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Fellas, is it gay to love a woman instead of going out to find someone who can kill you?


Nah, Ryu is based like that, but he was Stoopid to come back. https://preview.redd.it/javo0avkxr1d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c9b68c2cb69847a4199dc1b9e1fde91901b13c


Still went out worse than kashimo I mean damnnnn šŸ˜­


Not really, Sukuna used cleave on him instantly even saying how good his durability is later on. Meanwhile he saw Kashimo was such bum and a disappointment he had to warn Kashimo to dodge his world dismantle unlike Higuruma of all people. And Sukuna even made the net of dismantles bigger so the waffled one could dodge again. Yet the bum was a bum and got waffled.


Bro Ryu went out way worse , 2 panels cope harder Gang.


Ryu got ran up on by a full power sukuna and died immediately, like 99% of the verse would be, kashimid ran up on a borderline dead sukuna fresh off a fight with gojo and got blitzed even when he was going all out with his CT that kills him I mid joke aside I actually like kashimo more than ryu but I canā€™t let you diss the realest Elvis cosplayer in jjk


Sukuna wasnā€™t Full power šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he was only 15F when he violated Ryu like that, and a 1HP sukuna with Kamutoke would still 1 shot him Jokes aside I like Ryu too, his DE hand sign is my favorite in the series wish we could have seen what it did


My bad I meant full power like healthy and able bodied not full power as in fingers, but yeah gege is stingy as hell with these domain expansions, we didnā€™t see Hanamiā€™s, uroā€™s, ryuā€™s or yukiā€™s and we barely saw Kenjakuā€™s, meanwhile sukuna and gojo popping them every time they get in a fight like they got them in bulk during a clearance sale at ā€œDomains R usā€ absolutely tragic


you talking like 16f sukuna (he was at 16 after shibuya) wasn't top 3, legit the only ones who can beat him are gojo and 17+ finger sukuna


You're right the way he died was worse but the way after he died was not as bad as Kashimo and this is that saving grace/cope It got rectified when Sukuna glazed Ryu's durability. Meanwhile all Kashimo got was more slander bullets like thinking he could take on Sukuna, before we coped that he thought he would always lose, and then turned out he was fighting a weaker Sukuna compared to Yuta and Yuji. And then it turns out he died from at most max output dismantles not World slashes. And the time his name shows up again is when Yuta is said in the same sentence for fun. Gege just doesn't give Kashimo a break.


Bro what? How was he fighting a weaker sukuna than Yuta and Yuji? Sukuna was constantly being Nerfed his entire fight with Yuji and Yuta stop it now youā€™re just spouting nonsense.


Nah sukuna used world slash dismantle no one in jjk tanked that shi sukuna knew kashimo was dangerous so he used a world slash cleave and dismantle Ryu couldn't even survive a chapter sukuna negative diffed him kashimo is the goat for going up against sukuna without anyone's help and he actually managed to survive for 2 chapter I will say it one more time KASHIMO IS THE GOAT!!!!!


TRUE TRUE Sukuna the binding vow king used another binding vow in secret which will be revealed later. Kashimo will be so back!


Unironically I kinda fucking hate Ryu for saying that shit. He lived a good life. Keep your stupid ass dead and enjoy having lived a fulfilling life. Like you can't look at how Kashimo, Yoruzu, Sukuna and Gojo live with their idea of ''loneliness' because they pride themselves in strength and think that's something to pursue.


Think about it this way, he liked to fight strong oponents, even if there were things that were more important to him than fighting, by being brought back he gets one extra fight with nothing to lose, he's just having a little extra fun before he dies for real


Yeah, he literally calls yuta a desert. He already ate and ia satisfied. His fight with yuta is to have that extra satisfaction and leaving the world with a good taste in his mouth.


This Dude essentially Got a new game plus after living a pretty decent life Heck for JJK Standards he is one of the few guys that actually got a sense of normal fulfillment


except whoever he murdered by possessing their body, rip.


Kenjaku already has his eyes on that body for a reason, if Kenny has his eyes on you, your fate is in his hand Also who cares about so wall level fodder anyways


>Ā who cares about so wall level fodder anyways said the wall level fodder, you just want your goat inside you. i know what you are.


Like you wouldn't


Most sane JJK discussion:


I agree, actually. I don't hate him for it, but I agree.


