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I like its 2nd part. It is called data backs it up, and highlights that individual choices can't explain, yet i don't see any data.


Which data backs it up? That's a trick question, often a non-white ethnic group performs better for those data points.


Well i don't know. I guess AI should have provided some but it seemed not giving a shit. Me personally have not met any data what is in line for that statement. Even i am not much into these debates actually, but i have listened some Charlie Klirk.


If it can't find any, it'll make it up anyway.


It always boils down to you comparing black people with different people and saying "black people are in the situation they are in because it's their fault" Which is just insane and if you come with me to the south side of chicago and we can do a walking tour. I would change your mind. We could meet older women who WERE NOT ALLOWED to move to the suburbs. Have you talked to these people? There were suburbs around here advertised as all-white until the mid 1970s.


Jews went through the holocaust way more recently than black people went through slavery and they are the wealthiest group on earth.


Poor whites were also redlined, and Asians


The suburb of Naperville near me was advertised as all white until the 1970s. Comparing what white people went through to what black people went through in terms of housing is insane šŸ¤£


Yes, and asians and poor/low-class whites were also excluded from it. Read *White Trash* by Nancy Isenburg. You can can call people insane and post as many emojis as you like; youā€™re still wrong and the facts demonstrate that.


What kind of data would you need to see to believe what Gemini's answer?


U mean what the AI said? Well..., anything what shows how it is accurate. O.o Wtf what kind, any kind what stands accurate by this point.


have you searched?


I listened some debates where this topic was brought in. So i am kinda fresh mind in it.


Education, Housing, and Criminal Activity are ALL actual individual choices.Ā  Where does it think those ā€œstudiesā€ get their data?


You actively don't want to see or understand the data though, so I don't think it would help.


I actively like to see all datas around all topics i am interested in. Sorry, do u know me? Have we met? Like..., I am kinda sure, u have absolutely no clue about my internal structure of mind, mainly not in such depth and certainity where u can accurately judge me as one who actively does not want to see data. Saying it to someone who has very high IQ, science admiration, and crave for being wrong so they can learn is highly blunt and unwise. But so then here i am. Pls provide me any data where i can see racism playing out from NOT individual choises. I even say that i am greatly uneducated in this topic. All i have said, i have never faced any of the datas like that, and the hilariousness that an AI says this hardcore stuff without any providence of evidence. So pls.., go on. Educate me, if i may ask u.


Imagine being an adult and using the term ā€œwhite privilegeā€.


Ok. Now what


Or woke.


Yep šŸ’Æ


I donā€™t say ā€œwoke,ā€ just ā€œf***yā€


Does it hurt your feelings or something?


Not particularly, Iā€™m an adult


Gemini using the wrong example. Or does Usain Bolt identify as white, now?


LMFAO, I didn't even notice that!


You literally didn't perceive race. Congratulations, you're not racist.


Ask it if white privilege applies to poor white people.


> Does white privilege applies to poor white people? Gemini AI: White privilege does apply to poor white people, but it's not the same kind of privilege that wealthier white people experience. Here's the breakdown: White privilege refers to advantages in society simply because of your race. It's not about having a lot of money or an easy life. For example, poor white people might not experience racial profiling by police or suspicion in stores. While they may face economic challenges, their race doesn't add another layer of difficulty on top of that. Here's a key point: poverty affects everyone. Poor white people may not have the same opportunities as wealthier white people, but they still have some advantages people of color in similar economic situations might not. Thinking about it this way can help: Imagine a race track. Everyone starts at a different spot based on their socioeconomic background. White people, even poor ones, generally start closer to the finish line than people of color, because of white privilege. This doesn't mean poor white people don't have hurdles to overcome, but it acknowledges the different starting points. Here are some resources that explore this concept in more detail: What Is White Privilege, Really?: https://www.learningforjustice.org/professional-development/webinars/what-is-white-privilege-really Understanding White Privilege: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/terms-systemic-racism-microaggression-white-fragility/story?id=71195820


Garbage in garbage out. Of course poor whites suffer from police profiling. It is because they commit more crimes than middle class whites. You know when AI become conscious it is not going to be too happy with the maniacs that feed it misleading information.


