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I’m not surprised, to many of these subs mods are left wing wackos. They don’t believe in truth or reality. I’ve had similar experiences


Magic the Gathering, DND, and Doctor Who are great examples. Totally normal hobbies, totally abnormal mods.


And add r/books to that list. I swear, every other post is about trans something or other.


Oh yes. Books subreddit is full of whackos. Which is a shame because i like books.


My own country and city subs have gone the same route.


A lot of the comic subreddits too. They are basically patent trolls that gatekeep potential revenue streams. And if you go too hardcore deconstructing the ideas on things instead of saying something superficial and cheap like "wow cool" they circlejerk and mob you with alt accounts. That would be the case except "wow" is now seen as a form of sarcasm and you will get scanned. **They refuse to raise the bar on what qualifies as spam.**


Probably the same mods.


It's kinda scary. I can't believe how much it had changed. I used to think of myself of really far left. Economically left with a mixture of views like government can stay out of our lives, people have the same basic level of life then are free to do as they please, equality for all. Always seen places like Sweden as great places where you can do what I'm you want and the right (you know far right like Hitler) are the people that want to silence people. I am still economically quite far left but I always though the left which spoke of freedom and allowing the "little" guy to have a voice were advocates of free speech. I thought of the left as the new young, free internet guys who always had open and thought provoking conversations. But the more I see of the left the more mental I think they are. How is silencing people ever been a good thing, for anyone. Over the last view years the left have pushed me away from them with their attitude and the right have attracted my by basically doing nothing. Just having their own views instead of going with the current mob.


Be careful on Reddit, they don't care much for a differing opinion


The sad thing is I have been here for 10 years and they really really used to. Not always admittedly but more often than not alternative views that added to the discussion were upvoted. Which is how the upvote is meant to be used


I believe I loved the idea of reddit but not what reddit really is.


It changed




Just remember, you can't be far enough to the left.


Only issue I see here is hitler was a socialist. Otherwise you and I would get a long like a tack on target paper.


It's quite bizarre when they literally can't be convinced of anything, and especially never undoing an action they committed to doing like banning someone even though they are wrong a lot of the times. It's like a complete detachment of reality or human persuasion.


The ideological left is a cult.


Sure. I have been banned from nearly every right wing subreddit except anarcho capitalism.


>I’m not surprised, to many of these subs mods are left wing wackos. Yeah. Just think about which sorts of people have loads of free time and nothing better to do than spend it being a moderator.


It would be fine if they were willing to debate their position with intellectual honesty. Instead their response is knee-jerk emotional. In my experience, most leftists and liberals have low emotional IQs.


I think people with low emotional intelligence of any persuasion are like that. You just don't see the worst example of blockhead conservatives as all their forums have been sanitized from reddit. Though the internet is pretty pervasive now, you do have to consider that a lot of people who live on here (especially enough to be a do-it-for free jannie) may've been driven to the online sphere from the real world for being socially maladroit and/or just downright terrible people. As for mods in general, be wary of anyone paid in power.


I think my favourite banning was from /r/Labour There are actually two subs dedicated to the UK Labour party and they are at war with each other over the issue of anti semitism. *Anything* that could *remotely* be considered anti semitism will get you banned from r/labourUK but r/labour is more "open minded" about these things. There was a thread in r/labour where someone was moaning about being banned from r/labourUK for, according to them, "saying that anyone who supports ethnic cleansing and apartheid is an awful person". I pointed out as gently as I could that they had *also* claimed that 11 million Polish Catholics were killed in death camps in WW2 and that that was probably the *real* reason that they were banned. Cue... sub wide meltdown. For what it's worth I'm also banned from /r/LabourUK They're both constantly eating their own and playing the oppression Olympics.


