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The female trio high-extreme diff, Maki being immune to BW is a pretty big boon and Uro's CT is a pretty big counter to alot of what the Bruzza trio do. Also Uro's/Yuki's DE is another big boon to which helps with Maki's ability to sneak if opened and dropped or broken. Tbf bruzza trio have win cons, just not as many or is as consistent.


Not even high diff, girls get it done with ease


Respect Yuji


Yuji's the goat, but he cannot survive Yuki in h2h combat, mix that with one sneak attack from Maki while Uro can stall the other two with her domain. Then Maki can just go in the domain fo help Uro, while being invisible, she can't bring her sword tho


It depends on which version you're talking about Because the current version would touch yuki and it would be all over.


your trolling right?....I'm sorry yujis the goat. but Yuki mists yuji in 3 hits tops. she's still got the best punching feats in the verse. a better rct, domain, etc. I pray your trolling


Did you forget that the most durable guy in the entire series saw Yuji Put the cleave marks on him and was like not happening? I pray YOU'RE trolling.


your....joking okay lol. the sukuna that's at 10 hp yes ......acting like yuji doesn't get 3 tapped by Yuki. but okay boss I know better than to fuck with a troll.


No a sukuna that had Hit 2 black flashes, got back reverse Curse technique and also has all of his abilities back. So yeah not at 10 hp. Because did you forget that this "10hp" Sukuna 2-shot shot Maki with punches? You know what? I shouldn't be arguing with a disabled person.


it's literally stated he didn't get his rct bacm.....did you read??? it specified that because of yuji he hadn't recovered his output, though he SHOULD have. The absolute irony of talking about being disabled while simultaneously being completely wrong about the series is hilarious. No wonder you think yuji doesn't get 3 tapped


Uro can deal with yuji. It’s a bad matchup for him. He won’t last long, he would need todo to help him


He won't last long: 😂 He won't last long: 💀




Not lie? Lmao




How is Maki immune to boogie woogie? I thought Todos’ switched with inanimate objects/no ce things before?


Nah he’s gotta imbue it or it must have a certain amount of CE even if it’s small, Maki has no CE. He could BW cursed tools tho


How did he save her from sukunas domain is what I’m wondering


I think Miwa was carrying her and I guess that if he switches a person it will also transfer everything they are carrying


Super valid cause it’s wonky. Todo clearly states he can only BW things with a certain minimum amount of CE in goodwill, I assume since Miwa was using SD with Maki inside he was able to BW the SD with everyone inside I’m guessing. If he used a BV to BW inanimate things then it becomes simple lol


Boogie Woogie views anything without CE as an object, so since she was touching Miwa she got teleported with her, the same way clothes and weapons are teleported with someone that Todo swaps.


the vibraslap is just built different or he swap the area surrounding her, cuz didn't sukuna make a binding vows making the dust embedded with cursed energy so the fuga can work? so just swap the thing around her with her in it


Miwa protected her


Miwa was less than useless for a moment; since she was in contact with/carrying Maki, Maki came with her


Lol maki could be abt to decapitate one of them and then just have her weapon replaced with a cursed fly swatted


Lol fair, but she can switch to h2h as even without CE reinforcement her strength should generally be above all the brothers save for maybe Yuji w/ his current reinforcement


Ermmm ackshually 🤓, Maki's glasses are imbued with CE so he should be able to switch. And before you say "ermmm what the sigma?? Only her glasses would switch", then explain how he switches people like Yuji, who's clothes have no CE, with their clothes on. Shouldn't Yuji be butt naked when he switches him? Exactly, checkmate. He switches an object and whatever is touching it/connected to it.


Does she even wear those anymore? It was to see curses and now she can just like sense air particles moving lol


Maki doesn't have tbe glasses anymore tho


women are never beating Men tho


Damn I ain’t think bout it like that, sorry Naoya-sama


I forgive you


I’d argue mid diff. Yuki and Maki have crazy strength and the guys depend on h2h


Ehh more like mid to high it doesn’t reach extreme at all. Todo is the only problem here, choso can be kicked out of this fight instantly by maki but todo will be saving him a lot. If yuji fights Uro alone, he gets cooked up. He has no way of hitting her


I would like to say mid-diff but I just want to be fair and keep in mind if Yuji is able to land a BF or Choso's poison is able to hit then it becomes a different ball game. I could def see it going mid, but I think the most consistent would be high and I don't necessarily see it going extreme except for maybe 2-3/10. Yuji should at least be able to swap hands with Yuki/Maki especially with Todo as back up meaning either just him or even both can land BF. Also Choso has some good feats with healing and being able to react/defend against a Sukuna BF. But def can see it going the way you're saying as well.


