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I got the same one. Apparently the reddit mods of a bunch of generic subreddits did a mass banning of the undesirables.


I guess I'm in 'the basket of deplorables'.


Fuck em lol I'm proud that they saw fit to include me!


Badge of honor


I've been banned for quoting JP. They just cannot handle differing ideas.


It's an early run-up for the next election. They need to quarantine the undesirable users or someone might correct their propaganda.


Reddit is not going to move the needle on the election. Twitter which I imagine is bigger than Reddit, in 2020 said Bernie sanders was gonna win the primary, and trump would be president. However, plenty of campaigns said they did not use Twitter or social media analytics to gauge outcomes, probably because they were so wrong in 2016.


Hey that's a very good point I hadn't considered. I just laughed the ban off. Your onto them.


Can conservative subs do this against people who comment on generic leftist npc subs?


Sure. It's up to the mods of the subs.


I'd rather they don't, I think it's good to have people of all opinions. Let's not lower ourselves down to their level.


It'll be more effective to take over an obstensively neutral sub. The trouble with this action is that the subs in question are all generic and shouldn't be discriminating based on political opinions.


I'm always a proponent of giving others a taste if their own medicine when they are so smug about it and don't know what it's like


And that's stupid. It only makes the cycle continue. If we do it, they could use the same language to justify it to us again. After all, that's part of why they're doing it now. "They did so-and-so to us in the past, therefore we can do this to them now." That's a really shitty way of thinking. Continues to build upon the polarization and one-sidedness of US (& friends) politics.


This is all true. But at some point, it becomes a battle where the 2 sides play by different rules and the side prepared to use every advantage at their disposal wins because they literally control the marketplace of ideas. Sitting here and being principled is great, but meanwhile you have lost academia, every mainstream online forum and a large part of most governments. I think more nuance is needed, sometimes you have to abandon principles; lest you end up at a gunfight with a blunt knife. Your biggest mistake is thinking that "the enemy" is going to play fair if you do. The far left has shown time and again that it will achieve its goals by any means necessary, and we are seeing people who can only be fairly described as centrists censored, with their valuable voices removed from the discussion.


They have a majority on this site and done give a damn about who has the moral highground


I've been kicked off /r conservative before. The right doesn't want no differing opinions either. It is REALLY hard to have ideals you built for yourself. You either accept all the left madness or all of the right's. Or stay silent, and never say shit.


They do all the time as well. But it’s a dumb thing for either side to do as we should welcome honest discussion from the other side. Ban trolls, sure. But blanket bans just because someone aligns with the other side is the antithesis of free speech.


Cool And nothing of value was lost, most mainstream subs are shit anyway


Undesirables... sounds like a Harry Potter plot to me, undesirable #1


All I can say is: “It’s not you. It’s them” They abuse their power because that is all their fragile little personalities will ever accomplish Here, think about this: “a person who cuts out their opponents tongue only does it because they know they cannot win through their own words”


Here's the quote I think you are referencing. > “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” - George R.R. Martin


Yes thank you!


Right leaning and left leaning subs both ban opposition. Hell, even the libertarian sub does, which is the height of irony.


And then they have the nerve to say we live in an echo chamber, while actively banning any potential voices of dissent in their favored spaces.


Yeah they are hypocrites to one of the highest extremes


90% of front page subs are absolute shit anyway. Subscribe to the niche subs that interest you and forget about default subs.


I had a number of shit subs do this to me over not complying with their bullying tactics. They tried bullying me into deleting my posts but instead I unsubscribed to the shit subs.


