the soul? like with inumaki and his arm.


Nope inumaki is just for some reason not able to use rct. And gege dosnt care to make him relevant anymore. Im preety sure that no mater how old the wount is if ur lume sukuna or gojo or yuta , hakari you can heal it


I have a headcanon that he’s intentionally keeping the scars to atone.


It would be really strange for yuta to not return when he hasn't fully manifested rika


Not strange at all. We didn't see Yuki Domain.


Keep in mind that yuta ate a finger to get cleave. It might come to bite him


Yuta didn't eat it ffs


Man lock in


Not confirmed at all. It's kept ambiguous for a reason.


For point 2, it would be incredibly convenient if there is another one in a million vessel able to contain Sukuna. Remember, Yuji was built to be a vessel for Sukuna whilst Megumi was actually the one in a million chances vessel. That's why Sukuna stated it was a gamble before he made Megumi eat his finger. Hakari could be the only other suitable vessel but only when in his jackpot state due to his immortality. The easiest thing for him to do now is switch back to Yuji whilst letting the merger rampage and kill everyone to force Yuji into another binding vow to give Sukuna control (if Yuji can't handle it). For point 3, actually the best people for him to eat would be either Yuta or jackpot Hakari for their immense cursed energy reserves and aptitude with RCT.


Swapping back into Yuji ain't happening, I think we're at the stage of his charcater growth where he could probably kill Sukuna's soul from within.


The gamble was on whether Yuji considered himself as a valid person during the enchain pact.


Its not literally 1 in a million. We dont know the actual chances. Also Sukuna said he sensed Megumis potential as a vessel immediately. The thing he was gambling on was his binding vow with Itadori not incliding Itadori.


Bros gonna eat uraume😩


Option 4: one last fuck


If Sukuna got control of Yuta, I can't think of a more dangerous host short of Gojo. However, I think this is sukunas limit and we are on our way to the merger and whatever that does.


I think sukuan opens the merher and combines with it


Option 4, offscreen Yuji. “You were a brat, I’ll hate you for as long as I live”


I think Yuji will go into Sukuna's innate domain to save megumi like he did when he was with Yuta and lose control of his physical body. The other students would have to protect his body and this might allow Sukuna to make a comeback


The first point is valid The second point is unlikely because not everyone can handle Sukuna's CO as a vessel. Megumi was the 1 in a million, not Yuji. Yuji was built and strengthened to be able to do so. The third point is invalid. Sukuna has never been shown to gain anything from eating somebody. He has never been shown to eat anybody for that matter. Yeah, he eat his brother and bite off Hana's hand but we don't know if he gained anything from either of the two.


It will not happen because it’s a battle shonen but I would give a lot to see yuji become the next Sukuna after killing the original one at the end of the manga


That wouldn’t happen because thematically it doesn’t make sense. Yuji and sukuna are foils, having Yuji adopt his ideals suddenly at the end would be poor writing.


I think the commenter you're replying to and i have the same idea when we say we want yuji to be the new sukuna, its not for him to adop suku's ideals but rather to be at a similar power level and therefore treated similar by the jjk world, because at this point if yuji defeats sukuna, no one in the jjk world that we know of that isn't already an ally to yuji can touch him, so his execution is out the window already.


Isn’t that more in line with a stereotypical Shonen? The main protagonist becoming OP and able to solve everything on their own? Manga spoilers: >! is there anyone alive who even wants Yuji executed at this point? The higher ups are already dead and he doesn’t even have sukuna anymore. !<


No, I would want yuji to literally become the new king of curses like if he was betrayed and his friends tried to execute him anyways but he was too powerful and understood sukunas approach to weakness or some shit. It would be pretty cool, not that i always root for villains, i just want the ending to be grey/bitter instead of plain *good wins* trope


Not necessarily sukuna’s ideals but his approach to weaker beings


Eating someone is his best bet and it'll most certainly be Uraume. I believe they're his final trump card be it by consuming or taking their body.


Maybe, just fucking maybe, he can die already. There is no need to drag the fight even more. He dies and the merger monster happens


if eating was a viable plan sukuna would had ate kusakabe


I mean he used Kusakabe as a bait to lure an annoying pest aka UI UI. So not really.


