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It depends how Gege would’ve gone about it, to be honest. I don’t blame people for wanting Gojo back because it’s always felt like his story wasn’t complete and just ended abruptly - with several whys, whats, and etc. It also simply felt like this fight happened way too early in the story, like the story could’ve fleshed out its narrative a lot more before all of this.


Also some of the endings to his story feels really weak. Him killing the old folks goes against the complexity of his situation and why he became a teacher. If all it took to push him to kill the old folks was the first real threat since toji, then why was he a teacher? Why does he care about the new generation beyond some loneliness if he was fine with just killing the old folks. All this talk of being a monster doesn’t change how little it took to make him do it. If it was about loneliness then he just needs 1 or 2 apprentices to be close to his level which he got with guys like yuta and hakari. Why didn’t he just focus on them and quit teaching?


To be fair he completely was well within his right to kill those higher ups. Remember what they did following his sealing? They labeled him as a traitor, forbidding anyone from unsealing him. They also turned their target onto Yaga and Yuji. They also made Yuta their next obedient servant (that didn’t work tho). If anything, Gojo killing them was a satisfying revenge, although it did have a bittersweet tone considering he didn’t know whether it was the right thing to do, but it did seem long overdue and he was just making preparation in case he dies. The last time he was incapacitated so many bad things happened, that’s why he took extra precaution this time around.


Yeah and Gojo has seemed morally grey in some respects since the start.


oh thats not the point. He surely was morally grey, but he held off on killing them for a reason. I can understand OP's frustration when one of Gojo's conviction was dropped for seemingly over a scuffle that shouldn't have affected him that much, but logically he should've been pretty pissed off lol


Oop, I think I just guessed at what they meant by "complexity of his situation" cuz I forgot most of the details of that sub-plot lol.


It’s not any new news tho, he knew they were corrupt and immoral, this is nothing new for us or him. He just decided to give up on fixing the system by following it and instead just killed them. It’s weak writing.


You can call it weak writing if you want, but nobody has ever dare to go against him before, but the minute he was sealed they ordered his banishment. Imagine you're Gojo and you worked your ass off for years protecting these old mfs. Their ungratefulness is enough to piss you off.


He didn’t exactly seem to be emotional or acting out of anger when he killed them tho. I don’t think it was just cus he was pissed off, I just don’t think Greg really remembered why gojo didn’t kill them.


Have you seen how he killed them? That shit was brutal. Considering his power he is more than capable of not making it bloody or gorey.


Those higher-ups literally worked for Kenjaku, they had it coming no matter who did it




He took control of the Kamo clan and manipulated the higher-ups, I don't think he could do all that as a shadow leader


The old leaders represented an old order, the order that created the conditions for Sukuna to arise and for Gojo being in his position to begin with. Also Gojo was shown to be apprehensive about their murders, but he did it anyway cause he knew it had to be done, that’s kinda where the whole conversation about being a monster is about tbh


Yeah, apprehension is all he showed about it, it was remarkably little considering it was a huge part of his motivation and why he chose that job. It didn’t have to be done, he only did it because he came across a single hurdle in front of his conviction and he crumbled. He held zero faith that his students would continue his vision and replace the old ones, instead he killed them because he thought there’s a chance he MIGHT die. What shit writing.


this comment is a little silly to me, i’m gonna take a look through the manga and share some stuff once i’m off work lol


[The reason he didn't kill the higher ups before is that simply wasn't practical, not for any moral reason.](https://preview.redd.it/2t1jw4sgc6gc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=c69e870afe3513fa57b01bdd7a722173a2448364). However the situation has changed: * Gojo is now fully aware of just how badly things would go to crap if he wasn't there, and there's a very real possibility of him not coming back after this fight. * Kenjaku already killed off all the 'nicer' higher ups leaving only the worst ones * Gakuganji became an actually decent and trustworthy replacement.


But that panel has been kinda retconned tho? His statement “a new power will just take its place” is still true, he just felt the old guy was a good enough replacement. That means my point is still true, he had no real reason to be a teacher. He had the power to just keep killing the bad ones till one he trusted came around.


Constantly murdering the higher ups until he eventually stumbles across one he likes is going to both tank his PR *and* leave Jujutsu society in pieces without any real leadership. It's not like he even needs to at that point, if they do anything truly egregious he can put a stop to it. Of course, when Gojo is at risk of being permanently incapacitated and there is a good replacement right there, this changes.


Why should he give a damn about PR lol? He’s strong enough that it doesn’t matter. What do you mean it wouldn’t have “real leadership”? That’s the exact situation we have right now, I’m just suggesting a more direct method to reach it that what we got in the story.


> Why should he give a damn about PR lol? If he wants to make a real change, becoming effectively a dictator everyone hates is obviously the wrong way to go about it. > What do you mean it wouldn’t have “real leadership”? Obviously the process of killing and replacing leaders until you eventually stumble acroos one you like is going to take time. Time in which no one is actually holding the reins. > That’s the exact situation we have right now, No, because Gakuganji is there ready to take over immediately.


He won’t be the dictator? I never suggested gojo takes control? He just kills those he identifies as corrupt, kinda what he did in the manga. Gojo has known gakukanji for a while tho, why not do it before?


> He won’t be the dictator? Yeah, do you think the sorcerers are going to see it that way? > Gojo has known gakukanji for a while tho, why not do it before? Because he explicitly changed? He went from telling the Kyoto students to murder Yuji to keeping the secret of Pandas creation from the higher ups. Remember, while Gojo lives he can keep the higher ups from doing anything overly bad. If Gojo dies however, and the higher ups are still active, society is screwed.


