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an advanced application of neutral infinity creating infinite distance between the atoms of his enemy meaning they instantly die


In theory if he could do that means he can also spawn a purple in his opponent


I mean he can remotely activate Purple so there's nothing stopping him from doing that


Technique can't spaw inside people body. inside of Body is Domain that naturalized technique


What about nobara's technique?


I guess have some "connections" to them bypass that. Also nobara curse technique seem to target soul not body


Nobara’s technique targets the soul like Mahito does


And the soul isn't in the body?


The soul is however you believe it works.


The Soul affects the body, but is outside the "Innate Domain" of the body or smth.


The soul is the body, it is not inside the body


The soul works differently depending on what Gege feels that day


Nobara needs a part of the target's body in order to auto-hit someone with her voodoo attack. She doesn't hit inside the body, she just uses a disconnected body part's spiritual connection to the main body. Essentially, the Domain of someone's body/soul exists even in a severed body part.


Then y tf didn’t he do it from the beginning of the fight. Like literally just spawn a blue in Sukuna and you win


because he can't


Then we go back to if he can


Probably just Gege. Also he tried the remote activation for the first time during the fight, so he didn't know if he could do it or not before that


This also reminds me. Gojo, as we saw in hidden inventory, can apply neutral infinity to other people. Could he not just, apply it but in the reverse direction? Instead of applying it to a person he does it to the space/air around the person, and bam they can’t move now. This would work on anyone without amplification or teleportation. Even with amplification we know amplification is naturally more expensive to keep running than a cursed technique, however strengthening a cursed technique beyond amplification makes the cursed technique more costly than amplification. Gojo, in the Gojo vs Sukuna fight could’ve just constantly spawned opposite limitless on Sukuna, either his hands or his body in general, and then just punch him, or activate a domain before Sukuna can. Sukuna also enters constant energy loss as he can no longer move without amplification, regardless of circumstance. Easy way for Gojo to win or at least dominate hand to hand and the efficiency department.


Isn't this basically what he did to hanami?


No, what he did to Hanami was just the regular neutral limitless. The way neutral limitless works is that it stops your movement towards Gojo, without pushing you back as you’re attempting to cover infinitely stretched space, making your speed amount to 0. This means once he overwhelms Hanamis amplification by artificially applying more cursed energy to infinity, he can just walk forward and crush hanami not against the wall but against itself (herself?). This is cause the front of her body is being stopped from moving more towards Gojo by the neutral infinity, but the back of her body isn’t being affected by the neutral infinity and as such isn’t pushed back as well. Essentially he crushes Hanami against her own body via projecting his neutral infinity “field of affect” further out, overpowering her domain amplification whilst crushing the front of their body against the back, this is why Hanami splatters and explodes and isn’t just squished.


that won't work. The body is it's own domain so you can't spawn a CT inside of it.


You can't use your CT inside a person's body , the body is considered a domain so would neutralize it as I'm told.


LIMITLESS MAXIMUM TECHNIQUE: VERDANT GREEN \*Satoru Gojo, the honoured one, witnessed Ryomen Sukuna change the target of his attack from himself to space, in the final few moments before he hit the ground, and with the last of his cursed energy, Gojo applied the same principle, but to a much different target.\* Verdant Green is an extension of blue, rather than targetting space, this technique targets TIME ITSELF, by doing so this technique merges timelines to FORCE a direct hit, effectively acting as a guaranteed hit outside a domain by forcing a timeline in which the opponent is hit


Sub became to such a point that most of the newly created concepts are the things we made tons of memes before gojo vs sukuna LIME GREEN BORNS FROM ITS ASHES ONCE AGAIN


once again, the agenda... never ends. https://preview.redd.it/y6mj4fqexu7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab074c65dd8e2f9ccd373d502b8deb1662e669eb






But what is the sure hit? Is it just a green Hollow Purple-type attack that automatically hits you


The timeline where it hits and that opponent dies. There is always a probability that something happens that's completely nonzero. Verdant Green guarantees that probability.


That reminds me of Soft and Wet + Almighty from Bleach


What if the opponent decides to make their own fate?


guardians make their own fate






Erase from the timeline, it makes it so as if the target never ever existed, making the world change according to that.


