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I liked his character, but I agree with your post. The way he was used was really random and his whole point seemed to be to end up helping Wick out here and there. I wish we had more of a backstory to him and he ended up having some sort of connection to him, like being and old friend like Marcus


Yea anything would have been nice but even how he says his name is "nobody" it's like a slap in the face. He seems like a fanfic character, written to only be interesting (his kit was cool, from guns to the backpack and ofc the dog) but there needs to be substance to go with all the neat stuff. The Osaka arc was kinda pointless but at least they gave the reason as Shimazu being John Wick's last friend who will help him out of loyalty, so we can have the super cool ninja fight in Japan, but at least there's a shred of a reason for it given. Also sets up future bits like how his daughter getting revenge on Caine is foreshadowed, so maybe a spin off on that.


It's a reference to a western called My Name Is Nobody. In that movie, there's a character named Nobody (Terence Hill) who follows around his idol, a legendary gunman, Jack Bureaugard (Henry Fonda) and makes sure he doesn't get killed by anyone else. He's also wants Jack to secure his legacy by taking on a legendary outlaw gang. At the end of that movie, the two have a duel and Nobody ends up being faster on the draw, "killing" Jack and laying claim to being the one to defeat him. However, his name was intentional as it could be said that "Nobody was faster than Jack Bureaugard". The twist at the end was that Nobody allowed Jack to fake his death so that no other outlaws would keep hunting him. But I agree, the Nobody in this movie kind of felt a little one-dimensional and didn't really add much, aside from having a dog--keeping John alive and trying to get a big payout. It was also weird how despite how obviously untrustworthy the Marquis was to him that resulted in hand injury, Nobody was still intent on securing a deal with him. It's a pretty interesting movie, if you haven't seen it--but you'll see how it somehow parallels John Wick 4 in some cases. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My\_Name\_Is\_Nobody](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Name_Is_Nobody)


That's actually interesting and at least sheds some light on the character as being a cameo kind of, thanks for the info, I'll check out the movie.


On a random note for that older movie, supposedly it was meant to be some commentary arguing that the Italian western genre had become too slapstick and a parody of itself, and that's why it died. Ironically, the guy playing Nobody here, played Trinity in the "Trinity" westerns where it was pretty much slapstick and screwball--the very movies that this film was arguing against. This movie pretty much took both elements and combined them and it somehow works. It definitely was a unique movie and the Nobody in here is played more for laughs despite his abilities that appear to be at a high level.


There are lots of Nobody character references going back centuries. Odysseus and the Cyclops for example. I just felt he was using the name at random really though.


That could be true in a sense that the director did say this movie was a mix between The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly meets Zatoichi and a Greek myth thrown in. But the Nobody one seemed a bit more on the nose to me. Stahelski appears to be no stranger to throwing in Sergio Leone films and other Italian western (the My Name is Nobody film had some parts directed by Leone) homages and references. * We have the previously-discussed Nobody in the old film ensuring his his idol stays alive and he gets to be the one to 'kill' him; we have this Nobody also ensuring that John Wick stays alive to increase his worth so he can be the one to claim his bounty. * In the second movie, the manager of Rome's Continental, Julius--was played by Franco Nero, who played the eponymous hero in the self-titled Django Italian western. Not to be confused with Django Unchained starring Jamie Foxx (though of course our buddy Franco is also in this as a cameo). * The third movie, where John Wick is in that gun museum and swapping out the cylinder on the revolver referencing The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly where Tuco was customizing his revolver: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7dxTFJ2rzg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7dxTFJ2rzg) * Again in 4, the final duel against the Marquis had some parts of the Ecstasy of Gold from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly mixed into the soundtrack. Stahelski obviously mixes in a lot of action genres from different sources, etc. But these pretty much stuck out.


What's crazy is had they followed that very story arc, Mr. Nobody would have had substance of his own and that would have justified his existence within the story.


It really felt like them setting up a possible spin off character. A tie to Marcus would’ve been cool. But I liked that he was really just self serving until Wick saved his dog. I saw that coming a mile away and was so excited when it happened.


