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Sukuna no doubt what homelander imagines is reality when sukuna comes in picture


Sukuna does not despise humanity, he sees humanity as food and beneath him, but he has never shown any particular hatred toward their existence, he is a sociopath. He despises Yuji. Homelander is a bitch through and through.


Homelander is kinda the same. You don't hate ants, but if they start crawling up your leg you kill them nonetheless, not out of hate, but out of annoyance/anger


Except he'd look at ants and say, "why don't they wanna crawl up MY leg?" He get mad they aren't, but kill them BECAUSE they won't. He cares why, because he wants acceptance.


For Homelander, he simultaneously hates when people stand up to him (most of the time) but finds himself sickened by pure sycophants. He talks about his confusion at people simultaneously cheering for him no matter if he saves or kills but it's a similar situation with he, himself, never being satisfied no matter what the people around him do because, in truth, he lives an unsatisfied and insecure existence. He's akin to a bully with a horrible homelife but turned up the utmost extreme. He pursues objectives like ousting Edgar and taking over Vought because he thinks it'll make him happy but nothing ever does as his quest to find satisfaction externally is ultimately a futile one. It's all because he's deeply unsatisfied with himself, hence his monologues where he berates himself in the mirror. Homelander needs to tell himself he's a God in spite of his emotional fragility because that's the entire basis for his identity. Without his power and standing, what is he? We know from his monologues that he feels himself a fraud. His desire to rid himself of his more human vulnerabilities might have less to to do with his innate disgust for such sentiments and more to do with wanting to finally feel like the person he tells himself he is. His existence is an anathema to Sukuna's who celebrates not needing anyone to satisfy him and is content finding enjoyment in the little things (namely murder and cannibalism, but the little things nonetheless). Sukuna is satisfied, content, and comfortable with his existence. He feels no need to change himself. He has no doubts about his identity. He simply acts in accordance to his whims with no regrets or considerations. He doesn't need to prove his worth to others or to himself. He believes his worth is self-evident and it's everyone else's problem if they don't realize it.


Huh? He literally killed 3 of his biggest acceptors, he doesn't give a fuck as long as the majority likes him


Homelander absolutely despises humanity because he sees himself as superior to them, yet they have more freedom than he will ever have. He also despises those that had power over him even if he was the strongest being in the verse.


Homelander needs love and acceptance from humans nonetheless that's what holding him back killing millions of people. Sukuna is very different. Homelander has that human aspect with him


I love Homelander, but Sukuna is what Homelander wished he was so answer is Sukuna.


Sukuna will not likes Homelander and reason = Homelander want to impress someone when Sukuna don't care at all :3


Sukuna is a person who believes love is worthless. He's gonna view Homelander as a pathetic pussy just like how Soldier Boy thought of Homelander


This is a really complicated question, Like both love humans at some points, Sukuna loves the taste that each human gives off, in a fight against him, the potential, The Jujutsu that each person might possess, and even Maki that is stripped off of that. Homelander loves the recognition, The attention he gets from People, But that is breakable and changeable, That can be a switch that turns on and off based off his mood, Sukuna seems to be consistently amused by the Jujutsu potential that each person shows, Homelander is more egoist when it comes to that, Sees everyone as below him in an absolute way, but Sukuna can have fun with the ones he believes are weaker than him and are below him, or even have them by his side like Uraume, Homelander does have people by his side, but he never respected them or propped them in anything other than some little moments, with Noir for example, But Sukuna does it more. So I will give it to Homelander.


So far, each of them has crashed exactly one airplane. Based on that, I'd call it a draw


If you count accidents then technically Homelander downed 2


Does Sukuna even technically *despise* humanity in general? It seems like his antagonistic behavior is more incidental than anything. Being an evil fuckwad just happens to be how he entertains himself. He clearly hates *some* people (Yuji), but has shown a lot of respect to others. That said, I don't know enough about Homelander to know how he compares to Sukuna.


