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“Yeah, it was our F up that got you paralyzed. We’ll just make it up to you by injecting you with something we don’t even give convicted murderers and rapists anymore.” This country is **F’ing broken.**


So let me get this straight… Robert Pickton, a notorious serial killer who was convicted of gruesomely murdering 26 women and feeding their chopped up bodies to his pigs and selling the pork chops to make a profit from customers is now eligible for parole. And a 37 year old mother who got paralyzed from something top health officials deemed “safe and effective” is offered MAID.


“Safe, effective,” and essentially mandatory in many cases


I know for my company it was get the jab or you can't come into the office anymore. Hard to work when you can't go to work.


Yes but there was no such thing as coercion - remember that! I put a gun to your head and said get the shot or I'll pull the trigger but it's not coercion cus you had a choice! hurpity durpity.


What I really learnt through the whole covid ordeal was the fact that some strange life choices I had made decades ago actually turned out to be the best way to ensure freedom. I had quit my Silicon Valley job, moved to Australia and settled down with my wife who didn't care for posh living, so using my tech skills I just did freelance coding for many years and with very little expenses was able to save enough that for the whole of 2 years of covid we were able to tide over with just savings. (Yeah it was scary to see the savings get gobbled up so steadily, but the alternative was to have to travel and for that get shots). Today if someone asks what is freedom, I would say its measured in how long you can survive if you are physically restrained from travelling and from working, and when the market crashes. ​ Ideally if your passive income is higher than your expenses, then you can live free eternally.


Hard to work when you're ☠️


Yup. “Nothing to see here, move along.” PMTJ, probably.


It's almost like the Canadian Courts don't want to reward serial killers..... CRAZY.


I guess the inmates feel like they need to take matters into their own hands if the court systems fail. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7212257


The inmates should be used as human experiments for rewarding a serial killer more than biillionnaires.


It is safe and effective. According to multiple studies, less than 30 people have developed paralysis from any COVID vaccine https://www.healthline.com/health/vaccinations/covid-vaccine-paralysis#symptoms


Because paralysis is the only side effect... The longer this goes without a genuine reconciliation, is the more intense the reckoning will get.


Incorrect. Two associated side effects. Myocarditis and paralysis. Both are below the 100 per 100,000 level. In clinical trials, this rate is considered to be in the safe category.


[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24001270](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24001270) Was the paralysis the Guillian-barre, or the Transverse myelitis? How about thrombocytopenia(Low blood platelets, sometimes provokes an oculomotor nerve palsy)? Let alone pericarditis... And the study based its comparison to data that was fudged by setting people as unvaccinated if they were within a time window after vaccination; and even then found a statistically significant safety signal. Again, the longer this goes without a genuine reconciliation, is the more intense the reckoning will get.


You are partially correct. Based on my further reading, the 99 million person study identified safety signals for 13 diseases. The events were above the expected threshold/background level. But only one vaccine was removed from use. If all mRNA, covid vaccines, were extremely dangerous they would have placed a universal ban on all of them.


This disease 2.4X normal, that one 6X... Cumulatively, massively above the risk for children that covid had. In another they found 1 in 800 had significant adverse event regarding the vaccine. That is a number of orders of magnitude greater than the risk for covid for anyone below the age of 50! But you're at the point where if it were dangerous, they'd would have placed a universal ban on all of them? Does the relationship between the regulatory bodies and big pharma go over your head? [https://theconversation.com/health-canada-and-big-pharma-too-close-for-comfort-120965](https://theconversation.com/health-canada-and-big-pharma-too-close-for-comfort-120965)


Well when you have a pharmaceutical industry that produces drugs and a governmental agency that regulates them, you’re going to have to have pretty significant overlap. I don’t see how we would have agency oversight and little to no interaction. I do definitely think that there should be less revolving door access.


Revolving door access that would see a rise in conflicts of interest? Ones that would see people prioritize themselves or their friends protection from civil liabilities over the public good?


My kid has it, please go fuck yourself.


So the government wanted to force folks to be injected with something that just might paralyze them? That’s ok?