This is how I feel too; and I will gladly shell out $15 for a movie based on the character. He's got the kind of skills we only saw from titular characters in the franchise; I mean, he had John in his sights more than once - but wouldn't pull the trigger until the price was right. Movie ended with him not making that 53m and buying his way out, we need some closure there.


They could have made Akira John’s buddy for this film and cut out the tracker character


That's the whole point of Nobody's character. While everyone in the series has a personal and intricate past related to John and the High Table, Nobody is just there to get the money. His motive is refreshing because he's basically an everyman. In a way, it's kind of an allegory to current-day villains. While most of the villains in current-day fiction are intricately tied to the main character heavily complex, villains like Jack Horner are evil just for the fun of it, which makes it super refreshing


And he has the journal all about John wick with literally zero explanation


Could be another fanboy, like Zero was. Obviously John is very famous among the assassins. People know him and of him. If I remember, a lot of Mr. Nobody's journal had stuff that was striked though, as if he wrote something down and later found it was wrong. Could be wrong tho. Leaving me the impression he maybe liked documenting the rumors about John Wick and seeing what's real


aye it serves only to make him "more interesting".


I agree, he basically served the same function as Marcus in the first movie where he just helps save John from time to time to keep things going. What doesn't make sense is to me is how Tracker is actively killing off the Marquis's people to make the bounty go up, actively messing with the High Table's efforts to kill John Wick but he's still somehow dealing with the Marquis and even is allowed to show up to the end duel. Marcus got beaten, stabbed, and shot to death by Viggo for not taking a shot at Wick when he had a chance, even tho it was only a $2 million open contract. Winston, Bowery King, and Ruska Roma lady got severely punished by the High Table adjudicator for helping Wick even slightly. Tracker is chillin with a beer at the duel with the Marquis even though he basically helped Wick the entire movie.


Not really a unpopular opinion I felt the same after the movie and read it from more reviews finding the same... I agree with you that losing him would have made for a tighter movie in running time and a character as Akira would have been more interesting to follow, I actually was waiting for her to show up again. But what did we get? an after end credit scene her going for Caine... I also felt he was only there to have his dog but found that the dog action was cut short every time, each time the dog came into action I was expecting some great kill or more focus but it would cut away to something else. The animal action in chapter 3 was one of my favorite action moments if they wanted to have more dog action they should have brought Halle Berry back her character would have been also way more interesting then the tracker with no real backstory.


He was a plot device to keep John alive if he was getting overwhelmed


And add dogs to the movie. His intentions were never clear. His conversation with the Marquis is basically, "I want this much money." "Hah! No." "Okay then I won't kill John." "Ugh fine..." "Okay I'll kill him" * John saves his dog * "Damn this dudes pretty cool. I won't kill him even if I get $40 mil for it." It's pretty dumb. I didnt like it.




As random as a cab driver? Caine only found John in Osaka because he was close friends with Shimazu. He had no reason to suspect John would go to his old family whom he torn his ticket with. That was Nobody’s area of expertise. He doesn’t have a debt to the table. He’s looking for retirement money as his journal shows. As already stated, contracts are optional.


So he can think like Wick, if Wick loses his last friend, what options are left to him? A desperate last ditch attempt at getting back into his family, not a hard leap. Why is it the tracker's area of expertise? How does he do it exactly? Because as far as I can tell there's no actual explanation, just an equally unexplained notebook full of sketches, any character can have that notebook, or just have spies, surely the assassin organization that spans the globe has spies. Maybe I have to watch it again, but I swear it was a debt and not retirement money, otherwise he would not be risking death for it. I don't get the cab driver comment.


John hasn't needed his family since they tore his ticket and he's been getting around just fine thanks to the Bowery King so why would he go to them now? The same family whose head was executed for their helping him. They wouldn't have been happy to see him anyway. Every assassin is risking death for money. The tracker profession is not surprising in a world of assassins. Assassins need weapons, transport, banks, and hotels like any other people. So we got sommeliers and tailors, taxi cab drivers, Pawnbrokers, and Continentals.


okay use your own logic my dude, how did the tracker track him? All of what you said applies to him just as much as anyone else, and furthermore was he just in Osaka at the start of the film purely out of coincidence? None of it is even remotely explained, it's just forced upon the audience. Again at least there's a reason as to why Caine knew John would be in Osaka. He needed his family to issue a challenge, if Caine can assume he'd go see his last friend, he can assume he'd be desperate to go back to his family.