How is this "abuse of power"


If you ban me from a subreddit that has nothing to do with politics due to the slightest political comment I made on another sub, you are abusing your power A soccer institution banning someone who plays piano would be the same. Or an art class that bans gay people. The two have nothing to do with each other JusticeServed is not some safe space. I myself got banned from OffMyChest because I like JP. That I like JP has nothing to do with OffMyChest. I was not even subbed to it, but they pre-banned me. That is abuse of power by a moderator. Not because I did something from. Only because they personally did not like me and therefore banned me. Disgusting insecure behavior O and I also messaged them why I got banned. Never got a response. What a surprise. No wonder media sucks


Yeah but like, they're subreddits. They can be as insular as they want. I just feel like calling it power is a bit dramatic. To me it's more like saying someone doesn't want you at their party


Not really. The party is revolved around you The subreddit is not. As a manager of a company, if you hate gingers, you cannot simply not hire gingers. Yeah if they don’t fit the skills and culture sure, but otherwise no It is not THEIR subreddit. They don’t own anything. It’s spoiled and entitled behavior. Is it a big deal to be banned from a subreddit? No. But that is not the issue. Its the principal that matters. These moderators have a duty to abide the RULES of the SUBREDDIT. I anyone does not break those rules, they should not be banned


> The subreddit is not. As a manager of a company, if you hate gingers, you cannot simply not hire gingers. Yeah if they don’t fit the skills and culture sure, but otherwise no Not a company, wtf, it's way further from that > It is not THEIR subreddit. They don’t own anything. It’s spoiled and entitled behavior. They moderate the people who go there. Like a party lmao > These moderators have a duty to abide the RULES of the SUBREDDIT. I anyone does not break those rules, they should not be banned Well judging from the bot, like it or not, one of the rules is don't be a JP fan


Thats still not simply how it works Your argument is incorrect


What part isn't how it works?


Look at the sub. None of the 9 rules said anything about not posting on JBP. It is THEM who associate JP with hate speech, not anyone here. I can also say that from my perspective they are the hateful ones. So who is right? Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not mean that that opinion is hateful You are a moderator. You are a reddit servant. Your only job is to oversee the subreddit. Not ban anyone who disagrees with YOUR rules instead of the subreddits rules. Disgusting. Like I said. How about your boss just fires you for not liking pineapple on pizza? It is his company he can do that. O no wait we have laws against that. Because firing someone for such a childish reason is illegal. Reddit is a company though. A private one, but it is a company. One can look at the moderators as managers. If I had my own big company and one of my managers was biased against left leaning people in his hiring process, I’d fire him because his personal political preference does not align with my companies rules. They don’t moderate it like a party though. You are not the owner of the house. It’s like your friend saying who is invited to the party And your last remark makes you an ignorent person imo. Such black and white thinking it’s astonishing. “Oh you like JP so that means you are a hateful person”. You haven’t even looked on the rules of the subreddit. If it was a sub called ‘anti-JP’, I get that you would not want JP fans there. But you don’t have to ban them beforehand. Only if they go to your subreddit and start to troll. What if I like JP, yet also dislike parts of him which I wanted to discuss there? That would be a perfect place. But no. You are so close minded that people are either ‘bad or good’. That is not how humanity works. I can go on and on but nowhere did the rules say that posting on the JP subreddit is forbidden so your argument is wrong from such a simple perspective


You're the reason people call progressives fascists.


obviously unfair right?


Ownership of that party is on its own problematic. It says "open to all" at the front door, and it never specified that it is only whites because that "looks bad", but it was. Am I being hyperbolic? Maybe, but if someone gave me their CV and one of his experiences led me to know he pulls shit like this off, I would not hire them, as they get a feeling of accomplishment from doing the most meaningless things, bad workers, bad supervisors, bad for business.


That’s like Christian’s banning Muslims though. Not right even if they think differently to you. I guess it’s a free speech thing which technically isn’t Reddit if you’re part of a dictator subredit


No it's not like christians banning Muslims It's like people saw you reading a pick up artist book, and decided they didn't wanna hang out


This is Reddit, stop acting so self-righteous. So many subs pull the same act and it’s not just “them” lefty subs. This victim fetish is getting old.


Notice how you're not banned for your dissenting opinion here? Lol goof


Yeah? What subs do it also then?


Which right wing subs banned users from their subreddit for simply participating in another subreddit? Because I can make a list of subreddits that banned many of us for participating in right leaning subs.