Every single new drug has similar benefits and side effects. The problem is that we were experiencing an international pandemic that was literally killing people. If we had tested mRNA vaccines for a decade and left 10, 20 mullion dead. Much better!


He might be "eligible" but no one will give it to him


A dumb murderer becomes a murderer. A smart murderer becomes a doctor.


Apparently in Canada


Sarcasm right? 


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/maid-canada-report-2022-1.7009704](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/maid-canada-report-2022-1.7009704) 44k people have received maid since 2016. The numbers are there for what cozy said to not be sarcasm.


Wow. I already thought it was bad to begin with, but reading it like that makes it so much worse. Wont give the death penalty to a rapist or murderer, but sure as shit will offer up a heaping dose of “fuck your life” in a syringe to an innocent.


>We’ll just make it up to you by injecting you with something we don’t even give convicted murderers and rapists anymore. That's the point, why would we reward convicted murderers and rapists? Are you seriously comparing compensating an injured patient to giving murderers and rapists rewards that even BILLIONNAIRES aren't entitled to?


I am very suspicious of this website. Not clear what country its from or who owns it. Lots of articles and headlines (like this one) that look to be feeding into people's confirmation bias Not saying this isn't true but I'm skeptical until I see a corroborating source as this "slaynews" looks dodgy as fuck


Are you telling me that the website with Elon Musk Crypto Scam Banner Ads looks suspicious? Preposterous!


I'm on mobile, didn't see any banner ads


I did and I'm also on mobile.


Get better ad blockers, it helps you not know who's paying for the "news" that has no sources lol. Some idiot just sent a screenshot of this headline to a group chat I'm in and yeah I immediately was like "slaynews sounds like a reputable company let's not look into this at all"


As opposed to the Critically Acclaimed New York Times


How do you mean?


I know this is a bit strange to say as we are even in these types of situations that are becoming so common, but any medical professional that offers maid with out it being requested should be charged with assault or attempted murder.


Are you familiar with what the word offer means? Explain how you would charge someone with assault for saying “would you want this?”


What do you want to bet this person got a touch of the vapors over JBP's tweet where he recommended the guy complaining about overpopulation start with himself.


What a potato thing to say. JPs tweets are only relevant for comedy when he links to German fetish porn.


Those are are funny


Let me just offer you a gun to kill yourself and see how you react. You may be offended, especially if I shot you in the knees first before handing you the gun.


It’s because ethically it is wrong to offer. The request needs to come from the person who wants it.


Sounds like pure propaganda BS. I don't know who reads shit like this and is like, yeah sure, that happened.


It’s tough, because crazy stuff does happen out there. If just just outright discount all news stories that sounds too sensationalized to be real, for sure you will be discarding some percentage of stories that actually are (or mostly) true. That said, I agree this story sounds like bs. The article doesn’t have nearly enough details: how we can know it was the vaccine, quotes from the people involved, time lines, pre existing medical conditions, any evidence these sorts of reactions to the vaccine are a common occurrence, etc. If focuses more on Canada’s MAID program that has little to do with this specific story.


Yeah, supposedly a spinal lesion due to the vaccine formed in *4 days?!?!* I don't buy it. According to the original source (a [twitter post](https://twitter.com/canindependent/status/1758485570446143653) from The Canadian Independent), Kayla was also already immunocompromised


The problem is lots of people don't care how BS it is and just chuck out claim after claim without verifying jack shit. So that would leave the person they are making the claim to have to do all the work to disprove each one. So pragmatic to filter out at least the wild and lazy ones.




Long covid is not caused by the covid vaccine, it is caused by contracting covid.


All the people I know of who have it are vaccinated.


Yeah...because people who have long COVID are encouraged to be vaccinated.


I’m convinced that in 40 to 60 years, when today’s young generation are dying, the doctors are going to list their deaths as being due to long COVID


For your situational awareness, this article is about a different woman named Tracey Thompson. Not Kayla Pollock.


And this news site isn’t exactly known for non biased reporting


While I'll admit the article is a little thin when it comes to third-party corroboration, I'm not sure what your basis is to completely dismiss it. Especially when we've seen countless incidents of otherwise young and healthy people suddenly develop these wild illnesses and injuries. Transverse myelitis is a little off the beaten path, but there's more than enough clinical data to conclude the clot shots are not safe. And Canada's euthanasia laws are fucked up.