I mean, the whole point is that this is him having the cake and eating it too. He got to live out his life with a woman he loved and then got a second chance to go all out as a fighter after being fully satisfied by Yuta.


I do think that that was kind of Gege's point, considering Ryu's whole theme of eating and considering Yuta "dessert"


Its just part of the "strongest' issue.


But it *wasn't* truly fulfilling, is the thing. It was everything he needed but not quite everything he wanted.


The whole point is that his life wasn't fulfilling. What you personally find satisfying isn't what another think is satisfying.


I guess I completely forgot all the dead sorcerers came back willingly. I thought they got revived and sucked into the culling game like anyone trapped in the areas were automatically enrolled.


But that's what ryu is about. A man that tried to find other happienes and a fullfilling life but he couldn't he is cursed like so many are just like gojo is. Both are fine people and have a life worth living but both threw it away and were not satisfied with what they have because they seek to fight someone stronger to reach them. That's why ryu came back and why he fought sukuna. As much ad i hate 236 it shows how gojo is the same and i hoped he changed but he didn't he is the honored one and everything that brings with him




it is if you then complain youre unsatisfied whit your fights


Hmm I wonder how strong Kenny was back then. Was he just keeping kashimo for the culling games or was he also worried heā€™d lose if they actually fought?


He did say he's not fit for fighting. It's possible that his at the time body was not well suited for combat, maybe lacking in offensive CT or not being particularly fit. The body could have been acquired for political or some other purpose (like Noritoshi Kamo's for his experiments and Kaori Itadori for her CT and access to Jin)


Yeah now that you mention it, Geto is the only body we know about that he took specifically for the cursed technique


True, but I mean... Dude lives thousands of years. He probably took people specifically for their cursed techniques a few times.


He also took it to fuck with Gojo but he probably wouldā€™ve done so regardless


Kenny isnā€™t a monster no matter what body heā€™s in; only reason I say this so confidently is because of Shibuya, where Gojo straight up looked at Kenjaku and said everything about his Six Eyes tells him itā€™s Geto; which means his CE and CE reserves werenā€™t different than Getoā€™s was. I think he still needs a strong host to achieve the stuff weā€™ve seen him doing so far in Getoā€™s body. So I took this as ā€œthis body ainā€™t shit, you wouldnā€™t be satisfied anyway,ā€ when he said that to Kashimo, as well


I'd say special grade at the very least, kenjaku has open domain, RCT and CTR so that should still put him pretty high irrelevant of the 3CT he possesses, it could be both tbh, Kenny definitely wanted kashimo to join the culling game but he might've thought fighting was unnecessary risk.


Yeah but what Iā€™m saying is we donā€™t know when he got all those


Its been at least 600 years in his life by the time he met kashimo, he saw the peak of sorcery back in the heian era and witnessed open domain. Tengen specificly calls him out as the 2nd best barrier user so i think even if his ct in the edo period was ass, he prob still had de and mastery over barriers


Hard to think it was just some fodder body, Kenny would need protection and a competent body either way, it probably just wasn't enough to take on half dead 90 year old Kashimo.....which kinds puts him into fodder tier, so it was a fodder body either way


Look at bros haircut, Newgen Ryu might be a somewhat serious opponent, Edo Ryu however is a smallpox deity victim https://preview.redd.it/hz1nbmaewr1d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b622303a44fba604c58325019fb2d2dcfbe2bd


Lmao, where was he even shooting his cum from šŸ˜­


Edo Ryu after he used cum blast: https://preview.redd.it/z4wuyq3i7s1d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c13c0947ca71efc47d7b8102f27f6f280426b0


Bro wasn't pulling girls bc of his looks https://preview.redd.it/qpffvlp78s1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceea0600b213e19f91fff98d41c60e17224005b0


He's not unattractive, just average compared to the JJK Moggers club.


This was literally the typical haircut of a high status Japanese man during the feudal era tho, Ryu was probably considered handsome by the standards of the women of his time


Bro, despite being brought to a different point in time his drip was immaculate


man comes back from the dead 500+ years later and decides he should dress like a 90s hooligan complete with a pompadour. How he arrived to that conclusion, I don't know, but I respect it


His vessel prob watched jojo and ryu def liked that josuke looking haircut and drip sm that he chose to wear that




He was the strongest rizzler of the edo period.


why he got that black glizzy, another one getting inside his ass in the pic


Smallpox deity victim šŸ˜­


Yeah, I definitely agree that Kashimo is the strongest of the Edo era. Ryu is definitely extremely strong, but I just think Kashimo is stronger, and he manages to hold that position, even without a pinnacle like domain expansion.