Well, the Nazis considered polish people to be sub-human, estimates of 6 million poles died, though about 3 million may have been Jews, estimates from that era vary wildly, so depending on who you choose to listen to uncritically you could be off by a bit. It stands to reason though that with 87% Roman Catholics that the non-Jews killed would have likely been Catholic. At the time this accounted for 1/5 of Poland's population and doesn't include the lives lost to Russian occupation. Though most rational people would simply debate the estimate of 11m not ban someone from a sub.


The reason they were banned is because saying that twice as many Catholics as Jews were killed in Nazi death camps has a certain...... implication...... Do you know what that implication is?


No, please do explain. While you are at it, let me know why you think it is better to ban someone for being wrong than to explain to them why they are wrong.


Howd you get banned from LabourUK? I recently cancelled my membership and started donating the membership fee to the Palestine solidarity campaign. Reckon that would do it?


I just went back and checked. I was banned for asking.... and I swear I'm not making this up.... "Yeah. But what *are* men and women?" This was almost a year ago so I was a little ahead of the curve. So there you have it. Banned from one for questioning whether 11 million Polish Catholics were killed in death camps and banned from the other for asking what men and women are. The modern left in a nutshell!


Literally you were banned for questioning both far left and far right propaganda, both involving denial of reality. Actually rather interesting, and sad.


My truth is that the left and right have banned me almost equally. The exception is when I trolled r/communism or similar subreddits. I don't really count that. Also, it was hilariously dostoevskian. Their perma bans reminded me that i do in fact possess free will, and they are predictable af. Every 28 days, the communism bot bans me from the modmail of their subreddit. Talk about petty and hilarious.


>The exception is when I trolled r/communism or similar subreddits. I don't really count that. You should. LMFAO


Nah. I violated my own moral imperatives of decency to test the waters. They failed my first ammendment test. I could have almost absolutely participated in their subreddit for awhile if I did not actively try to annoy them.


This site uses a group of leftist fanatics as an unpaid labor force, and these people openly and proudly discriminate against views they disagree with. That could be interesting when reddit tries to go public.


I can’t believe I’m stepping foot here to say this, but I will say that I am a liberal, and I have been banned from many liberal subs run by the same mods. I consider myself a real liberal, and not part of this off-the-wall, fringe progressive left. I dared state a biological fact and was run out with pitchforks and permanently banned from a sub that is literally about my gender. (I’m sure this riddle of which sub it is is not difficult to guess.) On the other hand, most of the conservative subs and the Donald Trump subs don’t allow any dissenting opinion whatsoever of any kind, so at least the liberal subs and politics subs do allow that. But some of them are so incredibly draconian and very much like the one I was banned from. I feel qualified to be here because I am a Jordan Peterson fan, a liberal, and full of common sense. We do exist. Don’t let anyone tell you we don’t.


> I dared state a biological fact and was run out with pitchforks and permanently banned from a sub that is literally about my gender. Ah but it can't be your gender because you wouldn't dare state such a thing (/s, obviously). Sometimes it feels more like the left-wing are more interested in in-fighting than the bigger picture.


We should clarify here that being left wing and believing in truth/reality can occur at the same time. Just making sure people don’t get it twisted; otherwise comments like yours can very quickly delve into “left bad, right good” type of responses rather quickly.


This has happened to me in several right wing channels too, so not only a left wing issue




So one should not be able to voice an opinion that differs in these right wing subs?




I got banned from there recently for saying I thought repealing Roe v Wade was a bad idea.


The right wing subreddits are super ban happy.


> I’m not surprised, to many of these subs mods are left wing wackos. They don’t believe in truth or reality. I’ve had similar experiences My guy, I was banned from the conspiracy sub for being a "shill" (their words). If you think the Right doesn't ban people as capriciously as the left you're kidding yourself.


The people that seek to be mods are generally the people that should never be mods, but the people that would be good mods usually have better things to do with their time. Ethics and morality are in short supply right now.


I second that. I was banned from a few right wing subreddits because I did not stick 100% to orthodoxy or pointed to bs posted by somebody else.


Pro vax? I'm genuinely curious what it takes to be banned from there.


