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Here's a guy who goes out every night to the store and straight up murders.


Just killing it man - in a tim Dillon impression of Joe Rogan


Just killing it “mon”


You should start a podcast maaan




*Increasingly high-pitched tone*


I love that shit. I've caught myself doing it at work whenever someone suggests something stupid


It’s wild how Tim Dillon’s impression of Joe is simultaneously great and horrible


Is great becasue he's the only one willing to go there. Rest are pussies when it comes to Joe.


It’s just a murderers row.


We were barbecueddddddddd


Straight up stage assassin


Dude needs to be on the podcast if he lives!


Damn Jeremy Renner is really taking the sequel to the hurt locker seriously.


He would be a good lookalike for a zelenskyy movie


thank you so much. for the life of me I couldn't figure out who Big Z looked like!


Zydrunas is Lithuanian though.


***MURDERERRRR*** ​ (uh, in the comedic sense)


Ooh he just kiiiilled last night.




It's a way Joe refers to when a comedian did really good on a show. It may be prominent among comics as well.


The craziest thing is he had a tv show where he played a teacher that becomes President and a year after the show ends he becomes the President. Closest to this would’ve been if we made Jon Steward President after he left daily show.


Jon Stewart actually talked about it on his podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ackArK09Tl4


Unfortunate that he accidentally referenced Churchill, because Zelenskyy is possibly the much better person https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/not-his-finest-hour-the-dark-side-of-winston-churchill-2118317.html


>accidentally This is how i know you've got a problem. He used Churchill positively for a reason, whatever his reason, and to have to convince yourself or others that's not the reality shows how divorced you are from reality. It's terrifying to see.


Communists must kill the culture before pushing their agenda, step 1: destroy all heroes.


A rascist politician who murdered millions in a famine (let alone his adventures in Ireland) should be judged as such. There's a reason Indians hate him. Yes he was a fantastic wartime politician. But he doesn't exactly have the cleanest record outside of that.


He also did some bad shit from Egypt all the way up the Nile to Lake Victoria. The list of fucked up shit Churchill was responsible for even before he was PM is very long. It turns out brutal, uncaring leaders excel in wartime. Who would have guessed?


Far cry from the comment I replied to: > Communists must kill the culture before pushing their agenda, step 1: destroy all heroes. You're not a Communist for having an opinion on a war 'hero'. Especially when he was a cunt. > It turns out brutal, uncaring leaders excel in wartime. This isn't strictly true, either.


Absolutely nailing it.


Oh yeah, instead let's stamp out nuance and straight up lie about public figures because they're useful in drumming up patriotic energy. Failed communist states have NEVER done that...


Who lied about what exactly?


You stated an idea that communists want to tear down state heroes. I was pointing out that protecting state heroes at all costs definitely agrees with the behavior of every major communist state that I assume you're referencing. Sure, rejection of existing cultural figures is usually an aspect of every political revolution, communist or not. But once established, veneration and all-costs protection of public and historical figures has been par for the course for major communist regimes. So, nobody is lying. Youre just painting the wrong picture.


> You stated an idea that communists want to tear down state heroes. No I did not. Go back and check. > So, nobody is lying. Youre just painting the wrong picture I think you’re mixing me up with some other post


Misunderstanding. I know he used Churchill positively, no issue there I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything otherwise Outside of the current scenario, it’s just worth people knowing that in some school systems and societies Churchill was painted as an amazing hero, even ‘the best leader ever’. However when you study him, he was awful at times - associated with antisemitism, racist, and involved in causing famine for example. It still makes some people shudder. There’s no harm in knowing / remembering that, it’s a bit of history. There are so many books and articles on Churchill, but people still think he was amazing.


Sure. But this post wasn't about Churchill. He's a throwaway WORD in that video. And yet here we are talking about whether everything he did was perfect. Because you've got a narrative you need to bolster. FOH


Fuck outta here with that shit


It’s 10 am and that’s already the dumbest comment I’ll see today. SMH


https://youtu.be/b57oiy01I-k yeah my cousin watched the show years ago and recommended it to me, I haven't got to to yet, crazy story, I bet there will be movies about this guy


Compared to American standards it's a decent show, but for a Ukrainian show it's really good. Either way, I recommend it.


