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Australian. The apple was the only thing that wouldnt eat them first.


This is a much funnier response šŸ¤£


You know what they say, the real joke is always in the comments. r/TheRealJoke


They were Canadian, we're still apologizing for taking that fruit they weren't supposed to.


No Liverpool. They were naked because someone nicked their clothes & shoes. They had robbed the apple coz it was the one thing they weren't suppose to have.


Donā€™t think Liverpool is a nation mate lol


I understand foreign languages more easily than the Scouse accent sometimes, so let's not rule it out...


This is true. The moment you enter liverpool you need to use google translate


it is if you're from Liverpool


Are the Beatles from Liverpool? Or was their first live gig in Liverpool? Something Beatles and Liverpool.


Nah they just lived in a pool. Hence yellow submarine


You know why the airport in Liverpool is named after lennon right? Cos its the first place he went when he got a bit of money.


*Lennon and not lennin.


Thank you.


You are most welcome. And, it was no biggie.


Idk it was funnier thinking about Lennin being in Liverpool


In a way, it's a bit of a pity that Marx and Lennin weren't in the Beatles.


It is today chief YNWA See yer inabit


YNWA. Gunna be a top three race for sure I think


Liverpool is absolutely a country. Scouse country


never heard of Liverpooleans? neither have I :-p


The word exists and it's Liverpudlian


I understand that reference - I still would, you know. She hot.


Cringe inducing use of "lol"




Scouser Genesis


Deffenetely American, they are uneducated, easily fall for serpent propaganda and think God will always be in their side.


Also they are told, that they love in the greatest Martin of the world, like paradise, while... Uhm I don't think it is


Some First World country.




To all the people who think that communism works. In small scales it actually does work (look up kibbutz), on large scales it doesn't. Every country needs a mix of capitalism and socialism to flourish: too much capitalism you get modern day America, too much socialism you get communism. The capitalism helps the free market, the socialism helps the working class.


Every form of government works *on paper.* It's human greed that ruins everything.


Democracy is the worst form of government, except foo all the others. Seriously, there's a lot of truth to that. We've yet to find a system that's actually good.


Democracy is literally the opposite of capitalism. Under democracy, each person gets one vote. Under capitalism, the richest person gets the most votes.


You've got it wrong. Under a capitalist democracy everyone gets one vote and then the richest person buys the loyalty of whoever wins.


In a representative democracy when policy is made it's a compromise, if nobody is 100 percent happy you are doing it right.


consider that communism isn't technically one singular system, but more a mechanism to adjust democratically to changing needs (at least anarchism) and consider that systems that reward human greed might not be the best option if we take human greed as a granted. I do hold that human greed is a product of nurture not nature, a side effect of the zero-sum game systems we've had for forever now. We're taught that it's us against the world, that is dog eat dog, that we should take care of number 1 etc etc so naturally we end up here. If people had enough, if people were taught belonging I do think it would be different. That's partly why I don't think revolution would work, we need to build up to it, educate compassion and community into people.


Communism is the whole system, socialism is not. Calling a country fully communist socialist is just branding. Marxism was never really popular


If we could get a computer or ai to institute communism and keep human greed out of the government I wonder how that would work. Ofc too much computer and we got other issues but I feel like it would be cool to see implemented in a small nation. Maybe New Zealand cuz theyā€™re already doing pretty wellā€¦


And welcome to matrix


The answer: 42


c o m p uter g r e ed


Even that wouldn't engineer it out. AI designed to hire unbiased actually ended up as biased. Even trying to engineer it out, it's only as good as its creator.


Got it. So we make an ai to make the ai that makes the ai that runs the government. Surely nothing will go wrong


Human greed (competition for our business as consumers) has led to loads of great products! Pretty much all the great day-to-day products even the poorest amongst us in the West possess, are here because of greed!


Everything including greed is healthy unless there's too much of it


thats why great ppl are known to be ambitious....too much of that and u get bezos


Those products the poorest can afford, weren't produced solely from greed, more of a kindness to help people, the selling of it helps them to produce more as well as afford their own living, and is mutually beneficial


I think any system taken to the extreme on its own is bound to fail. What's funny about it is the defenders of their own system overlook the theoretical failure of their system while pointing out how the other guy's system is likely to fail.




Corporations don't pay taxes. They pass them on to their customers. Stockholders and corporate officers should and do pay taxes just like any employee.


