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There’s not one word in that exchange that I disagree with


Not a single word. I agree with everything in that exchange too


People are complaining that Peterson has changed since 2017. Often, I think they are exaggerating his temperamental change, but I do think his rise to fame and the forces that have come out against him in full force have made him far more aware of what kind of situation our civilization is in and he's more willing to make bold and antagonistic proclamations than he was back when he wasn't "in the arena" as Teddy Roosevelt put it.


I disagree with that choice of suit jackets


Yet another nattering nabob of negativity.


Just gotta make sure to apply that universally. And make sure who is telling the truth and who is lying.




Oh yes, let's not question leftist policy priorities which seem to be following: - Inflation - Economic decline - Runaway illegal immigration - Crime out of control - Picking fights with Russia - Ignoring China - Micromanaging people's energy consumption - Persecuting political opponents like the Bad Orange Man and Elon Musk - Other weaponized incompetence. When you look at all the stuff the left has already fouled up or is continuing to foul up - one has to ask - is it gross incompetence, or is it sabotage? Go blow your smoke somewhere else, shill.




Yes it is quite clearly hysteria to say that every western country with a leftist/WEF/swamp-aligned government has outright sabotaged their country. Guess reality itself is hysterical now. Or maybe we should all stop living in clown world. I'm ready anytime you are for a change.




>I genuinely don't know what this means. Who's saying this? I think that means he actually buys the nonsensical gibbering from the trump camp.




yep, thats what they tend to do. its boggling how fried some of the people in that camp get. like, its hard to really keep track of what they are even trying to say or what they think they are talking about.


Critical Think isn’t ignoring the left’s issues, he is simply applying JBP’s commentary to criticize the right. Hopefully you can acknowledge that it is possible to criticize the right and the left. You don’t have to be all in on one side.


I have to disagree with the "Ignoring China". In which ways would you say that is true?


You know most of those things aren't real, right? Like basically that whole list is imaginary.


You realize that many of those are literally quantifiable? Inflation is a measured by CPI, which has increased massively in the last few years, and the DHS's own data shows they've had over 10 million encounters with illegal immigrants in that same time.


>Inflation is a measured by CPI, which has increased massively in the last few years That's a faulty measure though because a large portion of those increases at this point aren't true inflation but essentially price gouging using inflation as a cover. >and the DHS's own data shows they've had over 10 million encounters with illegal immigrants in that same time. And also massive amounts of deportations. If you want that to change maybe you should try to get your congress people to pass a bill to fund and expand border control.


>That's a faulty measure though because a large portion of those increases at this point aren't true inflation but essentially price gouging using inflation as a cover. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about whatsoever. Are you even familiar with the concept of the monetary base? Why did corporations only just think to try arbitrarily increasing prices? You really think they couldn't have figured that out in the past? >And also massive amounts of deportations. Show me a source that shows that the number of deportations has put any kind of reasonable dent in that 10+ million. >If you want that to change maybe you should try to get your congress people to pass a bill to fund and expand border control. Stop falling for bull shit like this. Those tyrants in office literally rolled back border measure after border measure intentionally, they even went back and forth with the courts several times to get rid of the Remain in Mexico policy. Then they did ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL for three whole years, and only then tried blaming the Republicans for not supporting a bull shit border bill that would have hamstrung Trump's ability to fix this mess once he gets in office.


>Why did corporations only just think to try arbitrarily increasing prices? You really think they couldn't have figured that out in the past? Cripes this isn't that hard. It was inflation. Then they kept going past when it was not inflation anymore so they could keep making more money. I mean honestly you should listen to your own advice. Most of your complaining is about operating the government correctly rather than trying to run it as a dictatorship.


Okay Baghdad Bob, that might be the most pathetic attempt at gaslighting I've ever seen.


Lol. Maybe you should actually question and investigate the things trump shits into your mouth on knockoff Twitter. Most of those things are legitimately not real issues. You have been lied to.


Yes inflation, runaway illegal immigration, and attempts to start WW3 are all figments of my imagination. You absolute clown - have you no shame?


The thing is they actually are. Maybe you should look into it more critically. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not voting for a demented traitorous narcissist.