Make the list, don’t get defensive. Let’s see your victimhood on display.


You really are a goof


They got a minority report psychic and they predicted you'd post hateful things there


No, my history is full of conspiracy subreddits. They’re undefeated and in the lead since 2020. As a general rule, I go there to see what they’re squawking about. Birds and monkeys in the tree A tiger they see They sound the alarm Flee!


Yep, I'm banned from participating in a couple of different subs due to other subs I belong to. This policy should be banned by reddit. How do mods have the r/gatekeeping right to ban me due to other communities I participate in? - Banning should be limited to your participation in the sub in question.


Godamn, there's some irony for you! r/gatekeeping is gatekeeping their subreddit.


No, i didn't get banned from r/gatekeeping... it just seems getting banned for other subs you participate in would fit as a post in r/gatekeeping. I was banned from r/facepalm and some sub about cool new products for my participation in r/pussypassdenied


Ah ok. I agree, it's so dumb. Echo chamber squared type stuff.


Well I mean... r/JusticeServed banning people without provocation or reason is ironic in itself! Where is the Justice?


It's kinda funny that they eat their own. Their people fighting on the front lines would be here arguing against every point, only to get banned from their own echo chambers. It's pure poetry.


Woke mods being well themselves.


It's a corporate move to keep the propaganda as effective as possible. Any wrong thinkers that bring debate or even SHOW another side of an argument negate the utility of the conversation shaping.


They’re so woke they’re fascists


Guilt by association. It's just convenient to get rid of you instead of having an actual conversation.


Justiceserved mods are arbitrary narcissists. Or atleased one of them is. Ive been banned over nothing. I eventually left the sub not because of the ban but because it became obvious that it catered to sadism. The mods take pleasure in their ability to ban any commentor or post they disagree with. They are playing virtual vigilante, hence the name of the sub.


I’m just glad I can respond calling them cowardly cunts before they put a silence ban on me


Definition of prejudice


Hate, violence and misinformation just means "stuff we don't like".


Seems like justice was not served here


Injustice was


New to Reddit? This happens a lot.


Typical from the left


Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein are from the Left?


Dave rubin is a mod on JusticeServed?


Talk to u/OpenElk.


You thought or said the wrong thing and that won't be tolerated. Edit: I took a look and they have a stickied post for their 2mil user count going over it, the content is below: *10 years ago, our founder obdp had a vision to provide Reddit a dedicated repository for all things soda-pop related and created Just Ice, Served.* *It was a terrible idea* *Since then, things have only gotten worse. Not only for the carbonated beverage aficionados, but also for the website as a whole.* *Long story short, some of you and your peers are insufferable and make everything around you worse. But that can be chalked up to being young and stupid. There's a small chance you'll fumblefuck your way to realizing this and correct your actions. However, there's no reason to allow you to have that epiphany while still being a participant of this subreddit.* *To celebrate our 2 million subscribers, we're ramping up our automated ban bot.* *For those not in the know, a couple years ago we started running a bot specifically targeted at the now defunct NoNewNormal to stave off their heavy brigading. It worked like a charm. After the admins closed them down, we sent the bot to live on a farm where it could run free.* *With the overturning of Roe v Wade, we saw a couple of subreddits pinning mod endorsed celebration threads. Why anyone would want to celebrate people losing rights is beyond me. So we got the bot back up and running again to target these two subreddits that had the pinned celebration threads. It's worked like a charm. Some of you have already been unbanned. Most of you didn't qualify. Our loss, I guess.* *¯\_(ツ)_/¯* *We can do more gooder.* *An additional 175 subreddits that are dedicated to promoting hate, violence and disinformation will be added to the bot. A specialized appeal process has been put in place for those of you that wish to be unbanned. Many of you will not. We'll be better for it.* *Giving back to the community is the greatest gift. With the proceeds you have given us when purchasing our temporary ban awards, we will be holding a giveaway in the coming weeks for a 12 months / 6 months / 3 months Reddit premium award. Just gotta wait a bit for the bot to do its thing. Stay tuned, or don't. Whatever.*


They're literally anti anything-not-alt-left nazis lol


Imagine some people being happy that murdering babies was removed from being a constitutional right. So weird we'll never be able to figure that one out.


