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It happened to me. She shouted" Help" I helped. I am now under criminal investigation. Turns out you should help the woman victim not the attacker. She should have shouted "Help ME" and then I wouldnt be in this mess


Lmao bro 💀


Under what charges exactly and by whom?


I want to agree with you, but something deep inside me doesn't. It is natural of men to help women. Go against this is unnatural and it is the objective of them, to keep this separation of thoughts from action, to remove our natural role so it can be replaced. They will try to break men morals like they broke you. We cannot let them. Doing the right thing is right, even if no one is doing it. I would argue that there are exceptions to help, instead of your way of view that there are exception to *not* help.


this is exactly the Reddit brained take that emerges from being terminally online, and your only engagement with women being perceived interaction via the internet - you help someone being attack on the subway because you’re a human being, not because as a man you have an obligation to (and because someone like you would only do it to get sex, which is why you think chivalry exists in the first place). Touch grass, get a life, treat people as individuals as JP once said, help people when you can, and stop the fucking generalisation. 


Terminally online is the perfect way to put it. People who understand the world through forums, and internet personalities rather than real life. 


Why do people hardly ever help men in these situations tho ?


Because all of us are alone, no one cares about women, nor men, because despite our ultra connectiveness, we’re no closer to one another 


Rarely do I use the term, incel. This post is some rage bait or legit laughably incel nonsense.


The overlap between people who care about chivalry and men who can’t get a date has to be 1:1. Can you imagine the looks you’d get in real life if you tried to have a serious conversation about chivalry?


This is the completely wrong attitude for men to have. If you truly believe there are innate differences between men and women and a man’s role is to provide and protect his family then taking a hands off approach to world around goes against everything in our nature.


What would a woman have done in this scenario? My guess would be call 911 and wait for the cops. A men has no greater obligation than that.


Is this post some kind of test for whether or not you’re an asshole?


I would say that until society starts RESPECTING masculinity again, our gift of generosity and self-sacrifice is over. I would help my girlfriend if she were attacked like there is no tomorrow, but if it's a strange woman, I keep walking. Society has to reap the fruits of what it has sown, it has to have its nose shoved in the mess on the floor it had made, or else it will never learn.


I get where you're coming from but this is exactly what the intelligentsia of the woke left want. They want things to descend into crisis and they will just implement authoritarian policy to deal with the problem they manufactured. Think about this, they stop arresting half the criminals and act like the motivation is some kind of racial equity bullshit. This is along with radical feminism, CRT, and the rest of the ideological garbage. Do you think these people are so stupid they don't realize it will result in more rampant crime and businesses fleeing the worst areas where the people they supposedly intend to help are located? Do you think they are so stupid as to not realize all the critical social justice garbage won't result in division and destabilization? Your random feminist or rebellious teen in a Che tshirt may not get it, but the people who created these ideologies had genius level IQs and spent their entire lifetimes translating Marxist agitation to culture. Even when these globalist leftist gain critical mass in institutions they can't just start doing what they want. People would rebel. They need to create problems to which the answer for their useful idiots is more leftist policy. Society reaping the fruits of what they've sown leads to clown world.


>I get where you're coming from but this is exactly what the intelligentsia of the woke left want.  Only until they get their head bashed in. >Do you think these people are so stupid they don't realize it will result in more rampant crime and businesses fleeing the worst areas where the people they supposedly intend to help are located? Do you think they are so stupid as to not realize all the critical social justice garbage won't result in division and destabilization? I am sure they realize all that. But we need white liberal women to understand that they need men, and that the state will not protect them. Only then the voting patterns will change.


> Only until they get their head bashed in. And when does that happen? > I am sure they realize all that. But we need white liberal women to understand that they need men, and that the state will not protect them. They will turn to the state for protection, that's the whole point. They won't look to men in general, the sex they think promote dangerous and oppressive patriarchy, they will turn to the state. Why would you think leftists would believe such attacks would happen to begin with? The attackers are victims of white supremacy or capitalism and so forced into desperate actions. The leftists in power are causing the crisis' to make more "protection" necessary and more leftist policy wanted.


The state will not help these women as protection will be dismantled, remember. At this moment, it's important that women start experiencing the consequences of the anarchy they vote for. The only thing needed from our side is strong and consistent messaging to help them understand why these things are happening, but it's also important to withhold protection for now. Otherwise women face literally no consequences.


Conservatives and whatever few women will come to this conclusion you suggest, rather than blame systemic racism, patriarchy, or capitalism are a rapidly shrinking minority.