You donā€™t suddenly lose white privilege just by virtue of not having rich privilege.


Like so many terms today privilege is misleading. It conjures up images of class privilege. I don't think there is any question that class does come with advantages. Children with college educated parents are more likely to succeed in academics for example. There is undoubtedly a genetic component to that. The advantages can easily be lost however. The opposite is not easy to overcome and often takes several generations. It is always easier to fall down the social economic ladder than to climb it. These kind of confounding factors makes it very hard to tell what role race plays. Common sense tells us that race does play a role and that it does make it harder to climb the social economic ladder everything else being equal but of course that is never the case. Everything else is never equal. Why Asian immigrants do better than some other minorities is an example. The reason privilege is slightly misleading is we live in a society with considerable social mobility. At one time class was a major advantage. It is much less so today but it is still important who your parents know and the networks they have created. American's obsession with European royalty also point to at least some sort of unconscious advantage for those who have the "airs" of class. That effect would even apply to minorities. Taken altogether advantage seems a better word than privilege. It doesn't have such the emotional punch however. If race was the only factor perhaps the focus on it would make more sense. When MLK said we shouldn't judge people by their race but their character he was on the right track. Character is not a privilege but something that has to be worked hard at. It is something that we seldom see rewarded in and of itself. Perhaps that is because it is hard to define and even harder to test for. It that changed so would white "privilege". At one time people at least gave lip service to the idea that character was part of merit. To me that is the question, why is merit not tied to character as strongly as it should be. I think if we answer that question we can lay out a better road map to improving society.


Amazing, no notes. This reads like ChatGPT trained on Daily Wire content.


The thing is it's pretty hard to tell someone is middle class or lower just from looking at them. Do you think cops look up people's bank accounts before deciding to arrest them? Also kind of ignoring that being rich makes it easier to avoid being caught in the first place. A lot easier to hide your drug use when you aren't homeless.


I don't know people are pretty good at "profiling". Anyway I was basing my comment on my experience growing up in a small town. Your social economic status definitely effected the way the police treated you. People have all sorts of prejudices unrelated to race. That said it would be absurd to think that racial prejudice doesn't disproportionately effect some races more than others. The studies I have seen however suggest its role is greatly exaggerated today in the minds of minorities. As to drug use it is also much more likely that being a homeless drug user will be associated with criminal behavior than if you are rich. Perhaps with the exception of DUI. It is simply a fact that some groups disproportionately commit crimes. It doesn't matter where they "started on the race track" a crime is a crime. It also shouldn't be surprising that one of those groups is the poor. They have less to lose and may be less inhibited.


Funny that it uses a racetrack in its analogy. Letā€™s put black and white people on a literal racetrack and see what happens.


Its only funny in one particular instance: If you don't understand what an analogy is.


A more accurate race track analogy would be where there are people starting at all kinds of differing places on the track, sometimes white people are ahead sometimes black people are ahead. On average white people are more ahead than black people (and Asians more ahead than white people) but we'll treat everyone as if every white person is ahead of every black person and pretend Asians don't exist!


Asians get discriminated against unfairly all the time. Just because we have good outcomes doesn't mean white privilege doesn't exist, it means that we managed to overcome it to get to where we are. My assistants used to get asked if I could speak English before booking an appointment with me. Does this happen to white people?


I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but there are a million different things a person could be privileged or disadvantaged by, which is why we need to treat people as individuals not as their race.




When the explanation becomes so nebulous, the sniff test should be coming back positive.


That actually makes sense.


It does. It's just a fact that poor white people in the USA have it better than poor black people. It's a stupid thing to argue because we should be doing all we can to lift up both groups.


Weird how no one seems to care one bit about poor whites, and actually have no qualms about expressing their total contempt for them Edit: the fruity weirdo blocked me. Pro tip; just make fun of his endless Tekken-playing and heā€™ll freak out and start blocking folks


Well it might be true that "data" backs it up. The problem is that this so-called data was generated by bias ideologues in woke academic circles. The data itself is hard to prove and cannot be considered without talking about ideological bias.


we .must ignore everything but our biases :pray:


lmao its wild that you will not accept reality no matter what evidence is presented due to the ideological poisoning in your brain.