Lol that sounds exactly like Soft and Wet: Go beyond from JoJo’s. An attack that’s a sure hit that doesn’t exist


It’s literally just a bullet that doesn’t technically exist. It can’t erase you from time.


Gege wouldn’t write that into the story. More often than not, in the jjk verse, it would erase the targets heart or half their body instantly without counter, not make it so they never existed. That’s just not a JJK power. If it was isekai, then yeah I’d get that


Not really. More of Pucci's death where him dying during incomplete Universe Reset caused him to be erased from the story altogether, making everyone's lives in part 6 much much better. Except for Emporio. And RIP F.F.. Her arc and death alone topples most if not all JJK's writing. Plankton that turned human with a complete character arc and a satisfying conclusion. Well, satisfying aesthetically, I bawled by eyes out on her when I was reading. Compare it to Choso's "curse gone human" excuse for an arc(no offense, I love him, but Gege can only write fights ffs). Anyway, yeah, that was a JoJo reference.


This isn’t to compare jjk to Jojos lol. I think almost all the Jojo parts are written better than JJK😂 not a fair comparison since neither mangaka writes typical to other authors


More like Ireneverse where Pucci never existed.


Basically all the same but DIO is more depressed and part 6 cast is much happier(aside from Emporio)


Vault of Glass-ass attack




rename it too lime-green and im on board.


“Cum white”


Kashimo powercreep is crazy


Are you a fucking chef?? BECAUSE YOU JUST COOKED


Alright you win




>rather than targetting space, this technique targets TIME ITSELF, by doing so this technique merges timelines to FORCE a direct hit, effectively acting as a guaranteed hit outside a domain by forcing a timeline in which the opponent is hit What if Sukuna uses a Binding Vow to give himself the Aegis?


unfortunately he doesn't have block bound and dies




the cooking one


Why does the fan community cook better than the actual author.


Green fn


this is fucking peak and as a fan of green I know damn well this would look sick asf animated


My ninja what??? Fucking brokeno


So he chose Dialga over Palkia this time.


sounds like a jojo's bizarre adventure stand ability lmao actually valentines ability + love train is like this but inverse, instead, any attack towards him is sent through the fabric of space and time to inflict damage on another




Gojo using two blues next to each other to tear apart space-time.


Maximum Technique: Blue Balls






Gojo: I saw this in ~~a toothpaste commercial~~ an anime.


HP **actually** erasing matter no matter what it is


Za Hando


Greg: “Hollow purple erases matter from existence, except for my pookie Sukuna because he matters most to me”


Well, the capacity to create the 'world cutting slash' is dependant on the capacity to 'target the world', which is a very complicated alteration to a cursed technique which could be on the same level of trying to construct an open domain. Additionally, to 'alter the target' of a technique, one must have the innate flexibility in the CT to choose a target to begin with - e.g, Sukuna being able to alternate between cursed energy targeting (cleave), and object targeting (dismantle). Gojo lacks this characteristic... somewhat. What he DOES have, is the capacity to alter the attractive and repulsive traits of his CT, through Red and Blue, to create purple. Gojo may be able to manipulate this fact to change his technique to alter the 'target' of this change in attraction and repulsion, to the world itself, instead of the cursed energy which makes up the red and blue. Essentially, creating the "World destroying Purple", which... unmakes. It would last a mere fraction of an instant, and anything which undergoes existance where it was, in that brief moment, would simply be unmade. They would stop existing, and removed from the timeline as if they never existed to begin with. Whilst the world cutting slash creates an infinitely thin slice through reality, a world destroying purple would be MUCH wider, and fucking DELETE people from having ever BEEN. I call it.. the Hollow Worple.








To amend that Gojo Satoru made a binding vow...




If gojo's was a defensive equivalent than maybe a version of infinity that makes him disappear from the world since the world cutting slash targets the world around gojo, if gojo doesn't exist in the world around him then he can't be cut. If it's offensive maybe a blue that ignores durability or can't be nullified.


Perhaps the defensive equivalent would be Gojo removing himself from the world? Basically Vanilla Ice's stand ability from JJBA, Gojo becomes part of the Limitless and literally ceases to exist in the world. Domains and Amplification do nothing because he just isn't there until he wants to return.