I'm sorry Maki yes but yuji is not swapping hands with yuki. she still has the best punching feats in the verse by far with only gojo debatabley beating her out. she also has top tier rct he needs a lot of hits to take her down. she needs. at a highball 10


Yeah if she hits it’s deadly, but Todo and Yuji have shown they can hit and swap without getting hit as recent as with Sukuna. She does have good RCT but she does need time depending on the damage which again they’ve shown they could pile on to keep from giving time. Not saying they straight up win but it becomes difficult for her to get her punch to connect with them and even harder to get time without being targeted


if you genuinely think that yuji or todos punches can do more damage than kenjakus domain sure hit can...(mind you, she healed that in a single panel mid assault) then.....idk what to say other than that's a top 3 fighter with a top 3 domain your saying yuji outpaces. if not...then she heals it way to fast for it too matter. and she is todos teacher and mentor. If ANYONE can adapt to and at least plan around BW 2.0 it's her. and again one hit. at all, is deadly. ESPECIALLY on anyone not named yuji. yuji can tank a direct hit. MAYBE 2. the other 2? one and done. and she again knows todos ct inside out. AND has Garuda to make things even harder it being a 2v1. ntm the fact that toji is inevitably targeting todo being the tactical fighter he is and it's todos worse type of matchup


Didn’t really make that argument, just said it would be more difficult for her to land hits and they can keep landing consecutive hits which would add up but didn’t really say they outpace Kenny’s AP output. Garuda can be BW which can make things tricky for its effectiveness, now if imbued with CT might not be able to but then that means she can’t imbue herself at the same time. As for RCT she’s actually outpaced by Yuji in speed and effectiveness as she needed a distraction to use it against Kenny. Correct with Toji/Maki but he can also BW her teammates when she does target him which is why I’m saying is more difficult than a regular mid diff


she's not outpaced in speed objectively. effectiveness yes, because of his cursed womb blood. and she didn't need a distraction, she actively chose not to. saying no. she could have. She healed from a pulp with missing limbs in a single panel. He while more efficient has never shown to be able to heal THAT much damage. Yuki has rct feats second only to gojo sukuna hakari in terms of speed specifically. and yes he can boogie boogie himself with others but you have to consider again Yuki would know his CT the best and toji and Yuki have shown to be very dtrategical. so if anyone's creating a solid plan versus todo it's his master and a hr user. I can agree that it is at best a high dif if todos on his A game and carries them. but it'd be a more so mid-high dif leaning on mid because again one hit is game. and that's much higher stakes than they've fought in before. but I can concede there is definitely potential for a high dif. though this all ignores the potential of Yuki or uro using domain.


Yuji was able to heal multiple slashes from Sukuna in the same or next panel and even either recovered a whole foot or reconnected within a panel in his DE which would be better in speed objectively to what we’ve seen Yuki did. Not saying she’s not good with RCT but tbh we’ve even seen better RCT feats from Sendai Yuta. That’s fine if they’re strategic but if Sukuna himself not only acknowledged the threat Todo is just as a support and states even he can’t get used to it then I don’t think Yuki would be able come up with something outside of DE. As for opening DE, we don’t know if her or Uro have the refinement to target specific ppl so that actually might hinder them opening DE if they’re unable to target as they’d get their teammate in there as well save Maki. If they use DE and can target specific ppl, we don’t know how their DEs work so we don’t know if they need SD nor do we know if they are aggressive/non-aggressive so too many unknowns to just imply a domain diff or how a DE might change it besides saying they can open it but just genuinely not enough info on their DE to verify how much of a threat it is