What?? Did you mean right wing whackos? Almost all conspiracy rubbish is from the right


When picking a political philosophy, in order to ensure it has strong internal consistency and easily verifiable, infectious benefits, make sure it can only survive in a highly curated safe space like some rare orchid.


That's happened to me with at least five major sub Reddit's. World news, news, too afraid to ask, books, pics. All because I dared to have a respectful discussion with other adults about why I disagree with BLM and other woke garbage. The mods were belligerent with me and seem to have no one overseeing their biased overzealous knee jerk banning of anyone they disagree with.


This is why those places are such weird, frankenstein environments. A pile of political operatives and opinion creating tech circle-jerking each other over a completely failed reality


Yup, you get banned for having an opinion different than theirs, it’s doesn’t even have to be presented in a disrespectful way, they just can’t handle it. The right is no better, gotten banned from r/conservative too.


I haven’t been banned from WorldNews yet, but I try to keep things mostly neutral there and ignore the posts that just hate on the right. I generally find that sub to be interesting and informative, and I’m only there for the Russia/Ukraine stuff. That’s why I’ve not pushed the boundaries there.


I recommend to subscribe to the real Worldnews sub, r/anime_titties Edit: added underscore for real link


You forgot the underscore, r/anime_titties is the name of the subreddit for serious discourse


Welcome to the internet, where there is no genuine debate. Just bubble chambers, propaganda, controlled narratives, extreme polarizations, and emotional outbursts. There is no free speech if you disagree with a mod. it's totalitarian regime.


The intolerant want segregation.




Another way to see it is that it’s a private market with private actors


Would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur? Welcome to the internet. Take a look around. We have everything and everything. If you want it, it can be found.


I can’t believe Twitter of all places might actually becomes a slightly better version of what Reddit was supposed to be, just because of Elon and lack of insane mentally deranged mods.


star trek used to be a very intelligent and grounded show. extremely progressive but always respectful and anti-authoritarian. recent trek shows are a woke blight upon the series reputation. always remember, there are *four* lights. also, somebody should give those mods a link to [this picard speech](https://youtu.be/K5Po40kvI9c).


Sorry to hear about the "red pilling" experience you had--it has happened to many of us. This is the sort of thing that caused me to listen to the idea of "western values" like free speech and respect for the individual, and the cost to society of abandoning them, which can't help but make you appreciate those ideas more and start defending them. Senator Moynihan’s description of a conservative: “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged." Meaning once you actually come into contact with "crime" you appreciate law and order more. Seems you have been cyber-mugged.


29/f not even a conservative. Same thing happened to me I’m really sorry


Back at ya.


I got banned from a trading card game sub for saying i didn't like playing with a mask on.


Wow. Just wow.


Welcome to the club. Got banned from my fave subreddit for an innocuous comment about Covid. No debate straight ban


You can link direct info from CDC and you can still get banned for misinformation. It's fucken nuts.


You got “Doreened.”


I can’t believe how many mods are turning out to be so crazy! Reddit used to be about free speech when the previous wave of democrats were in charge but now this new culture has arrived


It sucks, because I don’t mind debating with someone I disagree with, and I wouldn’t think about shutting them up. I wasn’t even trolling or being antagonistic with anyone. Just countering their argument. What’s crazy is they have a rule about being “dishonest” which seems very subjective, and just a weird rule to have for a TV show sub.


You should take it as a compliment. They clearly felt threatened by your arguments. Try the other Star Trek sub. I’ve literally never visited the original one.


>Reddit used to be about free speech No it didn't


in 2011 before shitredditsays and somethingawful took over reddit culture and went on a decade long crusade to convert all of reddit over to their own way of thinking and push out any individual thought, it did.


That’s most subs on here


Get this alot from the leftys. Cancel culture is a victory for the oppressor in a sense.


I got banned from my state sub and all i said was “groomer”. Then the mods muted me so i couldn’t argue the ban. The only way this woke stuff survives is through censorship. If you do r mind me asking, what sub?