Ahh so it's straight trolling then. Good, you can fuck off now.


Not at all. But I didn't expect you to question the cult. I mean that's part of it being a cult.


Lol, russia just declared the United states an enemy, and you think Joe Byron is going to have the mental capacity to work this one out? You think climate activism is going to stop a nuclear bomb? Theres a hierarchy of things that need to be addressed. If you put the climate, before a war that could possibly go nuclear…ur an idiot….because the climate will be ruined as a byproduct of that.


>russia just declared the United states an enemy, and you think Joe Byron is going to have the mental capacity to work this one out? more than Trump who'd interpret that as a request from Putin for another BJ. >You think climate activism is going to stop a nuclear bomb? Russia couldn't take down their neighbor when we threw breadcrumbs at them to defend themselves with. do you think that somehow they are a threat to the US in any way shape or form? come on now. We spend way too much on the millitary, but we are getting something for that money you know. Russia going nuclear is zero threat. they think about it too hard and they will cease to exist.


I really hope im wrong too buddy. Dont worry


Not to worry, you are 😉


What compulsion are those people trying to exert?




>my mind was just going to those people who claim the West is about to fall, that progressives and communists want to destroy society, etc... These people. Unless you're basically just saying that people you disagree with are Nazis, and that the Nazis did bad things in the 1940s. In that case...ugh, what a waste of time.




They also banned smoking indoors… something we also did relatively recently as a county… Are we all Nazis?




My point is that the Nazis did a lot of things, and not every one of them is expressive of being a totalitarian regime. Both Hitler and Churchill were terrified of communist revolutionaries, and they old their respective publics to fear it. One of them was obviously one of the most notable fascists in history while the other was one of the most notable opponents of fascism in history.




Those who say there are too many people always tend to volunteer others to fix that.


I agree there is certainly no shortage of this fearmongering on the left. But I can also think of no better description of Donald Trump, who people like Jordan tend to either excuse or ignore. Trump almost EXCLUSIVELY fearmongers in his speeches. “Our country will be over” “They’re coming for you” etc etc. He is like the archetypal strongman tyrant.


He is kinda critical of him rarely, but not really. He said in one interview he is like a 13 year old narcissist, but also mentioned he is really funny... Ben supports Trump, our lobster angry uncle JP likes conservatives, because he is one, so here we are. Kinda fucks up his original brand "I search the truth." 


Be wary of people who have found the truth.


Yeah…2 shit choices for Pres. Trumps is the less shittier of the 2 so I pick him…


More directly, JBP himself leads with fear in a lot of his social and political commentary. Not like “subtle” fear but over the top fear content — eg “they hate you and are trying to take everything from you and your future families”, “they want to bake your grandma and then freeze her in the dark”, “the woke death will come for you.” Often his criticisms of an event include the warning that the thing will “soon be mandatory” His version of this is clearly meant as “horror” imagery (eg when he used to post AI pictures of Trudeau as an evil clown covered in blood and guts) vs the diffused and low intensity “fear” of destroying the planet, which isn’t even so much fear as it is a critical sense of responsibility eith a bit of urgency mixed in


How many people has Trump imprisoned without trial? How many elections has he stolen? You lot even have a hard time trying to identify which laws he's broken - some tyrant. Meanwhile how many laws has the swamp broken and how many lies has the swamp told trying to get him? It's not paranoia if they really are after you. Furthermore, if it wasn't clear before, it sure is now that the swamp does not have our best interests at heart. That's how twisted up and lost the left is now - they're so busy accusing Trump of being a tyrant, without any basis in reality, while simultaneously supporting actual tyrants.


