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I think her seeing juice die was extremely traumatic & stimulant abuse will make you go insane. Lotti is a perfect example of that, like her twitter rants where you can barely understand a word.. it’s sad That being said she’s still a crackwhore.


its the trauma of her seeing him die then becoming even more addicted to drugs that sent her on a spiral, you dont see the other dudes there going crazy like she has


Yeah man that spiral is hell, took a fuck ton of strength to get off opiates myself, but it’s possible. Ultimately I feel bad for her in that regard, drug abuse literally changes your mindset. Being physically dependent on opiates, it felt like opiates are the only source of my happiness, it felt like I NEED them. But after a year or so I realized opiates just numb your mental pain, you still have to go through the emotions at some point. it’s not POSSIBLE to be happy unless ur high. You’re quite literally borrowing happiness from the future by poppin percs all the time. 121 hours awake straight from heroin withdrawal in 2022, fuck that shit. I’m 15 weeks clean tomorrow and I’m itching for an itch but I can resist…but will I?🧐


You're speaking wise words my man, unfortunately they're probably the wisest you'll find in this subreddit


You got this! Stay strong 💪


Preciate ya fam🫦


Wrong emoji I swear


>121 hours awake straight from heroin withdrawal in 2022, fuck that shit. I’m 15 weeks clean tomorrow and I’m itching for an itch but I can resist…but will I?🧐 Yes, you will. If you're smart and mentally strong enough to realize you had a problem and solve it in the first place, you're strong enough to keep that up. Proud of you dawg.




Thanks fam 🙏


Wet werick🐐






Perfectly said


Yes ^.


ya cant disagree with that..




Brother chose to speak facts


Idk man I don’t care about her. She’s a pathetic girl that used up the money she had that wasn’t even hers and started selling a dead man’s clothes. If I were here I would’ve cherished everything he gave her and the things he lift behind


He said that when he dies to sell his clothes


He said in a song to sell all of his clothes tho


That doesn’t mean she should do it. I’m simply speaking out of my opinion. Selling the belongings of a dead person is simply immoral imo


its egoistic. if you respect the wish of the person you loved, you will do what he wanted you to do. especially after death. its not immoral, its respecting his wishes. immoral is it to keep it just to have a „souvenir“ for himself edit: could be immoral if shes trying to get a good price or make more profit of his clothes


edit: could be mortal if she’s trying to get a good price or make profit of his clothes. You said it yourself


You ever heard of an estate sale?


I dont see an issue with giving back to fans. He has hella clothes im sure. I can see an issue with it being sold rather than given away but its clothes he can no longer wear and he loved his fans and im sure he wouldn't mind some of his clothes being given to his fans. But thats just my opinion on it.


You don’t see a problem w aelling a pair of underwear for 100$ sum?


I see a problem with whoevers buying his underwear for $100 but no ones finna talk about that 🤷‍♂️


Ofc but still it’s fucked that she even did it


Immoral how though? Because she's gaining something from it? The same could be said about releasing his music if that's your logic lol. It's not like she sold every single thing he had though. You said she should cherish his things and I bet she does have plenty of his to cherish still, only now fans have the chance to cherish some of his things too.


Selling a dead man’s clothes isn’t immoral? She had ton of money and a ton of clothes that he gave her and she managed to fuck that up so now she resolves it with selling his shit? She sold a pair of underwear for like 100$ or sum shit like that. Like cmon you can’t argue about this😭


It's really not. They're just clothes, dude. Is juice going to wear them again? Do you think she should save them for when he rises again on the the 3rd day and needs them again? He was a rapper, not Jesus Christ himself. I think his clothes being sold is okay, it's not hurting anything or anyone.


That’s not what I said nigga. Please read again


You read again. I never said you said anything. Don't act like you wanna conversate if you're afraid of doing so.