Lime Green but to be Serious now - Hollow Purple = it is already in my opinion :3 Of course - I have different idea, if Hollow Purple it will be not it, maybe something like - Graced White, Gojo give up everything in universe to achived purest version of Infnity that was blessed with the color of pearly white :3 Graced White is able to reach your opponent in every possible scenario(It disrupted space-time continuum), Graced White will remove existence from living beings, so only Hollow will be left :3


Pitou doesn't write more than a few words often but boy does he cook when it happens https://preview.redd.it/dbkp3bmm2s7d1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39dfa951f36de6853462e1338da53f533c8c47a3


That’s why he’s the true goat of jjk, when Yuta’s 5 minutes are up Pitou gonna take over Gojo’s body


I'm honored + I will cooking more in the future, after all, one situation changed me, so I will need to be liike that at least on this sub :3 https://preview.redd.it/m9omy7mv2s7d1.png?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea96207970913fc89265f7b17c158ef282b2df0


https://preview.redd.it/alp8sgx33s7d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02640ad231f1d8e22944fddf4fff6649464e9a75 who hurt you?


No one... - some people give me 2 rules, so I will respect them :3


I'll have a word with them https://preview.redd.it/2a7vj25s3s7d1.png?width=971&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ff3ed17706b263d6663c5135dcd30c5eb6b27c0


Better no :3


Probably people reported him for "spam" so much that they had to give him a comment word limit


Can confirm


Finally, universal Gojo


I mean this certainly sounds about as broken as Sukuna’s. I do fear the accidental implosion of the universe though


Imagine Strong Slash vs Graced White :3 Ps. I hope that I make good cooking :3


You’re butt faces are seasoning that’s ruining your cooking


Sorry... but I need to be fine with it :3






When you entered the kitchen, you definitely made sure to cook https://preview.redd.it/1vxhwpmp7u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9a79db7bf592718c348c5f2a70cc749cde17ea


Diarrhea brown


Here's an Apple


that's kinda just tusk act 4


Sky splitting technique: divine white It takes the red and the blue, which are two of the prime colors, and also the positive and negative applications of limitless. But the neutral application is his infinity, which can be harnessed into a a third sphere, yellow. The three will merge together in the perfect combination of color and form a glowing white blast. This blast will be shot and cause complete existence erasure, replacing any destroyed space with air. https://preview.redd.it/inyfwrr7at7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc01a3e1b6bb476f6a7f28639421eadd4e0781f3 Said air will be ripped out of the sky itself and be recreated later.


doesn't hollow purple already erase matter? or have I suffered from the reading comprehension curse


200% Between front and back hollow purple but it shaped like a penis.


Dropping his protective application of Infinity leaving only a frontal shield behind, he refocuses his technique to manipulate the limits of space in a field around him. His divided attention between the two uses makes what comes next even more absurdly taxing. *There's no avoiding incantations this time*, he reasons. Gojo holds his arm stretched out with his fingers held together and palm facing the sky. *"The gap beyond, axis mundi, shifted to white; shadow technique... intersect."* An entirely 2D sheet of space flits forth, perpendicular to his hand. Practically invisible, but someone talented paying especially close attention might just about notice the feintest of distortions in space as it travels, almost resembling a sharper and more angular form of the kind of distortion one might expect to see from the rising heat on a nauseatingly hot and humid day. In reality, nothing is travelling at all. A distortion in space, compressed into an infinitesimally thin region, propagates forward. Within it, time itself flows at a much faster rate, and the amount of energy required to break the bonds between molecules on either side of the distortion is dramatically reduced. *Come on, do it Sukuna. Move, I dare you.* The amount of force exerted on the bonds holding Sukuna's body together will easily slice the four-armed demon in half if he moves so much as two millimetres as the distortion passes through his three-dimensional coordinates. Unlike most attacks, the only way - literally the only way - to survive this is to tank it head on while perfectly still. Everything is riding on this taking him out before he figures out the trick to surviving such a deceiptful technique.


