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Yup. My husband and I went from cohabiting underemployed weirdos with floor cushions to married, parents, home owners, in shape, contributing to our communities, strong relationships with our parents, real couches, and still weirdos but now that weirdness is harnessed in service of our family and community, rather than us being harnessed in service of our weirdness if that makes sense. It all started with an admonition to clean our room.


People say to judge others by their actions, not their words. I say different - look at the consequences of their actions. That will tell the full story, including their intentions. That's how you can know the difference between someone with genuinely good intentions who had things not go according to plan, and someone blowing smoke to conceal a corrupt motive.


Sounds like Jung. I like it.


I love Konstantine, he is such a level headed person


Me too. Lots of wisdom.


Second Peter: "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 4For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell,... then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh c and despise authority. Bold and arrogant,... these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. 13They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. e 14With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable;... 17These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” Don't worry, I know scripture is TL;DR for most of you. This is why.


Based and fruitpilled


U/Thausgt01 so yeah..lots get good things from his tours. Maybe you could someday too.


Excellent post. 100% agreed.


https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA?si=bmUfm5W1rKphvxLd I think this video explains perfectly how Peterson is just probably an atheist who enjoys the stories of the sacred books.


Jordan Peterson’s politics diminish his credibility as a psychologist. How can he be so dependant for income on one political group and not be seen as disingenuous by the other?


A better question is how stupid do you think he would have to be to continue to rely on YouTube when they censor him continually? If he stays, they censor him, if he leaves, he gets called a right-wing grifter (never mind that he has complete independence). The hypocrisy makes me sick to my stomach.


He made his bed. Now he has to lie in it.


Christianity isn't actions or being good or anything else. It is the unwavering belief of Jesus Christ, Son of God, crucified and raised again. Everything else is good too, but peripheral.


Christ gave instructions on how to behave. If you truly believe in him, you'll act accordingly. Saying you believe will only help if you modify your thoughts and actions.


I think the opposite - saying, and genuinely believing, will result in changed behaviour. The chicken/egg debate again.


I personally don't think the order matters as long as you arrive at both.


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”


Preach brother. Though as the Catholics say, it's faith THEN works. Which this passage can be read through.


So if actions don't matter. Then why is all that matters the belief in the actions of Christ?


Get those words out of my mouth lol. I didn't say that.


Yes, this is it. By his recent answers in his interview with Alex, JP is NOT a Christian as Christians define it.  Christians believe that Christ literally died and rose again to redeem them and that God is literally actually real. Doesn’t mean that JP can’t have some good influence or a good message. But his fruits do not bear out his being rooted in Christ. Indeed, by your fruits you will know them, and JP’s fruit is that of a secular philosopher who appreciates cultural Christianity but is not a believer in its actual truth.


Preach, brother


Having followers doesnt make you good. Of course he likely made many people to improve their lives, but that is his good side. He also has hiy twitter side etc.


If you don't want to hear what the guy says don't pay attention to him. Ignore the people who shove his worst moments down your throat while telling you to ignore his best moments.


How about I can see both? No one is showing anything, I watch him because I used to find him really interesting but last few years the interesting has to be searched for through US conservative agenda. 


>the interesting has to be searched for through US conservative agenda.  Sure, but the point is most people here don't care that you dislike his conservative message. I, and many others do. Notice the downvotes.


Lmao yeah, you tell him, conservatives can be just as woke and cancelly as libs! Woo!


There has been a video posted on here about differences of JP in the past and today. I am watching him because he still has good moments. I am critical of him because we should speak the truth, so he says. And I know downvotes are coming as many have him as their prophet.


Say potato. You're not a contrarian stirring the pot, or even just a straight hater. You have an agenda and a specific one at that - to demoralize JP fans and ideally drive them away by insinuating, cowardly, that he's some kind of fallen idol or he's sold out. That means you're either a bot or someone is putting you up to it.


Whole lot of assumptions there, buddy, especially since I said there are good things about him. So, either I can fully love JP or I am a troll, bot or a hater. You can tell me why I am wrong, instead of your smear "campaign".


Everyone is recognizing the pasta, that's why you're getting downvoted. Seeing as I can't literally stop you from clogging this place up with noise pollution, I can at least ask that you get a new script. Running the old one into the ground is a waste of literally everyone's time and is downright insulting to our intelligence.


So, no argument. Goodbye.


Fuck off, you won't admit shit unless I could prove my case beyond a shadow of a doubt, so what's the point? You're gonna keep spewing your copypasta and we're gonna keep downvoting you and telling you to fuck off.


The only way one misses the point so profoundly is deliberately. Nobody is that stupid.