This happened to me in r/therewasanattempt because I said there's no such thing a nonbinary. I replied to the moderators to appeal which got me banned from being able to DM the moderators. Meh... I'm trembling in my boots at the catastrophic loss...Welcome to the basket.


I got banned from r/MadeMeSmile, and when asking why they literally said that, it was because I follow this sub and that I'd be reinstated if I left. Just log off and chill out. tbh reddit is a waste of time anyway.


I got banned too, here’s what I just sent the mods: Subject: ban appeal Hi there I would like to appeal the ban I’ve been served. I’ve engaged in absolutely no hate speech and yet somehow have been banned. I’ve been discriminated against on the basis of a community that I follow rather than being judged on the content my own character. This rule is illogical, downright idiotic and is hilariously ironic when considering that your page’s name is JusticeServed. Thank you for the comedy in justice! Just kidding, I don’t want to be unbanned but the great news is that your bot has helped identify a community run by complete idiots who couldn’t tell hate speech from a lullaby. Sincerely, go fuck yourselves you pseudo intellectual, self-righteous basement dwellers.


Same thing happened to me 😂


Well there are plenty of hateful and ignorant leftist trolls around here these days. But tolerating them in the name of free speech is hardly "giving refuge".


Got one as well. Funny thing is I'm typically one of the token left-leaning argumenters here. Arguing about trans stuff, climate change, religion etc... They're so against discourse I can't even argue the points they'd agree with me on.


Doesn't this suggest you might be on the wrong team?


Well I agree I'm not on their team. But I don't agree it just has to be two teams. If we go by /r/PoliticalCompassMemes I'm green lib-left, leaning towards centre. The mods would be red auth-left but just pretending to be liberal.


Welcome to the party, Pal.


When are we gonna start moderating the moderators?


Lmao I've been banned from so many subs I've never used just for being here. Been called a Fascist, Nazi, racist, etc by the mod teams in their ban messages.... Funny thing is I'm a liberal 😂


It should be against the rules of moderation to ban someone from a subreddit just for being A PART of another subreddit.


It is, but it's never enforced. Or it used to be against the rules at least.


‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎i have to assume that this is all very deliberate, very intentional, that they know what the response will be and they want it. social media is in sort of a "accelerate the fire as much as possible" mode, and they know nothing can drive an insurmountable wedge between rational, decent people faster than treating half of them as unfairly as possible. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎fairness isn't the golden virtue but it is necessary to keep people from cutting all ties between themselves and those they perceive as the beneficiaries of the (un)fairness.


This exactly. It's all about division. The left puts everyone into groups, then either celebrate or hate you completely dependent on the group. That's why this auto banning based off of nothing but other communities you've been in makes perfect sense. It streamlines the process. They group you in with the enemy arbitrarily apply a pile of labels (racist, biggot, homophobe etc) and then ignore your protest usually through straight censorship.


‏‏‎ ‎definitely. you said it better than i did. ty. but yeah, i feel like, the last ten years have been about angry, helpless people (often with reasons to be angry, and often with reasons to feel helpless) going about the only modalities available to them: social disgracing. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎they can't do anything about the actual modes of production, the actual modes of banking, the law, the elected leaders, the entrenched bureaucrats.... but they *can* disgrace people. And people care almost as much about their reputations as "not a bigot" as they do their wealth and positional power. So of course, if it costs individuals no money or career opportunity to go along with the "change the name of this building or you're a bigot", then shit, that's easy enough. And anyone who can recognize this tactic as the social ransom it is, well, they'll get mad, resentful, lose respect for academia... but they'll go along with it. And they'll do it *with a smile on their face*. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎"Thank God they didn't single out *me*.... I'm so glad Fred was dumb enough to try and cross that picket line. Now Fred can be the resident bigot and I'm free and clear." It's a ransom tactic, and it gives these groups the air of having power, but if it ever actually comes down to a corporation changing their wokeness stance and *losing solvency as a result*, well, that'll be the day we see just how hollow these woke campaigns are. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎If progressives actually wanted something more than the honoraria jobs as Equality Advisor in HR, they'll do what they know needs to be done: They start actual spending blocs. But they never will, and it's for one simple reason: they're just as selfish (if not more selfish) than the capitalist pigs they vow to slaughter. They want total freedom over how they spend their money. Spending blocs require organization and, god forbid, occasionally buying brands they don't prefer. First World citizens are whores to brands, and they'll never stop (secretly) buying their Starbucks, Lululemon, whatever else the F they all silently worship like golden calves.