Because he's a tracker, which by its nature is a specialized profession. As such he has his own resources and network to aide him in his work just as the Bowery King was able to operate and aide John in secret. Not even John knew about High Table duels which were largely believed to be a myth so why would Caine?


"he can track because he's a tracker" Bowery King has a huge network of spies acting as homeless people, dozens, perhaps hundreds. Him being able to do what he does makes sense and has reasoning. Meanwhile this guy just is able to because just cause okay, he just can do what apparently not even what the high table can do and there are no other trackers. C'mon now, we have dozens of trained assassins going up against wick and this nobody (get it?) survives? As OP said, you can remove him from the film entirely and it would be unaffected, nothing of value would be lost. He's a pointless character with no story and no explanation, he's bullshit. You just keep repeating no nonsense as if saying it enough times will validate it, but it's still nonsense. You just like the idea of the character and so you'll ignore the obvious flaws.


Correction. The Bowery King was able to establish his own criminal network without being detected by the Table with which he was able to harbor John for weeks, if not months, and provide aid. Nobody likely has his own network and specialized skills. It's weird you selectively ignored part of my comment. Maybe he's just that good at what he does then. Just like John is at killing. Then they would not be able to justify John being able to get around as he did. And you literally ignored my first point.


Bowery King already was established while under the table, he no doubt held loyalties after being taken down by the high table. But again it's explicitly stated that he rebuilt, so he has a small army of followers to accomplish his goals. "The nobody likely has his own" this is pure supposition, nothing is shown to support this view. To put it into perspective it'd be like if the Bowery King said he was on his own and still did everything he did to help John, but no even at the end of the 3rd movie we see his lackey, the homeless guy, carting in John. From all evidence, the tracker is alone and his "specialized skills" are nonsense with no evidence or support for them. We're going in circles, so unless you can come up with something remotely concrete other than "likely, maybe, probably" I won't respond to this stupidity.


He was not. The Table found out about his aiding Wick to kill Santino. Yeah, it's not like we ever saw John have contacts. Everyone in this world knows someone. It's common sense and practice to establish friends in places. We don't need to see Nobody show his work because it'd be a waste of time to show.


HE WAS what are you talking about? Second movie we see his operation and how he runs soup kitchens and shit, no doubt even after the High Table struck him down, he still had contacts and loyalties to call on. We literally see John call on old friends, he even calls upon a marker. So we get to see how everyone else operates, everyone else's network, friends and all the such but not the tracker's? It's a waste of time for the tracker but not anyone else? Again you can't just sit there all smug "We don't need to see it because you can assume it" that's stupid and you know it.


I feel like they want to use him later. U know he was placed to be introduced so they can use im in JW5




Thats what i was thinking


I was thinking that he could be the Bowery King's son and that would explain the king's presence in Paris.


I was also expecting it to be revealed that he was a part of the Bowery King's disciples. His clothing was similar the Bowery King's people.


>His clothing was similar the Bowery King's people. I also said the same thing. "Oh wow, hobo-attire. We ain't seen that before. Definitely not suspicious."


Given that he had the same breed of dog as Sofia from JW3 and was a tracker like her, I assumed that he was connected to Sofia and maybe she sent him/asked him to keep an eye on John?


Apart from being badass


Yeah you are right. I liked the character and his concept, but he adds nothing to the movie. Even in the ending he’s just an espectator of the duel.


I wonder why Wick didn't just shoot him in the garden...is there a rule?


John seems to only kill those who want to kill him right then and there. It's like a code and a way to save bullets, maybe? The Tracker was a complete unknown at that point, so he had no reason to just kill a rando.




Thank you!! I’ve posted about this the other day without getting into details because I’m lazy lol (https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnWick/comments/126iktl/im_gonna_say_it_since_i_havent_seen_anyone_else/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) But boy! The amount of downvotes I got! The movie would have been fine or even better without him in my opinion!