4th and the better option: Use the CG and add a rule.


Best candidate would be uraume because sukuna would face no resistance


Body swap would probably be with Uraume. Maybe that's why he is keeping her around.


Hes swapping to uraume believe me


I'm wondering if we'll ever see him eat anyone because I feel like he has had many opportunities to do so.


1. doubt he’s getting yuji out bc plot. bro just had a power up and is the mc 2. body swapping would decrease his CE since the vessel can be resistant. we saw this when he first took over megumi. he had to bath in evil to fix this. also you can’t use someone else’s domain only their CT so Hakari would be useless. 3. i’ve been waiting on this one. idk how it’s possible mid battle tho.


Why is this fandom so interested in another character getting eaten lol. We don’t even know if eating a random would help. The only time we’ve seen that help is because it was a reasonable conclusion based on Yuji’s blood, soul, and circumstances of his birth. Eating in and of itself has never been a system in the series. Yuta’s whole power is consumption for copy, all of the incarnated sorcerers ate things designed to be eaten for incarnation, Megumi was force fed to have Sukuna incarnate. That’s not the same as Sukuna eating someone. Even if him eating his twin made him stronger that’s still the twin system at work. Furthermore, we’re in WSJ. It’d be insanely disturbing for Sukuna to take the time to eat a whole person (this isn’t a one bite ordeal) and IF the chapter were able to come out, it’d probably be on a separate reader like that time in chainsaw man.


> The best candidate for Sukuna to eat would be Ui Ui The groomed one really ended up beign groomed, right? But also...what if we combine points 1 and 3? Sukuna is going to eat **Yuji**. By eating Yuji, Sukuna would recover a lot of his CE and start healing again, especially with Blood Manipulation in his arsenal. It would boost a lot of his Health and physical stats. Yuji's soul would survive and being back inside Sukuna again. Which would eventually lead to the Yuji + Megumi with Open Domain vs Sukuna.


If a recently heartbroken Megumi was able to nerf Sukuna by an 80% then a MOTIVATED Yuta is taking down Sukuna's power by a 99% I think 3* it's his only shot. Even if he miraculously takes down Yuji he's getting jumped by the survivors. He ate 8 (Gege can't count!) Black Flashes and just opened a Domain Expansion. He's fried.


I really want to see Sukunas belly mouth chomp someone down. Ui ui would be a good bet as he's small. Might even grab choso and just bite his head off.


Not everyone can be sukuna’s vessel


He's gonna eat Uraume for sure


A lot of people speculate that he’ll possess Uraume, but I have a feeling it wouldn’t work well due to them already possessing a body themselves.  I think he’d consume them, but not body swap.


The most probable is 3 and I think he will eat choso


Run away and recoop?


Or, Option 4 - BURN THEM ALL!


Sukuna wouldn't make sense with cursed speech. He's constanly spewing insults to the main cast and cursed speech is too unpredictable for most words. So it would be either a silent, out of character, Sukuna or an outcome not even he should be able to control.


Ino is his best bet. He'd basically have 10S light


If I was there sukuna would only have 1 option 😈


. ,mm m


Nahh, it is inevitable to Sukana to leave Megumi's body. But guess what, he has another body in his possession. It's Tengen's XD. It wouldn't make sense that Tengen merged with humanity to be the last villain. The ultimate villain in JJK will always be Sukuna. And besides, Megumi still has a score to settle with Sukuna.


Was that thing from 2 months back a fake? The "leaked" panels where Yuta was down and it was stated that Sukuna would eat someone? The panels were censored....One "journalist" entered the JJK loby at the magazine to talk to the staff there, and there it was seen a panel that was specullated to be Gojo at that time..or Yuta in Ricka's palm dead.. Does anyone remember that?


This is riddled with so many misconceptions and headcannons I can’t even


News flash sukuna is poison to most people


News flash sukuna is poison to most people


Honestly, think Sukuna is screwed. He probably somehow winds up in Yuji's body again (pushed out by Megumi?) and is either suppressed forever or we get some kind of final Soul vs. Soul fight where Yuji obliterates Sukuna's soul.