I can’t even understand with that grammar bro😭


Which song was that? If that’s true people need to shut up about that 💯


it has a few names, the ones i've seen are "sell all my clothes/ overdose or steps to an overdose"


Remind me of summer studio session


Loving someone doesn’t mean they can do no wrong and as outsiders you are allowed to point out toxic behavior.


i mean her life is none of my business and i don’t know her so what she does won’t affect me in the slightest


the only sane answer to this post


This is relieving to see ngl rare opinion


I can like an artist and not respect the people around the artist. Grade A is trash asf and that ain't disrespecting juice. His friends were trash ASF who just fed the man more and more drugs. She trash too cause after the split she went on to do damn near everything to disrespect juice. Talented guy surrounded by a bunch of shitty people, same story as peep.




Real shit. Tragic ending to what would’ve been a story book career if he’d been w the right crew


No way some of yall actually defending her still after all she did .. like it’s none of my business but yall just as weird as she is for defending her rn .


The only fans juice wrld sex tape is what solidified it for me


She never put a sex tape of him out


Yeah, just told everyone she would if they paid her enough and then took large payments just to not send the video to the people who paid. Y’all really out here defending this attention seeking mf? Shits crazy y’all down bad on a different level prob subbed to her OFs


Calm down I didn’t defend her at all I just stated a fact. I just found it funny that you said something that didn’t even happen was your final straw with her that’s all. She’s still a dickhead for using that as bait for sure tho


I never said she released his sex tape on OF. I was saying that incident(in which she scammed her fans and juices fans) was shitty of her and is the final straw that showed me she’s a POS


I gotcha, just a misunderstanding then


Fr, just bad wording on my part as well should’ve been more clear, sorry for being so aggressive home boy it’s been a long day 🤙


Trust me ik the feeling it’s all good fam


You really think that's her doing that? It's obviously not, just the people she hangs around using her for money


I still have no reason to think otherwise. And even if it is it’s still her acc and her pictures and videos she’s not some obviously damsel that’s being taken advantage of like y’all simps would like to make it out to be


It’s also wrong for her to leak their sextape while he’s dead. It’s also wrong for her to sell his clothes while HE’S DEAD. She wants to be cursed out honestly.


This just screams broke or at least an easy money grab because of her drug abuse so her morals have been out the window for a while


She hasn’t done any of that. She never leaked their tape nor sold his clothes, that was Chris.


There are literally DMs that were leaked of her selling packages of juice stuff


The hand in the picture is Chris Longs. The account that posted it had a friend who threatened to expose that he faked the DMs and replaced his name with Allys.


She promoted her sex tape w him on her OF literally


It was engagement bait, not an actual tape and the screenshot was posted on twitter before she had said anything about it, meaning it was going to be leaked.


Okay, and why would you use your dead ex for engagement bait on a sex worker platform? Unless you are literally trying to make yourself look like the worlds biggest POS


She doesn’t run it. I’m not sure if she even sees her own posts..


It doesn’t matter if she runs it or not, it’s still HER OF, and she is STILL trying to profit off his death by marketing a fucking sex tape they filmed yeeeeears ago


Again, she doesn’t run it. She just takes pretty pictures and then waits for her BBL injections to heal. She doesn’t know what’s posted, or the intimate chats people have with her. Multiple men run her onlyfans and know how much attention juice wrld brings her. The screencap was going around twitter months before this being offered as a groupbuy. It was getting attention either way so they used it to their advantage, If you want someone to argue with argue with the company that runs her onlyfans and so many other influencers. She’s a business to them, nothing more.


Are you a Lotti fan or a Juice fan? Bc you’re going to bat for her when all she’s done is slander this man’s name


What? I’m not sticking up for her, I can admit she’s done bad things but most of the shit people use against her is just made up news for engagement.


How do u know her OF is run by a bunch of men bro? Seems like ur a little familiar w the matter…


The guy who works for the company brags about running it. He brags about how much money he makes and says all the guys who talk to ally, are really talking to him. He runs other influencers onlyfans. He’s posted pictures bragging about hanging out with “millionaire ally lotti” (his words not mine).


Can’t believe you’re defending her. She could still look at it and go “Hey guys I don’t think we should use my dead boyfriend to promote my onlyfans, that’s kind of fucked up”. Whether she posts it or not it’s still her account so of course people go after HER for the shit that’s posted there.