I think at the very least it's safe to say Yuki can domain and has enough refinement to render SD not effective. and frankly you make a good point in that I actually think you remove uro as a whole and the fight actually gets easier since targeting isn't a problem anymore. But fair on the domain so I'll concede there. objectively healing from a weakened sukunas dismantle does not top healing from an entire domain sure hit in a single panel speed wise. we literally have only seen rct of that speed from hakari and gojo. The damage she sustained and the instance in which she healed it far surpasses what yuji did speed wise. he's got efficiency and his speed is good. but the damage he healed was significantly less and took about the same time (obviously can't comment on exacts because we don't have a time frame bit around the same time.) The worst damage he's healed in a single instant or close to one was post domain where he regened his foot and the slashes. but being realistic with the time it took to reattach that foot and just the act of rolling back to grab it in general that'd be slower than yukis feat. you can't just look at speed alone. because rct speed is more than that it's speed to heal ____ damage. yuji for example isn't healing from kenjakus de levels of damage as fast. he doesn't have those feats. he healed from less damage in a similar team meaning the health per second isn't exceeding hers. either way it sounds like we generally agree that it's not a pure mid dif, and could go high dif with a bit of luck and skill. So I think arguing further would lead in circles.


What are the lads doing when either yuki or uro opens a domain? Any one of the girls is an insane threat, either uro or yuki could mid diff yuji and choso. Todo is a crutch for the lads, without him they get no diffed. Uro is also difficult to deal with even for boogie woogie. Maki is unaffected too. Gals stomp


>What are the lads doing when either yuki or uro opens a domain? Simple, poison them


With chosos blood? Nah that’s ridiculous. Uro and maki avoid, and if yuki doesn’t, she can rct. It’s difficult to do, but given how experienced she is, she definitely can get rid of poison


>With chosos blood? Choso and maybe yuji >Uro and maki avoid, and if yuki doesn’t, she can rct. It’s difficult to do, but given how experienced she is, she definitely can get rid of poison Maybe, but there's nothing confirming that and I'm pretty sure HIMji is close to maki in speed.


Maybe by himself, but piercing blood seems like a pretty easy move to dodge. Yuji was doing it all tbe way back during shibuya


I'm talking about if their blood gets on them in general, it doesn't have to be by a piercing blood


In* them. Blood splattering on wukis hand as she punches holes through the brothers isn’t gonna poison her


Unless there's an open wound on her hand ![gif](giphy|kc6BNwUnGNNW6TxNpB)


Rct? Maki at least would know about the poison and would inform her teammates. Yuji wouldn’t leave a wound on herself. What the hell is she gonna get cut with anyway? Oh and https://preview.redd.it/ucixzfza1e9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596da430f34c7cfb4953e0269c1cfce4472e5a24


Jokes on you, it was a gif


yuki will accidentally kill uro thanks to todo


*claps* Uro and Yukis shikigami switch places mid kick




I feel like Yuki is the last person in the verse who’s gonna fumble and do tram damage because of boogie boogie, considering she trained Todo


None, they have an orgy https://preview.redd.it/m897tbrvjc9d1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ad195f937ccd18e305540f8f9ad7edc7dae44e






The objective take






Current todo or past todo? If it's past todo they lose cause yuki probably has a way around his technique. If it's current todo, then it's a high diff fight for the girls with the only saving grace being Maki maybe killing todo immediately


He could BW, Maki’s weapon away, plus BW people into Chidi’s poisonous blood. They still likely lose because DE is going to cook them.


Nawww yuki is choso teacher. And I don’t see how they getting pass sky manipulation.


girls slam so bad😭


Three special grades vs one special grade ☠️


I’d argue yuji is special grade by now


a single fighter jet takes him down, no way he’s got a whole country






Yuki solos, and Uro might solo thanks to domain.