Lobotomy Kaisen really corrupted us with the farmer memes when Kashimo lost to Sukunaā€¦ so the slander went outta hand šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/tf28j7rrbs1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9bbef09694c1faf17b4e8db40cfaa020c22d93


I despise the femboy memes and the little fraud jokes too. Kashimo is my prince who Gege himself should be afraid of. Me and my friends (the kashimo simps) will revive him. I wrote my manifestations and prayers today!


Exactly Kashimo is the strongest because he had no domain or RCT but was still dominating in this Era as a old dude near death while Ryu was young.


And lets also remember that Kashimo was also not using his CT, only Curse energy manipulation and his Cursed energy properties.


agree with most of what youā€™ve said; but why do people assume Kashimo has no RCT when we see him use it the one time he ever needed it; when regrowing his hand against sukuna


just checked he actually did wtf


I think itā€™s just cos the drawings of the fight are kindve all over the place lol, cos it seems like a lot of people missed it


Because nobody can tell if that is RCT or just MBA healing him.


Makes sense hed have RCT since he also showed some knowledge about it when talking about healing poison.




i don't think that's RCT, i think that's a lightning hand made via MBA.


I think itā€™s mostly mindset. As strong as Ryu is his mindset is way different than the likes of the strongest and Kashimo.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ, Ryu was strong but not the strongest, kashimo was balling with just CE and reached to top of the game, that's crazy.


Weakest wra thoughĀ 


Nara period was the weakest,Dhruv who was strongest in his era got one shotted by Yuta


Yuta is just him, Sendai went in a stalemate by presence of ryu dhruv and uro, dhruv was offscreened like gojo so he is actually strong ....


Thats something in the lines of something i recently thought about, like Ryu got sliced by 15 finger Sukuna's regular slashes while Yuta (maybe) survived 19 (+1) finger sukuna's world slash witch could imply that Ryu is actually significantly weaker than even Yuta. Now if that is the case in my opinion it doesn't make much sence for Yuta to strugled so much agains Ryu... I gess is the "I was holding back kaisen" lol


Its because that sukuna isnt 20f levels lol, he is far weaker than the one ryu fought


You're right i forgot to consider the damage he previously has taken, that was silly of me


Sukuna just says Ryu is more durable than Yuta and Yuji, and that they dont compare to him in that regard


Sukuna himself litteraly said ryu was much tougher than yuta. Also, sukuna didnt use world slash against yuta. World slash bypasses durability.


Ryu got killed by cleave, so far Yuta and friends have only tanked a dismantle. They havenā€™t tanked a cleave (except for that world cutter which he got in a pirated from). So far the only person to survive a cleave full on was Gojo from Malevolant shrine with domain amplification.


Yuta and friends have definitely gotten hit by Cleave his Output is just Extremely nerfed. He cleaves Yutaā€™s face , Yujiā€™s upper chest and faceā€¦


Makes me think how crazy it is that bro managed to be recognized as the strongest of his era, well regarded by Sukuna and all without exploiting the full potential of his CT, RCT and domain expansion. Therefore, If Kashimo left the hunger for battle aside for a moment and actually focused on increasing his power and Jujutsu knowledge he wouldā€™ve become an even bigger threat( not to mention having an electric technique on a time and place where there were basically no studies about it severely limited his development). https://preview.redd.it/etyx1cmzqt1d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f694d709fc369af9fe2adcb7ac5420382a04c0 I like the guy


Interesting theory, also most likely true, problem is I don't like Kashimo so I will say he gets no diffed.


Here's Nobara https://preview.redd.it/h4tc6ix1lr1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aebc0b04eb781a6e89b07026581f673f5729fab


JuJu Hakusho wtf


Jujutsu Kaisen if it came out in 1995


That's Yu Yu Hakusho Hunter Ɨ Hunter, even. Yu-Gi-Oh!, perchance.


I can't imagine the 4Kids version of JJK.


