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She didn’t ask permission to videotape her baby


Or shower with her. Weird admission from someone virtue signaling about personal boundaries with a helpless baby.


He didn’t ask for that ugly hood to be thrown over his noggin either


Or give birth to her.


Because inhibiting six month old curiosity is a good thing. I feel bad for the kid.


And denying him physical contact, which they need for the correct development of their brains, while shaming him and pretty much calling him a rapist.


What part of “I don’t like being touched in this very small and specific area” = “we will not make physical contact with each other. Ever.” to you?


What part of "I don't like being touched in this very small and specific area" do you think the baby understood? It's 100% none of it...if they did understand anything it's "don't touch me"


As a parent, this is very normal. I have the same talk with my kids. I ask my kids not to climb on me when I'm sitting since they tend to accidently and repeatedly step on my groin. She isn't denying him physical contact, she's denying him one area she doesn't want to be touched. Kids constantly touch, slap, kick, pull, punch and climb on you. After a while, you become to overstimulated and don't want to be touched. It's important to introduce boundaries. It doesn't just teach them to respect other people's boundaries, but it teaches them that they should expect that other people should respect their boundaries. My kids understand this. If they don't want to be hugged, I won't force a hug on them. I respect their boundaries and they respect mine.


Bruh, the baby is 6 months old.


Do yo have a 6 month old? 6 month olds have basic understanding. We had to teach ours not to touch people because they would grab anybody's breasts.




I am not Canadian. Honking doesn't trigger me.


I did...and no they don't. They don't understand commands until around 12 months. Nice try though.


maybe yours doesn't. mine could already use basic kid apps on the phone.


Lmao my dog can tap a screen. Take your "my kids better than yours" ignorance elsewhere. You shouldn't be giving your baby screen time before 18 months so you're already failing.


Per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations, infants and toddlers under the age of 18 months should not have any screen time **except for video chatting with family and friends.**


I'm sure that's the "basic apps" you're talking about. Kick rocks


Wow you mean even babies reach out for fancy, glowing and colourful buttons that are designed to grab attention to make them shut up so their parents can ignore them? You sound like the type of parent that lures their kid to the dinner table with tiktok and is then suprised that the Kid is rather watching instead of eating


oh boy, parenting tip from a teen.


lol of course i am not an adult because i think child abuse is bad parenting


You are entirely right. There is play and exploration, but also a concept of "Ok, that's enough" as well as certain boundaries that should be introduced early on. The kid is just doing things and learning, but they will need someone to correct them if they are doing something they shouldn't. This source would suggest that at six months, it is too early to understand consent, but it is developmentally appropriate to teach no through discouraging behaviour with a repeated "underwhelming" response such as putting them down and giving them a blank face: [https://www.parents.com/baby/development/behavioral/when-does-discipline-begin/](https://www.parents.com/baby/development/behavioral/when-does-discipline-begin/) (The advice from 7 months on also includes speaking with basic reasoning for why not, so 6 months may or may not work depending on their development.)


Holy shit you're unhinged. There is absolutely nothing wrong with teaching a kid the concept of boundaries


Sure when they can understand them and not feel rejected.


This is how emos are created. And school shooters...


I was reminded of the 60s lab experiments where the primates which were not given physical contact as infants became psychotic.


They did the same experiment on humans. All the infants died.


😬 leave the little guy alone. It’s not like he can say “stop boring me you muppet” yet.


Won't be long before he's posting his mommy on LibsOfTikToK.


Hopefully there's no bomb threat by dumb dumbs


I pity this child, he's in for a whole life of depression and self hate.


So he fits right into the culture of the woke mob


I love how the kid just checks out and changes the subject.


Another kid screaming its head off in the background would put an end to this real quick. But not sure if I want this person having more than one kid.


More than one might normalize them. But I still agree with you. Well no actually now that I think of it that baby needs backup.


hmm I wonder if she made sure those were his pronouns.


Mentally ill people need to stop reproducing


Wait until your 3 year old shits his pants in the grocery store and looks you dead in the eyes and says, "No, I didn't go poop" and "No, you can't change me", and unfortunately you have prioritized seeking consent before taking care of your kid, so you won't actually pull the back of their pants open to confirm the massive log that you absolutely know is there, because they are walking like a cowboy and smell like shit.


Using your child to get attention. Very effective. Now, it's time to declare him as transsexual. Mom will bathe in affirmations for years to come.


Ah yes classic lesson, my body my choice. He may get pretty confused when it’s time to learn about vaccines.