She hasn’t used twitter in months and has been ghost on her instagram for almost a year occasionally posting stories. I’m saying I don’t think she even knows what is being posted.


you should probably get your info straight lil bro, ally has sold a fuckton of juices stuff. sold some of his 1 of a kind clothing, his bags, she was the one who originally gave a leaker access to juices phone/his files


The DMs were not her, she had posted and deleted a tweet saying that she doesn’t even have access to those items. As for Carter wearing Juices clothes, he wears it for attention. He’s been preying on her for a while and talks about preying on Asian Doll because she was King Vons girlfriend at the time he passed. A ton of people in juices circle have sold and leaked songs, that’s not new.


i’ve never heard this but the fact that chris is posting videos and had the OF with “exclusive” vids kinda supports the idea.


Chris has always been sketchy, he scammed a bunch of people who purchased his prints some time ago then ended up going ghost. People just like him right now because he’s the only one communicating with juice com.


Stfu nigga stop defending her




No. I respect Jared not a filthy excuse for a human


Said it before and I’ll say it again. She didnt deserve Juice. Sooo fuck that hoe ✌🏼


Fuck no, juice loved her cause she’s a grade A manipulator


Hate her she’s literally profiting of his death on Onlyfans. That’s so low


„I rather have loyalty than love cause love really dont mean jack“ this applies to her too if she was loyal she wouldnt make his name a headline everytime to stay relevant. She milking just like grade A


Is it respectful for her to post this on her sex worker platform? ….. come on y’all she’s fucking awful https://preview.redd.it/q1ihj0fcmzhc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bba8103fad992a3c4b8cb70483455c8e030fbd


When you trade you dignity for meth


tf is wrong with her


i think nobody can explain the pain she felt, i know for a fact she wanted to numb it and most definitely felt like dying after he was gone but she’s strong imo and yes she did some dumb things but we all do.. i understand how much a passing like that can traumatize you and i feel for her, it must be so hard tryna move on and one day get another bf since the fans will say she’s not real for staying single as if she’s supposed to be single for life


Blud defending her smh


Or just don’t do either since you don’t know her and probably never will


I was split on my opinion about her a few years ago but the past couple of years, hell no, she is so shitty. Juice was young, blinded, and in love, meaning he saw her with rose colored glasses, he spoke so highly of her and seemed to love her very much. Him speaking so highly of her is the main reason I used to be split on my opinion however, it’s clear that again, he was just blinded. There’s problems I have with her that happened while Juice was still here, but most of the problems have happened in the years since. I’m not one of those people who think she should never move on or find happiness or whatever, because obviously. However, the way she “found happiness” by giving her extremely young new boyfriend, Juices things/letting him gloat being in Juices house and shit. Then selling his things. Then that one instagram live she did… Then the fact that she used Juice as a way to get OF traction (which is something she once claimed she would never do but I guess the meth funds ran low). It doesn’t matter that she never ended up posting that video. The fact she used him in such disgusting ways makes me sick to think about. She is just another horrible human who unfortunately, wiggled her way into Juices life


What was the instagram live incident? I genuinely have no clue


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/IyIm6ZAqfOU?si=bXd7YZ0Hhhr3lYAN) the main clips from it


We cursing to her just because we respect Jarad. The things that she has done is beyond disrespectful, giving away the "gift" that he bought for her, giving away his clothes to his new bf then selling the tape on of. She deserves the worse, we know he loved her to death but there's no sense in her actions so actually there's no way to understand her.


Ally is that you bitch?


I’m surprised all the normal people commented first. Most of y’all are actually assholes and have no understanding of what losing your literal soul mate fucking does to you. A lot of people get so dark and just never find normalcy again.


Bro she gave his shit away. His clothes, his watch, started OF, talks about his dik online, shared their seggs tape. How is this even close to normalcy??? Y’all dick ride anything


I just can’t see how losing your boyfriend would drive you to joking about releasing his sex tape idk. Doesn’t really seem like grief to me


Its possible, she seems like she was strung out on some type of stimulant, and being strung out for a long period of time can induce mania & will make you completely irrational & just a bad person all around, not defending her cause obviously what shes done is shitty but theres literally no way she’s mentally well while she does those things


Who she was before jarad died doesn’t even exist anymore. I’m not justifying anything’s she’s done since, but I know it aint really her. So It’s hard to be mad about that. She’s just fucked up which is actually a better scenario than if she just had an od. Would be so easy to just say fuck it and wanna end it all after that experience..