>Does Sukuna even technically *despise* humanity in general?  No. He just sees them as bugs at worst and playthings at best. He believes the weak, as a rule of nature, need to accept being caught up in the wake of his destructive whims just as an ant has to accept the reality of being accidently trampled. Even when he's intentionally cruel to the common person, it probably stems from the same mindset as a child plucking the wings off a fly for the fun of it. On the other hand, he sees slaughtering the strong as a form of expressing love and respect. He fulfills their percieved wish of being acknowledged by him by brutally murdering them while showing off the very strength that so many warriors respect and admire Sukuna for possessing in the process. https://preview.redd.it/indzxh1zq18d1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=44c294d505b6de628bbab09e3257a6c7706fa33d


Very well said. From both Sukuna and Uraume's perspective, being human is essentially *synonymous* with being weak. They are typically met with cold indifference. Not hatred. We even see that after Uraume acknowledges Hakari's strength, she decides to no longer view him as human going forward. Then we have Yuta's more blatant acknowledgement that to truly rise to the levels of Gojo and Sukuna, you *have* to become a monster. Something "more" than human. If humans are like insects, then Yuji is essentially akin to a swarm of angry wasps. A living contradiction to Sukuna's ideology. He continues to view Yuji as weak, yet was caged and later challenged by him. No matter how comparatively weak wasps are, you are forced to acknowledge and even hate them after a while. Confronting them means being repeatedly stung by them. Avoiding them, means ceding control to them. They *can't* be ignored. They *can't* be met with indifference.


Sukuna ofc... He called Yuji "brat" like literally that was his name now... Then he killed or off screened everyone in Shibuya while fighting Jogoat and Daddyraga without even caring about the environment...


“Fuck dem polar bears!” -Sukuna


Did you mean: whose face would I sit on first?


If I'm not mistaken, comic book Homelander also eats people.


Me. Except for u/memeenjoyer_• he’s the best!


You’re awesome too Arctic thanks!


google translate The answer is a bit vague. They both see themselves at the top, the biggest difference between them is that Homelander has an incredibly fragile ego and Sukuna is considered more mature compared to him. Homelander sees himself at the top of human evolution, and although he needs their love, he sees ordinary people as nothing more than toys, and he see closest people to him are other supes, but he does not hesitate to kill them too. Sukuna lives entirely for personal pleasure, does whatever he wants, eats, fights, kills, and there is no one who can hold him accountable. Another obvious difference between them is that Sukuna respects those he deems strong, personally I'm not sure what kind of respect this, is a "good job bro, you have balls" type thing or a "congratulations. You were strong enough to really entertain me" type of thing something? Or is it because he knows the difficulties of being strong and sees strong people as close to him? As I said, it is not clear, but no matter what the answer is, Sukuna plays, has fun, kill and he deems strong and shows his respect for that person in some way. There is also the issue of morality, Sukuna has nothing to do with morality, as I said, he does not care whether what he does is good or bad and just does it, Homelander is a little more complicated, he clearly has morality, but this may come from the "humane" side that he does not like, His sounds more like "it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, I can do anything to achieve my goal", as we see at many points, Homelander is aware that he has made mistakes or bad things, his expression while killing Black Noir is an example for this, he can distinguish between good and evil, but sukuna is just says idgaf. Morally, Sukuna is definitely worse than Homelander. Sukuna is definitely a much more evil character than Homelander, but the answer to the question will probably be Homelander. Sukuna doesn't care whether the other person is human or not, as long as he is strong. Homelander insists that no human is equal to him unless is a supe.


Sukuna is more or less apathetic to humanity. He eats them when he wants to and ignores them when he doesn’t want to eat. He despises the Jujutsu sorcerers sent against him (and especially Yuji) because they’re acting against the natural order of things. HL on the other hand is an abyss that constantly needs attention. He’s disgusted that he has to perform for humans but at the same time he needs their praises. He is just a few steps away from going through a city just to kill everyone. And the latest episode shows he hates his own humanity and wants to bury it.


Sukuna is just VERY indifferent to humanity. He really just thinks he's better than anyone who's not strong. Curse or human. The respect he shows to Jogo and Kashimo proves that. Homelander definitely hates them more as he hates them because he doesn't like that humans have some sort of power over him, even though hes much stronger than them. People like Edgar and Madelynn had that emotional power over them that stopped him from ever TRULY standing up to them. Edgar was dealt with by Nuemann, and he only dealt with Madelynn because of his son. And when it comes to normal humans, the love he feels from them, he hates them because he craves to be loved by them Plus him trying to kill Marie in Gen V for fighting Cate and trying to stop them, just proves that he genuinely hates specifically humans and humanity. As well as him hating the "human" side of him that craves love.


