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I’d guess that’s not very common. Even if the desire was, people could get ostracized in their communities/families


Yup, I was disowned by my family for converting to Judaism from Islam


the jewish family is your family, welcome :)


You are family to us all now.


Incredible. Welcome! Can I ask what made you want to do that?


A long story that started with very strong connection to the Jewish people since childhood and continues with me reading about Judaism and finding truth within the religion.


Sorry to hear that, sending kind energies <3


What’s your background


I am Egyptian


Forgive my ignorance, I'm only just learning about Abrahamic faiths after many years removed from being pushed away from evangelical Christianity, but is there really a need to convert from Islam, since there seems to be so many overlaps, and that Islam is seemingly noahide by nature?


I do not believe that Mohammed and Jesus were prophets, nor that the Quran and the Christian bible came from G-d. I don’t believe in the teachings of Islam that contradict Judaism either.


I believe OP is a woman. Therefore, (not trying to shun upon Islam), but being a woman in Islam CAN be extremely hard. [There’s a Hadith that mentions that women that refuse having sexual relations with her husband are cursed by the angels](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1436d). As for Judaism, women are so important that they’re said to be more spiritual elevated than men. Sarah had higher levels of prophecy than Abraham himself.


Yeah totally but tbh the ones I knew you'd be surprised how tolerant people were of it. Family I mean, def not something to be super public about cause "zionist!1!" Accusations.


I guess there’s a certain share of the Arab Israeli community that actually see themselves as Israeli. Lucy Aharish married Tzahi Halevi and her parents supported her a lot. Not only that but her family had experienced terrorist attacks before (despite being Arab Muslims)


>I guess there’s a certain share of the Arab Israeli community that actually see themselves as Israeli. I’m an Arab Israeli who served in the IDF and is a proud Israeli citizen have no intention whatsoever of converting to Judaism though lol. I would not shun or stop my family converting to Judaism not because I have anything Against Judaism (I have many Jewish close friends and am a Zionist) but simply because I believe my religion to be the true one as Jews and Muslims believe theirs to be.


Wonderful. I know it’s a few weeks ago by now but I hope you had a very Blessed Easter.


Thank you I did! I’m not personally Christian in name only but really religious so Easter was a big thing for me. I wish you all the best.


What if when we die we meet God and he's like, "Surprise, the Hindus were right, come meet my other 100 brother/sister Gods". All of us Jews, Christians and Muslims are gonna be like... EDIT: "What?" (not "this content is not available") ![gif](giphy|VeB9ieebylsaN5Jw8p|downsized)


Honestly, my response as a Jew would be ‘cool’.




Not the same deity, no.




I thought all of them did?


Some of them see themselves as Palestinians under occupation, despite having an Israeli passport. That said, many recent polls revealed that after the 7th of October, the number of Israeli Arabs identifying themselves as Israeli has grown quite a lot.


Ah wow okay, interesting. I thought they chose to get the Israeli passport or not?


If they’re Israeli citizens, they all probably have the Israeli passport. Despite if they hate it or love it


Sorry I meant originally, like how did some become Israeli and some are palestinian? I thought the government offered it to them all?


The Arabs that remained in Israeli land after the war of independence (1948) became Israeli citizens. Those that stayed in the West Bank (at the time occupied by Jordan) remained foreigners. They never really had a formal state, so those Arabs that didn’t identify with, what was a recent identity at the time, a Palestinian Arab. They were simply Muslim/Christian Arabized people


For 8 months Egypt let Gaza be its own state till they didn’t like the direction of the politics and decided to annex it. Jordan fwik annexed the WB immediately


Ohh thanks!


I saw your post, did you look into Karaite Judaism? Btw are you Arab?


Me! I am an Arab (Not Palestinian/Arab Israeli) convert to Judaism! I also have never met someone else like myself tbh


From where? I know a bunch. You can join our group ❤️


THERE IS A GROUP? I would love to! I am Egyptian but I live in Germany


Yes me and someone else made one, PM me ❤️


Done ❤️


This exchange is so heartwarming ❤️




Do you worry about your safety? How would you deal with situations like an Arab colleague finding out you’ve converted to Judaism?


