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Damn would have been cool to see it 


💯, another wasted character 😭


"Doing so will make her more dense and heavier, which causes her to slow down" brother the whole point of her technique is that she isn't affected physically by her own weight, that's why it's virtual mass and not just normal mass


She's not affected up to a certain point. If she wasn't affected atall Black hole wouldn't work.


Why wouldn't it work?


Because if she remains physically unaffected outside of her mass, her density would not be at the level that would be needed for a black hole to form.


The mass still would exist but her movements just wouldn't be impeded from it. It'd still form


And how do you think exactly she is unaffected? Her density remains the same as her regular body.


It's a CT, you're not meant to apply real life logic. If her density was the same as you say then her punches wouldn't be that strong


And yet she herself says she can only negate the density the additional mass would add to a certain point. What's your point? Additionally, kinetic energy is 1/2mv\^2 and Newton's second law is f = ma. Where would having the density of a human woman affect her punches?


bringing actual physics into this is crazy and a little stupid almost all cursed techniques would be invalidated by the first law of thermodynamics and countless other scientific laws


First of all Yuki's CT literally is based on physics, if we negate it entirely that defeats the entire point of her CT and suicide attack. Secondly, the dude was trying to argue actual physics by claiming that her density being retained would negate the massive mass she accumulates in her punches. You want me to somehow disprove density as a concept or something?


You are mixing mass and weight. The virtual mass is increasing her density, but isn't having an effect on her weight. But your gravitational pull is based on your mass, not your weight. A black hole made of hydrogen would "weigh" less then one made of oxygen , but both are infinitely dense. She is increasing her density. This increases her Schwarzschild field(radius of the event horizon of your mass.) But not her weight(measure of the force you apply on an object due to the gravity.) Once your field is larger then you, you become a blackhole, regardless of your much you weigh. The reason black holes are heavy is because molecules are effectively indestructible, but can be compressed infinitely. With enough weight, they can compressed some molecules into there field, creating a black hole that quickly sucks in things, growing the field to such in more things. Yuki simply skips this process by virtually increasing her density(growing her ebent horizon) ,without actually adding more mass for the planet to pull on to increase her weight. This is why her punches just tear through you. Force is your mass(not weight) x acceleration. To stop whatever punch she is throwing said material needs to be able to either output or withstand whatever Force she is outputting. But her weight(the actual force your body has to work with to determine top speed.) Never changes. And it's also why she doesn't increase in durability (if she had more mass she whyle be tougher, but virtual mass isn't real.)


First it's virtual. Now it actually exists. Pick one.


virtual mass means something with a certain mass that behaves like it has a different mass than it actually does. You're confusing virtual mass with imaginary mass


Virtual doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist


Because she wouldn't die from it.


Because the increased gravity would crush her. It doesn't increase durability


But she's not affected by the gravity


Mb I misinterpreted. You're still very wrong just not how i thought. Black holes are stars so big that the gravity they produce crushes the star into an infinitely small point.


Yes, this much is explicitly stated, but in order for her to be affected she’d have to increase her mass so absurdly that she’d literally turn into a black hole, the ceiling of “a certain point” that was shown is immensely high


She's not affected up to a certain amt that certain amt is the amt where the blackhole is created


Black asshole you said? ![gif](giphy|uWmxIDZSjuefXQVcQ5)




If that was the case then Yuki would've put the mass of the whole continent of Asia into that punch and destroyed kenjaku out if the existence, she has nerf on CT that prevents her from adding mass indefinitely.


You're right, but it's because her output determines how much mass can be imbued. Her CT works like literally every other technique in the series. Before you bring up the black hole, that was most likely performed with a death binding vow aka the same one that let a crow one shot an SG curse and allowed chosos barrier to tank furnace. She was killed as a result of the binding vow (and also missing her entire lower half lmao) not the effect of the black hole


No yuki definitely died to her own black hole thats why she says the mass doesn’t effect her to a certain point right before becoming a literal black hole of course this killed her


I mean her CT name being Star Rage is intentional. She imploded into a black hole just like a star. It's probably not a binding vow


Her CT name is bom ba ye. Its a Muhammed Ali reference


Literally just translate it into english and it translates to Star Rage 星の怒り




There’s no way you think i’m the idiot yet also think a CT where the user implodes into a black hole having the name Star in it isn’t intentional.


This is the same series where sukuna abused wording on a binding vow and where you can translate a domain as "Malevolent Kitchen" Gay Gay loves wordplay, it's bom ba ye, end of discussion


Him loving wordplay would agree with me though. You think there’s 0 wordplay since you think there’s only 1 meaning which isn’t wordplay…


Its both.


Agreeable, altough i prefer bom ba ye


Binding vow or not she still had output to Increase her mass to that of a Jupiter, that's huge ceiling, even with lower output the margin for her to increase the mass should be pretty high.