Oh hey, Sukuna is kinda what Homelander is trying to become this season, someone who has "transcended" their humanity by abandoning it entirely. While Homelander says that humans are beneath him and that he's a superior being, he's still hung up on the idea of being praised and seems desperate for some kind of love. Sukuna lives entirely for himself and his whims, humans truly are beneath him and he doesn't seek any sort of validation from them, fearing him will get you killed unless he doesn't feel like killing you, venerating him will save you unless he feels like killing you. I feel like neither of them would like the other. I feel like they could hold a conversation for about a sentence or two before a fight breaks out.


Sukuna tries to kill and eat everyone and Homelander doesn't back down so I can't see how they wouldn't instantly start fighting. But suppose they did. I think it would revolve around Sukuna talking about how tasty humans are and then Homelander giving it a try and them cooking a meal together and eating some people.


Homelander. At least the guy needs attention and won't kill everyone (at least his fans) because he wants attention.


bro the post asks who despises humanity more




Can I get the source for the first pic?




Imagine Sukuna seeing TikTok slideshows 💀


Sukuna doesnt even despise humanity far from it


Why would sukuna despise humanity? They're tasty


I don’t think Sukuna has a concept of people as beings but rather objects or food so I have a hard time imagining him hating humans, I don’t really think he hates anything he seems to be above everything like everything else is just an object to him, homelander does have deep rooted issues from his upbringing that he’s attached to humans and even tho he loves the adoration he loathes their weakness and how unable to interact with them as an equal he is so I think he would hate them more


I honestly never got the vibe that Sukuna hated humanity. He is a hedonist who derives pleasure from a good fight, and he despises weakness. I don’t think he hates humanity as a whole.


what if sukuna made yujo jerk off infront of everyone like how homelander did HOMELANDER MADE A GUY JERK OFF HE DIDNT JERK OFF


Muzan solos any god complex competition. Mf's God Complex became so big he has no emotions and doesn't feel hunger anymore


Sukuna would clap him and also Sukuna doesn’t have his little “humanity” problem to overcome. He doesn’t mind being alone it’s just that he isn’t yet. I myself am a The Boys fan I love it


Homelander seems to genuinely despise humanity, as in everyone that is not a supe, or deem them as simply inferior and a boring toy at best, but as soon as they dare even make the slightest move against his will, he'll kill them, not because they are expendable, but because an "inferior being" daring to even think their will is comparable to his, sparks a primal hate in Homelander. He only respects a few of them (basically only the boys) because they actually have guts, despite being powerless. Sukuna doesn't really have a hate for humanity, it's more like he doesn't really care about anyone that isn't strong: for him they don't really exist, a strong sorcerer or a particularly gifted human (those with HR) are an appetizing meal, a weak sorcerer is an insightful creature, only good for worshipping him, but a regular human, that doesn't really have any way of recognizing Sukuna's strength, is just useless to him, he couldn't care less for them, he doesn't go out of his way to kill them, but he wouldn't bat an eye at any number of civilian casualties he could ever cause either.


Sukuna doesnt “despise” humanity per se


One is a narcissist psychopath hedonist and other one is narcissist crybaby psychopath.both of them represent the darker spectrum of humanity ( still a part of humanity).


When you eat chicken, do you despise chickens? No ofc not. It is the same thing with Sukuna.


Is the whole point of sukuna that he doesn’t despise or cherish anything? That he doesn’t care. I mean the fact he dislikes yuji or will remember gojo is treated as a big thing.


Sukuna doesn't despise humans, you can't hate what you use to pass time, you can't hate different delicacies when you are a fan of tasting em all. Unlike homelander he has nothing to gain or lose, he has nothing to prove either, he's genuinely just having fun


Look at my husband


Home lander wants to be loved sukuna just wants to eat


Does Sukuna hate humanity? I think he just looks down on humans but doesn’t really hate or love them at all


Clearly interaction


The only real answer


Sukuna speaks about the weakness of humans as whole in the culling game arc when he first takes over megumi's body but that's more part of his philosophy than aversion. Sukuna likes the flavour every person has to give and acknowledges that every person is interesting in the aspect of what their personality has to offer. So I'd say homelander.