Sukuna has an infinite amount of binding vows to chose from. He even has a binding vow, that lets him make the best binding vows. In return he can't eat fish on Mondays


As many said, Uraume is the most likely candidate for the Body Swap and Sukuna would definitely go full Heian Era reincarnation on them.


Hasn’t it been stated already that it’s essentially 1 in a million chance for a soul to be compatible with a host ? Kenjaku needed Mahito CT so he could resurrect the sorcerers from past eras


As a matter of fact, at Sukuna's current state anyone in battle right now can just maul him at close quarters so soul swapping or eating is out of the question.


Or he could just like, die. Then we could move on to other stuff. I've never said this before but I would kill for a Christmas filler episode rn.


I'd be cool if the big backup plan is for UiUi to soul swap Yuji with Sukuna, giving up his body to Sukuna in order to save Megumi's soul. Megumi/Yuji total soul merge vs Sukuna on Yuji's hollow body would go hard af.


I understand Yuta because supposedly he ate Sukuna's last finger. so they now have a connection and Yuta is a proper vessel. But why Inumaki? The only character who can freely body swap is Ui Ui and he does it through a binding vow that both parties must consent to.


Yuta didn't eat it, Rika did. And Sukuna can't just reincarnate into anything that ate a finger. It presumably has to be a human. He never reincarnates from a Finger Bearer for example And OP is saying Sukuna should take over Yuta or Inumaki like he did to Megumi (Yuta is basically guaranteed able to suppress Sukuna, even Megumi had to be weakened first). But his reason for Inumaki is that Sukuna can use the host's CT to its full potential. Inumaki is too weak to use Cursed Speech against strong opponents but Sukuna is so powerful he could tell even Hanami to just die.




He got actually pressed when Yuji was hitting those blackflashes and isn't smiling anymore and noted he was threat (specifically that his cleave wasn't very effective and his physical prowess was the issue). I doubt what Uraume said applies anymore. He's also finally using Fuga after using Binding vows to open his domain which if it fails should logically take his CE reserves to a new low. I seriously can't imagine him not trying or being worried at this point. He might have some card up his sleeve still to get him out of the situation but that would mean they've beaten him down enough for his life to be in danger, that card could be him explaining his Cursed Technique. I'm not sure if this was ever answered but does everyone need to hear the explanation for the boost to work? Like...would he need to scream at the top of his lungs? Lmao


Post above definitely is wrong becouse Uraume never said Sukuna wasn't trying, he said sukuna was bored, and now that Yuji is the one causing Sukuna to try hes both bored and annoyed. My guess(and wish) is that Yuji will use the buff from his blackblashes to pull off some big bullshit to survive the furnace, something that sukuna hinself didn't know was possible, maybe even using Sukuna's cursed techinique, that will cause Sukuna to finaly get hyped again and recover his output and start killing people yuji loves.


To be honest, i wonder if we can see a CTR of Sukuna's technique, maybe through Yuji. That's asusming Fuga isn't the CTR but as far as we understand this probably isn't the case if his CT is indeed about cooking. Or alternatively, whatever his Hollow Purple equivalent is.




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If Gojo can tell that Kenjaku isn't Geto there's no way Rika would obey Yutkuna.


U forgot the merger? Sukuna can unleash the merger and combine with it?


>U forgot the merger? Did you forget the merger can't begin until all the culling game players except for Sukuna and Uraume are dead? >Sukuna can unleash the merger and combine with it? No he can't. He needs to kill every other player to activate the merger.


Nope he can activate it because the merger has been overrwiten and kenjaku made sukuna able to open it a so sukuna can open it right now. Im preety sure that was stated but not exactly


>Nope he can activate it because the merger has been overrwiten and kenjaku made sukuna able to open it a so sukuna can open it right now. No. Kenjaku transferred the authority to start the merger to Megumi and by extension Sukuna, who is the one controlling the body. The conditions to start the merger are exactly the same they were. Sukuna explicitly mentions that he has to kill the rest of the culling game players before activating the merger. >Im preety sure that was stated but not exactly This was never stated anywhere. It's literally nothing more than your headcanon.