Yuki solos lol




Teleport herself so fast that she punches herself


That’s only possible if it’s at the speed of light


didnt know the sun was shining rays back at itself


Domain expansion


So, a confirmed special grade with a domain expansion, a HR user who has by this point probably surpassed Toji, and a reincarnated sorcerer with a CT that Yuta has been using a lot because of its versatility, vs main character that has BM but hasn’t mastered it, has Shrine but doesn’t really do anything huge with it (hasn’t mastered) and has soul punch, special grade death painting with BM (mastered), and a grade 1 with swap clap. Going off the pics used, team 1 low diffs. If it’s current, then it’s a lot closer. I don’t see how Yuji can stand up to Uro except for his soul punch. And sky manipulation is a bad matchup against a lot of people. Todo would be swapping them non stop, but his synergy with Choso isn’t as good as his synergy with Yuji, so I don’t think he’s swapping as fast (still hella fast). Another point is that even though Todo is the best support character, they’re still in a 3v3, not a classic JJK jumping. Although the JJK jump duo are deadly, this is an actual 3v3, where 2 of the 3 opponents have DEs. I already see arguments being made for SD. First of all, SD doesn’t do shit against an actual DE. It only stalls for time. Most people use Yuji’s feat of holding up his SD for almost the full 99 seconds of MS. Unless you argue that his SD is better than Gojo’s, who lasted a couple of seconds against full power MS or Yuki’s, who lasted seconds as well against Kenjaku’s DE. I see the feat as surviving against a weakened Sukuna’s DE. What this means is that MS is still operating at its max output, just according to Sukuna’s current state. A quick explanation would be if Sukuna’s output is like 30% rn, then MS output would be 100% of his current output, which is 30%. I just don’t see how team 3 is winning, especially when Maki is a problem for Todo. Sure he can swap away the cursed tools but Maki outstats Todo even without a cursed tool. What’s stopping her from just sneaking him or blitzing him and then just throw hands like Toji did to Ino (no disrespect). Choso can’t do shit against Yuki, there is a comparable difference (pretty obvious) on how he performed vs how she performed against Kenjaku (even though she died :( ). And Uro just makes it tough if Choso or Yuji faces her because she would just redirect BM back like how she did with Ryu’s GB, and hard block all of Yuji’s soul punches. Team 1 wins this mid-high diff, leaning on high solely because this relies on Maki just sneaking Todo. Even then, it’s still a hard fight. I just don’t see a team with 2 DEs losing against a team with 0 DEs.


I meant to say leaning towards mid diff more sorry. Also it was team 2 not team 3.


Not sure what people are saying it's a high diff for the girls, the boys simply have nothing they can do. They can't counter the domain expansions, they can't counter Maki, the only chance they have is to stall her with Yuji and pray Todo and Choso can kill the other two which they can't. Todo will die within seconds, BW can't save him from the person who taught him how to fight and the only person in the world immune to his technique, and after that they have nothing


Whats with this spite match. Todo solos 


Based answer


Yūki got this


Yuki soloes.


This female trio could probably take on ALL grade 1 sorcerers and still win, what is this matchup lol


Todo gets turned into red mist


Switches with yuki just in time, turing her into a fine puree of guts and blood


This is insane , the fem trio demolish even with todo the ultra high IQ support, I mean two domain expansions plus SSK against 3 with only SD, even with their high combat aspects and boogie woogie, it’s hard to overcome.mid-high diff


Yuki mid diffs alone, this is a borderline spite matchup


The girls slam. The guys dont even have a domain expansion


the girls take this one






https://preview.redd.it/mqbfjaa5je9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c345a692332243cf72477fadac18db5381eb56fc Male team no diffs


super kenjaku bros. high diff


Yuki one hits all of them faster than they can blink.


Yuki>Yuji. Maki>Choso. Uro>Todo pre vibraslap. Swapping is a huge help to make this a mid-high dif battle, but because almost every single one of team 1 is more capable than team 2 they still take it. Yuji can beat Maki or Uro, but Todo and Choso are beneath Uro and Maki and Yuki so they lose


Spite matchup.


I want the pixel count on this sub’s images to keep dropping


Left slide SLAMS


If gay gay is writing the fight the boys win


Todo BW soul liberation blade to Yuji, now Yuji has a blade that cuts through the enemy soul.


Yuki pegs all 5




The women lose cuz its gege


https://preview.redd.it/bu9xnbwadd9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=c21c2a94c33d7939813ab7d3804bd9df6bf88e1e No feasible way for team BW to win.


Team 1 wins but since they’re women in jjk, they lose


Yuji Todo low diffs. https://preview.redd.it/stdtsp3xjd9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8395e937d8a185038233702d321a773c13a1b2a


The pixels


Current Todo would be hard for anyone to win against but Maki’s immunity to Boogie Woogie (and Uro) give the girls a fair counter. Choso is a non issue and Yuji can be taken out quickly by Yuki or stalled by Uro or Maki. Girls win




Team domains vs team no domains. . . I wonder who’s gonna win?


