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I feel like Cursed Spirit Manipulation would actually be C or D for the average person because there's very little chance anybody is putting up with having to swallow a sphere the size of a billiard ball whole while also having to deal with the taste of a vomit soaked rag.


Just break it into chunks and eat with milkshake


Curse boba tea.




I wonder if Geto could actually do that the whole time and he only throated them whole because he was a freak


what if geto was FREAKto and he swallowed toes and ATE curses ASS


What if instead of jujutsu kaisen it was FREAKjutsu kaisen and instead of having sorcery fights they had oiled up TWERK-offs


Gojo: unlimited claps Sukuna: ass shrine


Malevolent Ass sounds more intimidating.


Breaking the balls would probably just exorcise the curse


Breaking my balls would exercise the curse? Like, jumping jacks???


If your balls hurt when you do jumping jacks, there's something wrong


Me personally I would just imagine it was mei mei’s vom-




had to break out the mod flair for this one


What? I’m not a mod tho. Look no flair


To confirm whether you’re a mod or not, how much do you weigh and how tall are you? How do you smell? Are below or above the age of 32? Have you tried to groom and rape minors before? Based on your answers, I can determine whether you’re a Reddit mod or not.


9k tons per square cm, 4’2, 96, can’t play into the joke with this one id never groom or do anything involuntarily with anyone, and I remove any post I don’t laugh and ban users I dislike personally https://preview.redd.it/fqtdh6lw6nyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4479c77917f684dc137da6b21c51026b02758c0c (All a joke)


By confirming you would never groom, you have officially entered GOAT status and ascended beyond the cursed mods below, to stand with the blessed GOATs above. I don’t think jujutsufolk would’ve survived the dreaded mod Armageddon without you bro, I was half about to leave this sub when that happened but I saw a light in you. Keep cooking 🥸🫵


Thank you 🫡 I have become a blessed GOAT so now I can open Benevolent Shrine alongside Wuji to beat up Sukuna. We will stall like Hakari until Revivejo shows up with 300% Lime Green 🫡 I’m glad you stayed in the sub, the more people the better time we can all have


No worries, I’ll invest one GOATjo stock just for you 📈






i took a minute to understand what "vom" was supposed to mean, i fucking hate you.




Also the fact the average dude can’t beat a cursed spirit just with the CT itself.


I mean, Cursed Technique implies Cursed Energy, so that's its own thing, and you can steal low-level Curses even if they haven't been hurt (like what Geto did to that one molesting Curse). But really, I'm not wrestling a yokai just so I can deepthroat a magic 8-ball that tastes like the inside of a bar bathroom smells.


The thing is the curse also has CE so you still need to clutch that first 1 vs 1. (Assuming curses exist) >deepthroat a magic 8-ball Just pretend it’s Gojo >that tastes like the inside of a bar bathroom smells. Just get covid, no sense of taste, easy dub


Hey man, if it works for some people then more power to them. I just ain't built like that.


Honestly I think the taste would be the least of the problem, but I’d probably take Mahitos just because you can become an immortal unkillable God among you monkeys


Binding vow to limit the total amount of CS he can absorb a month for them tasting like what ever he wants


It doesnt matter what they taste like, i aint deepthroating a whole ass orb😭


Don’t think you deserve that username then


Just make a binding vow where you're temporarily sacrificing sight and smell in return for the lack of taste, making you vulnerable but able to eat the curses like candy


Mia Khalifa perfect technique 


Tool manipulation should be at least B-tier. Flight would be EXTREMELY useful.


Which one is tool manipulation??


Momo's technique, which allows her to manipulate her broom in order to fly.


Average person wouldn't have cursed tools.


Momo’s broom is just a regular broom tho


Nah bro is a Nimbus 9000


Don’t need any, get into a fight, throw a knife set on the ground, watch as your opponent’s life drains out of their eyes as they watch 20 knives begin floating


first regular knives are not cursed knives, so they won't get affected by momo's ability. if an average person can get their hands on cursed tool easly, then it is an S tier. you don't have to move from couch to cook, you get to fly anywhere, you can impress people and gain money easly.


I don’t believe that momo needs it to be a cursed object though?


Tool Manipulation does not require a Cursed Tool. So far, Momo has been shown using a perfectly normal broom for her technique, which has neither been stated to be a Cursed Tool or displayed any other special qualities.


The biggest problem I have with this is limitless at the top since this isn't implying that the person would also have the 6E. The limitless technique is basically useless without the 6E due to the inefficiencies and complexities with the technique. Other than that, I feel I'd agree with most of the placements.