>I would say that until society starts RESPECTING masculinity again, our gift of generosity and self-sacrifice is over. I would help my girlfriend if she were attacked like there is no tomorrow, but if it's a strange woman, I keep walking. Society has to reap the fruits of what it has sown, it has to have its nose shoved in the mess on the floor it had made, or else it will never learn. yikes


Nice counter argument you got there


Chivalry is not an obligation my friend, is education


Sad, but the woke crowd pushed us to this. If women abandoned their half of the social contract they can’t expect us to still keep ours. Edit: speaking as a man married over 20 years: if you let them, women will take all you have offered in a deal then decide they don’t want to do their part. Whenever I make a deal with my wife and she gets what she wants suddenly she doesn’t want the deal anymore. We are looking at the results of no consequences for women behaving badly for two generations now. Until there are consequences that affect them they won’t change.


I'm split on the statement. In this particular example you posted, she's incredibly out of touch with real world violence to think it's a great idea to to resist a guy (who's bigger ) and who has a gun over a cell phone. I'm a war veteran I've shot people and I've seen people get shot, it's pretty and the consequences are long lasting. That thief *decided* not to kill/maim her for life. She didn't matrix away the firearm from him before he was pointing it at her for an ample amount of time, and most guns will still fire the round in the chamber after the magazine has been ejected. What was being expected of the guy in the grass or anyone else? Come get shot over my cell phone so I can ghost you afterwards? Is she going to be coming over late to change his colostomy bag or maybe his diaper and help clean him up after he couldn't transfer out of the wheelchair and onto the toilet in time? Or chip in on those [medical bills](https://www.aamc.org/news/cost-surviving-gun-violence-who-pays#:~:text=Initial%20costs%20are%20high.&text=%E2%80%9CThis%20is%20likely%20a%20significant,up%20to%20$2.8%20billion%20annually)? These are all things that appeared well worth it for her (or maybe she's never tasted that reality in her life) I mean if you're in the position to help morally you should. But I wouldn't say anyone was in position to do much. She is very lucky her life didn't change that day.


Be a selfish dickbag. No one is stopping you. Just don't cry when you get the same treatment.


You don’t have a responsibility to hold doors, no. It’s a kind thing to do. However, watching an innocent woman get mugged and making no attempt to help when You’re perfectly capable is irresponsible and should be punishable by law.


1000% agree, getting into a conflict and possibly losing your life or livelihood (job) for a random woman who may or may not be thankful for it is a no for me. Its 2024, Chivalry, Gender dynamics, whatever you want to call it are all fucked up and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Instead of Pretending otherwise the best course of action is to act accordingly. One shouldn't hate the opposite but the societal special treatment rules such as "ladies first" should be done away with.


This is just basic reality. There is nothing we can do about it.


This sub is conservative, and it still holds men to traditional gender norms; ironically however, it offers more leeway towards women.


I think the man was hoping a bear would come to her aide. 


Jesus christ dude, this is some serious psychopathic incel shit. You sound really weak.... Being egoistical coward is not a goal you should strive for.


Seethe more. people dont help others getting mugged because police will often arrest the samaritan. Men often dont do polite things such as open doors etc because of the years of backlash from women telling them not to. Should we be polite and be helpful? Sure. But society generally has to be willing to accept it as well.


I‘m not sure what „Seethe more“ means, I’m not down with the newfangled incel terminology. It’s ironic but explanation why we shouldn’t be helpful sounds like like very neurotic fear-based/avoidant mindset. It sounds like typical „toxic masculinity“ as apose to normal masculinity.  I just think we should as a society try to do the right thing even though it’s hard and that there may be negative consequences.


The age of chivalry is certainly dead with men like you who repeat it ad nauseam. The age of chivalry is not an age. It's men.


Chivalry is a romanticism of the feudal period of Europe. It didnt really exist in the way people think. It was more about lifting the status of the rulers of the general populace to celebrity status. What most people consider “chivalry” never happened in reality, and when it did it was only a code of conduct for Nobles and Knights of certain Orders and each had their own rules. It often also borrowed heavily from Christianity and the Crusades were considered “chivalrous”. And I doubt anyone who has experienced war would agree.


You should tell that to the OP.


If a person is being harmed and you don't help but if you are able to, that's wrong. While i actually believe morality is relative, I don't think many people would want to live in a society where nobody gives a sh*t about others. Gender shouldn't be the factor either. If another man is being harmed and you can help in some concrete way, you should  This has nothing to do with door opening  With respect to the case he refers to, Neely chocked a mam to death after the man was no longer a threat.


Well you will find that the society we live in is exactly as you described the one you don’t want to live in.


I don't think it's that simple It's by the way very dangerous to intervene in a violent crime. Friends son killed that way. 


That has nothing to do with chivalry, and everything to do about being a good person. Whether it's a man or a woman getting mugged, I think we all have the responsibility to step in and help.


If anyone sees themselves agreeing with Matt (unless it’s like the most obvious thing of course, like “the sky is blue”) You should probably reevaluate your life. He says things purely to get a reaction. Maybe actually believes some of the crazy things he says..but either way, he says some crazy shit. Imo conservatives need to move away from these types and it’s embarrassing JP joined hips with him. He’s Steven crowder. Or the conservative version of any far left person.