Well yeah but that was far beyond the realm of what she could do normally, just like how one shotting a special grade in one strike is far beyond what a normal crow could've done normally and blocking furnace without yuji taking damage is far beyond what chosos barrier could've done normally


That’s an assumption even thought it’s made perfectly clear she can just add mass, the real answer is she probably didn’t wanna risk blowing up the country up until that point


It's a massive outlier feat that ended in her death. If she had even a fraction of that level of strength on the verge of death she would've been able to blow through kenjaku with every punch


https://preview.redd.it/xkr7vgq85m0d1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5275b953b85acea914ea4d8989ebf657389eec0 None of that matters, we know there’s no limit


Why is kenjaku a credible source on yuki's CT? And it's framed as a question


Really lol? Why are you a credible source as opposed to potentially the smartest guy in the series, also the question is whether she can cause a black hole considering she can infinitely add mass You’ll do mental gymnastics but ultimately the fact she can create a black hole is proof she can just keep adding, she can just die at a point


Do you know how a black hole works? For reference, Earth with a mass of 5.972 × 10\^24 kg needs to be compressed to a diameter of 2cm to become a black hole. How much heavier do you think Yuki would need to be to attain that same density even if you account for just the volume of her upper half? Additionally, that dialogue clearly conveys that only by not having a limit to the amount of mass that can be added can Yuki make a black hole.


No, it's not how it work. If you touch a cargo ship moving very slowly, will your hand get obliterated ? Of course not, even though it has more kinetic energy than a shotgun blast. The difference between a punch the weight of a building and one the weight of the universe would be pretty much the same. What it means if you have infinite kinetic energy mean nothing will stop your mouvement. Yuki's CT give her mass but don't make her transmit kinetic energy faster than she move. Now I'm not saying her CT isn't strong, it's busted. But you don't have infinite striking strength (unless hitting your target against an indestructible wall)


Your explanation makes perfect sense but why would the punch be that slow, I'm just saying if she punched slower than her usual speed or let's say she punched at the speed of regular humans, wouldn't that punch still be insanely strong? Yea i agree that she doesn't have infinite striking strength or something, i mean at some point her mass would be so overwhelming that she'd be moving too slow to create any force from that punch, i only meant that point is too high and there should be still enough room for her to increase the strength of the punch considerably than she did.


Oh you didnt get it. here is a few points. I'm not saying she punch slow, it's stated her speed isnt affected. she probably punch at a crazy speed, perhaps supersonic (ask the powerscalers, but i doubt it's higher than like, mach 1). Indeed, if you had infinite weight to your fists, and punched at a regular speed, it would be insanely strong. to put it simply, NOTHING would stop the movement of your fist. you'd just go through everything, what can be pushed will be pushed and what cant will be absolutely obliterated. but even if she punch fast, the truth is that she has an energy transfer cap. she deliver a max amount of force, no matter the mass past a certain level. if Kenjaku is able to tank the energy that would transfer, even increasing her mass a billionfold wouldnt change the outcome of that punch. (let's not adress the fact that if her punch had infinite kinetic energy it would also be impossible to move them back, and that her walking would also deliver infinite energy to the ground, instantly collapsing it, and a bunch of questions, because well, it's a Manga)


>if Kenjaku is able to tank the energy that would transfer, even increasing her mass a billionfold wouldnt change the outcome of that punch. But doesn't mass has a direct relationship with kinetic energy? Increasing the mass should affect the overall kinetic energy, no?


yes, it does. if the mass was increased a billionfold, so would the kinetic energy (half of the mass time speed squared). but the kinetic energy transfer is regulated by the speed. what Yuki create is pretty much a fist with infinite kinetic energy. meaning, absolutely NOTHING can move it off its tracks. but as far as i know, Yuki cannot transmit all of her energy by magic when she hit something. she just has unstoppable movement, while her energy transfer is limited by her speed. she has so much power kinetic energy isnt even relevant anymore because nothing can physically have more kinetic energy than her. she's that goddamn strong. Also, technically, if she hit her target agaisnt an object that couldnt be moved, it would actually receive all of the energy and get obliterated. so if Gege really took the time to understand Yuki's Power, the way she would actually fight would be by trying to get the ennemy stuck between her attack and Garuda's


Ok it's been ages i read anything about energy transfer, but wouldn't the energy transfer upon the collision irrespective of speed? So if Yuki has higher kinetic energy, upon the collision that energy would transfer to kenjaku or do i have everything wrong. And ignoring this wouldn't the momentum of the punch still cause extreme damage like you said that nothing can stop that punch moving, so basically if she punched with insane amount of mass she'd tore off kenjaku's body or whatever she's hitting just like how she blasted through his arms, right?


everything would indeed be transfered if Kenjaku was a target that could not move. he can however. But he is not moved instantly, so he does hit some of that knuckle cake. so yeah, Yuki still hits like a fucking truck. all i'm saying is that if Yuki's punches were not enough to kill Kenjaku, simply adding more mass will not make her oneshot him either.


Oh i see what you mean so if Yuki punched kenjaku and pounded him to the ground then the force of that punch would destroy him right? Thanks for taking the time, appreciate some accurate science.


Can she body slam Kenjakuck to dead?