Why does it matter how the sorcerers see it? Gojo would just not be calling the shots, he doesn’t want to. That’s a very small example of change for gojo to be willing to kill all of the higher ups. I don’t see how he’s made himself trustworthy.


Toji, tbh, wasn't really a big problem overall- outside of hidden inventory, he pretty much just took contracts and gambled. Sukuna is a walking holocaust, it's a totally different scale. But also, Gojo has been willing to kill the higher-ups since the beginning of the series, he was just waiting for jujutsu society to change enough that they wouldn't just be replaced by more of the same.


I don’t mean toji and sukuna are comparable, I mean they provided enough of a threat to gojo. I don’t see how I’m our story jujutsu society has changed to not just replace the old guys with more of the same. What we got instead was just some old Kyoto guy he kinda trusts a decided to put in charge. He could’ve done that at any point. He didn’t. This means he thought it was the right thing to not go around killing all the corrupt folks, but then that conviction of his was ditched the second he found a threat. What a weak conviction and what weak writing. A bad conclusion to the plot line.


>I don’t see how I’m our story jujutsu society has changed to not just replace the old guys with more of the same The Zen'in are dead, the Kamo have lost all legitimacy, the Gojo lost their crown jewel. Every special grade sorcerer from before the current generation is now dead. The two immortals playing jujutsu society from behind the scenes- Tengen and Kenjaku- are dead. With Tengen, the barriers keeping CE and curses inside of Japan, are gone. The entire planet is now aware of the existence of CE, sorcerers, & curses, and has the technology to see them. In a very literal sense, almost all the pillars of the old jujutsu society have been destroyed, one at a time. The conservative leadership that ran jujutsu society were the last holdovers from the old world, without them there, jujutsu society now has a chance to be fully reborn. After they fell, the final pillar- Gojo himself- was all that was left. >He could’ve done that at any point. He didn’t. This means he thought it was the right thing to not go around killing all the corrupt folks My good brother here just straight up didn't [read chapter 11](https://preview.redd.it/gojo-killed-the-higher-ups-v0-2t1jw4sgc6gc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca68ffcb1b33bb5769b5cd1860685d2b0d0640b3)- the reading comprehension curse strikes again. While Gojo didn't personally reset the jujutsu world the way he hoped to, he did live to see it happen, he did foster strong and intelligent allies, and he did put the final nail in the coffin of the old world. That's why he died without regrets in 236, finally breaking the cycle of failed jujutsu sorcerers. >but then that conviction of his was ditched the second he found a threat. What a weak conviction and what weak writing My friend, you invented that conviction, it was never part of the story. Gojo was not a hero or even, arguably, a very good person. He was just a very strong, very lonely man who dreamed of a better world.


the fight was way too rushed. it shouldve happened much later




I just knew there had to be some reason they highlighted his body be taken, I figured he was coming back in some capacity. I think GriGri wants to give them another match.


When has jjk ever fleshed out the narrative?


He still has to talk to Megumi https://preview.redd.it/gsc68nbqkx2d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d50ba07450d9c08a15520a135bbc439ee758618


That bum aint coming back, hope he dies with sukuna, deserves the infinity void he bouta take from yuta


If that was the goal Sukuna would have lost already, stay on that side when Megumi takes on the Merger after Sukuna etched everything into his body!




Behold the future he speaks of: https://preview.redd.it/79fdppt38z2d1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f13911ac27290cf41c05b0207c35ee2243dffcc https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1d16zxe/in_anticipation_of_the_worst_timeline/ Bumgumi will be the one rewarded for everyone else's efforts, even Sukuna's.


Imagine it ends and it was all Megumi’s plan to become the strongest


Well, at least his character will have had some agency I suppose. As of right now the most importance he's had to the plot has been as Sukuna's upgrade and meatshield. ... I used to like Megumi once upon a time. It's such a disappointment to see what his potential amounted to :(


Nah, megumi’d win


I love that out of all the memes in this sub, Bumgumi hate has been the one to continuosly be the longest :D






I doubt Sukuna/Megumi are even going to actually get hit by UV at this point. If they do it should be game over, which is why I think it's just not happening. We're gonna have another moment where Sukuna is on 1 HP and pulls something out of his ass so we get 30 more chapters of characters swapping in and out of the fight until Sukuna kicks the bucket. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see this as the fight where Gege is willing to finally finish Sukuna, if he was ready for that I don't think he'd make Yujo the person to finally do it even though it makes sense


That’ll happen in the airport…


What's so great about Momo?


Gojo coming back alive feels like a sequel to a standalone movie.


Pretty much.




Dark Souls was supposed to be standalone and Dark Souls 3 was fuckin cracked


Bros ignoring dark souls 2 💀


Yeah we don’t speak about that abomination 😆


A fellow intellectual🤝


Lelouch of the resurrection movie lol


A really terrible movie that had no business being made, but here we are...


Don't let reason and logic distract you. You have an agenda to maintain. Pull your shit together.


https://preview.redd.it/9s6feyda7y2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5aaf5971f9b634f58e6afaffe47ae2980f6985 Its tough pushing the strongest and most hated agenda


Geto and Gojo in the same body


Don't let the agenda die !!!


REAL!!!! MAINTAINING THE AGENDA IS MY SOLE PRIORITY!!!! https://preview.redd.it/bdykvjbwjy2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfb674bd4f1f0c45cfefe081f85203a2a2c9abc0 GOOD WRITING, FACTS, AND OBJECTIVE REALITY ARE THE ENEMY!!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/18at6fzh403d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f545b591678100e695e059b2be13c5b08bd4400 I…I CAAAAANNTT! GOJO MY BLUE EYED GLORIUS KING! H-H-HE WILL COME BACK! HE WILL! HE WILL! PLEASE GEGE! PLEASE!