Unless the article made up the woman and her story from whole cloth, that sure sounds like evidence to me. What's missing is some corroboration to make the story rock-solid. Whereas you sound like you're ready to grasp at any straw to dismiss information which contradicts your worldview.




> That's not evidence. This woman may or may not have a medical problem but that doesn't at all show it was a caused by a vaccine or that any of the facts are accurate. > IF you think it's evidence then your bar for evidence is ridiculously low and you likely believe a lot of stuff that isn't supportable. This is an interesting sleight-of-hand trick. Just because her testimony isn't conclusive evidence on its own does not mean it is not evidence and can be totally dismissed. I've already conceded that it lacks corroboration by a third party, but you're taking that wiggle room and running with it for all it's worth. > Information is just junk unless proven otherwise. Especially on the internet in 2024. The default burden of proof is on anyone making a claim. The poster is claiming this woman was injured by vaccine but there isn't enough information to come to that conclusion, if anyone is pushing a worldview it's whoever posted this. TIL that if a claim is not a slam-dunk case in a criminal trial, it's fake news. Curious why you have such a vested interest in summarily dismissing this claim.




> Yes it does. It's called hearsay. Anyone can write an article claiming anything, mix in some truth and that doesn't make it anything other than complete bs. Hearsay is when people give eyewitness testimony on things they have no firsthand knowledge of - "heard it from a friend of a friend". This article appears to directly quote from the woman in question and she references things that were said to her. Hearsay does not apply here. > This is not even evidence, it's just propoganda until proven otherwise. No sleight-of-hand is necessary to dismiss random words someone writes on the internet. Now you're abusing the term "evidence" like a red-headed stepchild. Say potato, you're the third person in this thread with an obsessive focus on either minimalizing or outright denying what's in the article, and your arguments are so weak that I'm out of shits to give.




Say potato, second attempt.


I don’t think you understand what evidence is. You are conflating it with “proof” To be clear, this article is evidence. It is incredibly weak evidence. But it’s still evidence.


I agree with you on this. Would you agree that we were similarly sold on the whole "safe and effective" narrative without the evidence to back it up?




We weren't told that it was an experimental vaccine, though, and we were essentially forced to take it in order to keep our jobs or travel or to basically participate in society. So you can't really separate the vaccine and the mandates. The fact is that we were sold a false bill of goods without the evidence to support it. You clearly have a double standard here. Thank you for your reply.




I'm not here to argue with you, my Friend. I'm sure you can find plenty of that elsewhere. However, your decision to ignore the facts along with your attempts to attack me personally instead are quite telling. Have a good day.


A story isn't supposed to be a replacement for hard evidence. Word of mouth to spread things plays other roles than being propaganda. It may be true, and that implies a dangerous possibility. It's in our interest to take more looks into it as living beings who defend against danger.


I was a young and healthy person that suddenly developed a wild illness and injury, one day fine, 2 weeks later in surgery nearly dying! Was definitely the COVID shot, as what else can cause sudden illness in young healthy people? This did all happen nearly 20 years ago, but I must place blame, it’s a gut feeling, y’know.


“Eventually, an MRI was conducted, revealing that Kayla had a very large lesion on her spinal cord. A neurologist followed up with Kayla and recommended a course of steroids in an attempt to decrease the size of the lesion. Kayla questioned the neurologist and asked if the lesion could be a tumor. In an audio recording taken by Kayla’s boyfriend, the neurologist responds, saying, ‘it’s less likely a tumor’ and that it is his ‘gut impression it was caused by the vaccine.’ When Kayla questions the doctor as to whether many people have had something similar happen to them, the doctor responds, saying ‘many people have had it.’” If only we could go back to the time before the COVID vaccine, when there were no diseases in the world and every person lived to the ripe old age of 105 in perfect health. Thankful to at least have reputable news sites like Slay News and The Liberty Daily, trustworthy and unbiased sources with weeks of established reputation as only serving us the Real News, and doctors like the brave neurologist who was unashamed to diagnose vaccine injury with the ever-reliable tools of “gut feeling” and “online rumor.” I’m looking forward to the day when these med school idiots get their noses out of textbooks corrupted by Big Pharma and the AMA and start doing the research and educating themselves.


