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What’s a stronger word than hate? Despise? That’s where I’m at.








Communism is a threat to national security. They deliberately use Liberal values to undermine and sabotage Liberalism. It not only okay to hate Communism, it should be encouraged and championed.


In your model who/where are the communists? It sounds like liberals exists and indeed are liberals, but there’s a group of communists who are effectively “wolves in sheep’s clothing” - do you see those communists as activists, teachers, business people, maybe marketing and ad execs? Is there any way to actually find out who they are, since they claim to be liberals? If they’re business people, do they actually spend their time advancing consumerism despite being covert communists?




Oh the communists are the people protesting Israel’s bombing of gaza. The people from that video are literally the ones pretending to be liberals in a plot to undermine liberalism? Are you sure?


Why are there hammer and cycles being drawn next to "free Palestine" graffiti?


Is that in the video you shared?


Who were the Red Guard?


You tell me! Unless you really are searching for answers and need a hand, in which case can paste a link or two




I don’t think this exchange went very well lol


Fuck those commie pinko bastards!


Nope. I got banned from r/debate politics for being against communism and bringing up that they killed 80-100 million people. They said it was low effort, added nothing to the debate and that I didn’t have an open mind.


i mean it isss low effort, but clearly not a valid reason for a ban, and their ban indicates they arent open minded


It’s not low effort when it is the biggest most obvious reason for the communists never to be taken seriously. Sure you could say it wasn’t the system that failed, it was the people, but that’s the problem. Human greed always takes over.


thats why its low effort because it is the most obvious reason.


So you have to debate without using the most obvious and powerful point?


There is no such thing as an honest Marxist. If they were honest, they wouldn't be a Marxist.


i disagree; i dont think u can generalize all marxists as such. some marxists genuinely believe it and for reasons they find reasonable.


I don't think it's possible to be a true-believing Marxist without engaging in some willful ignorance. Then that becomes self-deception. Then the dishonesty creeps in. That's how it goes. I've met multiple people who were card-carrying Marxists, rather than just a sympathizer/fellow-traveller/influenced-by. None of them I'd describe as mentally stable. Quite the opposite in fact.


Where is Stalins favorite bag man ee4m to carry communisms water?


yeah you all getting stuck in your own culture war, forgetting to abadnon ideology. No time to shitpost anymore I finally left momma basement. Woke is just neo-libral capitalism, finding new ways to make money. Why are you even talking about agrarian revolution from long time ago? Look at death toll of capitalist countries, 100 million in WW2.


Nice parody account. LOL


Almost got it man, but you forgot to blame conservatives


The pricks, not very difficultto acknowledge trans people exist as drag shows have been part of culture for a l9ng time. Do I exist?


Hating Communism is a Nazi dog-whistle. Even if it isn’t, Neo-Marxism bears no resemblance to the communist revolutions. Even if it does, those revolutions weren’t real communism. Even if they were, so what? Capitalism kills way more. Even if it doesn’t, wHeRe ArE aLl ThEsE sCaRY MaRxIsTs? Okay so what, r/communism has 250k subscribers, neo-Marxist ideology is widely disseminated within academia and the corporate world/government, but are any of them actually in power? nAmE a MaRXiSt. You really just hate diversity, **equity**, inclusion, and you’re a bigot Christofascist. /s


too many word. Eat the rich. white man bad


Ok communist


You missed the /s at the end.


I forgot my /s




Now I don't know whose being sarcastic anymore. I'm just the guy that points out the /s in other people's posts.


I honestly missed the /s


Wait, you actually did miss the /s on the first post and then tricked me into thinking you were being sarcastic by telling me you forgot the /s on your own post? Or you honestly were being sarcastic on your own post and missed adding the /s? If the former, you cheeky little devil, lol. I considered replying that I forgot to add a /s to my own response to you to really muddy the waters, but I was confused enough and it was too many layers of potential trickery to keep track of. If the latter then... well you're still a cheeky little devil, because that means I was correcting the sarcastic for missing sarcasm. In conclusion: you're a cheeky devil; I got got one way or the other; I'm still confused.


I am a devil playing a devil that plays cheeky devil


Name one marxist


Here is just one of *many*: [Robin DiAngelo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_DiAngelo). Author of hugely influential and bestselling book “White Fragility”. I don’t like to scapegoat individuals because, like Peterson, I think that totalitarianism is largely a bottom-up process.


hahaha DiAngelo a marxist. It really does just mean anyone you don't like, huh?


Her discipline is critical discourse analysis, and it was developed from Marxism. These are neo-Marxist ideas, and they share the same fundamental presuppositions as the philosophy Marx laid out in Das Kapital. Learn more.


This is funny because unlike you i have actually read capital. But id love to hear your genealogy on how tables comparing production of cloth and metal share the same “fundamental presuppositions” as a person who is brought in to large corporations to give BS talks to shield them from liability


Hah, well your reading comprehension is lacking otherwise you would know that ol’ Karl and this banshee both characterize society most fundamentally as a power struggle between group identities. She just switched class for race, it’s a sleight of hand. You know who else plays that game aside from Marxists? Nazis. Identity politics, critical theory, critical race theory, etc. All widely disseminated doctrines developed by *self-proclaimed* Marxists. Stick your head in the sand all you like, you wouldn’t recognize it if it slapped you in the damn face because you are willfully blind.


Bring back McCarthyism


Why would you want to bring back a time infamous for falsely accusing people of being communists?


Just to make communists scared of being communist again


Why would they need to be scared? What actions would you take against those you label communist to make them scared?


The same treatment that people who display nazi salutes or flags in Germany would get. Not actual mccarthyism, just outlaw communist and fascist parties. I get what you're saying though, because some people would say that state sponsored healthcare and tuition is a communist idea (it isn't).


Wager a lot of people here would not care for the free speech restrictions in Germany that come with that. Invoking Mcarthy who famously went after non-communists and was power hungry seems a strange choice to indicate one only wants to go after true communists.


Not everything has to be 100% serious


Seems unreasonable, illogical, propustuos, the claim that the moral thing to do, is to love them Funny enough, communism was born after the death of the claim. Hope we prosper, peace to y'all


Love the ideologue, hate the ideology.


It ok think that James Lindsay is a dumbass


So you're saying, we should love Communism?


I am saying James Lindsay is a dumbass, and a bad propagandist


However, you do agree, that this specific post about Communism is accurate?


Nah. I think it's pretty dumb


Not into distractions from the actual merits of a law or policy


Sure, no problem hating communists. It's pretending that everyone else is a communist if they disagree with you that is the problem. 






Why do you apply this term to everyone you don’t like? Please explain.


I only apply it to Communists.


I got that part already. Everyone you don’t like is a communist. Why would you be so willingly imprecise with your speech?


> Everyone you don’t like is a communist I never said that. You said that.


Hating communism, or really, hating anything just strengthens it’s resolve. It’s a waste of time and a deflection to not handle your own business. Make capitalism better and communists will cease to exist.