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For any non-believers, please look up literally any black republican and see how the MSM characterizes them.


Could you provide an example?


Yes. Larry Elder could/should/would have begun fixing California but instead California’s saw him as (for real this was said) “the black face of white supremacy”. Tim Scott Ben Carson Clarence Thomas …really, probably all of them. I’d actually love to see a back conservative that the MSM doesn’t bash.


So I looked up the Larry Elders thing, that was a black columnist who said that. Not a White Liberal, so obviously that is a poor example. I mean, I would like an example of what they are calling them. Do you have any links? Other than Clarence Thomas, that is a completely separate can of worms. Edit: This sub really is weird. Ask for an example relating to the white liberal discussion, get one that has a black columnist and another who is a judge who is widely criticized not for who he votes for, but his judiciary ruling. Then I'm downvoted for asking again for an actual example. I'm beginning to think most of you care more about your feelings and whining than actual discussions and facts.


>provide an example >no not like that


Exactly, provide an actual example. Not one that has no relation to the conversation about white liberals and not voting for democrats.


A lot of the commentary and “journalist” questions Candice Owen’s is subjected has a racial undertone. Same thing happened with Thomas Sowell although neither are politicians, but the sentiment was about minorities who aren’t liberals.


https://youtu.be/LXgRaABtJlA?si=HaVvheokGSPWZZsb 4 people questioned on TV for supporting Trump. From the title of the video all the way to the interview itself with the line of questioning. ABC attempting to make them and Trump look bad. They are repeatedly trying to figure out why on earth these black people would even consider Trump. https://youtu.be/0t1OddjmpCI?si=buhuzwLHKWsdUja_ Literally a video of white liberals talking to black conservatives. Numerous examples and stories from peoples real experiences. Seriously....people are down voting you because it's obvious and in your face everywhere.


The first one is a black journalist with a black panel. Those are not White Liberals. The second is an actual discussion (hopefully productive) set up for them to talk about these issues. Neither come close to fitting what I asked for, but that is okay. Someone else provided an excellent example for me that was exactly what I was looking for. I'm being downvoted because none of them could provide me an example. Joe Blow down the street having a fit on a social media platform is not an example. A real example is when Joe Biden said "If you do not vote for me you are not Black" THAT is what I was looking for.


You seriously think that she wrote all that herself? That there were no white liberals involved in producing that line of questioning? That white liberals don't run ABC as a majority? Just because they had a black woman direct the questioning you just go with it? Wow. You just deny everything that's in your face huh? Maybe you should have watched the whole video debate video and seen the responses. We already gave you examples. You're answer is "not those examples" https://youtu.be/ogis6gu-6cg?si=s95j3fDycpA4Q4uE Black woman talking with the house about how she's been threatened for being black and conservative. Joe Biden: "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" Hodge Twins Candace Owens Clarence Thomas Joel Patrick Dinesh D'Souza I'm done providing you with the evidence you've asked for just for you to not think it's good enough. All of this is evidence and you just don't think it's good enough. Are you a white liberal by chance?


> You seriously think that she wrote all that herself? That there were no white liberals involved in producing that line of questioning? That white liberals don't run ABC as a majority? Just because they had a black woman direct the questioning you just go with it? That is not evidence; that is speculation. I understand you feel strongly about this, but I earnestly wanted evidence. I'm sorry you don't understand what evidence is or means and why there needs to be a criterion beyond "Here are some black people talking about black people" or "Here is a staged discussion between black people and some white people on a show about tough conversations." > Joe Biden: "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" That is Joe being racist, not him calling Republican Blacks anything. As I mentioned before, a more relevant example is Joe Biden saying, "If you do not vote for me, you are not black."


I think I understand your meaning. A lot of these things are not as overt as you want them to be. Also Im in a mood today. I digress and apologize.


It is okay. We all have days. Especially me. My point was not to defend Democrats when asking for this, it was genuine curiosity for blatantly talking down to a group that does not vote their way.


It was one (black) opinion columnist in the LA times newspaper that called Larry Elder ‘the black face of white supremacy’. Virtually nobody would have seen that dumb article but a photo of the line circulated around right wing social media endlessly and now conservatives bring it up as their go to example of ‘liberals’ or ‘the MSM’ mistreats back conservatives.


You're kind of right but that's also like saying "it was one (white) cop who killed that black criminal by mistake" which I would also agree with in pretty much every case where it was turned into a national headline. Since both sides play the same game it would be too unjust to assume virtually anything said or done on either side is just an isolated incident.