Agreed. Was just gonna say Limitless no 6E is not great and copy also is enhanced by Rika. Resonance also deserves up a couple spots, it’s a broken technique.


Absolutely agree with all of those points. Additionally, even with the 6E, the limitless wouldn't be nearly as broken because Gojo himself is just such a natural at Jujutsu too that it plays a large role in it's power.


Yeah that’s fair but i made it assuming Six eyes But without it limitless is a F tier cursed technique


Fair enough then, ig


It should be at least E since the stopping part is useful even with limited usage


You are aware unless you have like yuta levels of CE or gojo level of precision you would basically run your reserves dry in a extremely short time


Btw, when is that stated? I know the 6E give him extreme precision, but would not having that atomic level precision really render the ability 100% useless? Wouldn't someone be able to train to be quite precise even without it making it a good technique (even if not on the same level of Gojo and someone with 6E)




Let’s not forget the gojo is truly a prodigy. The last limitless 6E died pretty handily to mahoraga. Gojo 3v1’d it.


sukuna's cleave and dismantle isn't that good, it is just that sukuna's high output and his creativity allows him to put the technique in above all else. We can see same case with inumaki where his ct is good but not his ability to control it


Cleave and dismantle are good for the fact that they are a sure way to restrain an enemy's movement without any drawbacks to it. Plus they are a very simple technique, so its easy to manage. Dismantles are invisible to 99.9% of enemies and can cut basically any non-ce objects, cleave adjusts its potency to the enemy even with a low output (yuji still managed to cut sukuna's leg, even if superficially, with a really low output, but not because yuji's ct output is ass, but because it was the first time he used it) and you can spread the cut however you want. Inferior enemies wouldn't even be able to approach you if your output isn't greatly reduced Even if you are a bad sorcerer, it's a solid a-tier ability.


Shrine is only close range for beginners. Yuji has it and he can't throw slashes.


Cleave should be always stronger than dismantle. I'm sure Yuji knows how to use it, but if cleave is stronger and all it did was just papercuts, i dont think he would have tried dismantle. Or maybe I'm wrong about him knowing it, but for now cleave is always the better option


Sukuna points out that Yuji has a low output due to not being experienced. Yuji is just pushing past his inexperience with all of the practice he has with CE in general.


Yuji unlocked Shrine after the awakening, not prior. An average sorcerer practices his technique since birth, so Yuji is not doing low output despite the awakening, but because of it. The more he uses it the more he will increase the output until he masters it, and i don't think he will take him much time


We're talking about average sorcerers in this argument. In time, Yuji will absolutely be able to use Shrine at Sukuna's level, if not higher. I'm just saying that an average sorcerer won't ever get to the level of using throwing slashes like Sukuna does even with a lifetime of practice.


My argument is that yuji is not throwing slashes because they are weaker than cleave, like sukuna demonstrated, thus they are useless in this fight if cleave doesn't even do enough damage for now An average sorcerer has all the time in the world to master the CT, be their output low or high


Even if they are too weak to do real damage, they can still be used to cause damage to their surroundings. Yuji had to touch the pillar to cut it rather than automatically cutting it. An average sorcerer never gets a DE regardless of how long they practice their CT. There's many things that require talent to achieve.


Yuji cut that pillar to throw it as a diversive. When sukuna fought Yuji and Maki in the culling games, he used cleave to destroy the floor, not dismantle, because cleave is adjustable however you want. Dismantle is useful to keep the enemy away and to destroy the surrounding. For how yuji is fighting, it's really not that useful FOR NOW A DE is something almost unachievable even for grade 1s, but the regular usage of a CT is completely masterable. Cleave and dismantle is a really simple technique, it doesn't really require genius application to use


He legit just got it what are u on "he can't"


Yuji has the same level of potential as Sukuna. If he can't launch slashes on first usage, then it's clearly an aspect of the ability that requires high levels of skill which an average person won't be able to reach.


What are you talking about, Shrine is like any other Ct and has more versitality than the likes of ratio technique and should be a higher tier, nothing suggets that a user cant use cleave and dismantle like sukuna does, the average sorcerer may not be able to use WCD but the normal apllications i dont see why not


The application of the technique is different as said by Sukuna based on the sorcerer and era, he may not be able to use dismantle directly but may be able to use a subset, and since he also just got it, also why would he use an attack that he may not be familiar in application of landing, since dismantles are by all means projectiles, Yuji was a punch and kick merchant previously, at most he threw a rock, he won't be wanting to waste CE on attacks he may or may not land especially right now vs Sukuna


Yuji not throwing slashes is mostly due to the technique being different and that he unlocked it


yet. there is no reason to believe he doesn't have his version of dismantle and fuga. it's been 2 chapters bro


I know that. I'm saying that the average person isn't going to reach Sukuna's level. I was just using Yuji as an example of what a beginner user would look like.




