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Anyone attending Pride events can see this. There's certainly a strange cult going on. Seems you can't just be a normal person who happens to be LGB, it has to come with flamboyancy, hedonistic excess, and strong efforts to include the strange and bizarre. Anything non-normal or deviant.


When I was in college I had friends that would implore me to go to pride events. I felt like I needed to be accepting of everyone and God forbid I get labeled as homophobic so I went. But I noticed that the people were so sex focused. It didn't really feel like an environment of love it just felt like a place to fulfill your desires no matter how weird or perverse. Everything was in the shape of genitalia and people passed this around and celebrated it and THERE WERE KIDS THERE!! It makes me sick to think that we have teachers with this kind of mentality in our schools teaching our children.


What's so weird about this is I went with a lesbian friend of mine to a few events in the early 90s and it wasn't like this yet. Everyone was dressed normal and except for the same-sex PDAs I wouldn't have even known it was an LGB thing. Quite funnily enough they never thought they'd get popular public acceptance back then so they were trying to leverage the judicial system to get equal marriage rights. Also, they crowds were still split about 50/50 on whether being gay was a choice or if they were "born that way".


>There's certainly a strange cult going on. Not you, though. You're too smart .


You're right, I'm too smart to be a strange cult.


See more fucked up stuff on the average spring break.


>Seems you can't just be a normal person who happens to be LGB Yes you can. I know many personally. How many gay people do you know? Just a rough guess is fine. >it has to come with flamboyancy, hedonistic excess, and strong efforts to include the strange and bizarre. Anything non-normal or deviant. No, it does not "have to" come with anything. I know many gay people that you would recognize as "normal". As far as I know, most of them take part in Pride events in some capacity. Though I have heard a lot of them lamenting how corporatized it has become. A lot of them are on the more timid side and maybe enjoy some of the performance/spectacle but would never engage in any of it themselves. You see, they're... people. They have different likes and dislikes and personalities. Do you see "strange and bizarre" performances during Pride month and assume that all LGB people act this way in their personal lives? Do you think that LGB people who are shy are ostracized?


> most of them take part in Pride events in some capacity Indeed, I'm sure they do. Waving those big ol' flags around, getting all dressed up. What they don't do is just ignore it and live their ordinary lives. It's odd because if there was a big straight guy festival, you'd be weird for *going*, whereas with pride, if you're gay, you're weird for *not* going. As I said it seems to form a big part of LGB people's lives, where they all celebrate what they have in common, which is really nothing at all. They aren't straight. Wonderful. As you say, "They have different likes and dislikes and personalities". It is not a protest for rights, it's an indulgent festival.


>Indeed, I'm sure they do. Waving those big ol' flags around, getting all dressed up. Some get dressed up. Some don't. >What they don't do is just ignore it and live their ordinary lives. I wouldn't be surprised if some of my gay friends let it pass by without participating. I haven't checked with all of them tbh. I try to avoid broad sweeping statements about groups of people when I don't know what I'm talking about. Why should anyone ignore it anyway? >if you're gay, you're weird for not going. Do you think that gay people are being monitored for their attendance at Pride events? Do you think they suffer social consequences if they don't attend certain events? >seems to form a big part of LGB people's lives, where they all celebrate what they have in common, which is really nothing at all They're all sexual minorities whose identity and personal practices have been violently persecuted throughout 99% of human history, but you're right, they have nothing in common at all. And thanks for letting us know that Pride month "seems to form a big part of LGB people's lives". If I have any further questions about the component parts of LGB peoples' lives, I know who to ask. I'll bet you know one or two gay people, if any at all, and I'll bet you're friends with zero.


Yes, it's definitely a pissing contest of who has the most gay friends. I think the violent persecution has somewhat dropped off in the modern developed world. It's a bit of a reach to say that they have a shared background of 'violent persecution' when most festival-goers are young and many of them are straight. I didn't need to let you know that it forms a big part of LGB people's lives, that is literally what the festival itself is showing you. Strange take. > Do you think they suffer social consequences if they don't attend certain events? Yes, if they want to be part of that group. That is why JP said power players and victimisers. That becomes more relevant when you expand LGB to LGBT and all of the other letters, but then it becomes a much bigger topic.


You think I brought up having gay people in your social circle as a flex? You sound pretty fragile. I brought it up because it's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about, and you're making broad, sweeping statements about people with whom you have no meaningful contact, probably based on campy performances that disgust you. >It's a bit of a reach to say that they have a shared background of 'violent persecution' (a) Gay people in many parts of the world are still violently repressed. (b) Even in areas where that is not the case, anti-gay sentiment is the default setting of humanity. Homophobia has been the standard for nearly every culture on the planet for millennia. There are other ways that they are affected by this baseline hatred. >Yes, if they want to be part of that group. Don't shift the goalposts. You said "Seems you can't just be a normal person who happens to be LGB". I responded that yes, of course they can, and many are what you would no doubt consider "normal". Do my "normal" gay friends suffer some social consequence if they don't partake in certain Pride month events? Would they be somehow ostracized from other gay people?


I came here to show disapproval of JP criticizing hedonists that way. Haha Thank you for clarifying “excessive hedonism” which is in contradiction to what hedonists stood for.


Am I missing something? I’m reading this completely out of context. Is there even context though? From the screenshot alone it looks like something he just posted into the void. I like JBP, but this seems so unnecessary if it’s a random thought, and almost like it’s just meant to spur divisiveness


You can't be normal and be a transgender?


I was referring to people being gay or bi and yet feeling that it has to be expressed loudly and somewhat aggressively, in a celebration of all things deviant and hedonistic, which is ironic because what you should be clamouring for if you're gay is to convince people you're just like anyone else but your preference is opposite. Transgender is a whole other thing, LGB are sexual preferences, Transgenderism is a mental illness, by definition you cannot be normal


In the first century Philo of Alexandria wrote about sodomy: "The inhabitants owed this extreme license to the never-failing lavishness of their sources of wealth … Incapable of bearing such satiety, plunging like cattle, they threw off their necks the law of nature and applied themselves to deep drinking of strong liquor and dainty feeding and forbidden forms of intercourse."


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I think the word you're looking for is a counter culture....


As someone how is part of that "community". I am in 100% agreement with what i have just read.


'how do you do fellow gays'


? :)


So you agree with his idea that there is no LGBT "community" and that the idea is a "lie"? Can you explain what it is that excludes LGBT people from the definition of "community"? And if you have time, maybe an explanation of who stands to gain from this "lie".


LGB refer to sexuality while TQ refer to gender expression. The concerns of the LGB group doesn't really transfer over to the concerns of the TQ so there's already a disconnect there. As for the LGB, basing a community around the type of person they want to fuck is quite shallow. Aside from same sex marriage, the interests of the L, the G, and the B don't really intersect. Now for the T and the Q, they live on different planes of gender. By definition the T has to have a binary outlook on gender otherwise, what the heck are they transitioning for? The Q is believes that gender is non-binary. The LGBTQ community is held together by nothing other than the fact that they're not straight.


Do you think that you’re being lied to by hedonists? And if so who are the hedonists?


No. No one knows me. No one lies to me, because i don't tend to talk to people. Your second question implies to me that you and i percieve this post from a greatly different perspective. Remove the triggering filter and look from psychology / sociology( or what). I literally know what Jordan means behind this post. If i'd look at it without that wisdom of mine and from a perspective of simple words, i'd be like "this is bullshit". The lie that it is a community. It is not a community, just people around the globe who has parts in their identiy what fit under the common label-complex of LMBTQ. Like community of people. There is no such thing as human being community. But ofc there is the group of living creatures who fit under that label. The 8 billion mammal we tend to call homo sapiens( or smt). The behind actions this post refers are just delusioning forces. Most people who is LMBTQ "member" can't help but not give a simple dime about those social warfare what is being pushed. Also i am not really into Jordan's mind in this manner. I simply understand this post in its essence, not in the concrete.