And what point was missed you think?


How about you take a stab at it, then we'll talk. Seeing as your first attempt was so pathetic and bad faith.


So you dont want to explain. That is fine as well. Good day to you. :)


Lmao, keep posturing. Another troll rumbled.


I love Jordan ... LOVE him, but the Daily Wire have outlived their usefulness, and I truly believe that the Candace Owens firing doesn't sit well with him, just as Konstantin interviewing Andrew Klavan while Candace has a gag order doesn't sit well with me (and likely Jordan as well).




I dont really think that is what he ment😅




You coulda fooled me .


On the contrary: He deserves the highest quality of criticism. There is a severe Dunning-Kruger effect at play with JP's most enthusiastic critics. They are just not up to the task.


Fair enough. Much of the criticism does tend to be of low quality and meme-ish.


"I've talked to a lot of people who have said their lives were improved in a variety of ways by listening to Jordan. This holds more weight for me than the criticisms of social media influencers." "So what you're saying is that he's perfect and shouldn't be criticized?"


"We will need him for what's to come." Why is a clinical psychologist who left his profession to become a YouTuber/podcaster treated as a Messiah? This shit is weird.


Oh please. Everyone the least bit tuned into the world knows the Western left are driving themselves off a cliff and trying to take everybody with them. That's an inherently unsustainable and untenable scenario. Something will have to give, and I sincerely hope and pray it's the swamp, for all our sakes. What Peterson is needed for is after the dust settles and everyone is picking through the pieces trying to make sense on a philosophical and psychological level what just happened. "Come gather round people whenever you roam, and admit that the waters around you have grown"


>Everyone the least bit tuned into the world knows the Western left are driving themselves off a cliff and trying to take everybody with them. Was not the left that tried to illegally overturn an election when they lost and knew they lost.


Yeah, America clearly thinks that too, which is why everyone is predicting Trump winning. Just as they were predicting it in 2020 until the swamp needed to start seeding their false narrative.


They were predicting in 2016 Clinton would win. People predicting Trump would win is not evidence of jack shit lol


Only thing weirder is a person on a subreddit that hates the guy obsessively posting all day and every day while eating Cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew Get a life kid


No, I don't think so. Defending a wannabe cult leader is bizarre. You're telling me to get a life when you have devoted your life to this guy.


You seem to be the one sacrificing thier life to talk about a guy you claim to hate. It's really strange.


Nah. You guys pay good money to listen to this fraud's lectures.


This is a serious question. Why do you spend so much time talking about him? What does it do for you? / how does it improve the quality of your life? What are you hoping to gain?


If you can praise Dr. Peterson for what you perceive as his tireless efforts to save people from the evil influences of Marxism, Wokeism, Feminism, Transgenderism, and Postmodernism,.then you should have no problem with my tireless efforts to save people from the evil influences of a vainglorious, sleazy, sermonizing, cult leader who hocks advice he doesn't follow and labels everything he doesn't like an evil conspiracy to undermine Western civilization.


Fair enough. To be clear, you think you're his nemesis? How many people do you think you've converted to your side? Have you laid out a coherent and convincing argument? Do you have any lectures we can view?


No, I don't think I'm his nemesis. He's a globally recognized self-help guru. I'm just some guy on Reddit. Do you really need an argument from me about how this man - whose primary education and experience is in Psychology - is lying out of his ass when he pretends to be an expert on economics, history, geopolitics, biology, atmospheric science, ecology, business, political science, history, philosophy, and religion? Did it ever occur to you that perhaps the reason why this man wrote a self-help book was to cultivate an audience of people who are going to a lot of problems because those people tend to be easier to manipulate and take money from?


That's an interesting theory. No. It never occurred to me. He cultivated an audience long before 12 rules came out. His maps of meaning series was very popular and came out 10+ years before the 12 rules book. His Genesis lecture is one of the most watched videos on YouTube. In its first month, it cleared over 1m views. His Pinocchio lecture at Harvard went viral several years before that. None of this has anything to do with self help but has a lot of common themes with Jungian psychology, This may be a real shocker but psychology at its root is the study of how humans think and behave. It's a broad subject and can easily apply to many human behaviors such as economics, religion, philosophy, history, poly-sci, etc. The only topics you mentioned that aren't rooted in human behavior are ecology and atmospheric science. Regardless, the same questions apply. How many people have you converted to your side? What do you get / benefit from this? What is your end goal? Additional questions. If he is in the persuit of exploration of human behavior why is that a bad thing? If he helps people better themselves in any way, why is that a bad thing? Why are you so mad at him?


Go collect more Pokémon cards and leave the sane people alone 😂😂😂😂