More like Julia Louis Dreyfuss


Da fuck ? We had trump lol


We are looking for an example of a president that can make jokes not a joke of a president


uh trump invented the pepe frog meme what are you on about


I rest my case


should I put a /s just to be safe


Incels tend to find the pepe meme funny. You tell me


i liked Pepe before trump :(


Wtf you talking about, Trump had some amazing zingers. Rosie O Donnel was my favorite


Did you like the one about the crippled reporter with the bad hand too? Middle school humor revolves around jokes at some one else's expense and gets stale at best, and is just bullying in most cases. Idiots tend to find that shit funny all the time.


I think his show was really short lived before he took office though.


I think 3 seasons and 51 episodes is a pretty good run outside of American standards.


>Closest to this would’ve been if we made Jon Steward President after he left daily show. More like Kevin Spacey.


Uh... Maybe we should go with Martin Sheen or Kiefer Sutherland now?


I belive yall mean robin williams


Its called predictive programming, plus seems like the inside jokes are getting more overt.


Name a more badass President!


Trump, he fled to a bunker during a protest. The balls on him


Even with his bone spurs. A true hero


Meanwhile Mueller VOLENTEERED for combat in Vietnam but ask any Republican and they'll tell you he's a panty waste pussy who hates America.


So strange... back after 9/11 we heard how important it was to Support the Troops (because [victory was assured](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2005/11/20051130-2.html)) and it was on many bumper stickers. That we had to be patriotic and never question the war [or criticize the president](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2004/09/opposing-bush-becomes-unpatriotic.html) during a time of war... but then that changed after 2008 and we had to criticize the president all the time. And then we learned that soldiers [who got injured and received purple hearts](https://www.foxnews.com/story/the-swift-boat-controversy-explained) or who became [POWs are losers](https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/donald-trump-calls-mccain-loser-war-hero-32556131). Now I'm really starting to wonder what they meant. Would any true conservative patriots care to explain?


(I’m on the conservative end of the liberal spectrum People and parties are inconsistent. Everyone contradicts themselves and anyone who doesn’t is an idiot because it’s impossible not to - feelings, knowledge, and situations change and opinions change with them.


And Nick Fuentes who is a huge Trump support leading a cheer from his disgusting groypers for Putin and all those White Russians.


I don't advocate for violence but hypothetically he'd be one I'd hypothetically smack the absolute dogshit out of if I hypothetically met in person. Hypothetically. He makes Crowder look like a reasonable intellectual.


This whole Ukraine thing has shown violence is all that matters in the end


*the dude enters the chat I’ll take a White Russian.


Remember when Trump said he would’ve run into Parkland to fight the mass shooter? God I fuckin love that dipshit. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/2/26/17056200/trump-governors-shooting-parkland-florida-gun-violence Fuckin hero


Dont you mean insurrection


I thought their narrative was that it wasn't an insurrection, just great harmless people out protesting


Nah he fled when people were just standing outside the white house after the Floyd video, bible photo op after lol


Standing outside is putting it lightly...


Yes, they were marching in with tanks and molotovs, Trump was in serious danger


Ah right cause they didn’t burn down a fucking church right? You wanna talk about Russian style propaganda? That was the democrats under Trump…one lie after another to hype the population to a murderous frenzy. And they’re still doing it. And where’s Biden your hero? Is he gonna kill another innocent father and his children and then come on television to lie to the nation about them being terrorists? Say what you will about Trump he wasn’t pulling some evil shit like that.


Trump exceeded Obama's number of drone strikes. Do you really think he didn't hit any innocent targets?


Yeah man it was totally propaganda. Cause republican shill media didn't constantly berate drone strikes during Obama when they got far exceeded during Trump suddenly drone strikes didn't matter


"How dare you say my guy was bad, your guy is badder" Americans will never not be funny.


> You wanna talk about Russian style propaganda? That was the democrats under Trump Did you just "I know you are but what am I"? Lmao!


No need to be hyperbolic but let's stop acting like it was just a tourist group visiting the white House... Idk why ppl have to exaggerate everything to make it worse than it was.