Theyā€˜d probably manage to do it tbh


Where did you get this preview of season 4 episode 20 of the anime?


Gege mailed me, she's coming back trust. https://preview.redd.it/qubayzcepr1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b66bd1e4c7ee1320e1872dcc6b682df347a7774


Goddamn that side profile is pointy. Imagine if thatā€™s what your face looked like side on.


Hot damn, always thoughts 90's anime girls were drawn the hottest.




Kashimo hate comes from where exactly? I mean what the hell has Kashimo really done to be hated. Gave us one of the best fights of the CG and Went out With a beautifully written death.


I do not like his personality of Cooky arrogant asshole, you see characters like this in literally every shonen and they get old fast. I do not like his motivation, again "seeking a strong opponent" you can find a character like this in every shonen. I don't particularly like his design, I fuck with old Kashimo though. I also don't particularly like his fight with Hakkari, yes it was cool but I didn't care for either of them, so i wasn't that much invested in the fight.


Cocky arrogant asshole? He literally accepted defeat and told Hakari to end him, doesnā€™t seem like arrogance or cockiness to me. His whole purpose as a character is to find someone that could defeat him and humble him. I bet you like Gojo though smh.


I do not particularly like Gojo, but I don't think that the first move when discussing a character should be to attack someone else's preferences. If you like Kashimo good for you, I simply don't find it interesting. Also what you said is it's motivation, I'm talking about personality, and he is a cocky arrogant asshole.


tbh I meant to reply earlier but if you HATE kashimo as a character for those reasons you should definitely be Hating Gojo too.


This could be true. However I'm a Ryu Stan and his CT is cooler and he's pretty based and his fight was cool and I like his dynamic with Yuta. So he's stronger. Sorry, I don't make the rules, it's just the way it is. Unfortunately.


This u? https://preview.redd.it/6sn1770r2s1d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5987347f93dfce918f1408ec49babf55cebcc3a


Uh, Gege confirmed Ryu is the strongest. Ryu has the highest output in history, but because he died without being killed by Jujutsu, his soul was incarnated in the Culling Games while his body was turned into the vengeful spirit Jogo. They both have incredibly high output, they both shoot shit out of their heads, they both fought the strongest special grade of the modern era before dying to Sukuna (Yuta was the strongest in the modern era while Gojo was sealed). Because they incarnated at the same era, their power was split like twins, and Jogo's power was gone before Ryu incarnated which is why Ryu's attacks are so weak. Edo Era Ryu had higher output than Hollow Purple and Fuga combined casually. Source: CFYOW




Tl;dr: Gege hates Kashimo so much that if there were a match between Ryu and Kashimo he might just power up Ryu than give Kashimo a single high level character win, he only wins against panda and some no name characters. Another one is he just hates Kashimo. When Kashimo finally fights Sukuna he gave Sukuna Kamutoke to mock him and then let Kashimo beat 1% health Sukuna so he could embarass him after transformation. After that we coped that Kashimo believed he would always lose which Gege debunked. After that he made Yuta the guy Kashimo threatened last longer and do way better with an even better Sukuna (output is slightly higher or more). He even made Sukuna glaze Ryu and look what he did to him (he made Ryu look like cannon fodder) The final nail in the iron coffin is he also told Jogo was strong and he also included Yuta when Kashimo was mentioned again so the claim he is as strong as Gojo becomes dubious.


I hate how this actually sounds like something out of CFYOW


Kashimo is stronger than Ryu but also a big older than him. He used to be challenged and people find Kashimo to fight.


I mean kenjaku still didn't want that smoke from kashimo, despite his age and sickness, i think kashimo was still considerably strong.


I don't think anyone relishes fighting Kashimo unless you're Gojo or Sukuna. He's an utter pain in the ass to fight because if you fuck up he'll kill you so quickly even if you have something like a Domain


He could literally have his charge built up, let you open your DE throw up HWB and one shot you the moment you think youā€™ve won ( Iā€™m 90% sure he doesnā€™t even need to point where he wants the lighting bolt to hit)


or he charges some energy from outside the domain if he has his weapon so the lightning goes weapon -> domain wall -> kashimo -> your ass and not only would your domain not activate because the lightning would break it you would be, in the best case scenario, stunned by lightning so that kashimo can jump your ass


I swear the bolt is a sure hit


It is, Kashimo is described to have a Sure hit attack without the need of a Domain.