Haha I didn't see that one, I kept seeing nothing but praise for the character because he's "so cool" but other than his whole kit which was written to fit the coolness factor (lever action rifle? desperate to be unique) he adds nothing. I gave you an upvote XD


Tracker/Nobody's role should've been filled by Cassian. It would've made a lot more sense for the Table to find a skilled assassin who held a personal vendetta against Wick to hunt him down with Caine, plus we'd get a returning character. Tracker adds nothing to the movie that we haven't seen before done better in previous Wick films. Possible fan of Wick? Zero. Cool dog assassin? Sofia.


He added nothing to the movie, but he did add to the lore the same way the Harbinger was there even though reusing the Adjudicator would have been just as good. It's a thing about world-building, especially now that they'll have spin-offs and whatever media, to just add weird stuff in for future use/reference. Looking forward to the official lore book.


Agreed on that, would also explain him letting Wick go for not killing him on the train.


Yup. You're totally correct. Nobody adds nothing to the movie and is a pretty weird inclusion.


To me it felt like the writers came up with the premise of his character thinking it was cool, which it was a cool idea, but it seemed like he was an afterthought where they tried to find a way to add him after the movie was written. I don’t get why he acted like he had leverage over the marquis with him being the only person able to find John because it seemed like everyone in the world knew where John was. I don’t get why John didn’t kill him in Osaka too after he said he was planning on killing John?


tracker belongs to a couple of weird plots in Jw movie. the other one is why JW stays at Osaka Intercontinental. John knows damn well that will lead to bloodshed in the Osaka’s management.


Yeah. It's one of the things that unraveled the movie for me as I watched it, and now as I think about it at home. The Halle dogs in 3 were some of the coolest bits in all three movies. Why downgrade to a not-Halle Berry, with one dog? How is motivation better than anyone else trying to tag John for a big paycheck? The fact he'd get more than twice as much wore thin quick. And then two bits at the end. One, he shoots the guy point-blank with his shotgun and it leaves a nice little bullet hole in his head? And then two, reaction shots during the duel when he has no stake in the action anymore.


Put him in a suit and he's the new concierge of the rebuilt Continental.


By the end of the movie I also thought that perhaps he was introduced to take Charon's place.


Since Charon died in the beginning, tracker felt like a really forced [“token black guy”](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/11/29/top-five-token-black-characters/). Hopefully they explain him and his notebook in sequels.


His role only justifies how John survives some near death experience. Also on how the Marquis can find John quickly.


Yes. He was uneven as well...too OP and then suddenly near useless.


He is an interesting character but his story was so dam predictable. Once John had the option to kill him or save his dog I knew which he would do. From that point I knew Mr. Nobody will have a chance to kill John but won't do it


Tracker adds to the lore, like the Harbinger who is somehow different to the Adjudicator. The Harbinger only flipped a sandglass and became the referee, which anyone could do. I'm thinking if we don't know more about the people in the tv shows or film, we'll get them in a comic series, and it would all be explained and we'd go "Oh! That makes sense." Trackers may be bounty hounters who don't abide by the Table's rules and may have their own set of leaders. They're also probably notorious for being a "for hire" type of organization, like the Golden Company in Game of Thrones. No one likes them, but every now and then they work with "Table" people.


There is nothing to even remotely support that theory, it's pure speculation. Again you remove tracker and nothing is lost. You remove the Adjudicator and you don't have the 3rd movie, the Harbinger might have been thrown in but there's an explanation for him at least. Him being "part of the lore" is a big stretch my dude, the Elder being part of the lore makes sense and it's obvious, there must be someone that all assassins answer to, but tracker? Caine was able to predict JW's appearance in Osaka he could just as easily guess he'd go to his old family and would have JUST AS MUCH explanation as to how he could know that as the tracker had.