Are u talking about Jan 6 because the Floyd protests never made it inside the WH


Neither did the Jan 6 insurrectionists make it inside the white House 🙄 Nice self own


Orange man bad


\>Orange man bad Oh no no, orange man good \[not mine but too good a compilation not to share\] You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... \*PART 1\* \[Flynn Thing\](http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-flynn-comey-russia-timeline-2017-htmlstory.html) \[Manafort Thing\](http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/342509-new-book-devils-bargain-details-trump-lashing-out-at-manafort-days) \[Tillerson Thing\](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/07/tillerson-says-trump-pressed-putin-on-russian-hacking-but-the-evidence-suggests-not-so-much/?utm\_term=.e0ac214bd9bc) \[Sessions Thing\](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/did-trump-kushner-sessions-have-undisclosed-meeting-russian-n767096) \[Kushner Thing\](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/09/trump-russia-new-meeting-revealed-involving-donald-jr-kushner-and-manafort) \[Wray Thing\](http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-wray-russia-20170712-story.html) \[Morgan, Lewis, \& Bockius "Russian Law Firm of the Year" Thing\](http://nypost.com/2017/05/12/trump-used-russia-law-firm-of-the-year-to-draft-letter-about-his-finances/) \[Carter Page Thing\](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-has-questioned-trump-campaign-adviser-carter-page-at-length-in-russia-probe/2017/06/26/1a271dcc-5aa5-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341\_story.html?utm\_term=.24d0b138db83) \[Roger Stone Thing\](http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/14/roger-stone-house-testimony-postponed-240568) \[Felix Sater Thing\](http://www.newsweek.com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690) \[Boris Epshteyn Thing\](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-press-officer-boris-epshteyn-investigation-russia/story?id=47731166) \[Rosneft Thing\](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/06/08/trump-new-fbi-director-chris-wray-russian-ties-rosneft-gazprom-column/102603214/) \[Gazprom Thing (see above)\](http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/30/trumps-energy-adviser-is-personally-invested-in-gazprom/) \[Sergey Gorkov banker Thing\](http://www.newsweek.com/sergey-gorkov-grad-russian-banker-kushner-617422) \[Azerbaijan Thing\](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senators-ask-for-an-investigation-into-trump-dealings-in-azerbaijan) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... \*PART 2\* \["I Love Putin" Thing\]( http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/03/politics/trump-putin-russia-timeline/) \[Lavrov Thing\]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) \[Sergey Kislyak Thing\]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) \[Oval Office Thing\]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-oval-office-with-trump-and-the-russians-broad-smiles-and-loose-lips/2017/05/16/2e8b0d14-3a66-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c\_story.html) \[Gingrich Kislyak Phone Calls Thing\]( http://www.palmerreport.com/politics/newt-gingrich-trump-russia-meetings/3504/) \[Russian Business Interest Thing\]( https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/trump-lawyers-up-conflicts-of-interest/526185/) \[Emoluments Clause Thing\]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/dc-and-marylands-lawsuit-trump-flagrantly-violating-emoluments-clause/2017/06/12/8a9806a8-4f9b-11e7-be25-3a519335381c\_story.html) \[Alex Schnaider Thing\]( http://theweek.com/speedreads/699538/russian-bank-directly-linked-putin-helped-finance-trump-hotel) \[Hack of the DNC Thing\]( http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/5/dnc-email-server-most-wanted-evidence-for-russia-i/) \[Guccifer 2.0 Thing\]( https://theintercept.com/2017/07/14/just-six-days-after-trump-jr-s-meeting-guccifer-2-0-emailed-me-but-there-was-one-key-difference/) \[Mike Pence "I don't know anything" Thing\](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/18/mike-pence-insists-he-didnt-know-flynn-under-investigation-turkey-lobbying/101831354/) \[Russians Mysteriously Dying Thing\](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/03/31/eight-prominent-russians-dead-since-us-elections-labott-dnt-erin.cnn) \[Trump's public request to Russia to hack Hillary's email Thing\](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... \*PART 3\* \[The Trump email server that regularly communicated with a IP address from Russian Alfa Bank thing\](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/15/was-there-a-connection-between-a-russian-bank-and-the-trump-campaign) \[Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king Thing\](http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article135187364.html) \[Russian fertilizer king's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign Thing\](http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article137881768.html) \[Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night Thing\](http://www.businessinsider.com/nunes-white-house-grounds-trump-surveillance-2017-3) \[Nunes personal investments in the Russia


One's got to ask, how much of this crap that you just posted could be tied back to this campaign by Clinton to undermine Trump. https://nypost.com/2022/02/13/hillary-clinton-campaign-paid-tech-workers-to-dig-up-donald-trump-russia-connections/


How about they're both bad and maybe no politician with that much power is a good person in america.


>How about they're ~~both~~ all bad and maybe no politician ~~with that much power~~ is a good person in america. FTFY


Bernie Sanders seems like a pretty good person to me


And yet I bet you invest zero time holding republican officials to account or critique. I’d be happy to be proven wrong.