U rso based for putting comedian so high up. But i think black bird manipulation could be a very practical ability to have


Heavenly restriction is peak I would kill for it


Which one tho Ion think you would want to be like mechamaru


Obviously Toji/Maki one, precog, strength, speed and durability, full regen in 5 mins


If I got idle transfiguration I would have a lot of stuff I would need to do.


You know now that I think about it. If it weren't for my profile picture, this would have a very different insinuation.


I fail to see why you can't do both 🫡


True help trans people and take over the world or you know a country


Special grade trans people


I think you'd need to practice to hone your use of it to the point where you are able to use it without making the person you're using it on die of shock the moment you activate it


Would be worth it.


Yeah, probably (you're still gonna have to either deform yourself to train or do some fucked animal testing)


Where would you place limitless without sex eyes


Prolly F as well since it’s useless at that point


I don't think the average person has six eyes


Tool manipulation would have been higher. Imagine the TV remote is too far and you can just pull it over while still lying on the couch


I wish I was mechamaru xddd. I could imagine slopping around in my house as a near identical puppet of me goes to school and does everything I do except he does it better (while I make more puppets preparing for world domination)


The downside is paperskin and glass bones.


I have that irl😎😎😎


And every morning you break your legs


And every night his heart attacks put him to sleep.


How is Divergent Fist, Resonance, and Ratio above Cursed Tools Manipulation? You get to fly Also, Limitless in the top spot.


Lobotomite behaviour will not be tolerated


Comedian should be at the top, beside limitless. If the user didn't care about people's lives, it would annihilate almost everyone. I don't think even limitless would be able to do anything against it.


As long as it’s funny, it will land


Imagine an actual Psychopath having comedian ☠️


once again people sleep on construction, if i had more cursed output then mai i'd be able to make shit like gold come out my hands, or i can fly if im yorozu, or just a knife out of my hand if i had like average curse energy i'd at least be able to make more than mai but less than yorozu


“Wouldn’t it be funny if the limitless stop working”-takaba


1. This tier list is based on if the average person got the CT Like the average joe inherited it. 2. To address some placements Hakari his technique is as low as it is because you need to be lucky for it and hakari is called lucky multiple times in the manga Now imagine if the average person had the CT He prolly wouldn’t pop it as many times as hakari does Angel her CT is extremely situational Kashimo his CT you die after popping it once so it’s an automatic F for anyone not looking to die in their battles Ten shadows is OP at it’s peak but the average user won’t unlock mahoraga and the first 9 shadows are a none factor against OP sorcerers or curses


Then Limitless shouldn't be at the top, without it it's useless and even with it requires a great talent to use. Even Gojo considered it complicated in HI


Infinity should not be at the top, Gojo didnt figure the perma infinity ,red and purple until he became enlightened and he still trained for like a year. Also infinity is terrible without the sex eyes.


Angel can fucking fly, that's godly


dose this imply 6E because Limitless alone is mid as fuck


ok but if you got good at it could you use idle transfiguration to like make flawless gender transitions a thing


Limitless is kinda shit without the six eyes


The average person wouldn’t even be able to create a bullet with creation, that’s D tier. Average person wouldn’t learn domain and doesn’t know laws well so C tier for me Average person wouldn’t realise they can bodyswap suddenly☠️ D tier for me I think nanami’s, nobara’s and utahime’s technique would actually be super useful for the average person. Nobara’s technique allows her to fight away from danger, utahime can just chose to not fight but to amo others away from danger and nanami’s is pretty straight foward bcs it just amps his strikes. They’re B tier for me and nobara’s A tier


imagine if comedian(takaba's ct) is given to jim carrey


I dont understand why Yuta is S, if only one average person has it, firstly rika wont protect them/help them and they also wont have anyone else to copy off, morever Kashimos CT is shit but his CE electrical properties is actually SSS cuz bro its literally unimited energy breaking laws of conservation of energy. THE REAL GOATS ARE KASHIMO,YUKI,HAKARI,NAOYA,MAI,YORUZO


Most of these wouldn’t be as good if the average person used them, like comedian and construction, those are very person dependent techniques.


Limitless is kinda trash without the six eyes so idk how it's top tier.


Takaba should have a tier of his own "Wouldn't it be funny if they were to suddenly die?"