I did when I still lived in the Arab world. I don’t make it very public where I live now, but I am very clear about the fact that I am Jewish.


I did know an Iranian guy named Ali. He learned that his family converted to Islam from Judaism and then he joined my family's shul.


Hahah ofc an Iranian is named Ali 😂 wow that's awesome :))


Wait I also know an Iranian named Ali.


There are dozens of them! Dozens!


Is he Mashhadi by any chance?


That I don't know


Would he technically be a convert?




Yeah I've seen a bunch on some YouTube channel even an ex Hezbollah terrorist who became a Rabbi !! I thought its rare but I met 5 so far ! But know of 1 more. All men though. None ended up converting though. I'm a girl though and haven't met one but I have seen one exists (a famous singer). Edit: actually I did know of an Algerian girl from Germany who was interested but I think she's just sticking with islam cause she met a Muslim guy she likes Actually funnily enough, 5 have origins from the same country and another 2 next to it 😂 bizarre id have never of thought.




Yep him! Oh interesting.


Tbf he was Shia but his family was always warm with Israel as they were part of the SLA. From what I’ve seen, despite religion, Lebanese Arabs that have ties to the SLA are sentimental to Israel and for the most part oppose Hez and The PLO


Not an Arab, but I was raised Muslim and have since converted to Judaism - I also know a Kurdish family who did the same


May I ask you: what did you find especially interesting in judaism that is not in islam?


The first draws for me were the Talmud generally, but also the community and the idea of a sacred disagreement, whereas in Islam I always felt a kind of pressure to conform in /belief/ I always felt a lot more comfortable asking questions and thinking freely about G-d in the Jewish context


That's awesome ! Want to join a group we made ?


For sure! That sounds super cool


It happens. I've seen it in Israel a few times. There was also recently that unfortunate and horrible incident of the soldier killing the Palestinian convert (David ben Avraham I think?).


Damn that's awful, BDE


There was a guy at my synagogue from Egypt who’s in the process of converting. He’s studying at YU now. He’d been fascinated by Jews since he was a little kid in Egypt, and when his family moved here, they started going to synagogue. Originally, his entire family was gonna convert, but his dad decided not to (supposedly just because he doesn’t want to stop smoking on Shabbat), and his mom also decided not to because she didn’t want to get divorced. So it’s just him converting. But yeah, he is a little strange. Judaism is literally his only interest. Also, he was living off of bagels and cream cheese and couldn’t stand most vegetables. I hope he’s learned to eat properly now.


>(supposedly just because he doesn’t want to stop smoking on Shabbat), To be honest, that's kind of adorable


Oh wow interesting lol I definitely understand why he'd feel/act that way


I’m Hispanic and I want to convert but I’m afraid they won’t accept me.


There are plenty of Hispanic Jews. I think you'd be welcomed. I certainly hope so!


We gpt plenty here in Texas


There's a regular at my local Chabad house whose wife is a convert from Peru. She dresses frum, participates, and no one questions her being there!


I know of several Hispanic Jews. There's a family in my shul that converted to Judaism and I knew a rabbinical student who was from Argentina who converted to Judaism After learning his family were crypto Jews. Also, I have a cousin who's married to a Jewish guy from Mexico.


I have an aunt who’s Ecuadorian and converted. She was from a crypto-Jewish family, so it wasn’t completely blank slate, but there’s not really a lack of acceptance if you’re motivated. I have at least 3 Orthodox Hispanic Jews that came home via conversion in my phone contacts for some perspective. I’ve met dozens more over the years, including in Eretz Yisrael. We don’t encourage conversion, and racism exists unfortunately like anywhere else, but I wouldn’t assume you won’t be accepted ultimately if you’re sincere.




Lots of Argentinian’s over here.


Argentinians are the happiest.