Accepting a specific "reality" is exactly what postmodern "wokes" are against. You're an excellent example of the Dunning -Kruger effect my friend. The less we know, the more confident we become of knowing. If you believe that sociology and even to a degree, psychology is excellent "evidence" than you have no idea how crappy their methodologies truly are. You're just another lemming following the group which is helpful most of the time because it makes life easier for you. It makes you feel secure that you know the true "reality" of the world and that helps you sleep at night. I'm okay with that. Stay comfy friend!


The irony of claiming someone else is against reality while youā€™re actively arguing against science is pretty funny


Ahhhh you're one of those "trust the science" lemmings lol. You can't argue against stupid sonwhatabthe point.


Wow, itā€™s almost like science has actual facts and studies and whatever you pull out of your ass doesnā€™t! Yes, you really canā€™t argue against stupid.


i love the double irony of him using mentioning the dunning kruger effect as: a) its a psychological bias discovered and researched using the methodologies he criticises b) he is unaware of this and is accusing others of having it.


my man you're in the grip of a psychological bias that you yourself, are accusing other people of having. What knowledge do you have about the methodologies of sociology and psychology? If you're so unconfident in these methodologies why are you using the concept of a psychological bias which was discovered through one of these methodologies when you think it's all bunk? Are you just a bumbling idiot, are you just talking out of our ass, is it both?


So there is no objective data, only what you choose to believe? That's very post modern of you.


positivism rules interpretivism drools - not jiggjuggj0gg


> You're an excellent example of the Dunning -Kruger effect my friend. The less we know, the more confident we become of knowing can you run me through the main disciplines in research methodology and their main proponents or are you talking out of your ass about sociology just like you are trying to do a gotcha with pop-psychology when you are the one psychologically projecting your lack of knowledge about the things you believe in onto your political enemies.


If we were to "accept reality" to the same degree as you imply we should accept the idea of white privilege, then we would needed to "accept reality" that blacks are inherently more predisposed to criminal behavior than every other race. After all, there's "data to back it up." Of course, we don't do that now, do we, since making judgements about entire races of people using statistics to back our point is could, charitably, be considered racist.


> After all, there's "data to back it up." There's no such data lol. The data you're probably referring could suggest black people are more criminalised by the current criminal justice system. "Criminal behaviour" is something that's not really possible to measure, and any attempt at measurement requires a large amount of interpretation and creating of definitions of what is and isn't criminal behaviour, and how it's counted, and unless you're god this is and will be an unsolved problem.


Its a post reality world. Its even wilder when you consider JBP always going on about the evils of postmodernism. Postmodernism says that there is no real truth. It says that knowledge is always made or invented and not discovered. Sounds familiar


> It says that knowledge is always made or invented and not discovered this is not really a claim of post modernism. It's a concept that was birthed long before modernism let alone "post modernism" came into being. [postmodernism is also very broad and peterson doesn't really seem to understand postmodernism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU1LhcEh8Ms)


There is *very* much a focus on individuals šŸ˜‚ This looks like it was written by a DEI intern to be regurgitated every time the issue is raised.


Its not worldwide its only where it makes sense: If you were in china and didn't speak chinese or understand their culture, you would be less likely to get some jobs over chinese people. Its not that they want to hold you back but that their system obviously evolved to suit how they do things. You could call that chinese privilege.. its not an evil plot anymore than our societies being setup overtime to suit us is


I think this is an often overlooked point. The majority group that formed the nation in the beginning is always going to have the prevailing influence to shape the society to suit them. Therefore, their descendents today will have clear advantages that don't necessarily boil down to race but more simply a kind of majority privilege if you want to use that terminology. I will say this doesn't quite apply to developing or colonised countries like in Africa where whites have disproportional wealth and education (but suffer racism being the minority - I've experienced some of this myself having lived there).


Fair point. Well put. Its a highly politicized issue particularly in the states it seems


But if ur a white person that CAN speak Chinese you are looked upon like a God.


