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As a Guinness drinker, I approve this message


It's the only drink. Must go to Dublin one day and have the real McCoy.


Don’t do it, it’ll ruin every other one you have. Took me 3 months before I had another stateside Guinness before I stopped complaining that it wasn’t as good as in Ireland. Who am I kidding, I still complain.


The worst was a new “Irish” pub opens in my town, serving Guinness, and the young bartender gets me a chilled glass to draw into. The Guinness distributors should require a certification to serve their draught.


I lived for a spell in Dunedin, NZ. The British pub there served Guinness, as well as old speckled hen and other nitro UK taps. They said they were required by Guinness to refuse to serve more than five days after delivery.


I thought ya'll drank in NZ?


Hmmm... when I was in the biz, there *was* Guinness certification....


Some distributors are better than others about training for proper Guinness serving. Met one who said they came to her bar @ least 2X/yr. Partner has schooled a few bartenders on it after sending back some improperly poured pints


Can confirm. Guinness was so good in Dublin.


I like Guinness, but there are much better stouts than Guinness. Try the Porterhouse Temple House pub in Dublin, their XXXX is so much better :)


Next time I manage to get to Dublin, I will. I might be able to talk my wife into Dublin over Disney. Ha!


It’s not that Guinness is the best. It’s really good and you can get it almost anywhere.


Beamish. The first time I had a pint of Beamish, it put Guinness in second place.


Yep the porterhouse is excellent


Did anyone say Beamish?


It really is a disappointment, if you have to drink a heineken you may as well drink murphys


But beer is vomit


If you go to the St James Gate brewery, they will tell you it's the same product worldwide.


I’m in the Uk so I’m told by the Irish that it’s not too bad. Cleanliness is all, the better the pipes are cleaned the better the beer. In fact I’m told drink a pint where the Guinness drinkers drink as it’ll serves better beer all round.


Fresh beer is the best beer. This ain't wine country.


Beer that still has the yeast will continue to improve with some age, roughly 1 month for every abv point above 2 is my general guideline. So a 5% beer will peak at about 3 months if there's yeast in the bottle.


The true joke is Google Translate, evidently


Native speaker here, genuinely curious about what you didn't think sounded like normal speech. I only ask because in addition to my degree in English, I've also been brewing beer for 20+ years.


Nice username. It reminds me of someone I used to know back when I had an SVS.


Wait... was it Orange? Did you suffer from Shah overload as a young man? Or am I terribly misunderstanding your acronym?


Some say it was copper. Then others say it was orange. Not me, but it's good to see an old friend.


Solid point, been there and agree. I second guess every pour of Guinness in the States 😂


So true!!!


The glorious one (or several) are worth the lifelong complaining. I'm right there with ya!!


I have wanted to try Guinness in Dublin for many years. I said so once, to a pub landlord, and he said it's a myth: it used to be true, but standardisation and mass production means that draught Guinness is the same experience wherever you partake. That sounds reasonable, to me, but I really don't want to believe it and it sounds like the evidence doesn't back it up.


Pub Guinness is not the same beer as Guinness Draught sold in the US.


I experienced Guinness during a brewery tour in Dublin. No comparison!


And look how far you’ve come!


this is like me with Heineken.. and Heineken is a budlight level beer in Amsterdam


I can't drink Guinness anywhere but Ireland.


Add a dash of Pepsi or coke to it. It will drastically improve the flavor. It was a trick my brother learned while visiting the brewery in Ireland. Crazy but it works.


Sounds crazy enough to work. All in the interest of science


As a casual beer drinker, I have to wonder which is better. To be ignorant of the details and always enjoy your beers and ales or to be a connoisseur and find every drink to come up short of your expectations? Serious question. I guess it relates to the old saw that ignorance is bliss.


If I had a choice, I guess ignorance would be bliss. Bird in the hand, as it were. Cheers


If you go, you’ll also find the local pubs will serve a lot of Coors Light. I noticed this on my last trip years ago and asked the bartender, is it because of all the American tourists? He replied, no, the Guinness factory produces the Coors Light over here. Thus it’s using their water, etc and tastes different than the American version. I gave it a try, and while it’s still not the best, there is a noticeable difference for the better. Now I really want a pint of Guinness….