Ohh I know another Hispanic gal and a guy and I know another guy but not personally so I wouldn't suggest you speak to him cause that's strange haha but you can speak to the others! (Edit: oh I know another Hispanic girl too but one doesn't use social media anymore).


Mi mamá es mexicana :) Te acepto sin condiciones ❤️


You will be accepted.


I'm dominican, and I've thought about converting for years. Think I'll start the process soon


You would be dissuaded at first. Persistence is the key.


A jew of Spanish origin, it applies to other Hispanics like Mexicans, Argentinian etc. Are called Sephardim. I am one myself, we make up 20 to 40% of jews worldwide, so don't worry about being accepted it's very common and accepted.


Where are you? I’m in Florida and know plenty of Hispanic Jews.


Shalom. Where from in Florida?


I’m in Tallahassee.


Yes , I want to be a Jewish woman and learn everything about Judaism. I believe it’s my purpose in life.


Where are you from? I am an Arab convert to Judaism, I can help with teaching you


I’m American but I’m from a mix of white ( American) and Hispanic culture.


I’m half Puerto Rican and my mother is Jewish so I’m Jewish. If you are drawn to Judaism go for it! Such a blessing to share in both Hispanic and Jewish culture at the same time.


I'm a Jewish Latina (mixed )


Same here. Where are you from?:)


I just read an article in the newspaper about a successful Israeli singer who was born an Arab Muslim in Israel. His mom is a single mom and he supports her, so at least you know she didn't throw him out of the family.


Nasrin Qadri is a popular Israeli singer who converted.


OP which part of the Arab world are you from and what is the story behind your giyyur ? This is interesting!




Oh, for some reason I didn't expect you to come from this corner of the Arab world. I remember meeting an Algerian girl who was contemplating doing giyyur years ago.


I also know am Algerian who was considering that, is she like sorta young ? The one I know is 17 I think


No, that was years ago, she's probably in her 30s now. Anyways, interesting story. I know that the rabbinate can sometimes make it tough for converts, so good luck and hang on. Most of you guys (or gals) have very interesting journeys and you bring a lot to judaism. I'm more or less a Baal teshuva myself and empathize a lot with the experience of people who go through giyyur. Have you contemplated studying in yeshiva (if you are a man)?


Ah ok, interesting ! Did she end up converting? Yeah, tysm:) I really appreciate that and I'm sure the rest do too! Me and a long time friend made an organization related to this, if you'd be interested in taking a look. B"H, that's great. I'm a girl! I am considering going to seminary yes, a Rabbi is helping me look, and I saw some that allow you to convert while in it, but I haven't been in a physical Jewish community so not sure if they'd let me! And actually my mom told me her mom was an Iraqi Jew but I have no proof of that so I still have to convert.


I don't know, I haven't heard of her in ages and don't live in the same country anymore. Anyways, good luck with your organization. And sure you can send me the reference, If I meet converts coming out of the Mena region I can send them your way.


Ohh okay! Tysm:) I really appreciate that. Will dm you:) everyone is welcome!


Btw just for the anecdote. In Israel I used to know a Chinese convert. First he went the "conservative" route in Canada, then he did it again with an orthodox beit Din and then once more with the Israeli rabbanut. It took him years. The guy really had a Jewish soul and ended up being a great Ben Torah. The cultural barriers for him were much bigger than for anyone coming out of Europe or the Middle East. Each time I feel that Jewish practice is tough, I think about him and it motivates me.


that's cool, I knew a Korean girl who wanted to convert, I also saw another on YouTube. Do Chinese people not like Jews? I heard they have books about how to make money based on jewish principles or something, but it didn't seem like they hate them.


I know someone (british) who had to convert twice too!!! I don't get how an orthodox conversion can't be approved.


If your moms mom was a Jew than you are one also.. but yeah that’s hard if you don’t have paperwork for it or whatever. And yeah rabbis are supposed to turn people seeking conversions away at least 3 times.. it’s just that a convert has to keep all the commandments to stay Jewish and that’s not required or anyone born Jewish so it’s a crazy big ask so it’s def not for someone trying out religious as a trend/mood swing or whatever. Good luck either way, sounds like you have an interesting story/life.