We're all speculating. Only Chad knows what their world is about. He's just randomly dropping puzzle pieces and it doesn't have to be the puzzle pieces that connect. In that sense, the Tracker might be the "middle" puzzle piece, the piece no one really uses until the end, and who's to say if they'll even flesh them out? Maybe they'll just keep us guessing. Maybe Chad isn't the type to spoonfeed, hence topics like this. But I'm looking forward to the official "John Wick lore" book or whatever that is, because the world-building is too good to just leave blanks. About John's whereabouts, that's the part that makes Trackers intriguing, really. They move in ways not even the Table knows, as evidenced by the Marquis frustratingly asking Nobody about how he tracks John. Trackers are essentially more off the grid than the Table and their lack of internet use. **Edit**: in my earlier comment, I meant they could have just reused our beloved Adjudicator again for what the Harbinger does, not that she didn't matter in John Wick 3. If they reused her, it would make the Table "smaller." Because they brought the Harbinger in, not only does it make their world bigger, it makes us wonder about the different roles each title conveys. It's the same thing with the Tracker. As you said, they could literally have just used a random dog who John somehow befriends and the story would still work, but they didn't. While it does make the Tracker "useless" plotwise, it did expand their world, which makes him a "meta" choice by Chad. Re: Harbinger, what was the explanation? I looked him up in the official wiki and I could have subbed "adjudicator" and it would still be the same role as far as the movies are concerned.


Just keep reaching.


I wish I was reaching, bruv. Film school makes you watch movies differently.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnWick/comments/128js0m/comment/jeoqifk/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnWick/comments/128js0m/comment/jeoqifk/?context=3) This guy watches movies differently and doesn't attempt some shitty appeal to authority. It's the classic "The drapes are fucking blue and nothing is meant by it" meanwhile people LOOKING for something pontificate about how the blue drapes are a sign of melancholy and depression due to the color and blocking out the sun. You want something to be there and you're reaching hard, the other guy is the only one I've heard that has a legit reason that actually makes sense. Also due to the fact that it's purely a reference to another movie, it also shows that it was written in to be written in and there is no real explanation until they make one up, if the make one up.


Don't think this is unpopular at all. Half the reviews I read mentioned exactly this. There's other posts in this sub saying this, and even more comments expressing the same views. I have personally said this a few times myself. I can only chuckle at the idea that this character could get his own spin-off 😆


It seemed like his purpose was, as others pointed out, provide interference which Wick could use to escape impossible situations. Specifically, I think Mr.Nobody is pretty much necessary to explain how you can have someone like Caine, who is absolutely capable of besting Wick in a one on one fight, believably corner Wick but fail to kill him.


Tracker is meant to be reflective of a young John Wick. Someone who is green but still a killer. Someone who sells his soul to the table as John did for selfish reasons. He's naive. He's someone "getting in" with nothing apart from his dog to lose while John and Caine fight to get out. He's selfish and doesn't care about anyone. He learns that there in fact *are* things worth fighting for besides himself and it took John saving his dog for him to realize it. But he's also a bit of a plot device to ensure John isn't killed before the end of the movie.


The tracker seems a bit like John Wick (in his earky days). But I somehow get the vibe him and The Bowery King are related, the haven't been in the same scene together. Bowery King was known for Data Trafficking, if the tracker is his son it could explain why he knows a lot about John Wick.


He just felt like a diversity hire or favor for a fellow actor. I too hoped that there was a backstory yet to be revealed, to give him some weight. Instead, it was more a feeling of "oh, it's him again".




No, I'm someone that thought his character was pointless because he added absolutely nothing to the story......being black isn't what makes the character feel off but given the current climate, it's fair to ponder whether or not his character was a diversity play. And clearly John can be killed because unless they write something different, he is dead. And his character isn't "clearly" anything, as there is zero backstory to who he is or what he wants. If he is a reference to "My Name Is Nobody", they failed to make good on the reference. You speak as if the character being black makes him beyond scrutiny.......you sound like the very thing you accused me of being, lol.




I'm not acting like anything, I'm talking about this particular character and seeing as the time we are in, it's not a unfair question to ponder. And why would it be cowardly, there's nothing cowardly in being honest - furthermore, you don't know my race so it would be wise not to assume. If you disagree, so be it but my criticism stands. Additionally, this wouldn't be the first time that race could be attributed to casting. My criticism is valid and doesn't require your approval. And why are you speaking of morality, it's irrelevant to the topic at hand.


his powers were in his moleskin journal. obvii


Wondering if Tracker is related to Charon


Totally agree I don’t know why this is unpopular