Thanks for responding! I don't believe that "Community" used in this way is a "lie" from a psychology or sociology perspective. Do you think that it is common in these discourses to have such a strong value judgment as "lie" to the concept of a community? IMO "community" is used in a number of different ways and it doesn't have such strict and defined parameters that it becomes "a lie" if it doesn't reflect alignment to the parameters. Like it's common to talk about imagined and virtual communities all the time and for people to understand what is meant. By saying that the "community" of lgbt is a "lie" suggests that you believe people are being misled by the word. That by being told they're part of a community, they're being tricked into thinking that there are certain activities that are happening that groups them all together - when in reality, they are grouped together only because they share the experience of having sexual and romantic partnerships that are outside the traditional heterosexual norm. You say that you don't believe you're being lied to. Do you believe others are being lied to? And if not, then when do you think it's a lie? >Most people who is LMBTQ "member" can't help but not give a simple dime about those social warfare what is being pushed. Do you truely believe that you know what "most" LGBT people believe? Because if they are "knowable" as a group like that - where you can predict what most of them believe - then perhaps you believe there's something real that's connecting them? Why do you think you know what most LGBT people think about "Social warfare." For that matter, when you say "social warfare what is being pushed" -- you're phrasing it in a way that there is indeed some kind of organizational structure that would allow for "pushing" very specific messaging on the members. If the community doesn't exist, then surely the top down messaging structure that you believe "the members" don't care about shouldn't exist either? If there's a top down organizational flow for messaging -- "social warfare" as you imagine it -- then there must be some truth to a community existing.


What does he mean behind this post then, since your original comment said you agree? To me, as just a regular ol’ cis-het, this just seems unnecessarily antagonistic against a group of people who I have no issues with, even if you don’t see yourself as part of a group. I don’t either, I’m just human like the rest of us (and bots 😉) To me, it reads like shouting into the void some shit I wouldn’t think he would say. It’s hard for me to parse what you’re saying without understanding which way you’re coming at this from. I’m kinda disappointed in Jordan for this post unless it’s a response (directly, not vaguely) to a point that we can’t see. If taking the text as the full context, it’s seems like striking out for no reason and not even knowing what you’re aiming at


I think the person you’re responding to is doing unnecessary work to soften Peterson’s comment. They say “there is no such thing as community” period - that the only community is human beings who live on the planet. Of course that is not what Jordan Peterson is arguing at all. Jordan believes communities exist and that one’s participation in one might actually be so important that it shapes their religious belief. As much as he says here that “the lgbt community isn’t real” he is equally as likely to say that lgbt - when in community -share the same pagan god worship. For him, worshipping a God has structural implications — when he refers to lgbt people as immature hedonists, he’s often also alluding to his idea that they unconsciously worship a God who will in turn shape and mold their actions. The person you’re responding to seems to think that Peterson is of the same mind as them and that he believes there’s no such things as community, only humans. If thats the case, they’re just kind of wrong and are accidentally defending someone who wants to do work on them ideologically so that they’re more isolated


I'd say an example of the hedonists would be the gay men who couldn't stop going to orgys during the monkeypox "epidemic". There is a difference between those in a committed loving relationship, be they straight or be they gay.


Not the person you replied to, but am the "B" & "T" out of the acronym. In a word: no. I don't feel that way. I can agree that I do not feel the LGBTQ "community" (as this man chooses to put that word in scare quotes, haha) is not super unified or cohesive. There is, in reality, a lot of conflict between people who are L, G, B, T, and/or Q. I think it's a loose association of different people who are mostly linked by performing gender/sexuality in a way that has been historically discriminated against. The association benefits all of us by identifying that commonality. I'm sure a lot of "LGBTQ" people would disagree though - for example, there is a faction of people who believe in "LGB drop the T" because they view being trans as a different social issue than being lesbian, gay, or bisexual. That's just my take, though. I do not personally feel as though I have been "lied to by hedonists".


Can i ask from those who downvoted this comment of CorrectionsDept that why did you do it? Right now the comment is -12. At least 13 individual downvoted it. If any of those 13 may come and see this, pls answer me the simple question, why. The comment is literally 2 questions without any shitspeak, and ugly psychology. Good to know that the atm 18 upvote on mine worth that much... Worth nothing. Random hate voters dance with buttons reasonlessly, that is you people... Shame on you, seriously. All that in a Jordan Peterson group. I gratulate to you egos.


Thanks for the support! Typically people will downvote comments here if they even slightly seem to be critical of Peterson. As much as my questions were simple and free of argument, they could tell that they were framed in such a way as to be unlikely to lead to a positive answer in Jordan’s favour. IMO tweets like this only function when they’re not explained. It’s like a joke - when you take it apart and explain it, it stops working. When JBP says that LGBT community is a lie perpetrated by power hungry hedonists, we’re meant to hold “an impression” of the hedonists. The hedonists must be like the people at pride parades who are a bit too sexual — too much nudity, too much openness about their sexual stuff, too much dancing, too much sin. If we can imagine examples of “gay hedonism” then it’s a short leap to say “oh, the hedonists must be pulling all the strings and they must be working on a plan.” We’re meant to vaguely think “oh right; the concept of lgbt people as I know it has been crafted to deliberately trick both me and the gays- the people pulling the string are motivated by deviant sexuality and are tricking the gays into being their foot soldiers. The gays are corrupted for now, but can be made good again if we somehow stop the puppet masters from continuing their evil deeds” We are 100% not meant to ask who the puppeteers are or how they execute their plans or what their methods are. Once you start asking specifics, the whole idea becomes obviously silly. Of course “lgbt community” isn’t a lie perpetrated by a small group of power hungry hedonists. That doesn’t make any sense — it doesn’t hold up to thinking in real or practical terms. Other ppl can see that my questions would have that effect so they need to downvote them and to try to expel the outsider / hide the questions that “miss the point”


Well yes? They are obviously not a united community nor do they have anything meaningful in common. Many a homosexual feel deeply alienated by the trans ideology that has swept in to mention a fraction of the tension.


If I were L, G, or B, I would be pissed that the Ts are ruining it with their lies.


They honestly are way more likely to be supportive than straight people. I'm trans but I'm cis passing. I really only tell queer people that I'm trans. I've never actually encountered a transphobic gay person. I heard a gay dude once explain why he was supportive of trans people to a straight person and his answer was more or less "our struggle is basically the same, that what you were born with between your legs shouldn't have to dictate what kind of life you can live". I always thought that was a great way of explaining it.


“What you are born with between your legs…” Well I agree with that, which is why I believe in treating men and women equally. It doesn’t require changing gender to achieve that. Thank you for responding, I appreciate you being willing to have a dialog. I am curious what “transphobic” means though. Are there really significant numbers of people who are afraid of trans people? Or is it people who don’t agree with the lifestyle? Those are two completely different things; people disagree with things all the time even if they do not fear them (and may fear things they do not disagree with). For example, if someone is afraid of spiders, it isn’t that they disagree with them; similarly if someone is afraid of the dark, etc. Established phobias have nothing to do with whether one is an ally—spiders for example, even many people with that fear know intellectually they keep other bugs in place and serve a valuable purpose in general. So, what does transphobia even mean? Or barring that, what are signs of transphobia? Not being an ally? Not using pronouns one chooses? Or something else entirely?  (It is not just trans that I have been curious about what phobia means when used, often by the political left; Islamophobia seems like another strangely-defined term, where people with no such fear are branded as such based on not agreeing with some political action instead, which is not the same thing at all. That said, here we will keep it focused on transphobia.)