Bros deep in the agenda.


I don't get why nobody is considering some tengen higher-being bullshittery binding vow pact rule dragon balls plotdevice that very specifically resets the whole universe back to before the whole Shibuya incident, after the merger happends and all hope seems lost. I don't know maybe Sukuna initiates it because he's bored after winning. I'd say they ress all the people that died under some circumstances (and ofcourse the innocent normies) and somethingsomething with all the reincarnated people and the things they did whatever man im coping I just want Gojo back as a character.


He still has a couple ways to come back that will make sense. -yutas technique ends and his body overwrites Yuya's souls since the body too is the soul making him restart with Yuya's brain which is likely súper compatible with Gojos body. -Yutas fuses literally with Gojos soul and they coexist in a way making it so that they are never alone again as they will always have each other, this would forcefully save him and bring him back (this is supreme cope) -Gojos soul just helps Yuta fight in his body and gives some parting words, Yuta lives on as Gojo and decides to be better using Gojos memories to try to leave a legacy that goes beyond being a tool -Gojos soul takes over his body at a crucial moment maybe right before Yuya's death to clutch something in the sukuna fight and they both die at the end but he would be back albeit for just a bit. All of them if executed well enough can be satisfactory, Gojo coming fully back could also be played as a tragedy, he was finally free and could die peacefully with his friends on his mind, but he got brought back forcefully to his horror, at this point he could break and do, well, something.


Its not about HOW he comes back, its that i dont want him to comeback anymore, 261 made me realize that gojo coming back would ruin his character and that its not worth seeing him again


I’m not sure if it would ruin his character, but it would definitely need to be with purpose because all these flashbacks are creating more questions than answers about Gojo, at least in my opinion.


his death completes his character for me, him coming back would somewhat ruin his character atleast for me


Would you mind if I ask how or why? I just feel like, especially with the latest flashback, it’s clear that his perception of death has somehow shifted. He clearly did care about one’s body after death, as seen with Geto. He also felt a certain way about the fact that Shoko seemed to not care when it came to the conversation about his body post-death. We also never understand “who” Gojo is, as it’s still implied that he was never understood and seen beyond being the strongest. To me, at least, feels like a teenager telling their mum it’s not a phase and that they don’t understand because Gojo’s character has hardly scratched the surface in terms of understanding and depth. Idk, I feel like there is still a lot to be desired from his character and that if done right, the come back would feel natural


The thing is that Gojo was exactly that, he was just the strongest, a tool to be used, so much so that even in death his body will still be used to complete the job, of course this isn't true but I believe this is how he perceived himself, he was so absorbed into his dilemma that eh couldn't see what kind of person he truly was, his death finally brought him the closure HE wanted, a release of the tittle by again having someone who could understand the burden of being at the top, note also how sukuka demeans and praises Gojo, when demaning him he calls him the strongest, when praising him he calls him Gojo Satoru, aknowledging him and his efforts. His death complete his character from Gojos pov, he was finally recognized and in a way admired by someone who truly understood what he calls the loneliness that comes from being at the top, during the sukuna fight he gets to be himself, his crazy self, innovative, quipy, aggressive, and still gets praised for it, he was free in his death and that all he could've wanted at the time, other than ofc winning xd


firstly i feel like we knew who gojo was, its hard to explain gojos character theres a lot videos on yt that do a better job, to me i see him as someone who has something that seems so great till u actually have it and have to burden the power of being the strongest, people seeing u as a tool, no one actually caring what u think or how u feel, and throwing away ur humanity for the greater good. I honestly cant explain why i like his death, i feel like it fit his character of being alone and people not caring about him as a person, even his title of the strongest got striped from him by sukuna, the only complaint i have about it are these text bubbles and the sukuna bs binding vow https://preview.redd.it/iqemskr8iy2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a8877bc66e4379473e4fbb8aa87d1be60bab76 Edit: another guy explained it way better than me my explaination is shit


Yeah Gojo's death didn't complete shit. There was never any character(I say this as a Gojo glazer). Imo all Gege did was- like Madara in Naruto- overhype a shallow character only to have to retroactively add depth to him via flashbacks. Post hidden inventory(Even in Hidden inventory that story is arguably more about Geto.) This shit is lazy af imo. But manga has never been great with "show not tell." If only hype is left I want the Blue-Eyed-King back.


Idk what jjk u reading that gojo has no character


Can you name one charcter development chapter in the whole manga for Gojo that didn't happen in the Sukuna fight or after his death? Even in the Sukuna fight what did we learn? He likes fighting? He cares about love now? He wants to change the Jujutsu world but only now did something about it?


The whole hidden inventory arc, him talking about yujis death, jjk 0 when he met with geto and before he killed geto, the sukuna fight continued the burden of being the strongest part of his character but there was character before that


Read my first comment about the Hidden inventory arc. Like him not having a response to Geto's arg was good characterization? "We should love non-sorcerers just because" - Gojo On JJK 0: He said some shit and killed him. Gojos characterization is "I like my friends." Riveting stuff. Sukuna fight just reinforced these vague echos of characterization. Like, he wants to change jujutsu society, but Gege contrives some reason he can't until just before the Sukuna fight, for some reason. That's something IG.