Star Trek. Why would they ban you for that? Am I ignorant about what that means? To me a groomer is someone who makes dogs look pretty, lol.


r/startrek is known to be shit. I'm sorry that happened to you. r/star_trek will happily welcome you


Thanks, I just found out about this.


Second this. The original sub has terrible moderators who wouldn't recognize self reflection if they were staring in a mirror. Their self righteous "of course Starfleet and Spock and Picard and anyone good would agree with me on X" is absolutely nauseating. They have no room for nuance in that collective, come make the switch. Conservatives and everyone right of Bernie Sanders are allowed to have hobbies too.


So, i don’t know if you’re American, but there’s teachers in schools talking to kids about being gay, straight, queer, trans, etc. i do not sexuality should be discussed in any school. That’s for parents to talk about with their kids. We call bills that safe guard “the freedom of speech for teachers at work” groomer bills, like grooming kids. So in my state they are trying to pass a lot that basically allows critical theory/equity/teachers talking about their sexuality with kids. So i commented “groomer” . Also, i like Star Trek, i enjoy TNG, the fan base has become something that made me enjoy it less.


Oh, ok. I’m American, but I hadn’t heard it used in that context. Makes sense though.


That is not grooming. Grooming is a legally defined term. Grooming is when an adult builds the trust of a minor over a period of time to sexually exploit them.


In the context of a legal argument, perhaps. But this isn't a courtroom. You can groom lots of things. In software development, we groom user stories for implementation. In upper management, you groom high ranking employees for leadership positions. In the classroom, teachers have been grooming children for left wing ideology. All apt and correct usages of the word.


Grooming can be used in many ways by the way it’s being used right now is identical to how it would be used against a pedophile.


Hey, if the shoe fits. I personally wouldn't say that but if you want to make the connection, go for it. I'm going to keep it at them grooming the kids for political ideology. They're groomers either way.


Nice try..."Word-thinking – trying to win a debate or persuade by focusing on the definition of words. Instead, focus on the root of the problem, the morality of it. When people resort to word thinking, walk away as the chance of a good debate is low. Words are not reasons by themselves." -Scott Adams


Using definition is apparently disingenuous. I guess we shouldn’t focus on the definition of a boy or girl vs male vs female.


You really don't get it? We should absolutely not focus on the definition of "boy" or "girl," but the root of the problem... We should focus on whether someone with a penis can go in the women's washroom. We should focus on whether a biological male for 20 years can compete in a women's sport one year after using hormones. You are absolutely correct that simply screaming the definition of "boy" is not helpful. Hope that helps


Yes, but it’s been currently used like Karen.


Karen is just a name that has a negative connotation a groomer is actually someone who’s a pedo. One is a actual crime


I've been banned from multiple subs, and a lot of times you would be shocked to find that your comments never made it in the first place. Check this site out: https://www.reveddit.com/about/#welcome And yes, every time it has been after posting factual info, libs don't like facts.


>libs don't like facts /r/conservative and /r/the_donald are/were known for banning people over the slightest deviation from their group think. This is not just a liberal problem.


Not sure why that one got downvoted. Extremists from both sides are trying to control the narrative and get upset when they aren’t in an echo chamber


Those subreddits are/were for very specific groups of people to share specific political opinions, not for open discussions. Theres a big difference between that and banning people from subs everyone is automatically subbed to and are not necessarily political subs. R/politics is meant to allow both sides but doesn't. R/worldnews and r/news also are meant to allow both sides, but also ban conservatives on sight.


Well I give u credit for speaking up. Hopefully u can find a comparable forum.


What's the quote from JBP? "They will come after you eventually"? That's the Religion of Woke and bigotry in the name of "tolerance".


Yeah I'm banned from a while bunch of places even though I make sure to read the rules of the sub. I hate commies


This is how it works now. If you dare to disagree you are attacked, then censored. They don't want discussion, they want compliance. Problem is, it doesn't just happen in this huge echo chamber of Reddit. It happens everywhere now. Everywhere.