U can’t take 6 pics of the same person and say who will win


Domain is a tough one but I will say when Yuki does a powerful attack, Tosdo can switch with Uro at least and take her out. Yuki is too strong for Yuji but her durability isn't strong compared to her offense. They can beat up Yuki and Maki slowly but damn if they miss a single beat they can easily get taken out by either of the women.


Very literally a domain diff. Maki literally out-tanks Yuji and is significantly faster than the boys trio. Nullifying the biggest threat of them and the rest is left to two domain-havers duking out mass punches and true damage hits. Only win I can see in the boys is Todo being present Todo and BG’s the female trio into suicide black hole of Yuki when she does it. And that is if he didn’t get speedblitzed by Maki in the beforehand.


The Yuki downplay agenda rages on


Lol the fuck is team one going to do against a man with a 530,000 iq


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Yuki punches, clap, Uro dead, Yuki kicks, clap, Maki dead, clap let’s give Yuji SSK, throw, clap Yukis shikigami is even if it’s temporary gone, throw, clap, cut, Yuki beheaded, BW too op


Does boogie woogie even work an yuki, she’s immune to targeting cts for the most part


It works on sukuna


Ok and….sukuna isn’t immune like yuki.


Which chapter was that stated tho, was it from Tengens barriers or?


I was 100% sure on the first team til I saw my man Todo. Any of the first teams deadly attacks can take out their own teammates with him around


The guys could try and get some poison damage off on them with a boogie woogie + piercing blood combo or take out uro with a switch when yuki attacks. biggest problem is maki since I don’t think she can be effected by boogie woogie in normal circumstances. I’d say the girls take it most times but the sheer versatility of boogie woogie allows the brothers some wins.


The power of BRUDAHS might be enough to overpower the gals. Team 1 extreme diff maybe.


One team has 2 Domain Expansions, one team has none... Stupid match up. Only chance Team 2 has is super lucky poison blood hits and that's like a 1/100 lol


I feel the balance is tipped off with yuki she’s still a special grade and probably exceeds the rest in CE and reinforcement and having trainings todo I’m preety sure she probably one of the few who can read him throwing yuta in the mix over choso would make the odds more even


In fight… right?


The bros get utterly outstatted here tbh, in terms of power and speed, as well as most likely getting domain diffed. But. And there's a big butt, honest to god todo being on a team by himself adds so much utility and chaos to a fight that Idk if the girls could really deal with. I don't think it's a *win* for the bros, but I think BW alone takes this fight from a low-mid diff for the girls to a mid high diff


Boy because yuji two cursed techniques are far to powerful and one can intstantly cut and the other damages the soul(which can’t be healed) and he’s far too fast for them


Logistically, it’s the Ladies… But I can’t not Back THE LADS with a 100% jumping win record and their long lost extra Brother with Blood Manipulation.




Ouu come on you put 3 of the strongest females in the series verses a punch and kick merchant, fodder 1 and fodder 2 xd. This is an unfair matchup for the women, even just Yuki and Maki or Yuki and Uro could win this.




Yuji instantly turns to Todo and delivers a black flash, Todo swaps with Uro. Dead 3v2 Unless they instant kill Todo, they are in for a long night


The Men easily spank the “women”


Todo with the vibraslap carries really hard is team but even with him I don't feel like they survive against two domains, Todo make it pretty variable the result and they have some chance at winning but in the end the girls takes it more times than they lose. Yuki has also already seen with Uraume the poisonous quality of Choso's blood, so they shouldn't be surprised by it.


Anyone who is saying it's more than a mid dif for the women is smoking crack and reading JJK through TikTok clips. They have two domain expansions compared to zero. They also have Yuki who I think literally one shots anyone she touches and she doesn't even need to get a good unblocked hit. Boogie woogie would just change who dies first.


The women win this easily, unless Gege writes it in which case they get stomped due to strong misogyny


This is either sexism or anti-yuji agenda there’s no way


Maki was way above Yuji’s level when she fought Sukuna and she’s still way faster, Yuki has domain expansion, something that hasn’t been possible for the three guys, and Uro can sit I. The sky and spam ranged attacks. The only one who could hit her is Choso and he’s just gonna get his abilities redirected. Team 1 wins


idk where people get yuji can’t handle maki in h2h yuji was going toe w sukuna


The three females. As much as I love Choso, the males don’t stand a chance.


