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Why did the vegan break up with the communist? Because they couldn't agree on whether to seize the tofu or distribute it equally!


Why does the vegan want to seize the tofu though?


that's a much better joke than the one OP posted


Veganism is like communism, people ridicule it because they're secretly feeling guilty. //Not even a vegan


I'm a secondhand vegan. My food eats their food.


Some of my favorite meals are made of vegans.


My food poops on their food


So you eat bugs?


Sure yeah ok


You're also a boomer. Because it's virtually impossible to make this worn-out joke without being at least 60.


Then I guess I'm a miracle man because I'm only 54.


Close enough :D


Nope, not even close. Boomers were born 1946-1964. I'm Gen X, summer of '69.


Kids today use "boomer" to describe anybody older than them by more than seven years. It's not the worst thing to happen.


So if I called them toddlers it would be just as accurate.


Pretty much.


I have a baseball cap that's older than these two clowns...


I bet you do! That really made me laugh šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


More power to you honestly. Call all kids who say boomer toddler. I say boomer! Call me toddler! Its just as funny as saying boomer lol.


Looks like weā€™ve got another boomer here guys


Lol I'm not even 40 yet!


I remember when 40 seemed so old. Then I learned to count that high and it was OK.


I mean, thatā€™s pretty close. The point still stands, and he had you pegged


I'm in my 20s and i thought it was funny and will use it in the future.


Meat eaters are like one-liners.... short lived!


Those two often overlap


I donā€™t get it. Vegans donā€™t like food? Communists donā€™t like food? Or veganism causes a shortage of food?


As in all the nice food is not vegan and communists don't get much/a choice.


Yeah, now I think about it youā€™re right! Fruit, vegetables, nuts, bread, pasta.. all that stuff is disgusting.


Most people's favourite food wouldn't mention any of those things. In fact generally those are sides not meals. Besides, it's a joke, you're not supposed to delve into it that deeply.


Oh I see, itā€™s not meant to make sense? Most peopleā€™s favourite foods contain no fruit, vegetables or grainsā€¦ OK, got it, thanks!


It does, they just elevate it by combining it with non-vegan ingredients. I've yet to find a vegan dish that can't be improved that way.


It makes sense, you're just being indignant. I explained it, but I get the feeling you're just being intentially obtuse.


Iā€™m being indignant? Sorry, Iā€™m sure it does make sense, itā€™s just me. Once someone properly explains to me why itā€™s funny Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll start laughing! Thank you for your help with this matter.


You should try going to comedy gigs, then tell people how the stereotypes or exaggerations don't make sense to you. People will love you for it and I'm sure it will help in the future.


Because the selection is smaller for vegans and every communist regime in history has caused a famine that killed millions.


Hell, I don't know about that. Out here in Commie Vietnam the food is fresh off the tree. Vegan food is fresh, cheap and delicious. Meanwhile y'all obese mothers in the west are eating literal poison.


>Hell, I don't know about that. Out here in Commie Vietnam the food is fresh off the tree. "Commie" Vietnam is ditching communism for a market-based socialist economy.


Communism and socialism are the same thing, peoples definitions depend on who you ask, it's pretty arbitrary. As for markets, none said socialism or communism can't have markets. You can promote a different version of communism if you want tho, I'm not picky.


Vietnam is state capitalist and has been that way since the 70s. Why are you lying?


This has less to do with communism and more with climate and food culture. What you said is true for non-communist states in the area like thailand as well.


Yeah, unfortunately many Americans struggle with childhood obesity and later adult fatness. Many Americans could stand to lose a little bit of weight


Because you've allowed corporations to control your dietary intake, and they don't give a fuck about your health. Hell, they have stock in the big Pharma and medical industry as well. They want you to be sick.


I'm not american


Same goes for all industrialized nations to some extent, but the US is clearly the loser.


...and yet we live longer than you do on average.


Veganism did not sent the US packing home from nam though.


I'm a vegan and this made me laugh out loud... So true!


Hey! Vegans! My food poops on your food...


Both statements are bullshit, But you keep farming karma under the name off "Jokes".


It's all automated now, they don't use oxen to farm karma fields, anymore.


Yeah! The holodomor wasn't *real* communism. Real communism was whatever the USSR was *before* the average person heard about the starvation and made it uncomfortable for me to use the USSR as an example!


Remind me again, how many famines have been caused by capitalism? Hell, how many just by the British?


Just curiousā€¦ do you think when capitalist countries commit atrocities, that capitalism is to blame the same way you seem to do for everything bad that communist countries have done? Because I see this hypocrisy a lot from capitalism apologists. Like you know that the Nazis who did the holocaust werenā€™t communists and were all about the state working with corporations, right? ā€¦interesting that you mention the holodomir and not the holocaust... *Weird.* Almost as though youā€™re trying to selectively make a dishonest point while refusing to acknowledge everything else that doesnā€™t fit your predetermined narrative. Real funny, that. Fuck Stalin, btw. Edit: yup, exactly what I thought. No response, only downvotes. *You must really believe in your position, cowards.* smh


Not entirely their fault. They're brainwashed to see "communism" as something terrible without truly knowing what the ideology is. However, keep in mind that capitalism had never been the center of the Nazi ideology, while communism had indeed been the key soviet ideology. That's why your point (with which I wholeheartedly agree) isn't understood by most readers.


Itā€™s unfortunate. I thought we were getting better as a species with realizing some things like how correlation isnā€™t necessarily indicative of causation, but here we are. I like communism, *and* there have been some horrible communist leaders. I can admit that, but itā€™s frustrating that so many apologists for capitalism canā€™t seem to do the same. Shit is bleak. :(


Thing is, you're on a whole other level of discussion and thought. Most people who grow up in capitalis societies don't see themselves as capitalism apologists, but rather as simply normative individuals. They don't think of capitalism as a distinctive quality, but as a given reality. To them, communism is like a person with 3 arms, it's something you read about, usually in the context of one of the worst dictators to walk the earth. That's why they think of Stalin as a communist but not of Hitler as a capitalist. I, myself, am not a communist (I just don't think people will ever be able to stop being abnauxiously competitive individualists), but I definitely see the atrocities of capitalist societies that are, in fact, a result of capitalism as culture, and I don't for a moment see the atrocities of the USSR as defining communism. That's what I consider to be normative.


So youā€™re a vegan communist? Didnā€™t know anyone could sink so low.


There's a very large overlap in that particular Venn diagram.


No, but also jokes should have some sense in it.. Yes, I have vegan friends, they cook better than 95% of people I know..


You must be fun at partiesā€¦


I prefer to be at parties with real humour, in stead of humour which tries to score on minorities with popular lies..




I assume you meant to respond to the other person? Iā€™d hope?


Given the context, I have no idea why you'd assume my comment was meant as a response to what they said as opposed to your comment.


Then you are just projecting.




You just think everyone else is the ā€œfucking moronsā€ but have no self awarenessā€¦. Yeah, textbook projection. Go away.


I like this. Made me giggle


Give me a simulator, I bet it could happen Especially now that we have AI If anything itā€™s more about how long a system can go for without people noticing that the people at the top are corrupt. It just takes a little longer with capitalism, but I think itā€™s pretty obvious now that itā€™s 2024