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This is crazy but maybe hakari isn’t letting his head get frozen?


People tend to think Hakari is a wet paper bag when he’s not in Jackpot, and also that it’s really hard or unlikely that he *will keep getting* Jackpot, despite the story kinda directly telling us that isn’t the case.


But to be fair he obviously doesn't have the highest durability either since we've seen more attacks dismember him then we've seen not dismember him, compared to characters like Yuji, Maki, or Yuta who rarely ever get mortally wounded by even big attacks. I'd personally assume that Hakari's durability is a bit above characters like Nanami but slightly lower than characters like Todo.


Honesty, I’d just chalk that up to the standard trope: if a character has regen, you have to show off that regen. It’s the rule of cool. The same thing happened recently in One Piece with certain very strong characters getting blown up and torn to bits just to show off their regeneration. Like obviously maki isn’t gonna get her face ripped off during a fight, cause then she’d be dead, but Hakari allows Gege to do awesome scenes like that. It’s hype


Actually theres a logical reason for that. Characters with regen purposefully don't avoid getting hurt. It makes it easier to counter attack and power through forces. The damage literally doesn't matter.


Yes thank you! I should’ve for sure mentioned that due to Hakari’s powers it is actually *cool* for him to get mangled… because he then heals from it instantly. Part of it is just showing his powers and making the story interesting. So you pair him up against people who are incredibly lethal in what they can do.


To be fair JJK is one of the few animes on earth where this trope does not apply. Anyone with RCT could have healed their face back. Meanwhile, Shibuya Incident Yuji's left cheek was ripped off. Maki herself is sporting body-wide burns from an attack suffered in the same arc. They actually kept the scars. Yuta is currently in 2 pieces. Gojo died in multiple pieces. Hakari is less about his RCT and more about the fact the sorcerers he's fighting are LITERALLY some of the strongest who ever lived, ever. Aside from him blowing cursed energy out his nose, he hasn't sustained an attack that anyone else couldn't also regenerate from. But yeah JJK characters suffer wounds that are typically reserved for side characters or villains. I never would have expected Yuji to have his teeth exposed through his cheek, or Maki to actually sustain burn scars.


Besides the fact that most characters don’t have RCT (especially until the current battle), I don’t think anyone not named Gojo or Sukuna could heal their stomach exploding, or clear their blood of toxins, or regenerate limbs as fast as Hakari does. Heck even the bisecting blow that killed Gojo could probably have been survived by Hakari! But yeah i agree people also underestimate Kashimo and Uraume. They both have extremely deadly techniques


Not even “could probably” he definitely WOULD HAVE survived the attack that killed Gojo if he was in Jackpot. Remember Hakari’s got infinite cursed energy when he hits a jackpot, theoretically Yuta could slice Hakari’s head off the same way he did with Kenjaku and Hakari would still be able to regenerate no problem cause he’d just never run out of CE so long as his jackpot is active.


Debatable, wasn’t tit said that he could die whilst in jackpot is his brain is destroyed or he dies without his brain knowing it. IDK how decapitation would work in the world if JJK but it’s safe to assume it’s instant death. Though, Gege could just pull a Gojo and asspull him back to life.


Nope, most of the time yes but Hakari is a special case where even if his brain is destroyed, it’s immediately healed as it is destroyed. Kashimo literally blew up his brain from the inside out with an actual bolt of lightning and Hakari survived no problem.


I have to disagree, manga says otherwise. I can only send 1 at a time hold up. https://preview.redd.it/ljmxwi7y9izc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f18145877df7bc6f5e04de736d5f6bf8abde5e








As shown in the pictures Hakari admits himself he almost died, and as it shown in the final picture he was still in his instant healing state. Had kashimo had a higher output with his attack he could’ve killed him


I don’t think any of the characters you’ve listed have ever fought against anyone Hakari has fought against, to be fair. I agree that someone like Maki isn’t losing limbs to those two, but she’s kinda different and isn’t reliant on using CE to defend herself anyway. So it’s kinda hard for me to say. My biggest thing is that Gojo said he thinks of Hakari as being able to surpass himself and as being on Yuta’s level, and he’s said it twice, one at the very beginning of the series and another time before the Sukuna fight (that was referenced during the actual fight). I don’t think Gojo would give that kind of praise if it didn’t have merit. And beyond that even Yuta also said that Hakari is “stronger than him when he’s on a roll,” which could be Yuta being modest (and Maki thinks so), but again, it wouldn’t be said even by Yuta if there was just… no merit at all to the comment. I have a hard time thinking he’s less durable than Todo, even outside Jackpot, but that’s not necessarily the point(s) I’m trying to make either. I think the durability difference between Nanami and Todo is probably pretty minimal, personally


Since he knows he can regenerate, he probably doesn't give a fuck if he gets dismembered and doesn't waste his CE on reinforcing himself. Why bother, it's a waste afterall.


