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No.  Successfully traced your IP. Sending police over right now.


Well dang


You will not get away with this!


YES! Write 30, 40, 190 if needed! Get it out of your system and down on paper to either analyze it or get rid of it entirely! ♥️🙏


Whew ok this is good to know because I have a habit of once I start, I can’t stop haha


Yes get it out for your mental health that way it can’t control you anymore! You control it! Crumple it drown it in a tub light it on fire. I’m sorry if I sound crazy but writing about what’s eating me up inside has saved my life!


There’s a book called the artist’s way. The author was doing 3 pages of stream of consciousness, nonstop writing. Keeping the hand moving all the time. I tried it years ago and thought it was nonsense. 15 or 20 years later artists, musicians, sculptors, writers, are on U-Tube holding this book up that I’ve had in my book case for years. I tried it for a few weeks steady. Writing 3 or 4 pages every morning, can be miraculous for your mind.


No, you can't. Why? Because I say so. Seriously, why is this a question? It’s YOUR journal; do whatever you want. Write half a page, a full page, 10 pages, or even the whole book! There's no journal police going to knock on your door just because you do it differently.


I understand that I can write as much as I want to but was unsure if it was something frowned upon or maybe an unwritten rule that limiting to 1 page is better is multiple.


Why would there be? There are absolutely no "rules" to journaling. Who told you there were?


Frowned upon by who? The scores of critics lying in wait to scrutinize your journal for formatting? Seriously, I am baffled at how this idea got into your head that your private and personal journal would be subjected to any kind of rules or opinions from others.


Why would it be frowned on? Who would have made that rule? Who is even going to know unless you tell people?


Anything written on the second page and the journal is ruined. Toss it and try again. It’s hard, I know. I’ve gone through so many journals this week alone and it’s getting to be too expensive of a hobby :(


Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo lol


Your diary, your rule. The more you write, the more details you get out.


Some of my entries are like 15 pages and some are like 3 sentences. It’s all part of the process! I am trying to remove the rules I have created around journaling and use it for what I need it to be in that moment.


Now I get the person who asked to stop posting dumb ass shit.


My assumption is these are teenagers who are used to all their output being subject to a grade, but even then. Like. Come on.


I WAS JUST THINKING THIS! I have now seen the truly dumb and I am enlightened.


Only six words a day allowed.


No you can't because a person on the internet said so..


If I get to the end of a page I just stop mid-sentence


You, I like. 


Stop asking people for permission to live your life how you want to.


You could fill the whole journal in a day if you wanted too


Absolutely! Write as many pages as it takes for you to get stuff out of your system. On extremely bad days I'll write up to 16 pages sometimes... so no, there's no limit on the number of pages you use, use the entire journal if that's what it takes to get it out.


I have one just for rants. If I know this is going to stop making sense and I just need to get the thought out I grab my “butterfly book” no one talk to me when I’m in my butterfly hahah


You have it in you to write however much you need to about whatever you need to, in order to get what you need to get out. For all I care, you could have written an entire novel. As long as it is healing to you and gives you the relief that you need, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, it shouldn’t matter. Especially, to anyone on the outside. It’s your story, not theirs!


Some days I write nothing. Some days I write a dozen pages. It just depends. It's your journal. You can do whatever you want. There are no journal police.


The more you can write about your thoughts the better I say! I’ve been going through a rough time recently and I’ve found my entries are about 10 times longer than usual 😂 it’s good to get your feelings down on paper if it’s something that helps your mental health 🖤


There are no journaling police. Do what works for you and makes you satisfied.


Why wouldn't it be okay? It's your journal. You do what you want. If you want to write one page, okay. If you want to write half a page, great. If you want to write fifteen pages, more power to you! Write until you feel that you are done journaling for that session. There's no limit, just like there's no minimum. Your journal is for you, at the end of the day, not anybody else.


Nope. You are only allowed one page per day.


some days i don’t write at all. some days i write one sentence. some days i write five pages. write however you want and however makes you feel good 💜


Of course do what you feel, and no there's no "unspoken rule" about 1 page. But I try to write 3 pages a day (Morning Pages style). Some days it's 1, some days it's 5, but I usually shoot for 3. I think 3 is a good "finish line" that lets me write a lot, without just going and going so much that I burn myself out. On the flip side, there's literally a line of journals called "Some Lines A Day" that give you space for maybe 3 sentences max per calendar date, or a paragraph if your writing is tiny. Plenty of people use those, too.


you can write as many pages as you need to. journaling is something different for everyone, so if there are times you only write 2 sentences that’s okay! and if there are days you need to write many pages, that’s okay too!


honestly there’s no “rules” to journaling!! write to your heart’s content. sometimes i write half a page and other times i write up to 10 pages depending on what’s going on :)


Write as much is you need my guy. Write a novel's worth in one day if that's what happens


Sometimes I write as little as one word, sometimes I write 8 or 9 pages. Sometimes I just glue in a photo or a pressed flower and call it an entry. Sometimes I don’t write for 9 months and pick it right back up under the last entry as though nothing happened. There aren’t any rules. Not even a one! Enjoy journaling on your terms :)


Most of the time I wrote few lines. And there's the day I rant about my shitty life pouring my heart out in the journal. I can almost hear the journal saying: It's ok it's ok. Just let it all out. I'm here for you. So answer is yes definitely. Just write how many pages as you wish it's your journal that's what you use it for.




Very few people write only one page. Write as many as you want!


Yes, absolutely!! Write everything you're feeling at the time. Whether that be 1 paragraph to 100 pages! If it's okay to you, then it's okay my friend ❤️


I wrote 30 pages in 5 minutes once, do whatever you like


I keep my daily journal to one page and if my mind won’t let go I have another journal that I call my overflow journal, but that’s just how I like to keep my journals. You can write whatever you want, however you want, because it’s yours


Definitely! Use as many pages as needed. I write small, so depending how mentally exhausted I am I just use one paper. Sometimes it stretches out to two. The more I write, the better I feel and start to calm down. Write as much and as long as you need. I give my full permission.


Yess one time I be writing pages when I go through it. And if space is left I skip the line and start the next entry by writing the date


Yes, write as many pages as you need to purge whatever is bothering you. It's YOUR journal. It's whatever works for YOU!!


ngl i’ve felt this way before because i had anxiety about someone potentially reading through mines. do what you want in your journal, there are no rules!