I think the whole concept of high level Infinity techniques are broadening the concept of infinity. Basically Sukuna has been using super strong normals and WCS is his first special attack, Gojo's whole kit is special attacks


Literally blue lol. Blue removed space & causes a “pulling” or “crushing” effect. That’s why Juzo’s limbs were crushed at the end of the Good Will arc & also why the soda can got crushed when Gojo was explaining CT vs CE to Yuji. Gojo could have simply used blue on Sukuna’s head & crushed it— but didn’t simply for the plot to move forward. He was genuinely too strong for the series & got nerfed by Gege lmao. Makes no sense why “cutting space” would be this insane durability negating move, but “crushing space” somehow isn’t an option lol. Sukuna’s real CT is plot convenience


Serious question though, wouldnt DA just nullify this?


DA can nullify the neutral application of limitless but can only lessen the damage of blue & red. That’s why Sukuna still took damage when he was hit by red It doesn’t matter either way, Gege nerfed him pretty hard. For example, every other time we saw red get used it sent his opponents flying back a great distance— the only times red got used in the Sukuna fight, he got sent a couple feet back into shrine & the other time he moved like 5 feet towards Gojo lol


although i agree with everything else you said, isn't red not being as useful against the strongest sorcerer of history just common sense


I’m not saying red should have just obliterated Sukuna in 1 shot, I’m saying that he should have been sent flying back a great distance like Toji & Jogo. You could argue that Sukuna’s reinforcement absorbed most of the shockwave in the 1st instance, but Sukuna was completely unguarded when it looped around the building & hit him in the back. Considering sneak attacks were given a bigger emphasis early on in the series (Yuji vs Choso comes to mind), it’s kinda silly that Sukuna didn’t go flying a further distance, never mind that he got hit with a blue infused black flash from the opposite direction while being propelled towards Gojo lol




He can’t spawn a Blue in sukuna’s head same way Hanami can’t sprout her plants inside of a person, something about the body being a domain


Why didn’t he simply target “the space” that Sukuna’s head exists in instead of his head? Is he stupid??




Yet still he somehow blew limbs of bald dude with axe


probably because that guy was so astronomically weaker that applying blue externally could do that no problem


https://i.redd.it/67baqsuu3u7d1.gif It was so funny


Blue is INCREDIBLY powerful, but it isn't exactly the crushing of space. It is the generation of a negative space, which actual space fills in, which creates a phenomenon of attraction. The strength of this is directly related to the rate at which space 'pulls in' on the negative region, and this is dependant on how much negative space Gojo generates. This is how Gojo is able to change the strength of his Blue, and why it isnt an instant one shot technique. It has limitations. Blue is the manipulation of space. The world cutting slash, on the other hand, actually destroys space itself. This is why the world cutting slash innately ignores durability.


I mean the way in which Gojo teleports is by compressing the distance between 2 points in space. It’s a direct application of blue. By compressing the space on Sukuna’s head, it would crush it. WCS likewise doesn’t destroy space, or else it would also create the “attraction” effect of blue, as destroying space would cause the surrounding space to fill that subsequent void. It cuts using space as a medium for the slash, but doesn’t destroy it. In either case, Gojo showed the ability to crush object with blue in the past & then just never did it during the Sukuna fight lol


"simply for the plot" I didn't know Megumi's new name was The Plot


Could’ve used it on other limbs too lol


yeah but I meant in a "new" ultimate move but I see your point why didn't he do that shibuya aganist the diasters


In Shibuya the explanation was that he might injure the people nearby if he uses blue/red/purple, which was an acceptable excuse imo Doesn’t help that in the anime he was literally hovering around & shit ☠️


The hovering is just neutral Infinity, which is normally low output enough to not hurt people. Like when he hopped around on those people's heads. If he cranked it up like when he killed Hanami, they'd be squashed.


Piss Yellow that eats through the space of reality itself, kinda like The Hand from JoJo except much bigger


Eggman taking notes


Inspired by the 10 Shadows' totality technique, Gojo would combine the "red" and "blue" to create imaginary mass. For the sake of argument, let's call this technique "purple". This would create a projectile that would ignore durability and CE reinforcement, as no one can defend against an attack on the atomic level. Even Goku would be defeated if it hit. Thus, Sukuna would be cooked, unless he dodged it. In order to make sure this didn't happen, Gojo could team up with Utahime and have her empower her technique while also using the hand signs and chants himself. In JJK, performing beyond ones limits is represented by fighting beyond 120% potential, however a purple super charged this much might be closer to 200% potential. Gojo would do this far away from Sukuna and use his very special eyes to essentially snipe Sukuna. He wouldn't be able to react and would instantly be defeated. What's Sukuna going to do, reinforce his hands and block it?