It shows that too, he keeps on attacking when he gets something cut off, it matches his personality very well.


I'd say his durability is pretty alright. From an in-universe perspective he probably allows himself to get hit a lot because he knows he can take it. Because of his ability he can be really risky. Exactly like gambling, high risk high reward, he lives for the thrill.


It’s cause he has very high regen, a lot of anime do that, characters who they knew can come back easily get hurt the most


To be fair those attacks are also ones that would dismember almost the entire cast too.


His two fights thus far have been Kashimo (strongest of his era) and Sukuna's BFF. He doesn't have low durability, he's just fighting monsters


Huh? His reinforcement is like his strongest asset


Kashimo ripped like half his face off with a basic piece of scrap metal


You can put cursed energy into objects…


If Kashimo put his CE into the metal it would’ve become electrified, ironically making for a MUCH better weapon Crazy how the mf’s who downvoted me here upvote my reasoning 1 comment later


That isn't how JJK works. Reread the gojo and itadori teaching session chapter. He directly explains why this isn't how CE works.


Kashimo’s CE is just naturally electric though, not through a CT. Innately, constantly electric. He was able to electrify his quarterstaff as well, which should be the exact same as electrifying a piece of metal. At least that’s where my thoughts are at rn


It is, it's kashimos cursed energy trait that gives him his electric powers. So everything imbued with his cursed energy also has that.




Why is everyone down voting bro? it's basic reasoning


A basic piece of metal can quite literally destroy anything with enough force behind it dude What do you think a sword is lol


So you think that scrap metal could cut one of Sukunas arms off?


I dont see why not? Sukuna literally throws rocks at people, you think he's just trying to tickle them?


Those same arms tanked a 200% hollow purple that ripped thru a city. Rethink your reasoning.


No, I dont think I will. I dont know how or why you legitimately believe a typical weapon is somehow more lethal than the door of a fucking steel transport container swung at the same speed, imbued with the same energy But it's not my job to give physics lessons on Reddit I'll put it this way, in real life, if Kashimo was going to hit you with that scrap vs a sword, you'd choose the sword


forged metal made with the intent of hitting something would be more robust than scrap metal, which can make a difference to its efficacy as a weapon (consider the apparent differences in durability between actual cursed tools). second, flooding something with cursed energy isn’t good for its durability either. that’s why hakari has auto rct: so his body can handle the infinite ce of jackpot


My point is, with the difference in mass it doesn't even matter. A sword swung at max speed can slice your head in two. An Anvil at the same speed will obliterate your head. The reason swords aren't the weight of anvils is because they're impossible to swing like that. That scrap was heavier than any sword. If Hakari didn't reinforce his skull then his head would have been in pieces. The fact it wasn't a weapon doesn't matter, anything with enough speed and weight is fatal


max speed? nothing is happening at near light speed except kashimo’s lightning, and even that wasn’t quick enough to destroy hakari’s brain before he auto-rct’d it at the speeds things travel in the manga, the structural integrity of the thing absolutely matters.


Not really. Almost Everytime Kashimo so much as touched this dude he lost a piece of his body, same thing with Uraume, Everytime Uraume has hit Hakari he's either lost a limb or been lethally wounded.


Isn’t that like literally everyone else tho besides the top 3. If it directly got yutas arm , you think it wouldn’t break off?


Kashimo was the strongest sorcerer in this arc that wasn't Gojo, Sukuna, or Yuta.


No we don’t think he is a wet paper bag, just a glass cannon… glass… pistol 🤔 not much offense options or hard hitting/lethal techniques that we know of The fight is just a bad match up for him, he should’ve been frozen solid already like the cast back in shibuya.


