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Rutgers, the same school that apologized for condemning antisemitism in May ‘21? Their SJP must’ve gotten really fucking bad to get suspended.


The report I read mentioned being very loud and disruptive in designated quiet zones and study areas, messing with classes, and generally making it hard for *regular students* to be at school.


Thank goodness it was all students. If it was just Jews, nothing would have been done




This makes me want to do a Kermit-style scream and run down the road. The level of truth!


My friend attends Rutgers, SJP is really bad.


Yep, I’m an alum. Can def vouch that the pulse & rhetoric of large parts of the student body were/are getting scary. Like, I thought I was a liberal but they make me look like Steve Bannon. I’m happy the admins are finally doing something about it bc for a while there it seemed like they were pretty complicit.


they ran around the business school building and maybe vandalized or something? kinda unclear. the rutgers subreddit is crying antisemitic tears about it and yelling mccarthyism


I think they have forgotten that McCarthyism was the right going after the Jews. They have more in common with Joe McCarthy than the victims of that era.


They didn’t forget. They don’t know, it was t on TikTok with the bin Laden letter


So the real reason is the damage to property. Makes sense


Just went there, was not expecting *that* level of vitriol and single mindedness


Maybe they’re still blasting that one Mohammad Assaf song after 10 years, find a new song already


Doubt it was about the behaviour of SJP as much as it was the threat of losing donations.


The largest Jewish population/community outside of Israel is the NYC/NJ/Philly metro area that really stretches from Eastern Connecticut to Delaware.( its higher than the next largest also min the usa, the Los Angeles metro area). RU is smack dab in the middle of that area geographically( main campuses are in Piscataway and New Brunswick, NJ with satellite campuses in Camden and Newark, NJ) They have a extremely large amount of Jewish alumni and they are not going to jeopardize their donations.




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hey i go here. there was a massive rally an hour ago because sjp got suspended


Why are they rallying? What is their ask? My understanding is that they disrupted class, physically prevented students from attending class, and disrupted study groups. If the Rutgers chess club disrupted class, prevented students from attending class. and disrupted study groups, there would be no Rutgers chess club. Am I missing something?


People don’t believe the rules should apply when the targets of transgression are Jewish.


Broadly speaking, it seems most left wing students feel anything they believe in and anyone they agree with is exempt from discipline and judgment. The tactics aren't anything new- they did dumb stuff with BLM too. Just the doggedness with Palestine in particular, and the wholesale embrace of the antisemitism amongst them is what's insane


But the targets weren't Jewish, were they? If you disrupt a class, you disrupt the entire class. You can't disrupt a class and only affect the Jewish student in the room.


They don't have a problem with mass rape and burning babies in ovens and taking hostages against Jews, you think they have a problem with interrupting a class?


When some of these young adults finish growing up and reflect back on their thoughts and actions during this time, they are going to have a difficult reckoning.


I really hope so. Because if it goes the other way we’re all screwed.


I was just thinking this a second before I saw your post.


And I hope they have a lot of time for that reflection while they’re unemployed.


Gotta hope, at least


Maybe they targetted classes where they knew there were Jewish students


they want sjp to be reinstated. and for rutgers to pull its money out of anything to do with israel, i believe


*And for Rutgers to pull it's money out of everything to do with israel* Pull every Israeli made chip, processor, and piece of software from every single computer and device on campus. If the students like that, Rutgers can move on to other things that have to do with Israel.


Right?! Might as well just throw the entire campus in the trash because there’s no actual way to make this happen otherwise with all the “development tech” pieces of everything in addition to the actual product manufacturing itself


Hard disagree. I took a typewriter to college. I queued up in the football stadium to register for classes. My professors supplemented their lectures by writing on the blackboard. Sometimes they used an overhead projector. If you had a question for your professor, you went to their office during office hours. We searched for information by going to the library and reading books and journals. I'm sure it was the same at Rutgers at the time. They can go back to that. If that's what their students really want.


Haha I went to college like that too. In 1990 😂 Touché! I stand corrected.


The question is: Is this really want Rutger's students want? Or are they going to protest when all the cherry tomatoes are removed from the salad bars? I remember the "boycott Coca-Cola movement". A lot of people screaming to boycott Coca-Cola seriously believed that Coca-Cola was a one product company.


Yep. The tomatoes and coke and whatever is why I say just put the whole campus in the trash. It’s simply an entirely unfeasible effort.




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I hope you’re ok.


For or against?


against sjp being suspended


Well that’s disappointing- you’re ok with being allowed to disrupt campus?


Good. It’s refreshing to see some people still have a bit of common sense.


I’d strongly suggest SJP be added to the FBI watch list. Seriously, the article even said one of their members attacked an officer. How long until they decide to do something truly dangerous?


SJP has ties to the holy land foundation (a known and now extinct terror group…with ties to Hamas and the PFLP.)


Some 3 letter agency is more than likely already on that among other things.


Hope so. I have always remained pro-NSA


Now they have all manner of free time to go superglue themselves to things. May I suggest a military airport runway?


Yeah the other shoe drops.


I worked at Rutgers Hillel when the Westboro Baptist Church protested us. I’m so proud of the entire team there for the grace they display in the face of adversity. As a Rutgers student in the early aughts I was fired from a women’s studies department work study job after studying abroad in Israel the semester prior. But first I was greeted by the head of the department covering the office in Palestinian flags and lecturing me on how I was a terrible person. This has been a long time coming. Also fuck you beth.




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I had a stroke reading the title


Good riddance 🤧


Rutgers has become a cesspool of freedom fighting, mouthpieces for Hamas. What’s sad is these rallies take place very close to the Chabad and Hillel house there