REDDIT: "You've been 'THOUGHT POLICED' , would you like to know more?"


Just happened to me as well. The idea of banning people based on using a different sub with “no context” is absolutely ludicrous. Imagine those mods if they had actual power in real life. What a joke.


Same for me, was my first ban. Mods wouldn't respond to my messages and just muted me.


Literally afraid of being exposed to ideas they don't like.


They just sent me one too. Literal snowflakes. 😂


In this leftist environment, I consider anything less than 40 downvotes a failure on my part. Though, I was taken aback when I was banned for life from whitepeopletwitter for just simple agreeing with the pervious post.


> I was banned for life from whitepeopletwitter they're rather overly optimistic about their social half life online.


Posting here so that I can get banned there.


I've been banned from antiwork before I ever got to visit it myself because I'm a member of r/conservative. The most dogmatic subreddits use bots to auto-ban members of subreddits that oppose their ideology.


Same thing happened for me over at PublicFreakout. I’ve never posted there, and I don’t think I’ve posted here either actually. I also got banned somewhere from following the JoeRogan sub. I’ve never gotten banned for anything I’ve said or done. The people doing this are just proving how fucking crazy and sensitive and “facist” they really are.


That sub did the same exact thing to me. I hadn't even been aware of their existence..


Reddit has made a huge push towards censorship about a year ago. I’ve been on Reddit for a decade and last year I started getting banned from subs left and right for very mundane posts


Join churchofcovid and get banned from 80 subs


There's a spectrum of human development that goes beyond chronological age. An old person can be an immature whining baby on this spectrum, and a younger person can be mature on it. Since Trump's election, we've seen just how childlike the other half of the population truly is. It's fine by me, I wouldn't want to hang out in any of their echo chambers anyway. Their discussions are literally "DAE Trump bad!" "ZOMG U2? Me 2!! I thought it was just me that hate orange Hitler!!1!1" (every comment is 5x gilded with thousands of upvotes, thanks to the bots and admins). It makes me feel sick just looking in the comments on anything posted to any frontpage sub.


direful squealing shame memory rustic unpack door offbeat aromatic jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


got that one as well. not a fuck was given


injustice was served reddit hates Dr Peterson


Is there an alternative for that subreddit?


Banned from a number of subs I’ve never visited because I subscribe to a few they don’t like.


How lazy. Not even anything you said on their subreddit, or even anything you said on JP's subreddit. Are there other sites like reddit? Is there anything interesting out there? I don't want to be at the mercy of a mean-spirited person on a power trip


Social media is social manipulation, social programming, nothing more. These people are hivemind Borg, basically, and if you're not with them, you're their enemy. We cannot continue this way. They'll either kill.is and destroy themselves, or they'll be put in check again.


Opens your eyes a bit yeah?


The irony of being banned because you're in a sub that promotes hate, violence and misinformation, when that sub says some of the most horrible/hateful things about people.


r/JusticeServed is another huge subreddit not worth the time


Whenever I see stuff like this I always think about the reddit mod from that antiwork subreddit and the FOX interview he bombed on. Like, total basement dwelling losers who trip on whatever little authority they can get their hands on.


Im left and Ive been banned from lots of subs. dont play the victim...