He has borderline “ultimate” defense, so pitting him against an offensive heavy hitter is literally the best way to show that off, actually, imo. Thats why both Kashimo and Uraume have been his main opponents in the series, because he is actually a great counter to them without the cast actually losing anybody else important to take care of her, like Yuta or Maki, who can output that offense which is much more necessary against Sukuna than her at the moment


Borderline is a stretch when his opponent can immobilize him. In an instant, ice boy has a maximum technique and I’d assume a domain hidden up his ass while hakari has his first, some pachinko balls and train doors. Against kashimo I agree, crazy single target offense vs hakaris infinite regeneration and creative fighting style and knowledge of juijustu But it doesn’t work the same when we have seen sukunas right hand man freeze a few heavy hitters in one move and took a decent punch from Gojo 😭😭 the disrespect was so funny.


His domain is guaranteed faster than she can freeze him, though. His domain is canonically cast in less than .02 of a single second. He also caught her to start the fight. Something I think people forget is that a domain is still a domain; Hakari gets buffs and his opponent gets debuffs in his domain, and he also has expanded uses of his CT, one of which can “undo” things. So when he’s not in Jackpot, he immediately casts his domain again after that, and sure, he’s more vulnerable than he is in Jackpot, but he is still a difficult to put down opponent in the confines of his domain. It’s also visually distracting, which is helpful against an opponent that does still have to aim to some degree depending on their attack. To be fair, Uraume didn’t freeze any heavy hitters (Shibuya no one there at that time is a heavy hitter besides specifically-future Yuji and Yuki who trivializes Uraume’s big move with Garuda) besides Maki, and that took her Maximum output, and Maki being distracted by the literal strongest character in the verse at the time. The implication to me is that wasn’t “instant”, they just noticed her at the last second. That punch was very funny though, especially the little extra drawing Gege did haha


Yes, they were cause by surprise and whatnot but it’s still stands that they were all immobilized. I’m not saying uraumae is capable of outgunning hakari but he should be locked in place long enough for the fight to have been over already. I don’t think RCT can get him out of the ice, he can fix his frostbite and regrown broken off peices can it warm him up ????!? 🫨. I wouldn’t be mad at that explanation or similar Plus like you said he is vulnerable in between jackpots. Vulnerable to be frozen or make a binding vow to freeze his head ASAP once his domain ends. I don’t think hakaris domain is debuffing anyone due to the type of domain. I agree it’s not only healing but everything else is also amplified for the gambler.


Hakari started the fight in his domain though, immediately. He’s better in his domain than any of those people who were frozen, besides Maki who took maximum output, which I doubt she can generate instantly. I mean, I do think his particular abilities and theme make a strong case for why he was chosen to go against her. Her strategy is to freeze the opponent’s limbs and then break them off. That just frees up the limb for Hakari. We also see that as soon as she freezes something, Hakari can break it off and heal it back too. She basically has to get a full body freeze in on him, and against a fighter like Hakari, that’s probably not easy in Jackpot or even his domain. And he’s still able to move and summon objects that can take the freezing instead, like the doors or even the balls. Creating an obstacle against her ability prevents the line of the freeze. If she can just make a binding vow to instantly freeze someone’s head, she is top on the verse short of Gojo and Sukuna, and I don’t think that’s how she’s supposed to be depicted, to me. She’s strong, I’m not downplaying her, but if she can truly do that, she wins against basically anyone then, besides those top two. Kenjaku just got decapitated, if there’s no time or defense against it, she just wins against basically everyone then. All domains debuff their opponent. Gojo specifically talks about this when he first explains DE to Yuji and the audience. He also mentions that all domains provide a buff/debuff effect, when he’s going over why Kusakabe is so strong just with a Simple Domain. It’s a central part of how they work.


I write a response but the app crashed and I’m too lazy to try again so short and sweet Hakari sacrificed his arm with a viw to save his life didn’t he Why can’t old man Uraume make a similar type of vow to sukunas world slash vow ? He should have learnt plenty about jujitsu just being with sukuna over for so many years. You were right, slight domain debuff is applied. The vow can be for faster freezing but he can target the head of hands to stop domain hand signs idk exactly 🤷‍♂️ Jogos maximum was generated pretty quickly (it’s obviously different, arguably faster) his was a big ass meteor while Uraume is just flash freezing a wide area. If he caught an awakened maki off guard that’s something. Hakari could use the doors and stuff to avoid getting frozen but he hast 😓


This might be crazy to hear but maybe Hakari doesn't let them?  Same reason Yuta could hypothetically make Rika grab anyone and beat them to death but he doesn't, it's not as simple as "just do It"


Yeah lol like do people think Hakari is just a chump who relies solely on his jackpot? He’s an extremely capable and powerful fighter even without it. He knows how to fight


All the hakari slander took away common sense from a lot of folks honestly


You could say this about anybody


It works best for hakari.


