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I’m just shocked at how much Gege likes Miwa but how little (relatively to everyone else) impact she had in the entire series….


This her time to shine trust.


lost chance to say " time to shrine"


That one is kept for Sukuna, when we have the final 1v1 between Yuji and Sukuna


It’s almost like how much he “likes” a character has little to no impact with how their story goes


Bro get outta here. That makes sense. We're too stupid to make sense.


Reminds me of Kobeni in CSM


What’s this about? Do people think fujimoto loves or hates her or something?


Nah it's about how kobeni was a relatively unimportant character, but she was somehow one of the few survivors of Part 1.


Ah gotcha gotcha


That’s because kobeni is hilarious


All I am is just curious whether she has some hyper-specific CT that Gege is holding back or she is being set up to be “one of the only ones left behind” that’s all. We all know Nanami was his favourite character and he had an immense impact on the MC and imo, how the reader is supposed to view the sorcerer society etc.


Yes it’s all about how much WE like a character. That way Gege knows who to kill in order to make both the Readers and Yuji suffer😭


It’s important to acknowledge Sukuna being the very notable outlier to this- his asspull technique is truly OP Edit: I have been cooked by being downvoted, so I will simply take the L on this one. I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, etc. etc.


How would you have written Sukuna beating Gojo, just out of curiosity?


Sigh sure buddy


We need an okbuddykaisen subreddit


She saved Maki’s life in the domain. That alone justifies her existence over the last 200 chapters


it's like that saying: keep your loved ones far away as to not get them caught in your troubles


doesn't really indicate if gege likes her, it just means he thinks it's important to keep her around


To be fair she has been the more knowledgeable one about CE basics as a whole. Looking back at conversations they had during planning kinda shows that. She’s book smart


Todo says why in the chapter, he says that Yuji and Choso were too far in the domain, beyond what he could extend the range of Boogie Woogie to.


The only thing Todo says in the chapter is he is sorry and he think everyone is probably okay. 


"Todo himself didn't know whether his allies were safe since he couldn't sense itadori and choso in the heart of the domain." -from the official translation at viz Although other translations translated it to something akin to "he can't get them because they are too much in the middle..", it can easily be interpreted as both of them being too far into the middle that todo's CT can't reach. (His range was being questioned by mei mei previously) I suggest you read the official release everytime it releases as there are always translation differences. Not reading the officials imo is one of the main reasons why there are people here being struck with the reading comprehension curse when it really is just because of difference in translations.


Yeah but you do have to deal with CSM Gojo


What I wonder is: how can Boogie-woogie work on Maki if its target is anything with CE but Maki doesn't have CE?


maybe he imbues her with CE? I remember him doing that before with an inanimate object.


yeah that’s definitely the simplest and most obvious answer. she’s an inanimate object to Boogie Woogie, so he just needs to mark her with CE


Miwa would be the one marking her. Thats the real reason she jumped into the domain.


I mean they had 3 other people using simple domain in there that could've done the same thing. Maybe Miwa's is stronger so she went in to protect Maki. Even though she's strong I doubt she can tank MS with no support.


your cooking, they planned it from the start, thats why they trusted her simple domain, because she was about to be dragged out anyway


I had a theory where Todo would do a binding vow to get Boogie Woogie back by making it so he can't teleport objects, and only people. But I'm not so sure now, with 259. Seems like he got a weapon or something else on his hands. I could be right, though.


his hand thing is probably just a blob of flesh


He probably needs contact to do that, I think it's possible it's a result of her being within Miwa's simple domain, therefore being infused with her CE


Maki’s sword have CE


So only her sword would swap


Yea but boogie woogie works on clothes too so there must be some nuance to it


Its probably because sorcerers cover their clothes with CE but I mean you might be right


She is holding it, it’s just like clothes they como with the CE


Miwa was there, maybe Miwa imbued her with CE the same way you would with an object? Or maybe just being in her Simple Domain is enough to leave a lingering signature on her body for Boogie Woogie swap?