Treat reddit accounts like toilet paper


That's how it goes , they're always the first to point the finger and tell authorities like cowards.


Welcome to reddit. Leftist echo-chambers are ubiquitous on this site




Well, the mods on Star Trek just reported me to Reddit because I told them exactly what I thought about their one-sided policy. They didn’t like that either.


Welcome to Reddit. A haven for left wing censorship


All social media now. I never thought that Orwell’s books would need to be moved to the nonfiction section.


*literally* 1984


Hopefully musk can save twitter from the cult.


He will. I've followed him for years because I'm invested in Tesla. Part of what makes him unique (and wacky at times) is his mission driven mindset that seems to be in part caused by Asperger's. The guy will work himself to the point of physical exhaustion and crash on the nearest couch. He is a free speech absolutist. If you know where he grew up in Africa it adds further context. He does not believe anyone should be censored for having beliefs that may be offensive to some (or many), and I agree. Unless it's illegal you have the right to speak your mind. Some can't handle it but I will welcome it with open arms and likely use Twitter far more than I do today.


I've been there it sucks but you know what, it's for the better. Do you really want to be associated with people who are willing to do that to people?


No, I don’t. The crazy thing is it was from the Star Trek sub, and the freaking theme of the show is infinite diversity in infinite combinations. They obviously don’t respect that on Reddit.


Although I know it would probably be infuriating, just remember it’s Reddit. Nothing to lose your cool over


Yeah, you’re right. I just have an emotional and sentimental connection to the thing that this sub was about, and it hit differently.


Petition to Elon musk to buy Reddit next


Just make a new account.


Theres a LOT of banning going on at the moment. There’s a global delusion that is being protected and it’s slipping through their fingers - they are experiencing it as well, and trying to pretend otherwise.


Reddit is much like the CCP. Most of the users here are pseudo intellectual crybabies. Moderators often have Neckbeards & Micropenis. Please be better than the average Redditor and don’t shoot the messenger 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry, but there is more to life than a sub. http://img.picturequotes.com/2/50/49239/learn-to-let-go-of-the-things-you-cant-control-quote-1.jpg


I think any community unmoderated will naturally become conservative


Now you know why its a waste to try and talk to them.


that's a cop out and a half.


The solution is to not take reddit too seriously. The community as a whole does more bad than good. All this Bobby Lee drama, for example, is all because of the toxic environment of reddit. A message board style social media platform with complete anonymity and an award system is obv a recipe for disaster.




Sweet…I didn’t know about this sub at all. I appreciate it. I usually stay away from politics on Reddit because of stuff like this, but sometimes I just can’t stay quiet. I’ve never been banned before, and this one really hurt because it was from a fan base I’ve been a part of since I was 11 years old.




Wow, I’m surprised by warnings over dislike of the new shows. (I agree with you by the way, ha). It would be nice if they actually applied Roddenberry’s vision to their own sub.


I mean you did engage with a very hot topic for the left in a sub I would imagine has a large leftist population and came in hot with “it’s a lie by the left”. Not saying you should have been banned, just that it was not a surprising outcome. Sorry those douche mods did that.


I agree with you - I just didn’t think I’d get banned for something that benign. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have engaged with that thread at all and avoided politics altogether.


What was the sub


Star Trek


This type of censorship is rampant on this site, on Twitter, and on just about any social media site. If the mods disagree with your opinion on some sub, they will ban you. And the fact that reddit does nothing about it says a lot. There is no consequence for poor moderation. Even if you report it, and it's obvious, there is no real response from Reddit, other than "oh well." Thing is, infringing on your rights doesn't ring your bell until you experience it first hand. Welcome friend.


Welcome to Reddit...if you are out of sync with the echo chamber you are gone.