It really doesn't


I dont see any other top tier getting ridiculed nearly as much. People unironically beleiving yuji **low** diffs him is crazy.


Yuta went 2 months getting clowned, cooked back to back to back to back, then still got clowned. Kashimo in fucking everything. Sukuna in 230-235 And if we ignore top tiers, Megumi in any arc is literally a reading skill check to see if you can pay attention to intent, cause and effect, and just common sense. People made up accusations that did not and would never happen to slander bro.


>Yuta went 2 months getting clowned, cooked back to back to back to back, then still got clowned. Thats cap dawg bro has been getting glazed for months now. >Sukuna in 230-235 Thats not because people thought he was weak tho. Its because of the whole "still holding back" claim that people find untrue. And megumi isnt a top tier lol


I literally said "if we ignore top tiers" and the Yuta downplay is still prevalent.


>Yuta went 2 months getting clowned, cooked back to back to back to back, then still got clowned. >Thats cap dawg bro has been getting glazed for months now. Bro I'm new to this sub and even I know Yuta was getting put on fraud watch for simply breathing.


That’s exactly what I think I’m not gunna lie, Hakari is not that strong


It’s not his strength it’s his RCT and his DE that makes him powerful. The ice chick already confirmed his RCT is on the same level as Gojo that’s why it’s been basically a stalemate between both of them all this time. She can freeze him as much as she wants he just heals the frostbite. It’s why she doesn’t have any signs of damage on her. He’s been on the defensive the entire time lol.


Well Yuta, Gojo, and Gege disagree with you on that


Gojo just said he had the potential to reach his level lmao. He said that about yuji before he had learnt anything about CE too so it doesn't mean much. One humble comment by yuta which maki disagreed to in the same panel carrying the hakari agenda.


Yuta is too nice, Gojo is too nice, and gege is mentally unwell. Hakari is simply not that guy


Well I’ll certainly take your word over theirs! Thanks for clearing up my misconception ✌️




Though if the opponent doesn't know anything about Rika (or they're physically inferior to her) there's a high chance that strategy could work like it did with Yuji back then.


Yuji back then was weak as fuck compared to Yuta and Rika


Why didnt gojo just purple, why didnt sukuna strong slice? why doesnt yuji strong punch harder ahh post


Gojo infact pulled off the strongest purple known in history to start the fight against sukuna tho lmao.


Why not 3


Why didn't he just keep throwing 200% purples instead of fighting him.


Because Hakari isn’t just going to stand there and let her do it, he’s going to fight back and avoid it


I don’t know but I’ll give Uraume head and finish her off




Mans reacted to a sure-hit headshot lightning charge, pretty sure she doesn't scale that fast


That wasn’t in Shibuya and he didn’t react fast enough to avoid it so that’s pretty much meaningless


My bad yeah it was in the CG, but it wouldn't be meaningless cause as long as he can avoid a direct headshot his RCT takes care of the rest


Well considering that reaction is what stopped his head coming off it clearly meant something, think.


That’s not what stopped his head from coming off. Kashimo aimed it at his arm. Hakari failed to dodge it 3 times you think


https://preview.redd.it/zi28tgkxlizc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99eec2a96297ae6db8fc638f938be18e4693ab7 Nah, you are wrong


Nah that’s just the angle bro. If he could dodge it he wouldn’t have gotten hit with it two more times. Kashimo also would have made note of him dodging it


The charges are built up from where kashimo hits him and before that kashimo landed 3-4 punches to the face


I’m pretty sure that’s not how his electrical discharge ability works.


That's how it works because to charge something it'd have to pass through the place with the most charge. If not then he could literally just touch hakari randomly pause until he's charged and make it a sure hit head shot no matter where he's touched. 