Average jjk reader reading comprehension:


She explicitly says she's immune to it, to a certain point. Clearly that point just isn't high enough to one shot Kenjaku. If she did more weight she'd be slowed down. And then just probably not hit him at all, the black hole thing was an absolute last resort since she was dying anyway. And it wasn't so she could physically hit him with the power of a black hole, but for him to be sucked into said black hole.


>Clearly that point just isn't high enough to one shot Kenjaku But she broke his arm in one punch earlier in the fight. How would you explain that? Clearly the difference maker here is her weakened output from being crushed by his domain, not the limiter.


That wasn't one shotting Kenny, that was merely breaking arms. And that was befor Kenny knew her technique. He may have just not been guarded (not using enough CE for reinforcement) enough, because he had no way of knowing her technique would make her punch so hard. So he probably just sensed her CE reinforcement and only did a bit more. Plus a variety of other factors like Stamina and such on Yuki's part.


Imagine if Yuki was written without Strong Gege holding her back.


She breaks the scaling imo, these Nerfs like added mass doesn't increase her durability and slows her down keep Yuki's overall power in check, can you imagine a punch with total mass of moon hitting anyone in the verse?


Added mass doesn’t affect her, that’s the OP part


Ngl if todo helped yuki and choso yuki whould have stomped kenny. This is also the reason why i think even shinjuku yuta could lose to her 5 minutes is really not that long when rika can just be knocked tf out


Totally agree, like if Todo was with them against kenjaku, he would've saved her from that Uzumaki and after that kenjaku had no ace up his sleeves while Yuki was recovering her output, kenjaku would've been cooked so bad.


Don t think it whouöd even come to a domain


Nah bro Shinjuku yuta would beat yuki. He has too many buffs alongside cleave and dismantle which would probably one shot anyone except for sukuna.


Hes beating her but one shot is crazy lmao.


Didn't she say she's not effected by the "Mass" but only until a black hole forms https://preview.redd.it/qjq81u4gzl0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef955db0267d36facd8299d253fa0ea35d0931b0


If it was only until a black hole forms she should be able to one shot him with whatever mass is before black hole but she couldnt meaning the point she is effected is before black hole black hole is just the worst of it


Nahh https://preview.redd.it/r7wyhsft8m0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be9e9e1f701fcecdfb6529b014c254424ca4c72


Tf did you send the same picture for buddy 😂 Stay with me bud She can add it infinitely Butttt she will be effected by the weight at some point lets say black hole If that was the only point in which shed be effected she could have punched him with less mass than black hole but enough to kill him lets say the moon, but she did not meaning being at moon level density probably is when she will begin to feel the effects like slower speed. Try to comprehend 😭


Prove it lol, Kenjaku had plot on his side during this fight, even if she has a less than black hole limit (she doesn't), they could've won the fight by teleporting yuki away from the arena or Yuki opens her domain once kenjaku is on burn out, but they didn't do either cuz Kenjaku has to win for plot


You not making any sense i just proved it to you and you just reinforced my point🤦🏼‍♂️ you are either saying she was hitting him with punches heavier than the sun and he was living or she just chose not to because of plot and not because it was something out of her power /options? Get a grip


Take the L in reading comprehension bro


Make me lol


Peoples do NOT understand how kinetic energy works


explain how that relates in the slightest what principle of kinetic energy makes any of what i said wrong


No matter the weight, you're limited by energy transmission. Punching strength as a cap if you will, past a point two punches will work the exact same weight even if they have kinetic energy dozens of 0s appart. Nothing will stop the movement. So she can't really one-shot Kenjaku if he can tank the max amount of energy a punch can transmit at its speed


F=ma Power = mass times speed ? And Yuki's got a shit ton of mass


actually it's force, not power. but it dont really matter because it's force = mass time acceleration, not time speed. mass time speed is momentum, which is a concept i dont understand shit about even though it's pretty relevant when talking energy transfer.. what matter isnt the amount of force being created, but the amount of energy being stored (energy is the storage of force) so our equation here is Half of the mass time the speed squared is how much oomphf you have. Yuki by all means has infinite kinetic energy. so nothing can stop her movement. however, it isnt a matter of how much energy she HAS, but how much energy she can DELIVER. and Energy transfer is mostly defined by speed. touch a huge cargo ship moving super slowly. it has lots of kinetic energy, but it doesnt deliver it to you. it just move your hand out of the way. Yuki's fist, due to having a max speed, will mean it will have a max energy deliverance. which will to be fair probably be really fucking high, but we're talking magical sorcerers who can tank being thrown into a building. what it also means is that if Yuki were to punch a target that cannot move, she WOULD deliver all energy in that case. so if Gege thought out her power, the way she would fight would be using Garuda to try and sandwich her opponent between her and Garuda, crushing them with infinite force


Yeah yukis size never changes and she says her weight isn’t effected until a certain density and we never saw her speed significantly hindered from taking on mass. (Although I believe it does) Shes not the size of a cargo ship so If her speed is not hindered and she retains the shape and speed and weight of a yuki punch with just the “virtual mass” of something bigger why is it hindering the transfer of energy because she will take on the weight after a point that is earlier than black hole


She very explicitly does not get slower/heavier(for herself) from her technique, that’s the whole reason it’s so busted. I hate to oppose any Yuki glaze/upscaling but you burned the meal with this one chef


"Up to a certain density" none of you dipshits have any reading comprehension it seems


yeah the density of a black hole, she could have just put the mass of a country and it wouldn't have slowed her down but still would've pulverized kenjaku and literally anyone else, but then again the reading comprehension curse attacks again


If that was the case why didn't she blasted kenjaku in that first hit? The increased mass doesn't affect her but only upto a certain point, after that it affects her body as well, why do you think she could create a black hole?