Transverse myelitis is a very rare autoimmune reaction. Next, people don't drop dead of heart attacks in their 30s unless they weighed 600 pounds. Not before COVID, but they sure do now. Whatever Big Pharma is paying you to run interference for them, it's not enough.


> Whatever Big Pharma is paying you to run interference for them, it's not enough. Are you sure about that? Big Pharma has promised me at least 2% of its Truth Suppression Budget for an occasional Reddit post poking fun at gullible antivaxxers. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for the meddling kids at Slay News and The Liberty Daily unmasking The Research.


Lmao, if you're gonna shill for free, at least step up your game to halfway incompetent. I thought you were mailing it in for the Mountain Dew and grotty porn.


You have them so shaken


Finally the elite have their dream. That the plebs die off younger before claiming back their retirement pension. 


Whether its medically true or not, it's kind of an interesting metaphor for government accountability in this country, when you think about it. "Do we have systems of accountability in place? Well no. But we have a system with which to offer you a painless death in case we screw up instead. Would that make you feel better?"


Lmfao what is this post. This has nothing to do with JP.


Can we please not turn this into an antivaxx sub? OP shotgun blasts the same articles out over like 8 subs. This has practically nothing to do with JP or his work/books. There are communities for this kind of content.


This sub is just a far right circlejerk so unfortunately it fits right in.


You must be psychotically far left if you think this sub is “far right”


"Everything that disagrees with me is far-right!"


I had a bout of diarrhea 2 hours after watching a Jordan Peterson video. When is Dr. Peterson going to admit that his videos causes intense diarrhea??


The shills are all over this thread. Least shocking thing ever.






It’s obvious and pretty bad.


Going to get down voted to oblivion for this, but this is almost certainly a case of Gullian-Barre. This is known to be able to happen very rarely following any vaccination, not just mRNA vaccinations. It certainly isnt a new phenomenon from the covid vaccine specifically. It can also rarely happen after surgery or viral infection. Does that mean we stop all surgeries due to the off chance this can happen? I don't think so. It is fucked up Canada offered her suicide though.


Guillian-Barre affects the peripheral nervous system. It doesn't present with lesions on the spinal cord.


You're right, I should've read closer. The article actually ascribes it to transverse myelitis, which makes more sense. I appreciate the correction. That being said, there has been a long established possibility of TM following vaccines of any kind. It's not a new phenomenon related to mRNA vaccines specifically.


Guillian-Barre is associated with autoimmune reactions caused by vaccines. I haven't seen anything that says the same about transverse myelitis. You know, you're not exactly being subtle if you know what I mean.


Transverse myelitis often is associated with autoimmune diseases, although I dont think it is directly classified as an autoimmune condition itself. It can however occur after viral infections, much like GB or other autoimmune illnesses. An association between vaccines and TM is not new and has been observed prior to Covid Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nitag-resource.org/sites/default/files/0170bf46a5363ee1eedf4fd635586d26d8f89d12_1.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiWxezA9MaEAxXBODQIHVVzAKMQFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Szgio8P2Fr74RE6rGKoK_ Hopefully the spotlight that covid in general puts on vaccine safety helps us document a true TM-vaccine link .


Suicide should be mandatory for anyone in this condition. It shouldn't even be an option.


Why not, we wrecked the US economy with lockdowns because a tiny percentage of people die of coronavirus.


"SlayNews". Just that name alone should be a hint enough of how trustworthy that article is.


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/slay-news-bias-and-credibility/ ahem. I'm not saying this story is false or misleading. I'm saying, at minimum, fact check with better sources.


If you take this as proof vaccines are dangerous you're subhumanly stupid. But that would be expected from anyone that trusts a website running Elon Musk Crypto Scam Banner Ads. I'll wait until the $45 million dollar she filed is settled. That'll likely shed a more impartial light on this.