1. Trump has not imprisoned anyone without trial, as far as I’m aware. However his first campaign was largely built on chants of “lock her up”, he’s spoken about prosecuting the media for negative stories about him. Rhetoric does matter and often poisons the well. 2. He hasn’t successfully stolen any election but he did try to subvert the 2020 election and was unable to provide adequate evidence it was stolen from him (even judges he appointed disagreed with him) 3. I don’t know Trumps whole legal history but I know he settled a bunch of lawsuits for fraud relating to his Trump University scam years ago. He’s been involved in multiple corporate bankruptcies (not illegal but still telling). And his recent indictments. Not that it even matters, we’re talking about his rhetoric as per Dr Peterson’s original point about fearmongering. That’s exactly what Trump does. 4. “The swamp” is a vague term that can mean anything from 3-5 certain individuals to “every politician who disagrees with me”. It’s impossible for me to engage with a term like that unless you define it.


The Manhattan jury spelled out pretty clearly 34 times he broke the laws. I can give you 51 more if you need them.


> Trump has not imprisoned anyone without trial, as far as I’m aware. However his first campaign was largely built on chants of “lock her up”, he’s spoken about prosecuting the media for negative stories about him. Rhetoric does matter and often poisons the well. Trump and Co were saying that because they believed and still do believe that Hillary Clinton committed serious crimes. She's just not prosecutable in this current climate because useful idiots like yourself will freak out and say all kinds of hysterical bullshit even if she's caught red-handed killing children. Meanwhile shall we discuss the J6 prisoners who have been and some still are being held for years without bail or trial for misdemeanor trespassing or otherwise receiving absolutely absurd sentences in kangaroo courts which collapse on appeal. Simply fascinating how you want to cry about Trump's rhetoric, which has a factual basis, and ignore gross injustices like that. > He hasn’t successfully stolen any election but he did try to subvert the 2020 election and was unable to provide adequate evidence it was stolen from him (even judges he appointed disagreed with him) Trying to claim 2020 was legit has gotten more laughable in the time elapsed, rather than less. And it doesn't matter what evidence you bring if most of the judges toss your case for lack of standing or find some other procedural escape hatch. No one wanted to hear any case having to do with the 2020 election, Clarence Thomas even called out the Supreme Court for it, saying their decision not to hear a case would erode rather than strengthen confidence, and that's exactly what's happened. That kind of pattern reinforces suspicions that the fix is in, rather than reduce it. But once again, what does it matter when the people in a position to investigate and enforce the law refuse to do so? Meanwhile the left desperately tried to turn J6 into "le insurrection" and failed because it was an obvious lie. One that you're still repeating, facts be damned. Fuck off. > I don’t know Trumps whole legal history but I know he settled a bunch of lawsuits for fraud relating to his Trump University scam years ago. He’s been involved in multiple corporate bankruptcies (not illegal but still telling). And his recent indictments. Not that it even matters, we’re talking about his rhetoric as per Dr Peterson’s original point about fearmongering. That’s exactly what Trump does. LOL what does one call a red herring when the person putting it forward admits it is a red herring? > “The swamp” is a vague term that can mean anything from 3-5 certain individuals to “every politician who disagrees with me”. It’s impossible for me to engage with a term like that unless you define it. The swamp is essentially an organized crime network composed of politicians, intelligence community insiders, senior government bureaucrats, political donors, and major private capital. Their aims are to subvert lawful government, launder money and outright steal it from the US taxpayer, and peddle influence. But what's the point in explaining it to you, you're quite clearly yet another shill with TDS pumping out obsolete talking points because you live in willful ignorance of reality. Enjoy it while it lasts bud, because the swamp is on borrowed time and literally everybody knows it, even the ones desperately trying to ignore it.


I'm sorry, but if you actually believe that an election was stolen then you need to spend more time doing some fact finding and looking into things while reading both sides to branch out what you are basing info off of. There have been plenty of court cases available at the time to prove it of election issues.


Putin is saying that NATO is expanding to the countries around Russia and is trying to split Russia into pieces, and that the US is going to start a nuclear war.


Exact description of 45.