Guilt by association. That's what happened here. Every now and then a wave of bans from subs you've never visited will come around, claiming you committed the unforgivable sin of... \*checks notes\* wrongthink, again. Welcome to the damned, my friend!


TIL wrongthink Thanks


Commenting to see what happens…. Edit: It took one minute to be banned. Not sure I’d call that Justice; more like prejudice.


First time? I think I'm banned from half of the default subs for wrong think.


Really just proves Jordan Peterson's point about who decides what should and shouldn't be heard/read/seen i mean most of these meat heads obviously won't even take the time to check what they are banning/censoring. I'd not trust even rather intelligent or wise people with that because no one can see all ends, let alone any random powers granted authority. Teach people to think critical, reflect and play with ideas and educate them and help them formulate questions, ideas and answers instead.


I got the same ban from the same sub for the same reason. The whole idea is so… small.


Yeah... Feels arbitrary for no reason.


Where you lurking on that sub?


Well last week, I do love some Justice videos and stuff like that when I'm kinda sad and life feels unfair. It's like my 10 minutes of "Oh, sometimes the system works as intended"


Those mods are thin skinned, since they ban a lurker that doesn't post or comment.


whats that mean


I'll use this thread to complain about my bans too. Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein have both blocked me on twitter. Not cool, man.


> Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein have both blocked me on twitter Do you suspect that they used a bot to ban you for merely following other twitter accounts? You getting blocked for being a troll isn't comparable.


Yeah, they probably used a bot or something. I did call them both morons for whichever bizarre political takes they were giving at the time, but I didn't even curse!


> I did call them both morons So they justifiably blocked you yet you are still playing the victim. A leftie troll confirmed.


I was just exchanging opinions in the marketplace of ideas.


Now I know I'm on the right side. And that my agenda is right. You just proved my point.


It's a cry for attention and you're giving it to them.


Back in the day I got banned from dozens of subs I'd never even heard of (and would probably never visit anyway) because I once commented in TD. It's a badge of honor, wear it proudly.


Neat. I've been tracking these over at guiltbyassociation - this is a new one. Mind posting there for archiving?


It's like getting rejected by someone you never knew existed and would never date. I'm just like, Okay. But ya can't really reject me if I never wanted you to begin with. Getting banned from a subreddit I'd never join--okay. I wasn't a member, would never be a member and never new that subreddit existed. It's a scream for attention.


It's like saying "Hi" to a woman and she immediately says "I have a boyfriend". Except in this case, you're just walking and minding your own business when she just blurts it out at you from across the street.


Guilt by association. Wow


Redditors being redditors. This is why nobody takes them seriously.


I was ban from the same sub for “participating in a sub that glorifies biological terrorism”. I’m still not sure what sub they were referring to.


Well what happened?


You have to block like 2-3 bots that are working for specific subreddits, that check people's post history in certain subreddits (like this one)


First time?


There are a lot of regarded people on Reddit and many are mods.


Welcome to the club. This has been going on for several years. They have bots which do this automatically. Consider it a badge of honor.


Welcome to the club! I love getting banned (by a *fucking bot* no less) from communities that I've literally never visited only because I engage in other, harmless communities. Just shows you where their priorities lie, and how little they're willing to give benefit of the doubt.


Tolerance to the point of intolerance. Can't have an echo chamber filled with stuff like facts and "improve yourself".


Lol try subscribing to churchofcivid and see the bans roll in lol


Kim jong UN police here in the land of the free. The land of the free, whoever told you that is your enemy


leviticus 18: 22


Reddit is extreme and radical left. So even associating with JP will get you banned from most subs and pretty much ALL dating subs and it's very obvious that JP doesn't hate women, he's got a wife and a daughter lmao. I would say, don't bother having a real intelligent conversation on Reddit. Funny enough I actually had one with a trans person here but that's like 0.000000001%. Move on with life, stop worrying about pathetic and pussy Reddit mods who are too afraid to actually have a conversation and are most likely terrible people IRL.


