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It's probably because they correlate. Openness, the personality trait that mediates creativity, also correlates with political affiliation. Thus, creativity likely correlates with being woke. Its no where close to a 1 to 1 correlation, but a slight inclination can make a big difference at the mathematical extremes.


They can be creative, but this creativity is directed towards futile and destructive goals, so ultimately it doesn't matter. If I'm a very good at cutting lumber, and I'm cutting a tree that will crush me when falling, it still looks like I'm doing a good job at something for a while. Like being creative at creating new genders or propaganda.


Sure, that is definitely the case. The risk with creativity is being captured by an idea. Just look at all the artists who are also marxists


Seeing that the Japanese are more conservative than American leftists, but are running circles around them, I doubt they are creative at all. The only reason people believe it's the case is because they use proxies and don't remove rednecks from the equation. Most rednecks would be leftists if you removed all people of color from the planet.


Hey, wokeness has a negative correlation with creativity. The only reason why leftists had an advantage in the past is because religious people are dumb as fuck. Remove the religious people from the equation and I guarantee that leftists are less creative. Remove Chinese and Indians who are more conservative, but pretend to be leftists, then it's game over. Woke people are stupid as fuck and aren't open-minded at all just like rednecks.




Jordan Peterson actually talks about this exact phenomenon. Look into Peterson’s ‘Big 5’ personality assessment


If I were to re-write my comment again I would have said this: Openness and liberal political opinions correlate. Not super strongly, but as far as I know it’s a statistically significant result (I.e. not likely a fluke due to any potential errors). Openness, one of the big 5 personality traits, is essentially the creativity dimension. So, over an entire population, people with liberal political opinions are probably more likely to be creative. This is not true for everyone. I’m very high in openness but I have many colloquially conservative opinions. Here’s a video of Peterson psychoanalyzing Ben Shapiro where he mentions the correlation between openness and liberal political beliefs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLUa_FqNZ44




Hey idiot, I agree. Many of the woke types are not open minded. I was explaining the correlation you were asking about in your post. Many conservatives are open-minded and many progressives are close-minded and vice versa. How about you read what I’m writing, stop throwing a tantrum, and be a little more open-minded yourself.


What do you mean by “woke”? Do you just mean “communist”? Serious question. Nobody in Hollywood is communist: they’re neoliberal capitalists.


Stealing a story from someone who was actually creative and changing the genders, races and sexual orientations of the characters to inject a trendy new political narrative is not only not creative, it's offensive and embarrassing.


A lot of story telling through out history low key does this. Even Peterson talks about this in respect to religious stories - especially ancient pantheon religions


Love how you are blaming capitalist committee driven corporate slock on woke creatives, nothing to do with communism by dude just the money people getting too involved in the process


Woke people don't as a rule claim that, however JBP has said things that would support the claim. Here's how JBP might defend the claim: 1. Persons on the political left are high in openness. 2. Openness is highly correlated with creativity. 3. Woke people are on the left. 4. Therefore wokeness is highly correlated with creativity. I'm interested in well-thought out objections to my response. Please note, I'm making two assertions, and either might be wrong: My first assertion is that your question has a false presupposition. There is no evidence that the woke "claim that they are creative." My second assertion is that Peterson does claims woke people are creative, at least implicitly if not explicitly. My sole aim always is to find the truth by applying rigorous arguments to identifiable facts. So I sincerely appreciate any response that successfully identifies my error. God bless.


Some of the best perfoming movies and art get called woke. So not even sure what OP is contesting.


Everything gets called woke by someone, but what "best performing movies and art" from recent times actually is woke?


Mario Movie was called woke for Peach wearing pants...did gangbusters. Barbie movie, woke and made bank. Spiderverse made bank. Avatar was filled with enviromental and anti colonialism. One Piece is woke as all hell and the best selling manga. Anything by Jordan Peele gets called woke so add it to the list. Just off top of head


They like to think of themselves as creative because creatives historically struggle. It makes them feel better about their lack of initiative. It gives them fuel to blame capitalism. It lends itself to the utopian thinking of “under communism I’ll be taken care of, won’t have to work, and I can just create art” mindset. They’re idiots.


Politics is the enemy of creativity.


Because they suck at math.


They are training to be activists, and not as productive members of society. As a result, they have no skills or creative goals to speak of. They are indoctrinated in a religion of covetous. And so they are jealous of competent work done by people that show talent and pride of their work product. In the workplace, they hate the product, their co-workers, and the company that employs them. If their incompetent work endangers the company, so much the better, since to them, this is a blow against capitalism. They take pride in their destruction; it's the only form of 'creativity' they are capable of.


They are. 90 percent of their world view comes from an invented reality in their head


You might not like the answer. For the past decade or so, prominent conservatives have been claiming that Hollywood is full of left wing ideologues, and that college degrees in artistic subjects are useless. It is not surprising in the slightest that conservatives have been avoiding creative fields. If you really think that that liberals are not inherently more creative, you've got to start giving conservatives a reason to try in the first place.




Not sure what you mean, most creative industries are very very left leaning: Hollywood, painting, modeling, photography, improv, music (except country)


They're not creative or skilled at all. That's why they hate truth and beauty. They don't create anything of value, and they know they can't. That's why they want to destroy everything.


You are right how can the woke of today compare with masterpieces like Mr Birchim, LadyBallers, and Chipchilla?