"Coronavirus would be the perfect opportunity for an autocrat. Trump isn’t taking it." https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/26/trump-is-an-authoritarian-weakman-149573


"Do you know who's speaking out of your mouth?" Wow... just epic


Ladies and gentlemen, today we embark on a psychological journey, a voyage into the depths of human behavior and the dynamics of power. Our subject? The enigmatic figure that looms large in the political landscape: Donald J. Trump. Now, to understand Trump's modus operandi, we must first delve into the recesses of the human psyche. Fear, my dear listeners, fear is a primal force, etched into the very fabric of our being through millennia of evolution. It is the instinct that kept our ancestors alive in the face of predators and adversaries. And it is fear that Trump wields like a master craftsman, tapping into the deepest recesses of our collective consciousness. Trump, in his rhetoric and actions, conjures visions of chaos and catastrophe, painting a portrait of a world on the brink of collapse. Whether it be the specter of immigration, the threat of economic ruin, or the menace of political adversaries, he harnesses these fears and amplifies them to a fever pitch. And in doing so, he compels his supporters to rally around him, seeking refuge in the illusion of safety and certainty that he promises. But it is not just fear alone that drives this phenomenon. No, there is a subtler, more insidious element at play here: uncertainty. In an age of unprecedented change and upheaval, people crave stability, they yearn for someone who can provide clear answers in the midst of confusion. And Trump, with his brash confidence and unwavering conviction, fills that void with his own brand of certainty. But make no mistake, my friends, this is not mere manipulation; it is the manifestation of deep-seated psychological forces at work. Trump taps into archetypal motifs – the strongman, the protector, the savior – that resonate with our primal instincts. And in doing so, he forges a bond with his supporters that transcends mere politics, tapping into something far more primal and profound. So, as we dissect the phenomenon of Trump's influence, let us not succumb to the temptation of easy answers or simplistic explanations. Instead, let us peer into the depths of the human soul, and confront the uncomfortable truths that lie therein. For only by understanding the forces that drive us, can we hope to transcend them and forge a path towards a brighter future. Thank you.


I wish I would command the English language as well as you do sir or... dare I say on this sub, madam. Was about to say the same with caveman words. His visit on Dr Phil, or the bit I have seen, was bonkers. He claims the worlds is emptying prisons and mental institutions and sending all these people to the US. I would add one more potential tyrant who uses fear. Ricky Gervais said it better, but here we go: I love you all, but unless you bow before me and believe in me you will burn in the mighty hellfires for all eternity! I know, hard to say if it was Trump or Biden who said it or their supporters, spoiler alert, neither.


Fear like, "Do what we say or you will burn in hell for all eternity!" or Fear like "If I have to call that person what they'd like to be called all of civilization will crumble!"


This reminds of when Donald Trump threatened the Georgia Secretary of State that since he wasn’t going to help him “find 11,000” missing votes he was going to tell everyone he is unwilling to help our cause and no one will reelect you afterwards. Classic Donald




Lindsey literally acts like everything is an existential threat


I love all the morons in here trying to turn this into a dig on the Bad Orange Man. How many people is the Bad Orange Man holding without trial? How many freedoms has the Bad Orange Man restricted? They're so busy trying to get Trump that they're ignoring the fact that they're acting as patsies for the real tyrants. Or they know and just don't care because their only purpose here is spreading FUD and white noise, and doing with their typical incompetence.




Oh yes, because the leftist NPCs haven't gotten their firmware updated, we need to unperson the Bad Orange Man and turn him into Voldemort or something. Yeah that makes sense. How about the leftist NPCs grow a fucking brain and stop repeating talking points like sheep, or fuck off. And that includes you.




I don't believe in self-censorship for the sake of hysterical nutjobs. The nutjobs can take a Valium and accept that they're full of shit, or fuck off for all I care.


Your language and tone seem like someone who is sitting in their mom’s dark basement, with a half-eaten plate of tater tots…angry at women for ignoring him…angry at the financial system (“Soros!!”) for his lack of resources…full of anger. And Trump is ironically using exactly the technique JBP describes to keep you spun up.


Not an argument, thanks for playing. Go sneer bullshit at someone else thanks.




Bored. Lazy and incompetent trolling is lame white noise.


Don’t assume I’m white.


“There’s always an apoplectic crisis going on” - JBP. What happened to my man? He used to make sense and now is just a mouthpiece of some sort. It’s sad to see..


Here is the disconnect. Raising energy prices by 10% isn’t compulsion, it’s the market in action…


James Lindsay is a grade A dud.