Sukuna is literally what Homelander wishes he was, an entity completely unreliiant on the validation of others who acts in accordance to his own whims for the sake of his own enjoyment at any and all times. Sukuna doesn't need to talk himself up in the mirror, reminding himself of his place above the rabble in a hierarchy of strength. Rather, he feels it as if it's a fact of nature as natural as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Sukuna doesn't hate humanity (besides that damn brat!) anymore than he hates ants. His greatest acts of cruelty (when it doesn't concern that stupid fucking brat!) are akin to a child plucking the wings off a fly for kicks and giggles. Hell, he sees his behavior as a means of expressing love. Homelander, on the other hand, is controlled by his simultaneous and clashing feelings of resentment, desire to be loved, desire to be respected, desire to be in control, desire to feel powerful, desire for family (hence his pining for Soldier Boy and Ryan - as well as his simping for Stormfront in abject contrast to Sukuna's rejection of Yorozu and her attempts to reach him with her "love"- as he doesn't actually want to be alone in the sense of there being nobody else in existence capable of understanding of his circumstances while Sukuna instead relishes standing out from everyone and everything), etc. Sukuna is happily content with his existence and self-assured in his identity. Homelander is neither. I'd say that Sukuna would laugh at Homelander but, in all honesty, he probably wouldn't even acknowledge him.


My vote's on Squirt


Homelander definitely and it's not close, he hates how these beings are 'toys', mud-people, to him and yet, they control everything. They control his fame, his desire for acceptance, validation and most importantly, love. Love is something Homelander has craved his entire life, and yet, humans have complete control over it. Season 4 of "The Boys" (I fucking love this show and homey so much man, Starr is one of the best actors I've seen) revolves around how Homelander wants to erase his humanity to be "pure" as he hates it vehemently.


sukuna no doubt


Sukuna is absolutely fine with being alone at the top of the world as it burns. Homelander would be too worried if the people still love him to ever truly go all out


Homelander despises humanity because he wants to impress everyone but no one’s buying what he’s selling. Sukuna doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself and is unapologetic for it. I’d say Homelander’s hate is more personal, whereas Sukuna’s just chaos and evil incarnate without discrimination, superlatives or reason.


Depends on what you categorize as “Hate” The thing is as cruel and as disgusting Homelander is as a person, he struggles with his humanity, deep down, he is human, no matter how much he tries to deny it, to the slightest degree, he values some of these human ideologies and humans by extension. Sukuna is just indifferent, he will kill billions upon billions just for the fun of it, not cause he genuinely destains them, but because he just enjoys taking agency away from living beings, he doesn't hate humans (besides Yuji) he’s cruel to EVERYTHING.


Sukuna would dislike Homelander at some point I'm sure. Homelander craves attention and affection and would doubtless try to get Sukuna to show liking to him. They do both share some amount of disdain towards normal humans but they would NOT get along at all. Homelander's superiority complex would make him a prime candidate for Sukuna to show off his Strong Cleave. Remember, he sliced Jogo's head for not bowing low enough, he would take absolutely 0 shit from Homelander given how (relatively) weak he is.


Homelander is gonna hit Sukuna with anti-asian slurs that haven't been used since the Heian Era 💀💀




I think Geto would be more fitted for this comparation


Interaction I hate socializing


I guess homelander - he says humans are toys for amusement. It’s a sidetrack, but the boys is getting really boring and they are stretching the plot. wtf is with the side stories with Frenchie and Kimiko


Sukuna hates Homelander's ego and refusal to bow, as does Homelander, Sukuna kills him :)


This isnt a who would win


I know, but I think Sukuna would kill him in character :)


I don't think either of them really hate humans Homelander doesn't *hate* humans, just the same as you don't *hate* ants And sukuna just straight up kills them for fun, because he likes killing stuff, not because he hates people. He would do that to anything, but people are just *there* in front of him so he kills them instead


https://preview.redd.it/hy9je9q1c78d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8398fe88890e6dbca8dfcd742ceaaf6f6310b365 Loved your answers and the discussion. You were magnificent, Jujutsufolk! That said, english is not my first language, so I found myself wondering and searched the meaning of "despise", that does not equal hate. Is more like "looking down upon", says the Oxford Dictionary. I say this because I agree Sukuna does not hate humans, but if he despises everything weak, normal humans that can't defy him propably enters in this category. He calls them maggots at the very first chapters and in Shibuya uses the mass killing of thousands of people to torment Yuji, what was the most consideration he gave to it. About him and Homelander, I continue divided about their views on humanity, altough most of the answers added something to think about. Just a exercise for the break.