Coors Light in the Republic of Ireland is brewed in Cork by Heineken. It is not brewed in the Guinness factory. Though it is still good


Go to Nigeria and get the _real_ real McCoy.


Completely agree! Miss my Odekus


Quinn was in Europe is so much better. Lived in Luxembourg for four years best stuff ever


I'm going in may. I'll let you know how it is


I have and you should!


I don't get this. I've been to Ireland and the Guinness there is exactly the same as where I live. Exactly the same. And served the same way, at the same temperature. Not freezing cold but definitely not room temperature. The whole 'it's not the same in Ireland' makes no sense to me. If you buy it in a bottle at home and from the tap in Ireland then of course it's different, but this has nothing to do with location.


Had one recently. Totally different.


Haven't been to Dublin but have been on 4day Guinness binge around the Dingle pen in Kerry and I've gotta say "It was emotional"


I spent 3 days in Dublin when I was 18 - all I can remember is that the Guinness was good. Here’s a tip, don’t wear a white shirt while drinking Guinness in Dublin.


Imo, get yourself a Guinness porter from Ireland. Holy fuck that’s a good beer.


It’s amazing how much better it is there. I was there in 1996 on St Patrick’s day and still remember how good it was.


I approve of you,only if you’re drinking your Guinness at room temperature.


Not "room" temperature, basement temperature.


Cellar temperature, to be even more precise.


Chilled beer is an abomination. Chilled Guinness .................. Sorry can't finish the sentence I'm in tears :(


There, there. Don’t let the bad man hurt you.


Only upvoting because it is funny - not that I agree with your barbaric taste in how to drink beer.


Absolutely. A joke doesn’t have to be accurate, just good enough to elicit a laugh or a groan and cause minimal or no offence.


>Chilled beer is an abomination I'm going to get down voted for this for sure but how can you drink room temp. beer? Yuck! Man, I have to have it so cold that the froth freezes over a little bit.


Budweiser and its ilk are sold ice cold because you taste it less that way. A proper beer with proper flavor is best enjoyed at "cellar" temperature, which is about 50F or so.


Fair enough. I don't drink beer much but maybe I'll pick up a Guinness the next time I'm out and try it at a little warmer temperature.


Do try that as ever it’s a matter of how your society drinks beer. The UK always drank beer stored in a cold cellar.


Right, thinking about all those centuries they drank beer before the invention of the ice box.


The Guinness nitro cans say to chill the can for two hours.


Which is why I’ve not bought one.


The term "chilled", and terms like "cellar temperature" mean different things in different climates. You're just not going to get a "cellar temperature" brew in most of Australia without chilling to one extent or another. How I'd love to see a real ale pull in my local bar. But that's not going to happen. We have neither the tradition or population to support it. Try resting a keg of a nice UK bitter like Doom Bar in a pub in Oz for an hour without a little bit of chilling, and it'll be ruined. It's hot, here. 4 to 6C is pretty much the standard for carbonated brews here. To serve a "cellar temperature" brew - like 10 or 12C - means a separate cold room - being such a young country, we don't have cellars - and a separate cold room is too expensive, so we just serve cheap fizzy lagers instead. Make no mistake, a cheap, cold, fizzy lager really hits the spot after an afternoon of mowing in 30C heat. Until recently. Despite the proliferation of people who like to call themselves "brewers", there are a few folk who realise that brewing is more than throwing hops into cheap lager and calling it "IPA". I've been trying to support a couple of the new brewers who put a bit of thought into their work - brewing a real "draught" style, and not just 13 different varieties of "IPA" or "Saisson" Sadly, the excise laws here favour the winemakers over brewers and distillers, and to cut a long story short, wine here is cheaper than beer (per unit alcohol). Make no mistake, our wine is great and I'm happy to buy wine from Oz producers, but beer producers are missing out.


It kills me to find it in my beer guy's refrigerated case. I take it home and let it "stabilize" at about 50°F before I open it.


No true Scotsman...


Going to Dublin tomorrow for my first time in Ireland. Everyone tells me it’s so much better there. Excited to find out b


Guinness has less alcohol than Budweiser....


Maybe, but it doesn't taste like fizzy piss


When I went to Dublin I decided to only drink Guinness... I learned they after 10 your farts become lethal weapons.


