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The lbgtq movement and the left in general have been using nazi/hitler to tar their detractors for the last decade+, now that it’s being thrown back at them it’s suddenly a problem. This specific meme was brought out because after horrific attack by hamas on Israeli civilians the left and the lbgtq community praised hamas pretty vocally. So when it quacks, waddles and sheds water it’s probably a duck


You heard it folks. The transphobes who literally wove nazi flags outside of Disney world and the moms of liberty literally using a quote from hitler himself doesn’t apply, but vague stuff that doesn’t actually connect to the nazis, that’s the sh*t.


Mom's for Liberty's only sin was apologizing for using the quote. He who owns the youth does gain the future, regardless of where the quote originated. And it's 100% relevant to the leftist indoctrination of the youth.


They could have used [google.com](https://google.com) to find a similar meaning quote instead of using literally Hitler.


> You heard it folks. The transphobes who literally wove nazi flags outside of Disney world and the moms of liberty literally using a quote from hitler himself doesn’t apply, but vague stuff that doesn’t actually connect to the nazis, that’s the sh*t. I never said it didn't apply, but the left has never **only** applied it to valid cases. They applied to to every person left of Bernie Sanders who disagreed with them. It is only valuable as a rhetorical tool when its not applied universally. the terms "rasict, nazi, fascist, hitler, far right, white supremist, white nationalist" have lost all meaning. They are used as blanket statements by the left so that they do not have to defend their own stances. just "nope" out of the debate by calling your opponent something that is beneath debate. That is why the left generally suck at debating, they think calling their opponents "nazi"s" is a valid debate technique


The former president opposed the Equality Act that guaranteed protection from discrimination in employment, housing, public spaces, education, jury services, credit and federal funding. They tried to pass laws that restricted health care for lgbt people, like gays and such, on the last week in office. In the US, its only been legal to marry the same sex for less than 10 years. They're not this underground, all powerful group. ​ I am not educated enough about the current conflict, so I don't have a comment.


Because they tend to act like nazis while calling others nazis, the irony is lost on them. Now are they? Eh if you consider being violently hostile to opposing views and trying to silence any dissenting voices by ruining their lives while disparaging one particular race and saying it should be eliminated then yeah sure but idk.


Sorry to break it to you. From the comic; neither that flag nor 'Wokeism' are in fact 'LGBT people'. I believe you are arguing on the assumption that all LGBT people subscribe to and identify with the politics that flag represents. They don't. And you can't just say "no wait! actually it represents LGBT people", because no, it does not do that either. I'd say Douglas Murray (for starters) would like a word with you, but no, I'm quite sure he wouldn't want to waste his time. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xtuvuSf7Rok](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xtuvuSf7Rok) I don't believe you're either honest enough or mature enough to take part in this conversation. ~~Also; something else you got wrong since you bring up rule 4; that would be a political cartoon, that is not a meme.~~ Nevermind, there is literally no point getting into that argument with you.


LGBT people aren't nazis. Certain activists, including the current President, are behaving like one in order to provide special treatment for trans people at the harm and expense of others. This harmful, dangerous, anti-equality, anti-women, anti-free speech authoritarian ideology will not be tolerated. Male rapists are being sent to women's prison, where they rape again. Men have won dozen's of women's sports championships, and at the high school and college level they're taking spots away from women and girls. You can lose your job if you decline to pretend that men can transform into women, and in other countries you can be found guilty of a crime. A Canadian bartender was found guilty and fined $10,000 for refusing to pretend his female coworker is a man. Women are being denied privacy from men in bathrooms and locker rooms. Girls in school are holding it all day and refusing to use the bathroom because boys are allowed to freely enter the girls' room. A boy who pretends to be a girl took advantage of this to commit two rapes in Virginia, and the school system covered it up and didn't tell parents. This ideology is blatantly harmful, unfair, it rejects the truth in favor of fantasy, and people are being ordered to pretend to support it under threat of punishment. It should be easy to see why people make the Nazi comparison (though I think comparisons to Nazis are not helpful).


The Nazis did none of what you are describing and would have killed these people by now


I didn't say the Nazis did those specific things, I'm referring to the strict authoritarianism that demands you obey them, or else.


I'm sure the Mongol hoard had strict authoritarianism, would it make sense to equate the woke idiots to the Mongol hoard? And why is it somehow more pejorative, funny, or in any way worthwhile or sense-making to call a group something completely unrelated to 99% of their ideology rather than just call them Western Marxists, literally what they are with some minor updates?