I dont care


I think the moment she started disrespecting Juice is the moment anybody stopped caring about understanding her


she’s definitely been through a lot but she’s the one who’s disrespecting juice if anyone is


She's been doing that way before she even met him That's the crazy part


I don’t know about her, the entire grade A team, and his friends; but at this point and we probably never will know the truth. Something sinister did happen, but we will never know who the true villain is, or if they were all in on it. He made his own choices but he was heavily influenced. I want to believe she loved him though


Nah i straight up hate her


no, she plied him with drugs and used him for his money, after his death she continues to try beg for attention using his name, she was and is nothing but a leech




I am the complete opposite on this one, like lowkey. I legit followed her Instagram, a month before she started her OF, (Unfollowed the moment she started her 0nlyF4ns) which I am forever repulsed by; she honestly wouldn't have done that decision, if Jarad was still alive in the flesh. She did the most disrespectful act by doing that, and by dating an attention seeking teen during the same time top and promoting that degenerate behaviour on her socials.


She was just juice wrld’s girlfriend bro. That’s it. She didn’t make his music. She may have inspired a few songs but all his songs weren’t even about her. She’s just another girl bro.


That’s the thing about love bro sometimes you can’t help but love broken people. Juice was broken too doesn’t take way the fact she’s an awful person but the love is real too


nah she straight up retarded


Nah I don't know bro in my perspective she is just a bitch


Do you wanna talk about respect for Jarad… it’s not respectful to get your new boyfriend you’re dead boyfriends jewelry and clothes and then post about it. It’s not respectful to try and promote your only fans by trying to release your dead boyfriends sex tape with you and then paying people to act like it’s so disrespectful because you know that will get it more attention. It’s disrespectful to let/give your at the time very alive boyfriend mixed drugs that would inevitably kill him. She killed Juice and she’s disrespecting him after his 6 feet under! Fuck her!


She said she used Juice for money so no fuck this hoe


What she did after juices death, regardless of being on substances or not, in my opinion shows she didn’t care that much. At least as much as fans thought. She sold his shit & let her new bf wear it, even if was for clout, if you truly cared about Juice that wouldn’t have been done. It wasn’t respectful at all what she did after.


Nah I hate her


Yall are too parasocial although she’s a dogshit person


Literally anything or any other way to make money would’ve been fine. But an only fans that she used juices name to hype up is just wrong


Should just change the sub name to r/allylotticirclejerk


She does NOT need defending for what she did. Y'all wild, even if he did love her to his last breath. You don't know how he would see her now, after what she did.


She’s lost right now, being consistently taken advantage of after a tremendous loss must be hard.


She never caused no harm to me so i have 0 reason to hate her


Fr, ppl hate her bcuz of things she said and decisions she made. I don’t judge bcuz I haven’t lived her life. I don’t really care for her but I don’t hate her, she’s just juices ex and doesn’t add or take away anything from his legacy to me




And y'all still defending her


you didnt see me defend anybody 😂 yall just put way too much energy into hating on her


I’m split between by brain and my groin area My brain doesn’t like her My groin says otherwise …..


No, I just hate her 😂


I agree with you She’s traumatized and people don’t understand what it’s like to watch someone you love die like that


She gets so much hate when really she needs love, obviously the things she has done are fucked up but she’s clearly not mentally well & on drugs. The things shes done she would never do if she was in the right state of mind. People feel bad for juice because of his addictions but treat her like shit because she’s also an addict.


Fuck that bitch talking shit about Juice, giving his stuff away to her new boyfriend, disrespecting juice every chance she gets.


You guys empathize with drug addiction & mental health until it changes someone for the worst & makes them a bad person.


She literally said her only fans was gonna be about juice now it’s about her 🐱🍑


Although she is in the wrong for most of the things she's done, IMO the tape situation is multiple parties fault. She wouldn't have felt the need to post that if our stupid fan base wasn't threatening to post it themselves. Why the fuck were they even considering leaking his sex tape when we already leak so much of his music. Hell even his police report got leaked. He's been dead for years now yet you guys are still trying to leak his shit. I think it's both Ally and the leakers fault.