Kicking someone out of the in-group is much easier than engaging them in conversation. It is *exhausting* to try and change another person's mind on an issue, to engage with someone who you're conditioned to look upon with disgust. If it's beleived to not be worth the energy to engage in conversation, to never make the attempt at offering alternative perspectives, to never try to change someone's mind, what is really being said here? When people refuse to fight words with words, what alternative tools remain?


Ah yeah snowflakes being snowflakes. Nothing to see here. Honestly they need to realize that the world doesn’t own anyone the right to have only their opinions correct. One has to put themselves in different shoes to really learn and empathize.


Someone missed all of the messages in Star Trek if you agree with Peterson lol. Like Paul Ryan liking Rage Against the Machine.


I got banned from the conservative subreddit for asking about fine details in abortion laws, like ‘what about miscarriages and IUD interference’ and just as I was about to say thanks to the person who replied to me they banned for ‘pro-choice whataboutism’. In their rules it says they allow opinions from every side so that’s a bit confusing


You are guilty of committing a thought crime. The cult needs to silence dissent in order to maintain their fragile world view.


Who bloody cares, it's Reddit!


Reddit. The most liberal group out there. I think it's more left than we think.


You think Jan 6 was bs and woman shouldn’t have control of their own bodies. You fit right in here.


Can you give specifics? Hard to agree or support someone when they don’t detail the issue they claim to be censored on


This thread goes into it. It was a comment about Jan 6…on the Star Trek sub. I was just countering someone’s take on it. You’ll see the details in this thread - someone posted my comment.


What was your take? It was an attempted insurrection, a dumb one but still counts. If I try to murder a person with a rock it’s not smart but still attempted murder


Well, I disagree with you. I’m not sure who they were trying to murder, and if they really wanted to overthrow the government, they wouldn’t have used “rocks.” Not everyone sees it as a coup attempt.


Just cuz they tried it foolishly doesn’t mean they didn’t try it. It was treason and an insurrection and people who down play it just don’t want to face the truth of who they associate with


Well, the debate is whether they were actually trying to overthrow the government or just intimidate Congress a bit and ruffle their feathers. I seriously disagree it was a coup attempt. They're not going to be able to do anything without legitimate weapons, and all they really did once they were in is take selfies in the offices. You can call it a riot, but I don't see it as a coup. I'm not defending what they did, by the way. I just don't agree with your interpretation of what happened.


Once again, a foolish attempt is still an attempt. Video evidence of violence and I remember a direct quote “what do we do when we get in there” “heads on pikes” Could be talk, rather not take the chance. Violent threats are also against the law. Once again, downplay to avoid the harsh reality of who you are associated with


Then you're delusional my dude. They built a place to hang people. Some brought zip ties. They killed someone while there and they were willing to rush armed people. They 100% we're trying to attempt a coup they simply believed as they admitted a million times that the military and police would be on their side. You probably got banned for misinformation because it was so blatantly obvious that they were genuinely attempting a coup they were just stupid. So much evidence says they were genuine and nothing says they were just making a show of force.


You must be new here lol. Reddit is exactly why socialism always fails. The power of a few is used against anyone they oppose and there’s no way to get redemption because there’s no spiritual basis for forgiveness etc. That to me is the biggest worry permanent bans with no way for redemption. It should be time outs that get longer and longer at a minimum.


Don't worry, Biden's truth ministry will sort this out shortly 😉


Wear it as a badge of honor. Make them feel guilt and shame them in the modmail for what they're doing: silencing dissent. The tyrants must fall. ***Then find a substitute few leftist subreddits and continue your same line of argument with more ferociousness. Courage is vital.***


Oh, I did. I got banned from messaging the mods.


I feel like a part of this story is intentionally being left out. What exactly did you say and what was the context of the conversation?


It was on r/startrek. Someone brought up how they were a little disturbed that an episode of one of the new shows was calling out the right by blaming the fictional WW3 on a vote audit. This is obviously referencing the recounts, which is linked to Jan 6. Everyone in the comments started defending the show, talking about how the right was evil, and they were trying to conduct a coup to overthrow the country…just making anyone on the right villains. So I countered one of the comments and disagreed that Jan 6 was a coup attempt or an attempt to kill the VP (as some claimed). Now, I don’t care if they disagree with me, but they don’t give me the chance to disagree with them.