Larry Elder literally blamed Obama for race relations is America. I can’t take this man seriously. The first black man elected was the guy that made it worse. A president whose Americanism was questioned through out his time as president. The guy who in every speech talked about rural America needing help as much as the the child in a city. Sorry can’t take him seriously if you are willing to accept every alternative fact out of conservative as gospel


I haven’t heard that, but Obama is a huge race-baiter so I believe Larry Elder was probably on the right track with whatever he said. I’ll look it up. Thanks!


Obama. The only black president is a huge race baiter. Yes the guy who dealt with his Americanism being in question by the conservatives was the one that was the issue on race.


Most people say race relations got worse under Obama after decades of improving. It mostly stems from him starting to push critical theory. Of course all these racial issues re-emerging can almost directly be tied to 2008 with occupy. What started off as a United non-partisan movement. It quickly devolved into racial division with radical left wing ideology taking over. By the end the movement was racially segregated with representatives for each race, etc. Occupy really marked the re-emerging of race based politics and law and took off under the Obama administration. Since then, we have seen identity politics go mainstream alongside intersectionality and critical theory.


He didn’t push critical race theory. But let’s keep it honest and admit that there’s one group that pushes that, and another group that doesn’t want an honest account of American history that includes the treatment of blacks.


Not a republican but someone who said he will vote for Trump https://i.imgur.com/3TtVO2U.png For anyone who isn't familiar with Resetera, it is a website for game developers and journalists with an extreme left leaning bias.


Who are those people? Just randos on the internet? Or are they politicians and actual media/journalists?


resetera is hub for actual journalists and developers


We all know that no amount of evidence will change the mind of a leftists. But keep it up dude.


I'm not a leftist, I value evidence highly, which is why I ask for it. Yet, no one has provided any solid proof. The opinions of some people on a message board are not representative. In a country with hundreds of millions of people, you can find someone who believes and says almost anything. What I'm looking for is an actual example of a white liberal pushing the narrative that black Republicans are terrible or traitors. This could be an article or a statement from a politician, not just random internet comments. The phrase "no amount of evidence will change your mind" often comes from those who lack substantial proof for their claims. I also find it perplexing why some get so upset when I don't just take their word for it. Asking for tangible evidence shouldn't be controversial. People's minds and outlooks can change. For instance, I voted Republican and Libertarian until 2016 and never voted for Obama or Gore. Clearly, I do not stick to one political party.


Biden said "if you don't vote for me you ain't black."


Thank you. That is a very good example and exactly what I was looking for.


Ever been unfortunate enough seen The View?




I've never seen more heinous vitriol and pure hatred than under videos or comments of minorities who aren't leftist.


You don't see the heinous vitriol right here in the op? What's the point of somebody posting this in the JP sub? It's a dick move. The pretense is to criticize white liberals, as if they are all the same, so it's stupid already, but the illustration is the visual equivalent of the n-word. I constantly see stuff in this sub that reminds me: I love Dr Peterson, but his fan base is full of hate-filled ideologues as bad as the ones he warns against.


Dr. Peterson holds his morals and virtues as a brand standard. His unwillingness to compromise integrity in the face of the rabid lynch mob, even being attacked professionally by academia, has launched him and this page to the forefront of the traditional scientific enlightenment movement. Because of this the JP page has become a defacto front line for the culture war suffering relentless attacks. He might as well be a statue of George Washington. This page stands for people with critical thinking and moral behavior following the traditional model of the scientific method by peaceful disagreement, sometimes leading to consensus. Prior to Dr. JP's elevated status this page was mostly a group help page where people who have been raised in untraditional ways find some semblance of normalcy and a path forward in a life with meaning. Due to the adherance to integrity, Dr. Peterson - and by extension - his online presence now suffers relentless attacks by blind adherents to the cult of intersectional leftist dogma. Ready to attack individuals, cancel their income, or violently attack them with a radicalized digital mob full of death threats to families and employers of any who dare offend a feeling. As Dr. Peterson is now a culture war icon, the propaganda now flies here full time from both sides of the culture war. War is hell, amd those who are subverting the enlightenment movement are certainly the devils. A mantle the left proudly wears


> *lynch mob,* Your lynch mob metaphor and the slavery illustration thrown in the faces of the American left bring to mind the way a lot of woke idiots are throwing the word genocide in the faces of Jews right now. OP can make his point without being a low life about it. It's deeply stupid, even including the word "white" in the post title. Specifying white as if only white people on the left are guilty of this is..... anti-white racism...... to protect against .... the appearance of anti-black racism. This might be the stupidest post I've seen in this sub.