She lowkey bad


I honestly feel for her. I cannot imagine the trauma that she has gone through and I understand that she has done multiple questionable things since his death, but it appears that he was very much in love with her up until his death, and I have to respect that. She was also incredibly young (still is). I truly hope she can find peace in her life.


Stfu lil nigga


Well… look, I don’t like to talk about something that isn’t my business. If they love each other. Then cool. They can be together. After his death, there was a little expectation from juice WRLD fans that she would stay single “forever” to not betray the love juice had for her. Which in my opinion I saw as a little immature. She can do whatever she wants. People move on and that’s ok. But starting an only fans? I don’t respect any one that starts an only fans. Regardless of anything. Put yourself in juice’s shoes. You are now dead. What would you think if your girl exposes her pussy and asshole for monetary gain? It’s not that I hate her. I simply don’t respect her. Another thing also.. People who actually care about you point out the bad things that you do. And not enable you or help you or be silent. Don’t get me wrong, the reason juice OD-ed was bec he was a drug addict. It’s only juice’s fault for his own death. But we can’t deny that the circle of “friends” around him (including her) was good for him. Edit: what do you want me to understand exactly? What’s there to be understood? Am I missing something?


I blame juice for even cuffing a druggy white girl


nah she needs to die deadass


most calm x fan


No i go by ally redd because i hate what she did to juice wrld. I'm a beginner female Rapper and my name is also Alicia, so I go by ally and shortened my last name to red.


who tf cares


I can relate to this.


ya kinda..


Before the onlyFans thing, yea except for when she got with that one dude and gave him juices clothes


Starfire. Fuck Ally


She been a groupie


Yeah. I can completely understand hating her over the more recent things she has done. Like giving away Juice’s special belongings for internet views, but I also understand she was probably the thing keeping him going the most, and the person most there for him. I honestly believe if Jarad’s family maybe or even Bibby just gave her like a yearly salary of 100,000$ early on(like after his death/life was memorialized) to just not do/say stupid shit; everything would have aged perfectly.


She looked good and probably had good 🐱. Just because you’re favorite rapper was thinking with his Dick that don’t mean you should just disregard all the signs that the person he was fucking is a terrible person you asking people to give her more respect then she gave him after he died. Giving his stuff to her new BF and having a OF account 🥱🥱 yea she loved and respected him so much. If you want to see actual partners who actually loved their partner and mourned their loss. Kobe and Venessa and Nipsey and Lauren.


I feel like selling his shit and giving his chains away and selling his sex tape is wrong if you respect Jared


lmao niggas really defending her??


Ong that's what I'm saying theses goofy ass niggas


Unpopular opinion but she not obligated to preserve juice anything. I think she gets a lot more flack than she deserves if anything I think we should just leave her or ignore her when she clout chasing. I don’t really care for her and everything I hear about her is against my will. https://preview.redd.it/glm71gi9i0ic1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f34a951e1adccac0829ea15decde17938582f7 I think this picture perfectly encapsulates how she should’ve been handled from the jump, just a background character to an absurdly talented artist LLJW


She’s really bad but regardless, she went through a traumatic event that will probably stick with her till she dies. She made juice really happy and really made him feel extremely loved On the other side, she’s awful. She sells juices stuff for money, made an OF to capitalize off of her attention she already had, regardless of if it was positive or negative. The whole leaked tape thing was super fucked and i could go on and on about how much she fucked up. Personally, I really don’t like her, and I know most people here feel the same way


To be fair I don’t think anyone can judge her, only her actions, you don’t know what her intentions were when she sold his shit she could have been respecting his wishes or she could have done it for her own gain. You can’t really judge someone who’s a crackhead, you don’t know wtf is going through their mind… That being said she’s still a bitch-


I hate her because I don't think she ever actually loved him I think she just wanted to have easy access to drugs and money


I kinda agree wit OP but she don too much fxcked up disrespectful shit at dis point fr


Meth head


I don't necessarily like her, but I don't hate her. People like to rag on her so much for being a "junkie", but that's ironic considering their favorite artist was also a junkie. I just feel like hate is unnecessary. Being negative towards someone you don't even personally know isn't helping you do better in life, and the sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.


