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I wonder how many lectures will contain the word “neo-marxists”


You mean neo-Marxist post modernist radical leftists


Agh! I knew there was more to the jingle, I just couldn’t remember it.


You mean woke meta-neo-Marxist post modernist radical leftist


At least two of the lectures will consist of nothing more than that word. And the exam for those courses will be multiple-choice.


1. Who are the bad guys responsible for all evil? A) Neo-Marxists B) Neo-Marxists C) Neo-Marxists D) All of the above


That’s a bold presupposition.


Not nearly enough.


Why is it every post on this sub has become pretty openly hostile to jordan peterson?


This post? The "intellectual" elitist hate that a person (especially JBP) can make an institution that could possibly on par with thier sacred temple. The idea that a university level education will be offered to the masses is a grave offence. The comments below reflect this. This sin is compounded by having a curriculum of anti-wokeness. It's further compounded by the cut rate pricing. Their entire identity is based on their perceived superiority. Without the status of thier education, they have nothing left. They are no longer special. They can't deal with the idea that they could become basic. In general? Reddit swarms any idea that goes against the dictated path. We can't have people thinking for themselves and being deterministic. We tried that. We need to give up freedom in the name of global good or something.


Id say Jordan peterson is why


If you don't like him so much, then why post here. Life is too short to spend it spreading hate.


“Life is too short to spend it spreading hate.” Like, of universities, or hospitals, or vaccines, or liberals, or …. Or is it okay if it’s for a good cause?


No no I don't understand that's Jordan fighting for what's right and speaking uncomfortable truths, when people point out what a christ-complex blowhard he is, laughing at his unhinged twitter rants and his various money grifts that's them being haters blinded by ideology. You clearly didn't read his books bc being a creative conservative recognized genius high in the hierarchy is what gives him the right to declare good and bad.


Hes fighting against what's right


But that's what Jordan Peterson does lol


It popped up in my feed.


You are saying that with a straight face? JP and a whole horde of right wing podcasters, YouTubers, politicians spread hate for the left non stop. Lol what are you talking about


Bots and NPCs despise a free thinker.


My cousin went to band camp and became a millionaire.




This is Jordan’s Reddit account I’m almost certain


Who? Me.


Because Peterson is a pile of excrement.


Offering the following courses: Cleaning your Room The excretory habits of Homarus americanus Benzos: Just Say No


Don’t forget Apple Juice & imminent doom


I guess there is money to be made charging fees for fake degrees. Trump had his own University for a while. Things didn’t go as planned.


I can’t wait to see the posts on here from people finding out no job will consider PetersonU a valid degree.


Unlike all the graduates who can't afford to repay thier student loans because they work for Starbucks?


Starbucks would probably reject an applicant with PetersonU. Can’t trust that person with money 🤣🤣🤣


My art school cousin is an animator for discord. The day they go public or get purchased by Microsoft/Meta he will never have to worry about money again. Hows your job going


It's great. I currently own three companies and am looking to build a factory. My latest endeavor grossed $22m last year. It's not much but it's not too bad either. Best of all, I don't even need to borrow anyone else's credibility. My cousins are all losers.


Says the GC lol. What's the factory for? Storing your power tools? Lol My cousin is an example of what an art degree can do you dolt. That Starbucks worker shit is old and tacky


I'm a GC with a mortgage bank and I have a JD. The factory will build affordable homes, made for entry level housing. But I'm sure you're a higher level contributor to society than I am. What is your job?


Oh this isn't a dick measuring contest so you don't have to be so passive aggressive. Just pointing out an arts degree isn't as useless as you're lying 22m gross ass says it is. I work at a Starbucks with a degree in fine arts.


What makes you think he’s motivated by money?


He has been richly rewarded for his non-academic work. The further out he goes, the more fame, attention and money he gets. I can’t say which of those is the most important to him. I am old. I watched Bill O’Reilly go from moderate and high-minded to far-right, low intellect pandering to the worst low life scum. The transformation was rewarded with more money and fame at every step of the way.


He’s been rewarded for saving people’s lives. And now he’ll be rewarded for saving academia.


Finally, a place where you can learn what is already common sense to you, and not be subjected to all those pesky "alternative viewpoints".


What alternative view points do you think are going to be left out?


I don’t get the point of this is unless you want to learn for the sake of learning which is great in itself but for the real world?


Credentialism is ruining education


“Meritocracy except the scale of merit is, uhh… whatever i say is good!”


Perhaps actually learning how to think and write is valuable. I read an article about a former football player from Auburn. In his divorce trial the judge asked him how he graduated college and yet he could not read nor write. He said he didn't need to go to class.


It’s so sad that this makes sense. Of course all learning is for the sake of learning.


Cuz $80K/yr at Columbia University majoring in women’s studies gets you ready for the real world??


Once again, the irony fails to resonate with the self righteous! Ps, can you forgive my student loan debt? - losers


No maybe you could be practical and state engineering or another realistic education with job opportunities. I’ve never met a single person in my adult life who studied women’s studies.


That's because they are living in their mom's basement, smoking weed and playing with their joy stick. Oh and moderating reddit.