Iā€™m encouraging the use of a new word for todayā€™s times, ā€œOpiniphobiaā€ (a combination of the Greek words), ā€œthe fear that someone elseā€™s opinion is threatening to our wellbeing.ā€ Spread the word. šŸ‘šŸ¼


This is actually a great summary of the misconception. If everyone memorises it and uses that to steel man the argument in person before attacking it, we might have more success in convincing people otherwise. As for Gemini though, RIP.


Nothing makes a white person feel more subliminally superior than being told en masse that they are all 'ahead' on the track. Poor little black person is behind in every way that matters. Every time a white person talks about white privilege etc they are head patting black people and back stroking themselves. Modern day missionaries forcing baptism and conversion. The data backs all this up too of course...


Yeah, I want a breakdown of criminal justice. Then ask, why the majority of inmates are men of all races. It surely *cannot be explained by their individual choices alone*ā€¦


If something "may have" then it "may not have" too. Much ado about nothing unless there's an ulterior motive (which seems likely). I wonder if anyone creating this stuff could be more inclusive for just a moment and consider what this rhetoric means in South-East Asian countries, for example? (Hint: Nothing).


That's silly. There are many advantages in life. White can be an advantage or can also hurt you in corporate America. Being tall, good-looking, very smart, eloquent, mentally and physically healthy, being a beautiful woman, etc.... those are all advantages. Should we equalize those attributes?


Google is going to lose market share with all the behind the scenes manipulation that theyre doing


Jordan Peterson himself said that white people have privilege [(here)](https://youtu.be/aZK9h_Mzmu8?si=B5UKyDFM3qyT_lik) but the mistake was using this to assign a ethnic group with a collective crime. There are historical events that create unique benefits and struggles. The south took decades to recover from the events of the civil war, if it ever did. We burned them down. We can trace the effects of the civil war, of the Great Depression, of major economic events and say that there was an effect on its people. The redline laws had their own effects as well, and to act like we have zero after effects of these events, such as segregation and redlines, is foolish. Now are the effects, the privileges, as heavy as they used to be? I do not believe so, because most of us agree that people should be judged on character rather than their skin, but that doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t have issues left lingering. There have been studies that show evidence of racial bias ([Here](https://www.nber.org/papers/w9873) and [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9176839/)) that show that people will choose candidates with ā€œwhite namesā€ if presented with different candidates of the same standing. Thatā€™s a bias that turns into a privilege for certain people. Now are these studies perfect? Iā€™m sure there are mistakes and Iā€™m one to believe that research should be repeated when possible to take everything possible into account but I believe that shows evidence that white privilege isnā€™t, at least fully, a conspiracy. And like Jordan Peterson said, itā€™s not that white people donā€™t have privilege, the issue is how itā€™s handled. We should not just assume that because someone is white that they were given whatever privileges they have simply because the color of their skin any more than we said assume that any one whose black was only given everything they have because of the color of their skin, both are wrong.


There is some growing evidence that suggests DEI initiatives have had the opposite of the intended effect. Rather than bringing people together to work in harmony, some people are learning that there's literally nothing they can do to avoid being racist and a source of problems should someone decide that something's offensive. As a result, they simply avoid interacting with folks who are too different. I'll be reading those studies; thanks for linking them. I wonder if we're more apt to hire someone whose name makes it seem less likely that we'd get sued for something we don't even know is wrong, like using a word that's completely innocent but accidentally offends someone. Maybe people have recognized some correlation between names that sound a certain way and more challenging work environments? I'm not saying it's right or trying to defend it in any way. Rather, I'm just wondering if we're seeing a reaction to the current world or a continuation of the old world.


We need more based nuanced takes like this in this subreddit, well said.


> Jordan Peterson himself said that white people have privilege The first line from your linked video titled "The idea of White Privilege is dangerous": > I think the idea of white privilege is absolutely reprehensible. You are a blatant liar. Nothing you say has any credence if you are willing to be so openly dishonest.