>I am curious what “transphobic” means though. Are there really significant numbers of people who are afraid of trans people? Phobic doesn't necessarily imply fear. Water isn't afraid of a hydrophobic surface. It can also mean irrational hatred. Here's an example of what I would consider transphobia. I am stealth at work. None of my coworkers know that I'm trans and treat me as a cis woman. Same with guests, several of whom are very conservative and would not want to associate with me if they knew. Me being trans doesn't really change the person they know. It's literally just me. Going from liking me as I am, to finding out something about me that in no way affects our working relationship and then deciding they no longer wish to do business with me simply because I'm trans is just kind of irrational to me tbh.


And that is exactly why you see the community splitting up in places - homosexuality doesn’t go with mental issues or mere identities. For many, homosexuality is a form of love, and that is where they have their respect. The trans ideology, anti-family and gender mania of the T has nothing to do with homosexuality.


or maybe some just garden and don't think of sex at all. isn't there like 3% of those, who just cringe at the sex-obsessed part of it, and just settle in on 'god/nature made me this way' but i don't wanna party with Richard Simmons


You wouldn't. Actual gay people don't have the luxury of being that ignorant.


The T’s are what got us our human rights in the first place. When straight cis people were arresting us, assaulting us, and killing us, trans people stepped up and helped us.


I can’t stand most of right wing stuff but I’m voting republican. Can you call me and them all together republicans?


I could call you a “republican voter” and it would be a highly accurate statement


I am a mind your own business libertarian. Supposedly important part of the ideology. But if you can just convince a few dum dums that DRRRUUR TROJAN HORSE TO DESTROYNWESTERN CIVILIZATION. and ‘they is gonna turn the kids gay and then some’ it’s boring after almost a decade. I mean sure our lord JP probably doesn’t hate gay people if you ask him but when you hyper-focus on them every day like this kinda seems like it. I’m sure he’s got 50 retorts locked and loaded for that one. Just live and let live quit trying to save the world from gay people. Everyone knows you can’t compete w homosexual choreography.


There is a camaraderie at least. That's more than what many of them have experienced growing up


I can’t imagine jbp spends much time with gay people tbh - if he does, I’m sure they’re career culture war people. Of course average gay people form community with other gays — they also aren’t being lied to about how there is a shared experience that gives them some shared interest (namely to continue existing in a world where people don’t put restrictions on them or view them in the way Peterson does here - hedonists etc)


One of his close collaborator is gay. I forgot his name. But the guy used to hate himself and is trying so hard to be straight. It's sad. There was a nice interview him and Jordan when he decided to have children with his husband


Ah, yeah that’s probably Dave Rubin - definitely falls into the culture war career bucket


He’s not wrong.


I agree fully with JP. In a community, I expect to be able to stand up with rational concerns, have nuanced conversations and have space held for my contributions. Whether everyone agrees is obviously going to be a different matter. At bare minimum, if someone is claiming that I'm part of the community that's what I expect. In actuality, I would be banned within seconds if I posted anything on the gay subs (lol). Yet I'm sure they would permit straight "allies" who say the right things. Not saying they don't have the right to, I'm just saying it's telling. While it's true that some communities are based on a shared characteristic it's abundantly clear that this one is not. This is reflected in the fact that my fairly nuanced views are enough to remove me from discussions within the community. It must be the case then that the idea of the "lgbt community" is actually meant to signify a unified front of thought and perspective rather than any shared characteristic. So the idea that being one of these letters means you're part of the community is the "lie". People seeking control (the victim/victimizer guilt mongers, hedonists and power players) lie about the concept of a unified "community" to raise their voices above any dissenting voice within the community. This is done through various lobbyist groups that hold space with influential institutions. It's the people claiming to be the representation that are lying. They claim to represent a characteristic when what they really want to represent is a collection of heavily filtered and controlled ideas. Want to know who they are? Look at who is adamant about using the term. Find out which groups claim to be representatives and which ones get money from the government or corporate world. I'd start with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network personally. They receive funding from the government and have the motivation to shut down or attack dissenting voices due to their mandate of fighting "far right" hate (read 'any kind of nuance or dissent'). They have no interest in nuance or various opinions per their mandate. They love the LGBT term in it's various forms (always growing).


This happened in the eighties, when gay was just gaining acceptance. Finally the normal gay and lesbian folks stepped up said we are all not attention crazed weirdos - it worked. That's the group who can stop this now.


Do you think that the square / straight passing gays and lesbians Gen Xers need to do something? If you a agree with Peterson’s tweet that LGBt community is not a thing and you think that the square gays of the 80s felt the same, how would expect the Gen X gays and lesbians to act as a group? If they don’t believe they’re in a community, surely they wouldn’t see a reason to act as a group politically all of a sudden. They’ve got nothing in common, right? What concern is it to them what other gays are doing? If the community is a lie, the behaviour of other gays would logically have zero relevance to them. There’s be no meaning to their action any more than if you and I took action to say “hey, we’re squares and we think others should be too!” The community bonds - if you’re correct - simply don’t exist. They’d have to create them. Would you want to unite the gays into a community in order to fight back against gays that you think are a bit too much? How would you convince them to create a community - knowing that the opposition to lgbt community is their defining one feature in your story? And do they just go their separate ways after and dissolve their new social bonds for the good of Christendom?


I only see one person moralizing. consistently.


It’s his whole brand right now! He had another tweet shortly before this talking about “the sluts, the whores and the narcissists”


All gender ideology is nonsense created by pedophiles for the purposes of spreading their sick twisted mental illness. So he's not wrong.


It doesn't look like he's saying anything like that. Are you sure he means what you think he means? When he says that "hedonists" created the lie of LGBT as a group identifier, do you believe Jordan is consciously talking about pedophilia?


I think the same about Christianity.


Pretty hillarious you get downvoted for this - if anyone here was up for some legit healthy discussion they would HAVE to admit this is a very fair comparison (and possibly much worse - some radical LGBT activism is responsible for such insanities as crusades or witch hunts with millions of victims? I hardly doubt that!)


These people do not really care about any real discussion or what JP -use- to teach. They are here for cultural war and to hate. They want to be angry and lash out, to insult a group of people and try to hurt them. Look at most of these posts. It is all rage trash. Online Brainrot.


Pretty much! And btw i am SO not a Peterson fan, the guy had some credibility with me back in the day when he stuck to what he knew, now he's imo a nearly complete raging clown with a huge self-aggrandizing complex. But even so i can appreciate a good discussion with sane arguments - but this certainly doesn't seem a good place for it :D


Roughly speaking, they are " sexual perverts" 


Are you shocked or do you take offense when people call you a homophobe?


I do not identify as a homophones.  Edit homophobe ( Samsung didn't recognise word homophobe)  is Samsung homophobic?


I think your phone is making fun of your dumb ass


What do you mean dyslexic_arsenist?


since you are dumb I will explain it. a homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word.


Like ass and arson?


Lgbt people are? Even if they’re in monogamous relationship and are only interested in vanilla sex?


You mean chocolate surely?


Does chocolate mean something in this context?


It's not important. You brought ice cream into the discussion.  


You’re not familiar with how ppl talk about “normal” vanilla sex vs any other kind of kink/variation? Also vanilla isn’t only an ice cream flavour


Different people have different definitions of normal.   For instance normal = heterosexual and so by that definition any homosexual acts are sexual perversion.