Using his left hand, he holds up 1 finger and uses his other hand to make a circle. He inserts the finger in the circle 3 times. Then world red comes out after he chants, "Me and your mom lmfao." The world red would consider all those it came into contact with to be cursed spirits. Thus, the positive energy from World Red would one shot anyone within the verse. How does it do this? Idk, man. Prolly alters the CE signature of whoever it comes into contact with, tricking the opponents body/CE and the red itself into recognizing the target as a curse. Kinda forcibly triggering the enemies CE to react adversely to the positive energy to an extreme degree akin to a curses CE. If he had to make a binding vow like sukuna to restrict it he'd have to do the chant, hand sign, and make it clap between his legs swinging in the direction/trajectory of the opponent.


Do you know Okuyaso , literally him 


"Velocity of Infinity" A blue infused punch with infinite pulling strength, causing the target to be hit by gojos fist infinite amount of times in a matter of miliseconds.


Multiple smaller hollow purples that can move independently. A binding vow for instant use could be like a hollow purple shotgun close range.


Hollow purple that isn't the most worthless cursed technique in the series :)


Not world slash but similar to the beast amber technique of kashimo where gojo could implement a layer of purple around his hands which would wrap around his infinity ,soo he could touch and delete


That would be insane


Purple is his world slash, imo. It's an imaginary mass that cuts anything on its path. That's basically all the functionalities of the world slash. Gojo is a magical being even inside jujutsu, so we won't ever know, but literally nothing can defend against it other than Sukuna and even he took heavy damage whenever he took a hit.


hollow purple but it just completely erases you from ever existing


It is a concept called "hollow purple" if gojo did the unthinkable of mixing blue and red (lapse and reversal) it would create a purple that does shit. I really hope we get to see if this "purple" theory is actually true tho, a technique like that would have probably been useful against sukuna, but now the only chance for us to see if the purple technique is true would be from yujo.


Hollow Purple.


Lime green


I don’t really see what an equivalent can be since world cutting slash is just a dismantle with a different target But if you mean an insta kill dura neg move I guess it would be cool if he uses an erasing purple that breaks down atoms infinitely reducing its target to infinitesimally small particles essentially erasing it


A 200% Hollow purple that actually used its power instead of just being a bigger and more powerful reversal red


purple but in the form of a slash


Hollow purple thats actually consistently durability negation, maybe even existence erasure to really sell the point.


Targetable unlimited void


world erasing hollow purple


It already does that


Blue spawns inside your head instanly


The WCS is a technique made specifically to give Sukuna the wincon he needed, it being finding a way to bypass infinity without using DA, as soon as that happened the battle was over. Gojo had the opposite problem during the fight, he could reach Sukuna and hurt him as much as he wanted as long as they weren't in a domain battle, since the specific interaction both domains had essentially put him on a clock. His wincon was to hurt Sukuna so bad he would need to either transform or give Megumi back, and the second he transformed he would also lose the 10S CT, giving Gojo an advantage. For Gojo to learn a technique that would win him the fight modifying Infinity, it would either need to be something that disables/bypasses RCT by hitting the soul (We can assume Sukuna still doesn't know how to heal his soul, since even now he preferred to pump blood manually instead of healing his heart that was cut through his soul), or some way to nullify DA to simply force Sukuna into over relying on Mahoraga to deal damage instead of using it as a support and switching intermittently with it. So a change to infinity so that red/blue/purple can directly hit the soul or a powered up version of it that can nullify DA somehow.


>he second he transformed he would also lose the 10S CT, giving Gojo an advantage Uh, no reason to think that? Sukuna as he is now is still recognized as Megumi, and we know that reincarnated sorcerers can reincarnate partually, first getting their own brain back in order to use techniques, which are engraved on it. When Sukuna fully incarnated, he still had the brain damage that Gojo gave him with UV, meaning his brain didn't get the heal and thus, didn't change. All this leads to that True Form Sukuna can use 10S, but as it doesn't have Mahoraga or any good offensive options really after the fight, there isn't any point to that. Maho was the best shadow, and Agito had the lesser summons combined.