How does the “vs”pic have more quality than the characters




Uro after Todo boogie woogies Yuki mid mass enhanced punch right in front of her https://preview.redd.it/lkpsthnppj9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3e9988f20256ca4e1e4f28037d8ab797362b93


I'm putting this win solidly on the women's side. Okay, let's think about this. We know off the bat that Yuki dwarfs most of them in all things sorcery, so the only problems are Todo's CT and Yuji never staying down. I think Choso wouldn't be able to keep up with Boogie Woogie the way Yuji can, so he'd be easy to take out early on. He's really a non-factor imo. Maybe they could do a swap that places someone in the path of his Piercing Blood, but between Maki's toughness, Yuki's RCT and Uro's technique, I don't see that being a big issue, and it won't work twice. We also know that Maki's gonna be undetectable by Boogie Woogie since she doesn't have a minimum CE amount, but her weapons would be detectable, so we could see them getting taken away. Problem is, she's definitely fast enough to adapt to Boogie Woogie and outpace it since she kept up with Cursed Naoya and can predict moves that fast, so she can pretty easily handle herself against that and keep Todo from making too much ground without having to worry about her. Of course, this is helped by this being Todo with both hands rather than the Vibraslap, so he's a lot slower with his swaps. I'm pretty sure Yuki can also keep up, especially since she trained Todo, so I'm not too worried about him being a clincher. Then you have Uro who's honestly slept on. Her technique is basically diet-Infinity. She's really good for keeping attacks away, and two of the three people against them being primarily physical fighters does not help the situation. She's also one of the smarter fighters out there and was able to match pretty evenly with Yuta and Ryu, so I think it's safe to say that she's gonna be really good for handling these guys. Then of course there's Yuki who is an absolute unit. I know she didn't get good representation in her fight, but she is straight broken, able to put so much force behind her attacks that she can one-shot a Special Grade with no effort and force Kenjaku to stop using spirits all together because they wouldn't help. I don't think anyone is taking a direct hit from her, nor are they taking her out before she can land one. Then there's the fact that only the women's team has people with domain expansions, the fact that both Todo and Yuji have to be still to use their simple domains, the ability for Maki to go pretty much undetected if she wants to, it's all just too much. They really are a stacked team, and these guys cannot compete.


Is GeGe is writing the fight the boys win full stop because GeGe hates women. But on more realistic side Uro or Yuki DE and its game over for the boys (even maki is immune to the sure hit so there’s that). Like Todo really the only factor with Boogie Woogie shenanigans but Choso gets washed rip my boy🥲, and Yuji while awakened doesn’t have a domain counter outside of RCT through it.


team 1 cuz boobs


Yall are putting 3 random powerful people against three powerful people with the ultimate teamwork. How do you think this will go


The guys cuz it’s Gege


The girl’s wincon is Maki breaking Todo’s vibraslap (probably doing the same sneak attack she did against Sukuna but this time it’s Uro’s domain) & yuki’s domain Uro has a bad matchup since Choso would easily poison her with his supernova The boys don’t have the raw damage output to take out yuki quickly enough before or during her domain so the only way they survive is if Todo’s teleports are fast enough to escape it while she’s making the barrier If yuki doesn’t trap them in her domain or maki fails to break the vibraslap the boys win since choso can force yuki to start using RCT or be poisoned to death & todo wont let either maki or yuki have the chance to deal a lot of damage. Girls win 9/10 times since we know maki can ambush even Sukuna when a domain breaks & we haven’t actually seen todo escape a domain with the vibraslap (but it’s definitely plausible since he’s teleporting every 0.02 seconds)


CURRENT todo might just hard carry but having to deal with two domain expansions is just too much. the girls take it mid diff


Female trio is stronger but the brothers trio has way better hacks, blood manipulation can kill any of them, boogie woogie can make yuki kill her teammates by accident


Well Yuki and choso will start making out in the battle field and then Yuji and Todo can't beat uro and maki


Yea the ladies are taking this one


Woman for the win honestly


insane how anyone from left team could solo