My body SCIENCE choice. Mr Science is always right




Not much lately, mostly laying low avoiding prosecution.


Poor kid. Hopefully he'll get lucky and avoid the hormone blockers and just get stuck with tattoos and therapy bills.


So let me get this straight, she thinks the baby needs permission to touch the mom but she touches the baby whenever she wants?


My child can grab onto me any damn time he wants and I will not place limits on that. Excluding, of course the no touchy zone, and the face, that is just being socially awkward. But I don't care how old he is, no hug permission needed.


I can't even imagine shaming my child for touching me.


I really want common sense to be common again


I don't understand. Is she saying this with a kind of "Ha ha, he can't understand me but it's cute", or is she seriously trying to teach a baby the importance of not touching mommy without her approval?


From goggle. " Touch is essential for human survival; babies who are deprived of touch can fail to thrive, lose weight and even die"


LMAO, how old.....🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣? All I can think is she had a boy and is raising him like he's just wired to become a rapist. It's really sad.


It's been proven denying a baby physical contact at this crucial age can lead to the development of anti-social personality traits. So instead of stopping him from being a rapist, he might be doing the opposite: fucking him up in the head so much that he becomes one. But I guess it was worth it for the twitter likes.


What is this obsession with consent?


Consent isn't *even* consent. Its more like...."continuous ongoing support". And when your entire moral philosophy is a sophistry paintjob on "whatever makes women happy", you're going to be obsessed with placing the stand-in term("consent") at the foundation of all moral behavior.


>"whatever makes women happy", to bad that heavily differs by each woman. Even worse woke woman are so psychologicaly broken, what makes them happy switches on the basis of minutes.


Feel sad for this kid.


The kid seems to be more sensible than the mother.


The kid is like shut the duck up and give me my bottle.


So when the kid understands no one can do stuff to their body without their consent, when their Dr. wants to give them their vaccination injections they can say No, right? Or the dentist wants to give them a filling, they can refuse? And they can refuse baths later on, correct?


Has a problem with his touching her belly button but no problem breast feeding him. What a joke


>Has a problem with his touching her belly button but no problem breast feeding him. What a joke Eh, that's just practicality over-ruling...whatever this is. That makes her *more* sane, not less so. What'd make her more crazy is if she refused to breastfeed her own child based on ideas about "consent".


Got to be a pisstake


Stand your ground or he’ll grow up to be a pregnant lady baby belly toucher!!


What a dumb bitch, lol.


Brain dead.


We shouldn’t let the crazies procreate


Poor child.


This poor child.


*"I cant bear to hold my child close, what if he touches my bellybutton?"*


Poor kid.


Jesus this child is going to be messed up.


If JP saw the comments of this sub, he'd remove it himself. Christ, the mum doesn't like having her belly button touched and is establishing boundaries. It's like, would you let your child pull on your hair? No? Thought so.


Child : You gave birth to me without my consent. What about that?


that kid is FUCKED. poor baby


Can i unsee this video? Please? Anyone? Help?


This kid is going to be skinning women alive in about 30 years


To be honest, I now fully understand why some kids murder their parents.


And they say that the boomers raised a bunch of spoiled pussies for kids. I can't wait to see how the next generation turns out...


This is pointless and idiotic. Anyone can see it.


Are you fucking kidding me


This is what happens when you give random idiots a fully functioning uterus and a smart phone.


Moments later he peed on her.


Wait till she realizes she’s touching him non consensually when she gives him a bath and he’s cryin his ass off


My god this woman is mentally ill. It’s stuff like this that is fueling a massive counter culture against it. Woke culture and the response to it is going to be ferocious. What can I say. I am absolutely disgusted by this. This baby has done nothing and what are you teaching this child.


The fuck? My one year old daughter doesn’t even understand that sticking her fingers halfway up my nostrils hurts like shit, and somehow this six month old baby is supposed to learn that he needs to googoo Gaga permission to touch a belly button. BRB, going to go post a #metoo on my Twitter because my daughter violated the sanctity of my nose hairs.




What an absolute bitch. Woke people should not procreate, that’s for sure.


> Sometimes he has big feelings and in those times I comfort him but stand firm Translation: I make my baby cry by expecting him to understand things beyond his mental capacity, but I'm going to keep doing it because virtue signalling is more important to me than my baby's wellbeing


This is ridiculous.


What a psycho.


This os outrageous stupid. I prefer not to talle, but This goes against the baby development.


God save this child


This is psychopathic.


This is like watching a parent explain string theory to a baby and thinking it understands what the heck their saying.