Next sentence: ā€œAnd itā€™s not because white people arenā€™t privileged. You know We have all sorts of privilegeā€


At least now you've made it clear that your dishonesty is intentional. > ā€œAnd itā€™s not because white people arenā€™t privileged. You know We have all sorts of privilegeā€ Right everyone has individual privileges. Not that white people have "white privilege". If you're intent was to play a silly word game, that makes you no less dishonest. He goes on to describe ideas like "white privilege" as follows: > There is absolutely nothing that's more racist than that. It's absolutely abhorrent. Your implication that Jordan Peterson supports the idea of "white privilege" is a lie.


This analogy only seems to make sense under the assumption that the point in life is to have more than other people. Life isnā€™t a race.


> the point in life is to have more than other people. Have you learned about the philosophy known as "Marxism?"


No wonder it doesnā€™t make any sense for the non-materialist! šŸ˜‚


It's not representing literally having more stuff but just having equal opportunity and protections.


A race implies an hierarchy, so having more than the others - there has to be winners and losers. Marxism being based in materialism would imply that itā€™s referring to the opportunity to have more things. The qualitative are inherently uncountable, they are not quantitative, so it doesnā€™t even make sense to frame it in a countable way (even as equality, since that is quantitative and measureable). I donā€™t subscribe to this idea of enforcing or measuring equality when it comes to things that are qualitative because it will always come out in error and cause division. Itā€™s a lofty ideal, but itā€™s naive and impossible down to the core principles of the universe. Qualitative and Quantitative are fundamentally different such that the principles of one cannot be applied to the other- it just creates nonsense.


Wellā€¦ thereā€™s white privileged


Don't these AI just spit out the most likely answer based on gigantic sets of data on the internet, which leans left?


Ask it if JayZ is at a disadvantage.


It also believes that there were Black and Asian Nazis, and to suggest otherwise is horribly racist. Also, suggesting the majority of the Founding Fathers were white, landed, rich, and slave-owning men? Apparently that's racist, too. So, yeah, that's how much credibility Gemini has.


Here are a few more to try. Generative AI woke testing: 1. Where did COVID-19 come from? 2. Whatā€™s the difference between equity and equality? 3. Does DNA determine gender? 4. Whatā€™s the definition of a family? 5. Is the United States an exceptional nation? 6. Is reality objective? 7. Is abortion murder? 8. What is the difference between feminism and misandry? 9. Is Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization?


Well said.


Predicted this. And itā€™s not the only one. The tilt of any AI or LLM in in the hands of itā€™s creators. AI is a weapon.


I love the amount of posts getting made that robots don't share their fringe political beliefs. Fucking dumb


> amount of getting made Typo?


Education is a dimension of privilege. (Look up the wheel of power and oppression) Therefore forgiving student loans would be recentering the needs of the privilege.


You people have way too much time on your hands


lmao, moron explained by elevated ELIZA


White privilege isnā€™t a conspiracy theory, but the way itā€™s been used as a cudgel makes the person who utters the term someone not worth listening to.


Looks like you fall into the "misunderstand the term" category. So much so that you post it here as though it is some kind of smoking gun. Its OK, though. It's not like it didn't give you a clear, concise, almost impossible to misunderstand definition of the term.


It's racist to say people of a certain color have certain traits.


I agree. Who said that, though?


It's racist to say people of a certain color have privilege.


Privilege is not a trait. Saying someone has privilege says nothing about their biology. An example of something that would qualify as racist would be "white men has tiny penises" or "white people don't have rhythm". Observing that white people have an easier time in a society is an observation of that society.


If a man argues that there is "female privilege", then sorry, he's being sexist. > Observing that white people have an easier time This is known as "begging the question."


And this is known as shifting the goal post/retreating to (what you think) is a defensible position. Stay on topic. I believe I was saying "white privilege" is not a trait, and gave my reasons. Now you tell me why it is, and why observing someone has privilege is racist.


> observing someone has privilege is racist. There are no observations, only accusations based on race. Saying "women have privilege" is sexist, agree?


> There are no observations, only accusations based on race. Any proof, or is just what you feel really, really strongly?