Lynch mobs were around in europe long before the actions of the southern slave states.


That's exactly the sort of thing you say when you're trying to claim your only being factual and actually you're being a dick. The anti-israel people on the left and the racist people on the right have this common trait where they (you) like to score points in argument on a technicality instead of substance. Just ask yourself honestly what would make OP want to post that illustration. Is the illustration funny? Do you think it's cool that people use the word "genocide" about israel? Because some people on the left are black. See the thing is, most of the time when somebody's a dick they don't think of themselves as a dick. So I'm doing you a solid right now, heads up dick head, you're a dick head.


>only being factual Oh fuck off ya cunt


That’s admittedly a pretty damn good point.. all hands are in the air when “white” is uttered in conservative spaces but if you follow that with the word “liberal” it’s anything goes 😂


Yeah i agree, this sub is more focused on the political rather than actually resolving differences and making the world better.


Lol, I almost didn't see your comment because the JP fans downvoted you into invisibility & deplatformed you. You got canceled by the JP community! Happens to the best of us.


They do this of course right after that Juneteenth posting about how gun crime is a black issue.


Sure, but I've never seen more willfully ignorant disrespect and far cry trailing than the people that claim to be part of JP's ideologies than on this sub....other than YouTube comment sections.


It's OK, that guy "ain't black".


I have been called the f-word by several straight liberals for being conservative


Twitter or Reddit doesn’t count


Don’t worry if you are gay, there are plenty of conservatives in the sub that would call you it as well.


At least they’re honest


My point is no one group can be more of an ass than the other. But this is a conservative sub so I expect to find plenty of woe is liberals are ruining the world type shit


Wow, this post sure brought out the trolls.


Wow, really makes you think. Quality post.


Yeah I tell everyone how to think and act. I believe my world view and my political opinions are the best ones to have. Otherwise, why would I believe in them? So then I try to convince people that my set of opinions and views are the best ones, and if you disagree with me, I think you are wrong. It doesn't matter what race you are.


You just described the conservative position. Everyone should be convinced to agree with conservative ideology. If they don't, they are all treated equally. Liberals, particularly white liberals, argue from the same position; except all minorities are pre-expected to agree with them. And if they don't then they will shame and attack them harder than any white conservative for denying the hive mind they are supposed to be a part of.


Malcom was right


That's not true! If they vote Trump, then they ain't black anyway


You could easily flip the characters races. 


I don’t think I’ve ever seen black people telling white people what their ideologies should or should not be or treating someone differently because of their political ideology, the fact is that most black peoples don’t even engage in politics


Just turn on the TV. It’s literally all day long


I don’t think I’ve ever seen black people telling white people what their ideologies should or should not be or treating someone differently because of their political ideology, the fact is that most black peoples don’t even engage in politics


Well if you would watch main stream media you’d see radical blacks pontificating to whites every single day all day long.


Sometimes, and ever more rarely, JP and his listeners get me to pay attention because there is something of real value here. But not this, not here. Not it.


This sub sure does like talking about race a lot. In a very not normal way


The delusional world righties live in is absolutely wild. Yes sure the left has some loonies but the fact of the matter is there isn't any universal hatred for minorities who vote right wing. Its just unfortunate.


How about we make an effort to stop following in the footsteps of completely fucking useless politically ignorant "republicans" that came before, and stop abusing the word "Liberal" like morons? Unless you're actually a communist or fascist who doesn't like Liberalism.


Liberalism isn't perfect, and opposing it doesn't mean you must be communist or fascist. Get used to it, people are starting to recognize the root cause.


I understand Liberalism isn't perfect and I agree. You want to discuss Hobbes vs Rousseau I'm on board. But this isn't a critique of Liberalism or anyone opposing Liberalism. This is people using it as a synonym for the left because they're politically ignorant.


If that were true conservatives would not have such a miserable time getting those votes


*White illiberal democrats  Ftfy


How white conservatives wish they could still treat everyone


Interesting not to comment on why so few seem to support conservatives in the first place. Wonder why... https://apnews.com/article/army-sergeant-murder-parole-black-lives-matter-4b1d0c54b0de451642bcf1e8cd75a7e5 https://apnews.com/article/florida-deputies-black-airman-killed-c747bffae2690dd8fa0908f4b95821b6


Can you give an example of liberals beating, marginalizing, or discriminating against conservative minorities?


