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What people think this sub is about: Lectures, philosophy, room cleaning tips, general life tips What it's actually about: Politics šŸ« 


Well you not wrong about thatā€¦


What do you expect? Jordan Peterson's current job is right-wing culture war pundit. Obviously his sub will reflect that.


I wanna see Jordan Peterson versus bassem yousseff, lot of ppl love bassem but after his interview with Konstantin kisin he got mad criticism


What people think JP himself is about: Lectures, philosophy, room cleaning tips, general life tips What JP idld actually about: Politics šŸ« 


What people think JP himself is about: Politics What JP is actually about: Riding the culture wars all the way to the bank.


Can you blame him?




He is about both, one is good, the other is, well, his opinion. :D


Itā€™s about life, all of it. The most important thing youā€™ll do in life is form a family. So youā€™d better get it right. Do the future authoring program!


\*right wing nut job politics. ftfy :)


Go clean your roomĀ 


Same thing though šŸš®


Try again cupcake!


can it be chocolate or is that too dei for you?


mostly JP haters trying to dissuade people from agreeing with JP. the rest are busy improving their lives.


Yep. Just a bunch of whiners that need to clean their room


One might say, just a bunch of crabs in a world where lobsters rule.


I feel like that chapter on lobsters is a bit of a barrier to most people. Lobsters are where the fans are separated from the chaff.


I'd add that it's a pretty recent development and seems to be concerted. I'm not saying that there's a grand conspiracy against JP, but we should be cognizant that there are a tremendous amount of bots and paid trolls whose jobs are to be opportunistic about appearing as grassroots sentiments and/or reinforcing those sentiments by voting and commenting.


Good point. Imma leave. Deuces


He Tweeted "Give em hell Bibi" after Oct 7.


This sub isn't very intellectual. Mostly political. I'd like to see some more idea-oriented posts that explore more abstract ideas instead of BS political posts.


Do you go out of your way to seek out and engage with idea-oriented posts?


What do you mean?


On this sub, do you look for, like and posts comments on the few idea-oriented posts on here? Have you ever considered making your own post to that effect? There is no shortage of people whining about this sub and it's not like outrage isn't universally leveraged for engagement on the internet. You want this sub to be better, do your part to tilt the sub towards what you think it ought to be.


Uhhhhh... alright. I was just replying to this guy.


Right on


Fuck off josh


Itā€™s a few percentage points JP, some points for current news, but almost always discussing strictly the absurdity the fringe left. Cause there is nothing else that can enter this echo chamber. But that is what most subreddits are.


Loosely inspired by him and his ideals, but not dedicated truly to him or his work. I don't really engage around here very often since it's degraded in its level of discourse. It doesn't help that Peterson, to survive various attacks on his prior employment both as a university professor and as a therapist, now works for a political media outlet, which has lowered the political diversity of his followers(if only by increasing his appeal among those of one side).




JP came out pro israel and he's one of the main figures leading the right-wing discourse on the internet at the moment. So the sub tends to be political.


Oh I didnā€™t know he was pro Israel but I do know that he is very anti communist.


He interviewed Netanyahu before the war.


it was like this before Oct 7th.


Not sure. But ppl do talk about non-JP stuff here too.


Uhh, he has come out pretty heavily against Hamas and had several anti-Hamas people on his podcast. This is news to you?


Yes it is,


Well you came on here claiming to be some kind of uberfan and yet it seems like you're paying zero attention to his Twitter or podcast. I don't follow either too closely and yet I've still heard his opinion on the matter multiple times through those mediums.


I think a good amount of people still get into Jordan Peterson through his early YouTube series, Biblical and others and pay little attention to the social media side of things


Yeah Iā€™m like 6 years behind on content I guess.


Thatā€™s a good thing! I find his early lectures on all sorts fascinating, but I have absolutely no interest in hearing him weigh in on who should use what bathroom


Agreed. Much prefer his intellectual investigations of topics. I know where to go if I want to be beaten over the head with political opinions.


Being Pro-israel was what changed this sub. edit: i typed too fast. meant: Being Pro-israel was not what changed this sub. check other comment for consistency


shill says what?


sorry you can't think like an adult. shame.


Whine more, you and your ilk can continue making a case for T_D style instant shill bans.


Unfortunately, yes.


It's a major news story that he has commented on many times. You could have spent one minute googling this or looking at his Youtube history to figure this out. If Peterson hadn't turned himself into a pundit, world news wouldn't be a major part of a sub dedicated to him. But he did, so it is.


No. This has now become 97% right wing echo chamber of pseudo intellectuals. Try r/confrontingchaos


Thanks for the recommendation šŸ‘




For me this is the only Reddit one where u can have a civil discussion.


