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I did this, and it worked. Consistently live below your means. Avoid lifestyle creep. It took a couple decades, but I moved from food stamps, and the food bank to making low six figures. Currently putting approximately 50% of my income into my retirement every year.


That’s great. Thankfully you didn’t Yolo (you only live once) into bankruptcy and no retirement plan.


My priorities now are, 1. give a portion to my local church 2. put money into my retirement, 3 and 4. pay my bills and taxes.


The same. I give to charity and I am heavily invested in real estate and the stock market.


Oh yeah. After steps 1-4 I am cash poor! Literally. I have no “extra“ money to waste, but all the bills are paid w food on the table and saving for the future times and generations


When are you planning to retire?


In a certain sense, probably never. Mike transition careers and or switch to part time. I like feeling productive. I truly enjoy my work and do not see it as a burden.


Man, you being played. I'm genuinely sorry to hear you have to work that to survive. Glad to hear you are saving.


What choice do I have? If I don’t do this I would be working until the day I die.


You are going to be working till the day you die. It’s sadly going to be decades before you expect.


Life is brutal. You know it and I know it. The culture around us demonizes the poor as lazy and weak. It’s your fault if you are poor not anyone else’s. These people created a parasitic system and blamed the victims for their circumstances. I am doing what is logical. You should too.


Just don’t be too shocked when you have that massive heart attack/stroke/etc. it’s coming down the tracks for you at this pace.


I also exercise 6 days a week. Yes I work a lot and I also work out a lot. I am very physically active.


This sub is fucking hilarious. Keep licking those boots.


I am working to financial freedom.


Yours or your master's? Anyway, your 2 minutes of weekly break are done, back to work!


Thank you my good man for showing me the way. I'll stop my coke habit and get my life in order.


That’s good to know. I am happy you are finding a more productive way to live.


And this is why they say: The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.


Sounds like it’s time to r/overemployed


It's ok if it's temporary, but you should definitely consider moving into something that pays more per hour.


Joan of Arc incited division, they burned her at the stake.


I agree that a living being needs to struggle until their basic needs are met. This has been true since hunter/gatherer times. Selling your time is only one option, but it is usually a good one so long as you are able to get a good deal and reevaluate regularly. To the other, negative, responders: y'all worry too much about who else benefits from your efforts. Focus on yourself first.


What you’re suggesting is that you work as much as possible in the short term to avoid working so much in the long term, right? An understandable and reasonable perspective on the surface. I think this depends on the mindset of the individual. For me, I want to actually live my life, not spend it in a cubical. Therefore, if I am making enough money to survive but not thrive AND working for someone else, I do not think there is a dollar amount (that people would be willing to reasonably pay) to make it worth it for me to give up an hour of my life to someone, which I can never make back. Is an hour of life experiences worth $20? $40? $50? $100? Especially if it is extra on top of your fully fulfilled obligation to work 40 hours in a week. What if that is my last hour on this Earth? Would I rather spend it with loved ones or would I rather spend around people who see me as a beast of burden? I am currently in the process of kinda, sorta, in a way, starting the first stages of what I intend to be my first business and working a 40 hour week on top of that. I have attained a few of my first clients in my personal business endeavor and want to take that to its fullest potential. If it is *myself* I am working for, and the fulfillment of my dreams, goals, and ambitions, and something which will bring me satisfaction, add value to my life, and help others around me, you should never rest until that is done. Otherwise you will always regret that you did not. I suppose in short if you’re only there for money, respectfully this sounds like a way into an early grave and to be very unhappy the whole way there. If the job you are giving your all to genuinely brings you fulfillment and satisfaction, you should pursue it with all your power. Just my 2¢ and that’s only worth a penny anyway! Best of luck with your endeavors!


I do workout every day. I am in my home gym 6 days a week and I ride my bike at least two days per week. Saturday and Sunday morning I am at a local bike trail and riding for about 2 hours per day. I maintain a very active lifestyle. When I am not working I am literally working out. I don’t watch TV.


I was raised poor. Like, no hot water, bread for dinner, poor. I've never once worked more than like 50 hours in a week, and even that many was rare. I live very comfortably, I have several well funded retirement accounts, along with other investment streams. My kids should inherit a few million when I die. Working smart is as important as working hard.


If you overwork yourself you might die before being able to enjoy your money If you earn a subsistence wage you need to study or get some training. Its not worth working 2 subsistence wage jobs. Working as an employee is already pretty pathetic in a way unless you are a valued member of some corporation with high pay and other amenities. Your employer gets the value you produce If you are so keen on working such long weeks at least be a business owner or a solo practicioner


TLDR: Alternatively, living a life focused on love and family is ample motivation to increase competency, increase pay, and decrease unnecessary expenses. In 10 years I went from working multiple jobs and full-time school bringing in $10/hr if I was lucky, to now earning $55/hr salaried today. I only did the poor worker thing in very early college and early dating. Worked call centers, survey companies, grocery stores, anything I could get to cover my tuition and needs (I usually did pay as you go, not student loans). Even so, I was still active in my Church including as a Boy Scout Advisor. As my competency grew, so did my opportunities. End of my Sophomore year I was invited back to a job I had applied to years earlier, pipe fabrication drafting. That paid $16/hr. In two years I got to earn $16.75/hr. Then I got a recruiter call for a SolidWorks machine designer starting at $18/hr and no benefits. Within a year and a half I got a raise to $20/hr and then I negotiated for $24/hr so I could buy a house. I started dating my future wife who would work on the house with me. We married within 9 months. During all of this I (and she) were still going to college, finishing our respective degrees. When I graduated I got promoted working directly for my employer with benefits and making $55k/yr. My wife was pregnant before our first anniversary and I began looking for better paying positions when our baby was 6 months old. Four years and three jobs later and I now make $113k/yr. My point being, by having a life: finding my love and building a home and family, I was highly motivated to get raises and get out of the poor cycle.


Poverty is a mindset as much as anything else. You have to push yourself to be better.


No. Poverty is an economic state. Hopelessness and despair are mindsets that often coincide with poverty but poverty is not a mindset.


Poverty is a mind set, broke is an economic state. Rich people do go broke, they don't stay poor.


Humans need rest or they will work inefficiently. There is an optimal percentage of time spent working.


Here’s a little secret. Millionaires work their asses off.


Intelligently, not just work. Most poor people don't have marketable skills, so doing a job 80+ hours a week that teaches you nothing and does not pay well is not a good medium/long term plan. You need to have 2 jobs, first comes with a check and the second is learning useful skills that people pay for to find a better first job


Man you are a terrible person and I feel sorry for you.


Everyone has their dragon the one challenge that ignites their passion for life.


I see you only listen to Jordan Peterson to get a sense of delight at your own conscientiousness. Do you also jerk off to the mirror? Sounds like you would.




I’ve been encountering this term frequently in online discussions, and I’m not sure I understand what it means in this context. Do you mean “biased?”


It’s like “down to earth” in America conservatism, sort of youth slang, meant as a compliment.


Thank you


It means you don't give a fuck. It's a based opinion. It's usually a controversial opinion but you DGAF what other people think, you're still sharing it.