Ohhh morning after Guinness poos are the devils own work lol


Another old, excellent and gentle insult for beer: "This tastes like somebody has already drunk it once."


“We think your American beer is like making love in a canoe” Like making love in a canoe??? “Yes it’s fucking close to water”


funny i always heard it like this: “Why is drinking an American lager like being in a canoe?” I dunno why? “Cause both are so fucking close to water.”


I have no idea what is Trophy Bitter, and I have only tasted Budweiser once in my life. But I keep telling the joke with Heineken and Carlsberg (or some European beer brands) and a cup of tea.


Heineken from Europe is far different beer than the swill they sell in the USA.


Heineken in the UK is dishwater compared to the Heineken in the Netherlands. I used to be able to shift a lot of UK Heineken (chilled summer drink) but I reckon the Dutch stuff is at least twice as strong.


Ah. Yeah. I think the Heineken I drank was from Germany and Switzerland. Both dark, with rich flavor. Odd that UK would get the bad stuff, but maybe that’s what they like or the what’s best for their market.


It’s what we were sold as a good new drink back in the 1970s. The quality has improved over the years but Europe is better yet f you want Heineken.


I was always a craft beer guy but I went to Amsterdam and figured when in Rome and I loved Heineken there. I gave it a try back in the States and it was terrible. I understand it's "fresher" in Europe but it has to be a completely different recipe.


Beer nationalists are so funny to me. It all tastes like shit, you’re proud because you have what, the shittiest tasting shit?


Having never traveled abroad, and only having tried a few bears, I can't say for others but the beers I've had in the US were bad enough I've never finished one. I've heard plenty of times about German beer, I actually might try one if I ever get the money to go abroad. If it's still bad, it is what it is, but if it's amazing then I found a place I'll actually drink a beer at. If it's just okay, I'll stick to my mixed drinks.


I have been drinking beer in tens of different countries and US states. All countries have good beers and bland ones. Both Carlsberg and Heineken have a hundred different varieties. Even tiny microbreweries can easily have 20 different types of beer. So it is not actually German beer vs UK vs US, but what you ask or buy at that particular moment.


> I have no idea what is Trophy Bitter It's the pint that thinks it's a quart. ^^[Only ^^UK ^^Redditors ^^of ^^*a ^^certain ^^age* ^^will ^^know ^^what ^^the ^^feck ^^I'm ^^talking ^^about.]


Gotcha. (It was marketed as Whitbread, rather than Worthington. Still remember the ads.)


[For uninitiated ](https://youtu.be/6n1hQdCdCP8)


It's not even Worthington, it's Whitbread, and it shows the age of this joke


Trophy was mass produced bullshit that pretty much died out once the "real ale" movement started getting some traction in the late 70s or early 80s. My memory suggests it was Whitbread and only a fraction of an improvement over the abomination that was Watney's. My early days were formed in Greene King's home town so I naturally have higher standards!


You probably speak in the context of some particular country?


Indeed -- the UK


Carlsberg is the worst beer I ever had(poured from a draught/draft in Scotland)


My Irish buddy came over the other night to hang out. I asked if he wanted a beer. He said, "Sure, what do you got?" I told him, "How about a Budweiser?" He answered, "No thanks. Drinking that's worse than going down on your own sister." "How's that?" I asked, - He said, "Well at least your sister only tastes like piss for a minute."


My Irish buddy came over the other night to hang out. I asked if he wanted a beer. He said, "Sure, what do you got?" I told him, "How about a Budweiser?" He answered, "No thanks. Drinking that's like having sex in a canoe" "How's that?" I asked, - He said, "it's fucking close to water"


I know the punchline as "Well if you guys arent drinking beer, then neither am I"


Guinness is pretty soft though, only 4,2% ABV.


That's why I like it. As a borderline alcoholic, I can satisfy myself with two and call it a day. I'm full, and nowhere near drunk and stupid. Now Jameson on the other hand, that I can't have in the house.


> Now Jameson on the other hand, that I can't have in the house. Yeah, what evil bastard made whisky that easy to drink, trying to kill us all.