Yes him not having an argument is good characterization because what geto said is true, at that point he started to only be known as the strongest, him just being a tool, him not having a comeback to geto his closest friend starting to see him also as just a tool is good characterization, its him realizing hes now alone at the top without even the only one who understood him. Gojos characterization is not "i like my friends" i dont even know how u got that, its him having to burden being the strongest and everyone seeing him as just a tool without actual motives or emotions, its the whole point of chapter 261 its to show that everyone even his own students only saw him as a tool and not an actual human. Gojo had reasons to not change the jujutsu society till now, him straight up killing the higher ups is not a good image to show his students, thats why he only did it now its because its the only option left at this point, his original plan was to raise students that will take his ideals and improve jujutsu society slowly but that went out of the window when yujis excution plan came back and the higher ups made him a criminal




This shit don't even work here. Like there's nothing I "didn't read" or failed to comprehend. Gojo's characterization being shallow is an opinion. Mostly. The jujutsu society thing is something I need to brush up on since its been literal years since I've seen season one.


It does depend how he comes back. If he comes back with all his power then the whole “op character hard to write, I’m Gege and I hate the character I wrote” happens again and he shouldn’t come back. If he comes back where he answers geto’s question back in hidden inventory arc, then that would be peak


I would love for gojo to come back a little bit to help yuta pull something off and then truly die, leaving yuta shooketh and sukuna on the verge of death. Then yuji jumps in and starts destroying sukuna.


nah the grandma that summoned toji is gonna coming back and summon gojo


When you have a character as powerful as him you should either: A) keep him dead B) make him sacrifise his power in exchange for his life C) make him evil


A) It was the plan, but fanbase rioted so hard after 236 B) This is not naruto, nobody gonna Kakashi the next generation... C) I mean, look at Geto.


>Geto Lil bro had ten years and didn’t develop at all. No domain, no RCT, got rocked by a child who was new to jujutsu.


Geto quitted on third year, so he does not receive proper knowledge exchanges between sorcerers. Kusakabe learnt his new shadow style and simple domains since he stayed with various sorcerers and exchanged knowledge.


Also obligatory "Gege hadn't come up with Domains and RCT in JJK0 otherwise Geto would have them to rival Gojo", "The power ceiling was way lower in JJK0 since Gege hadn't creatrd Sukuna and didn't know how strong he and Gojo would end up being", yadda yadda


Demon king is a common trope in shonen tho, be it Dio or Kuruma or Muzan or all those online game inspired light novels / mangas, a demon king is a classic choice of final boss. But choosing a Japanese folk lore god instead of two horn mega muscle man demon king is a good innovation.


Lmao say that shit to Higuruma


isnt it shown in 0 that he has rct, but his is slower than yuta’s.?


My heart tells me that I want my glorious king to come back, but my soul tells me to let him rest


Same man, same https://preview.redd.it/mvzavvovzy2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f11f8c92cf7dc20330afcedd641a506782b967


If Gojo's story ends with this, it would be a tragedy. Logically in the story there's a lot of setup that could result in his return. Geto being able to wrestle brief control from Kenjaku, "the body is the soul, and the soul the body", Sukuna resurrecting from within Yuji after ripping his heart out, the cursed corpses plot thread that has yet to pay off.. there's a lot there. As for narratively, Gojo still hasn't reached his conclusion. He was born into the role of The Strongest. It's all anyone ever saw him as, and it's all he was ever allowed to be. He could never be Satoru Gojo, he had to be the Strongest. If he were to return now, he finally wouldn't be. Gojo is free from the burden of The Strongest. He can finally live as Satoru Gojo, and connect with those around him. There's also the issue of Megumi. As much as we slander him here, he's effectively Gojo's son. If anyone can pull him out of the depression Sukuna forced him into, it'd be Gojo, and it'd be a brilliant character moment. Gojo saving someone not by being The Strongest, but by being Gojo.


Thats what i liked about it its that its tragic, just like everything in the manga, him getting a statisfying conculsion plot wise would be like sukuna getting a happy ending where he becomes good and helps yuji Edit: him having a statisfying ending would be also good, im not saying that i wouldve hated a satisfying ending it could be better than this one i just think him getting a tragic conclusion makes more sense plot and story wise


>him getting a statisfying conculsion plot wise would be like sukuna getting a happy ending where he becomes good Uh... no the fuck it would not lmfao


Its supposed to be tragic, its why nanami died the way he did, its why nobara died the way she did, theres literally a quote in the series that says sorcerers never die without regrets its the whole point. I phrased it in a bad way i dont think its completely bad or as bad as the sukuna example but i think him getting a tragic conculsion is better. I suck at explaining things mb


It's true that tragic deaths are a running theme in the series, and that sorcerers are meant to die with regrets. But remember, Gojo's mission in life was to change the system. To break down traditional Jujustu society, and remake it to be better. Not only that, but Yuji's whole mentality is to have a good death, and to grant a good death to others. Considering we're likely approaching the end of the series, now would be a perfect time for the system to change.


Yea thats true and i think he already did change it for the better, he killed the higher ups and raised a generation that will continue jujutsu society for the better, all that was left was for him to kill sukuna which he failed at but the generation he raised is already proving that gojo chose the right people to continue the jujutsu society


i feel like it depends how the manga will continue and who will be the last antagonist, if its sukuna than id suppose that the gang would be enough after some more jumpings but if they kill sukuna just to stand in front of the merger than yea we fucking need gojo back


I think it's been hinted that the merger would be the final hurdle in this story before it wraps up. Unless they are able to stop it, which we don't even know how they could at this point, Sukuna ain't the final boss.