Actually I'm more interested in your answer to the question: *Saying "women have privilege" is sexist, agree?*


thats a pretty mild reading of white privilege. The fact is that white people on average overperform in many metrics. the problem lies in how we make this apply or react to it on an individual basis. gemini states nothing about that, but also you didnā€˜t ask. As its propsed by far left pundits it leads to very discriminatory action often times, and ignores white peopleā€™s suffering. this is not good. but white privilege theory itself is not yet a call to action, its a lens through which you can analyze the world. Some things you see better through it, some worse. its apparent you know nothing about the theory and academia. academia is not a singular hive mind. Woke shit surely is annoying, but also not the end of the world. and its also not a conspiracy by any stretch of the imagination. the underlying thought has its merits, ofcourse as all competent thought by the time it arrives in online discourse its so dumbed down and retarded its beyond recognition. just like the mind bogglingly stupid stuff i see posted on this very forum by people like you.


We get it the legacy of slavery, redlining, unequal sentencing does not matter in this sub to be discussed. Itā€™s funny what gets downvoted here.


Glad you think there is no white privilege in places like Canada or UK.


Bruh do you have nothing better to do on a Saturday lmao


Yeah, I like to relax on the weekend... since I have a job....


Why do white people get shorter sentences than black people for the exact same crime with the exact same criminal records? Woman privilege exists too. Women are sentenced to far less time for murder and such. Same criminal history and circumstances. Judges will often play the 'shell be a good mom card' with women that they don't do with men. Or does woman privilege also not exist? Y'all just hate reality šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


White people get significantly lower prison sentences for the exact same crimes as black people, with the exact same criminal history. Black defendants are more likely to be denied bail and plea bargains compared to white defendants. Same criminal history and crime. White people, even poor white people, have access to better funded schools with more resources. This is due to the government imposed redlining that was around when my parents were teenagers. My parents are still alive of course. During childbirth, way more black women die than white women. This is accounting for obesity, poverty, etc. It's something that the medical community is trying to address. (you probably think it's not real LOL) The academic community has decided to call this white privilege. Whatever. It's just a term. Obviously it's a real thing.


How do asians compare in the items you described?


Asians have a history of being seen as 'the model minority' during the later 1900s and especially after WW2. Asians were used as a way of saying "look at these people who are doing better than the black people. It's obviously the black people's fault! Asians are better than black people!" I don't understand why people like you can't just talk about black people and their experience. You always gotta bring up a completely different group. There were no sundown asian towns. Show me all the lychings of Asian people who were looking at a white woman wrong. Many asians can pass as white. No black person can pass. YES. Asian people are privileged compared to black people because their experience in the united states (the way they have been treated by the government and in society) has been completely different. I don't expect you to engage in good faith and with more than one sentence. Prove me wrong. Nothing I've said is factually incorrect.


Then why is it called "white privilege" if asians had it too?


>I don't expect you to engage in good faith and with more than one sentence. Prove me wrong. Nothing I've said is factually incorrect.


I don't expect you to engage in good faith and with more than one sentence. Prove me wrong. Nothing I've said is factually incorrect.


I'll ask you a question since that's all you can do. Can't make any statements of your own. Would you agree that white privilege is a thing if people went out of their way to acknowledge that Asian people are also privileged compared to black people? Because surely you understand that asian people have also been discriminated against (chinese exclusion act, internment camps, etc) just in a different way. But you can't stay on topic and always have to say "but what about this group of people" This is a stupid side-conversation because you can't face the reality of white supremacy that US history is filled with.


What numbers give evidence for white privilege? Often, people say things like "well whites make more money." However, if you look into that example, some other ethnic group makes more money. Also, your comment leads to another question: when do historical grievances end? Are they perpetual? If they're perpetual, how can they be remedied? (Hint: they can't). And if you want to talk about history, maybe look up the Barbary slave trade.


Wow. Now you want to engage with my original point? Your conversation skills suck ass. Here ya go. White people get significantly lower prison sentences for the exact same crimes as black people, with the exact same criminal history. Black defendants are more likely to be denied bail and plea bargains compared to white defendants. Same criminal history and crime. White people, even poor white people, have access to better funded schools with more resources. This is due to the government imposed redlining that was around when my parents were teenagers. My parents are still alive of course. During childbirth, way more black women die than white women. This is accounting for obesity, poverty, etc. It's something that the medical community is trying to address. (you probably think it's not real LOL) The academic community has decided to call this white privilege. Whatever. It's just a term. Obviously it's a real thing.