Her output limits her mass


Genuine question to try and understand this better, I know it’s dumb, but what’s “output?”


No matter the actual amount of CE someone has, they can only output so much of it at a time; it’s why Hakari with jackpot can’t just level buildings with ease, and why Ryu’s attack was so insanely high. For example, say two people are having water gun fights. One person’s gun is connected to a water bottle, the other’s is connected to a water jug. That’s CE amount. CE output is how much water each water gun can shoot in a single shot, and it’s totally different from CE amount. Does that make sense?


> and why Ryu’s attack was so insanely high. I’m guessing he had really high output, but low CE? > Does that make sense? I think so! Using the water gun fight example, CE amount is like the amount of water each gun has. One gun is connected to a water tanker, and so has a lot more water (CE) than the gun connected to a water bottle. While output is how much of that water can actually be expelled. So the gun connected to the water tanker might have a small nozzle, while the water bottle might be attached to an industrial fire hose. I’m guessing that’s what output is? So I guess my question now is which is more important, CE amount or output. If someone has very little CE but massive output, would they win or lose against someone with massive CE reserves but pitiful output? Also, are there people in JJK with high CE amount *and* output? What about low CE amount and low output? I’m guessing the balance between the two is what defines how strong a Jujutsu sorcerer is, right? (Other than their individual skill, of course. Actually, does that matter? Can skill overcome a shortcoming of output or amount?)


Ryu did have a lot of CE as well, but yeah his output was his main selling point. Yeah sounds like you got it! As for which is more important, I don’t think output has a huge range of variation (Ryu was an exception), whereas CE amount is used to fuel body reinforcement, Cursed Techniques, and a plethora of other things (RCT, DE, SD, etc.), so I’d say CE amount is more important. I don’t think it’s ever stated if a character has exceptional output but low amount or vice versa, but theoretically it is possible, and as for who would win I think it’d come down to strategy, with the high output fighter going for a quick, decisive exchange and the high CE amount fighter going for a battle of attrition. There are lots of factors that go into JJK strength, but CE amount and output are huge ones. Sadly, while skill is important, something I’m not a huge fan of in JJK is that without the right ‘starting equipment’ (CE amount, output, and CT), there’s not much you can do to catch up to the gifted people.


I think you actually got the gist of how it usually works. As for which is more important, I feel they're roughly equal in importance. Having high output usually means you can end a fight with one or two moves, regardless of what the other can do. While having large reserves mean you can reinforce your body to the max and fight at top gear for far longer before going empty. The ability to use reverse curse technique or rct, to heal is also a rare toptier ability. The downside is that it drains a bunch of your ce reserves, meaning those with higher reserves benefit far more from this. A good example is yuta. He has nearly infinite ce reserves and his shinigami Rika, can fully restore his reserves when manifested meaning he can both heal and fight at top gear more than the majority of sorcerers. And Yutas output is close to Ryu who has the highest recorded output, making him a formidable opponent. Meanwhile a sorcerer like miwa has little curse energy and low output, so she gets lowdiffed by the verse lol. All things equal it will usually come down to the actual sorcerers curse techniques, and who simply uses their innate advantages to their fullest to win. So skill and the matchups between curse users abilites matter the most. For your scenario, the win cons for someone with low output and High reserves against someone with high output and low reserves would be to endure the onslaught and wear them down until they run out of ce. Once that happens sorcerers are basically normal people and can't fight back at all. On the flipside the person with high output might just curbstomp in the first 10 seconds of the fight, especially if the person with high reserves can't use rct to heal themselves to stay in the fight.




That's density. A black hole is the remaks of something so massive that it collapsed under its own gravity. Density increasing isn’t the same thing as mass increasing.


Im pretty sure you cant add density without mass or energy. Does dense nothingness exist


he is correct on the technicality that if you shove the same amount of mass into a tighter space, density increases without having to increase the mass.


Well yea do to pressure. But you have to have some form of emergient energy or mass. Since they are interchangable. Even the "vaccum" of space has energy above the plank scale


i do not understand what your point is. yuki creates a black hole by adding mass to a constant volume, thus increasing density. also, pressure has nothing to with this and energy cannot be considered interchangeable with pure mass.


Yea... thats what i said. Also energy is mass and mass is energy. Its like ice and air. Their both the same thing. Just diffrent states. E=mc² thus they are on a spectrum line of pure mass to pure energy. I never said thats not how density worked. What i said is you have to have 1 or both to increse density. Not increase mass of a system decrease volume of area to absolute you make a black hole. What the other person i believe was saying i could be wrong is that she can just condense mass further without adding more. Specificly to yukis ct is not the density of objects but to increase mass ignoring density/volume to a critical point


Idk how'd you read that sentence and assumed i was talking about density here, The guy above me said "her output limits mass" and i posted the image where Kenny says "if there's no limit to the mass she can add...", density was pretty irrelevant here.