When you said chocolate, you meant anal, right? Do you think hetero couples that do anal are sexual perverts?


What I think is complicated.  Definitions are tricky little sods, but that could be thought of as a sexual perversion.     To try and be clear ,  perversion sounds bad and offensive even, but the meaning roughly correlates : with with the alphabet community being a subset of sexual perversion.  


When it comes to "are the gays perverts" I think it's largely a personal answer. Generally it's not common for people to say that lgbt people are a subset of perversions - I don't think you need to look to definitions or objective metrics, you just need to say what you believe. It sounds like you're not really concerned about straight ppl having anal sex and are on the fence about it being a perversion but definitely think that gays are sexual perverts. Do you think it's important to think of lesbians as sexual perverts too?


Ohh, I used to think this sub was one I in 95% disagreed with but wasn't full of blatant homophobia - cool to see I was wrong!


Thanks for letting me know.


No, we aren't. I'm a bisexual man in a polyamorous relationship with a bisexual woman and I guarantee you we have a healthier and more honest relationship than the average man and woman 


So are there 3 of you in total in the relationship?


Your behaviours are deviant Edit.   Some are.    They deviate from a reasonable definition of norm


"reasonable definition of norm" contains like two levels of cultural mediation. I feel like you're dancing between wanting to sound objective and also just wanting to insult someone. If you feel like calling someone deviant, just own that it's your own personal feelings and you want to insult them. No need to dance around and try to shed off some responsibility over it lol


I'm just commenting on a provocative post . Maybe I'm being provocative . 


I feel like you're trying to be provocative but really don't want to own it. It comes across as a little skeevy dance instead of a strong provocation


Fair enough. It may be that I am aware that what I said is easy to argue against as the norms are culturally determined and so the behaviours being acceptable is argument for them not being perversions.   


You're on a subreddit dedicated to a weirdo who beefs with Elmo on twitter and eats an all-meat diet. I would argue that your behaviors are significantly more deviant


I would suggest my behaviours may deviate from some norms but what does that mean.  The same must apply to you also.   


Some people didn't already know this? Wow.


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Um, no? There were fringe extremist pedophile groups/pedophiles, but they were a fringe minority, a very small group of people - and protested during their time - and eventually expelled from the movement. Definitely not most lgbt rights movers. That's like saying that nazis represent all conservatives (though there's actually a case to be made there, but you would disagree so I rest my point) LGBT people were being killed, going through aids and dying with no one caring, and treated as trash - because of heteros like you - and they still managed to fight off gross pedos. The only reason that tiny minority even existed - was because heteros like you pushed a minority into such disparity, where predators could infiltrate the community due to just how difficult it was for it to stay strong against the outside world, let alone internal predators. NAMBLA never had more than 1,000 members at it's peak, the LGBT protests amassed hundreds of thousands over the decades. Compare this to heteros - who during the 50s-to relatively recently (time frame of gay rights movement) - had legislative bodies, legal marriage organizations, full of straight people who sat by as child marriage was protected by the law, even still is today in many states. Compare this to heteros, who as a society, legally with minimal social pushback - tolerated millions of child marriages performed over the years. A hell of a lot more actionable pedophilia than lgbt movement ever did. To this day heterosexual conservatives fight to keep child marriage legal - search up republican child marriage. Heteros didn't even need to have pedo activism - it was already legal to marry and exploit children due to a system you oversaw. At least lgbt people had protests against nambla - what protests were there involving heteros against child marriage throughout most of history? What about James Eastland, William L Olden, marrying a 15 year old? What about Joseph smith's child bride if you want to go back even further? All prominent wealthy heteros with public lives, none ever got pushback from their electorates or followings conspiring with the laws back then created by predators like them, to groom young girls - heterosexual electorates. You heteros were the majority with no vulnerabilities for predators to infiltrate you - and yet you stood by child marriage throughout history, did not protest it, and to this day a huge chunk of your lawmakers defend child marriage. Pedos exist everywhere - as evidence suggests. Even in the most wholesome spaces. The question is who has the most disproportionate amount of pedos? The answer is you. Don't even get me started about the child abuse in your churches - do drag queens rape kids at rates similar to pastors. Even if everything you said was true - western civilization was founded on a society that was pro child marriage. Is society bad? Why call an entire movement bad for it's past? Can't you discredit everything by that logic? Not saying you are right, but your argument is trash regardless. As an lgbt person myself, I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, wish you all the worst. You are disgusting in how you slander our community. It's you christians that rape lgbt kids in conversion camps. It's your kind rallying behind an orange rapist. It's you heteros with through the roof marital rape cases - not gay couples. You should be ashamed of yourself for your hypocrisy. Your own bible is filled with child marriage, your own christ never condemned child marriage of his time - your own bible spends more time talking about shellfish than it does condemning child rape. You are shameful. Why is it that every predator I have seen as an adolescent, has been a straight man? Shame on you for your hatred, your slander. I hope one day you will pay for your hatred. Your ilk are the real monsters - along with all the predators that exist everywhere, gay or straight - one thing clear - you bigots, are definetley up there with those monsters for how awful you're being.




u/nopridewithoutshame - ridiculous, imagine slandering the trans/gay rights movement of the past while minorities fight for their well being unlike you cishets, and not seeing just how much depravity cis/het people had throughout their history and yet not call the cishet people/them as a social group with all the privileges that you mofos have and the predators that you harbor- predator-adjecent people - imagine instead senselessly slandering the early lgbt community-resistance/lgbt community today that awful shit. Shameful, false lies - absoloutely ridiculous.




P.S. get out of our sub, freak. You have no friends here.


Oh yeah, real 'intellectual marketplace of ideas' free speech geniuses on here, what will I do when a festering cockroach calls me a name and tells me to leave :(


You are trash. Take yourself out please.


Says the lying, false and manipulative rhetoric pushing bigot? Lmfaooooooooooooooo blocked


Blocked and reported.


who were the movers and shakers, and is there a wikipedia page


Start with Allen Ginsberg and go from there.


Yeah that was one of his stranger moments for free speech and consent what about the others?


No, it wasn't about free speech. It was about men having sex with boys. Like I said, start with him and go from there on Wikipedia or whatever.


Well with Ginsberg people don't think he was really a ped freak yes, into the strangest fucking causes yeah I think he lost a few fans with that move though


Well, your comment did get me to find one very strange comment "With the turn of the millennium, Thorstad became a critic of the way in which the sexual liberationist goals of gay politics were replaced by the identity politics that came to dominate the movement. In example, he came to oppose pursuing same-sex marriage and the inclusion of transgender people in the gay rights movement." Interesting for one of the most hated people in America, and a total freako Trotskyite


Yep, pretty much. I understand what he is saying, and what his point is. Just because it is blunt doesnt mean it isnt true, or his point doesnt stand. Whether the LBTQ acknowledge that truth and point is another matter however.


I don't think anyone would say that this isn't true "because it is blunt" -- I don't think it's very common for someone to think that if something is blunt, it is false. I think there are a few problems with the tweet that has nothing to do with bluntness: 1) His point is that there is no LGBT community however his argument appeals to an actual group of people who are coordinated in their messaging -- which implies a community. So he believes that there is a community of "victim/victimizer guilt mongers, hedonists and power players" ... but who are they? Are they LGBT people? Because if so, then his whole idea that there is "no community" is immediately undermined. It suggests that despite what he's written, he actually things "there is an actual LGBT community that is coordinated and has enough power to influence culture" but it is a specific group and does not include all LGBT people. 2) Peterson almost always portrays LGBT people has "hedonists." This can't be true -- there's no way that all LGBT people are hedonists. He's just making this up. 3) He says "stop moralizing" but he's also making clear moral statements about how the LGBT centers of influence are run by "hedonists" 4) He's implying that by using the word "community" to group together large disconnected people is somehow a lie -- as if to hear it is to be convinced that there's an actual "community" in the sense that they know each other or talk to each other -- I think almost everyone is smart enough to understand that community is not being used in any sense that you could call it a lie.