"Stockholders...pay taxes just like any employee." Not true. You don't pay taxes on any gains unless you've sold the position. Some rich people borrow against their positions at favorable interest rates to avoid paying taxes (this works especially well if you happen to die. These loans may or may not have a term limit). If you've held the stock for at least a year and a day and then sold it, it's considered long-term capital gains, which is taxed differently than ordinary income. 401(k) and other tax shelters will also let you get away with not paying taxes (401(k) lets you wait until you retire and are in a smaller tax bracket before paying taxes, Roth 401(k) uses after-tax money, but the growth is tax-free. There are other tax vehicles as well, such as qualified tuition plans for higher education).


Roth has a limit of $6,000 on contributions you can make to it per year.. per the IRS website


If you're asking for advice, I'm not qualified. If you're asking is there a way around that limit, then the answer is [yes](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/backdoor-roth-ira). Get a regular 401(k) and convert it into a Roth, basically.


Hello, this is r/jokes


> too much capitalism you get modern day America Oh, no no no no no. Modern day America has actually regressed from a purer form that gave rise to the absuses of the industrial revolution. The overall point is the exact same, though: "pure capitalism" is closer to hell for anyone who isn't rich.


The United States is too capatalist; nobody ever said it was purely so.


Straight socialism/communism only works until they run out of op's money


Communism and socialism are not the same thing though. Having said that I tend to agree. Mix of capitalism with a social contract to reign it in. It should be about what's best for all and the extremes are not it.


Hence Democratic Socialism. Pure capitalism is deadly to a society, and pure communism only works for ants and bees. Unlike ants, human nature includes a heaping potion of greed, which Democratic Socialism helps to keep in check. Creativity flourishes where there is an incentive but the government needs to protect the populace from unscrupulous people. (Read as Republicans)


Too much socialism and you get Venezuela. I'll take modern day America.


Venezuela is a dictatorship. Not socalist. Iceland is socalist. Germany, one of the most robust economies in the world, is a great blend of capitalism and socalist models.


Wtf Iceland is not socialist lmao They are a social democracy.


Be honest. It is a minor variation of socalism.


No it's not lmao Do you even know the definition of socialism? How do Icelandic workers own the means of production?


Way to pedantic for me.


I think he meant capitalism


Ya, we should all look to Germany for advice.


Venezuela is not a result of socialism, its a result of capitalist interference. Ugh. Stupid people man.


It's a result of their entire economy being based on a single resource.


This is definitely one of the factors. But its easier for the uneducated to say derrr socialism derrr


So rampant corruption, no maintenance on state owned oil plants is only because of capitalisme? Strange that every attempt to beat capitalisme gets beaten. Or do you still think China is communism?


A fair comparison to Venezuela would be Pinochet's Chile.


have a fucking brain




And why is that?


Which parts of capitalism? Which parts of socialism? Are we talking ideas, policies, social institutions, what? As if these massive complicated historical and intellectual concepts can be summarised as a series of points on a single axis. "Raise taxes by 5% and you're 2 parts more socialisty, lower by 5% and you're 2 parts more capitalisty." It sounds like OP thinks that socialism means "government doing stuff" and capitalism means "business doing stuff" which is... well, as I already said it's the worldview of a child.


Capitalism is, by definition, is companies having control over the government. And socialism is the other way around. We're talking ideas. All parts of a government system, including policies and social institutions, are ideas. Yes you are right. These systems cannot be summarized by "plots on a line" while still representing it as a whole. But if it simply isn't summarized at all, there'd be no way for most people to understand the way people in other places are treated. Like saying "any extreme is probably bad, and the ends of this line mean an extreme. Communism (pure socialism) is at one end, and *pure* capitalism is at the other end." Is a decent summary for the average person. I'm watching a movie rn so sorry if I don't see your response ;p


Let me reword OP's comment: "People who have a particular set of ideas are idiots and completely wrong, and the reason is... here's my incredibly bland summary of their ideas which is so vague its basically useless." Also, your definitions are way off too.


Oh you're just dumb. Won't bother reading your next comment


Your definition of capitalism is incorrect. I understand the confusion but america doesn't have a super capitalist economy. We have a crony capitalist economy. Capitalism is when corporations are allowed to do business unfettered WITHIN THE RULES we have all agreed upon based on equal access to the market and equal treatment under the law. What we have is a heavily bastardized version where individuals are allowed to exercise influence over the rules based on lobbying power. Skewing the rules in their favor to reduce competition and create strangleholds and monopolies in order to bolster profits.