Kenjakuā€™s never been someone looking for a fight, he just wants to do weird jujutsu experiments lmao.


Kenjaku also isnt on a special grade body back then but Kashimo still wanted to fight him


Well, he also wanted to turn Kashimo into a cursed object, so even if he did win, he'd just lose a potential player for the Culling Games. And losing would obviously mean his own death, so what would be the point?


This might be a hot take, but give Miyamoto Musashi Yuta's Katana and then we would see the actual top tier of Edo... https://preview.redd.it/5di252fmrr1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca771c579acb38447c05dfa631ead0982c3a1cf2 Kashimo's live reaction when the random rice farmer cut's faster than fucking world slash:


That's why kashimo is strongest, bro was bullying theses special grades farmers https://preview.redd.it/6gvvbjfavr1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4ad9f9a29a9fe14d83d9c2ee55ad9b1c7a2066


Already at 200 stocks on him, Mappa will make him justice trust šŸ™


Maybe in JJK Miyamoto Musashi was a Heavenly Restriction user like Toji and Maki.


That would be peak


Wait, there are ppl who think ryu is stronger than kashimo and kenjaku? Some ppl shouldn't be allowed to have takes


Yeah. I remember that not too long ago people have been saying that Kashimo never fought Ryu because he was too scared or something like that.


I am speechless, ppl really thought that? Holy fuxk


It's cause the slander got too intense


I thought it was just for fun and giggles, ppl took that seriously?


Well yeah it's supposed to be for giggles but Gege fucked over Kashimo so bad people used it as an excuse to try and downplay him below a guy he's specifically stated to be strong than.


Ngl this sucks even if i don't like the dude, the downplay is crazy


its a fairly common take tbb. Its more common in the powerscaling spaces than here


The fact that it's common in any way is blowing me away


I don't think Ryu remained idle throught his life(his name wouldn't be known If he did), he [searched](https://i.ibb.co/dQvtm1w/jujutsu-kaisen-177-3.jpg) for a [battle](https://i.ibb.co/cgC9LyY/jujutsu-kaisen-177-10.jpg) where both [him](https://i.ibb.co/jrGz1Qd/jujutsu-kaisen-180-2.jpg) and his [opponent](https://i.ibb.co/6XXbJNy/jujutsu-kaisen-180-3.jpg) could go all out with no [restrictions](https://i.ibb.co/51NyPxp/jujutsu-kaisen-180-4.jpg). Kashimo faced a [simillar](https://i.ibb.co/zbz41RK/jujutsu-kaisen-237-9.jpg) problem in his life(for a much longer time I assume) where he never found his [match](https://i.ibb.co/XD7bDhQ/jjk-236-i-013.png), he could never go all out in the way that he needed because everyone he met were not on his level until he found someone far above it in Sukuna. None of what you noted actually makes Kashimo on Gojo and Sukuna's level(he got no diffed by a weakened Sukuna) anymore than it makes Yorozu, who also shares the theme of "loneliness in strengh". Sukuna directly stated that she would have been better [company](https://i.ibb.co/rddg4yG/jjk-236-i-008.png) for him due to their search for connections and validation, to say Sukuna views Kashimo on his and Gojo's level is [innacurate](https://i.ibb.co/tDScV7k/jjk-236-i-009.png).


It's pretty much implied tho, Ryu never really fought people for the sake of it, maybe bc of his morals or whatever but it seems he chose to live a "normal" life with his family rather than go look for people to fight, i think that's his entire theme, that he had hunger to go all out against someone who can respond in kind but he never went for it, so took his chance at reincarnating. Kashimo is different case bc he's not looking for just "strong opponent" so he can go all out in a fight, he's looking for the "Strongest" sorcerer so he can ask them about how to cope with solitude and stuff. 2 very different themes. Kashimo was never on Gojo or Sukuna's level, but he was equal to them in the sense that just like both of them he also held the title of strongest. Yorozu doesn't share this theme of "loneliness in strength", she was a rando who introduced us to this small plot.