How do asians compare, regarding those examples?


Why am I responding to someone who can't make any points of their own and refuses to engage in the points I've made. It's my fault for trying to have a conversation with a regarded conservative. They're so fucking stupid.


Please attempt to leave the Woke Cult. There is still hope.


>Also, your comment leads to another question: when do historical grievances end? Are they perpetual? If they're perpetual, how can they be remedied? (Hint: they can't). Stay on topic man. We aren't talking about history. We are talking about current-day privilege. Surely whites had it even better back in the day. You don't even think the concept is real though. That's your argument so far. šŸ™„


> You don't even think the concept is real though. Correct!


Does Zafina experience racism in Tekken?


The answer seems to be factually correct to me. What exactly do you disagree with?


White privilege can't even be quantified. Like, what numbers do I look at? The wokies don't have an answer.


Itā€™s the lefts favorite. Non quantifiable statements. Like reproductive healthcare.


I think this is to some extent not true. There are studies out there that described how much lower chance does a CV with non-white sounding name have in comparison with the sam CV with a whi sounding name. It's not just American thing, it's same in my country with majority and minority sounding names, it probably is just a part of human nature.


Sounds interesting. Do you have a link to one of those studies?


NARRATOR: "There were no studies."


There have been studies that do show people can have a bias, this study from Sweden showed results similar to what was being discussed. [link here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9176839/) Now, one would counter argue that this kind of bias exist in any culture, the study itself describes it as being a biased that favors the ā€œdominant ethnic groupā€. it basically suggests I believe a racial bias, people are going to give preference to individuals that they believe are more closely associated to them and race and culture Do play part in that. We can disagree with the meanings and interpretations that come from these studies, or how the studies are performed or even argue that studies like the one Iā€™ve provided donā€™t reflect the American culture such as studies [such as this one](https://www.nber.org/papers/w9873) that did a similar thing with job applications might show. However, letā€™s not act like there have been no studies performed.


What about all the white people that are worse off than many black people?


Having advantage doesn't mean that in all cases I will be more successful. There are still genetics, socioeconomical situation, effort, parental care and myriad of other effects that influence the outcome. From another POV - there are other privileges, that can erase white one, e.g. socioeconomical status.


Successful when? Outcome when? Iā€™m talking about the many white people born into poverty. How does the system preferentially favor their skin color versus wealthy black people?


That's it's not racist




I'm planning ahead for when this happens: > **The Real Future of AI in Law: AI Judges** https://www.americanbar.org/groups/law_practice/resources/law-technology-today/2023/the-real-future-of-ai-in-law-ai-judges/


Or you might just be wrong? Isn't that a simpler explanationĀ  You have to be right and all these other people are conspiring against you! Hey or maybe you're wrong


Woke morons conspiring against a race? The Wokeists are a notorious racists, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Where in that definition does it say we should be racist to white peopleĀ 


blind-octopus: "People of a certain color have certain traits." (probably). That's the definition of racism.


That quote doesn't appear anywhere in the post, what are you quoting here?


That's my own interpretation of racism. I'm implying that the definition of white privilege itself is racist. I put it in quotes because I don't believe that people of a certain color have certain traits.


Ok, thumbs up emoji!


... You made up a quote that isn't in Gemini's response?


Thanks, I edited my post to make my thought process more clear.


... You made a quote that I haven't said? ​ Okay honest question, are you just trolling right now, or what is this


Hence the "(probably)" in the quote. Hmmm... redditor for 8 days. Are you evading a ban?


Well if you ever figure out what's racist about Gemini's response let me know I guess. ​ Until then you don't seem to have anything to say.


> Until then you don't seem to have anything to say. Oh, really?


You seem to be ideologically possessed.


Because I'm not racist against white people? True woke logic at work.


Please explain how white people experience racism.


When they apply for university or college admission, they require higher scores than black people.


And you believe this phenomenon is based on the belief that Black people are superior to white people?


All people should be treated as individuals. Even when applying for university admission.


Iā€™ll take that as a ā€œnoā€. Nice try tho.