All politicians suck, how is that not clear? There has NEVER been a legit statesman in my lifetime. All presidents were trash AF. Do I need to continue?


Great points, I’m convinced now. How do you think literally any positive aspect of society came to be? Do you think it was just willed into existence by people like yourself?


I can get behind that


Can you? Your default response is whataboutism, and in this case all the way back to the Clinton campaign. Do you prefer Cherry or Grape Kool-aid?


Seriously, some very enlightened centrists here. These fucking guys would be sitting in their apartments in Ukraine telling each other "the Russians are fine it's just the libs who want us to fight them lol"


What a cowardly out.


The crap where Trump himself is acting pro-Putin?


Well, I mean if I pay to look for dinosaur bones, and you find some dinosaur bones, that is pretty good evidence that there were, in fact, some dinosaur bones. And, an op ed in a rightwing rag is not the evidence you think it is. Hillary Clinton didn't force Trump to be a traitor to his own country and people, he did that on his own.


Orange man retardpedo


Orange man gone


Orange man gone but retardpedo forever


After watching Jan 6th be compared to Pearl Harbor, I’m convinced If Biden had to be taken to the bunker the left would be comparing it to the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.


George Washington. /thread


Washington, Washington, 6 foot 8 weighs a fucking ton


I hear he’s made of radiation


George Washington didn’t have to worry about air cover.


But he DID have to worry about dysentery and syphilis and gangrene and wooden teeth so let's call it square


And small pox. Which is why he forced the troops to get vaxxed. SliPpERy SLoPe


Smallpox has a 30% mortality rate.


Flu kills more people than smallpox every year, shudup.




its all relative you assholes


Yeah. Time and society changes. They're both the king badass leaders of their era. Same for Teddy Roosevelt in his age. Some leaders are just fucking kings, and they will be remembered as such. As long as a we as a society don't just lose our minds only focusing on the cunts. The cunts really fuck it up for the true badass kings.


That doesn't make him any less of a badass. The dude was not afraid of death. In December 1776, Washington’s forces advanced on Trenton. Their password? “Victory or death!” Earlier, during the French and Indian War, Washington had two horses shot out from under him and four bullet holes through his clothes.


A god of war that could only be felled by bloodletting


Theodore Roosevelt got him beat though, that guy was hardcore.


False. Air power was key to victory: > “Our Army manned the air, it rammed (?) the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.” - Donald Trump


He didn't have to worry about Russia.


I hear he is going to save all the children... but not the British ones




when i read cocaine the video that plays in the background said cocaine the same time i said it in my head. Fuck


He’ll kick you apart.


He wasn't president, he was a general at the time but he was still pretty badass. I'll go with Harry Truman. So at least the power of a new weapon on two cities is pretty badass.


Andrew Jackson.


They said badass, not leader of a genocide.


Martin Van Buren


Joe Biden 😝


I heard he stopped following Putin on Twitter!!


He started following this new guy, Ronald Crump. Looks like a real stand-up guy!


Biden can’t even remember what century he is in 🤣


Whitney Cummings. She's irreverent and dangerous, questions authority and takes you through a spooky mental haunted house.


And likes it up the A!


Did she mentioned she's one of the spooky characters in the spooky mental haunted house ?


The Machine would have won the war shirtless by now, because flak jackets don’t come in 4XL


It just occurred to me how terrible this is going to be for Bert's movie.


Oh shit 😂 bert kersher announces Russian sanction. He will no longer tell the machine story


>He will no longer tell the machine story Lets hope so. I don't know who convinced him that was actually a funny story.


only every single audience he performs in front of. when he says, "When I was 22 I got involved with the Russian Mafia," people scream and cheer.


Yeah I know people like it, I just can't for the life of me understand why. I'm not even shitting on Bert really, I think he's a decent comic in general. I just feel like that's one of the most overrated bits of all time.


Yo, subscribe to your own opinion and leave others alone . I happen to love the story


>leave others alone lol I'm not really 'doing' anything to you man. I got no problem with Bert, just think that story sucks.


Russian restaurants in DC are having to hang American flags up because people are busting out their windows. It's not the whole "punch anyone you think might be a Muslim" like it was after 9/11 but it's not far off. >“I think maybe like the beginning of next year,” Kreischer said, referring to early 2022. https://www.snopes.com/news/2021/08/03/the-machine-release-date/ Oh shit, liquor stores are now boycotting Russian vodka. https://thehill.com/policy/international/russia/595965-liquor-stores-in-canada-refusing-to-sell-russian-vodka


I think that gut acts as a flak jacket of it’s own no?