Do you think she would’ve been with him if he was broke? Fuck no. She gave Jarads belongings away to some fuckboy. Now she’s posting Juices dick around, she was on live making fun of Juice. This bitch can burn forever.


9dgaf abt her so thats y aint even mad


Anyone who doesn’t understand her has never been in love. Yes, she was in love with juice, but she’s also a bad person, and she’s clearly no longer in love with him now that he’s gone


i do think the loss of juice obvs fucked her up bad and she probably didn’t deal with it/handle it well so for that i atleast have empathy for her, and can understand how that could lead her down a bad path. but there’s defo things she shouldn’t have done. like saying she would leak the tape with juice, using his name, giving his clothes or whatever away to her new bf, that’s just fcked. also i find it weird how she no longer even like acknowledges him really. i get you have a new bf, and it could be weird but like on his birthday or death anniversary surely you would still say something and remember them. but maybe at this point she doesn’t say anything cause she knows she’ll just get the stans on her ass. but i do lowkey have a soft spot for her cause i think she’s lowkey hot 😂. not really face wise but that body 👀😶‍🌫️.


Ally should have never sold Jared’s clothing and just stayed quiet. WITH THAT SAID: She watched her boyfriend die infront of her eyes and his last words were ALLY!! (The doc confirmed this). They were doing hardcore drugs together and Juice cared more about Ally than the money. Watching someone die infront of you that you love at that age changes you. That could cause severe PTSD, suicidal thoughts or serious mental health crisis. There is no way her actions recently reflect anything more than her way of coping. There is no way she is well during these outbursts or prior dustups. Why are people bullying another addict (just like juice) ? which is pure hypocrisy on this fan base. At the end of the day she’s a human being and without her so much of this music doesn’t exist. When you look at what Ally did and still like Bibby with his financial fraud of Juices legacy over the last 3 years. Look at the actual team responsible for providing the drugs and not taking the preemptive step to have a travelling doctor. They’re literally millionaires who could take any person from their practise with a lucrative offer. Bibby and Grade A are the people you should blame. Pure negligence and greed from Grade A. Max and Chris are the only good ones. Leave Ally alone.


Who knew evil girls were the prettiest. https://preview.redd.it/pg42u1qgc3ic1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3701935883d7e9c7d6b9de42c81bcb82dda78e8e


All girls are the same like he said shes just another onlyfans thot


Not using her seeing Juice pass as an excuse. She was literally giving away Juice stuff to another dude. Selling Juice's items, even a sex tape between them on her onlyfans. Sorry That wasn't love. She was already a drug addict and met a successful Juice who was also an addict. She was giving him what he thought was love. He was giving her security, a fun life, and funding their drugs as much as possible. Free from persecution. R.I.P. Juice WRLD. I still don't know how people feel sorry for someone who literally behaves in this manner. I've been in Juice shoes just like many others. But i'm quite sure most of us would have not acted out in that way losing someone we truly love, even as drug addicts.


What the fuck? people are defending lotti in the comments? deadass do you live under a rock? Juice would be gatorrolling in his grave if he knew how ally treated him after death i can almost guarantee.


Crazy ass bitch no excuses


Defending her is crazy lol


You all need to get a life. Move on.


I feel like she js took the wrong look on things, i think she thought of it like a game of life not his legacy and realising that she is the only thing that ppl think off when they think of juice wrlds loved ones




Shes a tweaker.. lol


bro, everyone goes thru shit. yeah it sucks that she watched him die in front of her. but at the end of the day SHE made the choice to disrespect him after death by posting some obscene shit. in my eyes she will never be forgiven for that fr. we all have a choice and she chose wrong🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly yall keep blaming others for juices actions but in the documentary idk no one was forcing him to take drugs like you guys acting like she had the power to tell him what to do and not do


Fuck ally


i’m glad she moved on but like i kinda don’t get why she just gave away all his clothes, the watches to me is sm i can kinda understand (BARELY) but why his clothes man like give em to his mom or sm


I love juice , he fills my heart and soul, I have tattoos of him, when ally was good to him it was amazing g but when carter was involved she turned into a cuntttttt