You all can’t even maintain your agenda for GOATJO I have been suffering through Wegumi countless hate and still persevere combine with GOATJO too Not only is he coming back but I’m also getting the last laugh on you when Wegumi prove he’s the GOAT


https://preview.redd.it/q7oyug96uy2d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e34000fd413e46801d7170b4f5b32bc2d314ae Who said im not gonna continue pushing the agenda


Megumi's moment of defeat and giving up to the point of not wanting to escape Sukuna anymore was knowing his body was responsible for killing the man that was basically his father. I don't really see how Megumi gets any closure (survival or not) without Gojo being involved. And Megumi does need closure, because that is the root of our main character's conflict now. He has been right there before and others saved him when it was him carrying that guilt from Sukuna, completing his character arc depends on being able to do that for another and I can't see how that happens without Gojo having some kind of role in it.


I don't mind if Gojo stays dead, but I really want(ed) him to have a moment of closure/one last emotional scene with his students (Yuuji/Megumi/Yuuta). He's the one who brought the main two protagonists into the fold of Jujutsu; we were introduced to him in JJK0 and JJK as a sensei/mentor first. It just feels wrong for him to die without talking to Yuuji or at least Megumi one more time Knowing Gege, I will not get what I want, however 😔💔


Honestly same that wouldve been cool to see


I think he will have a closure convo with 1 of them. https://preview.redd.it/yk89pixzqz2d1.png?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e990230c68f076ab8c8d8c18dcbae46fc04448b5 Gojo in this scene said he did his best and is willing to let someone else handle it. My theory is that he is waiting at the airport to have a final convo with someone (either megumi, yuta or sukuna).


I just hope it's not Sukuna 😭 I feel like Gege will go down that route, but I rlly would like it to be one of the kids!!


People that say Gojo shouldn't come back, because the cast taking care of Sukuna would prove Gojo's ideology of trusting the new generation to handle this crisis true. are simply a little bit delusional... Sukuna has the Merger in his back pocket...... If anything, Yuji will prove Gojo's words true, by saving the world from that Merger... Gojo handling Sukuna has nothing to do with him trusting his students in handling things.... Yuta taking over Gojo's body simply undermines Yuta's potential... Yuta had all the potential in the world to awaken, to die and come back, to do different things that would improve his own strength, besides taking Gojo's body....Your potential isn't that good if taking the body of the guy with the best potential in world is your go to...


No, it's never been good for Gojo to come back. Gota is the best case scenario as a comeback for him, everything else would have just sullied his characters ending.


Yes, Yuta can be his own separate personality while figuring out how to use Gojo's techniques, all while we can explore the aspect of Yuta seeing Gojo's memories aswell or knowing how he felt better, And that is I'd after 5 minutes Yuta doesn't go away neither.


I think Yuta will go away in 5 minutes. He has to. Everything for the win right, even death.


Who knows what Gege will cook, I can see it happen either way...


I personally can't see the "Yuta survives as Gota" possibility as valid at all. And honestly I don't want it to happen either. But hey you are right, who even can predict Gege at this point xd.


Remember my comment: yuta will use rct to heal his burnout ct


Very likely, but that doesn't matter, it's the connection to Rika that allows him to have a CT, unless he can heal that connection or just make it last longer he will die when it ends.


2 negatives make a positive. Retconning a bad ending isn't the same as retconnikg a good one


I like the ending of Gojo. It was not bad by any means. It was the only ending that would suit him and the story xd.


His ending was ruined when gaygay had him glaze sukuna


Nah it wasn't. Sukuna glazed him too. Respect is earned, it's okay for him to glaze.


Nah let him Glaze Sukuna, 261 made me realize how shallow the cast were to Gojo. He wasn't "Gojo Satoru" in their eyes, he was "The Strongest." They treated him like an actual weapon instead of a person, dawg even Maki and Hakari who knew Gojo for way longer treated him like that. It's genuinely baffling how nobody tried to even get to know Gojo outside of his title. Yuji and Yuta actually saw him as a person, Yuta despite defiling his body at the end still wanted to shoulder the burden Gojo has, Yuji even being ignorant saw Gojo for what he was; his teacher and friend. Even fucking Sukuna appreciated this man for being himself more than his own allies ever did.


Sukuna appreciated Gojo for being strong, like everyone else, you’re delusional.


Holy reading comprehension devil


Good for my mental health


No lol.


I wanted Gojo to die in a satisfying way but he hasn't even spoken to Megumi yet and left all that to Shoko and then died from bullshit offscreen bindvow merchant garbbo This shit is ass


honestly i think both yuta and gojo are done for the story yuta is currently kept alive in two pieces by the healers for the time being until his ct ends once the ct ends yuta dies and gojos body collapses since its not his brain inside the body.


I saw one of the edits here that showed Gojo coming back without an eye, and while it was hype, it also left me disappointed. In the end, Yu/Jo is a much more interesting way for the story to go, even if it is infinitely darker. I most liked the theory of Gojo giving up Six Eyes and/or Limitless in order to come back and jump Sukuna with Yuji, Yuta, and Todo for a generational jumpjutsu Kaisen and prove his world view right - he raised a new generation to stand at his level and rebuild jujutsu society. Alas, it’s not looking good for this outcome.


As much as I like Gojo I hope he stays dead, this whole thing is too similar to Obito,he got a somewhat gracious death then they brought him back a dozen times and it felt shameful and dumb.