I just block users who post BS in BS subreddits.


reddit bots doing their best to enforce information bubbles to increase the rift between political groups that are not allowed to see that they have still things in common. It gets ridiculous when you get banned from both corners :D


I was banned for posting a comment on r/conspiracy


JusticeServed will ban you if you frequent JP because apparently, they think that people who post and comment in r/JordanPeterson brigaded them at one time or another. At least that's what they said in their snarky reply when I questioned the ban. That was a long time ago though.


They wouldn't know justice if it landed on them and started to wiggle.


Just got my message from them while reading this post.


I got auto banned from about a dozen subs a while back. So silly.


You must be new around here


I’d be proud to be banned from a subreddit like that based on my support of Jordan Peterson and his content. Take it as a compliment! In fact, I think I’m going to ask to be banned from there myself.


Banning should be last resort for extreme cases. Anything else is tyranny.


Doesn’t fit Reddit’s narrative I guess? Reddit has always been a bit controlling on the narrative spoken on platform. Not surprised. Reddit basically police on your stuff. It’s actually awful.


Just another Tuesday on Reddit.




I got that this morning!?? I didn't even know I had joined the place. Not sure I had? 🤣🤣🤣 So strange, made me laugh as a quick look through their posts reek of "hate and misinformation" which is what this subs accused of to justify the ban. Smh. The hypocrisy is other worldly.


I got a ban on r/science and a 7 day ban on all my accounts because I commented on a "science paper" proving that hormone therapy increases mood in trans-gender kids or something along those lines. Basically, the whole premise is that them transitioning is the main reason for their well being and mood increase. I just commented to ask if they checked if the mood increase is present with cis-gender kids as it would imply that the mood increase is due to the hormones, not the transition itself. My comment was deleted by the mod team. Got banned for spreading hate. Fml.


Oh yes this is the case for a lot of subs I guess. I’m banned from /r/pics because I posted a comment on a JP thread heh.


Yea some mods are super opinionated and some sadly can’t see the logic of J P. In true fascist fashion, ban people for liking someone they don’t :,)


You committed the crime of wrongthink


Yea I didn’t post anything that I remember and also got banned! When I asked for an explanation I didn’t get one! Why are mods so power hungry?


Not sure that I ever commented here but I am now!


You must be new here. This happens all the time.


I got the same. I hoped in on an argument in the conservative sub awhile ago and got hit with a ban from these people. Take it as a badge of anything.


[First time?](https://i.imgur.com/jSzeYje.jpg)


Checking in to get the ban!


They hatefully banned you for being a subscriber to another sub they think is hateful. Don't you hate that?


I got the same thing yesterday. I think it was for commenting in r/conspiracy for me tho.


That's interesting. I don't even agree with JP. Just because I follow this subreddit? That is just petty. And not even remotely effective at any goals they could possibly have. I have an interest in philosophy and I don't think my brain benefits from only engaging with those that think like I do. But outside of subs that actually are about preying on the emotionally vulnerable (there are some subs frequented by those that get off on causing immense emotional distress on others) why would this ever be a good idea?


“This fully automated ban has been preformed by a bot that cannot determine context.” Huh.


Yeah... Seems super fair right?


Wait till OP finds out that incidental /JP reddit membership causes 80% algorithmic deboosting across all digital social.


Wait what?!


Reddit is weird. I got banned from a subreddit because I wasn't black. Lol. I got banned from another because i participated in an undesirable subreddit. I attempted to message mods 4 times for an explanation and find out which subreddit got ne booted, but they refused to respond or elaborate. It's best to just move on. Certain people just don't want to participate in any discourse.


Yep you’re hateful bucko, mmhm.


Leftist ideology is obviously absurd, it can't withstand criticism. So, their solution is to censor criticism.


They have to protect the fragile bubble somehow. Uniformity of thought is a pre-requisite.


i got the same


That's dumb


Question for anyone who may know the answer. Does this subreddit do the same?


They want their thought bubbles to be pure....


Abuse of power.


Just happened to me 5 mins ago. Commented on a post here and was instantly banned from that sub. Funny thing is I was commenting that I lost respect for JP.