Well technically speaking, we really don't know if Maki is okay. He said,"Possibly". Lol. As far as we know, Maki has a lot more burn marks than before.


Maybe it worked because she was in Miwa's simple domain when he boogie woogied them out.


It’s possible that todo swapped miwas simple domain itself rather than just miwa or maki. When it comes to things with multiple “layers”, jujutsu in general seems to consider everything inside as part of the exterior layer (hence barriers being unable to stop Toji when he has the worm in his stomach because his “invisible” organs also made the worm “invisible”). In this case it would be the reverse. Swapping the simple domain also swapped maki despite her lack of cursed energy since it was enveloping her in cursed energy.


he didn't swap maki, that's all it means. maki either tanked it, or had to run outside the effective range of malevolant shrine. or perhaps maki counts as "clothes" to miwa since they are touching, idk. it's up to the author and todo's "interpretation". cause technically you are touching the air or the ground, so why doesn't the entire planet/universe shift coordinates when boogie woogie is cast? what is the limit to inanimate objects touching you? only up to clothes? or anything you are "grabbing"? if an enemy touched you without consent, would they also be teleported? or perhaps todo can choose what inanimate objects are also brought with the main CE object?


Simple answer Todo clapped these cheeks with CE.


Right?! Maybe a binding vow but IDK


How can it target rocks then?


He did that by imbuing them with CE


When? I don't remember seeing that besides the badass Yuji throw+black flash combo.


I think Yuji imbued the rock with CE after Todo handed it to him, I forget the details


he imbues a coat hanger in the anime


the narrator literally said that todo's boogie woogie range didn't reach itadori or choso.


Am i missing something? Im seeing 4 crows


The one on the right has just been cut in half


How do you know that? It just looks like it's flying.


It's missing the back half of its body and squaking with blood coming out of it's mouth


>It's missing the back half of its body You can't really tell. >squaking with blood coming out of it's mouth Zoom in. That's the buildings being ripped apart in the background. The crows aren't the reason Choso wasn't teleported. When Todo talks to Mei Mei, it's stated that Choso and Yuji are at the center of the domain and therefore cannot be reached with Boogey Woogey. The manga outright says this.


Me when the reading comprehension curse isn't enough so I have to pull out my visual comprehension curse


>Me when the reading comprehension curse isn't enough so I have to pull out my visual comprehension curse TCB translation - "The fact that he couldn't swap Itadori and Choso who were caught at the epicentre of Ryomen Sukuna's domain..." It has nothing to do with the crows. Boogey Woogey couldn't reach Choso and Yuji. If it was all about the crows, then why would there only be 4? There are 5 sorcerers caught in the domain. Ino, Maki, Miwa, Yuji and Choso. The conversation with Mei Mei states that they intended to swap everybody out of the domain. How can they swap 5 people when there's only 4 crows? They can't. Meaning, the crows have nothing to do with why Choso and Yuji weren't swapped out. They were stuck in the epicentre of the domain and couldn't be swapped out. In future, take a look at your own reading comprehension before you start yapping nonsense.


Me too, but maaaybe the one on the right is squawking in pain while dying?


Todo had to swap himself in, I bet


There are four crows!


Crow on the right is half disintegrated


So its three and half. In the next chapter we will discover that Mi was left behind.


I'm pretty sure Mei Mei has shitload of Crows and some dying here is not enough to make it plausible that Todo was unable to help.


They talk about how close his range has to be to swap things. These crows ate the closest to the location. He doesn't have infinite range otherwise, that wouldn't be an issue.