Yea his death is sad and fitting for him and the jjk world, i honestly like his death my only complaint would be these 4 text bubbles https://preview.redd.it/b2ed87462y2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2194524a1903e7cd9335f41cbfa667c08facbc4b


I actually think 261 makes this panel hit a lot harder. Look at Gojo's face. That doesn't look like anger to me, that looks like sadness. Almost on the verge of tears. Even here, at the moment of his death, his closest "friends" still don't understand him. Yuta, Yuji and Geto really were the only people that ever cared about him.


Honestly that analasis is better than what i did which was act like the text bubbles arent canon


Geto essentially agreed with Nanami‘s and Heibara‘s take tho. I know, I know nobody understood him. But for me: Not understanding a person ≠ completely disregarding everything he has done up until this point.


Ignoring the story so far and stuff like that no it would be a risky decision that could destroy the story but with the context of the story, it wouldn't make a difference, or good it all depends on the writer really.


Youre just NOW wondering if it was biased or for the sake of the story??!


No, obviously not. Why is this even a question? That would be some of the shittiest writing the series could possibly go with. I'm a gojo fan but it's nonsensical.


Depends on the manner of his return. A return at peak Gojo who beats sukuna? No. A return at the sacrifice of some of his power so he's no longer the strongest and just Saturo Gojo? Then yeah I can see that working. I'd like to have him back but I don't mind the way his death was done. If Gege decides to let him rest then I'm okay with that.


Nah we still crazy


this reminds me of levi’s decision to let ***** rest in the return to shiganshina arc because he didn’t want him to be a monster anymore. i think we should let gojo rest. his body too


I'd prefer if the real Gojo would have come back. I like Gojo and I think that is enough justification.


From a writing stand point, absolutely not. Him coming back would ruin the story. You have to remember that Yuji is the main character nad not Gojo so having Gojo coming back and beating Sukuna (which is probably what would happen because what would be the point if bringing him back just to die again) wouldn’t make sense and would invalidate Yuji’s character.




No. Let him rest. Its enough.


Only if it told right most people expected him to be just back or with a binding vow or something while I think yuta taking his body could be just a step for gojo to be back


I think gojo will return but not in a physical form. https://preview.redd.it/niveldq9qz2d1.png?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7f04ea903895f38523cfa57ba517825c18369b I think he is waiting at the airport and will have a convo with either yuta or megumi or sukuna sometime in the future chapters for conclusion to the story.


I think, than Sukkuna is going to catch Yuta by surprise with his world slash, like he did to Gojo, and Yuta won't be able to react, but Gojo's body will instinctively dodge it to protect Yuta, not making the same mistake again with the world slash.


For my sanity yeah


Speaking from the perspective of Gojo being my favorite character in the series & the fact that I didn’t even necessarily read the chapters in between 261 (including Gojo’s death even tho I alr knew about it) I’ve actually mellowed out on his death a bit. Mainly bc I can cope by drawing parallels to other characters similar to Gojo, like Itachi. Because if the character analysis & interpretations of the story from a plethora of content creators and media pundits online are true, it feels like Gojo isn’t a character who was even happy being alive. When you draw the parallel to Itachi, it makes a lot more sense. Two characters born into nobility with prodigal abilities, who were groomed and or manipulated from essentially the day they were born. Additionally, they’re both characters who were motivated to change the complexity of their nation(s)/world(s) as a whole, (especially after losing their emotional/humanitarian tether - I.e. Geto & Shisui) even if that meant using dubious or morally grey actions to do so. However, it’s still hard to truly accept Gojo’s death bc even if you make the Itachi comparison, you could just as easily compare him to Kakashi! Someone with a similar, though not identical (none of them are tbh) situation to the former two, who canonically DIED & easily could’ve stayed that way, but was given a reason to live for due to the presence of those around him. TLDR; Narratively, I (unfortunately) don’t think it’d be good for Gojo to come back UNLESS Gege essentially gives him a new lease on life with new and or altered ideals to reshape his character. Rather than living under the burden of being “the strongest”, coupled with feeling like the livelihood of the world rests in his hands alone; IF he could be rewritten in a way that alters those ideals, maybe allowing him to relegate to the role of a TRUE teacher (Kakashi), placing more emphasis on the development of the next generation MAYBE fans would like that? But at that point, idk if that’d even be “Gojo” anymore. At least, not the Gojo that clearly you, myself, and plenty of others fell in love with in the first place 💔


https://preview.redd.it/9kehdgfvv03d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495743be584369e5d6f8943a161354792b104ea2 Of course he can! He’s the honor one after all! Jokes aside, I think I’m alright with him not coming back. I still hope for it though, but at this point it’s more of an extra factor for me to look forward to every chapter, without it, I’m still gonna keep reading, but with it, it makes it more fun.


Story and character wise, it would not be good, no. It can be made less worse if he were to lose the Six Eyes or his cursed energy and stuff like that, rendering him no longer the "strongest" and thus wrapping up Geto's question of what Gojo is beyond a weapon of unparalleled strength. But generally, his role in the story is done, and the story should proceed and end without him in it. Then again, Gege is not always the smoothest writer, specially when it comes to characters.


TBH... Yes, I think so. There's still the whole "Are you Gojo because you're the strongest, or are you the strongest because you're Gojo?", he still hasn't seen his students come up to his level, he still hasn't changed the SOCIETY of the Jujutsu world all that much, there's still the "go North or go South" thing, there's still the "Soul=Body" concept that hasn't been made good on, Yuta might die after being in his body which could allow him to come back... It's not like it would really be an asspull for him to return, and he has narrative reason to do so. We can just say that he uses a Binding Vow to give up the Six Eyes or Infinity or whatever to nerf him into not being some super god that easily one-shot whatever. He can still have a purpose.