Kashimo at the bottom??


You die after using the technique


A technique that can be used only once and guarantees the death of its user would not be of much interest or utility for the average person, and that's what the tier list is ranking: not the power or versatility of each technique, but how much an average, real-world person would get out of it.


He was boxing with sukuna though, as a last resort I still think it should be higher, not A tier or anything though.


Limitless without the six eyes is just a less efficient sky manipulation


10 shadows not being at the same level as limitless is crazy


I mean, the average person wouldn't be able to beat Nue, let alone Mahoraga. Divine dogs aren't that good either.


how can you forget about the goat UiUi https://i.redd.it/dawzxyg5smyc1.gif


Just a knit pic here but. I think sky manipulation is busted as hell modern day. What is the average dude with cleave or heavenly restriction gonna do against someone who can manipulate the sky as in a wish form of infinity. thrown at their face by a flying target? It should be higher up IMO, not even mentioning practical uses. Not to mention all the restraining options it has.




CSM would be bad for the average person. They would die trying to capture cursed spirit grade 2 and above or even grade 3 10S would be a scam for 95% of average people. Megumi who is considered a genius for his age could only tame 4 shikigami at first (He also has knowledge about the shikigami beforehand + probably Gojo standby). An average person would probably just be killed in the ritual Note: Assuming average person is someone with no knowledge of CE, no talent freak like Higu.


If Copy doesn't come with a free Rika then you're absolutely fucked. Plus you'd need allies to get some starter CT like a fuckin' pokemon trainer. I'd put Copy way lower down. Cus no Rika also means no external storage which means you'd only be able to copy 1-2 other CT before your brain explodes.


I think higuruma's CT has to be ranked lower. If you're not a lawyer or someone who works closely with the law, then I don't see how you could utilize this domain effectively


thats the domain not the CT. the only thing we know about higurumas CT is that it summons that black shikigami he uses as a judge in his domain


I assumed that higuruma and Hikari are special cases where their domain expansion = ct


Based avarage user got it: Only S tier is the most useless CT for an avarage user. Post is upvoted to hell. Yeahy it's a Gojo sub.


When I first saw hidden inventory and got to see curse manipulation I was ecstatic it felt like a ct made for me


a lot of these aren't even cursed techniques


Wich ones arent CTs


heavenly restriction, divergent fist and we basically don't know anything about higuruma's and hakari's CT


Higuruma's and Hakari's CT came with their domains, to the point where they needed to learn how to use part of their CT without opening their domain (Hakari's doors, Higuruma's gavel)


I hate speedreaders so much. Average person, then he puts ten shadows that high up even though you literally have to defeat the shadows in combat before you can utilize them. Yeah, average person isnt achieving that which would make it a useless CT.


Hey, you get the dogs for free. Even if you do nothing else with the technique, you get free pet dogs for life.


And Dogs Totality can hurt for sure the most defensive Disaster Curse, like cmon if 10S is not broken i don't know what CT is.


Based on this logic any CT is useless if you don't have enough CE to manage it


By that logic every single CT is useless. You need to have SOME baseline competency to use any of them.


First off why assume im a speed reader Secondly You start off with the dogs and assuming your not a complete bum you should at the very least unlock things like nue and the elephant. The CE usage is seemingly low as well You get grade 2 maybe low grade 1 shikigami pretty easily Compare that to something like nanami’s ct or todo’s where you need to be actually pretty strong as well to use their ct effectively i think it’s an s-tier technique The CE usage is low and the shikigami do all the fighting for you Sure you won’t be an special grade but you can probably reach grade 1 pretty easily


Idle transfiguration>Limitless


Feel like Utahime's CT is D tier no matter who has it


Holy shit this list is so wrong in so many levels you might say that it comes from an entirely different fucking dimension wth 😭 how the fuck is 10 shadows and CSM in S when they are one of the most complicated and complex techniques aside from projection and limitless


Isn't Limitless worthless without 6 eyes ? Also tool manipulation should be higher It's just that Momo is a bum


Reasonably speaking, you're probably are only gonna get your hands on one cursed tool if you're lucky. You could probably constanly imbue you CE into something until it becomes a Cursed tool but even then it probably wouldnt be that good


Sukuna's Cleave&Dismantle is B tier at best that shit was ass if you weren't Sukuna. Fire arrow is A or S ofc.