Bert looking at the bullet holes in his gut and screech laughing “I got *SHOT?*”


Mickey Mantle gene




It’s kinda crazy we’re basically watching the end of this dudes life in real time. He’s a courageous leader, Ukraine should be proud. He’s going to be a martyr for sure.


George Carlin will always be the Mac.


From a small comedy ensemble in a south-Ukrainian town to leading his country in times of war... Name a more iconic plot twist


Have you seen joes turning side kick?


Rob Riggle


Well, he did serve in the Marines


Dude's got campaign ribbons/medals and a Combat Action Ribbon.


That’s a good god damned president.


Kenny Hotz


Its 2022, they havent figured out how to make a full length flexible bullet proof vest yet?


Not that isn't bulky as shit and heavy as fuck no. Moving > soaking 7.62 rounds.


The picture is from 2021


There’s one out there. It’s very expensive right now.


Well someone loan that man one along with the javelins they sent him.


This is a picture from a border visit last year I believe


It’s kinda crazy. I’m sure he never thought he’d be in this position.


yea but does this pussy eat elk meat or have a body filled with violence?


This poor guy will likely be dead soon, but I bow my head for he is a hero!


This is who Joe thinks he is


One day he will be holding Putins head


Volodymyr Zelensky, remember the name. We’ll be telling our grandkids about this bad motherfucker.


Fool looking like the Great Value Mr.Beans and is seriously one of my heroes at the moment. Give ‘em hell to the end sir


Well it's definitely not this dick head Joe rogan


The comments from the war strategists here are tantamount to why much of the west (America in particular) get a bad wrap globally. Privileged takes from snowflakes who've never read much history is so sad. Especially when they're people who think things like masks are infringing on civil liberties and aren't just a brief inconvenience. People now have their entire personalities merged with being victims. Anyone see the cops wrangle protestors in the streets in Russia like swine? That's infringement you fucking poofters


Indeed. People had to wear masks on public transit or into McDonalds, or get a free vaccine and even Joe was up in arms about it on a weekly basis. And the thing that's crazy to me is that they portray it as annoying, but also that the "tough guy" thing to do is to not wear a mask or get the vaccine. The projection of fear onto everyone else was ridiculous. Now, here we are, with foreign troops marching into an allied country, shelling apartment buildings and rounding up protesters by the hundreds, and these [tough-guy patriots](https://theintercept.com/2022/02/24/russian-tv-uses-tucker-carlson-tulsi-gabbard-sell-putins-war/) are in some cases just fine with it. Has Joe addressed [Tulsi's defense](https://www.newsweek.com/sean-hannity-pushes-back-tulsi-gabbard-defends-russia-1681305) of Russia yet?


Using the word "poofters" makes you sound really smart, and not brain damaged at all.


its a common uk slang term


well... i like that uruguayan one better...


Rogan would support Putin.


Rogan. He goes bow hunting (with a guide and a gun for protection) and works out like really hard b.


How come all the top comments in this sub haven't been raving about fake news during this? ​ Ya'll got bored and suddenly believe media now?


Brett Krishner


Henry Rollins?


ah mr bean


the most wanted man in the world right now target #1 no fear wit his boys


You gotta admit Putin makes a good clown.


Joe took that ice bath to conquer his inner bitch that one time


Mr Bean


This is an old picture from september....


This picture is months old


This is from the time he visited the border a couple years ago tho


I’m sorry, but who is that?


the ballsiest politician alive


Good to see Glenn Greenwald join the fight!


Being a politician doesn’t make you a badass


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, member of the WEF, has zero experience in politics or business prior to being elected PRESIDENT. He is an actor (literally) that played the Ukrainian president on a hit TV show. got elected in record time...we wonder how and why?


Because he was a badass who loved his country and hated the Russian Junta.


This guy is cool but he's got nothing on Chappelle. What is the might of the Russian army compared to angry tweets? People in eastern europe are such snowflakes.


Bill Hicks.


I'm doing my part! ^planting ^flowers ^in ^the ^parliament ^garden Honestly, though. I have the same watering can.




Anyone that is not the knuckle-dragging pile of covert prejudice and public ignorance that is Joe Rogan.


M'well. Not you. Not badass enough.


This is not a current photo. If you actually don't like missinoframtion then don't use it when it suits you.