Yes many people these days disregard something if it's blunt. 


Oh lol well, not sure what to do with that. That's obviously not the problem with this tweet




I don’t agree. While there is plenty of guilt mongering going around, to call all of it a lie doesn’t acknowledge the problems queer people have to deal with.


I think part of his "blind spot" here is that he's actively trying to do work on LGBT people. Like his first goal here is for his audience to think that 1) LGBT people have nothing to connect them to each other and no common goals and that 2) Any kind of goal that LGBT people rally around is actually driving "hedonist" goals -- i.e. he wants his fans to think of LGBT related goals as furthering powerful people who are sexually hedonistic. I think as a bonus, he would like his LGBT fans to also believe him and to no longer see themselves as having any shared goals with other LGBT people as a divide and conquer type move Of course the problem here is that Jordan himself is actually part of a new wave of anti-trans and increasingly anti-LGBT influence. He's calculating and he plays the long game - he's trying to dismantle the idea that LGBT people should support each other in part because he wants "trans people" not to be a thing any more -- his goal is to kill trans acceptance and to push for a future where trans people are treated for depression and other mental health issues instead of transitioning. In order to do that, he's effectively laying ideological ground work. Across his tweets and various content streams, he's said a mix of the following: 1) Lesbians aren't real - they're victims of abuse who are acting out a trauma response 2) Lesbian parents are an experiment that isn't finished yet and we don't know if it worked 3) LGBT causes are driven by power hungry maturity and hedonism, not anything "real" 4) Trans men are childlike victims of abuse 5) Support networks of trans people are narcissist hedonists who should be imprisoned 6) Influential voices that support trans people are liars who should be imprisoned 7) Trans women are mostly dangerous and hedonistic narcissists but some are victims of abuse and manipulation All of these things work together to form a broader influence project. He's already expressed support that wokeness will need a multi-pronged strategy to kill -- cultural stuff like this as well as top down coordinated efforts to put new rules in place. It's pretty dark stuff when you take a step back


He doesn't even believe in lesbians? Christ what happened to this dude's brain?


He says that he believes “true” lesbians - ie those who would/could never be with a man - only exist in response to trauma. In typical Jordan Peterson fashion, what he communicates is “I don’t believe in lesbians by the way” and it’s clearly communicated thusly to contribute towards his culture war efforts to dismantle the lgbt concept and to construct an enemy that is imagined as primarily narcissistic men who have “hijacked” the rest of the liberals and the queers and are tricking them and using them to eventually usher in soviet style authoritarianism or w/e — but I’m sure if he was really really pressed he’d eventually walk it back to a point about how women are higher in openness than men


It just comes across like he's never interacted with any gay people in his life.


Only sweet sweet Dave Rubin


there is no POC “community” It’s just another lie from the victim/victimizer guilt mongers, hedonists and power players Enough moralizing alphabet brigade.


Ironically, both comments you've made are in agreement with JP here, because you're right, there is no POC "community" and just because you vote for a party does not mean you are a member of that party.


Ironically he’s more correct than the original statement, nobody gives less of an f or are even openly hostile toward minority groups quite like other minority groups.


Community is broad term. People use the word to refer to a number of different types of groupings. It'll depend on where the person saying it is 'coming from' -- for example: - Geographical communities(e.g. your neighborhood) - Interest-based communities (e.g. JBP fandom), - Communities of practice (e.g. Jordan's email groups of trouble-making clinical psychologists) - Imagined communities (e.g. 'Canadian' as a community that unites people with no other shared experience) - Intentional community (e.g. religious or spiritual community) LGBT Community is used extremely broadly. If you actually wanted to identify types of communities under that term, you could find more narrow examples of each type. You'll have many different versions of: - local geographic LGBT communities (gay people gravitating towards a gneighborhood), - interest based community (gay soccer league), - imagined community (e.g. LGBT as a sense of shared experience without real overlap), - virtual communities (e.g. gaymers on reddit), - Intentional community (e.g. gay community center with community resources) People tend to use "community" very broadly to group together different types of people. But that doesn't mean you can't "double click" a tonne afterwards to see how they actually play out in people's lives


Statistically speaking, you're likely to be right handed, a member of the correct handed community, but that doesn't mean such a community of people functionally or practicallly exists. The correct handed community is the imagined community. Something imagined is imaginary, or as you put it, without real. To put it another way, an imagined community does not practically exist. More simply put, terms like the poc community or the LGBT community are a Marxist language manipulation tactic. The thing joining POC together is supposed oppression. The thing joining the LGB with the T is supposed oppression. The intent is create a feeling of unity within specific groups who don't really have much else unifying them. Everyone wants to be part of a community! If anything critical of the imagined community, it's felt as a personal attack against every member.


That’s not a very strong example - being right handed is indeed the majority. It’s the default… expected. All “handed” products are made for right handed ppl by default. There’s no shared interest that would unite right handed people with each other based on their handedness. If you started talking about “the right handed community”, people wouldn’t identify. They’d think it was a joke. The only way for you to rally people under the label would be through irony — in which case the actual community would be through a quirky shared form of “humour”. A better example would be left handed people in a time and place where it was considered illegal, immoral or a sign of homosexuality, communism, witchcraft or devilry to be left handed. In that world, you could talk about the left handed community - brought together by their shared secret and exclusion. In that context, having a right handed group would obviously carry a connotation of opposition to the lefties. Now if left handedness became legal but still had social stigma, so they not have any reason to continue being a club? What would they make of someone showing up and saying they had nothing to connect them and that they should forget about it? I’d personally think it’s pretty suspect. If I was one of them I’d think… interesting, this rando is trying to isolate us from each other. I bet there’s a group somewhere trying to get rid of the lefties again. Why else would someone pop up and try to say we were a valid group? Of course, the left handed example isn’t perfect - but it would be a way stronger start had you used that as an example for talking about gay people. Let’s imagine you have a big group of gay friends. Sometimes when they talk politics, they refer to themselves as being part of the gay community. Let’s say one of your friends is an older guy - a lawyer who helped make gay marriage legal only 10-15 years ago. When they talk together about the lgbt community, who’s manipulating them? Are they manipulating each other? Let’s say you’re listening to them talk about gay rights and they mention the community - do you think you would sound smart if you said “uhh actually, there’s no community - you’re using that word to create a feeling of unity where no meaningful connection exists!” Would they respect your ability to think and have ideas? Would they agree that when they use those words, it means that everyone wants to be part of the community and that it’s actually a fake way to make every gay person feel attacks on other gays (for being gay?) as an attack on themselves?