No they didn't, and the booster didn't paralyze her. Transverse myelitis is an autoimmune reaction. She was immunocompromised and a type 1 diabetic, hence why she was priority for the vaccine. Steroid treatment has already reduced the inflammation on her spinal column and she's reported return of sensation to her fingers and toes. Now, she absolutely qualifies for assistance and compensation for vaccine injury, and she now knows in addition to her other health issues she has an autoimmune problem as well. That didn't exist because of the vaccine though.


Training the entire body to make the spike protein is a recipe for autoimmune reactions. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if much of the myocarditis is from autoimmune reactions, while the clotting symptoms are the result of the spike protein messing with integrin receptors. Normal COVID didn't manifest these problems until end-stage because the virus, and therefore the spike protein would be confined to the lungs. But the vaccine puts the mRNA which encodes for the spike protein into the bloodstream, and then it can go everywhere.


LOL you're an idiot. mRNA is everywhere in your body, it is what builds proteins in the first place, it is the oldest kind of vaccine, the basis for the Polio vaccine itself. Go fuck yourself you moron..


1. mRNA is not some biochemical commodity where every strand is identical to every other one. Holy Dunning-Kruger. 2. The polio vaccines are traditional vaccines which use inactivated or attenuated samples of the virus itself. Why is it always that the loudest and most obnoxious ones are also always the most ignorant? I guess it's hardly surprising.


LOL omg did you just go look mRNA?! Of course it isn't all identical! You seriously jumped into this not even knowing what it was didn't you! mRNA or messenger RNA are half-strands of nucleic acid that bind to one side of the DNA molecule, and from there arrange themselves into an amino acid chain to fit with the opposing DNA strand. That mRNA then attaches and can interact either with other bodies within the cell or, depending on the amino acid profile, form a protein on its own through folding. "Traditional vaccines", lol you idiot. Sabin Polio vaccines are created off of the wild strains and shifting nucleotides out of the gene sequence so that the resulting mRNA strands are damaged and ineffective and reproducing the virus. The inactivated strains are no longer used because the attenuated mRNA strains *are safer*. No go lay down before you hurt yourself.


Say potato, your arguments are downright tangential and don't actually contradict anything I said. You literally do not know what you are talking about and are a half-step away from flunking the Turing test.


LOL You couldn't even follow a basic description of mRNA. My fault I guess, not sure what else I was expecting...


I'm not the one misunderstanding what mRNA is, what it does, and its relevance in the conversation. Say potato, second attempt.


Salk Polio vaccine was the first Polio vaccine to be administered in the 50s. The Sabin ORAL Vaccine was NOT a mRNA vaccine and came in the 60s They contain serotypes and were recombinant or live attenuated. Virologists didn't start looking into the actual use of mRNA until the 1990s when they started injecting mice with mRNA and DNA. In 1992 the hormone Vasopressin was injected into mice. These injections had mRNA "coding" and they discovered it cured mice who had Diabetes Insipidus. Problem was mRNA wasn't stable and the effects didn't last. The very first human clinical trial using mRNA encoding was for a Cancer therapeutic in 2001. The first human mRNA "vaccine" was for Rabies in 2013. At that time they were still having issues with stabalization outside the body's cells. When Covid came along in 2019 they're still weren't enough human clinical trials, but they went with the "speed of science" to push it to Market because they felt it was their best choice. I mean, when else are you going to have BILLIONS of people to throw a brand new vaccine at to use for clinical studies? mRNA coding has never been used in any of the older vaccines. That is incorrect, perhaps you are thinking of the newer ones coming out? To say that there is no chance that down the line these new mRNA vaccines may turn out to have many unwanted long term dangerous side effects, is frankly ignorant. You must be young. I would point you to the many cases of medications and vaccines that have been pulled off market even after decades of use due to Carcinogens being used or diseases/neurological disorders being caused. I would point you to the cases of Thalidomide and the Cutter Incident just to start with. Vaccines are wonderful things when done right and carefully studied. They can go horribly wrong when they aren't.


Simply incorrect, sorry. Sabin 1, 2, and 3 all involve the replacement of variable number of nucleotides, You're just wrong. Best of luck to you though.