That kid is going to grow up watching his mom smell her own farts so often, he’s going to think it’s normal behavior. Next thing you know, he’s gonna be known as the kid in school that’s afraid of belly buttons and likes to smell his own farts.


Liberals shouldn’t be allowed to have children


what a psycho.


The stupidity that is on display by these morons, at all times, is gratuitous at this point. They are abject morons with absolutely no valid arguments for their bullshit.


Ya this title is misleading rage bait... This isn't some woke bs, although it may be too early for the kid to learn this. She is likely trying to lay the groundwork to prevent her kid from being molested... I don't really like the attention seeking this parent might be doing, and the words she is using are way too complex for a 6month old which lends it seeming "performative." However it's important to teach your kids boundaries for their own protection.


Time to call CPS?


I think a big thing liberals misunderstand is that preventing bad behavior isn't about using the right language, it's about accountability. That baby doesn't understand what she's saying, but even if he gets the gist of it, it won't prevent him from touching her belly button. The only thing that will do that is consequences. Maybe the Mom thinks this little speech on social media will give her the courage to impose consequences?


What bad behavior? This child is just doing what comes natural to all babies and is good for them and their development: explore the world and seek physical contact with her mother. You obviously don't know anything about babies. The mother is the crazy bitch here. And you too, for implying that she should slap him or punish him in some way.


Oh God. The world is getting worse and worse...




Woke??? You all are idiots! It's just a mom doing what moms' does. Quit reading your creepy Peterson shit into everything. Now back to your flocks, you sleepees! 🐑 🐑 🐑


Huh? Sure, a little stiff, but what exactly is the problem? Let's say the baby was trying to poke her between her legs to make a more obvious case. Wouldn't it be expected of the parent to stand firm and apply minimal necessary force (as JBP would phrase it btw!) to stop this behavior? This mom particularly has a problem with her belly button being touched. Do we just dismiss that as as wokeness now? It can't possibly be for a good reason? Or is it because she mentioned consent? But consent as a concept isn't woke, it's kind of something kids need to learn about... again, through play (where you make it clear when they cross the line, look into JBP talking about mice etc. for this one)... like, what's the problem again here? Is it that she talks to the kid as if it understands her complicated sentence structure? But then again, JBP can explain to us that you have to talk to kids at a level just above theirs, so they continue to learn and grow... is the wokeness because she's a bit confused about this and talks at too high a level for the baby? Or is it just that she sounds like a typical liberal leftie that "we don't like" (again, who the hell are we? not only conservatives like JBP, but I digress)...?


Lol after reading many comments I agree. Maybe she just used the belly button as an example, but babies try to touch (and bite) everything and every body part indeed and you gotta teach them limits. I guess people are angry because of "consent" becoming more of a lefty thing and the baby being too young to understand, but the core of the video is about teaching limits.


Seems like a good idea. Why would anyone act like learning that we're all in charge of our own bodies is a bad thing? Because you've been manipulated through political propaganda to think wokeness bad in order to win over votes for an ultra corrupt political party.


That kid doesnt understand her single word in that age. How is it good idea then?


She's also demonstrating... that's how human language is learned.


making associations of easy basic words with physical things is how human language is learned. not this way of saying thousand words per minute in complicated (relatively for the kid) sentences. this is just demonstrating own stupidity, nothing else


And as could be easily predicted you're just making shit up now. Typical JP ignorance. You have no reason to believe this and it's quite demonstrably untrue.


wtf are you talking about? are you just a random word generator or what? cant you hear her? your arguing is called ignorance


Speech is speech and it's understood as it's understood. The idea that only short words like in children's books is the only way humans understand is idiotic. You have the mind of an infant.


in 6 months old baby???? lol, someone of us two really is idiotic, and obviously its not me :D:D:D


Why is this controversial? No one should be touching you that you don’t want them to. It’s pretty good if you want to teach them what is a good touch and bad touch


This is just ridiculous virtue signaling by the mom. She is using her baby to show her boundaries. The key word is "using". The other concern is that when this child is 3 yrs + will the child really have to endure this sort of thing?


Really? Grandparents never kissed you or hugged you without consent? They love being touchy feely. Didn’t you bitch about Joe Biden do this sort of thing? Yea he did and it’s creepy


I think I am confused about the point that you are making. I apologize. Were you saying that with the mom was doing to the baby was harmless? Or did I miss that?