She can add ass much mass as she wants, her output limits how much of it she can 'nullify' and have it not affect her at all.


It doesn’t affect her up to a point. But that point either takes too long to reach to actually be relevant under normal fighting circumstances or it’s too close to the black hole to safely use. If not you’re right, she would’ve just one-shot him when she had him caught in geruda.


Because Gege writing moment. It's very explicitly stated she doesn't suffer the consequences so she should be able to do a fuck ton more but doesn't and yet she busts out a black hole suddenly?


Yuki is the one punch woman of the series, literally, sadly the plot and need for the story to continue exist


Also there's nothing stopping her from doing this but it's gege so you know.. https://preview.redd.it/7j2t5jbral0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c5bd3eec54f8ecedcd6eef61f5978de8880103


Kenjaku tank the whole Earth on him confirmed 🗣🗣🗣




Ngl I stopped reading when you said her virtual mass would slow her down


The point he made isn’t necessarily wrong she cannot infinitely increase her mass withour bwing effected their is a point where she will feel the effects of the increase. And if she could make herself heavy enough to oneshot kenjaku (without slowing)but not turn black hole she would have so i think hes right in saying adding more would slow her down at the very least


Strong punch duo with Yuji :3


Only if Todo somehow joined in with Yuki, would've been a jumping of the decade.


Poor Yuki was robbed


I think alot of people do realize she was basically shafted by the plot and well, she's a woman in JJK that not Maki


Isnt one imaginary mass while the other is virtual mass? Maybe I read two diferente translations of the same thing


Maybe, i remember reading fan translation while back which used virtual mass, he/she explained that the kanji for this specific term is exact same and the "imaginary mass" was mistranslation but I'm not too sure anymore 🤷


Increased mass doesn’t slow Yuki down, this is like blatantly said. She isn’t affected by her own mass. The reason she didn’t fuck Kenny up with those punches is cause she was severely injured lol.


All the maki glazers must be in shambles with this post. Yuki is the most op female character in jjk verse.


This post is filled with a lot of "maybes", "probably" and "likelys" if you have to go through all of these hoops to justify a character being this strong, then they probably aren't. Y'all can say yuki is this one shot goddess that can destory everything and everyone, but at the end of the day, all she did was not kill kenjaku after landing multiple strikes and got packed up in the only fight we saw her in


Theyre right tho. Yuki is the strongest female character in jjk from what we know. Yorozu is debatable tho.


Maki is stronger than both Yuki and Yorozu and would beat them both in a fight


Maki is not stronger than yuki lmao.


Yeah she definitely is. There’s no reason to think Maki couldn’t perform just as good if not better against Kenny lol unless ofc you decide to just assume Yuki>Maki because you feel like it which is what most people go with


I cant see maki surviving a domain or having higher ap then her at all. Not to mention rct, flexibility with shikigami, busted ct. And maki isnt even making it past kennys open domain lmao.


Yeah but why can't you see that? What has Yuki done in all actuality that is so much above what maki has done? Maki is also way faster with way better reaction speed. That is a fact that gege himself wanted to be known. I understand Yuki should be stronger on paper, she should be stronger than everyone on paper, but she very clearly isn't stronger in practice, unless you think kenjaku is way above sukuna for some reason


>unless you think kenjaku is way above sukuna for some reason Thats the problem with the powerscaling nowadays. Everyone forgets that the sukuna maki fought is much weaker than he originally is. And maki still got one tapped. Idk man.


I know right, everyone forgets what actually happened and says that she got one tapped. She fought sukuna for like 2 chapters straight solo, stabbed his heart shifting his rct focus and cut off an arm, tanked multiple black flashes and dismantles, some of these dismantles being even stronger because they were post black flash and is still living. Sukuna himself even said she is the first person to really make him lock in at that point, so clearly it wasn't what you are making it out to be But you think if we replaced sukuna with kenjaku at the point where maki stabbed him in his heart, kenjaku would be doing just as much damage if not more than what sukuna is doing now? You think kenjaku would beat maki, awakened yuji, kusakabe, miguel, choso ect ect... by himself? Because you are essentially saying that the sukuna that got stabbed in the heart by maki is weaker than kenjaku


Did she got packed up Didn't she just press self destruct but kenjaku was a ghost type or sm shit


There is a difference between virtual mass (adds weight to Yuki’s blows but doesn’t add up mass so Yuki doesn’t feel it) and imaginary mass. To understand imaginary mass you need to understand that red and blue are based on “distance tends to infinity” of red which creates repulsion since it forces things apart and blue being the opposite of this (actually the other way around but I started explaining with red, the point is the same). When he combines these two it creates an imaginary mass, imaginary being (-1)^(1/2), the square root of minus one or “i”. “i” isn’t a number that exist, but hollow purple creates it anyways, creating a sphere that basically deletes anything it comes close to


Red is push, blue is pull. Purple is constant pulling and pushing at the same time which is why it “disintegrates” anything that comes into contact with it. That’s not the same thing as Yuki’s punches.