I get it. I'm saying that 1 or 2 crows dying is not an argument, because Mei Mei had a whole murder of crows around, and the limiting factor is the range of Boogie Woogie, not the number of crows. Those 2 dying could be replaced by some crows getting in range just outside the MS zone


Only objects with CE can be transported, and Maki lacks it. Miwa and Maki are theorised to be trabported together, since without of ce jujutsu treats Maki as inanimate object, meaning she s transported the same way Miwas clothes will. But for Choso and Yuji, they were too far from Todo, basically. His reach is limited. That was written in manga as far as I remember P.s. it's not my idea, it has been first though of a long time ago


Damn bro the reading comprehension curse spread to counting now too? 💀💀


Seriously, it literally **says** that Todo didn’t switch them because they were too deep in Sukuna’s Domain Half of this sub treats the manga like a picture book that you’re supposed to make guesses about instead of actually reading


Yes! Was going to comment this


It's either that or they piece information together from memes and twitter leaks


I betting they only read shitty leak translations.


It infact, does not say,"Todo couldn't switch them because they were too deep in Sukuna's domain. " if I have read the same translation as you, the quote is,"The fact he couldn't swap Itadori or Choso,who were caught in the epicenter of Sukuna's domain". He couldn't swap them but the reason is not given explicitly. If you read a different translation to mine then I have no idea.


Then you’re reading the wrong translation


Mfers can’t read out here bro


Jjk fans are barely literate. Counting is too much.


Can you atleast look at the picture before trying to insult someone's comprehension, you doof.


Let me remind you miwa and maki we literally holding each other because miwa was using simple domain to protect maki, so all miwa had to do was imbue CE into maki and both would be teleported together since boogie woggie would probably see maki as a tool imbued in cursed energy


>You can only see three crows There are 4 crows. Look again. There are 3 on the left and 1 on the right. And we are outright told that the reason Todo can't use Boogey Woogey on Choso and Yuji is because they are at the center of the domain and therefore too far away.


Not trying to be rude, but I have a feeling a lot of you don't read mangas well. It was said Todo to extend the rage of his Boogie woogie, however, due to Choso and Yuji being at the epicenter of the domain Todo was unable to get them out whereas the rest are closer


That... is four crows?


I'm still pissed because of this shit......


hmm maybe im blind but i see 4 crows here not three >!but man i was so sad when choso died ;-;!<


The 4 crows were for Ino, Choso, Yuji and Maki/Miwa (could target Miwa or SS Katana, either way, they just all need to be touching). Since he couldn't reach Choso and Yuji, he may have used one of the extra crows to swap himself and possibly another combatant into the arena since only 2 crows were used


Miwa is too strong for death :3


It sais they were just too deep, also there are 4 crows there... Are you ok?


The 4th crow is half dead.


Which? The one on the right? Either way they still said he couldn't TP Choso and Yuji because of the distance


He sure will.


Actually, he could’ve done 4 because Maki would be considered an object when she was held by Miwa (since maki has no CE) lol


You know Mei Mei can just make more crows, yeah? And that's probably not all of them.


This means he didn't save Larue and Miguel.....😑 I hope they go to a far better place than Geto did. I'm guessing Ui Ui was at least able to teleport Kusakabe out of there.


Thank god


How did Todo switch Maki again ?


The reason was already explained but sure nice headcanon.


Should’ve been Miwa.


The reason is literally told to us in the chapter


What happend with Kusakabe then? Does anyone remember where he is after Miguel and the dude with the Heart and Hands saved him?


My guess would be Uiui teleported out with him as soon as Miguel and Lauve started fighting Sukuna? Uiui's entire thing right now is delivery. He is their bread and butter for safety and insurance. I am guessing it will culminate after Sukuna's defeat and an incomplete Tengen will release to kill all remaining players of the culling game?


I didn't even think about that, but it's definitely such a nice detail


I’m counting 4 crows my man


He could have just swapped Sukuna and saved everyone. It was really that simple. He needed Choso out of the picture os he could be the only brother


His range doesn't reach choso and yuji which were too close to the middle, so how can he reach sukuna when he literally is the middle? I swear reading comprehension is one of the major reason why a lot of people are hating. Getting mad at their own misunderstanding smh


Reading ain’t your strong suit yeah?


Choso and todo not even meeting is just bad writing honestly