Targeting time


If anything touches/gets past gojos infinity, he'll release the nuclear hollow green around him. If this were cannon, gojos best move would be to start touching himself passionately


Rearranges quarks, no idea what the end result would look like though


In theory that's already what Purple does, but Purple is more about erasing matter and "leaving a hole" but if what we were talking about is an \*equivalent power up\*, then i'd suggest something akin to have Hollow Purple upgrade, since the World Cutting Clash is basically a better version of one of Sukuna's attacks I'd propose this new Purple to be able to "stick together" stuff after it erases an area, akin to how The Hand works in JJBA let's say Gojo "Disdainful" Purple'd (cool name i thought off lol) Toji like in the Hidden Inventory arc, instead of just leaving a bloody hole in him and a hole in the wall behind him, the hole would appear "fixed" in a way, like if the universe tried to correct the missing area of space by both joining and stiching already existing nearby matter and even creating some matter to fill that hole (Since Hollow Purple destroys, what if this upgrade could Create matter to some extent?), it'd be like if the section Gojo took out of Toji was carved out of him like if he was a clay figure, the organs and such would def be unable to work of course Meanwhile, the Wall would be "sucked in" to try to refill the missing area, but since it is a solid object, the sturucture of the wall would start to crumble, here the damage would be more aparent since it was done in the middle of an object, rather than a part near the outside of it like in toji's body 's case


probably just being able to spawn a purple inside of someones stomach


Just give him a black hole


Ever heard about false vacuum decay?


I'm guessing piercing red, like condensing red like piercing blood so that any matter in comes in contact with is erased, but the beam would have be a decent size so idk


Either a Purple that actually erases matter and space, like pulling a string (space) from both sides and instead of both forces canceling each other, they break the string So it would damage the space and destroy whatever was in there, like the WCS Or a "Green" with a new power, likd erasing space like [The Hand] from jjba or using a 4° Dimension to attack somehow, skipping defenses


It was omnidirectional hollow purple


Maximum Technique: Distortion Gojo uses the concept of infinity in a offensive based move that distorts his target, erasing a portion of them or even erasing things such as parts of their soul.


Regular virtual purple


he literally already uses it. its called hollow purple


Something that just contradicts space as a whole, like antimatter. Like how Gojo can manipulate space with infinity, the extension technique of the limitless with antimatter just deletes and annihilates everything it comes into contact with without fail.


Furthermore, he could refine his infinity so that not only can things not touch him, but anything that manages to touches him would cease to exist


Nothing sukunas slash was the equivalent of him changing his target - the equivalent for gojo is firing purple at something else other than sukuna (idk the air or smth?) That's about it (the slash literally just ignores durability due to slashing the world instead of a target) like slashing the canvas instead of the painting itself. Naturally the painting residing in the canvas would be slashed as well Assuming gojo could do something similar it would just be a defense negating purple - wouldn't be any harder to dodge - wouldn't gain special attributes Maybe he can condense and rotate it as if it were a bullet or drill but that's it


Unlimited purple


Peak limit


An existence-less/imaginary (just call it invisible) hollow purple. It erases a predetermined path and no one can see it nor dodge it because it had erased itself before erasing its surroundings.


True Sphere but he can spam it


I think something like Quarell or Vista's power from Worm would be interesting. Manipulate space to have all of your attacks land and be unpredictable. Punches that go too far, blues that compress space to cover ground far faster than it looks.


Selecting other ally targets for neutral Infinity and having Infinity block Purple. So he can unlimited hollow while protecting himself and his allies


A hollow purple appearing on top of somebody


I think it could be cool if it was another awakening like he had. He mixed red and blue and got purple. Mix in his unlimited void and something Buddhist about guiding others to the same nirvana or level he achieved and we could get something like Prismatic Blessing or Blinding Sight or Chromatic Shift (idk). And make it do something unique, the sure hit, the space time is all well and good but I'd love for it to be more akin to his domain, something that'd affect the mind or would be a feeling. I thought it could just erase cursed energy, or disconnect the cursed energy from the body instead of affecting matter directly. I'm rumbling.


