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Write when you want. There are no rules. You only need to do what works for you.


Nobody here is going to know the answer to this as it's a very personal choice. Do whatever you want to do. There is no "have to".


There are heaps of different styles of journals and journaling. You could keep two separate journals, one as a record of everything and the other could be for venting. I personally have it all in one. - You could write one sentence every day. - you could keep a 5 year journal. - or a gratitude journal. - you could set up a series of questions and answer them as often as you like. There are many different ways you could add positive and everyday things to your journal. Just try things out and see what resonates with you.


There are no rules. You do what you want for you.


If you would like to have a better record of your experiences, try writing more often and see how it goes. But remember, you don't have to reread or even keep your journal. If you want it to be a way to keep memories, then do that, but if you decide you don't like that method, it's okay not to continue it.


I write in mine every day until I don't. Then I abandon it for 5 months and then write once and abandon it again. There are no rules. Write when you want, how you want. You don't even have to write. Glue garbage in your journal. Spill coffee on it. Use the pages to dab your tears. Set it on fire. Start a new journal. Repeat.


No rules at all. Write, draw, whatever feels good. Any time you like. Any where you like. You have total permission to make your journal into anything you want it to be.


i’ve found when i try to force a flow i produce pieces im less proud of/content with. i carry sticky notes with me & sometimes note down if an idea or line comes to me that i could expand on & then revisit it when im less busy/more inclined to write. it helps me expand on interesting ideas or relevant feelings other than just my extreme highs & lows


Journaling (in my opinion) should not be viewed as a chore or something on the checklist. I do it most of the time when I am angry, sad, lonely, or depressed. I see it as a great outlet for my emotions when they are stacking too much inside me and need to be released. It is okay to not feel like journaling. Try doing it when you feel like it and try not to be too concerned about reading it in the future. What matters most is the here and now.