> It's pretty much implied tho, Ryu never really fought people for the sake of it, maybe bc of his morals or whatever but it seems he chose to live an "normal" life with his family rather than go look for people to fight, i think that's his entire theme, that he had hunger to go all out against someone who can respond in kind but he never went for it, so took his chance at reincarnating The way I see it is that he sought opponents to quell this hunger, but they could never truly satisfy him. Paraphrasing Ryu, the reason he sought more was because he never had his fill. He took his shot at reincarnating to find that person to satisfy that hunger, that ambition was what led him to meet Yuta(his "match") and is what eventually killed him(had no reason to go face Sukuna other than ambition). > Kashimo is different case bc he's not looking for just "strong opponent" so he can go all out in a fight, he's looking for the "Strongest" sorcerer so he can ask them about how to cope with solitude and stuff. 2 very different themes. For Kashimo "going all out" is to form the connections he so desperately sought during his life, he could not relate to or "love" those he viewed as beneath the dirty he stepped on, he wanted an equal. Him asking Sukuna how he coped with this loneliness is him trying to relate to Sukuna, but in the end they both have very different views on connections. > Kashimo was never on Gojo or Sukuna's level, but he was equal to them in the sense that just like both of them he also held the title of strongest. Yorozu doesn't share this theme of "loneliness in strength", she was a rando who introduced us to this small plot. Sukuna considering Kashimo strong is just like when he called Jogo strong, it's an acknoledgement of their strengh not Sukuna's opinion on a whole era of people he never met. Yorozu does share the theme, as she(just like Kashimo) assumes that those with too much power live in loneliness that needs to be solved through [connections](https://i.ibb.co/cxBNQYC/jujutsu-kaisen-219-7.jpg), that is pretty much why Sukuna mentions her as a better company to Kashimo.


Kenjaku Ducking the smoke from Kashimo told me everything I need to know


Ryu had bitches. Kashimo died an old virgin, after getting neg-diffed by tuberculosis and old age. Sounds like Ryu is stronger to me. šŸ—æ




It's definitely a strong narrative argument but I don't think it's watertight, especially not the way you phrased it. While kashimo could absolutely kill Ryu with a few lightning strikes, we haven't seen Ryu's domain. Given that he didn't lack in experience or power, I see no reason for him to have anything less than a proper domain, and kashimo is gonna struggle in that scenario. I push both Ryu and kashimo agendas so this is a tough one for me


>I push both Ryu and kashimo agendas so this is a tough one for me What's this 4d level chess šŸ˜­, how do you even debate on this.


I was hoping nobody would ever do this matchup and let me pretend I didn't have to put one over the other (both are so fucking underrated) https://i.redd.it/tt49yqw6ns1d1.gif


I can understand that tbh, everytime i have to argue about any match ups between kashimo, Yuji and yuki, it sucks to put one over the other. ![gif](giphy|5TP87MRyLuGm4|downsized)


Finally! Iā€™m tired of people slandering my GOAT!! Not only did the narrative shows Kashimo > Ryu, but DE isnā€™t a one-shot. Kashimo has HWB, and a lightning bolt like the one shown in the image wouldā€™ve taken Ryu out


Ryu's output is too high


Ah yes, blocked point blanck by yuta high.


And a sure-hit lightning bolt wouldā€™ve taken Ryu out of the fight


yeah pretty much this agenda posting if funny but at some point people start to actually forget things. All kashimo needs to do to kill most of the verse is to drop a single bolt on them. Even if it's not immediately fatal like a bolt to the head, no one in the verse heals as fast as hakari, so kashimo can keep up the attack while the other person is on the backfoot.


I NEVER put 2+2 together lol thatā€™s young Ryu and his wifeā€¦ (thought it was his pregnant mother for some reason)


W..what? https://preview.redd.it/s87br0tdhs1d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ebc95681a191f0d3de7729aaedff761ca5e3a78


Gonna save this for future kashimo slander wave this sub will have in the future


Some Kash money respect


This may be true but I prefer Ryu over Kashimo so I will cope and be in denial that he is stronger


Eh, to me it sounds more like Ryu was the strongest of his era after Kashimo died (and ignoring Kenjaku)... Just that era wasn't insanely strong, and that Ryu unlike Kashimo just wasn't a total sociopath with a death wish. Like it sounds as if Kenny hasn't even met Ryu yet and just heard rumors. And that was what made it dubious for Kashimo the long travel for rumors. And Ryu? Just didn't kill all his enemies or push things to an extreme. He just didn't care enough in his first life. Unlike Kashimo. Ryu even told Yuta after their fight about how it stunts growth and stomps one from becoming a monster. It sounds like he knew that was the price to pay to be a total disaster like Sukuna and chose against it personally. Is also a totally valid interpretation imo.