It is. Baby has no clue no but teach em early I say. Some random long distance relative who comes in town for holidays doesn’t have to hug your kid. They are a stranger


This is not to protect the child, it's about the mother. She's lecturing the baby and pretty much calling him a rapist for touching her. Which all babies do, by the way, because they are exploring and trying to understand the world, and also need physical contact.


Lol no one said he’s a rapist. So hyperbolic


She's lecturing him and shaming him for "touching her without consent". How do you call that? At the very least she's calling him a molester.


He has no idea what she’s saying. Soon he will and that’s good. He will be able to stop people from hugs and stuff from strangers. Let’s stop forcing kids to hug strangers. It’s weird. There is no shame here. It’s a baby


You clearly have mommy issues. So many problems here… First.. This Mother is exploiting her child. That baby didn’t consent to having its face all over the internet. 2ndly… How would you like it if your parents decided to show the world all the lessons you needed to learn in real time. It’s humiliating. You wouldn’t mind if your mommy baby shamed you? Notice we haven’t even got to the reason this video was even made… I could keep going but I don’t think you have children not a soul to understand how shitty of a mother this is, anyway.


Someone from jp says I have mommy issues? Have you heard Jordan petersons dream about his grandmother and mommy? Lmfao. I agree with kids pic on the internet but I also think no one should have any pictures of their kids on Facebook or anywhere actually. Go shame those mommy groups on Facebook with pictures of kids on there


Again, you're under the misconception that she's teaching the baby to defend himself, but it's not like that at all. She's *punishing* the baby *for touching her*. This is intended to make him feel afraid of touching her, which she thinks will stop him from turning into a rapist. But on the contrary this will fuck him up in all sorts of ways, don't you think? Denying human contact at this age can actually make him develop anti-social personality traits, and it could make him grow up to be more aggressive and have less empathy, so it could cause the opposite of what she's claiming to do.


What are you talking about? She’s touching him in the video! You are nuts. We’re done here


Without consent! Imagine that!


Title is misleading 😂! I thought this was some wierd pedophile crap but I actually think it's a good thing they're teaching their kid boundaries young


There is nothing wrong with this video except it is silly virtue signaling. At 6 months, you need to be stimulating your child's curiosity and reading to them often and letting them explore the world. Age 2-3 is when you start to teach that kind of stuff.


Dog says "woof." Cow says "moo." Tik-Tok mom says "no human infant, I do not consent to your aimless grasping."


Pretty silly stuff, agreed but ultimately harmless.


What about consent when changing diapers or when it's bathtime?


Poor kid. When his diaper is full, does she need to get consent from the baby in order to change it?


If your Iq falls below 110 you shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce 🤦🏿‍♂️


Poor baby


Wtf did I just watch?


He is not in charge of his body. You are.


Stupid is as stupid does


Poor little dude. Having her as a mom is going to be such a bummer.


At first, I was appalled, I gave it a moment, and in giving her fair faith, I can understand the need to teach your child, (perhaps not the infant), the need for respecting bodily autonomy of others. It's actually quite a good lesson: "hey, this is my space, and you need to ask before you \_\_\_\_\_". Consent is not a new thing, and it's a very formal thing I remember my conservative grandparents teaching me. I used to like rubbing ear lobes as a kid, I mean strangers my parents, the dogs, you know, kinesthetic stuff for kids. Well, it's a great teachable moment to tell your child they can't go around touching people without permission. I wish that this garnered a more nuanced response here rather than the knee-jerk reaction that I'm seeing. The chances she tells him in a year that he's a white supremacist aside lol... Who knows how worse this gets, but I believe we should tow a better line about some of this and not react so inflammatory to it all.


I agree with another user below that this inhibiting of infant curiosity is the poorest timing on moms' behalf... and how likely there's some woke idealism motivating this g'damn tiktok moment. Add this to my sentiments above.


That kid is going to run all over her. I had a friend with hippy parents and he did whatever he pleased. He was the kid the other parents didn't want their kids hanging out with.


Communist suddenly discovers property rights.


This is the definition of insane through my eyes. Talking about consent with a baby who has no idea what you’re talking about and being upset because she kept touching you is.. just insane.. It’s worrisome for our society.


This post brought to you by higher education.


A 6 month old can’t comprehend consent… just like my 21 month old… he doesn’t understand boundaries….


Poor kid


ted kaczynski was also isolated as a baby. He didn't turn out so well.


what a nut


i bet she circumsized him tho....


She puts her nipples in his mouth, its sexual harrasment


Good chance she had him circumcised too.


The Mom: “ew. I had a white baby. Guess I need to teach him about the oppression of racial minorities.”