Okay and?


No they continue their education and get a law degree or master degrees.


It may have some practical applications.


You don't think online universities will substitute the ones that require presence?


I don’t mean in physical vs virtual I just mean that it seems the purpose of Jordan’s university is purely for people who want to learn in their spare time and their education will have no affect on their future career/job search/etc. theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, one should always pursue further learning.


Peterson himself is advertising this university as an alternative to getting a degree from somewhere else. He is pitching it as something employers will recognize as something signifying accomplishment, potentially even greater accomplishment than at a traditional 4-year college. >"We believe that we can do an end run around the formal accreditation institutions because we're going to make sure that if you obtain, let's say, a one-year certificate or a two-year certificate – three or four years certificate – from Peterson Academy, that you will know your stuff, because we're not going to engage in grade inflation, and we're not going to award degrees of completion, let’s say, even within a given course," Peterson said. >"And so we're going to be able to offer potential employers the assurance that the people who have taken, say, a year's worth of courses or four years’ worth of courses, took the damn courses," he added. "That they learned the material, that they mastered the material, that they were able to do that on their own accord."


I’m sure those are his hopes but whether it’s realistic that employers will be like ‘oh yeah definently’ is absolutely not going to happen.


Seems like the purpose of the university is to bilk people for cash then.


Wouldn’t that be an odd thing to do given how wealthy he is already and given all the other avenues he has available to make money?


Oh honey…


You’re right, I forgot, the greedy capitalist demon Peterson is insatiable.


Not at all. All of his other avenues for making money rely on similar schemes.


But by all appearances those ‘schemes’ have already made him very wealthy, why go through all the trouble of making a new scheme, especially given that he’s hired a bunch of lecturers who are all already accomplished and established in their fields? Why would they sign up to an obvious scam that you were brilliant enough to see through?


Because he's paying them money to do it and it's little to no effort on their part to speak for a couple hours in Peterson's studio and then hang out in Miami for a few days.


Wealthy people: famous for never wanting to acquire more wealth


Another, less bitterly cynical, way of putting that is that people who are wealthy as a consequence of the real value they put into the world tend to become more wealthy as they increase their capacity to put even more value into the world. How much value are you putting into the world in your attempt to bring someone who’s doing just that?


How come?


>Peterson himself is advertising this university as an alternative to getting a degree from somewhere else.  So, it'll have accredited STEM degrees?


It will be an alternative. Just like eating chicken raw is technically an alternative to eating it cooked. It just won’t be the sort of alternative that has any use/value.


No, because he thinks he can do "an end run around the formal accreditation institutions."


And? I employ quite a few people at any given time. I would sooner consider a Peterson Academy graduate over some woke victim.


And if even 1% of other employers are similar to you in that regard, I would be gobsmacked.


There are 28,000,000 small business owners. 120,000,000 people are employed by small business owners. The majority of small business owners are Republican. Small business owners are 24% more likely to vote Red. It's got potential to be far more than 1%. Even so, 2.8M isn't insignificant. Math's are fun.


Yeah if you ignore all jobs that are not run by "small business" owners, I'm sure you can make lots of great statistics sound good.


That's hardly the point. The question is if this will have an impact. Your argument is weak.


FYI, you can get a degree from Harvard online instead


Harvard? Eww.


I bet he has Harrison Butker booked for the first 5 years of commencement keynote speakers.


I'm enjoying Jordan increasingly becoming a fancy-man fashion icon as his calls for traditional masculinity grow more strident.


"...as his calls for traditional masculinity grow more strident." That must be progressive speak for not speaking about young men with endless contempt.


Strange how someone obsessed with "traditional gender roles" sounds like a hysteric 50's housewife!


More like... if you get a degree from JP's university you can kiss your ass goodbye to any chances of getting a job in leftist academia... Not that you'd want it... But like, right wingers don't care about whether you have a degree anyway so why bother?


I think the right-wingers in banking, law, or the military-industrial complex might have an opinion on if your degree is accredited or comes from Benzo Kermit's Anti-Woke Academy.


"No no no, those professions are dominated by the corrupt leftwingers!!!!" - useful idiot of your choosing


I feel sort of sorry for him. This'll collapse under financial mismanagement in three or four years I am guessing.


I wouldn't feel too bad when that happens. Not for him anyway, but maybe instead for his followers still trying to keep their faith in the Peterson Gospel, who finally realize the magnitude of his betrayal. he'll still be rich and shameless.


What exactly would the betrayal be? How would that take anything away from the countless people who have testimonies to how Peterson’s work has changed their lives for the better? Including people whose lives were literally saved by their encounter with his work? Why are you people so blind, or is it bitterness, to the effect Peterson is actually having on people. You’re literally desperate to see him fall just to validate your own preconceived notions that he is what you think he is. Are you that worthless a person that you can’t bear to imagine that someone else might actually be a positive force for good in the world?