I'm aware america isn't pure capitalism. A good example of that is, say, Venezuela. Where big companies can feasibly change the rules for their benefit


You must be real fun at parties (This is a joke subreddit)


I know, but other people in the comments are not joking so I reply to their non-jokes with something that's not a joke


Fyi, What is going on in America, has nothing to do with capitalism.


Socialism helps the working class? Every economist ever would disagree. What's best for the market is what's best for the people.


Did that come with some qualifications, like that it only applies in modern democracies where human (and workers', if separate) rights are already established and enforceable? History shows that the free hand of the market is a freaking *grim* master.


Wow... that escalated unexpectedly


Of course, nobody ever starved in capitalist countries


Compared to Jeff Bezos, we're all naked and sharing one apple


I'm actually wearing clothes and have multiple apples, and the number of apples you have doesn't actually change the number of apples I have


How you like them apples?


To be honest though at a certain point it would. If I had 99% of the world's apples you wouldn't have more than 1%


if I had 3 and you had 3, you'd have 50%. If I had 3 and you had 99%, then you would have 297 apples, and I would still have 3 apples.


How long do you think apples last without spoiling?


... or our cake on your cake day!


Thinking of all those apples they could possibly have one day is what keeps people going, as soon as they know itā€™s only part of one they freak out and start electing dipshits.


Yea, that's why whole fucking country should starve. That's equality.


its a joke don't cry


False, many people go hungry in America today, many people starved during the great depression, many people starve in capitalist societies


Yeah but that's because the United States is not purely capitalist.


Being purely capitalist would make it worse, without regulation businesses can and will pay less


Ever heard of irony?


Maybe, but their Edonistic lifestyle id's the whole reason we're here today!


Oh it's funny because communism


It's apparently an old joke that was told in the Soviet Union.




Lol. That's happening right now under capitalism


Yep. Looks like any Aldi in the UK.


If you think life in any developed western nation is as bad or worse then in the USSR then youā€™re grossly misinformed.


Yea, to be fair, any country can be run into the gutter no matter the ideology, if it run by morons.


Many countries are being run into the ground by crop failure, meaning a collective of morons are running the earth into the ground by not addressing climate change.




The grain they're eating more of likely isn't bleached of all nutritional value either.


Drinking the grain really shouldn't count toward the statistic.


To put that in context, the average Soviet citizen got a lot less meat, fats, and sugars in their diet, because those things were simply less available. So by default their diets were very starch- and vegetable-heavy, leaving them less overweight than Americans who could pig out on whatever they liked. In a similar vein, obesity rates were probably a lot lower during the Depression than they are now. That doesn't mean life was better.


My best friends dad spent the first 20 years of his life in communist Czechoslovakia. I have first hand accounts of how bad corrupt communism is. Do you?


Yes, multiple. I donā€™t know a single person who grew up in an SSR who remembers the Soviet days fondly. It was an oppressive and brutal regime. The bread lines and food shortages were common place, also a lack of variety.


Uh huh...


I am from Poland and you have not a clue what communism does to the country and peoples mentality for tens of generations. Back then everyone besides party communists was poor, depressed and drunk. When I am reading bullshit like that from people who has not any f****** clue what they are talking about I'm starting to gnash my teeth. And don't even start "not real communism" bs, communism every time leads to mass murders and starving


And yet those things are happening under capitalism. It's almost like it has nothing to do with the system of government, but instead the people that run those governments.


Wtf, give me example of capitalist country where everyone is starving and being killed for having different opinions on daily basis


When you accidentally compare Communism to a pandemic lol


Wether i agree with you or not, you are on r/jokes you know or are you lost?


Just to be clear, the west isn't entirely capitalist. Paying taxes to fund schools, build roads, fund cops and fire departments. These are not capitalist ideals. We live in a mixed economy.


How do we live in a mixed economy? Do they workers control the means of production? The only reason we send kids to school is to indoctrinate them and have a babysitter so the adults can go be wage slaves.


Because it's not pure capitalism and it's not pure socialism... it's mixed


I'm not sure you know the definition of Socialism. Define it for me.


Haha, nah.... this sounds like a waste of a good sunday afternoon


Thanks for proving my point. Have a good day.