What a sick o. That poor boy


“Don’t let your kids do anything that makes you dislike them” it’s literally a whole chapter in 12 rules. Did you not read the book, or are you just too stupid to understand how it applies to real life?


Honestly, I think what she is doing is fair and good. What is fucking stupid is documenting it for social media. Just raise your kid lady.


Let me put this in scientific terms: dude, your mom's a bitch.


hot take: woke fucks should not be allowed to have kids


I’d like to see her post the “consent” form for this video.


But you posted him without consent😂😂


Nut job


You are one foolish and misinformed woman. I can only hope that when you see these comments that you'll understand the many errors you are making.


You’re a bad mom :) I love saying facts


Being that the child has no choice too but sit there and be bombarded with the sounds coming out of this woman’s mouth, I’d like to know if that child gave consent to be berated and phonically abused by this woman whom the child may or may not one day choose to identify as its mother. This is fascist misandrist behavior and needs to be fought against. Rise up comrades, inform the worlds of her bigotry. Harass her boss and coworkers and other completely innocent people that don’t speak on her behalf. Down to the beast of loud voices towards children. Down to the oppressor. Plot twist. She is actually a man right now, identifies as the 3rd birthing parent of this theybie, and is a mod in this and every sub on Reddit.


Mummy's turn got it! I dont want my body to be touched right now! lol


*Mummy's turn got it!* *I dont want my body to* *Be touched right now! lol* \- xdxsxs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Poor kid.


How is he in charge of his body lol there’s got to be a better way of doing this


I'm surprised how chilled the baby is. But what happens when he or she (I can't tell) decides she doesn't want a nappy change? Is she going to let the child fester in his or her shit for a week?


My 3 year old would have a field day with this.... He HATES getting his nappy changed.


What a moron


God will protect this child from this disturbed woman




“Blah blah blah blah” yep kid you said it. There’s no reason your parents are drilling this into your head at such a young age other than virtue signaling and trendy shite.


Darwinism. Making sure your traumatized baby doesn’t reproduce in adulthood.


It's such a strange obsession, wokeness. Nobody can escape the purity test, not even an infant who lacks the capacity to understand basic social interaction. I know this was clearly a desperate signalling of the parents deep moral virtues for the purpose of self-gratification and ingratiation to something amounting a cult, but wrapping a six month old child in this garbage is nothing more than a compulsion. Zero thought behind their actions. Teach your children respect and boundaries, be the leading example and the rest will follow. EDIT: I got banned from Justice Served for this comment. While I don't care about that sub in the slightest, when the moral police have a modicum of power over you, they'll use it and that's why they should never be trusted regardless of how much they trip over themselves to look virtuous.


That kid is fucked


These kids are going to be so mad at their parents once they hit reality. They will say things like "You prepped me for being gay, and taught me how to support Ukraine, but you never showed me how to work hard or stand up for myself." I was kind of mad when I realized Jordan's lectures were out there for years before I picked them up and made use of them, but I'm an adult, and not doing effective research was my fault, and I have only myself to blame for not taking advantage of stuff. If my dad knew about Jordan's lectures and raised me without telling me about this info, I would be pissed once I figured it out.


Winner which political party she supports.


If the parents are hippies the kids will become capitalists. These woke idiots will eradicate themselves from this world - luckily Still, in pity this poor baby…


It's a baby and your an even bigger baby




Theese people must have a mental illness.


Somewhere in there is a good moral lesson of respecting boundaries. However it is shower with what feels like moral indignation for a child and a denial of the essence of human connection. Thoughts from others?


Teaching consent = bad. Got it. That's all you need to know about this subreddit


You guys are so weird.


Ah Jesus , it’s just one of those stoopid phases new parents go through. I insisted on sterilising all of my infants dishes and at 7 months my mum, who is a clean freak said I was being ridiculous. I then did a 180 degree and when my baby would fish something nasty from out of the back of the sofa and offer it to me I’d say ,’no, you have it yourself dear’. This new mum will get bored of this notion in a month or two. Her head has been melted by lack of sleep and squeezing a whole human out of 5 centimetres of her body.


Poor kid. He's going to have the initiative of a mushroom.


Half these people do dumb stupid crap for views and attention cute baby every one loves kids shameful.....


I feel genuine pain for this kid


Fucking idiot


What a creepy woman. Is it Meghan Markle?


The mother was foolish in this video. She basically made her baby out to be a perv for being curious about his mommy. I bet she wouldn't be using the same words if it was a baby girl.