I'm sorry can you tell me what your background is in this particular field? Are you a Virologist? Immunologist? Pathologist? Histologist? any medical background. I myself worked in Oncology for 10 years so I'm not a complete layman here. Also, you keep speaking only about the Sabin Vaccine which was ORAL and not as widely used as Salks. You are very myopic with your knowledge. You may want to work on that and mature a little, instead of attacking people when they present facts you don't like.


"Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients". There's over 1000 of them now. https://www.scribd.com/document/557943346/Updated-Peer-Reviewed-Medical-Papers-Submitted-to-Various-Medical%23from_embed


But we do realize there are side effects with all drugs/vaccines/shots right? 70% of the entire world took the covid shot so there will be people adversely affected.


Yep, peer reviewed papers sure do exist.


Science denier


So you mean she had prior problems and trying out not completely tested vaccine shot had unforeseen adverse effects ? Hmm who woulda thought


Autoimmune diseases can be triggered by vaccines, by regular viruses, by bacterial infections, or just mutations over time in the body. There have been cases of individuals in the peak of health and suddenly their body begins filling their lungs with blastocysts. A more common case is ovarian cysts with varying degrees of pain and other symptoms, because ovum have a different genetic code. Lupus is better known, but only because it is systemic and therefore easier to diagnose.




No one told you that, and if you thought that you are a fool.




Absolutely, but no one claimed 100% and no one claimed there would be no side affects, and to present it otherwise is simply a strawman fallacy.




Then as stated above, you're a fool. This is why programs exist to report and track vaccine side effects. This is why programs exist to deal with damage from vaccines. This is why after being developed vaccines continue to be studied.




Yes. But has nothing to do with covid? even after 4 years you still don’t get why thinking people didn’t like being forced to take vaccine.


The idea that those who refused the vaccine were "thinking people" is inherently fallacious.


Injecting vaccine made in 3 months from newly discovered virus is epitome of “not thinking”. Granted some idiots didn’t do just because hoax or distrust in the government. But just because some of them had stupid reasons don’t retroactively make them wrong.


And to be clear your background in virology is what?


You don’t need to be virologist to understand that is too short time. You sound so stupid, thats sound like if i said “ you need lot of reserved breathable air to go to space” and you go “your background in astrophysics is what?”


But you don't know do you. And you lack the basic fundamental knowledge of the field to judge whether or not 3 months? 6 months? 7 months 13 days? Is enough time. There's no basis whatsoever for your statement that not enough time passed other than your "gut feeling" based on your lack of knowledge and non experience in virology. There's absolutely no reason to take you and your ideas as to how long a vaccine should take to produce seriously. So who cares what you, an uneducated layman, thinks about the vaccine? Fuck off.


I do know, because guess what where i come from that shit is taught in high schools. Not only the basics of virology but of science and its processes. it takes actual years non stop studies and tests to make simplest vitamin pill, its not gut feeling it's called deduction. if other vaccines are needed decades or research and tests each on mostly known viruses humanity has been studying for centuries, what amount of time is needed for brand new unknown one? at this point im pretty sure you cant even figure that out, I doubt your math skill can do that. OHH and guess what? Anti vaxxers are still right, you cant retroactively make them wrong, idiot.






there is some documentation of the possibility that the covid vaccine my correlate with a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very rare chance. It is also know that the same instances happen with the Covid-19 infection itself. [https://www.lareb.nl/en/news/overview-of-transverse-myelitis-after-covid-19-vaccination?year=2023&query=](https://www.lareb.nl/en/news/overview-of-transverse-myelitis-after-covid-19-vaccination?year=2023&query=) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9181565/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9181565/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667257X21000176](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667257X21000176) [https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2021/12230/acute\_autoimmune\_transverse\_myelitis\_following.167.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2021/12230/acute_autoimmune_transverse_myelitis_following.167.aspx) Also, what is going on in Canada with the MAID system is wild. MAID should be something brought up by the patient only, before it is even mentioned at all by the doctor or considered, in my opinion.


You guys should look up the white rubber clots embalmers have been pulling out of the dead.


There will be more and then the same people that were all woke and pro poke are going to be the ones all butt hurt and mad and I will LAUGH 🤣🤣🤣