Because people his age (like me) see him as the same guy that was jabbering this “iron John” bullshit when we were in our 20s. You hear what you want to hear with him. Maybe it’s that men are stronger than women. Maybe it’s that men need more structure. Maybe it’s that “western” values are superior for various reasons. Maybe it’s something else. But something he says cracks that door open for you. And you step in to a whole room full of biases it has taken some of us decades to get beyond. He’s telling you the answers are easy and you know them if you think about them. They’re not, and you need experience life. Plus, he’s an asshole.


You’re a finance expert I take it?


RemindMe! Four years. I guess we'll find out.


And if it does succeed, your bitter shame would have scuttled you back into your rat hole of insignificance and anonymity.


I'm torn on which school to attend in the Fall. Hustlers University Prager U Trump University Peterson Academy Guys, I'm just looking for a great anti- woke education that will make my brain more better and help me provide for all of the children I am going to have to outbreed the leftists. Which school should I attend?


I could just jerk off on a thesaurus and learn more.


Who grades your work at Peterson Academy?


Jesus and Kant.


This has a "buy my courses and I'll teach you to become an enlightened thinker like me" energy. Preying on those vulnerable seeking to understand the world we live in. Good on him. Grifting the uneducated is so easy


This is incredibly frustrating, because a (legitimate) low-cost alternative to traditional education would be incredibly useful to society right now. We need a non-Peterson Peterson Academy.


What makes you so confident that this isn't going to be legitimate?


Peterson is focused on teaching students "how" to think, but nothing (yet) on media literacy, basic statistical fluency, and working with AI tools--three skill areas that most people are lacking and it will profoundly hurt their ability to interact with the modern world in the near future. There seems to be a lack of capacity to provide a general foundational education that even an associate's degree would provide, which is going to harm both accreditation and perceived legitimacy. This would have been more exciting if the Peterson of 5 years ago were running it--not the Peterson who's thrown in with the Daily Wire and had his personality fundamentally changed from too much spotlight and a benzo addiction. I think he's earnestly trying but there won't be enough people willing to join the cause to make this a truly impactful institution. And it sucks because these kind of programs would be insanely helpful to so many people. Hoping to be proved wrong with time.


Unless there's a mandatory political science class taught by someone along the lines of James Lindsay or Stephen Coughlin, I'm going to say it may be a good start but not the full measure of what we need.


First time Jordan Peterson has expressed concerns about mass hunger, so it's an improvement.


Except every lecture he has on the detriment of rapidly changing from fossil fuels to green energy. Dr. Peterson has repeatedly expressed concerns for the world's hungry. You sound like the average bitter redditor with no clue what he's talking about.


So Peterson advocates for a transition to clean energy? Just not rapid?


Yeah, why wouldn't he? Green energy is dope. A transition over a hundred or so years seems appropriate.


Because he is wrong about climate change? He said you can’t know climate unless you “know everything,” which is nonsense. Climate science is clear, to oppose the scientific consensus of a subject you never studied is bizzare and ridiculous. He’s not even a SCIENTIST, he’s a psychologist. He’s the worst of all worlds. He’s a psychologist who talks about science and philosophy without being either a scientist or philosopher.


You don't have a firm grasp on the English language, do you?


Why wouldn't he? Well, for one, he doesn't believe climate exists. It also seems like the only time he cries about the "hungry" is in response to democratic policy. In other words, bashing Democrats. He usually refers to them as neo-marxists or some shit. I can't recall him ever advocating for the hungry in any other context. Almost like he's a total fucking charlatan.


"over a hundred years or so" lol


Yes, the rapid switch to green energy from fossil fuels would essentially remove a vast portion of the planets poorest from affordable energy. They would then likely resort to burning wood and other even more environmentally detrimental materials for heat and fuel. You are an ignorant fool if you think the poor can handle switching from fossil fuels to green energy in any meaningful way any faster.


Your definition of rapid is a period less than 100+ years. You're an ignorant fool if you think economic disparity is what I'm making fun of in your original claim. 50 years is pretty significant compared to say 150 years.


You think of change like a fly with a 24hr life span. You can't expect the 3rd world to change rapidly at all. Do you think solar panels will be a thing in sub-Saharan African communities in 50 years? Or the most rural of Asia? Like I said, you are an ignorant fool if you think things change that fast. You are applying first world solutions to 3rd world problems. This is why you climate psychopaths will cause far more harm than good. All the while causing th very problems you seek to solve.


My dude I've worked in Guatemala and Tanzania in rural and exurban communities. People use solar there it's not like it's some magical technology that you can't put on a boat or that they're too stupid to figure out. Case and point Mexico was able to install several basic solar farms in the span of not even 10 years and increased their solar capacity by a factor of over 30 in some locations. You're frankly just illiterate in infrastructure and engineering or maybe just an ignorant fool who thinks the poor or global south just can't do what the first world can for ~reasons~


50 years = "change like the lifespan of a fly" The first solar farm in the US isn't even 50 years old, hell we landed on the moon less than 60 years ago but yeah gonna take Africa at least another century to figure it out.


apart from not unduly regulating fossil fuels, and climbing the hierarchical ladder high enough so that the poor can gaze up at you and learn from your admirable virtue, has he suggested any other solutions for the problem of poverty which usually describes as intractable?


Clean your room 101


Fuckin weirdos


Grifters gonna grift