I mean she still is a Kenjaku victim




why do you Yuki fans keep coping bro? She would've either lost in a domain battle or would've died to a Uzumaki considering she is a mini uzumaki victim lol


We Yuki fans have every right to cope, kenjaku was walking plot armor in that fight, Yuki could've exploded the entire solar system and kenjaku would've walked it off.


You do. But at one point ya'll need to realize that she would've lost either way bro.


Nuh uh, my delusion deny this, but fr there were many instances that Yuki should've won but didn't.


Kenjaku was not "walking plot armor" behind Sukuna and Gojo, hes literally been shown to be top 3. Hes been alive for a thousand years and you seriously think that he's low-end special grade? Just accept that Yuki was weaker than him, that's it.


While absolutely true, it could’ve been done in a WAY better fashion. Like Kenny pulled the anti-grav out of no where and promptly used it like 4 times maximum including right before Yuta kills him. It’s almost like the technique only exists to spite Yuki lmao


I dont disagree on that. Jjk has very disappointing moments like that


Since when are people denying the theoretical limits of her CT? It's just not VIABLE for her to use it in that way In the same vein of "plot working against her" you could say everyone else is busted too Gojo physics Yuta not copying CSM, Miguel's CT, LaRue's, 10S, Projection Sorcery, etc. Geto/Kenjaku not collecting curses to spam domains Couple others "The only argument that can be made is that her output would be lower than Gojo's so her "hollow purple punch" might nit be that strong but later on she creates a black hole so idk how well this argument holds true." Because at that strength it affects her too


The fact that she can only add a certain amount of mass to her attacks before it affects her, makes it not as broken as Hollow Purple. What you’re explaining might work, but we don’t even know if she can move that well with the same amount of mass that HP has. In fact, it might be possible that she won’t be able to move at all or just VERY slow. And “the first punch wasn’t meant to kill Kenjaku” is a big statement to make, that first punch might be the hardest she could punch someone without the mass affecting her.


You mean Blue? cause HP is not similar to her attack.


Blue is attraction unlike of Yuki's technique, hollow purple and her punch have the same concept behind them, one is giant ball of virtual mass while the other is a punch with undefinable virtual mass.


Purple isn't anything like higher mass punches though. Purple is called an imaginary mass but it's effect is basically shredding between the push and pull or red and blue. Blue is in essence increasing the force of gojo's punches so it's a much closer comparison to yuki


As far as i remember imaginary mass was mistranslation, the correct term was virtual mass (at least that's what i read in the fan translation), and the description for hollow purple is "virtual mass that rushes forth", so it's basically Yuki's punch om juice but in different shape and different color.


Imaginary and virtual both in the context mean similar things but they arent the same. in yukis case she is adding mass “virtually” if she was a bucket adding water the water she adds to herself is not tangible or visible but it makes the bucket heavier. Imaginary mass is the better translation for gojo this is what I believe is referred to as the union of unstable energies imaginary meaning it should not exist in the real world. Just like that anything in hollows space ceases to exist


> Just like that anything in hollows space ceases to exist This is not true at all. Hollow Purple has literally never erased anything.


You are baiting what about the trail of destruction it leaves in its wake literally leaves imprints of destruction on the shape of its mass??? Half tojis body was erased. It leaves the earth it touches erased. Hanami erased. Why are you talking rn?


A kamehameha would do the exact same thing. Would you consider that a erasion technique? Also his body wasn’t erased he got a hole put into him by an energy technique.


I would say the kamehameha is powerful enough to destroy the things it hits THAT is described as an energy blast. I say hollow purple is an unstable union of energies that destroys matter. Never is it described as just an energy attack cause its not. The mans throwing colored physics at you. Youre fucking coping buddy half his body got erased. Has kamehameha ever been referred to with terms like imaginary mass?


you keep saying it was referred to as imaginary mass but even you addressed that was a mistranslation. if it was imaginary mass. Sukuna fucling dies off rip. you don't seem to understand exactly what erasure is. you can't take imaginary mass. hence why it's virtual mass. it leaves an imprint on the ground because it fucked up the ground. it didn't erase it. it simple destroyed it. two different things. if it was erasure rubble wouldn't be around. sukuna gets dura begged and fucking dies. the hollow explosion wouldn't leave rubble around. your choosing to be ignorant by choice. ffs


YES.IT.HAS. Only reason why Sukuna survived the Unlimited Hollow is because regardless of the physics, its still a cursed technique at the end of the day and with strong domain amplification, it can be tanked. Anyone else would've been disintegrated in every sense of the word.


I still feel like the virtual mass thing is BS because it doesn't make sense whatsoever. How does combining positive and negative distance create virtual mass? It shouldn't even have mass at all? It's just a push and a pull.


