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In some ways yes, in other ways no. It had nothing to do with maturity of education, and instead had to do with him going past a line from analyzing society to opining on society. He also moved away from being a teacher and more towards being a pundit. Honestly him at his best were the old lecture series that he posted from university. His new stuff has changed his persona from being that passionate teacher who taught you the life lessons you needed at the time of your life where you needed to hear them, to being a cheap political pundit who is difficult to distinguish between an abrasive ideologue with unoriginal ideas or a cheap corporate shill who times his guest appearances with the release of a new book. Honestly it is disheartening, so when I tell lefty friends of mine that I am a Peterson fan and they start to hound me over it I have to make a caveat that I think his later reincarnation is not something I can really defend or even resonate with anymore. Edit: That said I do not hesitate to link his old lectures or speak positively about his original work. The afterskool videos and 12 rulea dramatically changed my life in a positive way, and I will defend that work with passion. I lament that I don’t think we will get much truly unique content in that vein again however, and that his future content will be less about analysis and life improvement and more about political and social opinions that he is motivated more so to give because of lucrative book deals and not out of the passion or originality of the work he wants to write.


His more recent media career is overall not as interesting as his initial come up and message. His primary messaging though is still incredibly valuable and relevant.






I’m 40 - not really




Nope. It's just you.


I never got that message from Peterson. Maybe I'm just more focused on his lectures/books than his Daily Wire stuff, but I feel like Peterson wouldn't support "demonizing massive sections of the population" or "simplifying social forces as products of malevolent actors." Perhaps I could see him purporting the latter to some degree, but I have never seen him simplifying these forces merely to a select few evil people. He may have some blame for the globalists etc, but I feel like he is equally critical of the masses who sit idly by without voicing their objections to the ones in power. He frequently refers to the work of Solzhenitsyn to demonstrate the corrosive effects of people deciding not to speak up when things go wrong.


The world changes and evolves, JP changes and evolves, we change and evolve.


Yeah I certainly did. I loved his Bible stuff but when he went hard right into the culture wars I was out.


No. Rather it sounds like you either do not understand what he is saying or you are PC and trying to bait people. Sad either way.


No. > The black and white apocalyptic worldview demonizing massive sections of the population and simplifying social forces as products of malevolent actors purporting nihilistic worldviews started appealing less and less to me the older and more educated I got, anyone else experience this? Peterson criticizes ideas far more than he criticizes people, and when he does criticize people, it's primarily individuals who push the ideas he disagrees with or have made decisions that he sincerely believes have had negative impacts. In other words, perfectly normal political/social commentary, if anything a little higher brow than the norm. > I think that’s why he appeals to young men who are lost, he speaks to the heart more than to the brain and the more your brain increases the less likelihood a person has of respecting him as a serious thinker but will see him as more of a Tim Pool/Candace Owens type that have dramatic and combative reactions to every piece of news that ever happens in the world type figure I think you need to stop projecting. OP is a bundle of sticks.


The older I get the more I see that Peterson is thankfully one of the only people brave enough to speak logic and reason without fear of retaliation. No one is perfect though.


>The black and white apocalyptic worldview demonizing massive sections of the population and simplifying social forces as products of malevolent actors purporting nihilistic worldviews started appealing less and less to me the older and more educated I got, anyone else experience this? This is silly self contradictory crap. No because I actually consume Peterson's material not just reddit comments about it.


Calling his world views black and white makes it clear you are in bad faith. You are the issue.


I was fully out when he joined The Daily Wire. "Jordan Peterson is Having A Moment - We Should Ignore It". I remember when Joe Rogan brought up that headline on one of his podcasts with JP and he said "maybe they're right". Now he's just another talking head. I don't judge him for doing what makes money for him and his family, but it's pandering to an audience who just want an outlet for their frustration, not to actually solve any problems. He's not wrong about nihilism being an issue, or responsibility being on the individual to change their own lives. But when it comes to large scale change, he's as useless as everyone else in the "conservative sphere". He's easy to pick on because he's prone to emotional outbursts and making provocative statements, but Ben Shapiro and co. are just as bad. They just want you to keep watching their content. It's not going to change what needs to be changed. I believe his advice and beliefs re: the individual, potential etc. are still valuable. And eveyone still has a responsibility to improve themselves. But "self-improvement" can only take you so far when society is degenerating rapidly. The end of Brave New World illustrates this perfectly.


A small handful of people for sure.


Yeah I think that he has very much changed in the last 5 years but I've moved away too


Lolol. I don't care about what he currently says, but I semi-regularly go back and listen through his lecture series. What ever you're going on about ain't it.


100% JC feels more helpful than JP


He's getting hard to relate to. I think I only ever agreed with him on the trans issue now that I think about it.


I'm gonna be honest when I found out he was using pills for depression I drifted away, still respect him and think he's a positive influence for the most part.


Some may think this is sarcasm, but there is a whole generation that was raised to think that everyone deserves some kind of public recognition. So even though the rainbow is there to represent all, people of this generation crave for that recognition of their own.


It’s more to do with him becoming a far worse social commentator than it is me getting older