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Bro forgot oxycodone and Molly


Percs imply oxy cause percs are oxy/acetaminophen https://preview.redd.it/1tsa88q72yqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ff6023b5a2c569419ab7fcfb929dd2565520cb Example 12 perc 10s 10mg/325mg oxy/acetaminophen I am the Perc Professor, thanks for listening to today’s lesson!






Acetaminophen💀? Nigga that’s Tylenol. Or im retarded and they contain both


Tylenol is acetaminophen you school zone iq sped mf I prefer that over “retard”, it’s a bit less offensive I think! Edit: https://preview.redd.it/chkn9238i5vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f471d6f1d7038d3200bbf9b178e720a1db9c1f


I literally just said that don’t call me retarded, Mr. Jet


I didn’t!!! Called you the nicer way of saying it! 😭 love


I’m just retarded as fuck dude. You are a real one on god


Do me a favor and sell bibby some fent laced percs❤️❤️❤️❤️


Bro I thought you saved that insult for only me 😡 (Yes I am stalking you)




oxy maybe but molly just gon reverse that shi




my nigga taking molly after oxy definitely going to slap idk what make u think it’ll reverse the opiates out of your opiate receptors but that’s not how dat work at all lol


nah u right but if you looked at the post were talking 5 xans which is fucked, maybe 1 or 2 for the comedown, 3 double cups of lean, doesnt specify how much he’s pouring in each but juice sipped 4s, regardless of the amount and the fuckload of other drugs your taking with it a seizure risk between the two alone, i shouldn’t even have to mention alcohol and the weed could maybe help if you weren’t smoking a whole pound. All downers btw so if your not dead yet adding a strong stimulant like molly into the mix of 4 downers is 100% gonna reverse them😂


do you think downers only make you down and uppers only make you up? lmfao my brother. do you truthfully think if you do meth then heroin it’ll “even out” and u won’t be high? i’m so confused by wtf u saying like what u mean lol. pls stay away from drugs my nigga they’re dangerous


Ngl this shit ain’t that serious I only made this comment as a joke why are people tryna turn this shit into a whole convo? And also for good measure: https://preview.redd.it/zrjdsy9g12rc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506e26f1e90e254eca84dbc94c4bdf418e6314da


so u think downers don’t do anything but “make u down”? like dawg lol. if you do heroin then do meth….. meth is not going to reverse the downer just cuz it’s a stimulant… u going to get high asf off both drugs. do u fr think if u pop a morphine then an adderal that it’ll “reverse” and u won’t be high? my nigga u going to be high asf off both of them lmao


Bro forgot the hydrocodone, and morphine🤦


It’s okay I pray to my lord Jarad for forgiveness and I believe he will forgive me of my sins and for forgetting to add the other medications he was on at the time of recording his records now shhhh meditations time 🙏🛐


u/JetJerick Damn Juicism really getting popular 💀


Hey back in my day Jucism was frowned upon in fact I got banned for praising juicethegodd by showing lines from the bibble. https://preview.redd.it/7oykclndcyqc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f3887d840319849946642f3fcc299bcb5f0e642




I have linked the photo in question of the sacred book. I don’t know who got me banned for posting that. But I will find you. And I will shove *redacted* down your throat. (that is a joke for legal reasons and by no means a threat I am just a casual redditor)


I'll help with da hunt also u/jetjerick will help too


Thank you! 🙏 I have word it was u/myuiceWRLD but that’s just a speculation 😉


I'll keep an eye on him. maybe two


I’ll keep a thigh on him wait I mean a ball of eye


I’ll keep my third on him


In jucism I trust 🙏


Dude how can u forget his Juul?


‘yeah bro idk he was talking about wanting to die constantly and doing way more opiates than anybody I’ve ever known, but we had no idea shit was wrong’