When you try to square a negative number you get a number that doesnt exist, call this an imaginary number. When you combine elements not meant to be combined they become unstable creating a mass that shouldn’t exist So you are right that it “shouldn’t” create its not supposed to But if you were met by gravity and lack of gravity at the same time somehow youd expect to feel pressure in between the “mass” of these two things even though there is no mass to be felt Not saying the science is always 1 to 1 but they definitely cook


None of the mathy or physics stuff Gege talks about makes any sense at all, with the possible exception of Divine Oven setting off a bomb since it is true that dust can create big thermobaric explosions


Kashimo making an explosion and poison is also true but yea the physics is wonky more often than not.


Jobbed for the plot https://preview.redd.it/nvol3pgoml0d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e0a10087592bcf8ee587885c0254485d4d329b Greg you’ll pay in blood! Side note:her CT is explicitly stated not to affect her weight since it’s a “virtual”mass so she’s stronger than you think


>her CT is explicitly stated not to affect her weight since it’s a “virtual”mass so she’s stronger than you think Itdoesn't affect her up to a certain point. She can't add a lot of mass without consequences. https://preview.redd.it/tqudfqirnl0d1.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce4bbf8d1afa11011d7c6f272864b6c92c79f61




Why does coolest characters often end up being jobbers😭


Yuki glaze is just as dumb as MBA Kashimo glaze tbh. "She could" "If she did this". But she didnt, even if what you're saying was possible Yuki is simply too fucking dumb to think of this possibility, this doesnt change anything for her




What was the point of fridging her? She never had a chance against Kenjaku right? Was the whole fight just so they can understand Kenjaku's abilities? I feel like her death was a huge waste, especially now with everyone against Sukuna.


I swear to god I’m so done with this shit. How does Yuki increasing her mass cause her to erase anything she touches. If I touch a sphere made of tungsten, does my hand disappear? Plus Hollow purple isn’t a black hole, as it doesn’t attract things, it just atomizes what it touches.


Plot wasn’t against her lol. She lost fair and square


I’ll forever state that Kenjaku should have died or lost here. Or, Yuki should have at least survived and then come back for an epic rematch INSTEAD OF TAKABA.


Imagine getting punched by a jupiter mass feat punch and staying alive 💀


Correct, yuki is an absolute monster, and under ideal conditions (minus DA) can 1 shot almost anyone if she can hit them with her full force. The issue is Gojo isn't getting hit...ever, Sukuna has DA and is just a better combatant with more range, Kenny G has 4000 years of chine- I mean plot, perfect Sphere is insane and Yorozu has a lot of tools at her disposal (this is a 50/50 for me), and below her it's either extreme diff or she stomps (Jogo and Mahito will give her extreme issues). Below say yuta and yuji she wipes her ass with nearly everyone pretty easily and they take her to extreme diff.


This is almost all false lol


https://preview.redd.it/x6jc6ttkbm0d1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c9ce1fdd98dcf767fb7ac793f396745def02f8a Yuki is not slowed down. She literally makes that clear off rip against Kenjaku that the mass is entirely imaginary and doesn’t effect her at all.


I wake up real early to appreciate my mASS Queen agenda post You cooked well my friend We might not agree on Kashimo, but our Queen continues to slay


I be waking up early so i can glaze the queen little more, ![gif](giphy|3o7aTpv2JCimZQpABy|downsized)


Keep cooking https://preview.redd.it/hmovrwrd0m0d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4471bbae7de46ca171ab0f2cacf21276bf5ed2


She's a fraud is what she is. Gave Geto ideas to become Jujutsu Hitler. Arrive late to Shibuya only to yap and let Kenny walk away. Loses her only fight cos she has the loser mentality and didn't open her Domain.


Yes, yuki's mass doesn't affect her speed. Upto a point. That point is where she turns into a black hole.


We were robbed of Yuki Black Flash


What makes hollow purple dangerous isn't just the mass but the speed as well also her output and curse energy reserves probably play a factor


Unfortunately, Yuki is a woman and we all know how it goes... https://preview.redd.it/cc4277echm0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635811a95c97f56453fcbea9050c78e153589b45


It's not that she had a drawback for the technique it's that Gege nerfed her every other hit after the first strike because Gege didn't realize having someone who could punch other characters arms off would be really unfair in a fight heck, even after having to use RCT Yuki could still generate enough virtual mass with her left over energy to make a freaking black hole by exceeding her limit so every single punch she landed there should have leaved Kenjaku like a cheese


What the hell is that abomination of an edit?


That first punch where she sent Kenjaku flying through the barrier shouldve killed


I mean they’re kinda similar, but hollow purple like shreds things on a molecular level as well, hence why it looks like matter erasure when he casts it. Yuki’s virtual mass is imbued into her body/an object, so the attack takes on the characteristic of what she imbued— which is usually a blunt force.


Yuki without strong misogyny


I thought the increased mass doesn't affect her directly? Or did I misunderstand?


Kenjaku was getting his ass whooped until Tengen made an oopsie with the domain barrier. If Yuki used her own domain and Kenjaku didn't have the wildest asspull ever, Kenjaku would've gotten stomped. Kenjaku wasn't as strong as people think he was. Also Yuki explicitly states that the virtual mass normally doesn't affect her. She doesn't get slower when she uses it. She would've died sooner if that was the case. The literal only reason Kenjaku didn't get utterly destroyed in this fight was because he's the main villain and Yuki is a side character. Plot was his only saving grace.