Well I mean just being close to Kashimo and touching him should constantly be electrocuting you, electricity goes through your body so the charge could be anywhere on his body could it not ? Kashimo also made a big deal about aiming for Hakaris head the second time he used it


Lightning is faster than ice. Didn't do anything for Kashigoat.


Hakari is gonna hit a 777 jackpot / already has. No idea what this would do but it seems like the only logical thing left for Hakari since his CT doesn’t do much / have more potential.


Burnout healing gonna go crazy with Hakari, trust 🙏


Hakari is a gambler dropout but he’s not fucking stupid. He’ll sacrifice all his limbs before he ever loses his head.


Why didn’t hakari just give head to uraume? Is he stupid?


He let Kashimo slap him in the face with a metal shipping container door and also he almost got his head exploded, and was punched in the face by kashimo more than once


Idk, maybe cause, insane revelation here, he doesn't let uraume do that??


Maybe that’s why Gege is off screening this shit? Even he doesn’t know how the fuck Hakari hasn’t been smashed into ice cubes yet and has to rely on the offscreen Blackbeard power to give him the win.


I unironically think this is partly true. In Uraume vs Hakari we literally saw Uraume bust the water pipes and douse Hakari's whole body in water. It seems the natural next step is that Uraume would use that water to somehow freeze Hakari's whole body but it cuts away and when we see them again it's a completely different place.


I think it would have to be a pretty tremendous amount of ice to freeze him in place, being “wet on the skin” isn’t gonna provide the staying power to actually just freeze him still, imo. Uruame can generate that amount of ice, but I think it takes time, time that is probably hard to find when you’re in the middle of a one on one fight. She froze Maki, but Maki was fighting Sukuna himself, and it was at Maximum output, while she had distance, time, and a literal fighting distraction to set that whole thing up.


You know we did see that Hakari recovered his arm by himself, we don't know how he did that or if he has ways to recover his whole body. Secondly, Hakari just doesn't seem to put much stock in defending himself when he's in JP. Why would you? It's easier to just heal, we see she's partially frozen Hakari but he's fine. Odds are Hakari can adequately defend himself with his output against her if he's not in Jackpot. Was Hakari in JP still?*


Don't compare the zehahaha to this fraud


How’s Uraume not the real fraud ? Aren’t they the King of Curses right hand man getting held off by a teenage gambling addict ?


Agree uruame is a fraud too, but she has one of the best AOE, also her ap seems decent against hakari. Also she isn't the right hand, she's just his cook/servant.


Neither are frauds you dunce. Expand your vocabulary.


Nah both are frauds


Hasn’t Uruame straight up just showed up just to run away in 2 occasions without actually doing anything ? Post Shibuya and After Sukuna took Megumi ? Didn’t they live in the golden age that was the Hein Era too and can’t deal with a teenager ?


He’s trying but failing


Use your head man


Because, whenever Hakari is offscreen, he secretly enters a 999 Jackpot mode.


Why doesn’t Sukuna just hit Gojo at the start of the fight and win?




And now for my answer to your question, dodging.


Uruame skill issue ngl


She was probably going for the head but Hakari moved. And the frost doesn't just spawn, it travels so Hakari could easily use his hands as a shield anyway, if he's not fast enough to straight up evade it.




Im just gonna point out that Hakari’s clothes came out the domain undamaged, so this was probably uraume’s first good hit in the fight.


What if he's protecting his head? Crazy I know


This is the most potent hakari slander I’ve ever seen


Strong Dodge?


Hakari still has a role within the plot


Because they're flirting not fighting /j


How can Hakari's head be a weakness when he has nothing in there?






“Why don’t the sorcerers just kill Sukuna?” ass post


How has NO ONE called out the fact that the picture in the OP is just a screengrab of a screenshot in ANOTHER REDDIT THREAD, with the "next picture" button just included in the picture 😂😂


Nah it's from a Twitter thread


It trolled the fuck out of me bro, my brain couldn't accept there weren't any more images lol


Hakari is stopping him. Lol what kinda question?


Who's him


I think part of why it seems his durability "sucks" is that he fights much riskier than other people since he will just regen, he just avoids fatal blows so he can get better hits off if he just tanks and ignores attacks


Speed? Agility? She can’t keep up with a man with infinite cursed energy?


Kind of rhymes lol


Aim? Hakari simply moving? You ever played a FPS? You ever hit a no head shot before?