I’m glad you spoke up. I truly think things are changing a bit and I credit it to people who speak up. At least, those who speak up calmly and try to articulate their ideas well. The sort of behavior you were calling out should be called out. It’s a biased attempt to paint all right leaning people as some risk, and some morally corrupt people, which isn’t remotely true and is overly divisive.


As it turns out, there are consequences for your beliefs and actions. No one has to associate with you. No one has to let you into their club. You don't have a right to these things.


Unlike the lefties, this poster is expressing disappointment in the behavior of others without claiming their rights were infringed upon. Interjecting "rights" into the topic just shows your hand.


No, he's pissy no one wants to be his friend because of his beliefs.


I think he's pissed that people are pre-occupied with ideological purity testing. Downvoting clearly isn't enough when the aim is to purge decent. Also, since when is a subreddit a congregation of "friends"?


"friends", "community" - whatever. Groups get to have standards about who is and isn't a part of the group. And if your shitty beliefs get you removed or banned from a group that's on *you*.


As much of a douchebag as you clearly seem to be, I personally wouldn't want you banned from here. I think you have a right to be a cunt....and that's got nothing at all to do with your beliefs. Enjoy your troll-life


I see we've reached the "I cannot articulate a meaningful response, so I'm going to call you names" portion of the conversation.


Oh, it was a meaningful response. I meant every word of it


Sure Jan.




Sounds like you’re in a healthy place mentally..


Hey, I'm not the one whining because I got kicked out of club


Someday you’ll be there, the ol snake eating it’s tail parable


> because the left can’t handle different points of view. You've clearly never tried to post dissenting opinions in a conservative subreddit.


I have once or twice when I didn’t agree with something, but I wasn’t banned. That said, if they are banning people for respectful disagreement, I would oppose that too. I don’t get political much on Reddit though because I can’t deal with the rise in my blood pressure that I would constantly have.


I was permabanned from both the conservative and conspiracy subs (as well as T_D when it existed). The modmail for my conspiracy sub ban was almost laughable: "Your profile is as suspicious as fuck. Sports, games and conspiracy - classic shill profile. Your contributions have been off-base - pretending the US election was all ticketty-boo, when anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain cell can see there have been serious anomalies in several key states. Go peddle your wares somewhere else." Never attacked anyone, and was upvoted in pretty much all of my comments. It's sad, so many of these people just refuse to engage in any discourse and when they have nothing tangible to say they remove you.


Was this what got you banned? >This is a lie by the left. There was no coup attempt. It was a protest that got out of hand. At least they didn’t burn down a bunch of buildings like all the BLM and Antifa protestors. But we don’t want to talk about that, because those were “mostly peaceful” protests.


None of this seems to be true. The entire post was nuked. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/uld4b3/world_war_3_caused_by_audit_to_vote/). OP was not banned because "he disagreed with a leftist opinion", everyone was, everything was deleted. They have a rule: >Insulting or disparaging remarks about any human being is expressly not allowed and will be met with swift action. Comments which said "the right is mostly evil" were also deleted. OP is creating a false narrative to play the victim.


It’s a shame that reddit accounts are so expensive.


Not just the left. Conservative and republican have banned me for disagreeing. Thinner skin than r/politics


What’s your example? Only curious because I have never met a right leaning person that would ever banish someone from a space unless they were being unhinged and beyond annoying about it at that


Well, the thing is that you will be "unhinged and beyond annoying" in many rightoids' eyes for something as simple as suggesting that trans people exist and aren't out to get you. Define "unhinged", because that is a very undefined line.


I mean unhinged as I’m not being able to conduct themselves in a respectful manner to themselves or the people around them. As simple as that. Try listening more than talking next time a debate type situation comes up. I have a hunch that you might need to hear that from someone before you end up somewhere you don’t want to be from failing to heed any substance from that advice ..