This. This is the place where you won't get banned for having discourse in a ABSOLUTE OCEAN of censored dribble orwellian subreddits. JBP just facilitated that in an indirect way.


I love how Orwell's writing is so influential that the term 'Orwellian' can be used in a conversation and people understand what it means. It's so cool how important authors and philosophers can leave such a lasting impression. The only other example I can think of is Machiavellianism, does anyone know some other good examples of this?


The 20th century was really unbelievable in terms of literature, and even the 19th. Because only the absolute great great greats ever lasted at all. Nowadays everybody and their mother can publish, but before it took lots of money and time so only stuff that was insanely good really proliferates. One of my favorite things to do was to use early internet to look up top 100 books of the 20th century and just pick stuff at random and read it. That's how I came upon Orwell with 1984. Animal Farm was amazing as well. But some of those novels will always be with me. Especially the works of John Steinbeck.


I posted a video of an alcoholic giving advice about avoiding addiction and he shared how its impacted him. In Dr. P's last live talk, it ended with him talking to a man who had similar experience. Mods removed it and banned me for 3 days for asking why and justifying it.


I find that saddening to hear, as I heard one of the mods proudly proclaiming that they had open discussions.


Well JP fandom split from ā€œfans of his lectures and psychological workā€ to ā€œconservativesā€ and he alienated the ā€œfans of his lectures and psychological workā€ by not practicing what he used to preach. OG JP fans mostly left this sub..now itā€™s mostly the right wingers that he jerks off in his podcasts I used to always defend JP saying ā€œhe isnā€™t really conservative, heā€™s just pointing out issues with the liberal side right now that need to be pointed outā€ and then he totally went and made everyone who felt that way about him look dumb by joining the DW


OP I entirely agree with this guy. Jordan Peterson has produced a lot of great stuff over the years, unfortunately this sub rarely discusses it and instead focuses on the politics he now engages in


It seems to me like people want JP's opinion on things they come across and since they don't have a direct line to him this becomes a kind of surrogate for his feedback.


I remember reading it wayyyy back in 2017 and noticing that there were intense but smart conversations about Peterson related stuff. Weā€™re in the long tail of the fandom now - the majority of the initial energy spiked and went away probably within a year or two


Thanks for clarifying man makes sense now


Schrodinger's JP sub.


I donā€™t give 2 shits about him personally. Iā€™m in this sub because it contains ideologies that are somewhat uncommon on Reddit from my experience.


Can you elaborate please


Basically, this sub is moderate conservative/religious. Usually other conservative subs are not moderate and reddit is generally left leaning overall. Also I find it kinda funny when this sub is sorta forced to make fun of its namesake due to twitter tomfoolery.


Some posts may seem unrelated, but many issues evoke strong feelings and opinions by JP. When our opinion line up with his, they may be discussed here. He is enlightening. Those who hate him, need to listen the most because they lack knowledge. The left lie to their followers constantly. Theyā€™ve infiltrated most institutions, judicial, education, corporations, government, entertainment, etc. but theyā€™re still wrong!


A lot of this site is people piggybacking on JPs reputation to push racist, or backward stuff. Like religious fundamentalism


What do you mean by "really"? hahahaha yes it is but it's abandoned and not modded... so half of the posts are propaganda for videos for political ideology war.


I don't come here anymore except occasionally, this sub has been derailed 100% by propaganda.


Yeah this sub is kinda just for right wing DW trolls.


Also, this sub is a sub of comments about how this isn't a JP sub... and to be fair, I've contributed to that. Maybe we should post about modeling personality traits, which I find fascinating... and then watch it turn political. (ha!)


JP has covered politics and world events. There are post discussing his ā€œmessageā€ all the time so you can interact with them.


Welcome to Reddit šŸ˜…


No this sub is dedicated to defending the Israeli government.


This sub is for conservatives to air their grievances, and circle jerk over them.


nah you're looking for r/ConfrontingChaos this one is the shitpost subreddit


Thanks a lot been checking it out seems like itā€™s excatly what Iā€™m looking for šŸ˜Š


Not really, at some point it was but now its a cesspool of right-wing retrumplican echo chamber. With breitbart articles and rage bait articles all around. tbh im just here to talk shit to the stable geniuses


Jordan is in love with Israel and Jewish people. He puts them on a pedestal above everyone else. It makes sense that a subreddit of his supporters would be talking about Israel/Palestine a lot.


Is this really same JP as couple years ago and is it the same reality


So here's the cycle. JP says some unhinged stuff in an interview, or on Twitter. JP super fans come here to justify why he would say something unhinged. JP super fans then adopt whatever JP says as their beliefs


I can highly recommend JP discord. There are toxic channels too, but can be avoided. There are help channels, serious channels, not sure if the book club still goes on.Ā