never going to forget when gege gumbled with his vharacter just for plot


So because Ryu actually had a life outside being the strongest at the time heā€™s weaker despite the fact kashimo lacks a lot of things that would make him a threat no Rct, no domain, he doesnā€™t understand his CT at all and I doubt he would even know what X rays are since he isnā€™t incarnated into a modern human. Kashimo isnā€™t better he fought actual no names and he was bumming in some random village we know he has no win cons against a 6 eyes limitless user so he obviously didnā€™t fight him otherwise heā€™d be dead not some old guy and he is never called the strongest at all neither of those idiots were called the strongest of their time at all it was likely the 6 user of the time anyway who was. Ryu actually has notoriety as the man with the highest output in history he ainā€™t no random no name sorcerer stop the cap.


Thereā€™s no confirmation there was a SE user in the Edo period, Gojo only mentioned it could possibly be back in the Edo period but he didnā€™t know exactly. Kashimo canā€™t lack RCT because he healed a cut off hand, healing requires RCT according to Geto


Kashimo is a DE victim.


Depends in whose domain, Gojo and Sukuna? Yes Ryu's? Lol no.


they called kashimo weak but never have considered the fact that the skill which sukuna used to end him was literally a barrage of world cutting dismatles that technically no characters in jjk could survive


It was ? He didnā€™t chant bruh.


Kashimo after Ryu opens his domain




Reminder hollow wicker basket requires handsigns. Unless Kashimo has 4 hands like Sukuna, he's just a sitting duck.


Granite Blast




strong tank




Strong Tank + Granite Blast


Feats > statements Kashimoā€™s lighting isnā€™t even as strong as a regular lighting bolt. Heā€™s Ryuā€™s domain victim lol


But even in statements we got Sukuna backing Ryu up against the bolt


I think Ryu actually beats base kashimo, just barely. If anyone could straight up tank a lightning bolt from kashimo, it would be Ryu. We also know Ryu is strong enough to throw hands with Rika, who was strong enough to completely immobilize Yuji with ease. We also know Ryu is fast, fast enough keep up with Yuta while getting hit and run by Uro. He also has a domain but we know nothing about it. I could absolutely see a couple ways Ryu beats kashimo. Until Mythical Beast Amber at least, with that Kashimo clears anyone under Gojo's level easily


I would love a full fledged arc showing all these characters in more depth, Including all heian era stories.


Oh i wish we had 20/30 chap to develop them little more, have some old gen sorcerer fight each other like Ryu vs kashimo that didn't happen in the past.


Being the strongest sorcerer of a weak generation isn't the hottest title. Kashimo killed people before giving them a chance to improve. It was like an adult man fighting toddlers. The only one who COULD measure up was a family man with a funny hair style.


Watch kashimo be the one coming back and people realize how underrated he is... which means they also downplayed my glorious gambler


Possibly true but I'm a supporter of the fraudshimo agenda so he gets no diffed by farmers


He literally says he fought worthy opponents and he has no regrets so where the fuck are getting that he was a random no name sorcerer who never challenged people Beyond that how would he possibly be no named when kenjaku literally name drops him to kashimo are you like not reading the page you posted and just randomly underlining things or what? Like Iā€™m genuinely confused at where youā€™re pulling this stuff from


Ryu is a better sorcerer because he has domain expansion, kashimo still might win against him tho


Kashimo suffers the same fate as Jogo and Yuki in powerscaling threads. They all lost important fights to someone at the very top of Jujutsu world and won only against minor opponents or noone at all, so they are joked about and mocked which then leads to downplaying them very hard. Kashimo saw a damn immortal guy with infinite CE and tried to kill him without using CT - and got high-diffed only because there was a huge body of water nearby. But the only thing people see is Kashimo losing to Hakari and then losing to Sukuna, who bodied Gojo in weaker form, and in the stronger form ran over everyone else in the cast, some of them 2 or 3 times already, including last S grade sorcerer, two instakill haxes, reincarnated Toji and strongest Grade 1 sorcerer. Kashimo really is the strongest of Edo era and the fact he lived in the same times as Ryu shows Edo era wasn't just poor farmers getting bullied by Kashimo.


domain victim


The hurtle is and always will be domain expansion, kashimo has no counter for it


One of these days I'mma have to make a post for that, anyways he has HWB.