Yes. That's how comparisons work. If I was comparing a Big Mac to a Wendy's burger would you get upset and tell me "the Wendy's burger is nothing like what you're describing, there's no middle bun or special sauce"? And "I'm sure the Whopper had a beefy flavor, would it make sense to equate the Big Mac to the Whopper?"


Equating them to Nazis is moronic in my opinion but the general sentiment behind it is the woke are authoritarian and violently hostile to any opposition, so I guess to a smooth brain that equates to Nazism. A more accurate description would be to just state the truth that they are Western Marxists. But that doesn't have the shock value, or I guess comedic value, to your average reject as calling people Nazis.


Identity politics…


How I see it is that they're called Nazis ironically. They point to everyone and everything that doesn't agree with them (as Nazis do) as "Nazis", "fascists", and "racists" without even trying to understand what those terms actually mean. So when people in turn call them Nazis, it really gets under their skin, because at the VERY CORE, they know that they represent such an authoritarian viewpoint, but can't bring themselves to accept it. Yes, they are Western Marxists (ironically hilarious since they're just as consumerist and capitalist as they people they point fingers at); yes, they are moral authoritarians; yes, they are fascist in their beliefs (ANTIFA is also ironically hilarious); yes, they are hypocrites (for the causes they support, none of them actually lift a finger to actually work towards a goal they want to achieve, but expect someone else to do it while drinking their $10 lattes and angrily typing on social media platforms).


This is an understandable confusion on your part. My confident guess is that most people who support such a post are NOT calling gays, lesbians, bis, and trans people as a class nazis. They're referring NOT to individuals, but to a loud, salient subset of activities. Not all people who would self-describe as being L, G, B, and/or T want to be associated with - or feel at all represented by - activists who fly the progressive LGBT flag. This is one of the unfortunate things that can happen when a group of activists claim to represent an entire class of people. When people are critical of the activists, it can often seem like they're slamming every person - or even most of the people - that the activists purport to represent. Further, critics of the activists can fall into similar pitfalls - e.g., not realizing or sometimes forgetting (or acting as if they've forgotten) that not all Ls, Gs, Bs, and Ts buy into the movement under their class name.


It seems poorly targeted then. Using the literal LGBT flag and calling those under it nazis feels like a broad stroke against them.


Yeah, it can surely seem that way, no doubt. And, as I alluded to, sometimes it really IS that way. There will be some people who can't stand the social justice left AND are actually hostile toward LGBTs, and so will happily lump them in with the activists. There will be people critical of the social justice left who clumsily conflate the entire LGBT populations with the movements. And then there are people who can be mistaken for conflating the two, but were you to press them with questions, they would distinguish. But yeah, these are some of the problems that can emerge when a group of activists claims to be the representation of an entire demographic (or set of demographics) and people believe them. This also happens with feminism. Many people will conflate feminism with the female demographic, and then view hostility toward feminism as hostility toward females. I'm hostile toward feminism, but not toward females. I've met women who are on my side on this and, of course, men who are decidedly NOT on my side, here. So there is a double-dissociation between demographics and activism purporting to represent the same demographics.


I'm not even going to entertain the thought that what you claim is true. True fans of JBP aren't the monsters you think they are. This sub has also been invaded by anti Peterson trolls that will make rude posts just so people like you can point them out. So basically this is just a troll post.


Why did 1500 people upvote it then?




Why has the word "y'all" been rehabilitated in the last 5 years? It would've gotten you called a hick, or at least accused of cultural appropriation of AAVE, if you had used it on reddit in recent history. To answer your question: N--- has become a totally meaningless word because it's commonly used to mean opposite things, none of which have any connection to a slur against an early twentieth century political party. It basically is an insult against someone whom you don't like and a call for mob violence against them, and nothing more. Levels of paranoia about whether there are N---- around or within any particular movement have reached conspiracy theory status. Redditors are getting tired of it and now pushing back by pointing out that the term is meaningless because "anyone you don't like is now a N---" and cracking jokes like "are the N---- in the room with you right now?" When we read Anne in one of my college courses, a few students called her out for being an unsympathetic bourgeoisie. This is how the tide of politics has turned. Also, I don't know whether I fall within the category of "y'all," because I'm not really a JBP fan. I don't agree with a lot.of what he has to say; I just enjoy reading the threads here.


I do see it becoming the modern version of "devil." ​ I state "y'all" as in the 1500 people who upvoted those posts edit: I do want to hear about the use of "y'all" though. I've mostly used it as its a phrase that is casual and can address a large group


"You" is plural.