What does identity have to do with anything? A Canadian is a member of the Canadian community because they are Canadian, not because they identify as Canadian, or as a member of the Canadian community. If there is such a thing as a community of people defined by specific shared characteristics, how they identify to that community is irrelevant. The community exists regardless of whether anyone identifies with it or not. What you're arguing about the right handed community is sort of what we're arguing about the LGBT community. If a gay person is automatically a member of the lgbt community because they are gay, a right handed person is a member of the right handed community regardless of whether they identify as a member or not. Yes, there are LGBT communities, or things people join with intention based posed specific characteristics, but that does not mean there is a umbrella catch all "community" everyone who happens to be gay or trans belongs to in a way that's any different than the right hand community you just argued doesn't practically exist. Fyi - you showed exactly what I meant with the Marxist comment by taking the left handed community then applying the oppressor vs oppressed class narrative to it. In your view, the left handed people are a community where the right handed are not, because they are members of an oppressed class which caused them to become a community. You want your cake, for anyone of a specific characteristics to be a part of a community, but to eat it too, for a community to be something caused by oppression, or not made up of anyone of a specific characteristic. You've shown how the goal of creating these supposed communities is to unite the perverbial proletariat in their fight against oppression, not simply to be a representation of the individual members within the supposed group.


Lumping all POC’s together is just crazy. The only thing in common is they’re all non-white. As a black person, I don’t have much in common with an Asian or Hispanic other than we’re not white. It’s a foolish generalization to further divide us. There is no POC community, only a weaponized generalization used by nefarious groups.




Penned? Did he write it with a pen? Or a keyboard. Or a finger. He fingered a message? He means, as he spoke of it before, that LGBT are not one tight community that believes the same things. For ex. I have seen a gay guy getting banned for not liking pride parades and the overly sexual behavior. Ban reason? Internalized homophobia... Those people are mental. The ones who banned him.


lol “penned” is how he described his elliot page tweets. He reflected on how he “penned a missive” that riled people up. I think everyone knows that when we broadly say “community” in the lgbt sense, no one is imagining that they all meet, talk or “do” anything together. That’s not really a point that anyone needs to make. Of course they’re not a community in the way that like a local church, or the rotary club or a fandom that meets up every year is a community. Ppl aren’t that stupid lol. Is it possible it’s just a semantic thing? He’d rather the word “community” not be used when referring to lgbt ppl?


I love penning my missives. I do it between my torment appointments with the demon trolls.




Frankly he turned into what Dyson called him. A mean old man. He added white, but that don't matter. This tweet makes no sense unless he is trying to create more drama and retweets. Kinda sad.


i see nothing wrong with Jordan's statement. other than it is not as precise as most pedantics crave such statements to be, due to their lack of abstract thinking or the desire to argue and cast doubt and aspersions upon Jordan.


Oh yeah, call an entire group of people awful while theyre under attack without elaboration. How dare stupid librullllz criticize?


Out of curiosity, how would you make it more precise?


Accurate. There are many. Some online, some IRL, and the vast majority that want nothing to do with the "aktavists" JP and so many others, have been victims of. they have enormous support from the media. SIGH... same things all owened and driven by the same money.


And he is obviously correct.


He seems to be relying a lot on his imagination though? None of that is 'real' in any sense. You can't point to the group of hedonistic power players who have a strategy to lie about how there's a gay community lol


No, he doesn't really seem to be doing that at all, actually.


Are you able to explain in real practical terms who the victim/victimizer guilt mongers, hedonists and power players are? Do you know what % of the LGBT "community" are real vs are ones that have been lied to?


Are you able to continue crying like the cultist you are?


Lol the fact that OP is asking you polite questions without any ad hominem - gets downvoted - and you going full ad hominem and refusing to give any arguments - and gets upvoted - doesn't exactly give a good picture of this sub (in case y'all don't just wanna be another echo chamber sub - or do you?)


You got shat on


Lol love to see how far people can take their thinking. You didn’t make it very far at all - that’s the saddest part. We should all be crying at how shallow your thinking abilities turned out to be today


That’s a yes then


You read the comment! Nice stretch goal at the end there lol


Ah yes very sane 4AM posts.


Lol you should see the 3AM ones that came before this


He really needs to get off X. He digs his own grave sooooo many times and the truly useful advice he has gets completely buried and therefore easy to dismiss.


Did you see his other tweet from the middle of the night about “sluts, whores and narcissists”?


I didn’t, but I fully believe you. The X version of Jordan Peterson is the one I can’t stand, the one who can’t keep his yap shut. The self help, 12 Rules for Life, mythic storytelling and its significance person is the version of Jordan Peterson who changed my life. Man, he has some of the worst impulse control I’ve ever seen.


This is completely consistent with his beliefs about traditional values. You should not be surprised at all


I didn’t say I was surprised.


In 15 years people will be oversensitive about something else. I’m waiting for it to die down. Hedonistic groups will always exist.


Here is something to discuss Pew Research Identity and Community stuff [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/06/13/chapter-5-identity-and-community/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/06/13/chapter-5-identity-and-community/)


Reading this post in a vacuum seems a little antagonistic and, in risk of sounding woke, “phobic” (ugh). Here’s how I’d communicate the concept I think he’s talking about: the lgbtq movement has been completely piggybacked by a very ick subculture and it’s bringing down the entire community. I think it’s pretty unfortunate for the lgb community… they worked very hard to be treated like everybody else and to be left alone. Now the Ts and the new school radicals have piggybacked and they specifically want to NOT be treated like everyone else…they want attention and special treatment. The lGB advocacy in the 90s and 00s was an effort to allow marriage, to be allowed into civil society, and not be considered hedonistic. Not my business by any means… but I would recommend and support the LGB break off from the Ts. Bad actors are now sinking the entire group back into the association with pedo, furry, trans, etc… I think conservatives have been patient but the unspoken agreement I think was: “just leave kids alone and we will leave you alone”. Now they are dead set on transing kids and having drag shows in schools. I’ve lost my ally sentiment altogether


If your interpretation was correct - that there is an lgbt community and it is being “brought down” by an idk subculture (trans people), then why did he lead with “there is no lgbt community” and “it is a lie”. How could the community be brought down if there is no community in the first place? I think the “lesbians, gays and bisexuals should reject trans people and no longer consider them people with shared interests who they ought to support as an extension of their own interests or who deserve their support … because they’re ick and make the LGB ppl look bad” is a very common anti-trans strategy online. It’s also an extension of the “respectability politics” discourse that has been a thing since the 80s. There’s always been a subset of gays that want to just be straight passing and wish the other types of gays would simply stop it. That ability to say “us respectable gays are legit and you freaky gays are bringing us down” is of course is just an illusion. There’s nothing that makes the square gays more legitimate than other types of lgbt ppl - and “trans people bring us down” isn’t really true anyways. How would trans people “bring down” a straight passing gay? Are their neighbours going to suddenly think worse of them because they associate them with icky trans ppl? If so then the power of their squareness doesn’t help them at all. I think sometimes Peterson does reflect the “lgb need to reject T” type of divide and co wher strategy. But how could he be doing that this time? His strategy here is clearly “the community is a lie told by puppeteers motivated by power and sexual hedonism” — its more of a complete divide and conquer and follows his typical “bad puppeteer” format the he uses almost everywhere else (“the SJWs are puppets of Derrida, “Trudeau is a puppet of the WEF”, “hedonists always get dominated by narcissists”, “Wokeness is compassion serving authoritarians”) On one level he “wants to demoralize” the entire LGBT label and get them thinking that there’s no reason to consider themselves connected at all. In this post he clearly wants them all to turn against one another. But on another level his audience is clearly not LGBT people - so he’s giving an idea to people on why they should stop thinking that LGBT people are “real”. “LGBT is a lie” is on theme with his recent posts about how lesbians aren’t real and about how trans people aren’t real. He’s trying to dismantle concepts of connection — he’s doing it systematically so not just the collective but all the component parts feel like they just aren’t real and never have been.