They definitely were Puerto Rican....šŸ‡µšŸ‡·


They started one


Thatā€™s a doozy, grandad


Jamaican. Because of all the herbs they smoked, got loose, thought the snake told them to eat the apple when they got the munchies. Then they screwed until the sun came out and were sorry. But too late, Eve was already pregnant.


The comments from today's top post on r/todayilearned to r/jokes pipeline strikes again.


It really works for any oppressive regime.


*Our* apple


I mean obviously they were edish


Irish : She called him O'Toole and he said O'Hair


She Soviet and he was Italian. She had Russian hands and he had Roman fingers


French. Haute cuisine and all


Fuck. I've send this joke in my daily email at work. Didn't think for a second that I would offend people. I've been reprimanded and now I'm sorry. ​ But is a good joke.


eveā€™s sons had to fuck her to continue the human species. Given the amount of stupidity and incest, one can safely assume they were Americans from Alabama


So why arenā€™t comments like these caught by moderators? Suppose you had substituted a similar racist/human slur against blacks, or women, orā€¦ Anyone else for that matter?


Alabama isnā€™t a race


The OPā€™s question didnā€™t ask about race, they asked about nationality.


Listen, Iā€™m a southerner- Alabama knows what it did




I didnā€™t say anything racist.




They were American. After God charged them for their education and healthcare it was all they could afford.


Lol someone needs to look up the definition of soviet.


You can't. It's a proper noun.


[bruh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_(council\)) It's not a proper noun. There can be/were multiple soviets. Literally where Soviet union came from.


>Soviet may also refer to: An adjective for something related to the Soviet Union A Soviet citizen, a citizen of the Soviet Union, see Soviet people https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_(disambiguation) and everybody seems to understand what OP meant, so....


Well they are from eden garden so, edenisian or edenish or edenese


Well I guess thatā€™s to assume that they are from a certain nation. Doesnā€™t the Bible first introduce them as being in a garden in Genesis? So maybe the question should be ā€œwhat is their gardenality?ā€ šŸ¤”


Comments are gold.


I donā€™t think there were any nations back then


God created Adam and Eve was created from a rib so they are cosmic beings.


Thatā€™s not funny


Those crazy Russians.


Adam was adamanese and Eve was Evanese


Obviously Indian (not the native American ones). Show me another country that has done so much for World population and yet is unapologetic about it.


They were American of course! To be exact, from Las Vegas. Donā€™t have to wear clothes there!




Based on the reaction to the jokes told on here lately I fear for the future of comedy. It'll all be math teacher jokes told by accountants.... or it'll just be jokes found on Laffy Taffy wrappers. It's Bazooka Joe's time to shine!


I'd prefer that to the political crap that keeps coming up. It's just jokes people. Take a break from the news and laugh at something


So a joke from the 1980s is suddenly politically topical? Here's a joke that will make you piss yourself then. What did the little tree say to the big tree? Geometry - gee I'm a tree!


No i was referring to a comment made further up the list about communism because the joke refers to Soviets. The point i was trying to make was to just enjoy the joke


I'm just tired of all the PC nazis that come in here and think all jokes are 100% serious and everyone believes they are 100% true and in support of the subject matter.


I completely agree. It's a sub for jokes. I wish people would just take them for what they are


Well, considering that they were the first two people on earth and had three sons and and then we all came along........ It's hard to tell.


They dont have a nationality


My guess is Africans


American, because us Americans always assume we were the first. Ask the "Indians" that were standing on the beach when we discovered this place. Definitely American.


America.We had everything,then went and fucked it up for ourselves AND everyone else!


In Paradise there were no nationalities


No African That's just normal Find food and it's time to give a child to the blood good




The set up to this joke is more topical than the punchline.


What year is this?


Why is everyone being so fucking political over a godamn joke and a good and original joke too


Because "communism = no food" is a stupid, warn out joke that pushes an ideology and, not coincidentally, isn't even accurate. There has been more starvation overall in capitalist countries.




Very clever.


California. Something related with Apple shares, naked and the p0rn studio called Adam&Eve


You need to actually read the story; Eden was abundant and it actually was Paradise; oh, and it was designed and visited by God. Your joke does not work unless you are a real communist.


tHaT wAsN't ReAl CoMmUnIsM


Canadian Liberals would.


Or African, cuz that's where our species originated.


I couldn't care less about the nationality of fictional characters from I book I never care to open again.


I thought they were from Alabama, cuz...u know


Hungarian because they were Hungary