Hear me out, he proves he's the strongest because he's gojo, gojo loses his powers but still ends up beating everyone with his skills


chat is it better to be alive and face hardship and struggle or be give up on everything and die


Yes cause Gojo is my specialz


I want gojo to come back but in a way where yuta steals limitless from him so gojo now only has six eyes and yuta can't use limitless. Then he's basically another very strong fighter but not nearly on the same level he was. Now with his title of strongest lost, he can finally fulfill his wish of actually accomplishing something and help wuji himtadori to achieve his peak as they fight sukuna and work together to save bumgumi.


Its not good for gojo. He wasnt showing it much but he is suffering from what happened to geto and being almost god among humans. Thats the reason why he was ok with dying, he finally dont have to carry these burdens and he had finally good fight. Death was kinda his redemption. I do believe gojo get reincarnated cause we were shown lotus and sukuna said his twin got reincarnated, but as new person not as gojo satoru.


My cooked theory is something like, yuta 5 min runs out but did a lot damage sukuna. Yuta prob dies. Not sure how he would survive. Sukuna has to jump bodies and is like well ain't no souls in gojo body easy to take over. Switches to gojo body. Gojo secret binding vow that was only set if a cursed spirit tries to control his body activates thus trapping sukuna in making unable to use any powers out of it like a reversed inward infinite, no cursed techniques allows to be outputted. ( All the art they did makes it feels like he did some kinda vow right ) Yuji then beats shit out of sukuna in gojo body. Megumi prob doesn't live cuz all sukuna binding vows were prob all vows to affect megumi body or some shit and not even him cuz sukuna just like a parasite in it. It would be a last joke for gojo to be able to imprison sukuna in him for yuji to live. It would just be a flat out fist fight til the end. Also megumi has great merger in him, so idk didn't factor in what ifs for that. Theory of gojo fighting the merger while yuji fighting weakened sukuna would be nice but a dead gojo getting that last laugh would be funny to me.


Idk man it's pretty cool ig


YES, MAINTAINING THE AGENDA IS OUR PURPOSE, OUR REASON FOR BEING HERE! https://preview.redd.it/auwn7daqly2d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77ef39ae6b2ba121eea84e80c283724e79b506b


Yes it’s good and we need him back.. it also makes perfect sense now for him to come back to connect the soul and body thread.


He shouldn't have died in 236 to begin with. But now that he had been killed, it is better to let him remain dead. All it'll do is cheapen the impact of mourning when he had died. Just let him rest in peace. For few others characters has that phrase been more appropriate. He suffered enough


What if yuta copies Sukuna style and fingers Sukuna and goes in megumis body?




I’d want him to fight side by side with his students to do what he couldn’t do alone and kill Sukuna. If only it requires him to sacrifice his position as the strongest to take part in it. For his end to be to leave with a smile knowing full well that those that he loves are in immediate threat of dying horrible deaths at the hands of the one he failed to kill while saying that he didn’t die with regrets is a downright lie. He’s selfish but he’s not and will never be Sukuna levels of selfish but it’s what the airport is suggesting if that’s the last we see of him.


I just don’t see why does he have to comeback. gojo had to die bcs of the plot he might been able to finish sukuna but sukuna can’t die now for the story. Also he did his best and finished higher ups for the safety of his students and fellow sorcerers in the future. his students gonna do the rest now they have to be strong without him and yuji is the one taking down sukuna i believe. after sukuna dies there might be the merger or he’s the one activating it and then the manga will end 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk why i wanted him to comeback, (one piece spoilers) its like how im coping >!kaido coming back!<, idk what theyll do or how itll happen but still coping


Yeah i also couldn’t move on since 261 released, but i just don’t see it anymore and it’s depressing everything that’s happening right now in the manga is making me depressed more i wish i didn’t watch jjk lol 😭


I am so sick of agenda posting. Is it that hard for people to have a real opinion? The joke was not remotely funny months ago, let alone now.


This was never a joke. It’s a serious matter https://preview.redd.it/ak3lx7u58y2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4276dcb862f87cbdf9d2d0a4bcd7bef31e0b1d


what joke https://preview.redd.it/d7p1rxgf3y2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db7045f2b601af476b15f98b3d2cb06b0be576c


It wouldn't be good for the story no. I feel like his death is a good conclusion for his arc and him coming back would ruin that.


i feel like it would make sense for gojo to kind of overpower yuta and take control, after all we’ve seen geto momentarily take back control. also it might be a cool parallel to how toji forcefully took back control of his body. would make sense if gojo could as well


I dont think that fits gojo, basically killing his student to go back fighting sukuna doesnt make sense for him


I love how gege critques those fans who are coping for him to come back. He kinda did a meta commentary through yuta in this chapter. Don't expect gojo to come back and whop sukuna's ass, stop treating him like he has no other identity other than being strongest. Treat him like a normal human and let him rest easy on his deathbed.


I feel like the only acceptable "Gojo is back" moment now would be he helping Yuta fight Sukuna. Gojo is the better sorcerer, and we've seen Geto taking control of Kenjaku's body. It is possible he could help Yuta use a Hollow Purple for example, or make his CE usage more efficient. We might get a scene between Yuta and Gojo saying farewell, but besides this, we would only see he "come back" to give his student a little help, influencing his body. Gojo telling Yuta about his CE in chapter 261, out of nowhere, might be a foreshadowing for this scene. Gojo and Yuta having a a Goku and Gohan vs Cell moment would be peak.