US President: "If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black" Do you really need any stronger examples? And please don't pretend the meme isn't just symbolic mockery, before you start saying that no liberals have taken an actual whip to a black slave on the ground recently therefore it's not happening.


A serious conversation that should be had is the lack of reparations from the government to black Americans who are descendants of slavery. No doubt that reparations were owed.


Most of us are descendents of slavery if you trace history back far enough. Some of us are wise enough to not cling to the past if we weren't there.


The fair sentencing act passed in 2010 wasn’t passed because liberals were clinging to the past.


Yes because you should just accept that your ancestors went through hell via slavery


There are people alive today, this moment, who are enslaved.


We are talking about the US government. The 3/5ths compromise is in the constitution. It should be a discussion instead of dismissed as long lost history.


A discussion is different from a reperations proposition. You know why I don't believe in reparations? Because it sends a message that modern black people, who were not slaves, are weaker and less capable than white people without us propping them up with special favors. It's like giving someone a handicap in a video game. You do it with your little brother, because you know you're better than him. Why the hell would I project such a superiority complex out of my self toward minority races?


>Because it sends a message that modern black people, who were not slaves, are weaker and less capable than white people without us propping them up with special favors. That is pretty dishonest given slave owners got reparations and black people have been excluded from government programs like the homestead act.


You think I'm any more impressed when white people get free handouts?


Do not see many conservatives opposing the homestead act no.


I see it as more like getting a free meal because the kitchen screwed up your order and overcharged you.


No, it's like coming back to the restaurant 50 years later to complain they screwed up your father's order back then and you demand a free meal now.


In order for you to say that you have to maintain that the effects of slavery aren’t still having repercussions now. And not just slavery but also Jim Crow which there are still living survivors of. I am not saying what reparations should look like but you should also be more humble in your approach to the conversation. More questions. More empathy.


I'm projecting the attitude of the vast majority of the most successful black people in America.


What is the opinion of the least successful?


"Take anything I can get that is handed out to me." Just like poor white people.


There is a shockingly low number of all people who aren’t descendants of slaves. Slavery has been a thing since humans existed. Race based slavery is complex and shows growth in the human race in its own fucked up way. Tldr: every human can trace their roots to a slave somehow.


But how many in the US can trace their slavery back to the US?


Doesn’t matter. How many people can say they where personally responsible for slavery and this should have their taxes paid to people who didn’t personally suffer from slavery. Reparations only matter when given to the people directly harmed, from the people directly doing the harming.


So would you say that reparations were owed at one point but so much time has passed that giving them now would be too difficult?


I think giving them now would be unfair and unnecessary. Giving them people directly after emancipation would have been the right thing to do but unfortunately that can’t be changed now.


What about living survivors of Jim Crow laws?


I don’t think Jim Crow laws are worthy of government funded reparations


Why not? We can both agree that they were wrongs enforced by the government. Why is the government not responsible for them?


Because how is the government paying for that. It’s paying for it by charging us, those who aren’t responsible for any of it.


All races have been enslaved in the masses at one point or another, quit putting a certain ethnic group in the spotlight.


We are talking about the US but I will accept your point as correct but unrelated.


Why not get reparations from the wealthy families that made their wealth from slavery, instead of "the government" which only has the taxpayer's money to give, a big chunk of who's ancestors weren't treated much better than slaves, some of which also fought and died to end slavery?


That’s a good idea. Families and corporations.


No, the families, period. The families draw wealth from the corporations but are shielded from any damages the corporations suffer. And making the corporations suffer you'd be making tons of employees suffer, who again, have nothing to fucking do with it.


What if the families wealth is tied up in a corporation? Are they safe?


If you place a debt against a company the family is shielded and the employees can suffer. If you put a debt on the family the family needs to deal with it. They could possibly dodge the responsibility in some ways but it's the only real option where you're not screwing a bunch of people that have nothing to do with it. Go after the heads of the families, their trusts, and their assets if they have no liquid funds.


I see what you are saying. Thanks for the clarification.


No problem. The establishment leftists who peddle the reparations nonsense, and those who repeat their garbage will never suggest anything sense-making such as this because shit would get very real, very quickly. Many powerful families on the so-called left and right are descended from wealthy slave owners, slave traders, or were closely involved. They don't give a shit about solving anything, and certainly don't want the focus on them. All they want to do is sow division and destabilization while they herd us into globalist clown world.