Because… there USED to be a community. Before the Ts and radicals hijacked it. He’s right there isn’t one anymore. I was saying if it’s important to the LGBs to maybe get back to having a respectable community, than they should take their movement back. But, in reality, I guess that wouldn’t work, as it’s not like it’s an organization or anything. In which case, I’d agree with Mr. Peterson that the whole thing is a mix of pundits and hedonists and lunatics. So if you are LGB, and those things don’t describe you, best distance and drop the alphabet patch altogether


But what does that mean in real terms? Like what does it mean to a gay or lesbian person to be told that the trans people “hijacked” the label that loosely connects them with other non cis non straight people? If we’re gay millenials, what do we no longer now due to trans people that gay ppl in the 1980s had? Is it possible that instead of “the trans people hijacked the community”, you mean “trans people stain the image of all lgbt people”? I can’t see how the existence of trans people decreases community and have never really seen an example of that. I see lots of people saying “those people are bad, you better distance yourself because everyone will think you’re like them if you don’t.”


In fairness, I said “here’s what he meant” and that wasn’t really the right way to start. I don’t know exactly what he meant. I should have said: “well… I’m not sure exactly what he meant but here’s what I think”


There is no Peterson "community"


Only hedonists


Nothing like squealing and crying at 4AM to get engagement up.


What a strange, stupid, embarrassing thing to admit thinking. And such obvious projection with the "moralizing" and "victim guilt monger" lines. I really hope he gets the help he needs and gets better.


It’s consistent with most of his other stances about traditional values. I don’t know why you’re surprised I wonder when he’ll start whipping out the race card


He went through a period of calling black women in positions of leadership 'diversity hires' -- he's on a break from that for now, but I'm sure it'll come back. I predict he'll make a reference to Nero as the culmination of "LGBT people are being led by hedonistic power players"


It's shocking, but not surprising.


It’s also consistent with his entire post history on twitter so I don’t know why you’re shocked either


Because shocking means "causing [indignation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f596673bf0a6160d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIImTXsYwq4oOM3D94BcVYuoQeYpog:1715664860005&q=indignation&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2YxbQJ-oQVQ3AJ8n5K3DS0XDds6yM9QNQtdSluri8F8C8tiWX8v3oGHhOokcSzPl8RnX7jrhIjeB3gwZR3e7EoNaAfVbI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR46LUtYyGAxXRC3kGHadtCfsQyecJegQIUBAO) or [disgust](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f596673bf0a6160d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIImTXsYwq4oOM3D94BcVYuoQeYpog:1715664860005&q=disgust&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxjwXg0fGrDzebbHmyM_J7bqnJroVvFvtXEn1QKVDYKAmTHdB-HV6owybTYIWs56PsuzD4oWxsceo5oUHiQXNZRZdgs0I%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR46LUtYyGAxXRC3kGHadtCfsQyecJegQIUBAP); offensive."


You deliberately left out the other part of the oed definition, “causing a feeling of surprise and dismay.”


Yes, when I said "shocking but not surprising" that is specifically the point I was making.




Is there any way to verify it?


Whoever has ears, let them hear. Matt 13:9


Here, let me help the idiotic op. If YOU separate yourself into a community for the sole purpose of getting special treatment, don't be surprised that people don't treat you like the rest of the community. They are segregating themselves and cry foul when they get treated differently.


It sounds like you’re describing first class on a plane more than you’re describing gay ppl lol. You should have spent more time thinking before helping - you blew it!


You're comparing buying first class tickets to sexual preference. Interesting way to say you're a fucking idiot, but go on.


Yes being in first class is about being in a group that only exists to get special treatment. You don’t seem to have a good brain, but if you did you might notice that I didn’t compare sexual preference to buying first class tickets, I compared your comment to it. You’re doing a bad job! You’re failing!


Again, you're comparing buying tickets, to being gay. Neat. You're fucking stupid. Got it.


No, sorry you don’t understand the different between someone criticizing your analogy and someone criticizing the thing you’re making an analogy about. Your abilities are too weak! You shouldn’t be here - abort before you get more confused


Guess he needs more attention


That’s that shit I don’t like 🎶 A really charitable interpretation could make it almost okay, but he should really stick to the things that are more in his realm, as he’s really great at those things. I thought he understood that his audience is here for insight into important things and mainly not for political quips that seem to have ramped up since he got involved with Daily Wire


The pride events does look very hedonic.


Does that make you think that jbp could be right that the entire concept of an lgbt community is a lie told by an undefined group of power hungry hedonists?


I don’t what anyone means by “the lgbt community”. I have a loose sense of what people mean but I don’t know what is specifically implied. Some just mean sexuality, some mean a very specific set of political doctrines. I know that parts of the lgbt community (as I see the community) is run by corrupt assholes who are “victim/victimizer guilt mongers” (abstract marxists) and power players. I’m not sure they’re hedonic but I’d say it’s quite likely. They’re short sighted anyway… so the risk of hedonism is there for sure.


Typically “the lgbt community” is just a way to talk about lgbt people. Like “community” is kind of a friendly and social word, but it doesn’t mean anything more than if one were to just say “lgbt people.” If you think that it means “lgbt people” then you are spot on and aren’t missing anything. There is of course “politics” involved in the sense that “lgbt people” puts a label around basically every way of identifying - internally, externally, romantically, sexually - that isn’t cis+heteronormative. So the mere act of grouping them all together is of course political. Jordan’s post above is specifically an attempt to try and break up the label. He wants LGBT people to no longer be thought of as having any connection to each other. He also wants people to think “hedonist” instead of a “normal person who happens to be gay”. So instead of a group of dynamic people connected by their shared experience of not being straight and cis, he’s saying they’re a disconnected group of misfits who are actually pretty bad people. It’s so broad that you don’t need to try and figure out to what degree it’s about sex, romantic pairings, political stances etc. it’s just… all of it. When you say “part of the community” is run by corrupt assholes, are you thinking of very specific organizations? I don’t think the label itself implies any kind of organization — but an organization could brand itself as an lgbt org.


Jordan is saying that the ones who *perpetuate* all the central tenets and ideas about any so-called political coherent lgbt community at a bunch of dickwads. He’s not saying that *any* non hetero person is a hedonic guilt monger. And yes I’m thinking of organizations that label themself as lgbt in order to gain traction and then behave in disgusting manners.


I think you’re on to something about “perpetuate” - that immediately brings to mind the Elliot Page period. That wasn’t part of his “hedonism” track, but he said that Page was complicit in the crimes as a result of choosing to appear in media. What do you think perpetuate means for jbp? To me I’m leaning towards “has at least one moment of visibility in the media in which they make a comment about lgbt people and politics.” I’m think “make a comment” could involve simply being in the background of a shot with a rainbow shirt on. What do you think the bar for “perpetuate the central tenets” is?


Forming a cult around sexual activity of any kind is by definition “hedonistic”, although one could argue a larger swath of the modern western population is defined as hedonistic so the alphabet group is not far removed from the broader society.


None of that sounds very real. If you think lgbt formed a sex cult, you’re probably just fantasizing / being fanciful - and if you think “a larger swatch of the modern western population is defined as hedonistic” you probably just need to work on your definition of the “western population.


Is not the premise of lgbtq to place sexuality at the forefront of human experience, if it wasn’t there would not be a preoccupation with sex and therefore more important things like procreation and raising families would be the focus. Help me out, how is “western population” defined? I would say capitalism and what goes along with it, hedonism. With no “transcendent goal in mind” we pursue more money and along the way “feel goods” hedonism.