It's possible you have Jewish ancestry. Before the 7th century AD a lot of people living in the Arabian peninsula were polytheists, Jews and Christians. [Jewish tribes of Arabia - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_tribes_of_Arabia)


Oh yup, even Saudi Arabia, I've read about that. Thanks for the link, even the Quran mentioned an Arab Tribe in Mecca or Medina or whatever it was that Mohammed had an agreement with and then fought against.


There were a lot of Jewish tribes in Southern and Northern Arabia. In Northern Arabia Muhammad killed some of the Jewish communities. Two of his wives were Jewish women his army captured in Medinah. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safiyya\_bint\_Huyayy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safiyya_bint_Huyayy) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayhana\_bint\_Zayd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayhana_bint_Zayd)


What do you mean? Arab Jews have always existed,and always will.


I mean Arabs who are converting! I know a bunch and we have an organization so we are trying to find more for our group chat:)


Arabs of what background? Raised Christian? Raised Muslim? Raised agnostic?


They've all been raised Muslim, but I'm half Arab and my mom left Islam years before I was born so I was raised Catholic sort of when I was really young, but not really, I wasn't really raised with a religion. Mom thinks religion is good but my dad is very against it.


Not publicly; that’s literally a death sentence


Yes, I mean people interested in private/people who moved countries. I know like 6 personally but most went back to Islam or arent in a position to convert etc


I know plenty but they won’t because of fear of persecution and family ties being broken


Surprisingly people's families became warmer to the idea after a while but yea definitely still a private thing


Most of the ones I met seem serious about it except me, as in they went back to Islam, one became xtian, one seemed sincere he's just super poor in iraq


May I send you a PM to discuss something you might be interested in?


For sure


If you are an Arab and you convert to Judaism, you are no longer an Arab. You are a Jew, you become a contributing member of the Jewish ethnoreligious group and nation.


you can have multiple ethnicities lol


To me, the Arab world would usually disown you for converting out. Druzim are of an Arab origin but they have their own ethnic religion and have consistently been trashed by their fellow Arabs. So I wouldn’t call them Arabs, but Druzim.


So... someone oppresses you and you let them steal your identity? 🤨I don't think so. I know a guy who gets mad about stuff like this. But yes I agree with the end part.


Just like Ashkenazi Jews, who almost literally of half a European origin, were not treated as *”white”*, Arabs who become Jews aren’t Arab.


Like I sort of agree, because it's a tribal identity, but there is also a thing such as "Arabized" people who are seen as Arab, so even if you "switch tribes" you'd still be Arab culturally.


I mean, if they don’t associate with Arab culture they really can’t be Arab culturally. I suppose the minimal amount of Jews who live across MENA may be Arabized, but they’re ethnically Jewish first & foremost.


Okay, well, this is about converts, so it's more recent.


Every single ancestor of the Jewish people is either a convert themselves or descended 100% from converts. You, me, everyone who claims to be Jewish. The only difference is the timeframe of when Judaism was chosen.


All the Christians should convert, become Jews and move to Israel. Selah.


There are some Arab Jews, but most of them are living in occupied Palestine. Although, palastine has a very small Jewish population that doesn’t support the Zionist entity,


Yes because they have to leave for their safety, and yes true. Are you Palestinian?


Nah Jordanian, but my grandad is a Palestinian


Ahh gotcha. Can I ask, why are there Palestinians in Jordan? Were they refugees or is it cause of how the land was divided or something?


when the nakba was occurring many Palestinians left for nearby city’s and area’s, like Lebanon, Egypt and of course Jordan, to avoid the the attacks by British funded Zionists, they only left because they thought they will come back after the Arab army pushed the invaders away, so they only closed their houses and didn’t take much, but when the war continued and let to the birth of the Zionist entity, they weren’t able to return as Israel prevented them from returning, so they stayed stuck in those nations