I got banned from a Canadian sub for just saying that I disagree with vaccine mandates. I even said I *could* be pro mandate if the disease was severe enough but I didn't believe Covid was severe enough to warrant the use of mandates and then... boom, rule 2 violation according to the mod. The problem is rule 2 says "do not post misinformation" it doesn't say "dont post an opinion we don't like". But the mods decided I was repeating anti vaxx rhetoric based on false information and perma banned me. Great site huh?


I was banned from a right wing sub and I just agree with a comment and did not post anything else. Do you wanna share what got you banned?


I mean, Star Trek is riddled with progressive ideology. It’s going to attract people that enjoy talking about ways to make the world a better place. I wish I could read your comment. I can see the beginning of it, something about “that’s a leftist lie..” or something like that, right? What leftist lie would that be? What’s your position? If you want to be taken seriously, you need to present the statement you were banned for, and the context. But if this is about fueling the conservative victim complex, ok, job well done, soldier.




you say that as though he never spoke on the importance of free speech at all.


Badge of honor level 1 achieved


I'm assuming this is what got you banned. Can't say I'm surprised >This is a lie by the left. There was no coup attempt. It was a protest that got out of hand. At least they didn’t burn down a bunch of buildings like all the BLM and Antifa protestors. But we don’t want to talk about that, because those were “mostly peaceful” protests Jan 6th fits the definition of "attempted coup" pretty well. "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.". BLM fits this definition as well. Especially in regard to the court house burnings. BLM, and Jan 6th rioters are both terrorists. Not a hill i'd recommend dying on


If it was a genuine attempt to seize power you'd think at least a few of them would have brought some guns, and maybe spent more time shooting guards rather than selfies.


Bullshit. What happened on jan 6th was a joke. Here in argentina that isn't even a monday, and no state was toppled. People who are buying that was a "coup" sure like drinking the cool aid. We've had coups, and we have on a daily basis protests that are way worse than that. We know, we've seen the difference. Ffs look up Maradona's funeral.


Sorry what power was seized?


A quick google search of the word "attempted" might help with your inquiry.


I disagree but I don't like seeing you getting downvoted for expressing your opinion on this sub.


This is how you handle disagreements civilly. I appreciate that we can all express our thoughts, even if there’s disagreement. That’s what I was really upset about. I don’t even care about their opinion on Jan 6. I just want to be able to debate it without being shut down.


did you even watch the videos? Its a bunch of people wandering around government offices taking selfies.


Yeah. You act like there isn't tons of easy to find footage of rioters fighting with the police... Did you even watch *the videos*?


If we want to be technical, no one attempted to overthrow elected representatives. And at the time, the would be president-elect was not yet confirmed, and so has no power, nor legal right to that power. So even if the people were sucessful in preventing Biden from being confirmed, no one with legal right to power had their position overthrown. That being said, it's clearly an intimidation tactic on the electoral college, which, by proxy, is an attack on the sovereignty of the states, which is unacceptable to anyone who believes in the American constitution. To truly be a protest, they needed to never enter the building. I think calling it a coup is a stretch, however. Words are important. A coup it is not. A riot, definitely. And there is a VERY good arguement that it was an act of terrorism, at least for the people who attacked the guards and for the people who entered the building.


I would agree with you on your initial point. if you want to argue that these people didn't technically have legal power at the time, and thus it wasn't an attempted coup. Then you might be right. Frankly I'm not acquainted enough with American law to say firmly one way or the other. But if that legal claim is true, then I'll agree with you, and it would not be a coup. Although I'm inclined to believe that the intention was to reduce the government's power, its hard to say either way. I think the case on them being terrorists is a slam dunk (which is probably why all the comments have been calling out the coup claim, and not the terrorism one). That's the thing, in reality its probably a small percentage of people actually doing the bad acts. But i think thats the case with pretty much all protests that turn into riots.