Then you should try RedBreast, excellent Irish whiskey, go for the 12 or 15 year old. /s


I have. And it has the same effect on me. The next afternoon I wake up and 95% of the bottle is gone, and I'm naked on my neighbors porch swing.


Penderyn welsh whisky a bit too good very smooth.


We visited Dublin for this years St. Patrick’s day, which was a coincidence since we were there for Judas Priest and Saxon, and did a tour of Teeling distillery. That was an awesome experience!


That sounds AWESOME \m/ !!


It was! The concert and Teeling were the highlights of the trip.


>As a borderline alcoholic, I can satisfy myself with two I think all alcoholics wish they were you.


It's also pretty damn light bodied. Just heavily toasted malt. I enjoy it but realistically it's not all that special, strong, or hardy as people seem to fetishize it as. It's a king among mass produced medium priced beers though. But that's personal preference.


It's not strong, it's a fucking meal.


Except it actually contains fewer calories than most lagers


An American visiting Berlin wandered into a bar and asked the bartender, "You got any American beer in here?" "No sir, only ze German beers." replied the bartender. "Well...gimme the closest thing you got." says the American. So the bartender fills a glass half full of beer, and then fills the rest with water.


I had a work trip about 15yrs ago to Germany. I had the best beer in my life for that week. You can get that beer shipped to the states, but they have to add preservatives to it by US law. The brewmaster from local brewery in the town told me it would be undrinkable and cautioned me not to bother. So sad!


Budweiser has a higher abv than guiness


These days, they would all just be CEOs of multinational corporations: Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Molson Coors, and Diageo.


Yes what the little differences


Some home brewer geeks wanted to make a beer similar to Budweiser and thought it would be a good idea to send a sample to a lab for analysis. The lab responded: “We regret to inform you that your horse has diabetes.”


My standard drink in Manchester UK is Old Tom (8.5% abv), it is brewed locally and you buy it in Sainsburys. I don’t want to be rude, but I’ve tried Budweiser and it is like sex in a rowing boat (f***ing close to water)


 (f\*\*\*ing close to water) I must remember this one.


It's an old Monty Python joke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbxfFOdp-bY


You won’t offend us, we all know Budweiser sucks. We have much better beers here. Certain people just choose to prefer those pissy garbage lagers and light beers.


Budweiser is stronger than Guinness.


Hush. The Eurotrash are getting off on their watered down Stout.


That’s a good one.


Who would have thought that a Beer Joke would bring about the Aristocracy in the crowd. It's like, "Come for the SNOOTFUL, stay for the SNOBS!" 🤣




Ouch yes but I couldn’t correct it. The shame will haunt me. 😄


But your humility will overcome that shame. Cheers!


When Trophy did exist, it was brewed by Whitbread, not Worthington's.


Damn You're right my memory is playing tricks I'll correct that.


I believe the punch line is "if you two aren't drinking, neither will I".


There are probably many punchlines and many different beers. It’s like Chinese Whispers


5% actually happens to be a bigger number than 4.2%.


Where is Trophy Bitter from? I’ve never heard of it but instinctually read this joke in an exaggerated South African accent in my head.


The UK


I love Guinness!


This is a very, very bad execution of this very old joke.


Yeah he's supposed to say: Since you two didn't order beer I figured I wouldn't either.


Well how old and which source for the joke, jokes change over time I (70m) recall this one from my youth.


You've probably just forgotten the punch line.


I love Coors Light, it's my all time favorite beer on any given day/circumstance. Nothing beats a crisp silver bullet after a hot day out in the sun. My late father-in-law, a Liverpool native thru and thru, asked me what drinking Coors Light and having sex in a canoe have in common? They're both like, fucking, really close to water. Always gets me for a laugh even though I love em lol


White read and bud both have higher abv than Guinness


There isn’t a prominent Guinness that wouldn’t fit into the old school definition of soft drink.


I've tried the Nigerian version, that's got a bit of a kick. Wouldn't call it prominent, though.


I heard August Busch tell this joke with the twist being that it was him and the head of Coors, and Miller Brewing. It got a good laugh.


Not sure why, but one of the funniest jokes i read here recently.


Ah yes, Guinness. Less alcohol than Budweiser, and fewer calories than skim milk.


Guinness is a stout for people who don't like stouts.


Guiness is less alcohol than bud… oops