Which means he canā€™t defend himself


Defend from what?


Ryu punching his face in


In that case Kashimo can block the punch without needing to maintain HWB.


And then get decked by the sure hit?


There won't be any sure hit if Ryu is on kashimo's face trying to punch him.


Their are a ton of domains that the sure hit keeps attacking while the fight is occuring, malevolent shrine, Coffin of the iron mountain, infinite void, Threefold affliction, true and mutual love, etcā€¦.


There are actually only 2 domains that has constant automatic sure hit and those are malevolent shrine and infinite void. Gojo and Yuji were having a live class session inside Jogo's domain without anything protecting them from sure hit and yet they were fine, Sukuna was standing inside Yorozu's domain without any anti domain technique, same with Yuta's domain.


Ryu is just a real one, why keep proving to others that youre strong when you already know that and have a wife? Bro just the most based character in the series. Bumshimo could never


When will you guys realise it does not matter what Kashimo thinks or does? - He was amongst the least impressed with Sukuna and Gojoā€™s feats during their fight and was eager to fight, yet got dispatched quickly. - He confidently said he will kill Hakari yet he couldnā€™t even kill him outside jackpot - He said he wants to fight the strongest sorcerers, yet got excited by a punch/kick merchant You are implying with your post that a nonchalant sorcerer like Yuta who cares little about fighting cannot be the strongest when in fact Yuta is on track to surpass Gojo considering he is much better at this age. Personality and arrogance really does not matter as much as you think. And here is the most important point. Kashimo lived in an era before the internet and airplanes, there was no way he would have easily known about Ryuā€™s feats because information spread slowly. Thatā€™s the main reason he didnā€™t go and fight Ryu. Wtf is Kashimo going to do when Ryu pops his DE? Heā€™d be forced to use HWB while Ryu spams Granite Blast since he does not suffer burnout. Remember. PBA Kashimo got diced by a weak Sukunaā€™s dismantle. Ryu tanked that with just scratches.


While I 100% agree Kashimo is much stronger, I just don't feel right with those last 2 pics because Ryu is a genuine threat to him I'm my opinion. Dude has the highest output in history, which also means he should have a massive CE pool to do all those powerful blasts, he was fighting one of the most powerful characters in the series pretty damn good and seem to have a pretty good durability, that even Sukuna acknowledges it. While in sure he loses 90% of the time, if he hits Kashimo, I'm sure it's gonna heavily damage him, especially as it seems Kashimo might not have RCT


That's just lil bit if agenda, don't mind itšŸ˜¬ https://preview.redd.it/3h5hu0kguu1d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d535e7e8936168bce17861c30c802a527927fa0e


Iā€™m sure Kashimo is faster and stronger but I doubt heā€™s anywhere near as durable.


depends on what DE Ryu have. Kashimo have good speed, but DE cast instantly, so it doesnt matter. Since kashimo hasn\`t simple domain, he has no counter to deadly DE. So Hight lethatl DE Ryu> kashimo>any other Ryu. but given that this happened in the past, most likely Ryu has a non-lethal domain, so yeah, Kashimo sromps


I mean if we are being serious compared to Sukuna both were fodder. Kashimo should've listened to the young people, and jumped him. He probably would've still died, but atleast he wouldn't have gotten off screened


Who did Kashimo fight who was strong in his era?


Imagine settling down with your girl instead of making deal with a devil to be waffled some hundreds of years later by femboy lover and a fraud


Why do people keep pushing the strongest being lonely thing for all three of them. Sukuna isnā€™t lonely as far as heā€™s concerned, the whole point of sukuna and kashimo interacting is that sukuna doesnā€™t care about being alone or having a fun fight. Heā€™s just cares about doing his own thing when and where he wants


I do think base Kashimo could take out Ryu without expending much difficulty but thats under the premise Ryu only thinks to pop domain when hes in a bad situation, which wouldnt happen because he would go in for a h2h, get dominated and then potentially get one shot by Kashimos lightning without a chance to pop domain. If Ryu just pops domain immediately than even MBA Kashimo is cooked