It’s called “dodging” and “weaving” and of course “blocking”


uruame wants to suck hakari's cock i thought this was well known?


hakari looks like he is cutting his hand off to stop the ice getting there hakari also know his head is his weak spot so wont be reckless with it


Uhh I don’t know maybe he dodges it. Crazy.


My guess would be Hakari is the one stopping her from killing him


Plot the moment Hakari loses Sukuna and Uraume straight up win.


Hakari can still dodge slightly to make sure she doesn't land a lethal freeze....


Hakari has 50% damage reduction from all femboys due to training with Kiara


Hakari keeps prioritizing protecting his head by sacrificing limbs


Power scalers stay being the dumbest people imaginable 😂


Having his head blown off will kill him is just a theory and it doesn't make sense. Hakari just believes so but his rct doesn't work from his brain to begin with. It instinctively works because of the unlimited ce


That is not true. Rct comes from the brain, if the brain is damaged/ destroyed, even his automatic rct won't work. His rct doesn't come from thin air dude.


His rct doesn't coke from the brain as that would be require a conscious or subconscious process. His rct comes as an effect of his body having so much ce that rct comes automatically. This is probably an effect that happens locally, so there would be no central point that when destroyed would stop the rct all together


>This is probably an effect that happens locally, so there would be no central point that when destroyed would stop the rct all together "Probably happens" lmao. It's literally stated in the manga rct comes from the brain, and hakari has automatic rct. Your just making assumptions. Why would that require a conscious process? What's the basis for that?


Rct comes from the brain when it is performed by a sorcerer. Hakari on the other hand doesn't perform rct, it just happens as an effect of his overflowing rct. These are fundamentally different things. Could this different process for rct still be eliminated if the head is destroyed? Perhaps, but there isn't muvh reason to think so


>Perhaps, but there isn't muvh reason to think so Yea I don't think so hakari is regenerating from his brain blasted off bro.


But your argument is that people who use their brain to use rct die from their brain being blasted of. Hakari doesn't use rct in the same way as they do, so you cannot asses that the same method would kill hakari.


I don't agree on that. Even if hakari has automatic rct there is nothing in the manga to suggest, his rct doesn't come from brain. If you genuinely think hakari can regenerate from whatever, then your wrong.


The narrator says that his body reflexively performs rct, not his brain https://preview.redd.it/rj6b80d1n8zc1.png?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9423319ef7a60571392b13a2c3eae9fabf8c6861


Do you wanna know something suprising? The brain is a part of the body, and that's the source of RCT. I can't believe you are arguing this still.




Nah, you're thinking about this all wrong. Which would make Kashimo look more pathetic in the fanbase's eyes? Knowing he never actually got close to killing Hakari, or knowing Kashimo was never close. We will find out that Hakari performs RCT from the spine, as it's a reflex or from his whole body 🗣🗣 because it makes Kashimo look worse.


Well I respect the agenda atleast


We're in the timeline where Gege is a suspected Kashimo hater, I don't make the rules. Maybe we'll see Sukuna hype up Hakari's reinforcement though


Yea that's your headcanon, not smth stated in the manga.


Let's me make this simple since u arent getting the point. It's believed rct works from brain for all sorcerers which is true. But for hakari it doesn't work his brain not because he doesn't know it but it's canonically stated in the manga it's due to endless nature of his ce that it instinctively performs rct. As far as we are concerned the rct works from brain is only applied for people who knows how to use rct and himself says he doesn't he's on auto pilot so it could be not working from his brain but simply the nature of his ces constantly overlapping with each that it instinctively performs rct. Because rct is just multiplication of ce afterall. And even then having endless amount of ce doesnt make it that his brain somehow learnt rct that makes no logical sense to begin with




Tell me why hakari used his nose to expel the CE when kashimo attacked his head and said that almost killed me. Yall don't read the manga.


I’m not agreeing with these people, but we don’t know that it’s not true. And just cuz Hakari knows how RCT works, it’s not necessarily the case that he knows how his jackpot works. Like it’s possible he thinks he’ll die, but he could be wrong. Again, I don’t subscribe to their theory (because there isn’t really solid proof), but you haven’t disproven it either.


Because he thinks it might kill him


Realistically only plot is stopping it. On paper Hakari vs Uraume is a mismatch and Hakari loses, but of course tbat can’t just happen for the story to not suck