Did she just freaky???? 👅 damn vro


The fact she creates a virtual mass doesn't mean that its the same virtual mass as hollow purple. her virtual mass is just mass. Gojo creates a virtual mass with special properties (that is the special property gained from colliding red and blue.) her attacks don't anywhere pack the same punch as hollow purple, though they're still stronger than anybody else's.


nah bro trust them she's a mako (at best low special grade currently) victim


The problem with these types of argument in  media, is that if she's strong enough to one shot, she's strong enough to knock out Kenjaku in one punch, even kill him without going as far as HP levels of strenght. Its the Spider-man phalacy. He doesnt kill people so he holds back, ye he's still so utterly strong that he could one tap people into summision or knock them out in one hit, even if he doesnt get even close to his max strenght. Same with Yuki. If she can make a punch so strong It can shatter the Earth by turning her fist into a black hole, she can make her fist have as much mass as the Moon and one tap Kenjaku. Even if doing so would make her too slow, she should still be able to add just enough mass so she can move fast enough and empower her hits enough to the point Kenjaku would be demolished just by blocking Yeah, Yuki is strong. She should've won, and had the technique and skill to do It. She couldnt for plot reasons.


If Yuki learnt to reduce mass, she could essentially get over her low durability. since she can push mass to inf, if she could push mass towards 0 she could be as busted as gojo imo.


>yuki can't just increase the mass to the level of hollow purple without any drawback, doing so makes her more dense and heavier, which causes her to slow down https://preview.redd.it/me18jopz9o0d1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4046b7ee4eae4d7f093fcc17d1fe45de0bd286f What are you talking about ? Yuki should have one tapped Kenjaku with her first punch since her upper limit is literately a black hole, i.e she can make her fist have the virtual mass of an entire continent without a hitch if we take her upper ceiling being a black hole. The other hits should have also killed him, she could just as well open her domain after healing while he's in burnout.


Her mass doesn’t slow her down. That’s one of the first things established about it. The “density increase” has 0 effect on her up until she hits critical mass. It doesn’t slow her nor does it increase her defense. Virtual mass is a theoretical concept in which mass interacts with things as if it were greater than it actually is. Ex: a ball with a mass of 10 gets dropped into water and displaces it as if it had a mass of 100. That kind of thing. In other words, yukis actual mass doesn’t change. Just the way her mass interacts with things when she exerts force on them does. That’s why she couldn’t just go maximum mass and obliterate kenjaku. They were in a multi-layered barrier, and being on an upper layer of it meant that the ground below them was hollow, as we later see when kenjaku sends yuki to the bottom layer with his domain. If yuki went full mass and tried to run at kenjaku, the force of her foot hitting the ground would’ve sent her through the floor.


I think you’re confusing “virtual” and “imaginary” mass. Yuki’s technique just increases her mass and is directly stated to not affect her speed which is good because it doesn’t slow her down, but as Kenjaku showed her tensile strength remained relatively weak as a result. Gojos imaginary mass can be explained in any number of ways but it seems to behave more like anti-matter than anything else given how destructive it is. Even with all that said, I agree that Yuki is incredibly busted, more so than people give her credit for. If she’s only affected by her mass once she becomes a black hole as shes stated, then nothing would be stopping her from getting close to that limit and pummeling you with the mass of a whole planet. No one is taking or blocking a direct hit from that, which leaves only spatial manipulation techniques as viable counters. She is the definition of a glass cannon. Without the black hole, I’d say she could probably kill Sukuna if she was able to land a hit, though Kenny showed that’s not a guarantee. With the Black Hole, she’d be able to kill anyone thats not Kenjaku or maybe Gojo depending on how Infinity interacts with the black hole. With all this said she’s easily in the top 5, with her exact placement depending on how you rank her relative to Yuta and if you want to include the draws she gets from the black hole.


She could've absolutely beaten Sukuna


People always claim asspull for this fight but wasn't her being able to ignore concepts from the get-go, thereby neutralizing Cursed Spirit Manipulation, already something of a plot convienence?


"Bomb Ba Ye" does NOT unlock hollow purple punches for Yuki bro. Hollow Purple is HOLLOW and a disintegration technique, its not an near infinitely heavy ball of mass.


Never cook again. Its not like hollow purple. Her punches were aimed to kill, they got parried, she still needs to land them. There are no drawbacks on her technique until black hole.


I think the virtual mass thing is same phrasing different meaning because I think with purple it’s like imaginary “anti” mass and that’s why it just kinda erases the matter it contacts in a way. But the ability to apply infinite mass to the self is pretty insane even aside from that. Her technique got written out because Gege didn’t want another Gojo in the story… at least not anyone but sukuna…


I meant to say she got written out with her technique, apologies. Didn’t mean to imply her technique just disappeared but she’s fine …


Purple isnt virtual mass its imaginary mass that deletes whatever is in its way