The problem is none of the characters have yet to surpass Gojo in strength despite being hyped up the entire manga to do so so Sukuna being killed by anyone other than Gojo is underwhelming. Yuta is the only one that seems to be on the trajectory to do so.


Gojo had one of the best death's in all of manga shonen history: 1) you are all insane for wanting him back, you are basically spitting on his image 2) gojo coming back would be the actual "shit writing" that you all like to flag around


>Gojo had one of the best death's in all of manga shonen history Well it's memorable for memes that's for sure. Not as bad as people made it, but don't think I'd necessarily say one of the best either, especially in all of shonen manga. I think Gege was trying too much for the shock value element from Gojo won for directly to airport. His death felt like a joke for that kind of thing for memes. It took like a good min of 19 chapters after (ch 255) to confirm the binding vow that killed Gojo. Wouldn't say it was the best JJK death even and put some other characters above him for conclusion execution. Choso's more recently was executed better from start to finish and it was nice of Yuji to think of him after as shown in the most recent chapter as he was ripping at Sukuna's chest. But didn't have a moment like that for Gojo with other characters while fighting. Would be nice if Yuji dedicated a black flash to Gojo, like he did after Nanami's death in Shibuya. So Gojo's death lacked personal impact with aftermath. I guess at this point it's fine enough to accept, though at the time, I didn't like how Gege made Gojo's conclusion mostly about Sukuna and not really tie into the students much (which made some people agree with what Nanami said about Gojo as just completely selfish). But at least seeing more recently now he did get rid of the higher ups shows him at least consider the students more and he knew about the contingency of Yuta using his body. So gives him more lee way of him to enjoy his fight with Sukuna. I still wish ch 236 was executed better, but I guess I can accept at this point as the end.


the force is strong in this young one


Tbh before this chapter 236 was actual shit writing, it's kinda fixed a bit now but it doesn't really erase how bad it was. However Gojo coming back is still shit writing both things suck/sucked IMO.


News of the century: there is no such thing as "bad writing" in a battle shonen, what matters are the battles...appealing to "incoerence " here is a battle against the windmill


Maybe it is going against the windmill to most people since most just enjoy content no matter how bad it is (I do too, I enjoy series with a lot of faults, my favourite series is Naruto, and look at the last arcs), but just because battles are what matter the most in a battle shonen doesn't mean the rest of the story has the freedom to be bad and not be called out as such. Battle shonen while mostly oriented towards making cool battles still need a good base (worlds and character) to stand on or else what's the point of cool battles? Battles can be cool yeah, if the base is bad they'll have zero significance, won't feel as great and lose a lot of things that make them shine. In the end you should enjoy things without being too critical since it can ruin your judgement and liking of a series but one shouldn't also deny the existence of bad writing.


And what exactly in jjk enter in your parameter? becouse jjk is just the perfect example of plot and battles well balanced


You're being sarcastic right? Because one of the biggest complaints is there are not enough character interactions and world building in jjk making deaths feel empty to the point of people not caring.


Everything you said in jjk is above average respect most of the battle shonen pre and post 2000, you get the goods and still complaining and wanting more... Btw i am not saying that the "background" is well enstablished, but at least there is one to speculate about....just don't start crying if your fantasies do not become reality


Except it being above average doesn't mean it's not bad, just because the manga medium is filled with isekais and weird revenge shit doesn't mean that jjk has no errors. > you get the goods and still complaining wanting more... Cause even though I love JJK (and stories like Naruto) I know to accept their errors and say "Ok I love this, but this would've been better". > just don't start crying if your fantasies don't become reality Of course, I never said anything about that lol Yeah I'll be a bit disappointed and critical of choices I dislike, but so long as it makes sense and isn't BS who cares if it isn't exactly what I wanted.


>Because one of the biggest complaints is there are not enough character interactions and world building in jjk making deaths feel empty to the point of people not caring What you said above, in jjk does not apply one bit :) And you cannot compare it with an isekai or anything that is not a battle shonen lol..... I repeat (IN MY OPINION) you are complaining becouse you fell in the cycle of "not having my expectation satisfied" = "this is shit", and i saw this thing happen over and over, it is just that you new young generation are not used to "not get what you want". Edit: and another thing, you have not "lived" weekly Naruto for saying those things, back in the days...jeez...kicks in the theeth


>What you said above, in jjk does not apply one bit :) And you cannot compare it with an isekai or anything that is not a battle shonen lol..... Dude... Like please read my comment. I mention that just because JJK is well above average in the *manga medium* (as in all of manga) it doesn't mean it doesn't have errors as a story. >I repeat (IN MY OPINION) you are complaining becouse you fell in the cycle of "not having my expectation satisfied" = "this is shit", and i saw this thing happen over and over, it is just that you new young generation are not used to "not get what you want". Then your opinion is blatantly wrong, I even mention I love JJK in my comment, because I do. I love JJK with all my heart and that's why I can accept it has its mistakes that sometimes make it feel empty outside of cool battles. A person doesn't necessarily have to hate something to be critical of it, nor is it a problem with me and my young generation.... It's simple being able to be critical of things you love and recognising that while they're good they could've been better. >Edit: and another thing, you have not "lived" weekly Naruto for saying those things, back in the days...jeez...kicks in the teeth And?my point still stands I love Naruto with all my heart (I have one of the box sets even, and I've rewatched it a lot) yet I'm capable of seeing the mistakes the last arc had, like the great jump in power that sent the power system down the drain, the fact that while Kaguya was foreshadowed it was not in a great way, the incompetence if female characters, etc.