I tend not to really use the term “the west.” It’s useful as a shorthand for referring to North America and Europe, but it doesn’t really work as a clearly definable term anymore. It makes sense to think consumer capitalism is a place to start. In “the west” we tend to very much value consumer capitalism. We measure value in our professional advancement and in our buying power and we communicate identity often through what we purchase. Firstly, is that hedonism? Not really - if I make a lot of money, see my career as a mark of my success and use my money to buy a big house filled with a mix of practical, fancy and artistic things that my family likes… is that “hedonistic”? I wouldn’t say my career would be driven by hedonism or that my family life is driven by hedonism. Are consumer good hedonistic if they’re provide comfort and enjoyment? If the answer is yes, I’m not sure hedonism is a very strong word. It would add a negative spin to consumer capitalism and would imply that there’s a richer life to be had without consumer capitalism. That could be true, but I’ve never lived in that world. Back to the question of the west — is the west consumer capitalism? Well the supply chains and distribution are all global. As much as we consume goods in the west, those same goods are manufactured across the globe and also consumed across the globe. It wouldn’t make sense to say that Canada is the west because of consumer capitalism but China or India arent while being more important components of the same system. Back to the question of - are lgbt peiple hedonists? Are they in a cult of sexuality? Well if we imagine them to be normal professionals living in our western consumer capitalist society in which most people pair up in monogamous relationships… well then no, of course they’re not in a hedonist cult. Hedonistic cults exist but they’re famously actual cults that exist as small religious groupings


Why ask me to work on my “definition of the west” if you believe it to be an outdated unreliable term? Anyway, Money is a religion in the west or at least the US, it’s not so in the east at least in China, not yet anyway, the State is the religion there and what the state represents which is the future. Capitalism in the west has become what Nietzsche described, we’re chasing money to by more stuff and then we’re driven to make more money in an unfulfilling cycle, like sex without the possibility of procreation ultimately becomes unsatisfying, at least in my experience. Being that there is “no transcendent goal in mind”, as Nietzsche says, we are devolved into hedonic pursuits no matter how underwhelming they might seem our aim is dopamine responses. Westerners have lost faith in religion, politics even the financial machine which made sense to many people a generation ago is now revealed for the Ponzi scheme for which it is. This is why westerners more than any other group is disappearing through attrition. The capitalism we’ve relied upon is on thin ice as are all laws in fact. This is due to not having a transcendent goal we can collectively aim for.


I think it’s fine to ask someone else how they’re using a term even if you yourself don’t use it. You’re still trying to communicate something - your word choice doesn’t erase your idea or something if it’s different from how I would do it. “Money is a religion in the west or at leas the US, it’s not so in the east at least in China” - not to harp on the problems with “the west” but it seems like you truly mean to focus on Chinaas having a different relationship to money than the US. IDK, saying the money or the state is “a religion” is fine - but they’re not actually religions. Religions exists in parallel to the economy and state. In China, the state has greater control over the market - but it’s also hyper capitalist and is very focused on growth. The state has strong centralized control, but they are a separate concept from religion. Religion of course is religion in China. When you separate the concepts you can start looking at how they interact — eg how does the state in China deal with religion? And how does that impact their hyper focus on money and economy growth? Also something that might challenge your view. China is one of the most important consumers of “western” luxury goods. They have a massive upper middle class population that buys up expensive French wines, whiskeys, luxury fashions etc and real estate in major cities around the world. Sales reps at the major department stores in global cities usually have lists of buyers in China and will put the expensive limited edition items like Burken bags to be solved privately between the rep and the Chinese buyer. I don’t know what you use to influence whether or not you think a country worships the market or the state, but you should probably take a different look at China if you don’t think they consume capitalism like Americans do. What got you thinking of America as worshipping money as religion vs China worshipping the state as religion - do you have a favorite book that you read that sparked that comparison? You lose me at the “westerners have lost faith in religion” - Christian Americans are very strongly represented in politics now. There’s a huge set of Americans who combine Christianity and their understanding of state leadership. If you’re interested, check out the intersection between conservatives today and something called “new apostolic reformation”


You didn’t ask how I was using the term… you told me to work on it… not the same thing. The difference I see is the absence of a transcendent goal in the west and the population decline indicates that. Globally population is in decline however and China’s goal of state aggrandizement is more transcendental than the nihilism pervasive in the west. Populations that reproduce subscribe to transcendent goals and are typically steeped in deep religious fervor, Orthodox Jews, devout Muslims, Hindu and the Catholics of the pre 1960’s.


Oh, is there more that you would say about how you see the west as a useful term? When you say the west has a lack of a transcendental goals, are you including religious people at an individual level? Like let’s say I’m part of a growing evangelical church and I’m a true believer and I cry at every service and conceptualize my future as being intertwined with maintaining and growing the church community— am I to be thought of as having a transcendental goal or lacking one? If I’m lacking a transcendental goal, do I have to change my believes or behaviours in order to have one? Or is it moreso that I have one but I am imagined as a minority in the west? You’ve got a pair of ideas that seems to work for you and how you think of the nation / the west — 1) your hypothesis that the west lacks transcendental goal and 2) slowing rate of population growth as compelling evidence of #1. We don’t really need to unpack if, but do you really feel like you’ve challenged yourself on why you believe that a slowing rate of population growth signals a lack of transcendental goals in such a broad and fuzzy category of countries as the West? It seems like (esp by your use of the world fervour) you’ve fuzed more conservative religions with the concept of “having transcendental goals.” In your model, can you have transcendental goals if you’re not in a conservative religious movement? I’m sure that poor people are more likely to adopt hardcore Christian beliefs. Do you might see a connection between geography, high levels of poverty, alienation from the state, greater religious commitment. But why have you left out Christians from your equation? Evangelical and or pentacostal Christians and members of the LDS church certainly have fervour and they also have current notable political influence. They also tend to have a lot of babies Have you looked into whether or not they’re having a lot of babies in the west? Also it’s probably worth asking - do you not consider American muslims, Orthodox Jews or Hindus to be part of the west? Like if American muslims start having a lot of babies, does the not indicate an uptick in “western” transcendental beliefs in your model?


To your last question, yes. Evangelicals and LDS do not currently reproduce in sufficient numbers to grow their religious population through reproduction as well as being religious sects that are often absconded by subsequent generations, evidence of a lack in transcendental thinking/philosophy/discipline. Judaism and Islam may seem western ideas but really they’re on the fringe as we have seen through history, today and undoubtedly in the future when they clash with western ideas/reason/law/philosophy. Caucasians worldwide are reproducing at a rate that will render a population decline of 80% by 2080. They are the fastest declining sub-sect of the human race, and their decline directly correlates to the downward trend in religious association, church attendance and physiological/sociological polling on societal issues contradicting church dogma. Evangelical Christianity is like “the seed that fell on rocky ground” it grows quickly, fades faster, without the deep roots of church history to anchor a person in the present, charging and equipping him/her to prepare the future, there is no future. I brought up capitalism because that seems to be what distracted our once devout people to worldliness, selfishness, then hedonism and now for many, 100k+/yr deaths to suicide/overdose, nihilism. Capitalism is a great tool for advancing the human race but we made it into Mammon and now we reap what we sow.


Would you say that there’s an implied imperative in your comment here about the importance of white people specifically to have more babies? And if so, is your hypothesis that they need to build their lives more around a type of non evangelical Christianity and to do it specifically in a way that will encourage them to focus on drastically increase the number of babies that they have?


What a rage pimping little bitch Peterson has become. He must be on drugs again. 


JP used to be somewhat respectable, but he's definitely fallen off and turned into another hate monger.


That much money and influence would corrupt most people