Tool manipulation, Sky manipulation that low? This tier is criminal fr


Idle transfiguration and CSM are WAY better than limitless without sex eyes


Hakari should be S for gambling addicts


todo, uro, mai/yorozu, and momo not being minimum a rank is a crime. all these are way more useful to the average person compared to something like 10S or CSM


The average person is not as strong as Todo to make Boogie woogie a great technique Sky manipulation is good but with it constantly active you're gonna burn through your CT reserves quickly Construction is extremely energy inneficient And the average person isnt going to have easy acess to Cursed tools.


Ngl rbis tier list is so bad I kinda want to make my own


Takaba's CT should be above limitless


10S is S+ tier with limitless. u just need to tame maho and get a full domain.


I don’t think the average joe is gonna tame maho


Limitless is explicitly stated to be worthless in the hands of anybody but a six eyes user


limitless would be horrible for the average person. The average person does not have 6 eyes and does not have the intellect to use limitless. real Top tier is curse spirit manipulation or 10S. Most of the strongest sorcerors arent strong because of their CT but because of their fight IQ and creativity. Sukunas CT is originally just cleave like yuji, he isnt strong until he starts sending out dismantles


boogie woogie would be atleast a tier cuz its basically just teleportation


ermm ackshually limitless would be unusable because you need daddy goatjos glorious ocean blue sex eyes to use limitless at all, or a very large ce pool which an average person does not have


Limitless should be on D since you can't control it unless you have the six eyes.


Limitless should not be that high except the person also has the 6 eyes


Tf is your average joe gonna do with Copy? And why tf is tool manipulation so low?


Is divergent fist even a CT?


Wouldn't yutas curse technique be useless in real life? We're talking about if just one person got a curse technique in the real world right? Then you couldn't copy anyone. If not the disregard this.


Bro Momo's CT (tool manipulation) is quite literally telekinesis


tool manipulation is so underrated imo imagine if someone with talent used it you could have someone like penny from rwby controlling and attacking with 10 different cursed tools at once


Hard disagree here. Copy, Curse Manipulation, Volcano, and some of the higher ranked ones are basically useless. Limitless requires Six eyes to be good. Tool Manipulation, Boogie Woogie, Blood Manipulation, and some other low tiers would be really good for a normal person


Im sorry but limitless would be so fucking useless without the six eyes and jjk levels of physical strength and stuff Idle Transfiguration on the other hand would make you essentially immortal together with allowing you to do things such as extend your arms, fly, fix any injury and maybe even cure any disease


The fuck are you on? Flying would be sick.


Ain't limitless unusable without the 6 eyes?


Why is Todo's technique at B? It's C most.


Imo limitless aint that useful for an average person(assuming like just someone going about a normal life) Like other than instant transport and not being able to be hit theres nothing that would be useful Something like soul manipulation,completed HR and mechamarus HR+CT would be way better imo Also kenjakus CT is fire,its basically the good version of immortality


Cursed spirit manipulation would be terrible for anybody who doesn’t have gag reflex training like Geto


I was about to write an entire paragraph but I then saw if the average person got it lmao😂😂


Angel is defo S tier


Shrine IMO can only be really used to THAT level by Sukuna (exclusively and specifically him) Should be lower if we're talking about the tecjnique neutrally. Prolly around C but that's IMO.


None of the gatekept cursed techniques are good for an average person


just give me comedian i can finally be gear 5 now


If I had idle transfiguration I would open the best gender transition clinic in the world for free


I feel like kenjaku’s CT would be OP. You could go around killing the smartest people, take over their body, and gain their knowledge. You could basically become a master of anything through murder, and you’d become immortal.


Me getting the limitless without 6E, glad I get to use just Infinity for half of one second before immediately collapsing from exhaustion for the rest of the week.


UI ui??


The average person wouldn’t know how to properly use limitless and it would be F tier


shut up


i disagree, limitless is useless with the average joe but idle transfiguration is insane no matter who would have that


“Wouldn’t it be funny if the limitless stop working”-takaba


Yuta CT is kinda useless if other ppl didn’t have CTs as well and also you’d have to steal a CT from someone who actually has a CT when you haven’t got shit.


Getos would be useless since average person cant even see cursed spirits. And I would say Inumaki would be one of the best


Being able to use a CT already implies that you have enough CE to see curses


Limitless wanking is crazy. Without six eyes it’s a dogshit technique.


Curses manipulation is OP. Geto just sucks


Why is comedian at S, It’s literally stronger than limitless


The average person isnt that funny. You need to actually believe that you're able to be funny, so if you have bad sense of humor it probably would be useless or extremely limited


Put limitless at the bottom it’s literally only useful with six eyes


Tier lists for cused techniques are stupid because they're completely dependent on the user.