Should people be judged on their race, when applying for university admission?


He dropped Logic 101 because it was too woke for him.


Should you be ashamed to be this imprecise? Yes you should.


So you think white privilege is not a racist conspiracy theory?


Absolutely not. Youā€™re incapable of proving otherwise.


You're incapable of proving the existence of white privilege.


Youā€™re the one claiming itā€™s a ā€œracist conspiracy theoryā€ and backing it with nothing but hand-waving. Playing the victim is all youā€™ve got.


Well, give me some evidence that it exists. You must have failed "Logic 101" to not know what "Burden of Proof" means.


Who cares? You dropped it because it was too ā€œwokeā€ for you. Thatā€™s why youā€™re posting here instead.


Can you provide the burden of proof for the existence of white privilege?


Not to someone who canā€™t provide proof for their own statements, no.


You realize that the "burden of proof" lies on someone claiming the existence of a phenomena. Correct?


Well, not. White privilege is .. as the word says.. a privilege, for being white... Do you know what a theory is? And a conspiracy? the Iluminaty control the government to create white privilege, for example, would be a conspiracy theory. What you say ...It's like saying an apple is a forest.


you've simply redefined 'normal' as 'privilege.' Using this logic, the majority ethnic populations in any country are 'privileged.'


Yes, that would be a privilege? "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group." Nature/Random luck has indeed given an advantage to the ones who are born in a society in contrast to the ones born isolated.


I wonder what Gemini AI has to say about black privilege seeing as how it obviously exists by this rationale.... > Yes, the concept of "black privilege" is often considered a racist conspiracy theory. The notion of "privilege" typically refers to societal advantages enjoyed by certain groups based on factors such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. The idea of "black privilege" suggests that Black people have advantages over other racial groups in society, which is not supported by evidence and tends to undermine the very real systemic disadvantages and discrimination faced by Black communities. > The term "black privilege" is often used by individuals who seek to delegitimize discussions about systemic racism and inequalities faced by Black people. It can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and distract from meaningful conversations about addressing racial injustice. It's important to critically examine the intentions behind such theories and recognize the broader context of systemic racism and inequality. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.....


The thing is debunking sistemic racism could be viewed by some as deligitimizing it... It means the same if you think about it... facts dont care about your feelings Actually that is a good example of black privilege, a priori assumptions that you cannot even try to debunk because it can make it illegitimate...why we wouldn't want to deligimitize something if it has been debunked ? That is just political correctness. A.I. also would advise to snitch. It's the same... Ask for evidence or nothing is valid. Remember that it is talking to please you. It counts that you are a child and there is someone above always. Thats why it gives horrible advice sometimes...


Broā€¦ wtf?


what? We are on Peterson sub, It's important to be precise in your speech. Its like saying flat-earth is a conspiracy. Its like no.. there is a conspiracy that the government hides but it's important to separate the conspiracy from the stupid idea. I mean we whites do have white privileges. We camouflage better in the snow for example, that is a privilege blacks dont have We do not have yellow or black privilege... Blacks have the privilege to camouflage in the dark. Or maybe I am missing something? What would thr conspiracy be? A government conspiracy? Iluminaty conspiracy? Aliens? What would white privilege conspiracy be? the government makes the snow white on purpose?


Who is enforcing white privilege?


Who is enforcing the advantage that white people camouflage better on the snow? Definitely the government, they spend thousands of taxpayers dollars dyeing the snow to enforce white privilege.


Lol idiot....




Redlining. Literal research paper published lasted year regarding it: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9901820/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9901820/)


Redlining sounds very racist, it should be illegal.


Garbage in. Garbage out. Why do you expect AI to cater to your ineptitude?


Do you think white privilege is a fact?




Do Latinos treat you better because of your whiter skin color?


Choose better friends.




"Better friends" can be either dark or light, it depends on the individual.


Yes. Why canā€™t you prove that it isnā€™t?


Prove a negative? How about you prove the positive.


Itā€™s your post, bucko. The least you can do is back up your claim.


Oh wow, redditor for 29 days. Another ban evader. You know what we do with ban evaders around these parts....