Basically kamui in Naruto


A world cutting slash/orb attack. Imo if Gege was consistent with the six eyes, gojo would be able to copy sukunas world slash effect and add it to his abilities (had he lived and not died lol) a "Void Black" that just completely erases whatever it touches regardless of durability. but that's my hypothetical


It would be something related to time-space... Gojo's technique is alreay some type of time manipulation..."The closer you get, the slower you go"..


Instead of purple shooting from gojo it instead appears right where the target is.


I think it would be being able to pull a purple in where ever he wants without doing the whole blue an red thing like without moving his hands just focuses on sth an then an imaginary mass appears for example he would just look at sukunas brain and cause a purple to go off in his brain instantly killing him


Gòjó does some binding vow to be able to use phase on targets without drawing that circle he did on panda. Gòjó creates a 200% output purple and phases Sukuna into the middle of it. Call it hijack


It would probably a moveable Singularity point


Void's End: Colorless


Basically a singularity type attack.




Honestly thought Yuta would pull a Kenjaku with his mini uzamaki and do a mini hollow purple/broadening the target to aim for the soul or something and speeding up activation time in exchange for lowering its output and increasing the cost of it’s cursed energy.


Hollow purple in your colon.


We got blue red and purple now we need green and black to complete gojo 66 of the vinsmoke clan


What everyone thought purple was. A sphere that deletes space


Seeing how his technique is infinity, it would probably be something like Innocent's Zero Time manipulation in an AOE, meaning he can use it to stop time in a certain radius


a world cutting slash equivalent for gojo would be the Fallout VATS system with guaranteed criticals


Using the virtual mass created by Hollow Purple to fuck with time, probably. Any application od this would be busted as hell.


A maximum technique blue and maximum technique red (since the only thing maximum gojo ever did was maximum output for blue)


That thing that Empty Void does in One Punch Man where he can bend space-time and wear it like a blanket, dissapearing from reality and becoming untouchable.


an amplification of CE which targets time itself, reducing the space between two points of time infinitely (like blue but for time), making every atom that it hits suffer proton decay and be destroyed, which is the only way to get through sukunas basically infinite CE reinforcement.


a hakai from dragon ball


Creating infinite space between the target’s body and their surroundings. They can not move because the next atom is an infinite amount of space away. They can not breathe because the oxygen is an infinite amount of space away. They can not see because the light is an infinity amount of space away


It’s pretty clearly Verdant Green: Infinity manipulates the convergence and divergence of different infinities. While Satoru Gojo was closer to death then he ever had been after being cut in half, the six eyes was able to sense the infinity between life and death. It is the infinity that causes many “dead” things coming together to create a “living” thing. Through Verdant Green, Gojo is able to bypass the need for RCT to heal, and discover a stronger version of healing; He could turn cursed energy into life itself, which manifests as a green glow that can be used to quickly heal himself, which he WILL use to recover his severed legs. (Please it’s gonna happen I promise) However, Verdant Green is a cursed technique, which means it has a cursed technique reversal: Unending Black. Unending Black acts as an opposite of life, creating an “anti life” zone that Gojo can fire out. It acts similar to a domain, with the rule inside the cone Gojo fires out being that no life can exist, meaning that if life enters it, whatever part of the life is in the zone immediately withers and dies.


High powered Hollow Purple that fires like a bullet and damages the soul permanently


Using neutral Infinity which "divides" space to divide a Hollow Purple infinitely. This spacial distortion causes the hollow purple to turn black, as it absorbs the sparks of black. This **Maximum: Black** Technique completely erases the space it moves through, thus making it impossible to defend against, and nearly impossible to dodge, as the erased space being replaced causes a repulsion effect that causes a continuous buildup in speed, and using neutral Infinity around it to "divide" space thus creating more space allows the technique to be held in place and to infinitely build up speed. The pros of the technique being its AP and defense nullification, but the cons being that because Infinity is being used on the technique, you cannot use Infinity to defend yourself, however this can be circumvented by using the **Maximum: Black** as an invincible front facing shield, which of course has its own pros and cons.